ELT - Volume 4 - Issue 10 - Pages 105-125
ELT - Volume 4 - Issue 10 - Pages 105-125
ELT - Volume 4 - Issue 10 - Pages 105-125
1. Background
1.1. Speech Act Theory
Pragmatics is “the study of linguistics phenomenon from the
viewpoint of their usage properties and processes” (Verschueren, 1999,
p. 1). Delen and Tavil (2010) pointed that Pragmatics has been both
controversial and a popular topic in language research since 1960s.
Pragmatics puts emphasis on the meaning in conversations among
interlocutors. In other words, a learner with full grammatical
competence may not be pragmatically competent too. Learners may
produce correct grammatical sentences in conversations which are
pragmatically inappropriate. Therefore, such breakdowns may hinder
the communication among interlocutors which is called ‘pragmatic
failure’. One of the important factors of pragmatic failure lies in the
fact that learners transfer speech act strategies from their native
language (Beebe, Takahashi & Uliss-Weltz, 1990; Ellis, 1996). The
second one relates to input. Although it is necessary for learners to
receive a great amount of input from the environment, English
textbooks may have problems to present activities which target
pragmatic competence (Kasper & Rose, 2001).
Pragmatics is the study of language used in authentic conversations
which reflects the relationship among sentences, contexts, and
situations. Pragmatics has not a clear-cut definition (Ellis, 2008). As
Levinson (1983) mentioned, pragmatics considers linguistic features in
relation to users of language. One of the underlying themes in
pragmatics is speech act. The theory of speech acts is developed
mainly by Austin (1962) and Searle (1969, 1979). The central
assumption in the theory of speech act is that the minimal unit of
communication is not a sentence or other expressions but rather
language act. In another term, human language can be viewed as
actions. Individuals perform things by saying different kinds of
language acts such as refusals, requests, promises and the like. Austin
(1962, p. 67) studied speech acts from the following perspective: “to
consider from the ground up how many senses there are in which to
say something is to do something, or in saying something we do
something and even by saying something we do something.”
According to his view, any utterance is composed of the following
acts: the locutionary act (the actual words the speaker is saying), the
Discourse Structures of Condolence Speech Act Mostafa Morady … 107
Figure 1.
Austin’s Speech Act Identification
Language expressions Deceased
Figure 2.
Factors that Influence Condolence Messages
3. Review of Literature
Current review literature showed that there is little investigation done
on interjections and intensifiers in performing condolence speech act.
However, some studies have been done on the area of interjections.
One of them relates to Wierzbicka’s (1992) research in which a
number of interjections from English, Polish, Russian, and Yiddish (as
well as) rigorous semantic formulae are proposed which can explain
both the similarities and the differences in their use. For example, the
English interjection yuk! is compared with its nearest Polish and
Russian counterparts fu!, fe!, and tfu! The author concluded that while
the meaning of interjections cannot be adequately captured in terms of
emotion words such as disgust, it can be captured in terms of more
fine-grained components, closer to the level of universal semantic
primitives. Meng and Schrabback (1999) conducted a study relating to
the acquisition of forms, interactive functions, and discourse type
constraints of German interjections, in particular ha and na. The data
consist of two sets of child-adult conversations—picture book
interactions in family and psychodiagnostic settings. By comparing the
adults and the children’s use of interjections, it was revealed that
Discourse Structures of Condolence Speech Act Mostafa Morady … 111
Figure 3.
Various Systems Affecting the Learning Environment
Discourse Structures of Condolence Speech Act Mostafa Morady … 113
6. Methodology
6.1. Corpus
Movie analysis was utilized to gather information about how native
speakers use interjections and intensifiers while performing
condolence speech act. To this end, 50 movies were analyzed (25
in Persian and 25 in English) to figure out the patterns native
speakers of Persian and English utilize while offering their
condolences. To make the comparison easier and more similar,
both Persian and English condolence speech acts were gathered by
analyzing movies. The criterion of selecting the movies was
whether they had any condolence dialog.
6.2. Procedure
First, all of the condolence comments were found and transcribed.
Those sentences which were related to interjections and intensifiers
were selected out, then, each sentence was categorized under
specific category based on its underlying meaning. Five categories
were used to compare intensifiers among English and Persian
speakers. Table 1 is used to compare intensifiers in both cultures:
square test was run using the Statistical Package for Social
Sciences (SPSS), version 18.
(a) English; (b) Semitic (Hebrew and Arabic); (c) Oriental; (d) Roman; (e) Russian.
Figure 4.
Discourse Structures by Kaplan (1972)
Table6: Results of the Chi-square Test for the Interjections in Persian and
English Condolences
Categories English Persian Expected Sig. χ²
p <.05
observed observed
Anger 14 3 8.5 .008 7.118
Annoyance 30 18 24 .083 3.000
Impatience 10 5 7.5 .197 1.667
Pain 13 42 27.5 .000 15.291
Pity 28 11 19.5 .000 7.410
Sorrow 9 21 15 .028 4.800
Sympathy 25 39 32 .080 3.062
Surprise 21 11 16 .077 3.125
Total 150 150 - - -
Discourse Structures of Condolence Speech Act Mostafa Morady … 121
8. Conclusion
This study shed light on some important features regarding Persian and
English cultures in that sociocultural norms are going to have great
effect on the way speakers perform different speech acts. This study
paves the way for further cross-linguistic researches to find out
whether there is a universal pattern considering pragmatic competence
or each language has its own idiosyncratic way of performing
particular speech acts.
The importance of this study is fourfold. First, it is useful for the
EFL learners in that they will be familiar with the way native speakers
apply interjections and intensifiers in their condolences. Furthermore,
the findings of this study may be a fruitful source for EFL learners in
order to be acquainted with the way different interjections and
intensifiers are used. When learning L2, most students resort to their
mother tongue to come up with different speech acts (Delen & Tavil,
2010). This may cause miscommunication among interlocutors. This
cross-cultural study would shed light on the way natives use
interjections and intensifiers in different ways to reveal their feelings.
The findings can help EFL learners to overcome the difficulty of using
appropriate interjections and intensifiers in various situations.
Moreover, it is possible for learners to understand intensifiers and
interjections and their functions.
Second, teachers as the conductors of the class can use the findings
in order to instruct learners and also predict where students may have
difficulty using and interpreting interjections and intensifiers. This
study also helps teachers find out why some learners have problem
learning and applying speech acts appropriately.
Third, this study may be of interest for material developers.
Learners interact most of their time with their books. Textbooks are
also a road map for most teachers and learners. Material developers
can use the findings of this study to classify different situations in
122 Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning.No.10 /Autumn&Winter 2012
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