AfterDestruction PDF
AfterDestruction PDF
AfterDestruction PDF
Section 2: The apocalypse
PLAYING THE END On top of the Apocalyptic Scenario you choose
there are some thematic ideas that both the players
After Destruction is an RPG written to encompass and the GM should remember when setting up an
the theme of surviving in a post-apocalyptic world. After Destruction game.
Civilization has fallen and an ever-present threat
always looms in the horizon. Starvation and thirst In this section we will discuss some important
plague your mind while your exhausted mind feels concepts about running After Destruction and then
a constant state of fear. give specifics about each Scenario separately.
The End
CONCEPTS There are also other people out there. They're
going through the same things you are. And when
No matter which apocalyptic scenario you choose people get desperate the worst of human kind
there are going to be certain concepts or ideals that emerges.
you are going to want to stick with that apply to
pretty much any End of the World scenario. There is a good chance that most of the people to
survive an apocalypse are strong, selfish, mean or
CHALLENGES even down right evil. There is a reason they lived
Almost everything in a post-apocalyptic world is when others did not.
challenging. Daily life is a struggle in so many ways
it's hard to cope with it all. When it comes down to And they want what you have...
it there are three main types of challenges to over
come in any post-apocalyptic story. VERSUS SELF
People are barely contained bundles of tenuous
VERSUS ENVIRONMENT sanity on a good day. End all civilization as we
Hunger, thirst, disease, temperature, etc... These are know it and introduce the concept of constant
all challenges of the environment. In a post- danger. Suddenly the glue that holds a person's
apocalyptic situation all the comforts of modern life sanity together starts to fall apart.
have been washed away.
Over time the survivors of this new terrible world
With danger around every corner it's almost can become cold and resistant to the terrors that
impossible to even grow food of any kind. What happen around them every day. But that takes time.
supplies you do have are often scavenged from the
wreckage of a world that has been lost. In the mean time more and more of the current
survivors snap. They just can't take it anymore.
Your characters will often be on the verge of
starving. Or frantically searching for medicine to Some go crazy and babble in the corner, others
cure an infection. Maybe even just desperately snap and start sniping their buddies in a blood
hoping to find an extra blanket for those cold soaked cackling fit. Most just seek to finally end it
nights. all and Opt-Out.
Environment should be one of the more difficult You can run from enemies. You can find food to
challenges to overcome. Because no matter how satisfy your hunger. But you can't escape your own
intense life can become it feels just a little less mind.
terrible if you have good clothes and a full belly.
VERSUS OTHERS Modern money is more of a concept then an actual
In each scenario there is often a challenging foe of physical benefit. A paper bill is worth virtually
some kind. Zombies, Mutants, Raiders, etc.. nothing as far as raw materials go. It doesn't even
burn that well.
It's important to maintain a constant threat and
presence from these foes. Civilization has fallen and Any worth that traditional money had was lost
no one is safe. Not now, not ever. when civilization fell. A bunch of paper money is
worthless compared to that can of tuna-fish you
Every corner, every shadow, every unopened door. have in your backpack. People will literally kill you
These are unknown places and in the world of After for that can of tuna-fish.
Destruction the unknown holds mind-bogglingly
terrifying possibilities.
The End
As a result money is now a lost and needless There are survivors that are worse off than you and
concept. Everything is bartered for. there are some that are far better off. There may
For more information and guidelines on wealth and even be some small pockets of safety. Although
bartering for goods/services please see the these rarely last for long.
Equipment Section.
Where your country may have been affected by the
That section gives some general guidelines on event that caused the apocalypse, there's always a
relative worth of items in a post-apocalyptic world chance that other small countries in other parts of
while making it viable for being in a game. the world were less affected.
A SENSE OF MYSTERY After all, a small village in south Africa has likely
When looking at the best post-apocalyptic and been affected far less by the fall of Earth's
horror stories there is one thing that often makes civilizations then upstate New York.
them better. Lack of Information.
An apocalypse affects everyone on earth. But not
This may sound strange since most people want to equally.
learn everything about what is going on. However,
it is the sense of mystery and lack of verified URBAN DECAY
information that can really spark a person's Urban environments need an enormous amount of
imagination. upkeep. We constantly have workers fixing the
roads, sewage, electrical, communications, etc.
When civilization falls one of the first shocks Without them things fail and they fail very very
people get is suddenly not having a wealth of quickly.
information at their finger tips.
