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How to cite: Vigh, M., Horváth, Cs., Pandi, G.

(2020) Water Quality of the Țiganilor River Catchment in Cluj

Napoca. 2020 ”Air and Water – Components of the Environment” Conference Proceedings, Cluj-Napoca,
Romania, p. 247-256, DOI: 10.24193/AWC2020_23.



Melinda VIGH1, Csaba HORVÁTH2, Gavril PANDI2,

DOI: 10.24193/AWC2020_23

ABSTRACT. The Țiganilor River catchment covers both built areas and the green/natural
areas of the Botanical Garden. As we will see, the location influences differentially the
quantitative and qualitative hydric processes of the stream. Situated in a city with a
particularly dynamic development, where the emphasis is on preserving a healthy natural
and anthropic environment, this obliges the monitoring and evaluation of the aquatic bodies’
qualitative parameters. We assessed this through two measurement campaigns, when
parameters were determined in situ and in the laboratory. The physico-chemical parameters
evaluation allowed the water classification in different quality classes. At the same time,
there were sections where the water quality did not comply with the national regulations, and
so they require further monitoring. Such situations where identified regarding the
concentration of hydrogen ions, chlorine, nitrates, sulfates, sodium, magnesium and calcium.

Keywords. river catchment, sampling section, physico-chemical parameters, trends,

extreme values, outliers.


In recent decades, Cluj has become one of the most dynamic cities of Romania.
The accelerated increase in the number of inhabitants is due primarily to the social
absorption, but we must also mention the positive natural growth of the city. Only
in the last five years Cluj residents number increased by 2%. Today Cluj has
almost half a million people, along with Floresti, Apahida and Baciu. By estimates,
its metropolitan area is expected to reach 500,000 inhabitants by 2030, and in 30
years it will have 800,000 inhabitants (Cristea, 2017).
The city of Cluj has strengthened its role to be one of the most important academic,
cultural, industrial and business centers in Romania. This is where the leading
universities, famous cultural hubs, prestigious national, international research and
production centers are based. At the same time, the touristic function of the city has
accelerated, by highlighting several local and neighboring tourist objectives, to which the
airport development and the motorway proximity have also contributed substantially.

Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering, Cluj, Romania
Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Geography, Cluj, Romania hcsaba@gmail.com
As a result, today the city ensures a high living standard, by managing its labor force,
increasing the number of employees and reducing the unemployment rate. In the city’s
general development strategy, beside the stimulation of the economy and facilitating
innovation, research and technology, tourism development occupies also an important place.
Taking all of this in consideration, the metropolitan area of Cluj fully deserves
the status of the emerging second metropolis of Romania. Of course, this affects
the psychological comfort zone of some of its inhabitants, but this is an inevitable
connotation of any region’s accelerated pace of development.
In this context, quantitative-qualitative assessment of natural and anthropogenic
spatial units in the city is necessary, even mandatory.


