Metro Line 1 (Versova To Ghatkopar)
Metro Line 1 (Versova To Ghatkopar)
Metro Line 1 (Versova To Ghatkopar)
February 2005
Salient Features
Executive Summary
Page No.
1 Introduction
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Demographic Profile 1
1.3 Employment Scenario 2
1.4 Land use Policy 3
1.5 Vehicle Registration 4
1.6 Suburban Rail system 5
1.7 The Road Network 6
1.8 Bus transport system 9
1.9 Accidents 9
1.10 Air Pollution 10
1.11 Need for Metro 10
1.12 Types of Metros and their capacity 11
1.13 Advantages of a Metro system 11
1.14 Review of Past Studies 12
2 Evolution of Mumbai Metro Master Plan
2.1 Preliminary Net work 1
2.2 Master Plan 1
2.3 Phasing of Master Plan 2
3 Traffic Study
3.1 Study Area 1
3.2 Ridership forcast 1
3.3 Landuse policy 9
3.4 Stated preference survey 9
3.5 Planning parameters 9
3.6 Traffic demand forcast 13
3.7 Forcast of OD matrices 13
3.8 Assignment of OD matrices on the network 14
Ridership On Versova – Andheri – Ghatkopar
3.9 14
3.10 The Traffic forecast for ‘Stand Alone’ Scenario 14
4 System Selection
4.1 Choice of Gauge 1
4.2 Track Structure 2
4.3 Rail structure interaction 5
4.4 Welding 5
4.5 Traction System 5
4.6 Signalling 7
4.7 Telecommunication 12
4.8 Automatic Fare Collection 17
4.9 Rolling stock 21
5 Civil Engineering
Elevated 11.07 Km
3. Number of stations
Elevated 12 Nos.
5. Train operation
2011 2021 2031
8. Rolling Stock
13. Total estimated cost (at June, 2004 prices w/o taxes) Rs. 1488. Crores
Inclusive of taxes Rs. 1670 Crores
Executive Summary
Greater Mumbai - the capital of Maharashtra, is not only the financial
capital of India but the heart of commercial and trade activities of the
Country as well. The Island City has experienced rapid growth in economic
activity and its suburbs are growing faster than the Island City in terms of
population distribution and activity location. The major challenge is in
promoting growth by adequate inputs into infrastructure, which would
improve quality of life of the residents. MMRDA (Mumbai Metropolitan
Region Development Authority) is a nodal agency for promoting planned
development in this region, which makes it automatically the nodal agency
for studying and implementing transport related projects within Mumbai
Metropolitan Region.
The total population of Greater Mumbai in 2001 was 11.91 million (more
than double of the 1971 population of 5.97 million). The population growth
in the island area during 1971 – 2001 is only 9 percent. However, the
growth in suburbs (western and eastern) has been phenomenal. The
suburban population has grown by almost 300 percent over the past 30
Employment Scenario
As per 1998 census, the total employment in Greater Mumbai is 2.62
millions. The share of employment in Island City has fallen to 56 percent in
1991 from 72 percent in 1971. However, it has increased to 61 percent in
1998. The share of employment in western suburbs was around 25 percent
of total employment in Greater Mumbai in 1998 and that of eastern suburbs
was about 15 percent.
Vehicle Registration
The ratio of private vehicles per thousand person is growing steadily, and
has reached 68.30 in 2002. This clearly shows the inclination of people
towards private vehicles. The trend is also influenced by the rising income
level and saturation of public transport systems in Mumbai. The proportion
of vehicles in island area has steadily reduced from 73 percent in 1981 to 40
percent in 2002, which is the same as the proportion of vehicles in western
suburbs. The number of vehicles in eastern suburbs is only 21 percent of
total vehicles in Mumbai.
Road Network
The Mumbai road network has developed over many years, predominately
in north-south direction radial to the CBD within the constraints of the
islands. Extensive development over much of the island has led to the
major traffic movements being concentrated into three main corridors;
western, central and eastern. The east – west movement is constrained by
the Western and Central Railway tracks which also run for the majority of
the length of the Island city.
Detailed Project Report for Phase-I Corridors of Mumbai MRTS 2 / 30
Final Report Versova - Andheri – Ghatkopar Corridor
Executive Summary
The number of road accidents involving injury to persons reported annually
in the Mumbai Metropolitan area has remained approximately constant
(25000 – 30000) over the last 30 years. The number of fatalities however
has fallen by 50% since 1981 and is currently about 350 per year. As the
number of vehicles in Mumbai has significantly increased, the number of
accidents per vehicle kilometer has gone down. The key factors for
reduction in accidents could be introduction of various traffic management
measures, improved driver education and more strict police enforcement of
road and traffic regulations. Lower speeds resulting from increased
congestion is also a factor. However, the annual accident total of about
30000 remains high, and there is a need to ensure further reduction.
Air Pollution
In Mumbai road traffic is a major source of air pollution, which has worsened
significantly in the last two decades and now poses a considerable health
problem and potentially lethal hazard. Data derived from the ambient air
quality monitoring by MCGB show that air pollution due to road traffic has
increased by almost 400% over the last two decades. Transport (principally
road traffic) now accounts for about 52% of the overall air pollution load in
Greater Mumbai.
Past Studies
A number of transportation studies were carried out in the past for Mumbai
Metropolitan Region (MMR). These studies discussed travel pattern,
network characteristics, and the degree of traffic saturation on the existing
roads in the Study Area. The following major studies, which recommended
transportation improvements in MMR, have been reviewed.
(i) Mass Transport Study (1969): The objective of this Study was to
determine the existing conditions of available mass transportation
services, future desire lines and to evolve a comprehensive, long
term mass transportation plan for Greater Mumbai.
(iii) East West Rail Corridor Study: MMRDA got this Study done In the
year 1975 for developing rail corridor connecting Bandra – Kurla –
Mankhurd – Panvel. The objective of this Study was to provide
access to New Mumbai with a view to assisting in its development.
(vi) MRTS Study by TEWET: The study objective was to identify two rail
based Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Systems which are bankable, one
for the CBD and one in Greater Mumbai outside the CBD, and to
develop feasibility studies for the two projects.
since this system has not been implemented anywhere in the world, it
needs to be further examined on a 2 km pilot section.
Master plan
Based on intensive site reconnaissance surveys, alternative probable
corridors were discussed with representatives of local authorities and
detailed study finally a network comprising of 146.5 km was selected as
Master Plan for Mumbai Metro. The Master Plan network was split in
suitable corridors as under:
Length (Km)
S. No. Corridor
Total Elev. U.G
1 Versova – Andheri – Ghatkopar 15.00 15.00 -
Coloba – Mahim (Bandra) 18.00 8.10 9.90
Mahim (Bandra) – Charkop 18.00 18.00
3 Mahim – Kurla – Mankhurd 12.80 10.70 2.10
4 Charkop – Dahisar 7.50 7.50
5 Ghatkopar – Mulund 12.40 12.40
6 BKC – Kanjur Marg via Airport 19.50 11.00 8.50
7 Andheri (E) – Dahisar (E) 18.00 18.00
8 Hutatma Chowk – Ghatkopar 21.80 13.30 8.50
9 Sewri – Prabhadevi 3.50 3.50
Length(Kms) Total
Phase Corridors Cost
Total Elev. U.G
(Rs. Cr.)
1 a) Versova-Andheri-Ghatkopar
b) Colaba – Charkop 63.80 51.80 12.00 8180
c) Mahim – Mankhurd
2 a) Ghatkopar – Mulund
19.90 19.90 - 1990
b) Charkop – Dahisar
3 a) BKC – Airport - Kanjur Marg
b) Andheri (E) – Dahisar (E)
62.80 42.30 20.50 9355
c) Hutatma Chowk – Ghatkopar
d) Sewri – Prabhadevi
Total 146.50 114.00 32.50 19525
The projected traffic demand in 2011, 2021 and 2031 is given below.
A. Permanent Way
Choice of Gauge
Standard Gauge (1435mm) is invariably used for metro railways world over
due to its unlimited advantages. During the last decade, 20 new metros have
been constructed in various cities of the world. All these metros have gone
in for Standard Gauge even though the national gauge for mainline railways
in some of these countries was different from Standard Gauge. In India the
national gauge is Broad Gauge (1676mm). The reasons for selection of
gauge is described in the report.
Track Structure
Track on Metro Systems is subjected to intensive usage with very little time
for day-to-day maintenance. Thus it is imperative that the track structure
selected for Metro Systems should be long lasting and should require
minimum or no maintenance and at the same time, ensure highest level of
safety, reliability and comfort, with minimum noise and vibrations.
Ballastless track with long welded head hardened rails has been proposed
as mainline track. In depot also ballastless track has been proposed as the
same is on elevated deck. However at Godrej depot the track structure shall
be ballasted similar to Indian railways track structure for depot and
Rail Section
Keeping in view the proposed axle load and the practices followed abroad, it
is proposed to adopt UIC-60 (60 kg. /m) rail section. Since on main lines,
sharp curves and steep gradients would be present, the grade of rail on
main lines should be 1080 Head Hardened as per IRS-T- 12-96. As these
rails are not manufactured in India at present, these are to be imported. For
the Depot lines, the grade of rails should be 880, which can be easily
manufactured indigenously.
· From considerations of maintainability and riding comfort, it is proposed
to lay the turnouts also with 1 in 20 cant. Further, it is proposed to adopt
the following two types of turnouts:
B. Traction System
Out of the three system mentioned above, 25kV ac traction has the
economical advantages of minimal number of traction sub-stations and
potential to carry large traffic (60,000-90,000 PHPDT).
D. Telecommu nication
Common Smart Card based ticketing for both Suburban and Bus systems
is not proposed at this stage as this will require installation of AFC system
at all suburban stations and in buses also. A Clearing House system will
also be required for separation of revenue among various operators.
However, the proposed system has multioperator capability and in future
this will be possible to integrate various transport providers and other
Rolling stock for Mumbai Metro is similar to the one adopted for Delhi Metro.
Rolling Stock has been selected based on the following criteria:
The controlling criteria are reliability, low energy consumption, light weight and
high efficiency leading to lower annualized cost of service. The coach should
have high rate of acceleration and deceleration.
Keeping the above features in mind, 3.2 m wide stainless steel light weight
coaches are proposed for the Mumbai Metro, with length of 22.24 m for trailer
coach and 22.46 m for motor coach (including couple buffers). Height of
coach is 3.9 m. Train length for 4 coach train is 89.5 m while that of 6 - coach
train is 134 m. The Axle load is about 17 t for which the structures are to be
Traction motors are 220 KW and propulsion system is 3-phase drive with
variable voltage and variable frequency (VVVF) control. Trains will have
regenerative braking system to save energy cost. Current collection is through
overhead catenary from 25 kV ac. Trains will be air-conditioned and provided
with automatic door closing and opening system with 4 wide doors per coach
on each side. The trains will have state of the art cab signalling with
continuous automatic train control and automatic train protection system. The
trains will have passenger information and announcement system.
The rolling stock proposed shall have design speed of 90 kmph and maximum
running speed of 80 kmph. Maximum acceleration and decleration is 0.8 m/s2
and 1.1 m/s2. During emergency braking the deceleration shall be 1.3 m/s2.
The viaducts carrying the tracks will have a vertical clearance of minimum
5.5 m above road level. For meeting this requirement with the ‘U’ shaped
pre-stressed concrete girders, the rail level will be about 8.5 m above the
road level. However, at stations which are located above central median,
the rail level will be 12 m above road level. These levels will, however, vary
marginally depending upon where the stations are located.
Normally the stations shall be on level stretch. In limiting cases station may
be on a grade of 0.1 %. Between stations, generally the grades may not be
steeper than 2.0 %. However, Where existing road gradients are steeper
than 2 %, gradients upto 4% (compensated) can be provided in short
stretches on the main line.
Design Speed
The maximum sectional speed will be 80 km/h. However, the applied cant,
and length of transition will be decided in relation to normal speeds at
various locations, as determined by simulation studies (to be done at
detailed design stage) of alignment, vertical profile and station locations.
Description of Alignment
Project Area
The project area has two distinct sections viz.Versova-Andheri (western
segment) and Andheri-Ghatkopar (Eastern segment). Versova is the old
fishermen village located in the west cost. The Versova-Andheri area has
developed in the last 20 years and has mixed land use predominantly
residential and education institutions .Whereas, Andheri-Ghatkopar (upto
Saki Naka) is the earlier development, Andheri is the most important sub
urban station on west ern Railway and Ghatkopar is the most important
station on Central railway. This area serves the Marol industrial area of
MIDC, Sahar International airport and nearby developing office/commercial
complexes. The section Saki Naka to Ghatkopar is mainly residential and
do not have proper road access.
The corridor is proposed as elevated system and will traverse through the
center of the existing arterial roads of Jai Prakash Road and Mathuradas
Vasanji Road (Andheri-Kurla Road). A small length of the road near
Asalpha is not existing but is taken up for development by MMRDA as a part
of MUIP. The total length of the corridor is 11.07km. A maintenance depot
will be located on Jai Prakash Road near D.N. Nagar in about 12.25
Hectares of, land which is almost vacant. The key alignment is shown in
index plan and index section.
Viaduct Structure
The proposed viaduct structure for the Mumbai Metro is a 'U' shape deck
carrying two tracks on single pier located on the median of the road. The
width of the deck is 9.1 m and the pier will be 1.45 m to1.6 m diameter. A
road clearance of 5.5 m is ensured below the viaduct structure. The
foundation shall be pile foundation at most of the locations though pile
foundation socketed in rock or open foundations may be necessary at
certain isolated locations. The superstructure shall be pre-cast segmental
construction which will cause minimal inconvenience to the road users.
All the elevated stations are provided with side platforms. This has been
planned to avoid reverse curves on approach of the stations. This
arrangement also provides the flexibility of constructing viaduct through the
stations and constructing the stations enveloping the viaduct or combined
structural arrangement for stations including the track carrying structure.
Stations have been divided into two distinct areas, namely public and non-
public (technical areas). The public area is further sub divided into unpaid
and paid area. Provision for escalators are made at all stations in paid area
for future. However at a few important stations escalators shall be provided
from the beginning itself. Lifts for disabled passengers are provided at all
In addition facilities are also proposed for integration with city buses at
importanat stations.
For the elevated section pile foundation with 1.2m dia piles socketed in rock
is recommended. The bearing capacity of soil is not likely to cause any
problem for the foundations.
The proposed Metro alignment is passing along major arterial roads of the
city road network, which are serving Institutional, commercial and residential
areas. A large number of surface and sub-surface utility services viz.
sewers, water mains, storm water drains, telephone cables, electric poles,
traffic signals etc. are existing along the proposed alignment. Details of the
existing utility services along the proposed alignment have been collected
from the concerned authorities, i.e. Municipal Corporation of Greater
Mumbai(MCGM), Public Works Deptt. (PWD), Irrigation and Flood
Department, MCGM, BEST (Bombay Electric Supply & Transportation),
Mumbai Traffic Police, BSES(Bombay Sub-urb Electric Supply)/Reliance
Energy, TATA Power, Mahanagar Gas Ltd., MMRDA & MAHADA, TATA
Tele Services, Reliance Info. Ltd, Western & Central Railway etc. The
affected portions of the services with reference to the proposed alignment
were identified and temporary diversion & relocation proposals of the
affected services have been indicated.
Land Requirement
Since land is a scarce commodity especially in metropolitan areas, every
effort has been made to keep land requirement to the barest minimum and
acquisition of private property is minimal. Land is mainly required for Depot
and route alignment on sharp bends, station buildings, platforms, entry/exit
structures, traffic integration, power sub-stations, administrative buildings
and temporary construction depots / work sites etc.
Each 4-coach train will consist of two motor cars(MC) and two Driving
Trailer Cars (TC), ( DTC-MC-MC-DTC). while 6 coach train will consist of
two Motor Cars(MC) , two Driving Trailer Cars (DTC) and two Trailer
Cars(TC). The capacity of each coach and trains is given below:
Train operation plan (headway and train composition) for the year 2011,
2021 and 2031 during the peak hours is given below.
· Year 2011
The operation on Varsova – Andheri - Ghatkopar Corridor is planned with
4-car trains at 5 minutes headway in the first year of operation with
Peak Hour Peak Direction Capacity of 14136 . The capacity planned is
less than the peak demand. This optimum capacity decided might slightly
cause over crowding on few inter station section, but will avoid excessive
under loading on most of the sections.
· Year 2021
The operation on - Varsova – Andheri - Ghatkopar Corridor is planned
with 4-car trains at 4 minutes headway for the year of operation i.e. 2021
to meet the Peak Hour Peak Direction demand of 23590 . The capacity
planned is less than the peak demand. This optimum capacity decided
might slightly cause over crowding on three inter station sections, but will
avoid excessive under loading on most of the sections.
· Year 2031
The operation on Line 1- Varsova – Andheri - Ghatkopar Corridor is
planned with 4 - car trains at 3 minutes headway for the year of
operation i.e. 2031 to meet the Peak Hour Peak Direction Demand of
30547 . The normal capacity planned is less than the peak demand. This
optimum capacity decided might slightly cause over crowding on some
inter station sections, but will avoid excessive under loading on most of the
balance sections.
Power requirements have been assessed for the year 2011, 2021 and
2031, which are briefly summarized below:-
Corridor Use
2011 2021
Traction 7 9
Versova – Andheri-
Auxiliary 6 8
Ghatkopar Corridor
Total 13 17
total annual working cost. Therefore, it is the key element for the financial
viability of the Project. The annual energy consumption is assessed to be
about 30 million units in initial years (2011), which will double by horizon
year 2031. In addition to ensuring optimum energy consumption, it is also
necessary that the electric power tariff be kept at a minimum in order to
contain the O& M costs. Therefore, the power tariff for Mumbai Metro should
be at effective rate of purchase price (at 33kV voltage level) plus nominal
administrative charges i.e. on a no profit no loss basis. This is expected to
be in the range of Rs. 2.50-2.75 per unit. It is proposed that Government of
Maharashtra takes necessary steps to fix power tariff for Mumbai Metro at
“No Profit No Loss” basis. However financial analysis has been done with
tariff as Rs.2.75 per unit and Rs.4.50 per unit (present day tarriff)
Preliminary Cost Estimates for the corridor has been prepared at June’2004
prices. The estimated cost at June’2004 prices is Rs.1488 crores without
taxes but including land cost. The cost including taxes and duties is Rs.
1670 Crores. The completion cost with project completion in the year 2010
is Rs 1936 crores including escalation, but excluding IDC.
Description Amount
S. No. (Rs. in
1. Land 304.65
2. Civil Engineering Works
2.1 Alignment and Formati on
2.1.1 Elevated 243.54
2.1.2 Utilities (Civil Works) including Road Restoration 33.21
2.1.3 Rehabilitation & Resettlement 7.00
2.1.4 Station Buildings (elevated) 127.00
2.2 Permanent Way 54.80
Sub-total (1 & 2) 777.2
3. Electrical Works
3.1 Traction & Power Supply including Lifts, Escalators, etc. 116.38
Detailed Project Report for Phase-I Corridors of Mumbai MRTS 19 / 30
Final Report Versova - Andheri – Ghatkopar Corridor
Executive Summary
Description Amount
S. No. (Rs. in
Sub-total (Item 3) 116.38
4. Signaling & Telecommunications Works
4.1 Signalling & Telecommunication including Cable Diversions 127.31
4.2 AFC Installations at Stations 30.00
Sub-total (Item 4) 157.31
5. Depot Elevated 130.00
6. Rolling Stock (in 2011) 238.00
7. General Charges @ 3% on all items except 1 33.21
8. Contingency (3% on all items from 1 to 7) 43.35
Grand Total: 1488.45
Say Rs. 1488 crores
The overall capital cost estimates with Duties and Taxes is given below:
the cost details of Airport Link is also shown:
Taxes and duties
without Total cost
Taxes & custom works excise sale with tax &
duties duty tax duty tax total Duties
Capital cost
Aiport link 1488.46 80.20 31.74 48.78 20.93 181.66 1670.12
Aiport link 88.88 7.23 1.11 3.01 1.49 12.84 101.72
Overall capital cost excluding Airport link Rs. 1670 cr
*Overall capital cost including Airport link Rs.1772 cr.
· The consultants have recommended not to include the Airport port link
connection, as there is no improvement in the revenues due to it’s addition.
In fact, it would be resulting in capacity reduction on Versova – Andheri –
Ghatkopar corridor and would increase the operation cost. However, the
study review committee recommended that the Airport link to be provided.
Therefore, the cost estimates have been shown separately.
The proposed system will provide a variety of benefits to the city and
society, viz. savings in fuel consumption, vehicle operating costs, travel time,
reduction in road accidents and air pollution etc. Economic analysis has
been carried out for the proposed Metro network by comparing “with” and
“without” project scenario. The ‘with’ project scenario takes into account,
estimated total costs that the local economy would be called upon to bear.
The ‘without’ project scenario envisages a situation wherein the existing
infrastructure continues to be utilized taking into account increased
estimated costs due to higher projected traffic.
The cost and benefit streams arising under the above situations have been
estimated in terms of market prices and economic values have been
computed by converting the former using appropriate shadow prices.
The Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR) has been worked out using
Discounted Cash Flow technique to the net benefit stream at economic
prices and its value is estimated as 21.53 % . This falls to 20.00 and 21.04
respectively in case of increase in cost by 10% or decrease in traffic
materialization by 10% respectively.
The project cost at June 2004 prices is Rs. 1488 crore including the land
cost of 305 crores. The completion cost including the escalation is Rs.
1720 crore. Year wise investment plan is given below. The expenditure
spills over to 2009-10 and 2010-11 though the commissioning of the
corridor is planned in 2009 end.
Construction Completion
Year Cost (Fixed) Land Cost Cost
2006-07 59 152.50 217
2007-08 414 152.50 628
2008-09 473 571
2009-10 177 225
2010-11 59 79
Total 1183 305 1720
The total O&M cost in the year 2009 is expected to be Rs. 75.39 crores. For
the purpose of financial analysis the depreciation cost (3% on project cost
excluding land cost) and the replacement cost (20 year life for signalling
equipments and 30 years for traction and rolling stock) has been taken into
account in addition to the capital cost in the year 2024 and 2034 for
additional rolling stock.
The trip generation and trip distribution for various years for the stand alone
system is as follows
Trip Distribution
Trip Distribution
% of trips
0-3 3.-8 >8
Average Distance (kms)
The fare structure has been estimated @ 1.5 times of the ordinary bus fare
prevalent in the year 2009. The bus fares for the year 2009 have been
obtained by escalating the existing BEST fares by an overall factor of 10%.
These fares have been escalated once every two years @ 5% per annum.
The proposed fare structure in the year of commissioning is given below:
The Financial Internal Rate of Return (FIRR) obtained with the above
revenues and costs is 7.56 % over a horizon period of 30 years of operation
(2009-2039). The various sensitivities with regard increase/decrease in
capital costs, O&M costs and revenues are as shown below:
FIRR Sensitivity
20% 10% 10% 5%
Increase Increase decrease Decrease
FIRR 6.02% 6.77% 8.43% 7.99%
5% 10% 10% 20%
Increase Increase Decrease Decrease
FIRR 8.33% 9.04% 5.73% 3.12%
10% 10%
Increase Decrease
FIRR 6.75% 8.31%
Financing Options
A wide variety of models can be theoretically considered for financing of
metros ranging from completely government owned to totally privatised.
There are certain benefits and drawbacks of both. Whereas completely
government owned lack transparency and are shackled by bureaucracy the
completely privately owned ones would not serve the social sector but be
lured by the objective of profit maximisation. The social purpose of such
projects can never be ignored, however, at the same time it is of utmost
importance to run these systems with efficiency comparable to the private
sector. These purposes can be served by creating an SPV independent of
the bureaucratic controls and vested with sufficient powers to run the system
independently or be evolving some form of Public –Private partnership which
would bring together the strengths of both the public and private sectors.
The Delhi metro model is the SPV model which has been able to construct
and run the system efficiently without compromising the social objective.
SPV Approach
The Corporate model involves the formation of a special purpose vehicle
(SPV) to own/implement and also to operate the project. There is a
possibility/potential of involving some private sector entity as equity holder.
The financial structure of the project can then be determined in such a way
that a part of the capital cost is contributed as equity and the remaining is
borrowed as senior or subordinate debt from the government, financial
institutions, banks or bilateral / multilateral funding agencies. Another source
of funding which has been extensively used in Hong Kong is funds from real
estate development for financing capital expenditure. In this case upfront
contribution required from the equity holders is much less than the project
cost. The debt and the interest there on are repaid by the SPV from its net
revenue streams. Long time debt is normally possible only when
government guarantees are made available for repayment of loan as well as
for the interest charges there on. Because of the need for high volume of
debts, the project viability depends to a large extent on the rate of interest
and the tenure of the debt. The SPV, being a corporate body, has flexibility
in implementation and operation of the project. It can be responsive to
customer requirement and can attempt various ways of revenue
augmentation. SPV being a corporate body is liable to pay corporate tax
and other taxes if applicable. The above model can be further improved
upon if after construction the SPV hands over the operations and
maintenance of the same to a private body.
The various forms Public-private partnerships can take are Supply and
service contracts, Management contracts, Leases, Concessions, Joint
ventures and Divestiture. Supply and service contracts and management
contracts are in the nature of contracts awarded to a private party as out
sourced jobs or management of the operations. Concessions not only give
the private operator the responsibility of O&M of utility asset but also for
investment. The ownership remains with the government but full use rights
vest with the operator. Concessions are a form of lease in which the
contractor agrees to make certain fixed investments and retains the use of
the assets for a longer contract period. In this approach, the state (or
municipality or other public entity) delegates the right to provide a service to
the private sector and yet retains some control over the sector by
incorporating a concession contract or license defining the terms and
conditions (including the rights and obligations of the service provider) that
will govern the infrastructure project or company. This type of arrangement
is most suited to sectors with monopolistic characteristics. This may take the
form of lease and operate (or affermage) contract, under which the private
contractor is responsible at his own risk for providing the service, including
operation and maintenance of the infrastructure against payment of a lease
fee. The other forms of concession could be BOOT/BOT/BOO. These are
used generally for Greenfield projects. The concessionare in such projects
is also responsible for building and financing new investments. At the end of
the concession term the sector assets are returned to the state. BOO (build
own operate) is a similar scheme but it does not involve transfer of assets.
Detailed Project Report for Phase-I Corridors of Mumbai MRTS 24 / 30
Final Report Versova - Andheri – Ghatkopar Corridor
Executive Summary
All these forms of concession stipulate transferring of the right and the
obligation to provide an infrastructure service to a private company. This
company takes over responsibility for the operations and at least for a part
of the commercial risk of service provision. The concessionaire is, by and
large, held responsible for achieving specified results in service delivery and
is given some freedom to choose the means for meeting those targets.
The concessionaire approach has not been adopted in the rail based urban
transit system in India because the project construction costs are very high.
This naturally involves requirement of huge amount of debt to be raised from
the market sources to undertake such a project. The highway sector has
been quite successful in the country in developing Highway projects through
the BOT .Power sector has a very limited experience of project development
under BOO route.
