Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines Region Viii (Eastern Visayas)

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Enclosure to RM ________, S.


Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Leyte
District of Tolosa


AUGUST 24- AUGUST 28, 2020

MELC: Adds and subtracts simple fractions and mixed numbers without or with regrouping.
Solves routine and non-routine problems involving addition and/or subtraction of fractions using appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools. Q1, p221

24 25 26 27 28
What is simple fraction? What is a mixed number? How do you subtract mixed What are word problems? What are the steps in solving non-routine
numbers without regrouping? problems?
What are the parts of a simple fraction? What are the parts of a mixed number? What are the steps in solving routine
How do you subtract mixed problems? How do you solve non-routine problems
What are examples of simple fractions? What are examples of mixed numbers? numbers with regrouping? involving addition/ subtraction of
How do you solve routine problems fractions?
How do you add simple fractions without How do you add mixed numbers Activity: Subtract the following involving addition / subtraction of
regrouping? without regrouping? mixed numbers. fractions? Activity: Solve the word problem using
non routine steps in problem solving.
How do you add simple fractions with How do you add mixed numbers with Activity: Solve the word problem using
regrouping? regrouping? routine steps in problem solving.

How do you subtract simple fractions Activity: Add the following mixed
without regrouping? numbers.

How do you subtract simple fractions with


Activity: Add/ Subtract the following simple



MELC: Multiplies simple fraction and mixed fractions.
Solves routine and non-routine problems involving multiplication without or with addition or subtraction of fractions and mixed fractions using appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools.
Q1, p221

Cantariwis Elementary School, Cantariwis, Tolosa, Leyte

Enclosure to RM ________, S. 2020

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Leyte
District of Tolosa

31 1 2 3 4
What is a simple fraction? What is a mixed fraction? What are word problems? What are the steps involved in non-
What is a fraction? routine problem solving?
How do you multiply simple fraction? How do you multiply mixed What are the steps in problem solving?
What are the parts of a fraction? fractions? How do you solve non-routine problems
Activity: Multiply the following simple How do you solve routine problems involving multiplication with addition or
What are examples of fractions? fractions. Activity: Multiply the following involving multiplication without subtraction of fractions and mixed
mixed fractions? addition or subtraction of fractions and fractions?
Activity: Identify the parts of a fraction. mixed fractions?
Activity: Solve the word problem
Activity: Solve the word problem involving multiplication with addition or
involving multiplication without subtraction of fractions and mixed
addition or subtraction of fraction and fractions.
mixed fraction.

SEPTEMBER 7-11, 2020

MELC: Divides simple fractions and mixed fractions.
Solves routine or non-routine problems involving division without or with any of the other operations of fractions and mixed fractions using appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools. Q1, p221

7 8 9 10 11
What is simple fraction? What is mixed fraction? What is problem solving? What are the steps in solving non- How do you solve problems involving
routine problems? division with addition or subtraction of
How do you divide simple fractions? How do we divide mixed fraction? What are the steps in routine fractions and mixed fractions?
problem solving? How do you solve problems involving
Activity: Divide the following simple Activity: Divide the following mixed division with addition or subtraction of Activity: Solve the word problem
fraction. fraction. How do you solve problems fractions? involving division with any of the other
involving division without any of the operations of fractions and mixed
other operations of fractions and Activity: Solve the word problem fractions.
mixed fractions? involving division with any of the other

Cantariwis Elementary School, Cantariwis, Tolosa, Leyte

Enclosure to RM ________, S. 2020

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Leyte
District of Tolosa

operations of fractions and mixed

Activity: Solve the word problem fractions.
involving division without any of the
other operations of fractions and
mixed fractions.