Without cutting them back it would only take a
Communication networks clog up and fall relatively handful of years for nature to begin to retake the
quickly without maintenance. In a few scenarios cities.
they may even cease immediately because of the
apocalyptic event that occurred. Urban decay can happen faster than most people
realize. For more inspiration on how fast nature
As a result most people don't actually know what is starts to reclaim urban environments read either
going on. Why did this happen? How did this start? published studies or books like, “The World
Is everyone this bad off? Is there a safe place I can Without Us”.
actually go? Is there someone out there to help me?
In the game After Destruction it's assumed that we
These are all questions most survivors ask pick up the survivor's story years or even decades
themselves. They are also questions that are rarely after the apocalyptic even.
At this point electricity, communication and water
Without proper communication a survivor must has all stopped working in all but a few very limited
rely on hearsay and rumours from other survivors. areas.
Most of which are lying, crazy or misinformed.
Some buildings are still structurally sound
VARIETY OF SURVIVAL (depending on which scenario you choose). But
Not everywhere has been devastated in the same many have already started to succumb to decay.
way. Just because one town was literally burned to
the ground, doesn't mean there isn't a small
subdivision nearby that is literally untouched.
The End
THE COLONY Just because a particular event was the tipping
Modern human beings generally dislike being point for the human race (and probably most life on
nomadic. They want a home. Someplace safe to the planet). That doesn't mean that the world only
sleep at the end of the night. focuses on this one disaster and the rest have
Many people also realize there are strength in
numbers. Walking out into the post apocalyptic Don't forget that the Earth is still going on just like
world alone is most certainly a death sentence it did before the apocalypse. The same things that
eventually. There's just no one to watch your back cause loss of life before the fall of civilization are
when you need it. still there and just waiting to happen.
The End
Section 3: character creation
MAKING A SURVIVOR Once all of those steps are complete you are ready
to play! You may want to familiarize yourself with
Character creation in After Destruction is a all of the rules. Most of the core rules are covered in
relatively simple process and is close to the the FATE Core book itself which is needed to play
standard character creation in the FATE Core book. this system hack.
Most survivors start out on a mostly equal footing However, there are some rules specific to After
with some customization due to their past Destruction that are found in this book. It is
experiences and special training. suggested that at least the GM read through both
books to have a firm understanding before starting
It is suggested to print out the character sheet that a game.
is found at the back of this book to record your
character on.
1: NAME, HC & TROUBLES If the Apocalypse was awhile ago then you start to
see fewer concepts related to a profession and
In this step you create the very core concept of who more about personalized circumstances. Such as,
and what your character really is. Their main “Wild Eyed Scavenger”, “Emotionally Cold
personality, goals and who they can be. Cannibal”, “Road Warrior of Justice”, etc...
Many of these steps are the same or similar to those Don't forget to try adding adjectives or descriptors
found for character creation in the FATE Core book. to spice the concept up a little and make it
As stated before it is suggested to read that book interesting.
along with this one.
Also, do not forget that your high concept can be
NAME similar to other characters as long as you have at
Generally one of the easier steps. Choose a name least some differences in the description of the
that's suitable for your character. There is a good concept.
chance you will want to stick with a name that
matches the region that the game is set in. As the game changes and the characters evolve this
High Concept could change with time. So don't
After all a name like “Grognar the Cleaver of worry about being stuck with it. People change
Worlds” does feel a little out of place for a zombie with time, especially under these extreme
apocalypse game set in Iowa, USA. circumstances!
If the Apocalypse was only a couple of years ago Problematic Relationships are about other
then many people may still identify themselves by people and how they can be difficult on your life. It
the job or profession they had before the collapse of could be conflicts with another local group (like a
society. Such as, “Brilliant Surgeon”, “Corrupt Police local gang), having a dependant rely on you for
Officer”, “Witty Street Thief”, etc... safety (like a child or other family member).
Generally it needs to be one or more people that
just make your life harder in one way or another. Your job is now to write your character into their
adventure as a supporting character. The
Don't forget to spice up the aspect title a bit. The supporting character usually had one of three
more creativity the more fun the game can be. Don't different types of roles in the story;
just write, “Heroine Addict”. Try, “Always looking for
a Fix”. Instead of, “Dependant Child” try “Gotta Complicate the Adventure: Your character
protect my little Susie”. complicated the situation in some way. Don't worry
about how this complication was resolved. Just use
Work with the GM if it requires adding any NPC's to a sentence or two to describe how you complicated
the game. things. Use short descriptions like, “Stanley
knocked over a glass case when sneaking through
2: PHASE TRIO the zombie infested building with Stacey”.