It is important to understand that project beyond the size of Rs 300 cr have
not been successful in attracting debt in the Indian market. Recent
experience of road sector suggests that projects in the size of Rs 50 to Rs
200 cr could only be developed under BOT mechanism, with majority of
projects in the lower end category. The success of these projects was solely
dependent on the assurance of traffic or revenue. These projects were
based on a clearly defined risk mitigation mechanism.
The project costs are excluding taxes and duties which presumes that
exemption from payment of taxes and duties would be available to the
In case if PPP route is adopted for implementation, the land would be made
available to the concessionaire and the government would invest 26% of the
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Final Report Versova - Andheri – Ghatkopar Corridor
Executive Summary
project cost as equity. It is also presumed that the additional capital required
in the years 2024 and 2034 would be shared in the same proportion as the
original investment. Moreover, the replacement of the rolling stock would not
be to the concessionaire’s account. However, the return on (Pre Tax) equity
with a debt-equity ratio of 1.5:1 would be 7.81% and with debt : equity ratio
of 2:1would be 7.62. The rate of interest for the debt is assumed as 11% p.a.
· Land required for the project and 26% of equity shall be made
available to the Concessionaire. The balance project cost is to be
mobilised by the Concessionaire himself.
· Implementation of the project and its subsequent operation and
maintenance is to be the responsibility of the Concessionaire. The
concession is for a period of 30 years of operation plus the period of
· A guarantee for the minimum level of ridership would be required to
be given to the concessionaire. If this level of ridership does not
materialize for any reason, the Concessionaire will have to be
compensated for the shortfall.
· Operation and maintenance expenditure for the project shall be
borne by the Concessionaire. All revenues generated shall go to the
Concessionaire including revenues from property development,
advertisements, etc.
· Standards to which the assets of the project are required to be
maintained and the quality of the assets at the time of transfer of
these assets to the Client at the end of the concession period should
be clearly spelt out.
· Normally a metro system will require addition of assets like rolling
stock, etc. over a period of time due to increase in traffic. The source
of funding of the same is explicitly spelt out in the agreement — the
Concessionaire or the Client. Similarly, the responsibility of
replacement of assets on completion of their life, if due during the
period of Concession, is clearly spelt out — whether by the client or
the Concessionaire.
· A mechanism for quick resolution of disputes between the
Concessionaire and the Client is provided for.
· Insurance liability of the Concessionaire is indicated.
· The Concessionaire transfers all the assets to the Client at the end of
the concession period at a nominal residual value or free of cost.
In case of adopting PPP model, certain risks are to be shared between the
government and the concessionaire. The details of risks and mitigation
measures are described in the report.
Institutional Arrangement
It is recommended to form an SPV for implementation of the project. As the
SPV needs to be vested with adequate powers to implement and operate
the system, it is recommended to form the SPV on the lines of Delhi Metro
Rail Corporation (DMRC). The SPV can be named as Mumbai Metro Rail
Corporation (MMRC). It is proposed that the State Government and the
Central Government, each will have total equity of 40% shared equally.
State govt. shall provide the land cost as an interest free subordinate debt to
the SPV. As the SPV formed on the lines of DMRC will have equal equity
from Central and State Governments, the number of Directors from the State
and the Central Government will also be equal. While the Managing Director
will be a nominee of the State Government, the Chairman should be the
Secretary, Ministry of Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation of the
Central Government. The Board of Directors (BOD) are to be vested with full
powers to implement the project with adequate delegation of power to the
Managing Director for day to day working.
The suggested implementation schedule for implementing the project on
PPP basis is given below
Suggested Implementation Schedule on BOT
S. No. Item of Work Completion Date
1 Approval of DPR 31.10.2004
2 Obtain Government Clearances 28.02.2005
3 Arranging Consultant for selection of Completed
4 Calling for Tender on BOT (Based on In progress
Feasibility Report)
5 Finalising Suitable Concessionaire 30.05.2005
6 Financial closer 30.11.2005
7 Execution of work and Procurement of 01.12.2005 - 30.11.2008
equipments, coaches and installations
8 Testing and Commissioning 01.12.2008 - 31.12.2008
9 Revenue Operation 31.03.2009
The land acquisition process can start immediately after approval of DPR so
that land is available before construction works take off.
It is also recommended to appoint an independent engineering consultant to
monitor and advise MMRDA during the execution phase.
As for the legal cover to the operation and maintenance stage of Mumbai
Metro, it is high time to go in for a comprehensive legislation which will cater
to both construction as well as operation and maintenance stages of Metro
Railways in all million plus cities. After that Act is enacted, the existing Acts,
namely, Metro Railways (Construction of Works) Act, 1978 and Delhi Metro
(Operation and Maintenance) Act, 2002 and the Calcutta Metro Railway
(Operation and Maintenance) Temporary Provisions Act, 1985 can be
repealed. The comprehensive legislation should, inter-alia, contain
provisions for the following:
A transfer link between this corridor and the North- South corridor ( Colaba-
Bandra- Charkop) has also been proposed from this depot.
. For approach. It is suggested that the land be reserved for future use as
depot with full net work of Mumbai Metro.
Chapter 1
1.1.1 Greater Mumbai - the capital of Maharashtra, is not only the financial capital of
India but the heart of commercial and trade activities of the Country as well. The
Island City has experienced rapid growth in economic activity and its suburbs are
growing faster than the Island City in terms of population distribution and activity
location. The major challenge is in promoting growth by adequate inputs into
infrastructure, which would improve quality of life of the residents.
1.1.2 Mumbai has become a victim of its own success. The employment opportunities it
offers have served as a major attraction for immigration from rural hinterland as well
as from all parts of the Country. Four-fold growth of population since 1951 has
been largely accommodated in the suburbs while highest concentration of jobs has
remained in the Island City. Moreover, the physical characteristics of the City are
such that the suburbs have been constrained to spread northwards only, and all
transport facilities are concentrated within three narrow corridors. This has put
great stress on all modes operating in these corridors.
1.1.3 The City with its present population of over 12 million generates about 14 million
trips in a day, with about 88 percent of the total trips catered by the suburban
railway and the public transport bus services provided by BEST. The ever growing
vehicular and passenger demands coupled with constraints on capacity
augmentation of the existing network have resulted in chaotic condition during peak
hours of the day.
1.1.4 The Government of Maharashtra has adopted a number of policies to alleviate this
situation by decentralising the City. Most notables of these include the
development of Navi Mumbai and Bandra – Kurla Complex. Navi Mumbai has
attracted close to one million people and provided about 2 lakh jobs outside
Greater Mumbai. The gradual relocation of city’s wholesale markets to Navi
Mumbai and establishment of new container port at Nava Sheva have helped in re-
distributing commercial vehicle trips and reducing the demand for road space in the
Island City.
1.2.1 The total population of Greater Mumbai in 2001 was 119.14 lakh (double of the
1971 population of 59.7 lakh). The rise in population during 1971-81 was around
38 percent and has remained around 20 percent during 1981-91 and 1991-2001
respectively. (refer Table 1.1)
Table 1.1
Population Growth in Greater Mumbai (in Millions)
Western Eastern Greater
Year Island City
Suburbs Suburbs Mumbai
1971 3.07 1.71 1.19 5.97
1981 3.28 2.86 2.10 8.24
1991 3.17 3.95 2.80 9.93
2001 3.35 5.10 3.46 11.91
1.2.2 The population growth in the island area during 1971 – 2001 is only 9 percent.
However, the growth in suburbs (western and eastern) has been phenomenal. The
suburban population has grown to almost 300 percent over the past 30 years.
As is evident, the share of island population has been declining continuously. The
proportion of population in island area has declined to 28 percent in 2001 from 51
percent in 1971. The share of suburbs has gone up to almost 72 percent of the
total population of Mumbai. Also, in 2001, the proportion of population in Western
suburbs is almost 43 percent of the total population of Mumbai while that in eastern
suburbs is 29 percent only.
1.3.1 The employment data of Greater Mumbai collected from the National Economic
Census for 1971, 1981, 1991 and 1998 is classified in 10 categories as given
1.3.2 The employment growth during 1971-1998 in different areas of Greater Mumbai is
shown in Table 1.2. The share of employment in Island City has fallen to 56
percent in 1991 from 72 percent in 1971. However, it has increased to 61 percent
in 1998. The share of employment in western suburbs was around 25 percent of
total employment in Greater Mumbai in 1998 and that of eastern suburbs was
about 15 percent.
Table 1.2
Employment in Different Areas of Greater Mumbai (in Millions)
Western Eastern Greater
Year Island City
Suburbs Suburbs Mumbai
1.09 0.24 0.19 1.53
(71.90) (15.38) (12.71) (100.00)
1.39 0.51 0.29
1981 (100.00)
(63.62) (23.03) (13.35)
1.34 0.64 0.44 2.42
(55.62) (26.30) (18.08) (100.00)
1.59 0.65 0.38 2.62
(60.51) (24.91) (14.58) (100.00)
Note : Figures in brackets indicate the proportion of total employment
Table 1.3
Decadal Change in Employment in Greater Mumbai( in %)
Decade Island City Western Eastern Greater
suburbs Suburbs Mumbai
MMRDA prepared a Regional Plan 1996 – 2011, for MMR as required under the
Maharashtra Regional & Town Planning Act 1966, which was approved by GOM.
1.4.2 As per the Regional Plan, a poly-nucleated land use structure has been
recommended for Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR). This clearly brings out
1.4.3 In the Island City Area and the suburbs, valuable and significant land parcels have
not been used since long. These areas belong to textile mills, which were shut
down in the eighties. Recently, the Government of Maharashtra through MMRDA
has evolved certain strategies for development of these areas and to re-develop
valuable land resources. Table 1.4 presents the total land area, which belongs to
textile mills, and the envisaged uses of the land area:
Table 1.4
Proposed Redevelopment of Textile Mill Land Area
1.5.1 The data on private vehicles in Greater Mumbai is available for three regions,
namely, the Island City, the Western and Eastern suburbs. The number of private
vehicles registered in Greater Mumbai is given in Table 1.5. The ratio of private
vehicles per thousand population is growing steadily, and has reached 68.30 in
2002. This clearly shows the inclination of people towards private vehicles. The
trend is also influenced by the rising income level and saturation of public transport
systems in Mumbai.
Table 1.5
Greater Mumbai Motor Vehicle Statistics
1.5.2 The proportion of vehicles in island area has steadily reduced from 73 percent in
1981 to 40 percent in 2002, which is the same as the proportion of vehicles in
western suburbs. The number of vehicles in eastern suburbs is only 21 percent of
total vehicles in Mumbai. Distribution of vehicles in Island and Suburbs is shown in
table 1.6.
Table 1.6
Distribution and Growth of Vehicles in Island and Suburbs
1.6.1 The main skeleton of the rail network in Mumbai was laid down over 100 years ago,
initially to link Mumbai and adjacent townships. Electric suburban rail services were
started in 1923 in Mumbai by the Grand Indian Peninsula Railway (forebearer of
the Central Railway in Mumbai).
1.6.2 Today Mumbai is served by two of India’s zonal railways, the Western Railway
(WR) and the Central Railway (CR). The Western Railway line runs northwards
from Churchgate terminus station in the Mumbai CBD parallel to the West Coast of
the island towards northern and western India and Delhi. Suburban operations
extend for 60 kms northwards from Churchgate as far as Virar. The Central
Railway runs from Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (CST), located on the eastern side
of the CBD (approximately 1 km northeast of Churchgate) and serves a large part
of Central India. Suburban services extend from Mumbai CST as far as Kasara to
the northeast (120-Km ) and Karjat to the southeast (100-Km )
1.6.3 The CR is also responsible for services on the “Harbour Line” which runs from CST
station along the East Side of Mumbai Island to Rawli junction where the line splits.
One branch runs north west to join the Western Railway main line at Bandra, with
the other line continuing northwards to Kurla, before turning eastwards to serve
Chembur and Mankhurd and cross the new Thane Creek bridge to access Navi
Mumbai. At Wadala, the Mumbai port rail lines join the Harbour line and north of
Wadala, the harbour lines are shared with freight traffic to and from Mumbai docks.
1.6.4 Within the Mumbai area both zonal railways carry a combination of suburban, long
distance passenger and freight traffic. Daily passenger volumes are about 6.0
million mostly commuter trips within the Metropolitan Region and approximately 2.0
lakh long distance travellers.
1.6.5 Within Mumbai many suburban stations are less than 1.5 km apart and in some
cases less than 1 km. Such close stations are characteristic of a metropolitan
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Chapter 1 – Introduction
urban railway rather than a suburban system. In addition to the lines radiating from
Mumbai there is also a double line track connection between Vasai Road on the
Western Railway and Diva / Dombivli on the Central Railway. This allows long
distance north-south trains to bypass Mumbai.
1.6.6 All Western and Central railway lines within the Mumbai suburban area are Indian
Broad Gauge (1.676 m) and electrified using the 1500 volt d.c. overhead system.
The traction system is planned for conversion to 25 kV a.c. In some areas tracks
are prone to flooding during the monsoon season due to drainage system
shortcomings on adjacent land or to inadequate or partially blocked storm water
1.6.7 Suburban services operate electric multiple units (EMU’s) predominantly formed as
9 car rakes (being upgraded to 12 car rakes). A multiple aspect colour light
signalling system is used. EMU’s are fitted with an Auxiliary Warning System
(AWS) which prevents motormen from exceeding 38 km/h when running under
single yellow (caution) signals and makes an emergency brake application if a red
(danger) signal is passed.
1.7.1 The road network has developed over many years, predominately in north-south
direction radial to the CBD within the constraints of the islands. There are very few
cross links with any continuity across all radials. Extensive development over much
of the island has led to the major traffic movements being concentrated into three
main corridors; western, central and eastern. The western corridor generally
provides a higher level of service than the central and eastern corridors. The
central corridor, especially in the south Island area, is severely congested with high
pedestrian movements and bus traffic. The eastern corridor, which runs adjacent to
the port, carries large volume of truck traffic and suffers badly from long term
parking and informal roadside vehicle maintenance activities. The network is
shown in Figure 1.1.
1.7.2 The east – west movement is constrained by the Western and Central Railway
tracks which also run for the majority of the length of the Island city. Consequently
major traffic movements are concentrated on relatively few roads, resulting in major
points of congestion where east-west movements intersect the north-south corridor
at such points as Khodadad Circle, Gadkare Chowk and Sion intersection.
1.7.3 To the north of Mumbai Island, the east – west movements are further restricted by
the limited number of crossing points of the River Mithi. The lack of a good link
between places such as Santa Cruz and Chembur or Vashi often results in
considerable detours via Sion and the Western and Eastern Express Highways.
1.7.4 The roads of Mumbai serve not only as a means of transport provision but also
function as parking areas for vehicles, sites for hawkers and other commercial
activities, and extended footways. In some places, notably on the Western Express
Highway, part of the right of way (though not the carriageway) has also been
encroached upon by slums. These other functions, together with frequent
Mahim Causway
Dadar Wadala
Virar Central
Varsai-Virar 3
Ghodbunder BHIWANDI
SH 1 Insert
SH 4
Santa Cruz
Mankhurd Belapur
NH 4
See Insert
NH 17
Dharamtar Khopoli
Fig 1.2
Existing Strategic road Network
disruption due to service provision and maintenance, severely reduce the traffic
capacity of the highways.
1.8.1 Public stage carriage bus services in the region are provided by BEST, (within BMC
and up to 20 km beyond the municipal boundary), TMT in Thane and MSRTC
1.8.2 With over 3,030 buses, BEST is by far the largest provider of bus services in the
region. However, due to financial limitations bus replacement has been deferred in
recent years and some 25% of this fleet is now more than 10 years old which is the
company’s preferred limit to bus life.
1.8.3 All routes within Mumbai are provided by BEST. These include radial routes to and
from main centres, trunk routes linking main centres and feeder services linking to
the trunk routes and to railway stations. Additionally, some routes operate on a
limited stop basis providing slightly faster journey times on the trunk routes between
the Mumbai City area and outlying parts of Greater Mumbai. However, the
improvement in journey time in many cases is marginal due to the traffic congestion
and the retention of too many stops on the routes due to public demand.
1.8.4 Bus routes from Mumbai City to Navi Mumbai are provided by BEST and MSRTC.
Routes from other points in Greater Mumbai to Navi Mumbai and Thane are
provided by BEST, MSRTC and TMT.
1.8.5 The dispersal of rail commuters from the main railway terminals to their final
destinations in the Mumbai CBD such as Fort, Ballard Estate, Colaba or Nariman
points is at present carried out primarily by the bus system. Shared taxi routes are
also operated, whilst a large number of people make this final stage of their journey
on foot. In the morning peak these movements involve substantial volumes running
into the order of 30,000-40,000 passenger per hour from each terminus.
1.8.6 BEST operates an “on demand” feeder service during the morning peak hour
between Churchgate or CST and Nariman Point or Colaba. This entails constantly
having buses queued up at the rail terminus to take passengers so as to avoid any
build up of waiting time for the passengers.
1.9.1 The number of personal injury accidents, reported annually in the Mumbai
Metropolitan area has remained approximately constant (25000 – 30000) over the
last 30 years. The number of fatalities however has fallen by 50% since 1981 and
is currently about 350 per year. As the number of vehicles in Mumbai has
significantly increased, the number of accidents per vehicle kilometer has gone
1.9.2 The reduction in accident rate and fatalities may be due to the introduction of
various traffic management measures, improved driver education and more strict
police enforcement of road and traffic regulations. Lower speeds resulting from
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Final Report Versova – Andheri - Ghatkopar Corridor
Chapter 1 – Introduction
increased congestion is also a factor. However, the annual accident total of about
30000 remains high, and there is a need to ensure further reduction.
1.10.1 In Mumbai road traffic is a major source of air pollution, which has worsened
significantly in the last two decades and now poses a considerable health problem
and potentially lethal hazard.
1.10.2 Data derived from the ambient air quality monitoring by MCGB show that air
pollution due to road traffic has increased by almost 400% over the last two
decades. Transport (principally road traffic) now accounts for about 52% of the
overall air pollution load in Greater Mumbai. The air pollution from traffic is
principally carbon monoxide (CO), Nitrous Oxide (NOx) and hydrocarbons (HC)
whereas industrial pollution takes the form of suspended particulates (SPM),
sulphur dioxide (SO2) and to a lesser degree NOx.
1.10.3 Within the traffic stream the large numbers of motor cycles, motor scooters and
autorickshaws are estimated to produce 34.5% of total pollutants, this is more than
trucks and buses (33.2%) or cars (32.3%). Carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons
are the main pollutants from two and three wheelers. Since auto rickshaws are
concentrated in the suburbs (they are banned from operations in the Island City),
they are an important source of air pollution in the suburban centres of Mumbai and
in the principal towns of the region. The GOI Central Motor Vehicle Rules lay down
emission standards for new two and three wheeler vehicles and for “light duty
vehicle” in respect of CO and HC for current application, with tighter standards for
application after 1995 and 2000. These future higher standards aim to reduce
emissions to less than 20% of the currently permitted levels.
1.10.4 Many people in Mumbai would appear to have a high tolerance to traffic noise,
which is at present not seen as a widespread problem, although levels of noise
near the main highways are high by Western standards. It is likely that noise will
become more of a perceived problem as traffic volumes increase and if increased
traffic flows take to filtering through residential areas. Traffic engineering and
environmental traffic management measures will be necessary to control this in
Public Transport System is an efficient user of space and energy, with reduced
level of air and noise pollution. As the population of the city grows, the share of
public transport, road or rail-based, should increase. For a city with population of
1.0 million, the share of public transport should be about 40 - 45%. The percentage
share of public transport should progressively increase with further growth in the
population of the city, reaching a value of about 75% when the population of the
city touches 5 million mark. With Mumbai' s population crossing 12 million, the
share of public transport at 88% is quite good. However, over the past decade the
share has reduced from 91% to 88% and is likely to reduce further if corrective
measures are not taken immediately. While upgradation of existing suburban
system is underway through MUTP, it is felt that additional mass transit corridors
are required to meet the expanding demand.
Whether the public transport system on a corridor in the city should be road-based
or rail-based will depend primarily on the traffic density during peak hours on the
corridor. Experience has shown that in mixed traffic conditions, comprising slow
and fast moving traffic prevailing in most of our cities, road buses can optimally
carry 10,000 persons per hour per direction (phpdt). When traffic density on a
corridor exceeds 10,000 phpdt, the average speed of buses comes down, journey
time increases, air pollution goes up, and commuters are put to increased level of
Thus when on a corridor, traffic density during peak hours crosses this figure,
provision of rail-based mass transport, i.e. Metro system should be considered. In
any case, Metro system may become inescapable if the traffic density on a corridor
reaches 20,000 phpdt.
Rail based mass transport in cities can be brought mainly under three categories:-
Since, the number of commuters to be dealt is relatively less in LRTS, its trains
consist of 2 to 3 coaches and other related infrastructure is also of a smaller size.
For medium capacity Metro systems, the train generally comprises 3 to 6 coaches
with ultimate train headway of about 3 minutes. The other related infrastructure
e.g. civil works, stations, passenger handling equipment etc. are also planned
Heavy capacity metro systems have to deal with large traffic densities ranging from
50,000 to 80,000 phpdt. Accordingly, the trains have 6 to 9 coaches and other
related infrastructure is also of large size. Beyond the traffic level of 80,000 phpdt,
additional parallel lines are normally planned. The metro system being constructed
in Delhi is heavy capacity system.
Metro systems are superior to other modes because they provide higher carrying
capacity, faster, smoother and safer travel, occupy less space, are non-polluting
and energy-efficient. To summarise, a Metro system:
A number of transportation studies were carried out in the past for Mumbai
Metropolitan Region (MMR). These studies discussed travel pattern, network
characteristics, and the degree of traffic saturation on the existing roads in the
Study Area. The following major studies, which recommended transportation
improvements in MMR, have been reviewed.
(i) Mass Transport Study (1969): The objective of this Study was to determine
the existing conditions of available mass transportation services, future
desire lines and to evolve a comprehensive, long term mass transportation
plan for Greater Mumbai. Travel projections were made upto the year 1981.
These projections formed the basis for identifying the 6th and 7th Rail
Detailed engineering feasibility was also carried out and the corridor
alignment was fixed. The corridor runs underground (South to North) from
Colaba to Bandra (17.38 km) and East to West from Bandra to Kurla
elevated (4.90km) and a spur to the airport (4.1 km).
(iii) East West Rail Corridor Study: MMRDA got this Study done In the year
1975 for developing rail corridor connecting Bandra – Kurla – Mankhurd –
Panvel. The objective of this Study was to provide access to Navi Mumbai
with a view to assisting in its development.
Out of the proposed corridor, Mankhurd – Vashi – Panvel section has been
completed. The Bandra-Kurla section of this corridor has not been
developed so far.
(v) Mumbai Metro Study, by Mumbai Metro Planning Group: The Study
examined the feasibility of constructing and maintaining the 7th rail corridor
as a heavy metro, and covers a detailed techno-economic study, market
survey, estimates of ridership on the new corridors, cost estimates of capital
investments and operation, revenue expected and financial aspects.
(vi) MRTS Study by TEWET: The study objective was to identify two rail based
Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Systems which are bankable, one for the CBD
and one in Greater Mumbai outside the CBD, and to develop feasibility
studies for the two projects.
The TEWET study also identified total network for Greater Mumbai after
examining 3 alternatives. The recommended Network is of 57 km length
with an estimated cost of Rs. 12,000 crore and in Island city it follows the 7th
Corridor alignment. In the suburbs, the line is extended North upto Andheri
with two branches; one going upto Charkop in west suburbs & other leading
to Mulund via Ghatkopar.
The detailed feasibility study was done for part of the Master Plan namely
Andheri – Ghatkopar section with a spur to Sahar Airport. Total length was
about 10 km and estimated cost Rs. 800 crore. Most of the alignment was
elevated except small underground stretch of 1.5 km below flyover at
Andheri MMR.
(vii) Sky Bus Metro Study by MMRDA: The Konkan Railway Corporation
presented to GOM a proposal for development of a new transport system
called sky bus metro system. It envisages a system, which will be elevated
and supported to central columns. MMRDA carried out a techno-economic
feasibility study of this system for Andheri – Ghatkopar section. The
conclusion of this Study was that since this system has not been
implemented anywhere in the world, it needs to be further examined on a 2
km pilot section.
Chapter 2
With a view to broadly identify the most feasible and apparently advantageous
network section for possible inclusion in the final Master plan all such possible
routes were listed based on the following inputs:
ii) Existing and future land use plans including Regional plan for MMR which
indicate the locations and intensity of population and employment growth
and development pf alternate City centers.
iv) Availability of suitable lands for depot to minimize dead running and land
Length (Km)
S. No. Corridor
Total Elev. U.G
1 Versova – Andheri – Ghatkopar 15.00 15.00 -
Coloba – Mahim (Bandra) 18.00 8.10 9.90
Mahim (Bandra) – Charkop 18.00 18.00
3 Mahim – Kurla – Mankhurd 12.80 10.70 2.10
4 Charkop – Dahisar 7.50 7.50
5 Ghatkopar – Mulund 12.40 12.40
6 BKC – Kanjur Marg via Airport 19.50 11.00 8.50
7 Andheri (E) – Dahisar (E) 18.00 18.00
8 Hutatma Chowk – Ghatkopar 21.80 13.30 8.50
9 Sewri – Prabhadevi 3.50 3.50
The Master Plan of Metro finalized for Greater Mumbai consists of approximately
146.50 km of Rail network. It is practically not feasible to develop the entire
network at one go for many reasons like (i) Availability of sufficient funds (ii)
limitation on civil work construction (iii) The environmental and traffic impacts
during construction (iv) difficulties in acquisition of open lands as well as built up
structures (v) resettlement of project affected families.
The Master Plan Network was therefore grouped into different phases. The
criteria adopted in finalizing the phases were
After detailed deliberation with the study review committee suitable weightages
were assigned to these four criteria as under
The preliminary results of phasing exercise were discussed in the meeting of the
Executive Committee of MMRDA, chaired by the Chief Secretary, GOM and later
in the meeting of the Authority of MMRDA chaired by the Chief Minister of GOM.
The final approved phasing of the Master plan is as under:
Length(Kms) Total
Phase Corridors Cost
Total Elev. U.G
(Rs. Cr.)
1 a) Versova-Andheri-Ghatkopar
b) Colaba – Charkop 63.80 51.80 12.00 8180
c) Mahim – Mankhurd
2 a) Ghatkopar – Mulund
19.90 19.90 - 1990
b) Charkop – Dahisar
3 a) BKC – Airport - Kanjur Marg
b) Andheri (E) – Dahisar (E)
62.80 42.30 20.50 9355
c) Hutatma Chowk – Ghatkopar
d) Sewri – Prabhadevi
Total 146.50 114.00 32.50 19525
Chapter 3
3.1.1 The Study Area includes the geographical limits of Greater Mumbai (upto Dahisar
in the North, Mulund in the North – East and Airoli and Vashi in the East).
3.1.2 The traffic zone system of the Study has been designed with the help of 88
census sections, based on following criteria:
3.1.3 The zoning system of the Study Area (Greater Mumbai) for development of Metro
Master Plan comprises of 105 zones (46 in the island area and 59 in the suburbs).