The catchment of the Țiganilor River drains two strategic areas of the city: the
residential Zorilor and Europa districts, with a strong and dynamic urban development,
and the Botanical Garden, one of the main tourist objectives. The two zones are
different from all points of view, which puts their mark on the characteristics of the
runoff and the quality of the water. Downstream of the Garden, due to the underground
channeling of the stream, the river catchment was practically abolished.
The surface area of the river
catchment measures 1.78 km2, and the
average altitude is 452 m. The average
slope of the basin is 5.9% and in 90%
has a Northern slope aspect. Due to the
two areas with completely different
characteristics, the land use is quite
contradictory. In the districts, which
occupy 94% of the catchment,
buildings and streets cover important
areas, where the infiltration coefficient
is very small. In the Botanical Garden
(only 6% of the river basin) the land is
covered with woody vegetation and in
a smaller proportion with grasses,
which favors the infiltration process.
Of course, these factors have
completely different effects on the
physical and chemical characteristics
of the rivers’ water.
The substrate is made of Sarmatian
Fig. 1 Țiganilor catchment 1-spring, sands with varying thicknesses,
2-Meteor str., 3-Botanical Garden, reshaped due to the slopes slipping
4-tributary, 5-waterfall, 6-gauge and sliding. These deposits include
Feleac Concretion and were
characterized by numerous occurrences of groundwater on the surface which
disappeared due to the constructions. The clay areas are restricted to the upper part
of the catchment. (Ujvari, 1961).
The Țiganilor stream originates from a small depression, behind a landslide
wave, near Alecu Russo Street (Europa district). The groundwater reaches the
surface and forms a small lake in the rainy periods, and disappears completely
when it is drought. It flows to the limit of the Botanical Garden, sometimes on the
surface between houses, and sometimes it is channeled, with an average slope of
almost 6%. Depending on the character of the substrate and the surface
geomorphological processes, the depth of the valley varies greatly. In the Garden
the slope increases up to 9%, the stream deepens in the friable formations and the
Feleac Concretion appears on the surface.
Here the stream receives a short-left tributary (only 0.28 km), which starts at the
intersection of Cireșilor and Caisului streets. The rather strong flow indicates,
however, the existence of a relatively large hydrographic sub-basin (0.53 km2) with
a significant underground supply. Also, from the left there is an outlet in the
Țiganilor River arranged in the form of a waterfall. The water is completely
drained, underground, and the spring should be somewhere near the Zorilor street,
resulting in a length of 250-300 m. The stream exit from the territory of the
Botanical Garden takes place through a tube with a variable diameter between
1200-2600 mm, which leads the water over a distance of 1057 m, up to the Morii
Canal, in the Sindicatelor street.


The analyzed data come from six representative sampling points, from the main
course and its tributaries. The first point is at the spring, which is in the Europa
district, a depression with a small lake. The second sample was taken on Meteor
Street, where the water of the stream flows through a concrete channel. The third
sampling point is in the Botanical Garden, the water flowing again into the natural
riverbed. Also, in the Botanical Garden there are two sampling points on the two
tributaries on the left. The first one has a natural channel, and the second one has a
regularized course and opens through a concrete channel in form of the waterfall.
The last sampling point is before the exit of the Țiganilor River from the Botanical
Garden, at the gauge placed by us on the stream.
Two sampling campaigns were carried out during the year 2019. One in March,
after a rainy period, and the second in October, after a dry summer which
prolonged until the autumn.
Two types of measurements were made at the six sampling points. In the field a
portable Hanna WTW 320i multiparameter was used, which determined the
hydrogen ion concentration, conductivity, salinity, dissolved substances and Redox
potential. In the laboratory, the dissolved ions (F-, Cl-, Br-, NO2-, NO3-, PO43-, SO42-,
Li+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, NH4+, K+) were analyzed. Prior to chromatographic ion
analysis, the water samples were filtered through 0.45 µS / cm porosity filters and
diluted with ultrapure water (18 MΩ) to an electrical conductivity of 100 µS / cm,
at the recommendation of the device manufacturer because, samples too loaded
with substances lead to the rapid destruction of the ion column.
The results of the analyzed parameters were compared with the admissible
values of the Ministerial Order 161/2006, in order to establish the ecological status
of the Romanian national water bodies.
It should be mentioned that the dissolved ions of fluorine, bromine, lithium,
nitrites, phosphates could not be identified due to the very low concentrations, and
the ammonium ions only existed in some samples.


Hydrogen ion concentration (pH)

It has a general tendency of growth in both periods of analysis from the spring
to the outflow. In March, a continuous growth is observed until entering the
Garden, and in October a stronger inflection on the tributary. The average values
are higher in spring (9.0) than in autumn (7.6). This is due to the contribution of
inorganic substances reached in the river, during the rainy spring season.

Spring Meteor Garden Tributary Fall Gauge

March October Limit

Fig. 2. Variation of the pH

During March, at all sampling points, the pH value exceeded the threshold of
8.5 imposed in the national legislation for surface waters. Monitoring of this
parameter is required in the following seasons as the presence of high pH values
can induce negative effects on the aquatic ecosystems in the area.