Step 2 requires that you work together with some Solve a Situation: Your character
of the other players to help flush out parts of helped solve some sort of complication
your background that they may have that the main character had to
had a hand in. This helps you to really deal with. Either one that revolves
start out right away with a around the central plot or one
connection to the other players. created by another character.
There are two things to do in each
phase. First is to write down what Complicate and Solve: If you
happened in the phase with a quick are feeling extra creative and
summary. Second is to write an the main character's player is
Aspect related to what happened in up for it you could write how
the Phase. you complicated the situation
while at the same (or slightly
PHASE 1: YOUR different time) also solved
some sort of complication. Try
ADVENTURE to keep the complication you
The first phase is a defining solve as an entirely different one
experience in your character's life. A than the one that you create.
mini-story of sorts that can usually be They can come in any order and
told in just a few sentences. can happen at any time(s) the
original adventure happened.
Try not to make this experience happen too far
back in your history since Phase 2 & 3 will have
some of the other PC's involve themselves with this PHASE 3: CROSSING PATHS AGAIN
experience. This is the same as Phase 2 except the adventure is
now passed to a player that has not written in it yet.
For more tips on writing Phase 1 refer to the FATE You are also passed an adventure just like before. It
Core book. can not be your adventure or one you have written
in previously.
PHASE 2: CROSSING PATHS Just follow the same instructions as Phase 2 now
Now is the time to pass the summary of your that you have this new adventure to write in. Be
adventure created from Phase 1 off to another creative and mix it up a little. Don't just write the
randomly chosen player. You will also be given same thing as you did in Phase 2.
someone's adventure in return.
3: SKILLS The one difference in After Destruction is the
introduction of the two new stress tracks of
Skill allocation and selection work a little Sustenance and Apocalypse.
differently in After Destruction then they do in
FATE Core. The skill list is still the same so if you SUSTENANCE
wish to read more about the individual skills and This stress track works a little differently than the
what they do then you may wish to refer to FATE Physical and Mental stress tracks. The sustenance
Core. stress track starts with 4 boxes by default. This
represents a mix of both Food and Drink needed to
After Destruction is about ordinary people that sustain life. It does not refresh after a rest like most
become tempered over time to become something stress tracks.
more. As a result character's start with fewer high
level skills but get a few more lower level skills. Each day that a character goes without consuming
1 sustenance resource (see Equipment section)
Skills are allocated as such: they check one box in the Sustenance stress track. If
• Zero Great (+4) skills the character manages to consume 1 sustenance
• One Good (+3) skills resource that day then instead of checking one box
• Four Fair (+2) skills they can erase (or free up) one box on the stress
• Five Average (+1) skills track. Only one box can be reclaimed this way per
day (it takes time to recover).
This amounts to the same number of skills that are
given in FATE Core but also creates a character that It is possible to have 5 empty boxes in this stress
must struggle a little more to get by. track if the character uses up a stunt to do so.
Unlike FATE Core there is actually a basic
equipment system in After Destruction (see
Equipment section for more details).
Write everything down on your finalized
character sheet and you should be good to
play! The GM of course has a lot more
prep than you, but as a player you should
have everything you need to try and
survive this terrifying and horrid post-
apocalyptic wasteland!
Section 4: equipment
STUFF AND THINGS rolling to see if anyone heard their gun fire.
Finally, each new character may start with some
Unlike the normal FATE Core rules After equipment. This depends entirely on the
Destruction actually does have an equipment character's starting Resource skill.
system. Although it is still much more simplified
than many other tabletop RPG's. RESOURCE POINTS
After Destruction uses a Resource Point system for
Equipment comes in two different types. The first the majority of the equipment in the game. For a
type of equipment are Resource Points. Instead of rules light system like FATE it was decided there
listing the individual items that a survivor could was no need to slow the game down by adding a
collect over time. A character only has to keep track detailed equipment system like that found in most
of individual Resource Points (RP) for each RPG's (keeping track of every single item).
On your character sheet you will notice a section
The other type of equipment are individual pieces for the RP (Resource Points) of the various
known as an Item. Resource Types. There are also a few blank spots in
case the GM decides any other form of resources
Items are often useful in some special way. They should be created as well.
usually either allow a character to do something
they normally could not (a Pistol lets you shoot, a There is no limit to the RP of a resource by the GM
car lets you drive long distances) or they grant you may eventually decide that you have hit your limit
an Equipment Stunt. for that particular resource and it wouldn't work to
be able to carry more of that resource.