These 105 zones in Greater Mumbai are the same for the prior base year (1996),
the base year (2003) and all future base years (upto 2031). The traffic zones in
the island and suburbs are shown in Figure 3.1 and Figure 3.2 respectively. In
addition to the 105 internal zones, three external zones have been considered for
the prior base year (1996). For the base year (2003) and the horizon year (2031),
the three external zones are split into four to account for the change in the pattern
of external traffic.
The Study methodology followed for the ridership forecasting on the Mumbai
Metro consists of the following five stages.
1. Database Preparation
2. Prior Base Year Analysis
3. Base Year O-D Validation
4. Base year Model Development
5. Ridership forecasting and Sensitivity Analysis
52 88
48 47
39 37
40 38 36
44 42
34 33
46 32
23 25
29 24
18 26
17 11
21 10
20 19 13
14 8 7
81 84 85
74 76
71 69 103
63 1002
64 102
67 101
61 62
61 65
60 99
57 100
50 56 58
55 87 95
49 51 53 89
88 92
48 39 93
38 36
42 94
44 41 34 33
The mode-wise (Public Transport - PT, Private Vehicle - PV, Taxi - TX) internal O-
D matrices of 1996 were adopted from the Study directly, as these matrices have
been thoroughly validated (Mumbai Metro Study Final Report, 1996). The Mode-
wise daily internal trip end and Gravity models were calibrated for the prior base
year (1996) using adjusted planning variables (mode-wise O-D matrices and
travel time skims). Travel time skims were obtained by simple assignment of O-D
matrices on 1996 network. The process is shown in Figure 3.3.
Calibrate Simple
Modewise Trip Assignment
Mode wise Trip
ends for 1996
Calibrate Skims for 1996
Modewise Gravity
Fig. 3.3
The main objective of this stage was to develop thoroughly validated mode-wise
O -D matrices for the base year (2003). Calibrated trip end and distribution
models (obtained from stage – 2), together with the base year planning variables
and network data, were used to update the base year travel pattern. The internal
commercial vehicle matrix of 1996 was updated to the base year, by using the
appropriate zonal growth factors, and by using the Furness technique for
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Final Report Versova - Andheri - Ghatkopar Corridor
Chapter 3 – Traffic Forecast
distribution. The external travel pattern for the base year was obtained from the
O-D survey conducted at external cordon stations.
The mode-wise trip matrices obtained were further adjusted for trip rates and
assigned on the base year network. This helps in obtaining the link flows. These
modelled link flows were validated against the observed link flows across the
screen lines. If the deviation exceeds specified limits, the trip matrices were
estimated using the Maximum likelihood method from the link volumes, and by
assigning confidence levels to the O-D data.
The O-D matrices obtained were thoroughly validated and used for model
development. Base year OD matrix validation is depicted in Figure 3.4.
Using the planning variables and validated total O-D matrix for base year (2003),
trip end models were calibrated for the total internal passenger travel. A single
gravity model was calibrated using the validated trip ends and skims (generalized
cost) obtained from Stage 3 assignment process as the seed values. The revised
skims obtained after successive modal split and traffic assignments were used to
calibrate the gravity model.
A binomial Logit it modal split model was devised, to determine the share of public
transport and private vehicles. The modal was based on the generalized cost
functions developed using stated preference data. The Public transport matrix
includes the person trip performed by bus, rail, auto and taxi, while the Private
vehicle matrix include person trips by car and two-wheeler. The cost skims that
were obtained from the assignments were used to calibrate the mode choice
The daily public transport passenger matrix was assigned to the public transport
network, which includes a) Bus network (prepared by coding all the BEST bus
routes), b) Intermediate Public Transport (IPT) routes on the road network and c)
Rail Network with all the existing suburban rail links. The public transport
assignment was based on generalized time, which was a combination of In-
Vehicle Travel Time (IVTT), Waiting Time (WT), Transfer Time (TR), Fare in time
units and Discomfort.
There are two important steps in public transport assignment. These are path
building and loading trips on these paths. The purpose of path building is to
identify all reasonable paths between zones and provide associated travel
information in generalized time, so that the proportion of trips using each path
may be calculated at the loading stage. Between any pair of zones, the maximum
number of trips were loaded on to the best path. The other paths with longer
generalized times were loaded with fewer trips. The proportion of trips to be
loaded were calculated on the basis of a logistic choice function based on
generalised time.
The public transport assignment was also required to assign the trips as per the
observed modal shares. In order to achieve this, the parameters of the
generalised time were fixed based on the values obtained from the analysis of
1996 Skims Mode-wise
Gravity Model Growth
Factors for
CV trips
Mode- wise O-D (PV,PT,TX & CV *) for 2003 Screen Line
Network for Estimation
2003 from Screen
stated preference surveys. After performing the public transport assignment, the
assigned flows across the screen lines were compared with the observed flows.
Highway assignment was carried out for peak hour, preloading the highway
network with peak hour public transport and commercial vehicle flows. The daily
public transport loadings are factored by the peak hour flow to daily flow ratios to
obtain the peak hour public transport flows. These peak-hour public transport
(bus and IPT) and commercial vehicle flows in terms of PCU’s were preloaded on
to the highway network before loading the private vehicle passenger O-D
matrices. The private vehicle passenger matrices were converted into peak hour
PCU units, by using appropriate regional peak hour ratios and passenger – PCU
conversion factors, based on observed occupancies at screen lines. An
incremental capacity restraint procedure based on generalised cost was used in
loading private vehicle matrices.
The public transport network was revised with the speeds obtained after assigning
the private trips. The assignment of public transport trips was performed on the
revised network, and the next iteration of private traffic assignment was carried
out by taking the bus, taxi, auto and truck flows as preloads. This iterative
process between public and private vehicles traffic assignment was repeated until
there was no appreciable change in the link loadings and link costs.
Two skims namely the highway time and highway travel costs were obtained from
the loaded network. The skims obtained were used for calibrating the gravity
model and the modal split-modal. The process of distribution, modal split and
assignment was repeated till the OD matrices become stable. The complete
model development process is graphically represented in Figure 3.5.
The calibrated base year trip end models along with the projected planning
variables and horizon year networks were used to forecast the future daily internal
passenger trip ends for the horizon years (2011, 2021 and 2031).
These future year trip ends were distributed by applying the calibrated gravity
distribution model with the previous cost skims available for the initial run (the
base year cost skims were used for estimating travel pattern of 2011). The OD
matrix of total daily passenger trips obtained for the horizon year under
consideration were split into public transport and private vehicle total daily OD
matrices using the calibrated mode choice model. Truck OD matrix and mode-
wise external trips (inter-city trips) were forecast using zonal growth factors and
by Furnessing. The cost skims used in gravity distribution model and mode
choice models were revised using the ones obtained by assigning the public
transport trips and highway trips on to their respective networks. The cost/time
skims obtained using the final stabilized link costs were used to get the final mode
wise daily passenger O-D matrices.
The ridership estimates for various corridors have been made presuming that the
entire Master Plan network exists as well as separately for phase I scenario.
However, for Versova - Andheri - Ghatkopar section, it is presumed to carry 60%
for 2003
Calibrate Total
Daily Trip End
Model for 2003
Validated Total
O-D Matrix for
Calibrate Total
Single Gravity
Generalised Cost
modified based
on SP Survey
Model Split
Are O-D No
Matrices PT Highway
Stable Assignment Assignment
Updated CV
Trip Matrix for
Capacity Resistant
The MMRDA has prepared a Regional Plan (1996-2011) for Mumbai Metropolitan
Region, which has recommended a poly-nucleated land-use structure with
alternate growth centers at Bandra-Kurla Complex and Navi Mumbai. In the
Island City large parcels of land belonging to the Textile Mills which became
redundant since 80’s are potential source for intensive development.
3.5.1 Population
The population projections of Island city, Western Suburbs and Eastern Suburbs
of Greater Mumbai as given by the planning division of MMRDA are as shown in
Table 3.1. The corresponding annual growth rates of population are given in
Table 3.2.
Table 3.1
Areawise Population Projection for Greater Mumbai
Table 3.2
Annual Growth Rates: Greater Mumbai
Using the aggregate estimates and following the guidelines of the Committee, the
census sectionwise population was worked out.
Table 3.3
Population Growth in MMR
(Population in Lakh)
Region 2001 % Gr 2011 % Gr 2021 % Gr 2031
Gr. Mumbai 119.1 1.26 135.0 1.17 151.7 0.95 166.7
Western Region 11.9 4.40 18.3 3.79 26.6 3.05 35.9
North East Region 41.9 2.86 55.7 2.47 71.1 1.85 85.5
Navi Mumbai Region 10.5 5.62 17.4 4.11 25.9 3.46 36.5
Neral Karjat Region 1.9 1.65 2.3 1.61 2.7 1.55 3.2
Pavvel-Urban Reg.
(Ourside Navi Mumbai 2.6 4.06 3.9 4.63 6.1 4.89 9.9
Pen Region 0.9 1.05 1.1 1.29 1.2 1.74 1.4
Alibag Region 1.2 0.92 1.3 0.85 1.4 0.75 1.5
TOTAL 190.0 235.0 286.7 340.6
3.5.2 Employment
Table 3.4
Areawise Employment Projections for Greater Mumbai
(Employment in lakh)
Year Greater Mumbai Island City Western Suburb Eastern
1980 22.0 14.0 5.1 2.9
1990 24.3 13.5 6.4 4.4
1998 26.3 15.9 6.5 3.8
2001 27.1 16.0 7.1 4.1
2011 29.3 16.1 8.4 4.8
2021 31.6 16.3 9.7 5.6
2031 33.6 16.4 10.9 6.3
Table 3.5
Annual Growth Rates of Employment for Greater Mumbai
Using the aggregate estimates and following the guidelines of the Committee, the
employment distribution was worked out considering the following development
Scenario 1.
2. In addition, the growth of Bandra – Kurla complex (i.e. census section 48)
has been considered by increasing the employment figures to 75,000 in
2006, 1,000,00 in 2011 and 2,00,000 in 2031.
3. Also the growth in Andheri (E) i.e. MIDC & SEEPZ (i.e. census section 55)
has been considered by increasing the employment to 190,000 by 2031
and implementing a reduction of 16,000 in Mahul, Trombay, Govandi,
Vadavali Borla Mankhurd & Mandala (i.e. census section 80).
Scenario 2
3. Also the growth in Andheri (E) i.e. MIDC & SEEPZ (i.e. census section 55)
has been considered by increasing the employment to 190,000 by 2031
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Final Report Versova - Andheri - Ghatkopar Corridor
Chapter 3 – Traffic Forecast
In order to design the vehicle ownership variable and to use it in modeling of the
trip ends of the base year (2003), the vehicle ownership data for Greater Mumbai
was used. Table 3.6 presents this data from 1981 to 2002 for Greater Mumbai.
Table 3.6
Private Vehicle Ownership in Greater Mumbai
Y = S/ (1 + a e – bt)
was used for the vehicle ownership data. The analysis was based on the
assumption that the vehicle ownership would reach a saturation level of 150
veh/1000 population eventually. The estimates of vehicle ownership obtained for
the years, 2011, 2021 and 2031 are given in Table 3.7.
Table 3.7
Projected Vehicle Ownership in Greater Mumbai
For estimation of the number of vehicles in each zone, the projected number of
private vehicles of each region were distributed to the zones of that region,
proportionately, based on the population and projected vehicles per 1000
population in that year.
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Final Report Versova - Andheri - Ghatkopar Corridor
Chapter 3 – Traffic Forecast
Separate trip and models were developed for public Transport, Private Vehicles
and IPT passenger using connected planning variables. Trip end models were
developed using stepwise multiple regression technique. The network for 1996
was further strengthened and incorporated in TRIPS.
The highway assignment has been carried out for peak hour preloading the
highway network with P H public transport flows. An equilibrium procedure based
on generalized cost was used in loading these matrices.
The rail flows assigned across the screen lines were compared with rail flows
projected by MRVC. In the case of road-based flows the assigned link flows for
all the screen lines were found to match within reasonable degrees of accuracy
with observed flows.
Trip Ends of internal passenger trips by all modes for the base year (2003) were
calculated from validated O-D matrices. These were developed using stepwise
linear regression technique for Trip production and Trip attraction. A Gravity Trip
Distribution model was calibrated for distributing the total passenger trips. The
Modal split parameters for Public Transport and private vehicle split were
estimated using the skims obtained from P T and Highway assignment.
The calibrated trip end equations were for the daily internal person trips were
applied on the projected planning variables for 2011, 2021 and 2031 to get the
future trip ends of internal daily person trips.
The O-D matrix of daily person trips thus obtained for the future was split into
public transport matrix (passenger trips) and daily private vehicle passenger trips,
using calibrated mode choice model.
The peak hour O-D matrix P T passenger trips was assigned to public transport
network, for BEST bus, suburban train and Metro plan. Similarly daily matrices of
private vehicle person trips were converted to Peak Hour O-D matrix in
passenger car units by applying appropriate factors. The truck peak hour PCU
matrix was loaded on to the preloaded network. The appropriate speed flow
relationships were used for this purpose.
The station to station link loading in both directions during peak hour for the years
2011, 2021 and 2031 are given in the Table 3.8 , below as per the traffic forecast
made at the time of preparation of Mumbai Metro Master Plan:
Table 3.8
Station – station Link Loads
Station Station 2011 2021 2031
To To To To To To
Versova Ghatkopar Versova Ghatkopar Versova Ghatkopar
Ghatkopar Asalpha 19511 24446 24816 28602 34144 38376
Asalpha Subhash 20235 24778 25646 29016 25501 39144
Subhash Saki 20243 24778 25653 29016 35515 39144
Nagar Naka
Saki Naka Marol 20889 25809 26944 30374 37264 40872
Marol Airport 23716 29225 31578 36270 42306 46615
Naka Road
Airport Chakala 23718 29219 31580 36256 42309 46600
Chakala WEH 24307 30484 33420 38691 44574 50085
WEH Andheri 24418 31126 33449 39316 44799 50912
Andheri Azad 12957 14831 17672 18904 21186 22542
Metro Nagar
Azad DN 4051 3341 5419 4403 7138 5580
Nagar Nagar
DN Versova 304 365 609 609 694 716
The traffic forecast on the Versova- Andheri – Ghatkopar corridor has been
described in the earlier paragraphs. As the MMRDA was of the view that it is
likely that this corridor alone will be functional at least in the year 2011 it is
necessary to forecast the traffic on the corridor on stand alone basis.
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Final Report Versova - Andheri - Ghatkopar Corridor
Chapter 3 – Traffic Forecast
The Master Plan estimates are slightly higher than those of the earlier studies of
SMART (1997) and CES update (2003). The main reason is that in our
methodology taking into account the element of “Discomfort in time units” as part
of generalized time. The discomfort values are based on the stated preference
surveys. The other governing factors for ridership forecast are population and
employment growth and distribution. These factors are largely dependant upon
the Government policies, attractiveness of Mumbai in general and growth of
surrounding influence / catchment areas around Versova _ Andheri – Ghatkopar
corridor. Also, there are other competing modes like BEST bus Service, Auto
rickshaws and Taxies, whose services offer greater penetration and accessibility
(almost door-to-door) as compared to fixed route and station controlled MRTS
system. Therefore the shift expected from these modes to Metro system may not
reach the values as assumed theoretically. Besides, any new system introduced
in existing urban scenario will require some time to settle and win commuter
confidence and entice them to reorganize their travel behavior.
Keeping in view the above uncertainty it is expected that ridership estimates will
be less than the model results. Such conservative estimates will also project
realistic economic / financial benefit and help to generate confidence in the BOOT
operators. For the purpose of DPR the loadings and PHPD flows are assumed to
be 50 % of the Master plan estimates in the year 2011 and 60% in the year 2021
and beyond. It is estimated that about 40% of reduction is because of discomfort
element , shift from competing modes, population and employment projection
short fall and initial time required to build up confidence in the users.
Another 10% reduction in the year 2011 is because of the fact that in that year
entire master plan corridors will not be in place. The traffic for intermediate years
have been estimated by interpolation. The peak hour link loading and
Boarding/Alighting figures are shown in Table 3.9 and 3.10 respectively.
Table 3.9
Proposed Peak Hour Link loadings on Versova- Andheri – Ghatkopar adopted for
Economic analysis & Station Planning
Table 3.10
Peak Hour Boarding and Alighting
(v) For the same capacity gross weight of a metro coach is lower for
Standard Gauge than for Broad Gauge. Standard Gauge rolling
(vi) Once technology for Standard Gauge coaches get absorbed and a
manufacturing base for them is set up in India, there will be
considerable export potential for the coaches, since almost all the
countries use Standard Gauge for their metros. This is not so in
case of Broad Gauge.
(vii) It is some time argued that adoption of Broad Gauge for metros
would enable inter-running of metro trains with Indian Railways
since the latter uses Broad Gauge. Inter-running is, however,
technically and / or operationally not feasible as the two systems
have different:
(viii) Track gauge is not a technical parameter for any metro rail system.
It is a planning parameter. This issue was also examined in
January 2000 by the Ministry of Law and Justice who had opined
that the choice of gauge is a matter which lies within the jurisdiction
of the metro rail organisation entrusted with the responsibility of
implementing and operating the metro systems.
From the above, it is seen that Standard Gauge will be cost-effective and
at the same time enable Mumbai Metro to be at par with world-class
metros and enable it to remain technically up-dated in future. Standard
Gauge will also enable setting up a manufacturing base for coaches
required for metros in other cities of the country as well create an export
potential for such coaches. Adoption of Standard Gauge is, therefore,
recommended for Mumbai Metro. A wider gauge is not justified for 3.2 m
wide coach and axle loads are as low as 17 ton for Standard Gauge
level of safety, reliability and comfort, with minimum noise and vibrations.
The track structure has been proposed keeping the above philosophy in
4.2.1 General
Two types of track structures are proposed for any Metro. The normal
ballasted track is suitable for At-Grade (surface) portion of Main Lines and
in Depot (except inside the Workshops, inspection lines and washing plant
lines. The ballastless track is recommended on Viaducts and inside
tunnels as the regular cleaning and replacement of ballast at such location
will not be possible. In case of Versova - Andheri - Ghatkopar corridor
even the depot is elevated, hence ballastless track is proposed for
adoption throughout.
The track will be laid with 1 in 20 canted rails and the wheel profile of
Rolling Stock should be compatible with the rail cant and rail profile.
Keeping in view the proposed axle load and the practices followed abroad,
it is proposed to adopt UIC-60 (60 kg. /m) rail section. Since on main
lines, sharp curves and steep gradients would be present, the grade of rail
on main lines should be 1080 Head Hardened as per IRS-T- 12-96. As
these rails are not manufactured in India at present, these are to be
imported. For the Depot lines, the grade of rails should be 880, which can
be easily manufactured indigenously.
4.2.5 Turnouts
ii) On Depot lines, 1 in 7 type turnout with a lead radius of 400 metres
and permissible speed on divergent track as 25 km/h (shown in
• The switch rail should be with thick web sections, having forged end
near heel of switch for easy connection with lead rails, behind the heel
of switch. The switches should have anti creep device at heel of
switch for minimising the additional LWR forces transmitted from
tongue rail to stock rail.
• The check rails should be with UIC-33 rail section without being
directly connected to the running rails.
On main lines and Depot lines, friction buffer stops with mechanical impact
absorption (non-hydraulic type) need to be provided. On elevated section
750V dc third rail system has been extensively used in metros and
more than 60% of existing metro systems in the world utilise 600-750V
dc third rail system. The system does not negate the aesthetics of the
city as it is laid alongside the track and also requires smaller tunnel
diameter for underground section compared to other systems. This
system has a technical limitation beyond a traffic level of 60,000
PHPDT on account of requirement of large number of traction sub-
stations and difficulty in differentiation between over-current and short-
circuit currents. Few recently commissioned Metro systems with 750V
dc third rail are Bangkok Transit System (1999), Athens Metro (2000),
Istanbul Metro (2001) and Tehran Metro (2000). All these are medium
capacity Metro systems designed for a traffic level up to 45000 PHPDT.
4.6.1 Introduction
The signaling system shall provide the means for an efficient train
control, ensuring safety in train movements. It assists in optimization of
metro infrastructure investment and running of efficient train services
on the network. Overview
a. Interlocking System:
The setting of the route and clearing of the signals will be done
by work station which can be either locally (at station) operated
or operated remotely from the Operation control Centre (OCC).
All the sections on the corridor is automatic signaling. Standards
Description Standards
Redundancy for TP/Train Future space provision for redundancy for Train born
Describer. equipments. Redundancy to be provided for ATS at OCC.
4.6.3 Specifications
Line Side Signalling and Train protection is the primary function of the
train control systems. This sub-system will be inherently capable of
achieving the following objectives in a fail-safe manner.
i) Train detection
ii) Train Protection
iii) Solid State Interlocking
iv) Signal and speed enforcement.
v) Brake assurance
vi) Interface with electrical sub-systems of the vehicle like brake
The defective card/ module / sub-system taken out from the section
shall be sent for diagnostic and repair to a centralised S&T repair lab
suitably located on the section. This lab will be equipped with
appropriate diagnostic and test equipments to rectify the faults and
undertake minor repairs. Cards / modules / equipments requiring major
repairs as specified in suppliers documents shall be sent to
manufacturer's workshop.
4.7.1 Introduction
4.7.2 Telecommunication Overview
SDH STM-1 155 Mbps based system shall be adopted with SDH
nodes at every station, OCC and depot. Access 2MB
multiplexing system will be adopted for the lower level at each
node, equipped for channel cards depending on the
requirement of channels in the network. Further small routers
and switches shall be provided for LAN network at station.
The frequency band for operation of the system will be that for
TETRA in 400/800 MHz band depending upon availability of
frequency. Instant mobile radio communication between the
motorman of the moving cars from any place and the Central
Control can be established. The motorman can also contact any
station in the network through the central control, besides
intimating the approaching trains about any emergency like
accident, fire, line blocked etc., thus improving safety
Radio Tower Standards
System Standards
Car Depot will be provided with a Mobile Radio Dispatcher System for
Depot/Yard communication connected from the central infrastructure at
the OCC, to provide communication from the Depot Control Room to
Mobile sets in the Cabs of the cars and hand held sets with the
maintenance personnel of the depot.
All the offices and the Maintenance installations at Car Depot will be
connected with EPABX telephones and will be fed from the nearest
The defective card/ module / sub-system taken out from the section
shall be sent for diagnostic and repair to a centralized S&T repair lab
suitably located on the section. This lab will be equipped with
appropriate diagnostic and test equipments to rectify the faults and
undertake minor repairs. Cards / modules / equipments requiring major
repairs as specified in suppliers documents shall be sent to
manufacturer's workshop.
4.8.1 Introduction
4.8.2 Standards
Common Smart Card based ticketing for both Suburban and Bus
systems is not proposed at this stage as this will require installation of
AFC system at all suburban stations and in buses also. A Clearing
House system will also be required for separation of revenue among
various operators. However, the proposed system has multioperator
capability and in future this will be possible to integrate various
transport providers and other agencies.
The required transport demand forecast is the governing factor for the
choice of the Rolling Stock. In a metro city like Mumbai, the forecasted
Peak Hour Peak Direction Traffic ( PHPDT ) precludes use of Light
Rail Vehicle. Considering the future expected population increase, the
use of Mass Rapid Transit Rail Vehicle of similar to DMRC has been
Table 6.4.1
Table 6.4.2
4.9.3 WEIGHT
The weights of motor cars and trailers are estimated as in Table 6.4.3,
referring to the experiences in Delhi Metro. The average passenger
weight has been taken as 60 kg.
Table 6.4.3
Weight of Mass Rail Vehicles (TONS)
TARE 42 42 42
(Normal) 9.8 10.7 10.7
(Crush) 16.9 18.4 18.4
(Normal) 51.8 52.7 52.7
(Crush) 58.9 60.4 60.4
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Draft Final Report Versova – Andheri - Ghatkopar Corridor
Ch. 4 – System Selection
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Draft Final Report Versova – Andheri - Ghatkopar Corridor
Chapter 4 – System Selection
Velocity ↑
Time →
Fig 4 - Simplified velocity – time operation curve
Necessary power for a train of about 239 t in gross weight to accelerate in 0.78
m/s2 at schedule speed of 32 Km/h, on a level and straight track would be about
1,450 KW.
Since the track on a viaduct could possibly be constructed with mild gradients
on a level and the traction motors could be operated with overload for a short
time, 8 traction motors with about 220 KW installed on a four car train would be
enough, even if the equivalent gradients on a curved section of track are
considered. It was also assessed that failure of one motor car in a train running
on a 4% and 5% grade having a R-100 curvature will still be giving sufficient
acceleration to the train to clear the section.
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Final Report Versova - Andheri - Ghatkopar Corridor
Chapter 4 – System Selection
The controlling criteria are reliability, low energy consumption, lightweight and
high efficiency leading to lower annualised cost of service. The coach should
have high rate of acceleration and deceleration.
The low life cycle cost is achieved by the way of reduced scheduled and
unscheduled maintenance and high reliability of the sub-systems. It is possible
to achieve these objectives by adopting suitable proven technologies. The
selection of following Technologies has been adopted to ensure low life cycle
In the past carbon high tensile steel was invariably used for car bodies.
In-fact almost all the coaches built by Indian Railways are of this type.
These steel bodied coaches need frequent painting and corrosion repairs
which may have to be carried out up to 4-5 times during the service life of
these coaches. It is now standard practice to adopt stainless steel or
aluminium. The car bodies with aluminium requires long and complex
extruded sections which are still not manufactured in India. Therefore
aluminium car body has not been considered for use. Stainless steel
sections are available in India and therefore Stainless steel car bodies
have been specified. No corrosion repair is necessary on stainless steel
cars during the service life of the cars.
The stainless steel car body leads to energy saving due to light weight. It
also results in cost saving due to easy maintenance and reduction of
repair cost from excellent anti corrosive properties as well as an
improvement of riding comfort and safety in case of crash or fire.
Austenitic stainless steel with yield point of 70kg/mm2 has been
recommended as in Delhi Metro. For coach design, buffing load of 80
Tones has been considered as it is a stand alone system .A design life of
30 years for coach has been recommended.
(II) Bogies
Bolsters less light weight bogies with rubber springs are now universally
adopted in metro cars. These bogies require less maintenance and
overhaul interval is also of the order of 4,20,000km. The use of air spring
at secondary stage is considered with a view to keep the floor level of the
cars constant irrespective of passenger loading unlike those with coil
spring. The perturbations from the track are also dampened inside the car
body on account of the secondary air spring along with suitable Vertical
Hydraulic Damper. The primary suspension system improves the curve
running performance by reducing lateral forces through application of
conical rubber spring. A smooth curving performance with better ride index
is being ensured by provision of above type of bogies
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Final Report Versova - Andheri - Ghatkopar Corridor
Chapter 4 – System Selection
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Final Report Versova - Andheri - Ghatkopar Corridor
Chapter 4 – System Selection
The regenerative braking will be the main brake power of the train and will
regain the maximum possible energy and pump it back to the system thus
fully utilise the advantage of 3 phase technology. The regenerative braking
should have air supplement control to bear the load of trailer car. In
addition , speed sensors mounted on each axle control the braking force
of the axles with anti skid valves, prompting re-adhesion in case of a skid
.The brake actuator shall operate either a tread brake or a wheel disc
brake .