SEPTEMBER 14-18, 2020

MELC: Adds and subtracts decimals and mixed decimals through ten thousandths without or with regrouping.
Solves one or more steps routine and non-routine problems involving addition and or subtraction of decimals and mixed decimals using appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools. Q1, p222

14 15 16 17 18
What are decimals? What are mixed decimals? How do you subtract decimals and What is problem solving? What is problem solving?
mixed decimals through ten
What are the place values of decimals? What are the place values of mixed thousandths without or with What are the processes involved in What are the processes involved in
decimals? regrouping? solving one or more steps routine solving 1 or more steps in non-routine
How do you add decimals through ten problems involving addition and or problems involving addition and or
thousandths with or without regrouping? How do you add mixed decimals Activity: Subtract the following subtraction of decimals and mixed subtraction of decimals and mixed
through ten thousandths with or mixed decimals through ten decimals? decimals?
Activity: Add the following decimals without regrouping? thousandths.
through ten thousandths. Activity: Solve the routine word Activity: Solve the non-routine word
Activity: Add the following mixed problem involving addition and or problem involving addition and or
decimals through ten thousandths. subtraction of decimals and mixed subtraction of decimals and mixed
decimals. decimals.

SEPTEMBER 21-25, 2020

MELC: Multiplies decimals and mixed decimals with factors up to 2 decimal places.
Multiplies mentally decimals up to 2 decimal places by 0.1, 0.01, and 100.
Solves routine and non-routine problems involving multiplication of decimals and mixed decimals including money using appropriate problem-solving strategies. Q1, p222

Cantariwis Elementary School, Cantariwis, Tolosa, Leyte

Enclosure to RM ________, S. 2020

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Leyte
District of Tolosa

21 22 23 24 25
What are examples of decimals? What are examples of mixed decimals? What is the technique in multiplying What is a word problem? What is a wordproblem?
mentally the decimals up to 2
What are the place values of decimals? What are the place values of mixed decimal places by 0.1, 0.01, and What are the steps in solving routine What are the steps in problem solving
decimals? 100? problems? non-routine problems?
How do you multiply decimals with
factors up to 2 decimal places? How do you multiply mixed decimals What are the rules in multiplying How do you solve routine problems How do you solve non-routine
with factors up to 2 decimal places? mentally the decimals up to 2 involving multiplication of decimals problems involving multiplication of
Where will you place the decimal point in decimal places by 0.1, 0.01, and and mixed decimals including money decimals and mixed decimals including
the factor? What is the proper placement of 100? using appropriate problem-solving money using appropriate problem-
decimal point in the factors? strategies? solving strategies?
Activity: Multiply decimals with factors How do you multiply mentally
up to 2 decimal places? Activity: Multiply the following mixed decimals up to 2 decimal places by Activity: Solve the word problem. Use Activity: Solve the word problem. Use
decimals. 0.1, 0.01, and 100? the steps in routine problem. the steps in non- routine problem.

Activity: Multiply mentally decimals

up to 2 decimal places by 0.1, 0.01,
and 100.


MELC: Solves multi-step problems involving multiplication and addition or subtraction of decimals, mixed decimals, and whole numbers including money using appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools.Q1,

28 29 30 1 2
What are examples of decimals? What are examples of mixed decimals? What are examples of whole What are examples of decimals? Have you gone to the grocery store?
What is problem solving? How do you solve multi-step problems What are examples of mixed decimals? What did you notice with the price tag
involving multiplication and addition How do you solve multi-step of some grocery items?
What are the steps or processes involved in or subtraction of mixed decimals? problems involving multiplication What are examples of whole numbers?
solving problem involving multiplication, and addition or subtraction of Did the cashier had difficulty in
addition or subtraction of decimals? Activity: Solve the word problem whole numbers? How do you solve multi-step problems changing from bill to coin with
involving multiplication and addition involving multiplication and addition or decimals?

Cantariwis Elementary School, Cantariwis, Tolosa, Leyte

Enclosure to RM ________, S. 2020

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Leyte
District of Tolosa

Activity: Solve the word problem involving or subtraction of mixed decimals. Activity: Solve the word problem subtraction of decimals, mixed decimals,
multiplication, addition or subtraction of involving multiplication and and whole numbers using appropriate How will you solve multi-step
decimals. addition or subtraction of whole strategies and tools? problems involving multiplication and
numbers. addition or subtraction of decimals,
Activity: Solve the word problem mixed decimals, and whole numbers
involving multiplication and addition or including money.
subtraction of decimals, mixed decimals,
and whole numbers. Activity: Solve the word problem
involving multi-step problem
involving money.