Equipment Stunts are temporary stunts that a
character has only as long as they possess that For example the GM may decide that carrying 50RP
Item. Like Binoculars helping with Notice checks at of Ammo is fine since it represents such small
a distance, or a Silencer improving Stealth when pieces of equipment, but that 50RP of Mechanical
might be too bulky for one person to carry. FUEL
This resource pretty much just consists of Gasolene
PC's are not the only only ones with spots to record for any items that require it to run. After
resources. Vehicles, wagons, pack animals, home destruction does not differentiate between the
bases, etc. Will all have spots for resources as well. different types for simplicity sake. So you don't
The record sheets for these various entities can be have to worry if that Diesel truck will run or not.
found at the back of the book at the same location Most items that require Fuel will list in the
as the character record sheet. description it's consumption rate. As a bench mark
a normal sized car will usually consume 1RP of Fuel
Sometimes the GM may determine that an action per 10KM driven.
may take multiple types of RP to complete. For
example, setting up power generation for their new MECHANICAL
colony base could take a mixture of both Electrical The resources for Mechanical represents various
and Mechanical RP to complete. parts, tools, sealant, lubricants, etc. That are needed
to maintain, repair or restore various machines.
The following resources are the default types that
can be found in After Destruction: Although ultimately it is up to the GM how many RP
of Mechanical it would take to fix something you
AMMO (FIREARMS) can assume that 1 point is only for small or very
The first type of Ammo resource is specifically for basic items (like a chainsaw) whereas 5 points
firearms. This covers bullets and shells for all basic could be needed to fully repair a vehicle with
sidearms and longarms. 1RP of Ammo equals one multiple points of damage.
shot with a firearm. A character can not roll the
Shoot skill unless they have Ammo. Mechanical can also represent the raw resources
needed to manufacture Ammo (assuming the
Although sometimes the survivors may find hidden correct facilities are present and a character has the
caches of Ammo (Firearms) that will last them for a right knowledge). When doing this 1RP of
short while, in general they should be fairly short Mechanical can turn into 10RP of Ammo
on Ammo. It is a common theme in many post-
apocalyptic stories it's not unusual to be SUSTENANCE
dangerously short on bullets for most of the time. One of the most important resources that a
survivor can have. Sustenance represents a mixture
AMMO (SIMPLE) of food and drink needed for daily survival. As
Simple ammo represents all force propelled mentioned in Step 5 of character creation
ammunition and thrown weapons. This includes sustenance needs to be consumed daily or you
but is not limited too, Arrows, Bolts, Shuriken, could start to waste away from thirst and
Throwing Knives, etc. One attack costs 1RP. A starvation.
character can not use the Shoot skill unless they
have Ammo.
The RP for Electrical represents the parts, wiring,
tools and scavenged bits needed to repair or
restore electronic devices. Although more rare to
find intact then the Mechanical resource it is still
ITEMS Equipment Extras
In After Destruction, Items are a specific type of
equipment that provide some specific benefit. An Equipment Extra is one that a character has
Either through allowing the character to do only as long as he or she possesses that piece of
something they normally couldn't or through an equipment and the Item is considered Active.
Equipment Stunt.
Active Item
Be sure not to over-load your players with Items.
Try to keep it that on average your players have no An Item is considered Active and usable as long
more than 2 Items in their inventory. It is suggested as it is not:
to often have a limited number of Uses or a Fuel
• Broken
requirement if at all possible.
• Out of any needed resource listed in it's
Below are a few examples of some Items that can Consumption.
be found in the post-apocalyptic wasteland. This is
• Out of Uses listed in it's Consumption.
not an exhaustive list and there are tons more to
find that both Players and the GM could come up
with. It's FATE after all, be creative! Melee, Simple Ranged or Thrown Weapons
Vehicle Record Sheets can be found at the back of Unless there is something unique or special
this book near the Character Record Sheets. This about a Melee, Simple Ranged or Thrown weapon
helps you keep track of what Equipment may be it is not suggested to make an Item for it. The goal
stored inside. of this equipment system is to keep things simple
while still requiring some items needed for
CAR survival.