In the field of Electric Rolling Stock, DC series traction motors have been
widely used due to its ideal characteristics and good controllability for
traction applications. But these required intensive maintenance because
of commutators and electro-mechanical contactors, resistors etc
The brush less 3 phase induction motors have now replaced the d.c.
series motors in traction applications. The induction motor, for the same
power output, is smaller and lighter in weight and ideally suited for rail
based Mass Rapid Transit applications. The motor tractive effort and
speed is regulated by ‘Variable Voltage and Variable frequency’ control
and can be programmed to suit the track profile and operating
requirements. Another advantage of 3 phase a.c. drive and VVVF control
is that regenerative braking can be introduced by lowering the frequency
and the voltage to reverse the power flow and to allow braking to very low
For Mumbai Mass Rapid Transit System, three phase AC traction drive
that are self ventilated, highly reliable, robust construction and back up by
slip/slid control have been recommended for adoption.
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Chapter 4 – System Selection
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Chapter 4 – System Selection
The inverter unit uses optical fiber cable to connect the control unit to the
gate interface. This optical l fiber cable transmits the gate signals to drive
the advanced IGBT via the gate interface. This optical fiber cable provide
electrical isolation between the advanced IGBT and the control unit and
are impervious to electrical interference. These are recommended for
adoption in Trains of Mumbai MRTS .
For swift evacuation of the passenger in short dwell period, four doors of
adequate width, on each side of the coach have been considered. These
doors shall be of such dimensions and location that all the passenger
inside the train are able to evacuate with in least possible time without
conflicting movement .As the alignment passes through elevated section
at 10 to 12 meters above ground, automatic door closing mechanism is
envisaged from consideration of passenger safety. Passenger doors are
controlled electrically by a switch in Driver cab. Electrically controlled door
operating mechanism has been preferred over pneumatically operated
door to avoid cases of air leakage and sluggish operation of doors.
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Chapter 4 – System Selection
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Chapter 4 – System Selection
The door shall be of Plug Swing Type as this has the advantage of being
flush with coach body when closed giving it a stream line look apart from
increasing the available space along width inside the coach.
With passenger loading of 6 persons/m2 for standee area and doors being
closed from consideration of safety and with windows being sealed type to
avoid transmission of noise, the air conditioning of coaches has been
considered essential. Each coach shall be provided with two air
conditioning units capable of automatically controlling interior temperature
throughout the passenger area at 27 C with 65% RH at all times under
varying ambient condition up to full load. For emergency situations such
as power failure or both AC failure etc ventilation provision supplied from
battery will be made .Provision shall be made to shut off the fresh air
intake and re-circulate the internal air of the coach, during an emergency
condition , such as fire outside the train causing excessive heat and
smoke to be drawn in to the coach .
The modern stylish driver panel shall be FRP moulded which give
maximum comfort and easy accessibility of different monitoring
equipments to the driver along with clear visibility. The driver seat has
been provided at the left side of the cabin.
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Chapter 4 – System Selection
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Chapter 4 – System Selection
4.9.6 Communication
The driving cab of the cars are provided with continuous communication with
base Operational Control Center and station control for easy monitoring of the
individual train in all sections at all the time.
The train passes through heavily populated urban area .The noise and vibration
for a metro railway become an important criteria from public acceptance view
point. The source of noise are (i) rail-wheel interaction (ii) noise generated from
equipment like Blower, Compressor ,air conditioner, door , Inverter etc.(iii)
traction motor in running train .For elimination and reduction of noise following
feature are incorporated :-
The lower vibration level has been achieved by provision of bolster less type
bogies having secondary air spring.
(i) ATP
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Chapter 4 – System Selection
(ii) Fire
The rolling stock is provided with fire retarding materials having low fire
load, low heat release rate, low smoke and toxicity inside the cars. The
electric cables used are also normally low smoke zero halogen type which
ensures passenger safety in case of fire.
(iv) Gangways
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Chapter 4 – System Selection
Gauge 1435 m
Rake formation
DT = Trailer car with cab
MC = Motor Car
TC = Trailer Car
Minimum operational life 30 years
Curves and Grades
Min Horizontal curve
In Main line 100 m
In Depot 100m
Min curve Vertical 1500 m
Maximum Gradient
In main line 3%
In Depot 4%
Performance Parameters
Maximum Design speed 90 kmph
Maximum Operating speed 80 Kmph
Station Stoppage Time 30 Sec
Schedule speed 32 Kmph
Level of coasting 8%
Axle load 17 T
Traction 18%
Braking 16%
Acceleration 0.78 m/s/s ± 5%
Service braking rate 1.0m/s/s
Emergency braking rate 1.3m/s/s
Jerk rate 0.70±0.05m/s/s/s
Reliability No delay to service of 3 minutes or more,
and no premature withdrawal of a train
from service, shall occur in less than
40,000 km/train
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Chapter 4 – System Selection
Bogie wheel base 2400mm
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Chapter 4 – System Selection
Passenger weight 60 kg
Passenger weight DT(kg) 16920
Passenger weight MC(kg) 18420
Train weight in tare condition
4 car train 168
6 car train 252
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Final Report Versova - Andheri - Ghatkopar Corridor
Chapter 4 – System Selection
Communication system
Two way communication between OCC
and driver
Emergency passenger announcement
Simplex conversation between
passenger and driver
Conversation between both cabs
Automatic voice announcement system
Passenger information system
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Chapter 5 - Civil Engineering
Chapter 5.0
Civil Engineering
5.1.1 General
For maximum permissible speed on curve with various radii Table 5.1 may
be referred.
Horizontal curves
Transition curves
The existing roads also have frequent curves. For the Metro alignment,
which normally follows the median of the road, similar curves are introduced
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Chapter 5 - Civil Engineering
a) Elevated Sections
b) Gradients
c) Vertical Curves
The maximum sectional speed will be 80 km/h. However, the applied cant,
and length of transition will be decided in relation to normal speeds at
various locations, as determined by simulation studies of alignment, vertical
profile and station locations. Computerized train simulation studies need to
be conducted with proposed gradients at the time of detailed design stage.
This is with the objective of keeping down the wear on rails on curves to the
Table 5.1
Cant, Permitted speed and Minimum Transition length for various Curves
5.2.1 Introduction
In Mid 2003, MMRDA engaged DMRC to prepare a Master plan for a Metro
Rail System for the entire Greater Mumbai with horizon year as 2031. In this
plan, a total network of 146.5 kms consisting of seven corridors was
identified for implementation in three phases. The Master Plan incorporates
the extension of Ghatkopar - Andheri corridor to Versova. Total length of the
priority corridor is 11.51Km. Subsequently, MMRDA sought the services of
DMRC for preparation of detailed project report for the part of phase – I
corridors of the master plan (48.3km) as under:
In addition to the SMART study report and it’s CES update, MMRDA desired
to upgrade the feasibility study between Andheri - Ghatkopar to DPR level.
For this purpose the available data of Topographic survey handed
over by MMRDA has been used. As per scope of work,no fresh
surveys need to be carried out in the eastern segment. But, fresh
survey has been carried out in Golibar road area. However for Andheri -
Versova section, fresh surveys were carried out.
DP Road has been planned with almost no cutting of the hill though it
appears that Kadam road needs to be diverted. The road level of
the proposed DP Road near the Sarvodaya Hospital is such that
the metro alignment has to be kept very high on Golibar Road
and up to Ghatkopar Station. Thus, the longitudinal section of
the proposed D. P. Road needs to be reviewed.
As explained in the previous para, the center line of the proposed Andheri
metro station is assumed as 0.000. The center of the Andheri Metro station
is located at 9.83 m east of the inter section point of center lines of MV
Road & Andheri Station road.
a) Road Widening
The roads along which the alignment is proposed, are being widened
to their full Right of Way (ROW) as indicated in DP (Development
Plan) and are detailed below:
3 M.V.Road WEH to 36.60M No.W/42 of
/Andheri- Surodiya (120’00’’) K/East &
Kurla Road Chowk/Junction K/west Ward;
with Pipe Line
4 Andheri – Surodiya 45.7M No.W/43 of
Ghatkopar Chowk/Junction (150’00’’) K/East
Road with Pipe Line Ward;E/18 of
road to Junction N&L ward.
with DP Road
5 DP Road Subhash Nagar 45.7M(150’00’’) E/18 of N&L
to Sarvodaya ward; E/21 of
Hospital N&L ward.
6 Golibar Up to Junction 18.30M(60’00’’) E/22 of N
Road with LBS Marg ward.
7 Hira Chand Junction with 18.30M(60’00’’) E/22 of N
Desai LBS Marg to ward.
Marg Ghatkopar
The roads along which the alignment is proposed are being widened
to their full Right of Way (ROW) as indicated in DP (Development
Plan) sheets.
it continues on Golibar road and crosses the Lal Bahadur Shastry Marg and
terminates at Ghatkopar Railway station on Hirachand Desai Marg. Length
of the eastern segment is 7.860 Kms and is abutted by mixed land use viz.
Residential, Commercial and Institutional. The roads along which alignment
is proposed have different ROW as indicated in earlier.
Airport Connection
in DPR. However, the link may not be beneficial & viable as very few
potential users will be attracted to this link since, the metro trains are not
planned for carrying heavy baggages with the passengers & from
international Airport normally carry.
The airport station is proposed as a side platform with single platform line
and the second line has been proposed for stabling. The cost estimate for
the same has been given in the DPR.
This stretch of the alignment has six curves out of which two curves
are with radius less than 300M. One station i.e., Saki Naka at
Km.E4.696 is located on the center of the Andheri – Kurla road and
at a distance of 130 m East of Saki Naka Junction.
This portion the alignment runs along the center of the Andheri-
Ghatkopar road and this stretch has three curves with radius 300 m
and above. Subhash Nagar station is located at Km E6.046.
After taking off from the DP road, the alignment follows the Golibar
Road and crosses LBS Marg and then follows the center of the Hira
Chand Desai Marg up to Ghatkopar Railway station. The Ghatkopar
metro station is located at Km E 7.786.
The alignment crosses Western Railway tracks in elevation and follows the
J.P.Road, up to it’s terminal at Versova. The entire alignment has been
planned as elevated. The J.P Road is almost straight except at few
locations. The corridor road is abutted by mixed land use viz. Residential,
Commercial and Institutional. The proposed ROW of this road is 27.45 M
and the road is being widened to its full ROW under MUIP road widening
scheme. A total of three stations are located on this alignment. Out of the
three stations, two are located on the center of the road and one is located
away from the center of the road (but within the ROW) due to site
constraints. MRTS corridor from Colaba to Charkop would cross each other
at the junction of J.P Road with New Link road. The North - South corridor
would cross the East – West corridor in double elevation. A maintenance
depot offering facilities for minor repairs and stabling is being planned
North-East of this junction. Length of the western segment is 3.210Kms.The
alignment at different stretches is detailed as below:
This stretch of the alignment lies in railway portion and is straight and
crosses the western railway tracks in skew. This includes the
crossing of W. Rly tracks. The alternative studied are described
a) Crossing of Western Railway Tracks Near Andheri
Railway Station.
121.2m and 270 m on the either end are provided with no straight
portion in between. The alignment is mostly on the middle of road.
Between Km. W1.692 and Km. W2.927, the road is almost straight.
However only one curve with a radius of 7000 m is provided and the
alignment is located on the center of the road. The N-S alignment
(Colaba - Charkop) crosses, the alignment at Km.W2.056. Both the
alignments are being elevated, the N-S corridor will be crossing the E
– W corridor in double elevation. As a multi-level station is not
possible at this location of crossing , due to site constraints, the
stations are being planned in L shape with common concourse. Just
after the D.N.Nagar station towards Versova, on the northern side of
the alignment, an open land of about 12.25 Hectares (350mX 350m)
is available. This land would be suitable for locating a maintenance
depot with stabling & workshop facilities.
The seven Bungalows bus depot is located north of J.P Road in this
location and the western terminal of the metro named as ` Versova ,
is located at Km. W 3.139 towards north of the J.P.Road. Due to the
site constraints, the alignment here is little away from the central
verge, and the road here requires realignment.
The take off for the depot is at chainage Km E2.970. A third line is
necessary from this point to the Versova station for providing
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Chapter 5 - Civil Engineering
a) Western terminal :
b) Eastern Terminal :
Depot Location
In the feasibility study one of the alternative for depot location has been
shown at the Godrej land which is North – East of the Ghatkopar Station by
the side of Andheri – Ghatkopar link road. The alignment for this depot
takes off after Asalpha Road station and goes on the middle of the D P
Road. The alignment crosses the Lal Bahadur Shastri Marg and moves on
Andheri – Ghatkopar link road. Further, it goes on the northern side of the
road over bridge to cross the central railway tracks and moves into the
depot location. It is proposed that the depot at this location to be on the
In case this route is not to be served for passengers services, a single line
for depot connection is sufficient. However, for emergency it is proposed to
provide double line on this section also. The route length is about 1.625 Km.
No station has been proposed on this section as this alternative is only for
operational requirement. However this alternative will result in perpetually
higher operation cost due to ideal running of all trains from depot to the
main line.
The alignment from East - West traverses along few major roads as
indicated in Table 5.3. The major roads across the alignment are shown in
Table 5.4.
Table 5.5
Existing Road Profile - Eastern Segment
W 0.230 – E 0.491
I 1.15 RISE 12.33
II E 0.491 – E 0.566 1.41 FALL 15.82
III E 0.566 – E 0.816 LEVEL 15.33
IV E 0.816 – E 0.1416 1.54 RISE 20.15
Mathura Dass Vasanji Road
I E 1.416 – E 1.641 0.20 RISE 24.98
II E 1.641 – E 2.016 2.30 FALL 20.90
III E 2.016 – E 2.866 0.31 FALL 15.25
Andheri – Kurla Road
I E 2.866 – E 3.841 0.21 FALL 12.92
II E 3.841 – E 4.366 0.51 FALL 10.56
Andheri – Ghatkopar Road
I E 4.366 – E 5.091 0.31 RISE 10.37
II E 5.091 – E 5.741 0.82 RISE 14.17
III E 5.741 – E 6.366 2.36 RISE 24.22
IV E 6.366 – E 6.591 3.12 FALL 25.07
V E 6.591 – E 6.966 4.54 RISE 31.17
VI E 6.966 – E 7.216 6.87 FALL 32.21
Hirachand Desai Road
I E 7.216 – E 7.806 2.45 FALL 13.42
Table 5.6
Existing Road Profile - Western Segment
S. Road Levels
Chainage (Km.) Grade (%)
No. (Avg.)
Jai Prakash Road/Versova Road
I W 3.700 – W 3.659 4.91 FALL 7.34
II W 3.659 – W 3.409 1.0 FALL 4.83
III W 3.409 – W 1.809 LEVEL 3.70
IV W 1.809 – W 1.534 0.17 RISE 4.09
V W 1.534 – W 1.184 LEVEL 4.32
VI W 1.184 – W 0.230 0.41 RISE 6.26
Due to these reasons the gradient along the proposed alignment also varies
and at few locations exceeds 2%. At one location i.e. while crossing
Western Express Highway, a gradient of 3.2% is provided.
To avoid very tall piers, L section between Subhash Nagar and Ghatkopar
has been modified so that the tallest pier is about 12 to 13 m high. In this
proposal the alignment passes below the viaduct at D P Road at Chainage
E 7200 / E 7250 (D P Road level may have to be raised by 1 m). However
this required cutting of hill by about 10.5 m. This will require protection work
for D P Road viaduct.
The Vertical profile (gradient list) of Eastern Segment & Western Segment is
given in Table 5.7 & Table 5.8 respectively.
Table 5.7
Table 5.8
Vertical Alignment - Western Segment
5.2.10 Curvature
There are many sharp turns and curves along the roads. This necessitates
provision of curves for metro alignment also to keep the same at the median
of the roads. The radius of curves is kept as low as 100 m to reduce the
property acquisition. About 42.76% of the length of the alignment is on
curves on eastern segment and about 45.68% of the length of the alignment
is on curves on western segment. The details of curves on Eastern segment
& Western segment are given Table 5.9 & Table 5.10 respectively.
W 14.48 E 0.52 E 61.83 E 76.83 2000 15 61.31 107.19
E 184.02 E 199.02 E 228.21 E 243.21 2700 15 29.20 151.13
E 394.34 E 409.34 E 472.77 E 487.77 2000 15 63.43 127.93
E 615.71 E 625.71 E 676.01 E 686.01 4000 10 50.31 382.98
E 1069.00 E 1124.00 E 1266.27 E 1321.27 400 55 142.28 59.09
E 1380.37 E 1420.37 E 1563.68 E 1603.68 500 40 143.31 29.64
E 1633.31 E 1663.31 E 1701.35 E 1731.35 750 30 38.04 137.56
E 1868.91 E 1908.91 E 1989.05 E 2029.05 500 40 80.14 128.36
E 2157.41 E 2167.41 E 2203.03 E 2213.03 3500 10 35.62 59.50
E 2272.53 E 2287.53 E 2354.72 E 2369.72 2500 15 67.19 174.64
E 2544.35 E 2559.35 E 2584.80 E 2599.80 2000 15 25.44 166.04
E 2765.84 E 2795.84 E 2828.45 E 2858.45 800 30 32.61 381.76
E 3240.21 E 3250.21 E 3278.00 E 3288.00 3000 10 27.78 442.58
E 3730.57 E 3785.57 E 3816.65 E 3871.65 270 55 31.07 73.53
E 3945.17 E 4000.17 E 4195.99 E 4251.00 300 55 195.82 78.33
E 4329.33 E 4339.33 E 4371.51 E 4381.51 4000 10 32.18 86.23
E 4467.74 E 4522.74 E 4557.16 E 4612.16 250 55 34.42 62.45
E 4674.61 E 4699.61 E 4798.02 E 4823.02 1000 25 98.41 66.58
E 4889.60 E 4919.60 E 4950.25 E 4980.25 800 30 30.65 74.54
E 5054.79 E 5109.79 E 5148.77 E 5203.77 300 55 38.98 252.78
E 5456.55 E 5511.55 E 5637.27 E 5692.27 400 55 125.73 355.55
E 6047.82 E 6062.82 E 6107.79 E 6122.79 2500 15 44.97 149.78
E 6272.57 E 6327.57 E 6362.10 E 6417.10 252 55 34.53 NIL
E 6417.10 E 6472.13 E 6501.32 E 6556.32 185 55 29.19 NIL
E 6556.32 E 6596.37 E 6622.20 E 6662.20 706 40 25.83 273.20
E 6935.40 E 6990.40 E 7023.66 E 7078.66 225 55 33.26 103.15
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Chapter 5 - Civil Engineering
TABLE 5.10
W 3584.54 W 3549.54 W 3518.85 W 3483.85 650 35 30.69 38.54
W 3445.32 W 3420.32 W 3385.25 W 3360.25 1168 25 35.07 NIL
W 3360.24 W 3305.24 W 3249.59 W 3194.59 150 55 55.66 68.02
W 3126.56 W 3101.56 W 3045.18 W 3020.18 1100 25 56.39 NIL
W 3020.16 W 2990.16 W 2955.89 W 2925.89 898 30 34.28 1067.60
W 1858.28 W 1848.28 W 1818.43 W 1808.43 7000 10 29.85 115.50
W 1692.92 W 1637.92 W 1595.79 W 1540.79 457 55 42.13 NIL
W 1540.78 W 1485.78 W 1459.26 W 1404.26 425 55 26.53 25.07
W 1379.18 W 1369.18 W 1329.96 W 1319.96 3000 10 39.22 66.36
W 1253.60 W 1238.60 W 1208.62 W 1193.62 2500 15 29.98 83.17
W 1110.45 W 1055.45 W 858.83 W 803.83 275 55 196.63 NIL
W 803.75 W 748.75 W 714.43 W 659.43 121 55 34.33 83.01
W 576.42 W 546.42 W 521.21 W 491.21 930 30 25.21 65.74
W 425.47 W 395.47 W 364.95 W 334.95 900 30 30.52 79.53
W 255.43 W 245.43 W 211.03 W 201.03 5000 10 34.40 186.55
W 14.48 E 0.52 E 61.83 E 76.83 2000 15 61.31 107.19
Versova – Andheri – Ghatkopar corridor does not have any stabling facility
at its east end. A maintenance depot offering facilities for minor repairs,
stabling and rake interchange between the two corridors has been planned
North-West of the proposed D.N.Nagar metro station, which has direct
approach from the J.P.road.
Stations on the Line
The proposed Versova-Andheri-Ghatkopar MRTS corridor runs eastwards
from Versova to Ghatkopar via D N Nagar, Azad Nagar, Andheri, WEH,
Chakala, Airport Road, Marol Naka, Saki Naka, Subhash Nagar, and Asalpha
covering a distance of approximately 11-kms from centre of Versova station to
Ghatkopar Station.
D N Nagar
Airport Road
Marol Naka
Saki Naka
Subhash Nagar
Arabian Sea
Santa Cruz
Other considerations
• Urban Design Impact (including to adjoining properties)
• A distinctive corporate image
• Provision of potential links to parking facilities
• Provision of potential links to adjoining properties and footbridges
• Safeguards to pedestrians and adjoining properties from noise and air
• Traffic safety on the roads
• No decrease in pedestrian utility at footpath level
All the elevated stations have been planned along side platforms. Care has
been taken to locate stations on straight alignment only. However, in some
stations, site constraints have become the deciding criteria and a curve of
1000-m radius has been introduced.
The sequence of stations along with their respective chainages, site and
platform characteristics are presented in the Table 5.3.1.
Bus terminal in Seven Bungalows View of the catchment Narrow right of way
area available at station
Avinash Bungalows
Apartments Bus Depot
Press Colony
Ratan Nagar
View of the Jay Prakash Road-Andheri Link Road Intersection at Indian Oil Open space on the
Nagar north west of the
The station would act as interchange station between the two proposed East
West and North South MRTS corridors. Station would cater to DN Nagar,
Indian Oil Nagar, New LIC Colony, Madhuban Colony and MHADA Colony
Phase I. Catchment area of the station may extend to Shanti Nagar and
Bahadurgarh Colony. (Refer fig 5.3.5)
Figure 5.3.5: Proposed D N Nagar Station Area Development Plan
Proposed Interchange
station along North South
Sports Parking
View of existing Flyover on Western Express View of the catchment Space available at
Highway area station location in
front of Petrol Pump
Wide right of way available at station location Station Location View of the
besides the Andheri catchment area
Kurla Road
Space available besides the right of way at station location View of the catchment
View of busy Saki Naka (Datta Samant Chowk) View of the Wide right of way
catchment area available at station
View of the available space at station location along Andheri Ghatkopar Road
View ofHirachand View overlooking the GhatKopar Suburban View of the catchment
Desai Road Railway Station area
ED 12m
J. V
31.84 5
10. The DG set, bore well pump houses, ground tank for fire fighting and pump
houses would be located in one area on ground.
11. The system is being designed to inimize its attraction to potential
passengers and the following criteria have been observed:
• Minimum distance of travel to and from the platform and between
platforms for transfer between lines.
• Adequate capacity for passenger movements.
• Convenience, including good signage relating to circulation and
• Safety and security, including a high level of protection against
accidents. Typical Elevated Station- (Refer Drg. No. 5.3.26) The station is
generally located on the road median. Total length of the station is ~135-m. All
the stations are two-level stations. The concourse is concentrated in a width of
about 90-m in the middle of the station, with staircases leading from either side
of the road. Passenger facilities like ticketing, information, etc as well as
operational areas are provided at the concourse level. Typically, the concourse
is divided into public and non-public zones. The non-public zone or the
restricted zone contains station operational areas such as Station Control
Room, Station Master’s Office, Waiting Room, Meeting Room, UPS & Battery
Room, Signalling Room, Train Crew Room & Supervisor’s Office, Security
Room, Station Store Room, Staff Toilets, etc. The public zone is further
divided into paid and unpaid areas.
Since the station is generally in the middle of the road, minimum vertical
clearance of 5.5-m has been provided under the concourse. Concourse floor
level about 6.5-m above the road. Consequently, platforms are at a level of
about 12.5-m from the road. To reduce physical and visual impact of the
elevated station, stations have been made narrow towards the ends.
With respect to its spatial quality, an elevated MRT structure makes a great
impact on the viewer as compared to an At-grade station. The positive
dimension of this impact has been accentuated to enhance the acceptability of
an elevated station and the above ground section of tracks. Structures that
afford maximum transparency and are light looking have been envisaged. A
slim and ultra-modern concrete form is proposed, as they would look both
compatible and modern high-rise environment as well as the lesser-built, low-
rise developments along some parts of the corridor.
Platform roofs that can invariably make a structure look heavy; have been
proposed to be of steel frame with aluminium cladding to achieve a light look.
Platforms would be protected from the elements by providing an overhang of
the roof. In order to allow unhindered traffic movement below the stations,
portals across the road have been proposed in the concourse part, over which
the station structure would rest. The rest of the station structure is supported
on a single column, which lies unobtrusively on the central verge.
design capacity. At least two ticketing gates shall be provided at any station
even if the design requirement is satisfied with only one gate. Uniform space
has been provided in all stations where gates can be installed as and when
required. Stairs, Escalators and Lifts for Normal and Emergency Operations-
Provision has been made for escalators in the paid area i.e. from concourse to
platforms. On each platform, one escalator has been proposed. In addition,
two staircases with a combined width of 6-m is provided on each Side platform
connecting to the concourse. These stairs and escalator together provide an
escape capacity adequate to evacuate passengers in emergency from
platforms to concourse in 5.5 minutes. While calculating the waiting
passengers on the platform in emergency, 2 missed headways are assumed
and the train arriving is assumed to be carrying peak section load. Lifts have
been provided one each on either platform, to provide access for elderly and
disabled. Since the rise from road to concourse is about 6.5-m, it is proposed
to provide escalators and lifts in addition to stairs for vertical movement of
passengers from street to concourse.
Table 5.3.3
(Projections for Year 2031)
Station Daily Peak Total Ticketing Ticket Stairs Lifts Escalators
Traffic Minute Peak Gates Counters Width Provided Provided At
Boarding Minute (in m) At Each Each
Traffic on Each Station Station
Including Platform G to C to G to C to P
Alighting C P C
1. Versova 5810 6 12 2 1 6.00 1 2 2 2
2. D N Nagar 58470 52 117 3 3 6.00 1 2 2 2
3. Azad 6.00 1 2 2 2
Nagar 184630 207 369 9 9
4. Andheri 287230 329 574 13 14 8.00 1 2 2 2
5. WEH 59930 55 120 3 3 6.00 1 2 2 2
6. Chakala 78040 72 156 4 3 6.00 1 2 2 2
7. Airport 6.00 1 2 2 2
Road 70 0 0 2 1
8. Marol Naka 70900 66 142 4 3 6.00 1 2 2 2
9. Saki naka 61020 52 122 3 3 6.00 1 2 2 2
10. Subhash 6.00 1 2 2 2
Nagar 70 0 0 2 1
11. Asalpha 6.00 1 2 2 2
Road 9550 13 19 2 1
12. Ghatkopar 381850 339 764 17 14 8.00 2 4 2 4
Note: G- ground/ street level, C- concourse level, P- platform level
Traffic and transport integration facilities are provided for two different types of
It is seen from the above table that interchange with buses and IPT modes is
required at all the stations, Park and Ride facility has also been made at all
stations except Andheri and Ghatkopar, where land is acutely short and about
90% of the metro traffic is expected to be generated through interchange with
western and central railway respectively.
