Roman Gladiators

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Roman Gladiators

Life as a Roman Gladiator was not a very nice one. They were
either slaves from defeated tribes or criminals and for the
entertainment of the Roman citizens they were made to either
fight each other to the death or had to fight wild animals like
bears and lions. The more gory and bloody the battle the more
the crowd cheered.

Gladiators life was not a free one at all, they were locked up in
a training school where they were trained to fight by an old
gladiator who didn’t have to fight anymore; not that there
were many of those. They had to lift weights and exercise
everyday to get fit and they also had to practice sword
fighting with wooden swords. Once trained, they had to fight
each other in the front of the Roman audience in the

Gladiators were trained to be a certain sort of fighter and

they would try to become as good a fighter as possible. They
had to fight to win, to loose as a gladiator would mean death in
the fighting contest.

Some Types of Gladiators:

Andabatus – was a gladiator who wore a helmet with no eye

holes and used to charge blindly around the arena on a horse.

Samnite – has a visor on his helmet that had a crest, he carried

a large shield and sword.

Retarius – tried to catch his opponents in his net. His left arm
and shoulder were protected with armour. He had a large fork
like weapon for stabbing, this was called a trident.

A Retarius Gladiator.

Velitus – he was only armed with a spear.

A Velitus Gladiator

Secutor – was also lightly armed and had to chase his

opponents to fight them.

The secutor is the one on the ground.

Laquerius – was similar to a retarius but with a lasso instead of

a net.
Once the training of the gladiator was complete he was then to
fight in the amphitheatre. Romans loved the gladiator fights
they attended in huge numbers and the Emperor himself would
go to big fights. People would gamble on the outcome of the
fights and the games would be the focus of the entertainment
for the whole day.

The different types of gladiators would be set against each

other and would fight bloody battles with each other. The
loser would at the end of the fight call the support of the
Emperor or the crowd to decide his fate. If the Emperor
declared the gladiator to die then the winner killed him. If the
gladiator had put up a fierce fight that pleased the Emperor
and the crowd they would spare his life.


1. What do you think the life of a gladiator was like?






2. Where did the gladiators fight?

3. Where gladiators free?



4. Describe how gladiators trained?




5. Draw a picture of a retarius gladiator and velitus gladiator

fighting in the space below.
6. Do you think that the Roman crowd was blood thirsty and







7. How could the loosing gladiator live?






8. You are an ancient Briton and you have been captured by

roman soldiers in a fight. You have been sent Rome and sold at
a slave market to the gladiator training school. You are
training to be a samnite gladiator. Your life is hard you are up
at dawn and you train all day. You have to lift huge weights to
make your muscles strong and have practice fights with other
gladiators. Finally the day you have dreaded has arrived you
have to fight before the Emperor. Your fight has been drawn
and you have to fight a retarius gladiator. Write a story
describing your battle in the amphitheatre.
















8. your gladiator story. .................................................................................


















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