A small car that can fit a driver and 3 to 4
passengers. It has seen better days but maybe with
Simple Ranged and Thrown weapons do still
a little love it could work.
require Ammo (Simple) to make Shoot attacks
Consumption: 1 Fuel per 10KM of travel
Optional Consumption: If the vehicle is in a
particularly bad state of repair it may also require
an upkeep of 1 Mechanical per 250KM traveled. LARGE VEHICLE
Repair: A broken Car could require 1 to 5 This large vehicle could be anything from a Military
Mechanical to get it working again. Depending on Hummer to a Bus. It can fit numerous people but is
the severity of the disrepair. GM's discretion. generally harder to maintain then a smaller vehicle.
Effect: Provides quick long distance travel. Consumption: 1 Fuel per 5KM of travel
Optional Consumption: If the vehicle is in a
FIREARM particularly bad state of repair it may also require
A firearm is any sort of chemically propelled an upkeep of 2 Mechanical per 250KM traveled.
weapon that shoots either Bullets or Shells. A few Repair: A broken vehicle could require 2 to 10
examples are; Assault Rifle, Flare Gun, Hunting Mechanical to get it working again. Depending on
Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun. the severity of the disrepair. GM's discretion.
Consumption: 1 Ammo RP per Shot Effect: Provides quick long distance travel.
Effect: Allows the character to use the Shoot skill.
At the GM's discretion some Firearms can only be
shot at Melee and Near distances. Attacks with
Firearms provide a +2 to Shoot rolls.
This motorcycle can fit the driver and possibly one
other passenger.
Consumption: 1 Fuel per 20KM of travel
Optional Consumption: If the vehicle is in a
particularly bad state of repair it may also require
an upkeep of 1 Mechanical per 250KM traveled.
Repair: A broken Motorcycle could require 1 to 3
Mechanical to get it working again. Depending on
the severity of the disrepair. GM's discretion.
Effect: Provides quick long distance travel.
This set of special police issue Riot Armour
comes complete with Helmet, Limb Pads
and Vest. Great protection against bullets,
knives and bites.
Consumption: 20 Uses
Repair: Riot Armour can be repaired once
by spending 1 Mechanical RP to restore 10
Uses. This patchwork can only be done
Effect: Provides a constant +2 when
defending against any attack that attempts
to Pierce or Slash at you.
A small attachment to any Firearm to help
soften the noise of shots fired. These old
silencers unfortunately only last so many
shots before breaking and becoming non-
Consumption: 20 Uses
Effect: Provides a constant +2 when trying to
be stealthy after firing a firearm with this
equipped on it.
A vehicle that could fit a Driver and 8 others.
Consumption: 1 Fuel per 10KM of travel
Optional Consumption: If the vehicle is in a
particularly bad state of repair it may also require
an upkeep of 1 Mechanical per 250KM traveled.
Repair: A broken vehicle could require 1 to 10
Mechanical to get it working again. Depending on
the severity of the disrepair. GM's discretion.
Effect: Provides quick long distance travel.
STARTING EQUIPMENT A character may also start with their Resources
When each player assigns their starting skills they skill at a +0 to a +3. Treat these as bonus
choose whether to take anything in the Resources Equipment Points for the newly created character.
skill. Depending on what your Resources skill is will So it's possible to start with 1 to 4 total equipment
determine what your starting equipment is. points to spend.
But never fear, the Resources skill doesn't just SPENDING EQUIPMENT POINTS
determine your starting gear. If you take the Now that your character has equipment points they
suggested stunt below it is also handy for get to spend it on starting gear. Any equipment
occasionally scrounging a needed RP or Item. points not spent are lost, so spend it all!
Section 5: EVENTS
The Complex event is similar to what you would
After Destruction has a few changes and additions find in most RPG's and are the default type found in
to the events system introduced in FATE Core. the FATE Core book. These are round by round
Although still not nearly as complex as most RPG's actions taken in a particular order. Review the FATE
it does had a few new details you should note in Core rules for action and combat to familiarize
this game. yourself more with how this works.
You do not have to use the rules found in this Complex events happen for one of three reasons:
section. As always with FATE, everything here is 1. The GM has decided the event will be
purely optional. However, they are suggested to use complex.
as they do add a layer to the action of the game that 2. The players calls for a Simple Event to be
is helpful run as a Complex Event.
3. If a Simple Event fails it may turn into a
EVENT TYPES Complex Event.
In the After Destruction RPG a scene where
something happens is known as an Event. Events SIMPLE EVENTS
come in three types; Complex, Simple and TIMS. A Simple Event is slightly different than most RPG's
This applies to any event, not just combat events. and is put in to help speed the process. An event is
a Simple Event only if the GM calls for it to be.