The segmental construction has been chosen mainly due to the following
Pre-Cast Construction
spans (c/c of pier) comprises of 28.0m, 31.0m, 22.0m, 19.0m & 16.0m,
which shall be made by removing/adding usual segments of 3.0m each
from the center of the span. Depth of the superstructure is so chosen that
top of flange of U-Channel will be used as a evacuation walkway in an
For major crossing having spans greater than 40.0m, special units
normally of 3 –span construction or steel girders have been envisaged. Substructure
The orientation and dimensions of the piers for the continuous units or
steel girder (simply supported span) have to be carefully selected to
ensure minimum occupation at ground level traffic. Since the vertical and
horizontal loads will vary from pier to pier, this will be catered to by
selecting the appropriate structural dimensions.
U-girder segments shall be match cast at the casting yard before being
transported to location and erected in position. Post-tensioned cables
shall be threaded in-situ and tensioned from one end. It is emphasized
that for precast segmental construction only one-end prestressing shall be
The Contractor shall be responsible for the proper handling, lifting, storing,
transporting and erection of all segments so that they may be placed in
the structure without damage. Segments shall be maintained in an upright
position at all times and shall be stored, lifted and/or moved in a manner to
prevent torsion and other undue stress. Members shall be lifted, hoisted
or stored with lifting devices approved on the shop drawings.
The purpose of the epoxy joint, which is about 1mm on each mating
surface, shall be to serve as lubricant during segment positioning, to
provide waterproofing of the joints for durability in service conditions and
to provide a seal to avoid cross-over of grout during grouting of one cable
into other ducts. for the station portion will also be similar to that of viaduct
and will be carried out in the same manner. However, there will be single
viaduct column in the station area, which will be located on the median
and supporting the concourse girders by a cantilever arm so as to
eliminate the columns on right of way.
Once the Corporation is formed, the Corporation has to take action for
appointment of consultant for Project Management and proof checking
including preparation of tender documents. Simultaneously, action is also
to be taken for detailed design for structures for elevated corridors.
a) Location- The proposed corridor starts in the east at Ghatkopar Rly. Stn.
on Hira Chand Desai Marg and runs along Golibar Road/V.B.Phadke
Marg DP Road, Andheri-Ghatkopar Road, Andheri- Kurla Road,
Mathurdas Vasanji Road, Jay Prakash Road up to Versova near Seven
bungalows bus depot in the West. The site is accessible by all modes of
surface transport for all seasons, excepting the DP road under
construction through Aslapha village at present.
5.5.2 Seismicity-Mumbai lies in seismic zone IV. Suitable seismic coefficient may
be adopted in the design of structures to commensurate with the Indian
Standard seismic zoning of the country IS.1893-1984 which is under revision
after the occurrence of Gujarat Earthquake in January’ 2001.
This proposed corridor of the Mumbai MRTS is from section of Metro rail has
to cover a corridor from Ghatkopar to Versova via Andheri. As stated earlier,
the GT investigations have been carried out afresh for the western segment
i.e., from Andheri to Versova and the GT investigation data already available
with MMRDA has been collected and presented in the following paras. The
details of boreholes along the corridor are shown in Table 5.5.1
Table 5.5.1
5.5.4 Engineering Design Parameters- Based upon investigation done and the
analysis made thereafter, following design parameters have been finalized as
discussed in the subsequent paras.
Table 5.5.2
fresh BRECCIA/
I Road material & Backfill - -
SM-SC, SP-SC, Medium dense to
II Silty Sand S5
SM, SC dense
III Silty Sand SP-SC, SM Very dense D3
IV Sandy Clay - Soft D2,S6
Medium stiff to
V Silty Clay CH S1,S4,S7
Silty Sandy Clay with
VI CH, CI Very stiff to hard S2,S5
Completely weathered
Highly to moderately
VIII weathered SANDSTONE/ - - D2,D3
Keeping in view the type of the proposed structure and the subsoil strata, the
length of pile should be 10 to 30m as the piles are to be socketted in rock.
Piles transmit foundation loads through soil strata of low bearing capacity to
deeper soil having a higher bearing capacity value. Piles carry loads as a
combination of side friction and point bearing resistance.
Piles are suitable due to the following specific advantages over spread
footings/raft foundation:
• Completely non-displacement.
• Carry the heavy superstructure loads into or through a soil stratum. Both
vertical and lateral loads may be involved.
• Controls settlements when spread footing/raft foundation is on a marginal
• Can resist uplift, or overturning.
• Applicable for a wide variety of soil conditions.
Table 5.5.3
(Western Segment)
Minimum pile
Bore hole
length required Pile capacity (in T)
BGL (in m)
For Dia 1.0 m For Dia 1.20 m for Dia 1.50 m
JP-1 10 314 452 707
JP-2 12 314 452 707
JP-3 12 314 452 707
JP-4 13 314 452 707
JP-5 12 314 452 707
JP-6 11 236 339 530
JP-7 18 314 452 707
JP-8 20 314 452 707
In the geo-technical investigation data obtained from MMRDA for the eastern
segment, vertical load carrying capacity of the pile foundations is not available.
Only, bore logs are given. The load carrying capacity can be worked out if the
soil properties & soil test results are available. However the bore log details
indicate that the strata does not vary much and pile foundations can be
5.6.1 Introduction
Besides the details of various aspects e.g. transport demand analysis, route
alignment, station locations, system design, viaduct structure, geo-technical
investigations etc. as brought out in previous chapters, there are a number of other
engineering items, which are required to be considered in sufficient details before
really deciding on taking up any infrastructure project of such magnitude.
Accordingly, following engineering items have been studied and described in this
The proposed corridor starts in the east at Ghatkopar Rly. station on Hira Chand
Desai Marg and runs along Golibar Road/V.B.Phadke Marg DP Road ,Andheri-
Ghatkopar Road, Andheri- Kurla Road, Mathurdas Vasanji Road ,Jay Prakash Road
up to Versova near Seven bungalows bus depot in the West.
The consultants have carried collected details of various utilities from concerned
organisations directly for the western segment of the corridor i.e., from Versova to
Andheri Rly. station. For the eastern segment, i.e., from Ghatkopar Rly. station to
Andheri Rly. station, details of utilities collected by MMRDA through their agencies
for various projects have been adopted
Large number of sub-surface, surface and over head utility services viz. sewers,
water mains, storm water drains, telephone cables, O.H electrical transmission lines,
electric poles, traffic signals, etc. are existing along the proposed alignment. These
utility services are essential and have to be maintained in working order during
different stages of construction, by temporary/permanent diversions or by supporting
in position. Since these may affect construction and project implementation time
schedule/costs, for which necessary planning/action needs to be initiated in advance.
Table 5.6.1
5.6.4 Assessment of the type and location of underground utilities running along and
across the proposed route alignment between Ghatkopar Station and Versova has
been undertaken with the help of data available with MMRDA and also with
concerned authorities, who generally maintain plans and data of such utility
services. Particulars of main utilities i.e. trunk and main sewers/drainage conduits,
water mains, OH & UG Electric cable, Telecom cable etc. have been marked on
alignment plans.
While planning for diversion of underground utility services viz. sewer lines, water
pipelines, cables, etc., during construction of MRTS alignment, following guidelines
have been adopted:
• Utility services have to be kept operational during the entire construction period
and after completion of project. All proposals should therefore, ensure their
uninterrupted functioning.
• The elevated viaduct does not pose much of a difficulty in negotiating the
underground utility services, especially those running across the alignment. The
utilities infringing at pier location can be easily diverted away from the pile cap
• In case a major utility is running along/across the alignment which cannot be
diverted or the diversion of which is difficult, time consuming and uneconomical ,
the spanning arrangement of the viaduct and layout of piles in the foundation
may be suitably adjusted to ensure that no foundation needs be constructed at
the location, where utility is crossing the proposed alignment. The utility service
can also be encased within the foundation piles. In this corridor, the alignment is almost on the center of the road except near
Versova station due to site constraints. However, the Versova station and
alignment in this stretch are within the ROW. The sewer/drainage lines generally
exist in the service lanes i.e. away from main carriageway. However, in certain
stretches, these have come near the central verge or under main carriageway, as
a result of subsequent road widening. major sewer/drainage lines and water mains running across the alignment and
likely to be affected due to location of column foundations are proposed to be
taken care of by relocating on column supports of viaduct by change in span or by
suitably adjusting the layout of pile foundations. Where, this is not feasible, lines
will be suitably diverted. Provision has been made in the project cost estimate
towards diversion of utility service lines. Details of sewer lines and storm water
drains affected in elevated stretch along with their diversion proposals are
indicated in Table 5.6.2. Similarly, details of affected water pipe lines in this
stretch are indicated in Table 5.6.3.
Table 5.6.2
“A” Sewer/SWD lines to be diverted away from pier location.
“B” Suitably locate the pier/change the pile layout to avoid
Table 5.6.3
13 E 920-E 1065 145X2 9 mm dia. C.I. Along
14 12 mm dia. C.I. A
E 920-E 1065 145 Along
15 E 920-E 1065 145 6 mm dia. C.I Along
16 E 920-E 1065 145 24 mm dia. C.I. Along
E 2207-E A
17 145X2 9 mm dia. C.I. Along
E 2207-E A
18 145 6 mm dia. C.I Along
E 2207-E 12 mm dia. C.I. A
19 145 Along
E 2207-E A
20 145 24 mm dia. C.I. Along
E 2941-E A
21 145 6 mm dia. C.I Along
E 2941-E A
22 145 12 mm dia. C.I. Along
S. Chainage Type & Diameter wrt
Affected Length Location
No. (in mm) Alignmen
(in m)
E 2941-E A
23 145 18 mm dia. C.I. Along
E 3588-E A
24E 145 6 mm dia. C.I Along
E 3588-E A
25 145 12 mm dia. C.I. Along
E 3588-E A
26 145 18 mm dia. C.I. Along
E 1280-E A
27 7X2 9 mm dia. C.I. Along
E 1280-E A
28 7 24 mm dia. C.I. Along
E 1305-E A
29 7 24 mm dia. C.I. Along
E 1305-E A
30 7X2 9 mm dia. C.I. Along
E 1330-E A
31 7X2 9 mm dia. C.I. Along
E 1330-E A
32 7 24 mm dia. C.I. Along
E 1456-E A
33 7X2 9 mm dia. C.I. Along
E 1456-E A
34 7 24 mm dia. C.I. Along
E 1386-E A
35 7X2 9 mm dia. C.I. Along
E 1386-E A
36 7 48 mm dia. C.I. Along
E 1386-E A
37 7 24 mm dia. C.I. Along
E 1416-E A
38 7 24 mm dia. C.I. Along
E 1416-E A
39 7 48 mm dia. C.I. Along
E 1416-E A
40 7X2 9 mm dia. C.I. Along
E 4427-E A
41 7 12 mm dia. C.I. Along
E 4452-E A
42 7 12 mm dia. C.I. Along
E 4476-E A
43 7 12 mm dia. C.I. Along
E 4501-E A
7 12 mm dia. C.I. Along
44 4508
45 E-906 9 9 mm dia. C.I. Across
46 E-2553 9 57 mm dia. C.I. Across
47 E-2553 9 96 mm dia. C.I. Across
48 E-3148 9 12 mm dia. C.I. Across
S. Chainage Type & Diameter wrt
Affected Length Location
No. (in mm) Alignmen
(in m)
49 E-3387 9 12 mm dia. C.I. Across
“A” Water Pipe lines to be diverted away from pier location.
“B” Suitably locate the pier/change the pile layout to avoid diversion.
There are few gas pipe lines with varying diameters belonging to Mahanagar gas
Limited, Mumbai are running along and across the roads along which the metro
alignment is proposed . Though, the alignment is planned almost along the center
of the road en-route, few pipelines running across & along the alignment are likely
to be affected by the alignment as detailed below in Table 5.6.4. All these pipelines
are placed at a depth of about 1 Met below the ground.
Table 5.6.4
S. Length Position wrt Diversion
No. (in m) Alignment proposal
10 E-3067 15 Across A
S. Length Position wrt Diversion
No. (in m) Alignment proposal
13 E-3613 22 Across A
17 E-394 9 Across B
18 E-2627 5 Across B
19 E-3740 4 Across B
20 E-4250 6 Across B
“A” Gas Pipe lines to be diverted away from pier location.
“B” Suitably locate the pier/change the pile layout to avoid diversion.
The alignment being elevated , to avoid diversion of pipelines running across the
alignment, necessary span adjustments are to be made . The pipelines running
along the proposed alignment needs to be diverted at few stretches. At the time of
project execution, the pipe line authorities should be contacted for necessary
diversions and sufficient care should be taken to ensure their safety . ground utilities namely street light poles, traffic signal posts,
telecommunication posts, junction boxes, etc. are also required to be shifted and
relocated suitably during construction, since these will be interfering with the
proposed alignment. Approximate numbers of affected lamp/ telecome/elec. Posts
& boxes are indicated in Table 5.6.5.
Table 5.6.5
Table 5.6.6
Table 5.6.7(a)
S. Chainage Affected Position wrt Diversion
No. Length Alignment proposal
(in m)
14 E -2221 20 Across B
25 E -4195 9 Across B
26 E -4288 9 Across B
28 E-80 9 Across B
30 E-374 9 Across B
33 E -2357 9 Across B
37 E -3572 9 Across B
38 E -4060 9 Across B
39 E -4101 9 Across B
40 E -4102 9 Across B
22 KV
S. No. Chainage Affected Position wrt Diversion
Length Alignment proposal
(in m)
19 E-2332 17 Across B
20 E-2358 9 Across B
21 E-2380 9 Across B
TABLE 5.6.7(b)
8 E-1702 9 Across B
5.6.11 At several places, telecom cables of MTNL / TATA Tele Services are also
running along & across the proposed alignment in underground position. The likely
affected such cables are indicated in Table 5.6.8 & Table 5.6.9 respectively.
Table 5.6.8
S. Chainage Affected Position wrt Diversion
No. Length Alignment Proposal
(in m)
Table 5.6.9
Western Segment
1 W2.6007 OFC 25.00 ACROSS
2 W2.2645 - W2.0539 4-OFC IN DUCT 210.00 ALONG
3 W1.4559 - W1.2539 4-OFC IN DUCT 202.00 ALONG
4 W0.4619 - W0.2419 4-OFC IN DUCT 220 ALONG
5 W0.3649 - W0.2419 4-OFC IN DUCT 148 ALONG
Eastern Segment
1 E 1.055 4-OFC IN DUCT 11 Across
2 E 1.560 4-OFC IN DUCT 11 Across
3 E 0.223 4-OFC IN DUCT 11M Across B
Detailed proposals for tackling these lines needs to be prepared in consultation with
the concerned agencies. However, Tentative provision has been made in cost
5.7 LAND
The normal viaduct structure of elevated Metro is about 10 m (edge to edge) wide.
Ideally the required right of way is 10m. However, for reasons of safety a clean
marginal distance / setback of about 5 m is necessary from either edge of the viaduct
(or 10 m on both sides of the center line) wherein no structures are to be located.
This is necessary as the traction system is overhead 25 kV ac system with masts
fixed on the parapets. Also, it ensures road access ands working space all along the
viaduct for working of emergency equipments and fire brigade.
As explained in the earlier chapters the D. P. widths of the roads along which the
Metro alignment is passing are more than 20 m except at the following stretches.
(i) Part of J. P. Road to the west of Andheri Metro Station (west of W. Rly. tracks)
where D. P. width is 18.4 m and
a) to set back the building beyond 10 m from the centre as and when the
redevelopment proposals are received.
b) to adopt, suitable measures like, screening/covering to mitigate the effects
of MRTS system on the structures/people where the clearanceis less than
5m from the station building.
c) Similarly, for safety reasons a belt of 5 m on either side of the station
building is required where in no structures are allowed. If the clearance to
any structure is less than 5 m, efforts should be made to acquire that
building or suitable measures like, screening/covering to mitigate the
effects of MRTS system on the structures/people are to be adopted.
The alignment has been planned with a presumption all roads will be widened to D.
P. width under MUIP and as such no land acquisition cost is involved for right of way.
In view of the constraints on space on ground floor it is proposed to provide the
concourse area exactly below the Station Building at mezzanine level. All the
stations including terminal stations are planned with side platforms. Normally, the
ideal width required for station building is 28 m. Since, the width of the road where
most of the Stations are located is more than 28 m, no land acquisition is envisaged
for Stations. The staircase giving access to concourse area from ground will be
located on the footpaths at the edge. Some constraints are observed at the station
buildings at Andheri and Ghatkopar. The situation is very tight particularly at
Ghatkopar where ROW is 18.4 m and building to building space is 22 to 27 m. As a
special case the Station Building width is restricted to 20 m at Ghatkopar & attempt is
made to locate the staircases within the marginal space available.
Table 5.7.1
Station Location Proposed (in sqm)
Open area behind the metro
1. Versova 803
2. D N Nagar Under elevated station concourse 1,655
3. Azad Nagar Open space in A.H. Wadia School 2,323
4. Andheri Under elevated station concourse 84
5. WEH Open space close to station 1,755
6. Chakala - DO - 452
7. Airport Road - DO - 322
8. Marol Naka - DO - 571
Plots are identified for providing parking requirements. However, it was indicated that
acquisition of land at all the proposed location may not be possible. So it is
suggested that the land may be acquired to the extent possible. Hence, cost of this
land has been indicated separately.
Two sites for locating the proposed depot were examined. One was at Vikhroli, from
the large vacant plot owned by M/s Godrej and which is reserved for “Exibition
Grounds” in the D. P. Total area of the land is about 20 hectares. Other large open
plot is available near the junction of J. P. Road and Link Road near D. N. Nagar. The
available land area is about 12.25 hectares. It is reserved as “Sewage Disposal
Plant” in the Development Plan. We are of the view that the location near D. N.
Nagar is more appropriate and is recommended. However the land at exhibition
ground is to be acquired for future use.
5.7.6 Land for Traction and Received Sub station and Radio Towers
Two RSSs are proposed to be located for this corridor . One in D. N. Nagar depot
area and another at Marol Naka station. An area of 550 sqm (22X25) has been
earmarked at each location. Similarly, two radio towers are also being proposed to
be located at these locations occupying an area of 100 sqm (10 m X 10 m) for each
radio tower.
The ROW of the roads in eastern segment of the alignment is sufficiently wide
excepting near Ghatkopar station. As the alignment is located on the center of the
road, no land is required for station building etc., excepting few space for station,
traffic integration purposes.
In case of western segment the, the proposed ROW is only 27.45m . Hence at
several places due to curves etc., some land is proposed for acquisition required for
station buildings, running section etc.
The details of land permanently required for eastern & western segments are given in
Table 5.7.2 & 5.7.3 respectively. The areas identified for acquisition are shown in
Figs.5.7.1 to 5.7.12(enclosed).
In the stretch between Km.E7.290 and Km. E7.455, for about a length of 165m, the
alignment is located off the Golibar Road, away from Sarvodaya hospital. To avoid
demolition of important structures a sharp curve of 100m radius is provided. This
stretch is passes through private land adjoining the Golibar Road and involves
acquisition of about 0.33Ha(165mX20m)of private land on permanent basis. Further,
Detailed Project Report for Phase-I Corridors of Mumbai MRTS 80 / 88
Final Report Versova - Andheri - Ghatkopar Corridor
Chapter 5 – Civil Engineering
a narrow strip of land lying between the existing Golibar road and the alignment will
become redundant. Hence it is proposed to re-align this stretch of Golibar road along
the metro alignment with increased ROW, if necessary and the present Goilibar road
area can be utilized for rehabilitation of affected people. Hence, permanent land
acquisition is not proposed for this stretch. The cost of road re-alignment &
rehabilitation has been taken care of in the project cost estimate. A detailed road re-
alignment plan will be prepared after, reviewing the DP road alignment at this place.
Table 5.7.2
Land Proposed
S. No. Plot No Location Area in Sqm owner ship Land Use
Vacant facilities &
space/abandoned Traffic
1 STANP1 Andheri Station bldg. 945 Pvt Integration
facilities &
5 STE8P1 Ghatkopar Res. Built-up 284 Pvt Integration
6 STE8P2 Ghatkoper Com.Buit-up 266 Pvt -DO-
Vacant - Maintenance
7 Godrej Land Commercial 200000 Pvt Depot
Total 202810
Note :
1. ST- Station ; E-Eastern ; W-Western; AN – Andheri; P- Plot; CD – Construction
depot; DP- Maintenance Depot; PD – Property development ;RS-Running Section;
2. STE1P1- Plot NO.1 for 1st eastern station (E1) i.e., WEH Station
Table 5.7.3
Vacant space in
side of Sports
14 STW1P15 - DO- Club(Recreational) 63 Govt. - DO- TDR
Vacant space in To maintain
D.N.Nagar front of Residential safe
15 STW2P1 Station Bldg. 597 Pvt clearance TDR
Vacant space in
front of Commercial
16 STW2P2 - DO- shops 190 Pvt - DO- TDR
17 STW2P3 - DO- Nursery 271 Pvt - DO- TDR
Note :
2. STW1P1- Plot NO.1 for 1st Western station (w1) i.e., Azad Nagar the area of land being acquired permanently at most of the stations is just
sufficiently limited, the land required for construction depots purpose is identified
separately, in the vicinity of the stations on temporary acquisition basis. The areas
proposed for such purpose in eastern & western segments are indicated in Table
5.7.4 & 5.7.5 respectively. These sites will be obtained on lease temporarily for the
construction period. After completion of construction, these will be handed over
back to the land owning agency.
Table 5.7.4
Land Utilization
Area in Land
S. No. Plot No Location During Remarks
Sq.m Owner ship
Construction depot
1 CDAN Open space of W.Rly 2100 Govt. Temp.Acquisition
for Andheri station
Open space close to WEH Construction depot
2 CDE1 1755 Pvt. Comm -Do-
station for WEH station
Construction depot @ Chakala Construction depot
3 CDE2 1435 Pvt. Comm -Do-
station for Chakala station
Construction depot
Open space close to Airport
4 CDE3 1670 for Airport Road Pvt. Comm -Do-
Road station
Segment casting
5 CDE3A Open space near Sahar airport 50000 Govt. -Do-
Construction depot
Open space close to Marol
6 CDE4 2130 for Marol Naka Pvt. Comm -Do-
Naka station
Construction depot
Open space close to Saki
7 CDE5 2400 for Saki Naka Pvt. Comm -Do-
Naka station
Construction depot Not available. To
Open space close to Subash
8 CDE6 0 for Subash Nagar Pvt. Comm be identified the
Nagar station
station time of execution
Construction depot
Open space close to Asalpha
9 CDE7 1837 for Asalpha Road Pvt. Comm
Road station
Construction depot Not available. To
Open space close to
10 CDE8 0 for Ghatkopar Metro Pvt. Comm be identified the
Ghatkopar Metro station
station time of execution
Total 63327
Govt. 52100
Pvt.Comm 11227
Table 5.7.5
Land Utilization
Area in Land
S. No. Plot No Location During Remarks
Sq.m owner ship
Proposed for
Construction depot
acquisition for
1 CD1W1 Open space in School 2530 @ Azad Nagar Govt.
2 CD1W1 Open space in Sports club 744 -Do- Govt. -Do-
Proposed for
Construction depot Permanent
Land Identified for Maintenance
3 CDW2 3000 @ D.N.Nagar Govt. acquisition for
Station maintenance
Proposed for
Open area behind Seven Construction depot acquisition for
4 CDW3 4000 Govt.
Bungalows Bus depot @ Versova Station Property
Total 10274
Note: Since the construction depots are proposed in the plots proposed for permanent acquisition, separate
land acquisition is not required.
In fact, for a corridor of this length, one yard is sufficient but due to the physical
obstruction i.e., W. Rly. tracks it is suggested to provide separate casting yards
for Western segment & Eastern Segment.
For Western segment, it can be located in the land identified for maintenance
depot at D. N. Nagar. For Eastern segment, the vacant land available near Sahar
Airport can be taken as lease/ temporary acquisition basis during construction
Stn.entry/ exit,Traffic
Integration, Maintenance
2 122804 532 312 NIL NIL NIL 2217
depot, RSS, Radio Tower etc.
in WESTERN Segment
Construction Depots , Casting
3 NIL NIL NIL NIL 11227 52100 NIL yard etc. in EASTERN
Since, located in the locations
4 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL proposed for permanent
Total 124033 202113 312 0 11227 52100 2217
Grand Total 326458(32.64Ha) 63327(6.33Ha) 2217
The project involves relocation of few shops, commercial cum residential buildings
and hutments along the alignment as discussed in Chapter 10.0. Compensation for
relocation of these affected structures shall be paid and it has been considered in the
project cost estimate. The alignment has been so chosen, that it remains mostly
within the government land. However, between Andheri & Azad Nagar station and
between Versova Station & dead end of the alignment. Some private land would be
required for acquisition due to limited right of way.
Like most rail-based mass urban transport systems, this line also, though financially
unviable, is economically attractive and needs financial structuring to make it
financially viable, as well. Development and commercial utilisation of land and air
space along/close to this transport system and its facilities are therefore, considered
essential to supplement financial resources for construction and operation of the
1. Versova metro station- The Property development will be done in the air space of
the area proposed for acquisition towards traffic integration at Versova station. The
area will be about 2000Sqm.
Property development and its transfer can be under taken by MMRDA either by
themselves or in collaboration with a builder/developer. Since it involves not only
heavy financial investment but also real estate expertise and risk, it is considered
better to undertake this activity in collaboration with some established
builder/developer of repute on pre-agreed terms regarding individual responsibilities
and various related financial aspects. of Builder/Developer
After selection of property development sites, taking over the land and obtaining
preliminary clearances including usage, FAR, ground coverage, height and other
basic controls, MMRDA may short list a number of property developers/builders
(Indians and Foreigners).
MMRDA may award the right to develop/build and sell the property on its land to a
collaborator through a process of short listing followed by open competitive bidding.
The bidder who offers highest up-front premium and most attractive terms and time
frame may be awarded the work. The builder may book/sell the proposed property to
purchasers as the building activity proceeds. The builder/developer will pay MMRDA
specific amount of sums on pre-agreed time frame and back his promise by bank
For the purpose of assessing power demand for the proposed commercial
development along the corridor, it has been considered that specific power demand
will be about 200-W/m2 of built-up area. This power shall be availed from the
respective nearby distribution sub-stations.
The land identified for depot at DN Nagar is limited and the approach ramp for
ascending /descending the alignment from elevated position to ground and then to
elevated position is not available. If, such a ramp is located on JP road, it would block
the cross roads and occupies more space on ground and becomes a physical barrier
on JP Road for the developments on either side. Hence, the depot is proposed in
elevated position.
In the depot, the track and it’s related facilities are planned in elevation position.
Other facilities such as material store, staff office, water tanks etc. are planned at
grade. Due to the supporting structural arrangement of the elevated depot, the
feasibility of utilizing the ground portion can be ascertained only after detailed design
of the depot. The inter corridor link between East-West & North- South corridors
would occupy some space above the depot. The rail level in the depot will be about
12m above the ground level and the inter-corridor link line will be at a height of about
20m form the existing ground level. Hence, space above 25m from the ground level
will be available for commercial exploitation, subjected to prevailing building bye-laws
in terms of FAR/FSI etc.