OCTOBER 5-9, 2020

MELC: Divides whole numbers by decimals up to 2 decimal places and vice versa.
Divides decimals or mixed decimals up to 2 decimal places. Q1, p222

5 6 7 8 9
What are decimals? How do you divide whole numbers by How do you divide decimals by How do you divide decimals by whole What are examples of decimals?
decimals up to two decimal places? whole numbers with one decimal numbers up to 2 decimal places?
What are the place values of decimals? place? What are examples of mixed
What is the proper placement of What is the correct placement of the decimals?
How do you divide whole numbers by decimal point in the quotient? What is the correct placement of decimal point in the quotient?
decimals with one decimal place? the decimal point in the quotient? How do you divide decimals and
Activity: Divide the whole numbers by Activity: Divide the decimals by whole mixed decimals up to two decimal
Activity: Divide whole numbers by decimals decimals. Activity: Divide the decimals by numbers up to two decimal places. places?
with one decimal place. whole numbers.
What is the correct placement of the
decimal point on the quotient?

Activity: Divide decimals and mixed


Cantariwis Elementary School, Cantariwis, Tolosa, Leyte

Enclosure to RM ________, S. 2020

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Leyte
District of Tolosa

OCTOBER 12-14, 2020

MELC: Divides decimals up to 4 decimal places by 0.1, 0.01, and 0.001.
Divides decimals up to 2 decimal places by 10, 100, and 1,000 mentally. Q1, p222

12 13 14
What are examples of decimal numbers? How do you divide decimals with 3 How do you divide decimals with 4 How do you divide decimals with 1 How do you divide decimals with 2
decimal places by 0.1, 0.01, and 0.001? decimal places by 0.1, 0.01, and decimal place by 10, 100, and 1000 decimal places by 10, 100, and 1000
How do you divide decimals with 2 0.001? mentally? mentally?
decimal places by 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001? What is the rule in dividing decimals up
to 3 decimal places by 0.1, 0.01 and What is the rule in dividing decimals What is the strategy/ technique in What is the strategy/ technique in
What is the rule in dividing decimals up to 0.001? up to 4 decimal places by 0.1, 0.01 dividing decimals with 1 decimal place dividing decimals with 2 decimal
2 decimal places by 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001? and 0.001? by 10, 100 and 1000 mentally? places by 10, 100 and 1000 mentally?
How do you divide decimals with 3
Activity: Divide 2 decimal places by 0.1, decimal places by 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001? Activity: Divide 4 decimal places by Activity: Divide 1 decimal place by 10, Activity: Divide 2 decimal places by 10,
0.01, and 0.001? 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001. 100 and 1000 mentally. 100 and 1000 mentally.
Activity: Divide 3 decimal places by
0.1, 0.01 and 0.001.

MELC: Differentiates terminating from repeating, non-terminating decimal quotients.
Solves routine and non-routine problems involving division of decimals, mixed decimals, and whole numbers including money using appropriate problem- solving strategies and tools. Q1, p223

What are terminating numbers? What is problem solving? What are examples of mixed What are examples of whole numbers? Have you gone to the grocery store?

Cantariwis Elementary School, Cantariwis, Tolosa, Leyte

Enclosure to RM ________, S. 2020

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Leyte
District of Tolosa

What are repeating numbers? What is a routine problem? How do you solve routine and non- What did you notice with the price tag
What are the parts of mixed routine problems involving division of of some grocery items?
What are non-terminating numbers? What is a non-routine problem? decimals? whole numbers?
Did the cashier had difficulty in
What are examples of repeating numbers? How is the processes from routine How do you solve routine and non- changing from bill to coin with
problem differs from non- routine routine problems involving division Activity: Solve the word problem using decimals?
What are examples of non-terminating problem? of mixed decimals? division of whole numbers.
numbers? How do you solve routine and non-
How do you solve routine and non- Activity: Solve the word problem routine problems involving money?
How do you identify terminating from routine problems involving division of using division of mixed decimals.
repeating, non-terminating decimal decimals? Activity: Solve the word problem.
Activity: Solve the word problem using
Activity: Identify the number if it is division of decimals.
terminating, repeating, non-terminating.

