Episode 9 and 10
Episode 9 and 10
Episode 9 and 10
Episode 9:
1st scenario- The members of Geosan are really eager to let Teacher Kim go down because of
the president’s order. We cannot really deny the fact that there are still people who use
their position to control people. As an observer, that is unethical for a doctor to do. It
doesn’t mean if you are the chief in the hospital, you can command them to do what you
want. We still have the right to choose what is right and wrong and be firm with the
principle we are withholding.
2nd scenario- Seems like everything is falling apart with Dr. Yun’s situation. She submitted a
resignation letter and decided to leave Doldam. We all know that the hospital is having a
hard time because of the investigation but I just want to appreciate the concern of her co-
workers. They showed compassion and care to her. To be honest, Dr. Yun is really trying to
do her best to be a good doctor. It feels great if someone appreciates it. But this is not about
her skill we are talking, it’s about the care she is giving to her patient that’s why they also
care for her. We should never forget that as a health workers, we also need to take care our
team like how we take care the patients in order to have a good relationship with each
other. I just hope that Dr. Yun had a formal resignation to the head of the hospital because
that is the right thing to do.
3rd scenario-When I say a good doctor, I am referring to Teacher Kim and the doctor who
interviewed Dr. Yun. I am happy because he was not persuaded by President Do’s order. But
he stick to what is just and gave the right diagnosis. Truly that if you do good to people,
people will also do good to you. If the intension pure, there is no chance that you will not be
4th scenario- It’s Friday again at Doldam. Dr. Kang Dong Ju is not available, teacher Kim is
suspended and Dr. In Beom is on live so the Dr. left in there was the doctors from Geosan.
Since they are still adjusting, they were shocked on what is happening in the operating
room. I can see with the action of Dr. Song that he not focused on what he is doing and so, he
left the hospital even if he knew that there were no available doctors. Compassion, courage,
prudence and honesty are needed in this kind of situation but he chose to turn away from
his responsibilities which is very unethical for a doctor to do. Another thing, because of his
absence, a non-medical person decided to intubate a patient who is in danger. I believe
there are nurses that are available in there, but tend to neglect the needs of the patient. See?
Leaving a responsibility without even saying will have an effect to the environment just like
what happened. Once you committed in this work, be ready for some challenges and should
know the right approach so that it will not turn into something bad.
5th scenario- We know that Teacher Kim is suspended because he is under investigation but
there is nothing he could do but to pursue the operation because no one else could do it.
And following principle of “patient comes first” he decided to do it even the inspector said
no. I was shocked with what the nurse did because he punched the inspector without even
saying anything. For me, even if others are pushing you into your limits, as much as
possible, learn the art of being calm. Yes it’s really irritating to hear if someone interrupts
the decision but like what I said, try to adjust be considerate because the fate of the patient
is in our hands. Instead, be prayerful so that the grace of the Lord will shower upon you to
understand people who are hard to understand.
Serquina, Johniza Hope G. October 02, 2020
Episode 10:
It was a chaotic Friday at Doldam Hospital. A lot of things happened and issues were
observed while responding to it but for Dr. Yun and Dr. Kang, it was a happy one because finally it
was proven that Dr. Yun has no PTSD and she can still continue to work at Doldam. Just right in
time when they are heading back to Doldam, they encountered a multiple car accident which they
automatically responded. And here starts the application of justice, virtues and principles.
1st scenario- Maybe that’s how life is when you are a doctor or a health worker. Accidents
and cases are keep on chasing you. Well, it’s still a good thing because you are able to
practice your skills. Since no one was there to ask for help, they initiated and asked
guidance to Teacher Kim. They did the right thing because even if you are not related to the
patient, it is their duty and responsibility to give immediate treatment especially to the
needy ones or who are in severe case.
2nd scenario- Before I was talking about the attitude of Dr. Kang towards Teacher Kim
because he was rude to him but with this scene, I can’t help but to smile and laugh because
he is learned from his lesson. He did not threw tantrums anymore. Instead, he willingly
accept to be Dr. In Beom’s assistant which also made Teacher Kim smile. Sometimes in life,
we also need an experience that will give us a lesson to do better in our work. Like what
other say, always put a room for improvement in order to learn new things.
3rd scenario- Time will really come that you will not be able to save a patient from death. It
hurts when you are in the same situation when you’re trying to revive a patient but you
have nothing to do but to respect the autonomy of the client. In this scene, Dr. Yun respected
the decision of the husband not to resuscitate her wife anymore because they have already
signed a consent. In situations like this, it is important to know the desires of the client or
significant others in order to avoid inappropriate action.
4th scenario- I appreciate the action of the inspector in this scene. Really, that if you do the
right thing in the work you are into, positive feedbacks and blessings will pour unto you
unexpectedly. Based on what he did, justice and utilitarianism again prevailed. These
virtues and principle is not only for medical field but it also applies to everyone. That every
person must know how to weigh what is right or wrong and what is beneficial to all and
what will put them into harm.
5th scenario- Since Dr. Yun is still bothered about the death of her patient, Dr. Kang was
there to comfort her. They’re not aware that Teacher Kim is at their back listening to them.
Later on, he interrupted and showed Dr. Yun her patient who recovered from arrest. I like
the words of wisdom Teacher Kim said to her-”Don’t try to take responsibility for the
patient’s unfortunate death. All you have to do is doing your best as you learned.” I agree to
this because the only person who knows the death of us is God. Let’s maintain the virtue of
prayerfulness in all aspect of our life and trust the Lord always because the strength and
power that we have comes from him.
Ending this diary, I have a feeling that the chairman is right about President Do’s plan which is
to do everything just to get what he wants. He will use Teacher Kim’s weakness in order for him to
succeed. With this kind of attitude, I know he will not succeed. If ever he will, for only a short period
of time. Justice will always prevail to those who do the right thing. I just hope and pray, Dr. Kang
will choose the right decision as well as with other people involved to President Do.