Chapter 6
This report covers following aspects of D N Nagar depot based on the details at
Annexure-I: -
• Conceptual design and layout of Stabling Shed, Inspection shed, minor repairs
and cleaning of Rolling Stock.
• This report provides conceptual design and will only work as a guide for detailed
design later.
¾ Labour intensive procedures will be kept to the minimum. More automation with
state of the art machinery to ensure quality with reliability.
¾ Multi skilling of the Maintenance staff to ensure quality and productivity in their
The D N Nagar Depot is planned at an elevated level as space for providing ramp is
not available to construct the depot at ground level. A two level depot is providing in
Bangkok also. The Stabling Shed, Inspection Shed, Blow Down Plant, Interior
Cleaning Plant, Automatic Washing Plant, Emergency Building, Tower Wagon Shed,
ETU Workshop are planned on the deck. Some auxiliary buildings are proposed at
ground level under the Deck. These buildings will be DCOS Store, Time &Security
Offices, Light Vehicle parking area, Depot Substation, Canteen, Workshop Manager
Office & P. Way Office. Material Transfer Lift is planned for transfer of materials from
ground to deck & vice versa. Balance space can be used for housing of staff &
property development. The depot layout is indicated in Fig. 6.1.
D N Nagar Depot will be used for stabling of Rolling Stocks , their cleaning
,inspections and minor repairs. These Rakes will be operational on Versova-Andheri-
Ghatkopar section of Mumbai MRTS.
For major repairs, IOH, POH and wheel reprofiling works, the mothershed workshop
located at the end of NS Corridor at MITHCHOWKI is to be used by transferring rakes
through Rake Transfer Line.
The following maintenance schedule has been envisaged for conceptual design of
depot assuming 350 km of running per train per day.
The Metro trains are maintained to a high degree of cleanliness and therefore needs
the following schedules
The rake induction and withdrawal to open line will be primarily from the stabling shed.
Movement from depot to the open line is so planned that the headway of open line is
not affected. Simultaneous receipt and dispatch of trains from depot to open line is not
feasible in the present site constraint. Either of the two activities will be done
effectively without effecting the train operation on the main line. The stabling as well
as the Inspection lines would be interlocked with the open line thereby induction of
train from the stabling and Inspection lines would be safe and without loss of time.
There would be transfer track on the incoming line to facilitate the placement of rake
in the depot by Operation Control Centre (OCC) even though the further path inside
the depot is not clear.
An emergency line will be provided from which an emergency rescue vehicle may be
dispatched to open line in the event of emergency if necessary.
As per Annexure –I, taking into consideration the rake requirement (which is 20
rakes) on this corridor for the horizon year 2031, 11 rakes shall be stabled in the
stabling shed, 2 rakes will be under inspection in Inspection shed, 1 in the Interior
Cleaning Plant for maintenance and 4 rakes shall be stabled at the termination
stations. 2 rakes will be engaged in its heavy repair and maintenance in the
Workshop. So, a minimum of 11 stabling lines will suffice the requirements.
The scheduled inspections shall be carried out during the day off peak and night. One
& half inspection lines are used for weekly/15 days schedule per day for 3 rakes. So in
7 days 21 rakes are checked on 1 & ½ lines. ’B’ & ‘C’ check requires half the day, so
½ inspection line is for “B”&”C” check. ½ Inspection line will be used for 20 rakes “B” &
“C” check. And this ½ line is vacant for 25 days. So, a minimum of 2 inspection lines
are planned.
Following facilities shall be provided to include the ability to carry out the inspection, of
the following equipments of rolling stock fleet:
• Electrical components;
• Electronics; PA/ PIS
• Mechanical components;
• Batteries;
• Rolling stock air conditioning;
• Brake modules;
• Bogie; traction motor
• Vehicle doors, windows and internal fittings.
Each of Inspection shed lines will be able to cater one rake during the day’s off peak
and one at night time when all the rakes return to the depot. Following are the design
calculations of for the Inspection shed line requirements.
An Inspection shed consisting of two lines & one bay in between the lines of 160m x
15m is planned for the depot. The Inspection shed bay will have two inspection lines
with sunken floor. The floor will be sunken by 1100mm. The centerline of both the
tracks will be 8000mm apart. The centerline of tracks would be at a distance of
3500mm from the columns of shed. Roof Inspection platforms supported on the
columns shall be provided. There would be lighting below the rail level to facilitate the
under frame inspection. 415V 3 phase 50 Hz, 230V 1 phase 50 Hz AC supply and
pneumatic supply shall also be made available on each inspection shed columns.
In the yard 11 number 6-car length-stabling lines are planned at D N Nagar Depot.
Two (2) rakes would be housed in the inspection shed. The length of 6 cars Rolling
Stock is approx 133.88m. Stabling lines are designed for 160m lengths or more to
cater for provision of the friction buffer stops and the signaling interlocking needs,
assuming the speed of the Rolling Stock in the depot to be 25 kmph. It is
recommended to cover the stabling lines.
Provision is made for Rolling Stock exterior surfaces to be washed using a fully
automated Train Washing System, with a throughput capacity of approximately six
trains per hour. This shall be accommodated in the 30m x 10m area. As per the site
constraints, direct entry of train from Train Wash Plant to the stabling shed is not
possible. This movement would be through Z Shunting.
Monthly heavy Cleaning of interior walls, floors, seats, windows glasses etc, outside
heavy Cleaning, Front/ rear Face, Vestibule/ Buffer area, outside walls and roof shall
be done manually in the interior cleaning plant. Outside Heavy Cleaning Rolling Stock
is in 30 days maintenance schedule, requiring 3hrs for 1 rake.
The standby power supply is proposed through DG set with AMF panel. The capacity
of DG set will be adequate to supply all essential loads without over loading. This will
also be housed in the Substation.
In house facilities such as tube wells shall be developed or sufficient supply from BMC
to be ensured for the water supply of the entire depot cum workshop. Sewerage,
storm water drainage shall be given due care while designing the depot for efficient
system functioning. Past records of Municipal Corporation shall be used to design the
drainage system. Rainwater harvesting would be given due emphasis to charge the
under ground reserves.
This workshop will have two lines - one will be at floor level and the other will have a
sunken floor same as the Inspection line in the Inspection shed. The latter line will be
used for unscheduled attention of Rolling Stock.
Vehicles like diesel locomotive, electric tractor, tower wagons etc shall be housed and
given required inspection attention on the former floor level line. This Unscheduled
workshop will be built adjacent to the Inspection shed. However for the heavy lifting
needs, these vehicles may be taken to main workshop.
There shall be provision of 2 no. of watch towers for the vigilance of depot activities.
The shed and buildings normally provided in the depot with their sizes and brief
functions are indicated in Annexure-II. Some of these buildings are not depicted on
the layout drawing. At the detailed design stage depending upon the land availability,
the decision to have these buildings can be taken. These can then be architecturally
and functionally grouped.
Requirement of major plants and machinery, which are vital for operational needs, is
given in Annexure-III. Total cost incurred in Machines & Plants will be approximately
Rs. 40 Cr.
Width 3200mm
Height 4118mm
2 Coach construction Lightweight stainless steel body
Sun shade roof 160 x 57m For stabling 11 rakes of 6 cars each.
2. DCOS Stores & 42.5 x 42.5m (i) Stocking of spares for regular &
Offices emergency requirement including
consumable items.
(ii) This store caters for the
requirement of depot for rolling
including stock & other disciplines.
(iii) To be provided with computerized
inventory control.
Goods Platform Loading/ Unloading of material received
with Ramp by road.
3. Elect. Substation 25x22 m To cater for normal and emergency
power supply for depot, workshop,
service and all other ancillary buildings,
Essential power supply for essential
loads and security light.
4. ETU Shed 80 x 30 m Stabling and routine maintenance of
cum (partly shunting engine, tower wagon etc. &
Traction repair double Traction maintenance depot
depot & storey) For maintenance of lifts / escalators and
E&M repair other General service works.
5. Cycle & Scooter 25 x 6 m To park cycles and Scooter
6 Auto Coach 30 x10 m For automatic washing of coaches
washing plant washing apron is for collection of
7 Washing Apron 140x 6.5m Dripping water and its proper drainage.
8 Blow down plant 31 x 14m
10. P. Way Office, 80 x 20m For Track maintenance
11. Security office & 15 x 8m For security personnel.
Time Office For time Punching
Garages (4 Nos) Approx 6 x For parking vehicle jeep, truck etc.
2 Some of the buildings like stabling shed; security office etc shall be pre-
engineered structure. The decision in this regard may be taken at the detailed
design stage.
S No. Equipment
Under floor Pit wheel lathe withChip crusher and conveyor for lathe on pit.
&Winch capstan for under floor wheel lathe
Synchronized pit jacks for two car lifting consisting of 8 jack system with Mobile
lifting jacks-12& 15T
3 Turntable for bogies
4 Automatic Washing plant for Metro cars.
5 Diesel Shunting Engine
6 Electric bogie tractor for pulling cars and bogies inside workshop
Re-railing equipment consisting of rail cum road vehicle and associated jack
system etc
Cherry picker/ Snorkel. High lift platform type vehicle to rach viaduct and OHE
from road
9 Turn table for one car
10 Accommodation bogie 2 car sets for Metro Cars
11 Jib Crane
12 Mobile portal type A,B & Jib Crane,Mobilejib crane (overhang type)
13 Car body stands
14 Underframe & Bogie blowing plant
15 Vertical carousel storage system
16 Bogie cleaning plant
17 Rail fed Bogie wash plant
18 Ultrasonic cleaning tank
19 Ultrasonic machine for cleaning electronic equipment
20 Welding equipments (Mobilewelding, oxyacetelene, fixed arc welding)
Set of machine tools(one radial drilling machine, one universal milling machine,
21 two slide lathes, one panel sawing machine, one guillotine shears, one cutting
22 Mobile safety steps
23 Mobile lifting table
24 Work lift platform
25 Fork lift tractor
26 Pallet trucks
27 Minor equipment and collective tools
28 Electric and pneumatic tools
29 Measuring and testing equipment
30 Axle shaft inspection station
31 Tool kits
32 Floor cleaning machine
33 EMU battery charger
7.2 Stations
List of Stations Line-I
Varsova ' to Ghatkopar
Peak hour peak direction traffic demands (PHPDT) for different years
for the purpose of planning are indicated in the Table 7.2.
Peak hour peak direction traffic (PHPDT) Demand
2011 2021 2031
Varsova – Andheri - Ghatkopar Corridor 31126 39316 50912
Considering 60% traffic demand for stand 15563 23590 30547
alone section
Car composition adopted for year 2011, 2021 & 2031 is given in Fig
7.1 & 7.2
• Year 2011
• Year 2021
• Year 2031
Varsova – Andheri – Ghatkopar Corridor
Line - 1
Varsova to Ghatkopar Corridor
4 car train, Headway 4 min
Line - 1
Varsova to Ghatkopar Corridor
4 car train, Headway 4 min
Line - 1
Varsova to Ghatkopar Corridor
4 car train, Headway 4 min
a) The train operation plan provides for 5-minute headway during peak
hours and 15 minutes headway during lean hours to keep the
services attractive in the year 2011.
d) No, services are proposed between 00.00 hrs. to 5.00 hrs. which
are reserved for maintenance of infrastructure and rolling stock.
The number of trains proposed to be operated daily for each section for
the year 2021 and 2031 is presented in Table 7.8 & 7.9 respectively.
Hourly Distribution of Transport Capacity and Directional Split
( YEAR - 2011)
4 Car, 5 Minutes Headway
Hourly Distribution of Transport Capacity and Directional Split
( YEAR - 2021)
4 Car, 4 Minutes Headway
Hourly Distribution of Transport Capacity and Directional Split
( YEAR - 2031)
4 Car, 3 Minutes Headway
Hourly Train operation plan
( YEAR - 2011)
4 Car, 5 Minutes Headway
Hourly Train operation plan
( YEAR - 2021)
4 Car, 4 Minutes Headway
5 to 6 12 5 5
6 to 7 10 6 6
7 to 8 5 12 12
8 to 9 4 15 15
9 to 10 4 15 15
10 to 11 4 15 15
11 to12 5 12 12
12 to 13 10 6 6
13 to 14 10 6 6
14 to 15 10 6 6
15 to 16 10 6 6
16 to 17 5 12 12
17 to 18 4 15 15
18 to 19 4 15 15
19 to 20 4 15 15
20 to 21 5 12 12
21 to 22 6 10 10
22 to 23 10 6 6
23 to 24 12 5 5
Hourly Train operation plan
( YEAR - 2031)
4 Car, 3 Minutes Headway
TABLE 7.10
Hourly Capacity Provided
( YEAR - 2011)
4 Car, 5 Minutes Headway
Time of Day No of Trains per Hour PHPDT capacity
5 to 6 5 5890
6 to 7 6 7068
7 to 8 10 11780
8 to 9 12 14136
9 to 10 12 14136
10 to 11 12 14136
11 to12 10 11780
12 to 13 6 7068
13 to 14 6 7068
14 to 15 6 7068
15 to 16 6 7068
16 to 17 10 11780
17 to 18 12 14136
18 to 19 12 14136
19 to 20 12 14136
20 to 21 10 11780
21 to 22 6 7068
22 to 23 5 5890
23 to 24 4 4712
TABLE 7.11
Hourly Capacity Provided
( YEAR - 2021)
4 Car, 4 Minutes Headway
Time of Day No of Trains per Hour PHPDT capacity
5 to 6 5 5890
6 to 7 6 7068
7 to 8 12 14136
8 to 9 15 17670
9 to 10 15 17670
10 to 11 15 17670
11 to12 12 14136
12 to 13 6 7068
13 to 14 6 7068
14 to 15 6 7068
15 to 16 6 7068
16 to 17 12 14136
17 to 18 15 17670
18 to 19 15 17670
19 to 20 15 17670
20 to 21 12 14136
21 to 22 10 11780
22 to 23 6 7068
23 to 24 5 5890
TABLE 7.12
Hourly Capacity Provided
( YEAR - 2031)
4 Car, 3 Minutes Headway
Time of Day No of Trains per Hour PHPDT capacity
5 to 6 6 7068
6 to 7 10 11780
7 to 8 12 14136
8 to 9 15 17670
9 to 10 20 23560
10 to 11 15 17670
11 to12 12 14136
12 to 13 10 11780
13 to 14 10 11780
14 to 15 10 11780
15 to 16 10 11780
16 to 17 12 14136
17 to 18 15 17670
18 to 19 20 23560
19 to 20 15 17670
20 to 21 12 14136
21 to 22 10 11780
22 to 23 6 7068
23 to 24 6 7068
TABLE 7.13
Vehicle Kilometer
(I) Line 1-Varsova to Ghatkopar Corridor
Section Length 12 12 12
Assumptions -
Mumbai Metro
Table –7.14
Rake Requirement
LINE - 1 (Varsova-Andheri-Ghatkopar Corridor)
Year 2011
Max. Capacity PHPDT RESERVE Rakes
PHPDT capacity
demand available
Varsova-Andheri-Ghatcopar 12 18675.6 1178 14136 5 11 1 2 14 4 Car 56
Year 2021
Max. Capacity PHPDT RESERVE Rakes
PHPDT capacity
demand available
Varsova-Andheri-Ghatcopar 12 23589.6 1178 17670 4 13 1 2 16 4 Car 64
Year 2031
Max. Capacity PHPDT RESERVE Rakes
PHPDT capacity
demand available
Varsova-Andheri-Ghatcopar 12 30547.2 1178 23560 3 17 1 2 20 4 Car 80
Assumption: Schedule speed is taken as 32 kmph because of sharp curves and steep gradients and being !M+1T combination
Turn round time is taken as 6 min per trip
For estimation of cost per coach, cost of DMRC EMU has been taken
as reference because the coach planned for Mumbai Metro is of the
same size. For DMRC, 60 coaches have been imported and 180
coaches are planned for assembling / manufacturing in BEML,
Bangalore. Accordingly various venders for Electrical Systems, PA/PIS,
Air conditioner etc are being developed .It is expected that with little
investment BEML may become a Centre for assimilation of
technology for design & manufacture of modern metro rolling stock and
will be able to manufacture and supply coaches for future metros.
Accordingly cost for coaches of Mumbai metro has been worked out
assuming that certain sub-system and assemblies will be manufactured
indigenously in India and partial components will be imported. In case
coaches are to be imported the cost may vary. The cost estimate is
given in chapter 10.
Sr No. Equipment
Under floor Pit wheel lathe withChip crusher and conveyor for lathe on pit. &Winch capstan
1 for under floor wheel lathe
Synchronized pit jacks for two car lifting consisting of 8 jack system with Mobile lifting
2 jacks-12& 15T
3 Turntable for bogies
4 Automatic Washing plant for Metro cars.
5 Diesel Shunting Engine
6 Electric bogie tractor for pulling cars and bogies inside workshop
7 Re-railing equipment consisting of rail cum road vehicle and associated jack system etc
8 Cherry picker/ Snorkel. High lift platform type vehicle to rach viaduct and OHE from road
9 Turn table for one car
10 Accommodation bogie 2 car sets for Metro Cars
11 Jib Crane
12 Mobile portal type A,B & Jib Crane,Mobilejib crane (overhang type)
13 Car body stands
14 Underframe & Bogie blowing plant
15 Vertical carousel storage system
16 Bogie cleaning plant
17 Rail fed Bogie wash plant
18 Ultrasonic cleaning tank
19 Ultrasonic machine for cleaning electronic equipment
20 Welding equipments (Mobilewelding, oxyacetelene, fixed arc welding)
Set of machine tools(one radial drilling machine, one universal milling machine, two slide
21 lathes, one panel sawing machine, one guillotine shears, one cutting machine.
22 Mobile safety steps
23 Mobile lifting table
24 Work lift platform
25 Fork lift tractor
26 Pallet trucks
27 Minor equipment and collective tools
28 Electric and pneumatic tools
29 Measuring and testing equipment
30 Axle shaft inspection station
31 Tool kits
32 Floor cleaning machine
33 EMU battery charger
34 Battery Charger (for road vehicles)
35 Water de-mineralizing plant (Distillation plant)
36 Bearing puller & press
37 Road vehicles (pickup van/ truck)
38 Industrial furniture
39 Storage racks
40 High-pressure washing pump for front and rear end cleaning of cars.
Simulator with 3 degrees of freedon on motion for the modern rolling stock, to train the
41 drivers.
42 Cleaning booth for TM
43 Transformer oil purification plant
Keeping in view the train operation plan the demand of auxiliary and
traction power, power requirements projected for the year 2011, 2021 and
2031 are summarized in Table 8.1 below: -
Table 8.1
Power Demand Estimation (MVA)
Corridor Year
2011 2021 2031
Traction 7 9 12
Versova – Ghatkopar Auxiliary 6 8 9
section Total 13 17 21
The high voltage power supply network of Mumbai city was studied in
brief. The city has 220kV, 33/22kV and 11kV network to cater to various
types of demand in vicinity of the proposed corridor. Series of meetings
were held with M/s Reliance Energy Limited (Licensee of the area) to
finalise the Input Power Supply sources & Supply Voltage.
M/s Reliance indicated during discussions that their 33kV network is also
highly reliable and MRVC is also taking power at 33/22 kV for setting up
25kV Traction Sub-stations. Taking power at 220kV voltage level will not
be economical, when 33kV supply meets reliability requirements. Keeping
in view the reliability requirements, two 33/25kV Receiving Sub-stations
(one as stand by) are proposed to be set up (one at depot and other at
Marol Naka). This is an economical solution without compromising
reliability. Based on the discussions with Reliance Energy Ltd., it is
proposed to avail power supply for traction as well as auxiliary services
from the following grid sub-stations at 33kV voltage through cable feeders
as indicated in Table 8.2.
Table 8.2
Sources of Power Supply
S. Corridor Grid sub-station of Location of Approx.
No Reliance Energy RSS of length of
Ltd. Metro 33kV cables
(Input voltage) Authority
1. Versova Receiving Depot 1km.
Versova - sub-station (Double
Ghatkopar (220/33kV) circuit)
2. section Arrey Receiving sub- Marol Naka 3km.
station (220/33kV) (Double
Table 8.3
Power Demand projections for various sources
The 33kV power supply will be stepped down to 25kV single phase for
traction purpose at the two RSSs of metro authority and the 25kV traction
supply will be fed to the OHE at viaduct through cable feeders. The 33kV
power supply received directly from Reliance Energy RSS will be
distributed along the alignment through 33kV Ring main cable network for
feeding auxiliary loads (Refer power supply schematic drawings no.
BM/PS/GA/001/R0). These cables will be laid in dedicated ducts along the
viaduct. If one RSS trips on fault or input supply failure, train services can
be maintained from other RSS. A 25kV power supply link is proposed
between the Metro and Western Railway at Andheri SSP as shown in the
drawing. This link will be used to pull trains to various stations when both
the RSSs fail. However, in case of total grid failure, all trains may come to
a halt but station lighting & other essential services can be catered to by
stand-by DG sets. Therefore, while the proposed scheme is expected to
ensure adequate reliability, it would cater to emergency situations as well.
The 33kV cables will be laid through public pathways from Reliance
Energy Sub-stations to RSSs of Metro Authority. Each RSS shall be
provided with 2 nos. (one as standby) 33/25kV, 21.6 MVA single phase
traction transformers for feeding to traction loads, being the standard
design. This arrangement would also ensure that the system caters to
additional power supply requirements in case of likely extensions of the
corridors at either end. Depot RSS can also be used for feeding 25kV
traction supply to Charkop - Colaba corridor.
Indoor type 33kV switchgear and outdoor type 25kV switchgear is
proposed for each RSS to be located in approx. 50m x 50m (2500 sq. m)
land plot. Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS), though requires less space
(approximately half) & reduced maintenance, is not proposed because of
high capital cost.
33kV and 25kV switchgear shall be rated for 1250 A, being standard
design. 33kV cable ring network shall be adequately rated to transfer
requisite auxiliary power during normal as well as emergency situations
and accordingly 3 core x 200 mm2 copper conductor XLPE insulated 33kV
cable is proposed for ring main network.
Adequate number of cables are required for transfer of traction power from
Metro’s RSS to 25kV OHE. Single-phase XLPE insulated cables with
240mm2 copper conductor are proposed for traction power. Based on
current requirements, 2 cables are required for each of the four circuits to
feed power to OHE.
In the unlikely event of simultaneous tripping of all the input power sources
or grid failure, the power supply to stations as well as to trains will be
interrupted. It is, therefore, proposed to provide a standby DG set of 100
KVA capacity at the stations to cater to the following essential services:
Silent type DG sets with low noise levels are proposed, which do not
require a separate room for installation.
The entire system of power supply (receiving, traction & auxiliary supply)
shall be monitored and controlled from a centralized Operation Control
Centre (OCC) through SCADA system. Modern SCADA system with
intelligent remote terminal units (RTUs) shall be provided. Optical fibre
provided for telecommunications will be used as communication carrier for
SCADA system.
(i) Modern rolling stock with 3-phase VVVF drive and lightweight
stainless steel coaches has been proposed, which has the benefits
of low specific energy consumption and almost unity power factor.
(ii) Rolling stock has regeneration features and it is expected that 30%
of total traction energy will be regenerated and fed back to 25kV ac
OHE to be consumed by nearby trains.
(iii) Effective utilization of natural light is proposed. In addition, the
lighting system of the stations will be provided with different circuits
(33%, 66% & 100% of load) and the relevant circuits can be
switched on based on the requirements (day or night, operation or
maintenance hours etc).
(iv) Machine-room less type lifts with gearless drive have been
proposed with 3-phase VVVF drive. These lifts are highly energy
(v) The proposed heavy-duty public services escalators will be
provided with 3-phase VVVF drive, which is energy efficient &
improves the power factor. Further, the escalators will be provided
with infrared sensors to automatically reduce the speed (to idling
speed) when not being used by passengers.
(vi) The latest state of art and energy efficient electrical equipment (e.g.
transformers, motors, light fittings etc) have been incorporated in
the system design.
(vii) Efficient energy management is possible with proposed modern
SCADA system by way of maximum demand (MD) and power factor
Annexxure 8.1
Chapter – 9
The main aim of the study is to ascertain the existing baseline conditions and
assess the impacts of all the factors as a result of the proposed corridor
during its operation and construction in phases. The changes likely to occur in
different components of the environment viz. Natural Physical Resources,
Natural Ecological (or Biological) Resources, Human/Economic Development
Resources (Human use values), Quality of life values (socio-economics),
would be studied and assessed to a high degree of accuracy. The area of
study include Hydrology, Surface Water Quality, Air Quality, Soils, Noise,
Geology, Socio- economics, archaeological /historical monuments etc.
The information presented in this section stems from various sources such as
reports, field surveys and monitoring. Majority of data on water quality,
vegetation, and air and noise quality was collected during field studies in
June 2004 & September 2004. This data has been further utilized to assess
the incremental impact if any due to the project. The development /
compilation of environmental baseline data is essential to assess the impact
on environment due to the project. The study area is the metro corridor from
Versova to Ghatkopar.
Mumbai has a tropical savanna climate; mean humidity ranges between 57-
87 per cent. The annual mean temperature is 25.3oC rising to a monthly
maximum of 34.5oC in June and with a minimum of 14.3oC in January. Total
annual mean precipitation is 2,078 mm with 34 per cent (709 mm) falling in
the month of July. Due to the summer monsoons, maximum sunshine occurs
in winter (291 hours in January). In the winter the predominant wind direction
is northerly (NW-NE). However, in the monsoon season westerly and
southerly winds predominate. There is virtually always a sea breeze during
the day with mean wind speeds between 5-8 km/hour.
Table 9.1
Parameter Sample Locations
Near Sea water Near
Andheri sample at Sarvodaya
station Varsova Hospital
s area
1 Total Suspended 5.6 3.8 421.2 3.9
Solids (mg/l)
2 BOD (mg/l) ND ND 21 <2
3 pH 8.14 7.68 7.85 8.1
4 Chloride, Cl (mg/l) 144 35.96 16000 167.83
5 Total dissolved 449 288.94 27009 692.4
solids (mg/l)
6 Sulphate, SO4 38 14.93 2000 65.67
7 Fluorides (as F) 0.61 0.29 2.12 0.67
8 Nitrates as NO3 0.41 18.78 1.47 ND
9 Alkalinity, mg/L 191.81 215.78 100 275.72
10 Total Hardness, 287.71 267.73 5320 335.66
11 Turbidity 3 2 40 1
12 COD, mg/L ND ND 72 4
13 DO, mg/L 7.5 6 4.5 5.3
14 Chromium, mg/L ND ND ND ND
15 Cadmium, mg/L ND ND 0.1 ND
16 Copper, mg/L ND ND 0.14 ND
17 Zinc, mg/L 0.18 ND 2.34 0.09
18 Arsenic, mg/L ND ND ND ND
ND - Not Detectable
Table 9.2
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) is monitoring the sea water quality at
various locations once in a month including a location at Versova. The
characteristics of the sea water quality during 1998-99 (Latest as provided by MPCB)
is presented in Table 9.3 as below:
Characteristics of Sea water quality near Versova monitored by MPCB
S. Parameter Min. Max. Average
1 BOD (mg/l) 5 19 9.95
2 COD, mg/L 128 348 235
3 TSS (mg/l) 44 52 47
4 pH Value 7.3 8.1 7.78
5 DO, mg/L 3.6 5 4.35
Source : MPCB annual report 1998-99
Based on the above table it can be concluded that the parameters monitored for
seawater sample near Varsova station is having their usual characteristics with high
TDS, Chlorides. Also the seawater contains the heavy metals and BOD, which
indicates the pollution of seawater due to various discharges.