Total Dissolved Solids

TDS values increase throughout the first sector, due to the newly developed
urban district which is crossed. The maximums are almost identical in March on
Meteor Street and at the entrance to the Garden (509 and 510 mg / l). The highest
value in the autumn is recorded at Meteor street (436 mg / l). Through the Garden
the concentration of dissolved solids decreases substantially. The two tributaries

also show low values. The minimum (below 100 mg / l) is observed at the waterfall
in both samplings. All EC values are higher in spring than in autumn.

Spring Meteor Garden Tributary Fall Gauge

March October

Fig. 3 Total dissolved solids values variation

The variation of the conductivity has the same evolution as the TDS, because it
is directly proportional to the quantity of dissolved salts. The maximum values are
found at Meteor Street and at the entrance to the Botanical Garden, and the
minimum values at the waterfall tributary. And here in March were higher values
than in October. The high values for EC and TDS recorded in the first three
monitoring points may indicate the presence of a high content of dissolved salts,
especially inorganic salts.
micro S/cm

Spring Meteor Garden Tributary Fall Gauge

March October

Fig. 4. Conductibility values variation

Redox potential
In March the values have a nearly continuous decreasing evolution, from
-86 mV to -140 mV, the only difference appears at the waterfall. In October, there is
an irregular variation, with high values at the source (-22 mV) and tributary (-8 mV),
after which it decreases until leaving the Garden. The largest difference between the
two measurements is at the tributary (-8 mV in March, -130 mV in October). We can
observe the inverse proportional correlation between the pH values and the redox

potential. This is normal, because the alkaline pH leads to the inhibition of the oxide
- reduction capacity, especially due to the dominance of the hydroxide ions.
Spring Meteor Garden Tributary Fall Gauge

March October
Fig. 5. Redox potential values variation

This parameter has higher values upstream of the Botanical Garden. The
maximums (0.3%O) are reached in the Meteor section, a value that extends to the
Garden in March. At the tributary and waterfall, the values are both zero. In March,
there is a slight increase in the gauges’ section (0.1%O), and in October the value is
zero. The amount of salt in the water sample is very small so it cannot be detected
by the multiparameter used, a device with much greater accuracy would be needed.
The low values of the conductivity and of the chlorine, calcium, magnesium,
sodium and sulphate ions emphasize that in the respective samples the percentage
of salts is reduced.
March October


Spring Meteor Garden Tributary Fall Gauge
Fig. 6. Variation of salinity

The chlorine concentration increases from the spring to the Botanical Garden,
where the maximums are recorded (66 mg / l and 76 mg / l respectively). At the
waterfall, the values are the lowest (11 mg / l, respectively 7 mg / l). At the outflow
of the Garden there is an increase, up to about the values from the spring. The
chlorine content recorded in the Meteor sampling points and the Botanical Garden
is relatively high, these water samples falling into the moderate ecological quality
class (Order 161/2006). After the confluence of the tributaries, due to the dilution

process, the chlorine content decreased, falling into the 1st (very good ecological
state) and 2nd (good ecological state) quality class.


Spring Meteor Garden Tributary Fall Gauge

March October Limit I Limit II

Fig. 7. Chlorine variation

It oscillates in both measurement campaigns, but with a general tendency of
growth. The lowest values are at the source, below 1 mg / l. At the waterfall, there is
a negative inflection, both in spring and autumn. The maximum values are
recorded at the exit of the Garden in spring (15 mg / l), respectively at the entrance
in the Garden in the autumn (11 mg / l). The high concentration of nitrates at three
of the six sampling points, at both samples, places these water bodies in the 4th
water class (bad ecological state). At Meteor Street and the waterfall, in March, the
water concentration of nitrates is between 3-6 mg / l, so in 3rd quality class
(moderate ecological state). Considering the seasonal fluctuations identified in the
present study, it is necessary to monitor the nitrates during the following seasons.