MELC: Solves multi-step routine and non-routine problems involving division of decimals, mixed decimals, and whole numbers including money using appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools. Q1, p223

What are examples of decimals? What are examples of mixed decimals? What are examples of whole Have you tried to buy a candy for What is a routine problem?
numbers? 0.50 cents?
What is problem solving? How do you solve multi-step routine What is a non-routine problem?
and non-routine problems involving How do you solve multi-step routine Have you encountered difficulty in
What are the steps or processes division of mixed decimals? and non-routine problems involving dividing your money in order to buy How do you solve routine problem
involved in solving problem involving division of whole numbers? candies? involving division of decimals, mixed
division of decimals? Activity: Solve the word problem decimals, and whole numbers including
involving multi-step processes Activity: Solve the word problem How do you solve multi-step routine money using appropriate problem-solving
Activity: Solve the word problem involving division of mixed decimals? involving multi-step processes and non-routine problems involving strategies and tools?
involving multi-step processes involving division of whole division of decimals including money?
involving division of decimals? numbers? How do you solve non-routine problem
Activity: Solve the word problem involving division of decimals, mixed

Cantariwis Elementary School, Cantariwis, Tolosa, Leyte

Enclosure to RM ________, S. 2020

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Leyte
District of Tolosa

involving multi-step processes decimals, and whole numbers including

involving division of decimals money using appropriate problem-solving
including money. strategies and tools?

Activity: Solve the word problem.


AUGUST 24 – 28, 2020

MELC:Visualize numbers up to 100,000 with emphasis on numbers 10,001 – 100,000
Gives the place value and the value of a digit in numbers up to 100,000
Reads and writes numbers in symbol and in words, up to hundred thousand and compare them using relation symbol

24 25 26 27 28
How do you visualize numbers? A total of 54 675 teachers and students What are number place values? How do you read and write numbers? How do you compare large numbers?
joined the “Save Mother Earth”
What will you use to represent the campaign. What does each digit in a given number What are the importance of knowing What are the symbols used in
number shown? How will you show 54, 675? stands for? how do you write numbers in words? comparing numbers?

Cantariwis Elementary School, Cantariwis, Tolosa, Leyte

Enclosure to RM ________, S. 2020

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Leyte
District of Tolosa

What will you use to represent the How can we determine the value of a Activity: Activity:
Activity: number shown? digit? Write the numbers in words. Which number is greater? Write your
What number is represented by these answer in your notebook.
number of discs? Count the ten Activity: Activity: Write the numbers in symbols.
thousand, thousands, hundreds, tens Visualize numbers up to 100 000 with In the number 45 678, write in your Compare the numbers then write >< or
and ones. Write your answer on the emphasis on numbers 50 001 – 100 000. notebook the digit in the given place = in the box.
blank. Do what is asked. value.

Draw number discs to show the Draw number discs to show the given Give the place value and the value of
numbers that follows. numbers. the underlined digit.


MELC: Rounds numbers to the nearest thousand and ten thousand.
Orders numbers up to 100 000 in increasing or decreasing order.
31 1 2 3 4

What is meant by rounding numbers? How can we round numbers to the How do we explain rounding off What does it mean to arrange in How are numbers arranged in
nearest thousand? numbers? increasing order? decreasing order?
How do you round numbers to the
nearest thousand? To which number is 12, 756 closer, 12 Why do we need to round off numbers? How do you arrange numbers in How do you arrange digit of numbers in
000 or 13 000? increasing order? decreasing order?
What is 12, 756 rounded to the nearest
thousands? Activity: Activity: Activity:
Round each number to the nearest Copy the price of each item. Then, Activity: Arrange the following sets of numbers
Activity: thousand and ten thousand to complete round each to the nearest thousands Arrange the following sets of numbers in decreasing order.

Cantariwis Elementary School, Cantariwis, Tolosa, Leyte

Enclosure to RM ________, S. 2020

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Leyte
District of Tolosa

Round each number to the place value the table. and ten thousand. in increasing order.
of the underlined digit.

Encircle the numbers that can be

rounded to the given number.

SEPTEMBER 7-11, 2020

MELC:Multiplies numbers up to 3-digit numbers by up 2-digit numbers without or with regrouping.
Estimates the products of 3-to-4 digit numbers by 2- to 3- digit numbers with reasonable results.