An event is a portion of time where the players
actually need to make game decisions directly. So a In a Simple Event the entire thing is handled with a
small activity like needing to take your morning single skill check (usually from each participating
shit is (hopefully) not an event. But clearing out a PC/NPC). If successful then the entire event is
gas station of goods and enemies would be. completed and bypassed. If failed then often times a
Simple Event then becomes a Complex Event and is
handled normally.
A simple event is usually only declared for This turns a single encounter or section of a
encounters that are relatively easy for the PC's to Complex Event into a Simple event, but the only
overcome, or something they have overcome many player that needs to roll is the player who called for
times before. his TIMS.
Only a single Aspect or Stunt can be invoked by the The player then calls out how his character would
player for a Simple Event unless the GM states (usually in a dramatic way) handle the situation.
otherwise. The more detail the possible. Aspects and stunts
can be used normally for this roll.
A player cannot call for a Complex Event to be run
as a Simple Event unless the player uses his TIMS Then the GM has the player roll one or more rolls
(see below). (try to keep it to one or two) to pass the event. If so
then the event plays out exactly as the player told it
TIMS (THIS IS MY SCENE) and the receive their Fate point back!
Every PC gets one time to shine in the story. That
one time that the character carries out a truly If the roll(s) fail then the Fate point is not restored,
remarkable deed where they are the star. This type the event switches to a Complex event and the
of Event is known as a TIMS. player is immediately Compelled with a
complication (See pg.71 of FATE Core for more
It is suggested to give each player some sort of information).
special token or something to represent their single
usage of TIMS for that entire story arc. There is no If this complication is accepted then the PC receives
way to gain another usage of TIMS until the GM has their TIMS usage back instead of the Fate point.
stated that it refreshes for anyone that has used one
(usually at the end of a story arc).
Section 6: the colony
The first point to establishing a colony is having a
If there is one thing that the human species will safe haven to call home. Whether it's a reinforced
always try to do it's rebuild society. Find a location, warehouse, fenced off farm, underground sewer
get some people and try to build that little safe haven, prison complex, etc.
haven you can really call home.
The location must have ample room to grow the
This section is all about the players building their colony and be secure or secret enough to make
own post-apocalyptic colony. How they go about people want to come and live there.
creating it, finding new survivors and getting the
colony to work with them to help with things like RECORD THE COLONY
scavenging, hunting, defence, etc. Your little ragtag group has officially started it's
own colony. You can fill out your colony sheet as if it
The back of the book has it's own Colony record was a character. The colony has a refresh of 1, one
sheet. You'll see that it has a similar layout to a randomly determined Aspect (as rolled on the
character record sheet and even plays much like it's Colony Aspect chart), no RP's except what you
own character. invest into it and a +0 to all skills.
ESTABLISHING A COLONY Out of the Colony Actions available (see ) only the
The first step in the process is obviously Recruit is available at this time.
establishing the colony itself. The points below are
the key points needed to establish a colony in After If you have a specific Aspect you wish your colony
Destruction. to have instead of a random one feel free to try and
work it out with your GM.
A colony's skills increase as you gain colony CRAFTING
members (see the Recruitment Colony Action). A You can have your colony perform a Crafts check to
colony does not have normal stress tracks. perform various types of tasks. This could be from
repairing an Item, to improving the colony by
Instead a colony has one stress track that has a granting a new aspect like, “Reinforced Walls”. A
number of boxes equal to the number of colony colony can never have more than 3 aspects.
members you currently have. This stress track is
called the Colonists stress track. LOOT
You can order your colony to make a stealthy
As a colony takes damage it causes colonists to die looting run on another group of survivors or a
or leave the colony. When a colonist dies or leaves protect cache of resources protected by your
the players can choose which colonists to scratch scenario's foe. This works a lot like scavenging
off the list (and thus which skills are lowered). except you roll Burglary.
If the roll fails no survivors were gained. If the roll WELL-FED
really fails then there is a chance the colony is A well-fed colony consumes 6RP of Sustenance per
attacked by another colony or a unit of the colonist for the week. This allows the colony to fully
scenario's Foe. See the Colony Combat for more utilize all of their skills to their maximum potential.
SCAVENGE A rationed colony consumes 2RP of Sustenance per
The PC's can set the colony to scavenge the local colonist for the week. The colony starts to grow
area for a random resource type. The colony makes weary and tired at this point and has a -2 to all skill
an Investigate or Notice check. checks as long as they are rationed.
