Growth and Yield Responses of Sacha Inchi (Plukenetia Volubilis) Plants To Planting Density
Growth and Yield Responses of Sacha Inchi (Plukenetia Volubilis) Plants To Planting Density
Growth and Yield Responses of Sacha Inchi (Plukenetia Volubilis) Plants To Planting Density
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1 author:
Z.Q. Cai
Chinese Academy of Sciences
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To investigate the effects of planting density and fertiliser level on some important agronomic traits of Plukenetia
volubilis, a perennial oilseed species, a field experiment with four replications in a completely randomised block design
was conducted in a tropical region of China in the 2012-2013 growing season. Planting density (1,666, 2,500, 4,444,
5,000, or 10,000 plants ha–1) was assigned to the main plots and a 1:1:1 (w/w/w) NPK fertiliser at 0, 50 100, 150, or 200
kg ha–1 was assigned factorially to the sub-plots. The results showed that neither planting density nor the rate of
fertilisation affected seed size (dry matter) and the phenological development of P. volubilis plants, including the times
of initial flowering and maturity, or the pattern of fruit ripening. Planting density, rather than fertiliser level,
significantly affected seed oil content, but a non-linear effect was found. Across the different treatments and sampling
times, seed size and oil content had relatively high and constant heritabilities indicated by low coefficients of variation.
Total seed yields and total oil yields per plot over the growing season ranged from 1,340 - 2,486 kg ha–1, and from 501
- 899 kg ha–1, respectively, with a quadratic response to planting density at all fertiliser levels. Total seed and oil yields
increased continuously with the increasing levels of fertiliser used. The absence of any planting density ! fertiliser level
interaction on total seed and oil yields suggested that planting density and fertilisation had independent effects, and
that seed or oil yield responses to planting density were not significantly affected by fertiliser level. We concluded that
oil production in P. volubilis plants required high levels of fertiliser and, regardless of fertiliser level, a planting density
of approx. 4,444 plants ha–1 was required to ensure maximum yield in the field.
Summary of two-way ANOVA to evaluate the effects of planting density,
rate of fertilisation, and their interaction on seed and oil traits and mean
values of each trait under different treatments
Seed oil
Seed yield Seed oil yield content Seed size
Factor (kg ha–1) (kg ha–1) [%(w/w)] (g seed–1)
Two-way ANOVA (significance level)§
PD‡ *** *** *** ns
F ** * ns ns
PD ! F ns ns ns ns
Treatment means
PD (plants ha–1)
10,000 1,799.0† bc 666.2 b 37.4 a 1.32 a
5,000 1,986.6 ab 725.9 ab 36.6 b 1.35 a
4,444 2,154.6 a 786.1 a 36.5 b 1.36 a
2,500 1,549.2 d 572.5 c 37.1 a 1.37 a
1,666 1,584.8 cd 564.7 c 35.6 c 1.38 a
CV (%) 14.3 14.5 1.9 1.70
Fertilisation (kg ha–1)
0 1,626.6†c 598.8 c 36.7 a 1.35 a
50 1,745.8 c 640.5 c 36.7 a 1.34 a
100 1,812.7 ab 663.6 ab 36.5 a 1.36 a
150 1,860.4 ab 673.1 ab 36.6 a 1.35 a
200 2,028.6 a 739.4 a 36.6 a 1.36 a
CV (%) 8.2 7.8 0.23 0.62
Values are means (n = 4). Values followed by different lower-case
letters in each column indicate significant difference at P ≤ 0.05 by the
LSD test.
PD, planting density; F, fertilisation; CV, coefficient of variation.
ns, not significant (P > 0.05); or significant at *, P ≤ 0.05; **, P ≤ 0.01;
***, P ≤ 0.001.
FIG. 3
Total seed yield (Panel A), total seed oil yield (Panel B), seed oil content
(Panel C), and mature seed size (Panel D) in P. volubilis plants FIG. 4
cultivated at five different planting densities and five rates of Relationships between planting density and total oil yield (Panel A) or
fertilisation pooled across the different sampling times. Mean values (n total seed yield (Panel B) at five different rates of fertilisation
= 4) with a different lower-case letter in each Panel indicate significant throughout a growing season, and between stem diameter and total seed
differences between fertilisation levels within each planting density at yield (Panel C) in P. volubilis plants across five different fertilisation
P ≤ 0.05. ns, not significant. treatments.