Spring Meteor Garden Tributary Fall Gauge
March October Limit I Limit II Limit III

Fig. 8. Nitrate variation

The evolution of the two samples is almost parallel within the Botanical
Garden, with minimum values (9 mg / l) at the waterfall. Upstream, a stability
around 80 mg / l is observed in March, in October there is a very pronounced peak
(107 mg / l) at the Meteor section. In general, the sulphate content of the first three
sampling points is classified in the 2nd quality class (between 60 and 120 mg / l).
For the rest of the sampling points it is lower, corresponding to the 1st class waters
(very good ecological condition).


Spring Meteor Garden Tributary Fall Gauge
March October Limit

Fig. 9. Sulfate values variation

The trends variation is almost the same in both measurement campaigns. The
values increase from the spring to the entrance to the Botanical Garden, where the
maximums are recorded (49 mg / l in March, 47 mg / l in October). Minimum
values are at the waterfall (6 mg / l in March, 4 mg / l in October), after which
there is a slight increase. From the point of view of the sodium content, the water
samples taken from the first three points fall into 2nd quality class. As a result of
dilution with the two tributaries, the sodium content decreases, falling into the 1st
quality class (very good ecological condition).


Spring Meteor Garden Tributary Fall Gauge

March October Limit

Fig. 10. Sodium values variation

The potassium content fluctuated differentially in the two sampling moments.
Significantly higher values were recorded in the first two river sectors in October.
We note the maximum value recorded in October at the sampling point in the
Botanical Garden (7.68 mg / l). On the two tributaries and at the gauge the values
where close in both samplings because of the dilution process. The high
concentration recorded at the Botanical Garden sampling point may be correlated

with the application of fertilizers in the area (mainly houses with gardens), it is
interesting and it needs further analysis why the nitrate values didn’t show increases.


Spring Meteor Garden Tributary Fall Gauge

March October

Fig. 11. Potassium values variation

It resembles the variation of the sulphates, with an almost parallel trend in the
Botanical Garden, and in the upper basin a relative stability in March and a
maximum in October in the Meteor section (17 mg / l). The minimum values are at
the two tributaries and at the outflow of the Garden. The water samples taken from
the Meteor street point, on both dates, and the entrance in the Garden, in March,
fall into the 2nd quality class. The rest of the water samples correspond to quality 1st
class, which represents a very good ecological condition.


Spring Meteor Garden Tributary Fall Gauge

March October Limit

Fig. 12. Magnesium values variation

The trends of variation are similar in the two measurements campaigns. The
highest values are recorded in the Meteor street section (127 mg / l, respectively
143 mg / l). In the lower part of the watercourse, as well as the tributaries, the
values are small. The minimum values are registered at the waterfall (9 mg / l in
March, 18 mg / l in October). From the point of view of calcium content, the
waters taken from the spring area fall into the 2nd quality class (good ecological
condition), and those from the Meteor and Garden sections correspond to 3rd
quality class, representing a moderate ecological state. After dilution with the
tributary waters, the calcium content decreases, and so the water samples fall into
the 1st quality class.
Spring Meteor Garden Tributary Fall Gauge
March October Limit I Limit II

Fig. 13. Calcium values variation

The analysis of the water bodies quality in the Țiganilor River indicates a good
overall ecological state. In case of most physico-chemical parameters, the water
falls into very good and good quality classes. There are problems with nitrate
concentration, where some water bodies belong to the 4th quality class.
The location of the hydrographic basin in the urban built up area of the city and
the existence of the Botanical Garden in the lower part requires a continuous water
quality monitoring in the Țiganilor River catchment, and also where the quality is
not good, improvement measures must be taken.

1. Cristea M. (2017): Cluj 500K, cluj.info
2. Ministerul Mediului și Gospodăririi Apelor, Ordinul 161/2006, Normativ privind
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3. Ujvari I. (1961): Observațiuni hidrologice în Grădina botanică din Cluj, Studia
UBB, Geologia-Geographia, Cluj
4. INESA (2010): PUG-Raport de mediu pentru planul urbanistic general al
Municipiului Cluj Napoca
5. Jamie Bartram & Richard Ballance (1996) Water quality monitoring : a practical
guide to the design and implementation of freshwater quality studies and
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6. Pop S.O. (2014): Municipiul Cluj – Napoca – Monografia, dinamica si estetica
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