Apocalyptic Scenario: Dark Magic
The apocalypse track in this scenario can actually
One day this wave of strange dark energy just be quite tempting and rather beneficial. And it's
washed over the planet. Some think it was a dark that temptation that can lead you down a track of
spell. Others think it was the awakening of some darkness. A track that will eventually cause you to
incomprehensible evil. A few think it was the work lose yourself to the monstrous energies inside of
of Hell. At least one guy thinks Hello Kitty had you and no longer be human.
something to do with it. No one's really sure.
Like most of the Apoc stress tracks this one does
All that is known is that almost everyone on the not Refresh after a rest. When you gain stress in
planet instantly disintegrated into dust. For those this track it is permanent unless removed (see
that didn't instantly disintegrate they were washed below).
over with the dark corrupted energies. Many of
those people fell to it and became twisted raging
There are two ways for the corruption to be played
out depending on how much control the GM wishes
A few of us. The lucky(?) ones were left mostly
to allow the players.
untouched. Except that little by little the dark
corruption in us grows. Suddenly little Susie can
Either the GM decides what powers or abilities the
throw fireballs and little Billy grew giant bat wings.
PC's get as they become more and more corrupted.
Or the GM allows the PC's to create their own path
There seems no way to stop it. One day we're all
and work with the GM to make sure it's not too
going to be monsters.
Pleasant... Isn't it.
The PC's APOC stress track for corruption can HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (snort)... Ahem, OK yes
increase in several different ways. there is technically a way to reduce the corruption
of both you and those around you all in one simple
Firstly some corrupted monsters has some version action. And all you have to do is slay one of the
of the “Corruption” stunt. biggest, baddest and most powerful sonsabitches in
the lands.
Secondly if a PC walks into an area that is
completely awash with dark energies the GM may The Night Lords.
have them make a Physique or Will test to resist
gaining 1 stress of corruption. This should be a Kill one of these guys and everyone in a dozen or so
fairly rare occurrence, and the site of the dark meters will find one of their APOC stress boxes is
energy should be pretty apparent for what it really instantly wiped clean as the horrifying monster
is. Describe plenty of special effects for these sites. sucks the corruption away with him during his
Thirdly, if the GM determines the PC is using a stunt
gained by corruption enough (and thus embracing It's even been done once! Mind you he surprised
the dark energy) the GM may occasionally call for a the Night Lord with an ambush involving three
complication with a Physique or Will test to resist tanks, several Gatling turrets and a suicidal teen
gaining 1 APOC stress. with a bomb strapped to his chest.
Apocalyptic Scenario: Robots
It's an easy guess to figure out that the tiny robots
No one knows where they are from or how long flowing through our veins are a side effect of the
they've been here. Did we make this mess bigger deadlier robots roaming the land.
ourselves? Are they alien in nature? From another
time? Maybe something all together. It's also probably why the bigger robots normally
try to snatch up the survivors and contain them
All we know is this world belongs to the machines rather than instantly kill them. Although don't bet
now. Robots roam this world. Some are simple on that since this is not always the case.
machines that look more like the natural beasts of
earth. Others are deadly towering monstrosities Each survivor starts with 0 on the APOC stress
that carve through the world. track to represent being virtually untouched by the
We don't know what they want or what they are
doing. They have never communicated with us and Should the character ever reach 4 fully marked
don't seem to do much except hunt us down and boxes in the APOC stress track they utterly lose
make more of themselves. their human mind and become one of the machines
known as a “converted”. At this point their body
Beware the metal menace. They're faster, stronger, undergoes a dramatic change to appear as a
smarter, tougher and can not be anticipated. But humanoid robot of similar size.
humanity still has... uhh... this lead pipe over here.
And like 12 bullets left. The stress track can be increased two different
ways. The first way is if a robot with the, “Inject”,
We're fucked. stunt successfully uses it to attack you and deal
damage. This will increase the stress track by 1.
Metal Menace
You can negate the stress (either the Physical or THE CONVERTED
APOC) normally.
Robots are generally unfeeling killing machines.
The 2nd way that the APOC stress track can be
Even those that used to once be human. Although
increased is to actually do it yourself! You see the
once in awhile sometimes you wonder if a spark of
APOC (NANITES) stress track is a double edged
them is still in there somewhere.
sword and can be quite useful in a time of need.