9.1.3 Forestry
Tree survey was carried out along the proposed alignment. No forest area
exists along the project alignment or its corridor. Most of the trees were
planted along the roads on both the sides in the path. No plantation of trees at
the centre have been observed through out the project alignment along the
road. The main species observed are babool, Pipal, , Ashok,, Bakaan, Neem
and other types of tress etc. No rare or endangered species of trees have
been noticed during field studies.. Most of the trees contain the girth size of
about 30cm and more. No cutting of trees due to Metro project is anticipated
in Eastern segment, as MMRDA is widening the road from Andheri (east) to
Ghatkopar station. The average numbers of trees are 11.2per km. An
inventory of trees, likely to be lost on the western segment is presented in
Table 9.4
From – To Location of tress
Left Right Total
1 Ch 0.00 -Ch 232.183 7 6 13
2 Ch 232.183 -Ch 482 8 8 16
3 Ch 482 -Ch 722 3 5 8
4 Ch 722 - Ch 1032 3 4 7
5 Ch 1032 - Ch 1313 2 2 4
6 Ch 1313 - Ch 1530 (bus stop) 1 3 4
Ch 1530 (bus stop) - ch 1830 (Indian oil
7 Nagar) 7 5 12
Ch 1830 (Indian oil Nagar) - Akhand Jyoti
8 Appts. (Ch. 2080) 0 9 9
Anand Jyoti Appts.- (Ch. 2080) - Ch 2332
8 (Ambedkar Nagar) 4 5 9
Ch 2332 (Ambedkar Nagar) - Ch
9 2632(Elershine Bunglows) 6 4 10
Ch 2632(Elershine Bunglows) - Ch 2832
10 (Depot line) 4 2 6
Ch 2832 (Depot line) - Ch 3170(Thaker
11 sweets) 7 3 10
Ch 3170 (Thaker sweets) – Ch 3.629km (
12 pink Appts.) 7 2 9
TOTAL 59 58 123
• -Near railway station crossing from East to West of Andheri in the middle .
• All the changes mentioned above carries negative sign considering Ch. 0.00
is the centreline of the Andheri station. towards Versova .
Table 9.5
Monitoring Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb Mar
parameter 02 Average
02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 03 03 03
SO2 15 6 10 6 9 15 33 44 41 45 31 34 24.65
NOx 31 14 32 19 26 31 56 90 89 87 81 79 52.9
SPM 237 136 108 209 203 131 237 250 312 279 305 352 229.9
Hence it can be concluded that the parameters monitored for air quality values at
above locations monitored by RITES along the project alignment are comparable to
the monitoring results carried by MPCB for the month of June, that the increase in
monitored parameters may be due to increase in traffic in two years.
9.1.5 Seismicity
The project area falls in Zone-IV of Seismic Zoning Map of India. The India
Meteorological Department (IMD) has considered suitable seismic factor of adequate
for design purpose for Civil Engineering structures. This factor needs to be
appropriately incorporated while finalising civil designs.
9.1.6 Noise
Noise levels were measured at different places along the alignment at 2.0-m away
from source as per standard practice. The noise levels measured at different
locations are summarised in Table 9.7. It is observed that the noise levels recorded
at various places are higher than prescribed permissible levels of 55-dBA (day) and
45dBA (night) for residential area.
Table 9.7
Location Leq Lmax L10 L50 L90 Lmin Lday Lnight LDN
Near Andhri Sports
68.6 74 75.3 74.3 70.18 58 70.9 64 74.4
Near Seven
bunglows area
69 74 74.6 73.5 69.8 56 71 63 73.4
Near Proposed
Versova station 62.6 68 69.3 64.5 61.1 52 66.9 55 65.6
Near Church on 74.5
Andheri (East) 75.5 78 72.5 78.4 72.14 62.5 6 69 78
On J. V. Road near
Ghatkopatr post
office 68 72 73.5 72.4 67.8 58 59 61 71
Note: L10, L50 and L90 are the sound level, which is exceeded 10%, 50% & 90% of the
total time
A detailed socio-economic study has been carried out for Versova to Ghatkopar
corridor. The study is conducted through socio – economic survey by field visit and
Detailed survey all along the proposed corridor was carried out. During the survey, it
was observed that 3 Nos. of squatters at Lokhand bazaar near Andheri (east) and
Ghatkopar area, PAFs along the alignment from Andheri east to DN nagar and near
Varsova proposed station, Ghatkopar area as mentioned in Table 9.9 need
relocation. These squatters are used in Table 9.9
Table 9.9
Majority of family members (59.0%) in Project Affected Families (PAFs) are male and
remaining 41%are female. It is evident from the table that majority (45.0%) of family
members of project affected areas falling in the age range of 16-40 years, 31.2 %
belonged to the age of up to 15 years and only 18.7 % family members fall in the
range of 40-60 years. Majority of respondents (67.0 %) are Hindus. Remaining 20.0
% are Bodh, 9.0 % are Muslim. Christian and Jain constitute only 4.0 % of total
PAFs. About 33.3 %of the total respondents belong to scheduled castes, 29.6 %
from other back ward classes, 22.2 %from general and remaining 14.8 per cent
belong to scheduled tribe category. Main occupation of the people in project areas is
business (48.2%) followed by labour (35.2%) and service (12.9%). Remaining 3.7 %
people are unemployed. It is observed from the table that majority of them have
studied up to primary level. Remaining 27.0 and 5.0 % had their education up to
secondary and graduate level respectively. It is also important to be noted that 21.0
%out of total project affected people are illiterate. Around 40.74 %of the families
have an income of Rs.5, 0001-10,000/- per annum. Majority of them (53.69%) have
an income of less than Rs.50,000/- per annum. Only 5.55 % of them have an income
of Rs. 10,000- 15,000/- per annum. However, average income of the people is Rs.
53,898.15/- per annum.
Labour 19 35.2
Business 26 48.2
Service 07 12.9
Unemployed 02 3.7
Illiterate 55 21.0
Primary 125 47.0
Secondary 73 27.0
Graduate 14 5.0
7. FAMILY INCOME(Annual Rs.) (N=54)
0- 25000 08 14.81
25001-50000 21 38.88
50001-100000 22 40.74
100001- 03 5.55
150000 0 0.0
150001- 0 0.0
200000 X=Rs.53,898.15
> 200000
Table 9.11 interprets the family particulars of PAPs. Out of total Project Affected
Families majority (78.0%) are nuclear and only 22.0 % are joint. Family size has
been classified into four categories i.e., individual, small (2-4), medium (5-7) and
large (7 & above). Majority of the families (48.15%) are Medium, 40.74%are small
and remaining 9.26 % and 1.85 %of families are large and of one person
respectively. Average family size is 5. So far as marital status of family members are
concerned it is observed that out of 267 members, majority of them (64.0%) are
unmarried and only 36.0 %are married.
The socio-economic survey for the PAFs likely to be affected due to the proposed
development was carried out and during the survey, resistance was shown by the
occupants of the houses especially in the seven bunglows area, near buddh vihar in
Ghatkopar area and near Andheri station area.
b) Loss of Trees: The details of 123 trees likely to be lost are given in
Table 9.5. The total value of these trees lost is Rs. 1.2 lakhs as
mentioned in Table 9.13.
Table 9.13
Roughnesses of the contact surfaces of rail and wheel and train speed are the
factors, which influence the magnitude of rail - wheel noise. The vibration of
concrete structures also radiates noise. The maximum noise level is
estimated as 64DB(A). However, due to reduction of vehicular traffic, the road
traffic noise as compared with existing levels may come down by about 7 to
Fire fighting water requirement has been taken as per Calcutta Metro
Table 9.14
Table 9.15
E Shifting allowance
PAFs =5427 x 0.5 1000 Rs. 27.13 Lakhs
GRAND TOTAL (A+B+C+D) Rs. 834.16Lakhs.
Say Rs. 834 Lakhs
# The budget is an indicative cost and the detailed R& R cst shall be carried out during
the detailed study and survey which is likely to change the land requirement and the
budget accordingly
* Average size of an encroachment (structure) is about 12sq.m and considering its cost
@ Rs.2000/sq.m
^ Assuming that 50% of affected population falls in this category, based on the sample
^^ considering 50% is the floor area can be considered for shifting charges.
e) Water Supply & Sanitation: The public health facilities, such as water
supply, sanitation and toilets are much needed at project location.
Water should be treated before use upto WHO drinking water
standards. In addition, water will be required for contractor’s camps
during construction, for which additional arrangements have to be
made in consultation with the Mumbai Municipal Corporation & Mumbai
Development Authority. The collection and safe disposal of human
wastes are among the most important problems of environmental
health. The water carried sewerage solves the excreta disposal
problems. The sewerage disposal systems should be adopted for
sewage disposal. The total of app. 120 bins of 50-120 litres capacity
will be required which can be accommodated at different stations and
platforms. The total cost for bins works out to be Rs. 2.40 lakhs.
Pile driving operation can produce noise levels upto 100 dB (A) at a
distance of 25-m from site. This can reduce the noise levels to 70 dB
(A) at a distance of 15m from the piles. Safety precautions as
stipulated in IS: 5121 (1969) ‘Safety Code for Piling and other Deep
Foundation’ need to be adopted.
Sulphates, Total Nitrogen, Total Phosphates, oils and greases etc. The
main monitoring stations could be at near S. V. Road, Andheri (west),
near bus depot, near Varsova station, starplus office, and near
Ghatkopar station the cost for water quality analysis works out to be
Rs. 10.8 lakhs.
b) Air Quality and Noise Levels: Ambient air quality and Noise levels
should be monitored one year before the construction, during the
construction phase (6 years) and for at least three years after the
completion of the project (total 10 years). The proposed monitoring
programme for field monitoring and laboratory analysis of air and noise
is given in Table 9.16. The cost for ambient air quality and Noise levels
monitoring works out to be Rs. 20.2 lakhs.
Table 9.16
Table 9.17
Chapter 10
10.1.2 While preparing the capital cost estimates, various items have generally been
grouped under three major heads on the basis of (i) route km length of
alignment, (ii) number of units of that item and (iii) item being an independent
entity. All items related with alignment, whether in elevated or at-grade
construction, permanent way, OHE, Signalling & telecommunication, whether
in main lines or in maintenance depot, have been estimated at rate per route
km/km basis. Cost of station structures, other electrical services at these
stations and automatic fare collection (AFC) installations at all stations have
been assessed in terms of each station as a unit. Similarly, for items like
Rolling stock, Receiving Sub-station (RSS)/Traction Sub-station
(TSS)/Auxiliary Sub-station (ASS), service connections, etc. costs have been
estimated in terms of number of units required for each item. In remaining
items, viz. land, utility diversions, rehabilitation, etc. the costs have been
assessed on the basis of each item, taken as an independent entity.
10.1.3 In order to arrive at realistic cost of various items, costs have been assessed
on the basis of accepted rates in various contracts recently awarded by
DMRC for their ongoing works of Line No. 3 (East-West Corridor) & other
works of Line No. 1. A suitable escalation factor has been applied to bring
these costs to June, 2004 price level. For some of the items, tenders have
been finalised recently and most of these tenders are with fixed price rates
(i.e. no escalation is payable during contract period). Such rates have been
adopted, as they are. In some of these tenders, there is an element of
Customs Duty (CD) on the equipment/components to be imported for the
work, Works Tax (WT), etc. built in the quoted rates. The element of customs
duty and works tax has been excluded for working out the project cost.
However the details of taxes and duties are worked out separately.
10.1.4 The capital cost has been worked out for base case, Versova – Andheri -
Ghatkopar alignment with Depot at D N Nagar. Separate costing is done for
the Airport Link (though not recommended) and for a depot at Godrej land
with suitable connection.
10.2.1 Land
i) Land requirements have been kept to the barest minimum & worked
out on area basis. For elevated alignment, no land is proposed to be
acquired permanently, except small areas for locating entry/exit
structures, traffic integration, etc. at stations.
ii) Cost of land for the depot (12.25 hact.) has been taken @ 21.75 crores
per hact. These are based on prevailing rates of land in this area as
per Ready Reckaner & these have been increased to provide for 30 %
solatium & 12 % interest.
vi) Cost of boundary wall required at stations has been added to the cost
of land.
10.2.4 Permanent Way-For elevated sections, ballastless track and for at-grade
alignment and in depot area ballasted track has been planned. Rates adopted
are based on accepted rates for Shahdara-Rithala Section, which covers both
ballastless & ballasted tracks.
10.3 DEPOT
10.3.1 For this section of about 11.07 km., depot at D N Nagar has been proposed.
The depot is planned at an elevated level due to land constraints. Costs have
been worked out for various items of building, elevated structures, tracks,
boundary wall & plants machinery etc. This depot can also be used for the
North - South line of the Metro Network.
10.3.2 A depot at Godrej land is also proposed which can be constructed at ground
level. For this purpose 20 Ha land is proposed to be acquired. The cost for
this depot is not included in the main estimate but indicated seperately. The
cost also includes the cost of approach track for this depot.
10.5.1 Provision for environmental impacts of this MRTS corridor has been made to
cover various protection works, additional compensatory measures,
compensation for loss of trees, compensatory afforestation and fencing,
monitoring of water quality, air/noise pollution during construction,
establishment of Environmental Division.
10.7.2 The rates adopted for various items are based on the accepted contract rates
for similar works for NS & rail corridors. These rates include escalation during
contract period but exclude CD & WT & are provided in consultation with
DMRC. The details of the cost for traction and power supply is given in Table
Table 10.2
Figures in Rs. Crores
S. item Qty, Unit Unit Total Taxes & duties
No. rate cost Custom Excise Salex Wor Total of
(W/o duty duty@ Tax@4% ks Taxes &
taxes & @44.7% 16% cont duties
duties) ract
Service connection
1 charges ( 33kV bays)
Versova RSS
Arrey RSS 2 No. 0.25 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
33kV cables (3
2 phase single circuit)
From Versova RSS to
Depot RSS 2 Km. 0.60 1.20 0.00 0.12 0.04 0.05 0.21
3 Depot RSS 1 No. 6.06 6.06 0.00 0.52 0.15 0.24 0.91
4 Maro Naka RSS 1 No. 5.60 5.60 0.00 0.47 0.14 0.22 0.83
ASS for elevated
5 stations 12 No. 1.32 15.90 0.34 1.50 0.43 0.64 2.91
33kV cables (Ring
main, feeder &
6 cables 35 Km. 0.25 8.75 0.00 0.89 0.26 0.35 1.50
7 25kV OHE 22 TKM 0.60 13.20 0.00 1.35 1.35 1.35 4.04
10.9.1 The rates adopted are based on accepted rates of N. S. & rail corridors of line
no.3. These rates include escalation during manufacture & supply of
equipment and their installation at site, but exclude CD and WT. The same
rates have been adopted.
10.10.1Adopted rates are based on accepted contract rates of Rail and N-S
Corridors of line no.3. These rates exclude CD & WT, but include escalation
during the period of equipment manufacture and their supply, including
10.11.1Adopted rates are in consultation with DMRC & do not include CD and WT.
These cover escalation during period of supply.
10.12.1 Provision @ 3% has been made towards general charges on all items
except cost of land, based on assessment by DMRC. Design charges of 2%
are not included in the cost estimates as the project is being planned on BOT
as design and construct basis. Provision for contingencies has been made @
3% on all items including general charges.
Estimate for taxes and duties is given in Table10.3. It is estimated that the
taxes and duties will amount to Rs. 182 crore and the total cost inclusive of
taxes and duties is Rs. 1670 crores
TABLE 10.3
Details of Taxes and Duties
East-West (Elevated)
Civil Engg.
2 Works
section 243.54 0.00 9.74 0.00 0.00 9.74 253.28
Station bldg
ele. 127.00 0.00 5.08 0.00 0.00 5.08 132.08
Utilities etc. 40.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40.21
way 54.80 22.73 2.27 0.00 0.00 25.00 79.80
3 works
Traction and
power supply 68.58 1.73 5.89 2.66 3.38 13.66 82.24
Lifts &
Esclators 47.80 5.57 0.11 5.02 0.44 11.14 58.94
S and T
4 Works
S&T 127.31 28.64 5.09 1.02 0.25 35.01 162.32
AFC 30.00 6.75 1.20 0.24 0.06 8.24 38.24
charges &
7 Contigencies 76.57 76.57
Two alternatives have been proposed along with the main corridor. These are:
(i) Link to International Airport
(ii) Link to Godrej Depot
The estimated project cost for these links are shown in annexure 10.1 and
10.2 respectively.
It is observed that the cost for depot at D N Nagar (Rs. 412 crores) is less
than the cost for Godrej depot due to 1.625 km link line.
The taxes and duties for the two alternatives is given in Annexure 10.3 a and
10.3 b respectively. The taxes and duties on Air port link amunts to Rs. 12.84
crores while on the Godrej Depot (inclusive of link line) is Rs. 26 crores.
Annexure 10.1
Say 90 Cr.
Annexure 10.2
Annexure 10.3 a
Airport link (Elevated)
1 Land 4 4
Civil Engg.
2 Works
Elevated section 28.60 0.00 0.05 1.14 0.07 1.26 29.86
Station bldg ele. 12.00 0.00 0.02 0.48 0.03 0.53 12.53 Utilities
etc. 4.90 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.02 4.92
Permanent way 6.44 2.67 0.01 0.27 0.02 2.96 9.40
3 Electrical works
Traction and
power supply 6.50 0.16 0.32 0.56 1.29 2.34 8.84
Lifts & Esclators 4.00 0.47 0.01 0.42 0.04 0.93 4.93
4 S and T Works
S&T 14.95 3.36 0.60 0.12 0.03 4.11 19.06
AFC 2.50 0.56 0.10 0.02 0.00 0.69 3.19
General Charges
5 and Contigencies 4.99 4.99
Annexure 10.3 b
Godrej Depot
Taxes and duties Total
Total cost without custom works excise sale tax &
Taxes & duties duty tax duty tax total Duties
3 Electrical works
Traction and
power supply 8.13 0.20 0.40 0.70 1.62 2.92 11.05
4 S and T Works
S&T 8.13 1.83 0.33 0.06 0.02 2.24 10.37
General Charges
5 and Contigencies 18.35 18.35
11.2 Costs
11.2.1 Investment Cost For the purpose of calculating the Financial Internal Rate of Return (FIRR), the
completion cost of Rs. 1720 crore has been taken as the initial investment. The
cash flow of this investment is in Table –11.1 below.
Table 11.1 Year –wise Investment
Figs in Rs. Cr.
Year Cost (Fixed) Land Cost Completion Cost
2006-07 59 152.50 217
2007-08 414 152.50 628
2008-09 473 571
2009-10 177 225
2010-11 59 79
Total 1183 305 1720 Although the construction is expected to get over by 31st March 2009 the cash
flow spills up to March 2011 on account of payment normally required to be
made to the various contractors up to that period necessitated by contractual
clauses. The land cost is divided into two initial years during which it is expected that
the land acquisition work would be over and related payments would have to
be released. The escalation factor used is 5% p.a. These costs do not take into account taxes and duties. In case taxes and
duties are taken into account the fixed cost at June 2004 prices is estimated
at Rs. 1670 crore and the completion cost at Rs. 1936 crore.
11.2.4 Depreciation
Although depreciation does not enter the FIRR calculation (not being a cash
outflow) unless a specific depreciation reserve fund has been provided, in the
present calculation, depreciation calculations are placed for purpose of
record. These are taken @ 3% of the total completion cost adjusted for land
11.2.5 Replacement Cost
The replacement costs are provided for meeting the cost on account of
replacement of equipment due to wear and tear. With the nature of
equipment proposed to be provided for Mumbai Metro, it is expected that only
10% of the equipment comprising signalling and electrical works would
require replacement after 20 years. These roughly add up to 10% of the
project cost. Further, 25% of the project cost comprising Rolling Stock and
traction is expected to have a life of 30 years after which it shall be required to
be replaced. These costs have been provided duly escalated @ of 5% per
11.2.6 The interest charge on the loan is assumed to be 11%. The IDC element
forms part of the principal amount of the loan to be repaid as part of the loan.
11.3 Revenues
11.3.1 Fare box Traffic a. In the year 2009 traffic has been estimated at 3.91 lakh trips per
day. This is 50% of the traffic projected for full phase 1 operations. Traffic
has been taken as 60% of the projected traffic in the years 2021 &
2031.These percentages have been applied to full phase1 traffic since with a
single sectional functioning traffic is likely to be restricted to about 60%.
Further, for the year 2011 this has been taken as 50% since traffic develops
with a lagged effect. The traffic figure for 2009 has been derived from the
growth factor for the traffic from 2011-2021.
Detailed Project Report for Phase-I Corridors of Mumbai MRTS 3 / 18
Final Report Versova - Andheri - Ghatkopar Corridor
Chapter 11 : Financing Viability, Fare Structure and Financing Option
Trip Distribution
% of trips
0-3 3.-8 >8
Average Distance (kms)
The FIRR, in case taxes and duties are included in the project cost, is placed
as Annexure 1. The various sensitivities with regard to increase/decrease in
capital costs, O&M costs and revenues are placed in Table 11.6 below: -
These sensitivities have been carried out independently for each factor.
11.4.2 The post tax return on equity is 6.73% (Annexure 2). In case taxes and duties
are also included in the cost the return on equity falls to 5%. In such a
scenario it would be difficult to sustain the project on its own and government
support would be required. The level of support required (assuming inclusion
of taxes and duties in the project cost) in the scenario of debt equity ratio of
1.5:1 is as shown in Table 11.7.
Table 11.7
Government Return on
Support (Rs. Equity (post
Cr.) tax)
50 5.37%
100 5.76%
150 6.11%
Detailed Project Report for Phase-I Corridors of Mumbai MRTS 6 / 18
Final Report Versova - Andheri - Ghatkopar Corridor
Chapter 11 : Financing Viability, Fare Structure and Financing Option
200 6.46%
250 6.85%
300 7.23%
350 7.61%
400 8.01%
450 8.42%
500 8.86%
550 9.29%
600 9.70%
650 10.17%
700 10.61%
750 11.06%
Annexures 3 & 4 depict the cashflows with a grant of Rs. 500 crore and Rs.
750 crore respectively in the scenario of D/E ratio of 1.5:1. Annexures 5 & 6
show the cashflows with a grant of Rs. 500 crore and Rs. 750 crore in the D/E
ratio of 2:1. Rail-based systems are heavily capital intensive with long gestation periods.
They are viewed more as investments with a view to increasing the economic
benefits to the society at large rather than yielding high financial rates of
return. Very few metros all over the world are able to cover their operating
costs and therefore grants and subsidies for operations as well as additional
investments are the order of the day. However, history is full of examples
where volume of traffic is not very high except in areas like Japan and Hong
Kong. Since costs of operation are more or less fixed in nature, any increase
in passenger volumes would improve the viability of the system. There are
other issues peculiar to this nature of travel. The setting up of such systems
generates externalities which normally do not get monetised and flow back to
the system to sustain its development. In other words, the economic benefits
flowing to the society and other benefits generated by the setting up of metro
systems do not get translated to monetary benefits for the system itself. Very
few countries have been able to channelise these as sources of revenue back
to the system. Since the governing objective of setting up these systems is social the fares
are set at levels which are publicly and politically acceptable thus setting in
the vicious cycle of deficits leading to a fallback on subsidies/government
11.5.2 Alternative Models of Financing A wide variety of models can be theoretically considered for financing of
metros ranging from completely government owned to totally privatised.
There are certain benefits and drawbacks of both. Whereas completely
government owned lack transparency and are shackled by bureaucracy the
Detailed Project Report for Phase-I Corridors of Mumbai MRTS 7 / 18
Final Report Versova - Andheri - Ghatkopar Corridor
Chapter 11 : Financing Viability, Fare Structure and Financing Option
completely privately owned ones would not serve the social sector but be
lured by the objective of profit maximisation. The social purpose of such
projects can never be ignored, however, at the same time it is of utmost
importance to run these systems with efficiency comparable to the private
sector. These purposes can be served by creating an SPV independent of the
bureaucratic controls and vested with sufficient powers to run the system
independently or be evolving some form of Public –Private partnership which
would bring together the strengths of both the public and private sectors. The
Delhi metro model is the SPV model which has been able to construct and
run the system efficiently without compromising the social objective. SPV Approach: The Corporate model involves the formation of a special
purpose vehicle (SPV) to own/implement and also to operate the project.
There is a possibility/potential of involving some private sector entity as
equity holder. The financial structure of the project can then be determined
in such a way that a part of the capital cost is contributed as equity and the
remaining is borrowed as senior or subordinate debt from the government,
financial institutions, banks or bilateral / multilateral funding agencies.
Another source of funding which has been extensively used in Hong Kong is
funds from real estate development for financing capital expenditure. In this
case upfront contribution required from the equity holders is much less than
the project cost. The debt and the interest there on are repaid by the SPV
from its net revenue streams. Long time debt is normally possible only when
government guarantees are made available for repayment of loan as well as
for the interest charges there on. Because of the need for high volume of
debts, the project viability depends to a large extent on the rate of interest
and the tenure of the debt. The SPV, being a corporate body, has flexibility in
implementation and operation of the project. It can be responsive to
customer requirement and can attempt various ways of revenue
augmentation. SPV being a corporate body is liable to pay corporate tax and
other taxes if applicable. The above model can be further improved upon if
after construction the SPV hands over the operations and maintenance of the
same to a private body.
sectors with monopolistic characteristics. This may take the form of lease and
operate (or affermage) contract, under which the private contractor is
responsible at his own risk for providing the service, including operation and
maintenance of the infrastructure against payment of a lease fee. The other
forms of concession could be BOOT/BOT/BOO. These are used generally for
Greenfield projects. The concessionare in such projects is also responsible
for building and financing new investments. At the end of the concession term
the sector assets are returned to the state. BOO (build own operate) is a
similar scheme but it does not involve transfer of assets. All these forms of
concession stipulate transferring of the right and the obligation to provide an
infrastructure service to a private company. This company takes over
responsibility for the operations and at least for a part of the commercial risk
of service provision. The concessionaire is, by and large, held responsible for
achieving specified results in service delivery and is given some freedom to
choose the means for meeting those targets. The success of this type of contracts depends on their duration which reflects
the number of years the investors need to recoup their investment. In the
French style concessions (affermage) the assets return to the state at the end
of the period free of charge or for a nominal amount. The public authority
remains responsible for financing most investments; hence, affermage are
shorter (10-15 years) than Greenfield BOTs or concessions requiring major
upfront capital expenditures. In the latter cases these can exceed 30 years. The concessionaire approach has not been adopted in the rail based urban
transit system in India because the project construction costs are very high.