Total seed and oil yields over the growing season at in planting density to 4,444 plant ha–1 was an effective
the sub-plot level ranged from 1,340 – 2,486 kg ha–1, and means to increase seed and oil yields in P. volubilis
from 501 – 899 kg ha–1, respectively, among the different plants, after which point both total seed and oil yields
treatments. The increase in total seed yield was declined significantly (Table I; Figure 4 A,B). Regression
accompanied by an increase in plant growth (i.e., stem analysis indicated that the relationships between
diameter; Figure 4 C), indicating that the resources planting density and total seed or oil yields at any
demanded by the seed are controlled mainly by the fertilisation level were best expressed by quadratic
amount of stored resources (i.e., carbohydrates) in the equations (R2 = 0.76 – 0.89; all P ≤ 0.01; Figure 4 A,B),
maternal plant during the reproductive stage. The namely:
highest yields of both seed and oil occurred at the Y = a + b D + c D2
medium planting density combined with the highest rate
of fertilisation (Table I; Figure 3; Figure 4). An increase where Y was the total seed yield or the total oil yield (kg
206 Plukenetia volubilis responses to planting density and fertiliser
ha–1), D was the planting density (plants ha–1), and a total seed and oil yields increased continuously with
(intercept), b (linear coefficient), and c (quadratic increasing levels of fertilisation (Table I; Figure 2),
coefficient) were parameters. suggesting that P. volubilis plants require relatively high
Based on these quadratic equations, the estimated fertiliser levels to achieve maximum yields in the field. A
optimum planting density for the maximum total seed or strong positive correlation was found between total seed
oil yields did not vary greatly at all fertiliser levels. and oil yields across all sampling dates (r = 0.99; P ≤
Therefore, a planting density of approx. 4,444 plants ha–1 0.001). Thus, oil production in P. volubilis plants is
is required to ensure the optimum yield of P. volubilis determined primarily by the maximum attainable seed
plants, regardless of fertiliser level. Seed and oil yields yield, but not by seed oil content (Sidlauskas and
commonly increased curvi-linearly with an increase in Bernotas, 2003; Rathke et al., 2005).
planting density in other oilseed crops such as winter In conclusion, neither planting density nor rate of
oilseed rape (Leach et al., 1999; Momoh and Zhou, 2001; fertilisation affected the phenological development of
Sidlauskas and Bernotas, 2003), Zea mays L. (Ciampitti P. volubilis plants. Planting density and fertilisation
and Vyn, 2011), and in food crops such as faba bean affected seed and oil yields in P. volubilis plants
(Vicia faba L.; López-Bellido et al., 2005), and in cotton independently. A planting density of approx. 4,444 plants
(Dong et al., 2012). ha–1 was required to ensure maximum seed and oil yields,
As the partitioning of DM to reproductive sinks regardless of fertiliser level. P. volubilis plants require
during flowering, and the DM: total DM ratio of seeds relatively high rates of fertilisation application to achieve
were reduced at harvest by shortages of N (Ciampitti and their maximum seed and oil yields. Future research
Vyn, 2011), positive impacts of the application of should focus on a detailed analysis of the optimum rate
fertiliser on seed yields in oilseed crops such as winter of application of fertiliser to achieve the highest yield of
oilseed rape and soybean have been reported (Jackson, P. volubilis plants and to mitigate losses of nutrients in
2000; Rathke et al., 2005). In contrast, some authors have the field.
reported a plateau or even a reduction in seed yields at
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et al., 2001). The optimum seed yield in oilseed crops Academy of Sciences (Grant Nos. KSCX2EWQ17 and
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