Metal Menace
Apocalyptic Scenario: zombies
The Apocalypse stress track for the Zombies
Your neighbor is really messing up your fence scenario is that of Infection. Even if the zombies of
again. He's torn half the sucker down and you fear your particular world aren't caused by a virus
he's going to mess with your dog. What's even outbreak, they're still walking biting corpses. As a
stranger is that he has a lawnmower blade stuck result zombies are a host of deadly and vicious
through where his heart should be. infectious diseases.
Oh yeah... He's already dead. Whenever a zombie uses their Infectious Bite stunt
on a living creature and they manage to cause
In this Apocalyptic Scenario the reason the world damage to their Physical Stress track. The victim
has ended is due to the dead rising and hungering also takes the same amount on their Apoc stress
for the flesh of the living. track.
Is it a virus? Some sort of curse? Maybe heaven and The player can not stop the Apoc stress damage
hell are all full up! No one really knows. They're a from the attack unless they stopped the physical
little too busy just trying to survive. All you do stress or the attack itself through usual means
know is that when someone dies, from any means, (consequences, stunts, etc..).
that given a little time they'll get right back up... but
a little more cannibalistic this time. If bitten the PC can remove all of the Apoc Stress by
accepting the consequence, “Missing Limb” within
This is one of the more intense scenarios because 10 minutes of the bite. This means actively
danger literally lurks everywhere 24/7 without any removing a whole Arm or Leg permenantly!
peaceful times. The planet is covered in the Undead
but only a fraction of a percent of the living is left.
This stress track does not refresh like physical and Zombies all share a couple of common aspects &
mental tracks do. Actually it worsens as the stunts that is true for any type of the shambling
infection spreads. Each day the survivor takes 1 hit dead no matter what kind they are. As always feel
on their Apoc stress. This can not be countered by free to change any of this to match your vision of
any means. the end of the world!
This is where the GM has two options depending on THE SHAMBLING DEAD (ASPECT)
how brutal he wants to make this scenario. There Zombies are slow moving critters. Ontop of acting
are two ways the infections can spread. like a normal aspect this also means that a Zombie
is considered Slow for purposes of combat
CURABLE distances (see the New Action Rules section for
The infection is curable with a new Resource Type more details).
that is introduced called the Medicine RP. It takes
1RP of medicine per Hit of Infection and 24 hours THE BRAIN IS THE WEAK SPOT (ASPECT)
rest to totally remove it. Burn them, shoot them, cleave them, pierce them.
Eventually that may whittle down a zombie, but hit
The spread of infection can also be halted and them in the brain and you get them right away!
healed more slowly. If less than the needed amount
of Medicine is administered and the survivor gets INFECTIOUS BITE (STUNT)
to rest then the infection does not increase the next Although zombies will often pound at you with fists
day, but it does not lower either. or claw with boney fingers sometimes they can get
themselves in just the right spot to give you a bite.
This is the option the GM chooses if he wishes a When the GM spends a fate point
more brutal style of game. Or if he just hates to use this stunt the zombie
you. then attacks it's target.
If the attack is
In this instance the only way you can successful the chance
survive the infectious bite of the undead is for infection occurs. See
to take the, “Missing Limb” option. Because the Apoc (Infection)
if you receive even 1hit on your Apoc above for more details.
stress track without that, then it can not
be cured by any means. It will get worse
day by day until the Apoc stress track
kills the person and they arise shortly
afterwards as a zombie.
Name Refresh
High Concept
Superb (+5)
Great (+4)
Good (+3)
Fair (+2)
Average (+1)
*Optional areas that may require specific stunts, skill ranks or scenarios to unlock
High Concept Aspect AFTER
Trouble Aspect
Phase One: Your Adventure
Henry Tolson
High Paranoid
Concept Cop Superb (+5)
Let’s stopthe Bad Guys Great (+4)
Clings to the Old Laws Good (+3) Shoot
Too old for this Shit Fair (+2) Athletics Fight Investigate Physique
Nothing left to lose Average (+1) Drive Notice Provoke Resources Will
Doctor Melissa Tsakov
The Concept
High Papmpered Doc Superb (+5)
Doesn’t belong here Great (+4)
Taste for the High life Good (+3) Lore
Fight Flight or Flight Average (+1) Deceive Notice Provoke Rapport Stealth
High Hobo
Concept Superb (+5)
Stole from the raiders Great (+4)
Never been civilized Good (+3) Physique
Sagoa Takinata
Name Refresh
Oddly clean cut for being a survivor he is
physically very well built.
High Hard-Ass
Concept Superb (+5)
Open war against the Foe Great (+4)
Gun Nut Good (+3) Physique