This naturally involves requirement of huge amount of debt to be raised from
the market sources to undertake such a project. The highway sector has been
quite successful in the country in developing Highway projects through the
BOT .Power sector has a very limited experience of project development
under BOO route. It is important to understand that project beyond the size of Rs 300 cr have not
been successful in attracting debt in the Indian market. Recent experience of
road sector suggests that projects in the size of Rs 50 to Rs 200 cr could only
be developed under BOT mechanism, with majority of projects in the lower
end category. The success of these projects was solely dependent on the
assurance of traffic or revenue. These projects were based on a clearly
defined risk mitigation mechanism. There is no available history to justify the development of mega transport
projects under BOT route in India except in the case of Konkan Railway
Corporation. KRCL was the first effort by the Indian Railways in the form of a
corporate enterprise for the construction of a railway track. The finances for
KRCL came from the promoters – the Ministry of Railways and the State
governments of Goa, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Kerala- and the issue of
tax-free bonds. The funds could be secured at an average cost of 11%. . This
emerges from the inability of the major debt market players to provide
resources for large projects. The other, and the most important factor
responsible for the inability of raise resources from the market is the inability
of project developer to come out with a risk mitigation mechanism acceptable
to the lenders.
• Guarantees
• Exclusivity
• Speed of process
Table 11.8 identifies some of the main risks in the project and suggested
mitigation measures. However, as mentioned earlier, the work of selection of
suitable concessionaire should be done through specialised consultant as
success of implementation of Metro project on PPP shall depend on suitable
Table 11.8
Risk Mitigation Measures
Main Risks Risk Mitigation measures
contract(s) to
cover the risk
Agreement should
maintenance Penalty for poor upkeep.
provide for detailed
of rolling stock
specification and
Specific provisions
in agreement for
frequency during
Insufficient peak and non-peak
To be covered under minimum frequency
investment in period. Some
clause for which train sets for peak and non-
trains sets flexibility to
peak periods has to maintained
necessary for the
sake of financial
Mandatory filing of safety plan with Regulator
and implementation of the same
Continuous monitoring of safety plan, with Concession/
Safety Risk stiff penalty for non compliance License Agreement
Proper Disaster Management Plan to be in
place in coordination with other civic
Government to assist concessionaire on
Law and order stations.
risk in trains, Concessionaire to hire security staff for
as well as, at security during operations. The
stations concessionaire security staff to work under
overall supervision of state police
Protection against fire, rioting, general Agreement to
stampede provide for
with any public
Insurances and better management through insurances, as well
utility serving
trained security personnel in trains as well as as, for level of
people at
at stations. training required for
the staff
Natural and Concession
Insurances, Insurance costs to be part of
force majeure Agreement and
cash flows
risks Contract
Agreements to
ensure proper
risk Concessionaire to bear the risk
Competent, independent Regulator. Concession
Clear and unambiguous scope of regulation Agreement
Appeal process should be available
Agreement to
GOM and Concessionaire
mention enactment
Legal Risk Enact and notify the required laws
of laws (if required)
as conditions
It is felt that the response to an attempt at PPP may not be encouraging
unless the government agrees to give an upfront subsidy of Rs. 500-750
crore (depending on the exemptions and relaxations made available) to the
project apart from the equity contribution. Hence, it is recommended that the
SPV model may be followed for Mumbai Metro. The component of debt, not
being very high in absolute terms, could be arranged through the domestic
market or by tapping external sources of debt. This effort would be
strengthened by the fact that the Project FIRR is 7.56%.
Annexure 1
Running Box Net Cash
Completion Expense Replacemen Total Revenu Pd & Total Flow For
Year Cost s Depreciation t Costs Costs e Advt Revenue IRR
2006 227 227 0 -227
2007 701 701 0 -701
2008 658 658 0 -658
2009 259 75.39 49.41 335 114.73 5.7 120.46 -214
2010 91 79.97 49.41 171 119.90 6.0 125.89 -45
2011 0 84.85 49.41 85 138.15 6.9 145.06 60
2012 0 90.05 49.41 90 144.38 7.2 151.60 62
2013 0 95.60 49.41 96 166.36 8.3 174.68 79
2014 0 101.52 49.41 102 173.87 8.7 182.56 81
2015 0 107.83 49.41 108 200.33 10.0 210.35 103
2016 0 114.58 49.41 115 209.37 10.5 219.84 105
2017 0 121.79 49.41 122 241.24 12.1 253.30 132
2018 0 129.48 49.41 129 252.12 12.6 264.72 135
2019 0 138.89 49.41 139 290.50 14.5 305.02 166
2020 0 149.01 49.41 149 303.60 15.2 318.78 170
2021 82 169.92 51.86 252 349.81 17.5 367.30 116
2022 0 182.28 51.86 182 359.89 18.0 377.88 196
2023 0 195.57 51.86 196 408.20 20.4 428.61 233
2024 0 209.88 51.86 210 419.96 21.0 440.96 231
2025 0 225.27 51.86 225 476.34 23.8 500.16 275
2026 0 241.83 51.86 242 490.06 24.5 514.56 273
2027 0 259.66 51.86 260 555.85 27.8 583.64 324
2028 0 278.86 51.86 279 571.86 28.6 600.45 322
2029 0 299.53 58.71 325 625 648.63 32.4 681.06 56
2030 0 321.79 66.05 341 663 667.31 33.4 700.68 37
2031 267 366.32 74.05 633 756.90 37.8 794.74 162
2032 0 393.48 74.05 393 787.17 39.4 826.53 433
2033 0 422.74 74.05 423 902.57 45.1 947.70 525
2034 0 454.25 74.05 454 938.68 46.9 985.61 531
2035 0 488.19 74.05 488 1076.29 53.8 1130.10 642
2036 0 524.76 74.05 525 1119.34 56.0 1175.31 651
2037 0 564.16 74.05 564 1283.43 64.2 1347.61 783
2038 0 606.63 74.05 607 1334.77 66.7 1401.51 795
2039 0 652.40 138.99 2649 3301 1530.45 76.5 1606.97 -1694
2285 8146 1864 3316 13747 17032 852 17884 6.60%
rn Retur
Net IDC + on n on
Runnin Fare Cash Finan Equi Equity
Comple g Replace Box Total Flow Repay cing Cumula ty - -
tion Expens Depreciat ment Total Reven PD & Reven For Equi Loa ment Of Charg Intere tive PRE POST
Year Cost es ion Costs Costs ue Advt ue IRR ty n Loan es st PBT cash TAX TAX
2004 0
2005 0
2006 217 217 0 -217 189 0 -189 -189
2007 628 628 0 -628 189 177 13.86 -189 -189
2008 571 571 0 -571 189 424 42.20 0 -189 -189
114.7 120.4
2009 225 75.39 44.37 300 3 5.7 6 -180 0 231 6.74 66 -65 -21 -21 -21
119.9 125.9
2010 79 79.97 44.37 159 0 6.0 0 -33 0 16 2.36 92 -90 -67 -46 -46
138.1 145.0
2011 0 84.85 44.37 85 5 6.9 6 60 0 93 -77 -100 -33 -33
144.3 151.6
2012 0 90.05 44.37 90 8 7.2 0 62 0 100 -83 -138 -39 -39
166.3 174.6
2013 0 95.60 44.37 96 6 8.3 8 79 0 91 100 -66 -251 -112 -112
173.8 182.5
2014 0 101.52 44.37 102 7 8.7 6 81 0 91 100 -64 -361 -110 -110
200.3 210.3
2015 0 107.83 44.37 108 3 10.0 5 103 0 91 90 -32 -440 -79 -79
209.3 219.8
2016 0 114.58 44.37 115 7 10.5 4 105 0 91 80 -19 -506 -66 -66
241.2 253.3
2017 0 121.79 44.37 122 4 12.1 0 132 0 91 70 17 -536 -30 -30
252.1 264.7
2018 0 129.48 44.37 129 2 12.6 2 135 0 91 60 31 -552 -16 -16
290.5 305.0
2019 0 138.89 44.37 139 0 14.5 2 166 0 91 50 72 -527 25 25
303.6 318.7
2020 0 149.01 44.37 149 0 15.2 8 170 0 91 40 85 -488 39 39
349.8 367.3
2021 82 169.92 46.83 252 1 17.5 0 116 33 49 91 30 120 -412 43 13
359.8 377.8
2022 0 182.28 46.83 182 9 18.0 8 196 0 101 25 123 -343 69 69
408.2 428.6
2023 0 195.57 46.83 196 0 20.4 1 233 0 10 15 171 -135 208 208
419.9 440.9
2024 0 209.88 46.83 210 6 21.0 6 231 0 10 4 180 82 217 217
476.3 500.1
2025 0 225.27 46.83 225 4 23.8 6 275 0 10 3 225 344 262 262
490.0 514.5
2026 0 241.83 46.83 242 6 24.5 6 273 0 10 2 224 605 261 261
555.8 583.6
2027 0 259.66 46.83 260 5 27.8 4 324 0 0 1 276 927 323 323
571.8 600.4
2028 0 278.86 46.83 279 6 28.6 5 322 0 0 0 275 1249 322 322
648.6 681.0
2029 0 299.53 52.91 289 588 3 32.4 6 93 0 0 0 329 1342 93 93
2030 0 321.79 59.42 303 625 667.3 33.4 700.6 76 0 0 319 1418 76 76
1 8
756.9 794.7
2031 267 366.32 67.42 633 0 37.8 4 162 107 160 32 0 361 1814 290 290
787.1 826.5
2032 0 393.48 65.47 393 7 39.4 3 433 0 32 18 350 2198 383 245
902.5 947.7
2033 0 422.74 65.47 423 7 45.1 0 525 0 32 14 445 2676 479 305
938.6 985.6
2034 0 454.25 65.47 454 8 46.9 1 531 0 32 11 455 3165 489 311
1076. 1130.
2035 0 488.19 65.47 488 29 53.8 10 642 0 32 7 569 3800 635 415
1119. 1175.
2036 0 524.76 65.47 525 34 56.0 31 651 0 0 4 582 4447 647 422
1283. 1347.
2037 0 564.16 65.47 564 43 64.2 61 783 0 0 0 718 5231 783 509
1334. 1401.
2038 0 606.63 65.47 607 77 66.7 51 795 0 0 0 729 6025 795 515
1530. 1606. 139
2039 0 652.40 65.47 2351 3004 45 76.5 97 -1397 0 0 0 889 4629 7 -1058
105 7.81
2067 8146 1611 2943 13157 17032 852 17884 7.56% 7 1120 65 1077 7050 % 6.73%
Chapter 12
12.1.1 The economic appraisal of MRT Corridor from Varsova- Andheri to Ghatkopar
in Mumbai has been carried out within the broad framework of Social Cost –
Benefit Analysis Technique. It is based on the incremental costs and benefits
and involves comparison of project costs and benefits in economic terms
under the “with” and “without” project scenario. In the analysis, the cost and
benefit streams arising under the above project scenarios have been
estimated in terms of market prices and economic values have been
computed by converting the former using appropriate shadow prices. This has
been done to iron out distortions due to externalities and anomalies arising in
real world pricing systems. The annual streams of project costs and benefit
have been compared over the analysis period of 30 years to estimate the net
cost/ benefit and to calculate the economic viability of the project in terms of
12.1.2 The Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR) for the project has then been
arrived using Discounted Cash Flow technique to the net benefit stream at
economic prices.
The key evaluation assumptions used in the economic evaluation are listed in
Table 12.1
Price Level June’2004
First year of operation 2009
Last year of operation 2039
Construction period 3 years (2006-2009)
Daily to annual factor 340
12.3.1 The project cost comprises capital cost, operation and maintenance cost .
Cost components considered for the purpose of this exercise include:
· Capital cost of infrastructure (civil engineering, land, track, power
supply, traction system, signalling and telecommunications, etc.) and
rolling stock.
· Operating cost of MRTS
Detailed Project Report for Phase-I Corridors of Mumbai MRTS 1/6
Final Report Versova – Andheri - Ghatkopar Corridor
Chapter 12 : Economic Analysis
Table 12.2 summarizes the estimated cost (Rs. in Crores) to economy for
Varsova - Andheri- Ghatkopar Corridor of Mumbai MRTS. The completion
cost is estimated at Rs. 1720 Cr. assuming escalation factor of 5%.
TABLE 11.2
12.4.1The Varsova - Andheri- Ghatkopar corridor of Mumbai MRTS will yield tangible
and non-tangible savings due to equivalent reduction in road traffic and
certain socio-economic benefits. Introduction of MRT will result in reduction in
number of buses, usage of private vehicles, air pollution and increase the
speed of road-based vehicles. This, in turn, will result in significant social
benefits due to reduction in fuel consumption, vehicle operating cost and
travel time of passengers. Reduction in accidents, pollution and road
maintenance costs are the other benefits to the society in general.
12.4.2.The benefit stream that has been evaluated and quantified includes:
· Savings in operating costs of all buses and other vehicles due to de-
congestion including those that would continue to use the existing
transport network even after the MRTS is introduced.
The values used for various parameters used for the analysis are given in
Appendix –1.
12.4.3 Quantification of some of the social benefits has not been attempted because
universally acceptable norms do not exist to facilitate such an exercise.
However, it has been considered appropriate to highlight the same, as given
TABLE 12.3
12.5.2 The traffic on MRTS will come from shifting from traffic from buses, train, IPT
and private modes. The major shifting of traffic would be from buses. It has
been estimated that 210 buses are likely to decrease with the introduction of
this MRT corridor. This will save Rs. 65.37 Crores in the year 2011 towards
capital and operating cost of bus system. The saving in respect of private
vehicles will be approx. Rs. 70.52Crores.
TABLE 12.3
(Rs. in Crores)
12.9.1 The reduction in traffic volumes on roads brought about by modal transfer to
Varsova - Andheri- Ghatkopar MRTS is expected to reduce number of
accidents. Any reduction in number of accidents will involve savings from
damage to vehicles and savings towards medical and insurance expenses to
persons involved in accidents. The benefits because of accidents prevented
with the introduction of this MRTS corridor works out to Rs.1.39 Crores in the
year 2011.
12.11.1The MRT corridor may bring savings in investment in road infrastructure
because shifting of passengers to MRT and withdrawal of vehicles in the
project area. Since no local data is available concerning the road
infrastructure investment on this account, this saving has not been
incorporated into economic evaluation.
12.13.2 The EIRR in economic terms works out to 21.53% for Varsova - Andheri-
Ghatkopar Corridor of Mumbai MRTS.
12.14.2 It can be seen from the above table that 10% increase in cost affect
economic viability more than it does in case of reduction in traffic the project.
Accordingly, it is recommended that controls should be exercised required for
to keep the cost of construction under control.
To enable the Mumbai Metro rail project to be implemented without any loss of
time and cost over-run, effective institutional arrangements would need to be
set up. Details of these arrangements are explained below:
Two options are available to implement Mumbai Metro project. It may either be
implemented through PPP, as decided by the Government of Maharashtra or
as per DMRC model through SPV.
Table 13.1
Suggested Implementation Schedule on BOT
The land acquisition process can start immediately after approval of DPR so
that land is available before construction works take off.
It is also recommended to appoint an independent engineering consultant to
monitor and advise MMRDA during the execution phase.
In case the PPP approach is not successful, the project can be implemented
through public sector as in case of Delhi. In such a case a SPV is to be formed
on the pattern of Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) and can be named as
MMRC (Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation). Once the SPV formed, it has to take
action for appointment of General Consultants for project management
including preparation of tender documents. Till the General Consultants are in
position, MMRC should appoint an interim Consultant for all preliminary and
enabling jobs such as land acquisition, detailed design of civil structures, utility
diversions, etc.
Table 13.2
Implementation Schedule through SPV
All civil contracts will be on “Construct” basis. Therefore all designs are to be
finalised and progress in advance.
The number of contracts can be decided when the detailed design work is in
progress. Architectural finishes, fire fighting arrangements and general
electrification, will form part of civil contracts.
Learning from the Delhi Metro experience, we would recommend that all major
contracts are awarded on “construct basis” based on designs and specifications
finalised by the General Consultants. In certain system contracts such as
signaling, tele-communication, automatic fare collection, etc. it may be desired
to go for “design and construct” contracts based on broad technical
specifications and performance requirements drawn up by the General
Consultants. International Consultants are very expensive and should be
engaged only in area where Indian experts cannot manage and they should
invariably be part of the General Consultants’ team.
Since MMRC will not have the required expertise and experienced manpower to
check and monitor the General Consultants it may be necessar y to engage
proof Consultants from the very start who will do this job on behalf of MMRC.
Delhi Metro Rail Corporation can be considered for being appointed as Proof
Consultant to MMRC.
Generally the General Consultants will cost about 2.5% of the project and cost
the Proof Consultants about 0.5%.
The MMRC Organisation, as stated earlier, should be very lean but effective. It
will consist of a non-executive Chairman, a Managing Director with full
Executive Powers (in Schedule ‘A’) and three Functional Directors (in Schedule
‘B’) including Director (Finance). All the three Functional Directors will be full
members of the Management Board. The Directors will be assisted by Heads of
Departments in each of the major disciplines and they in turn will have Deputy
Heads of Departments. The organisation should be basically officer-oriented
with only Personal Assistants and Technical Assistants attached to senior
officers by eliminating unproductive layers of staff such as Peons, Clerks, etc.
We strongly recommend that the total organisational strength is limited to 45 to
50 eliminating too many tiers to enable faster decision-making. An
organizational chart for MMRC is enclosed .
It is necessar y for the MMRC officers to get exposed to the Metro technology
and Metro culture through study tours of some of the selected foreign Metros
and Delhi/Calcutta Metros.
Metro rail projects are undertaken in congested urban environment. Metro lines
have, therefore, to pass through heavily built-up areas. As vacant land for laying
these lines is seldom available, they have to be constructed either as elevated
or underground. When elevated, the metro lines are generally located along the
medians of the existing roads to obviate the need for acquiring land. Even in
such cases, land is to be acquired for sitting station buildings, traffic integration
areas, etc. Whenever underground, metro lines may have to pass under
privately owned buildings, involving use of underground space below such
buildings. After construction of a metro line is complete, it has to be certified as
‘safe’ by a statutory authority before it can be opened for public carriage of
passenger s. For operation and maintenance of a metro line, which has been
commissioned for traffic, several crucial issues having legal implications need to
be taken care of. These include continued monitoring of safety of train
operations, security of metro properties, maintaining law and order within metro
premises, enquiries into accidents involving metro trains whenever they
happen, deciding the extent of compensation payable for
damages/injuries/casualties arising out of such accidents, laying down
passenger fares and their subsequent revision etc. There has, therefore, to be a
proper legal frame-work to take care of such problems encountered during
construction as well as operation of metro rail lines. Hence the need for a
comprehensive legislation on Metro Railways.
The subject of ‘Railways’ as per the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution falls
in the Central List. Metro Rail projects come under the category of Railways and
are, therefore, today a central subject. Despite this position the Central
Government has not so far enacted a comprehensive legislation to regulate
construction, operation and maintenance of Metro Railways in various cities of
the country.
Calcutta (now Kolkata) Metro Railway was the first metro system undertaken in
our country. To facilitate construction of Calcutta Metro Railway, a legislation
under the title ‘Metro Railways (Construction of Works) Act, 1978 was enacted.
This Act was initially applicable to Calcutta but there is a provision in this Act
that, by a notification in the Official Gazette, the Central Government may also
extend it to the metropolitan cities of Mumbai, Chennai and Delhi. In fact, in the
year 2000, the Central Government did extend this Act to the city of Delhi. This
Act, however, suffers from several deficiencies. Firstly, there is no provision in
this Act to extend it to cities, having population of a million or more other than
the four metro cities mentioned above. Secondly, this Act covers only the
construction stage of Metro Railways and does not provide legal cover to their
operation and maintenance stage. When the first section of Calcutta Metro had
to be opened for public carriage of passengers, the Central Government had to
As for the legal cover to the operation and maintenance stage of Mumbai Metro,
it is high time to go in for a comprehensive legislation which will cater to both
construction as well as operation and maintenance stages of Metro Railways in
all million plus cities. After that Act is enacted, the existing Acts, namely, Metro
Railways (Construction of Works) Act, 1978 and Delhi Metro (Operation and
Maintenance) Act, 2002 and the Calcutta Metro Railway (Operation and
Maintenance) Temporary Provisions Act, 1985 can be repealed. The
comprehensive legislation should, inter-alia, contain provisions for the following:
Government goes ahead with this project under the “Tramways” Act, it is likely
to lead to legal complications at a later stage.
Metro rail projects need very heavy investment. Loans have invariably to be
taken to fund a part of the capital cost of the projects. These projects yield low
financial internal rate of return though their economic internal rate of return is
very high. With reasonable fair level, servicing of these loans often pose
problems. To make the project financially viable, therefore, the fares need to be
substantially increased to socially un-acceptable levels. This results in the
ridership coming down significantly, as it is sensitive to increases in the fare
level. Thus the very objective of constructing the metro rail system to provide an
affordable mode of mass travel for public is defeated. It, therefore, becomes
necessar y to keep the initial capital cost of a metro project as low as possible
so that the fare level of the metro system can be kept at reasonable level.
13.7.1Experience of Delhi Metro project has shown that the taxes and duties constitute
about 16 – 18% of the project cost. Following are the taxes and duties, which
have to be borne by a metro project:
· Custom Duty on all imported rolling stock and other equipment needed for
the project.
· Sales Tax on all purchases made for implementation of the project whether
directly by the project implementation authority or by the contractors
executing the project.
· Municipal Taxes.
13.7.2In the case of Delhi Metro project, the Union Government has granted
exemption from payment of Custom Duty and Excise Duty while the Delhi
Government has agreed to give exemption from payment of Sales Tax and
Sales Tax on works contracts. Delhi Metro Rail Corporation is also pursuing
with the Government for exemption from tax on electricity being consumed by
Delhi Metro for its operation and maintenance.
13.7.3 It is recommended that for Mumbai Metro similar exemptions from taxes and
duties be granted by the Central Government /Maharashtra Government for
Metro Rail projects, being capital intensive projects, have to be funded jointly by
the Central Government and the State Government. In order to facilitate funding
of these projects, the Central Government should set up a non-lapsable
‘National Metro Transport Fund’ for financing its share of metro rail projects.
The 10 th Plan document has also recommended creation of such a Fund with
an initial seed money contribution of Rs.3,000 crores by the Central
Government, with another contribution of Rs.3,000 crores to be raised during
the 10 th Plan period through dedicated taxes. This Fund should be utilized to
meet the Central Government’s share towards equity contribution in the Special
Purpose Vehicles to be set up to implement the metro rail projects for various
cities. The Central Government may consider imposing of surcharge on petrol,
diesel and CNG to raise resources for this Fund.
To enable the State Governments to provide their share of equity in the Special
Purpose Vehicles set up for such projects, it would be necessary to constitute a
Special Metro Fund at the State Government level also. The State
Governments should resort to imposition of dedicated levies for raising
resources for these Funds. Following dedicated levies may be considered by
the State Governments for this purpose:
The above two levies would also assist to discourage the use of personalised
vehicles and encourage the use of public transport, which would not only
reduce the pollution level in the city but also reduce traffic congestion on the
· Metro Tax @ 2% on pay rolls of all establishments having more than 100
employees. Such cess is in existence in a number of Western countries for
· Surcharge @ 10% on luxury tax on the earning of all Star Hotels. At present
level, the luxury tax is 10%. The surcharge will raise the level to only 11%.
Chinese cities have adopted this scheme.
14.2 The master plan has recommended a total network of 146.5 Kms along
10 corridors for implementation three phases with horizon year as 2031.
14.3 The present corridor` Versova- Andheri – Ghatkopar’ is one of the phase–I
corridors, with route length of 11.07 Kms.
14.4 Metro rail systems are superior to buses because they provide much
higher carrying capacity, require only 1/5th of the energy per passenger km
compared to road-based systems, cause no air pollution, occupy no road
space if underground and only about 2 meter width of the road if elevated.
A metro system can carry the same amount of traffic as 7 lanes of bus
traffic or 25 lanes of private motor cars, are more reliable, comfortable and
safer than road-based systems and reduce journey time by anything
between 50% and 75% depending on the road conditions. In view of this
position, Mumbai Metro should not be delayed. Any further delay in taking
up the project would escalate its cost and impose avoidable heavy price
for delaying a decision.
14.5 Experience of implementing Delhi Metro project has shown that a Special
Purpose Vehicle (SPV), vested with adequate powers, is an effective
organisational arrangement to implement and subsequently operate and
maintain a metro rail project. An SPV should, therefore, be set up for
Mumbai Metro and registered under the Companies Act, 1956. This SPV
should be patterned on the lines of Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd.
(DMRC), with equal Equity participation by the State and the Central
Governments and may be named as ‘Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation Ltd.’
(MMRC). It will have equal number of Directors on its Board from these
two Governments. While the Managing Director of MMRC should be the
nominee of the State Government, its Chairman should be the Secretary,
Ministry of Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation, as the nominee of
Detailed Project Report for Phase-I Corridors of Mumbai MRTS 1/4
Final Report Versova - Andheri - Ghatkopar Corridor
Ch. 14 – Conclusion
14.7 On receipt of the Detailed Project Report, following advance action would
need to be taken urgently for implementing the Mumbai Metro project:
14.8 An implementation plan for Mumbai Metro project has been discussed in
Chapter 13 of this Report. If the actions listed as above are taken promptly
by the two Governments, it should be possible to start physical work on
this project in the financial year 2004-05 itself.
14.9 Procurement of rolling stock is generally the most critical activity in metro
commissioning. Energy efficient, light-weight and reliable rolling stock are
required to be made available in time for starting integrated trials before
commercial opening. Imported rolling stock is generally very expensive.
M/s BEML, Bangalore have the required facilities and capability for
indigenous manufacture of rolling stock on account of the transfer of
technology that would take place during the manufacture of metro
coaches for Delhi. However, BOT operator is free to bring Rolling Stock
from any where as long as the specifications are met.
14.11 For successful implementation of any metro project, which by its very
nature is highly technical and complex, huge in size and to be executed in
difficult urban environments, there should be a political will and
commitment. The decision making process has to be fast and the
implementing agency must have the required work culture, commitment to
targets, commitments to safety, quality and cost consciousness. Any time
overrun will have disastrous consequences by way of serious cost
14.12 Metro projects are highly capital intensive. On account of the high costs
involved and the need to maintain a fare structure within the affordable
reach of ordinary citizens, metro projects are not ordinarily financially
viable. But considering the overwhelming economic gains to the society
and the fact that cities with a population of more than ten million cannot
just survive without an efficient metro system, we strongly recommend the
Mumbai Metro system to be taken up for implementation in the financial
year 2004-2005 itself.
14.13 Capital cost of Mumbai Metro project at June, 2004 prices has been
estimated at Rs. 1475 crores. It is also proposed to provide a link to Sahar
International airport with cost of Rs.90 crores. Further if the maintenance
depot is provide at Godrej area (towards Eastern end ) in stead of at DN
Nagar, it’s cost will be Rs.315 Crores .The FIRR & EIRR have been
calculated taking project construction cost as Rs. 1475 crores and they
are 7.56% and 21.53%respectively.
14.14 This DPR is for one corridor of first phase only. Mumbai being one of the
fastest growing urban agglomerations of the country will need a bigger
metro network. The other corridors proposed in phase I will require to be