Fountain International School: Club Name Description
Fountain International School: Club Name Description
Fountain International School: Club Name Description
• A private, non-sectarian educational institution which welcomes pre-school, grade school and high school students from diverse cultures, race and religion.
• 65 certified Teachers, 1:6 Teacher to Students Ratio, 100% parents satisfied.
• As an accredited Cambridge International School, we offer a comprehensive educational program to enhance students’ academic prowess, thereby, allowing them to be
globally competitive. We encourage them to take part in numerous activities that challenge their minds, stimulate them to think critically, and enable them to explore
• FIS want their students to be the best they can be. Whether it’s in the field of music, dancing, art or writing, we have diverse programs available wherein they are given
the opportunity to pursue their interests and showcase their talents.
• At Fountain, no one is an outcast. They strive to create a positive environment where everyone feels at home and is treated like family – regardless of his or her
background, race or ethnicity. Different socio-cultural events are held to foster camaraderie, promote unity, and allow students to appreciate different cultures and
• At Fountain, they ensure that our students are not only academically motivated, but are also physically competent and confident. After school programs (ASPs) and
various recreational sports are available to instill in them a love of activity. That way, we help them become fit, alert and active while at the same time having fun.
• Elementary is a period of continuous growth and learning. In this stage, the importance of clubs and extracurricular activities is to help students thrive in a harmonious
and academic environment where the freedom to express and constantly learn new things is an achievable feat.
• Ranging from the arts to making subjects more fun, here are the clubs and extracurricular activities in the elementary division:
Spelling Bee Spelling bees are more than words: amidst the tension and competition, it's teamwork, improved language and social skills at play.
Who says Math can't be fun? Through paired and group activities, games and mock competitions, students can develop their skill and knowledge
Math Fun Games
in terms of problem solving and logic comprehension.
Performing arts spell creativity and imagination for students. Covering areas such as dance, music, theater and visual arts, students are able to
Performing Arts
express and discover more about themselves through a series of artistic activities.
Arts and In a creative and innovative environment, students can share their mutual interest with arts and handicrafts with other groups through hands-on
Handicrafts and fun-filled experiences. In this manner, students can create not just crafts, but harmony with others as well.
Words are a double-edged sword and must be honed properly. Aspiring and promising writers can learn responsible journalism through hand-
and-hand broadcasting and modern desktop publishing. The activities will arm students to succeed despite the challenges digital era brings.
Chess A game of chess a day aids Grades 1 to 6 students to grow their analyzation, concentration and logic skills.
HypicX A picture is worth a thousand words. HypicX introduces the art of photography as a visual language. Students can learn and explore fundamental
Photography skills and mechanics in capturing images while they "collect moments" along the way.
Enhanced athletic capabilities are best achieved through consecutive recreational and competitive gymnastics. Students can have fun while
putting their physical talents into action.
After school, programs such as Taekwondo assists Grades 1 to 6 students with self-defense techniques together with developing their
body balance, speed and self-control conditions.
English Curriculum
Enables learners to communicate confidently and effectively to harness critical skills when responding to a range of information and media and texts. Students will develop a
first language competency in English designed to be successful in any culture, promoting cross-cultural understanding in the long run.
Develops students’ speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in English. The curriculum is based on the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference for
Languages (CEFR) and this approach to learning is used across the world to map learners’ progress in English.
Mathematics Curriculum
Explores five key content areas: number, geometry, measure, handling data and problem solving. Focusing on principles, patterns, systems, functions and relationships so that
learners can apply their mathematical knowledge and grow a holistic comprehension of the subject.
Covers four learning areas: scientific enquiry, biology, chemistry and physics. Scientific enquiry is more on considering ideas, evaluating evidence, planning, investigating,
recording and analyzing data. Environmental awareness and some background on science is also incorporated.
• Oak Elementary opened in 1987. We are located in one of the fastest growing towns (population about 55,000) in the Memphis/Shelby County area. Our building,
described by our students as a huge happy face, is situated on 15 acres that was once a sod farm. It is a unique Pre-K to 5th grade child-centered, community supported
school. Serving this population are faculty, staff, parents, grandparents, extended family members, and community supporters who believe as we do: Educating Everyone
Takes Everyone and Schools Exist to Serve Children. They commit their time and resources to a program which has received national recognition for the
accomplishments of its students, parents, and school leadership.
• These activities include: DARE Program, Educational Leaders of Tomorrow, Field Day Activities, Memphis in May, Science Fair, Spelling Bee, Battle of the Books, Safety
Patrol, Christmas Angels (for our young-adoptees), Christmas Pals (for our older adoptees at the Nursing Home), Red Ribbon Week, Literacy Program, Visiting
Authors/Illustrators, Botanical Garden, Brooks Memorial Art Gallery, and Oak ACRES (our outdoor classroom).
• Oak offers a rich, extensive extracurricular environment to promote learning for the whole child. To learn more, please visit the clubs and activities under the student tab.
Preschool students must be 3 years old on or before September 1, 2019. All children must be able to bathroom independently before applying to Lambs of Faith.
The professionally trained teachers are Christian individuals who truly care about the needs of each child in the program. They have the unique ability to create an environment
that is safe, encourages learning, and is fun. Our teachers have college training in early childhood education. The work under the supervision of the Preschool Director, the Board
of Christian Education, and the principal of Faith Lutheran School.
Our preschool is a licensed child care provider, as granted by the Department of Early Learning in Washington State. Benefits of licensed child care include assurance of:
Faith Lutheran offers Before and After School Care of our students, whose parents work and are in need of the program. Due to our licensure requirements, we are able to offer
this service to students through age 12.
Program Times
6:30 - 8:00 am
3:15 - 6:00 pm
Before and After School Care is available on all days school is in session with the exception of half days (noon dismissal) when no After School Care is provided. Detailed
guidelines and information are available
• Students at Faith Lutheran School receive a high quality, well-rounded Christian education. The curriculum consists of subject areas commonly taught at the elementary
and middle school level. The standards established by the Washington Department of Education are used as a guide in developing the curriculum at Faith Lutheran
• Technology is integrated into all curricular areas with SMART Boards, 1 to 1 Google Chromebooks, and Microsoft Surface Tablets.
• At Faith, we offer a variety of extra curricular opportunities for our students to use their God-given talents and abilities!
Faith Lutheran School offers multiple athletic opportunities to its students. These activities are competitive, yet Christ-centered. Each athlete,
parent, and coach continually display their Christ-like attitude utilizing their God-given talents to the best of their ability.
✓ Fall Sports
Soccer (Co-ed, Grades 6-8) $50
Junior Falcons Soccer (Co-ed, Grades 1-5) $25
Cross Country (Co-ed, Grades 4-8) $25
Volleyball (Co-ed, Grades 3-8) $50
✓ Winter Sports
Basketball (Boys & Girls Teams, Grades 3-8) $50
Cheerleading (Girls, Grades K-8) $25
✓ Spring Sports
Track and Field (Coed, Grades 1-8)
Softball (Co-ed, Grades 7-8)
*All sports/grades are tentative and subject to change*
✓ Instrument Lessons
We partner with Evergreen Lutheran High School to offer instrument lessons.
Grades 4-8, $20/lesson
✓ Piano Lessons
Grades 1-8, $75/month
✓ Violin Lessons
Grades 1-8, $75/month