7 8 9 10 11

How do you multiply a 3-digit number What are steps that can be used in What are word problems? What is estimation? How do you explain estimation? How
by a 2-digit number? multiplying a 3-digit number by 2-digit do you estimate a product of 4-digit by
number with regrouping? What are the steps in solving problems? How do you estimate a product of 3- 3-digit numbers to solve for the answer?
What are the steps in multiplying a 3- digit by 2-digit numbers to solve for the
digit number by 2-digit number without Activity: How do you solve problems involving answer? Activity:
regrouping? Find the product of the given 2-digit by multiplication of 3-digit number by 2- Estimate the product of 4-digit by 3-
2-digit numbers. digit number? Activity: digit numbers to solve for the answer.
Activity: Estimate the product. Then, find the
Find the product of the given 2-digit by Activity: Solve the word problem using actual product and compare it to actual
1-digit numbers. routine steps in problem solving. product.

Cantariwis Elementary School, Cantariwis, Tolosa, Leyte

Enclosure to RM ________, S. 2020

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Leyte
District of Tolosa

SEPTEMBER 14-18, 2020

MELC: Multiplies mentally 2-digit by 1-to2- digit numbers with products up to 200 and explains the strategies used.
Solves routine and non-routine problems involving multiplication of whole numbers including money using appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools.
14 15 16 17 18

How do you solve 2-digit by 1-digit How do we get the product of 2-digit by What are word problems? What are the steps in solving routine What are the steps in solving non-
multiplication mentally? Study the 2-digit numbers mentally? word problems? routine problems?
example. How do you solve word problem?
How do you solve routine problems How do you solve non-routine problems
What are the steps to be followed to find What are the steps in finding the What are the steps in solving word involving multiplication of whole involving addition/ subtraction of
the product? product? problems? number? fractions?

Activity: Activity: Activity: Activity: Solve the word problem using Activity: Solve the word problem using
Mentally solve the products of the given Mentally solve the products of the given Solve the word problem. Show your routine steps in problem solving. non routine steps in problem solving.
set of number. set of numbers. solution.

SEPTEMBER 21-25, 2020

MELC:Solves multi-step routine and non-routine problems involving multiplication and addition or subtraction using appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools.
21 22 23 24 25

What is a multi-step problem? How do we solve multi step routine How do we solve multi-step non-routine How do we solve multi step routine and How do we solve multi step routine and
problems involving multiplication, problems involving multiplication, non-routine problems involving non-routine problems involving
What are the different operations to be addition or subtraction? addition or subtraction? multiplication, addition or subtraction? multiplication, addition or subtraction?
used in solving multi-step problems?
What are the steps in solving routine What are the steps in solving non- What are the steps in solving routine What are the steps in solving routine
What are the steps in solving problems problems? routine problems? and non-routine problems? and non-routine problems?

Cantariwis Elementary School, Cantariwis, Tolosa, Leyte

Enclosure to RM ________, S. 2020

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Leyte
District of Tolosa

involving multiplication, addition or

subtraction of whole numbers? Activity: Activity: Activity: Activity:
Solve the problems. Use the routine Solve the problems. Use the non-routine Solve the problems. Use the routine and Solve the word problems. Follow the
steps in solving. steps in solving. non-routine steps in solving. steps in multi-step routine and non-
Activity: routine problems.
Solve the word problem involving
multiplication, addition or subtraction
of whole numbers.


MELC: Divides 3-to 4-digit numbers by 1-to 2- digit numbers without and with remainder.
Divides mentally 2- to 4- digit numbers by tens or hundreds or by 1000 without or with remainder.

28 29 30 1 2

How will you divide a 3 to 4-digit How will you divide a 3 to 4-digit How will you divide a 3 to 4-digit How will you divide a 3 to 4-digit What is a remainder? How will you
number by a 1-digit number with or number by a 2-digit number with or number by a 10 or 100 without number by a 1000 without remainder? divide a 3 to 4-digit number by a 10,
without remainder? without remainder? remainder? 100 or 1000 with remainder?
What are the steps in dividing 3-4-digit
What are the steps in dividing 3-digit by What are the steps in dividing 3-digit by What are the steps in dividing 3-4-digit numbers by 1000 without remainder? What are the steps in dividing 3-4-digit
1-2-digit number? 1-2-digit number? numbers by 10 or 100 without numbers by 10, 100 or 1000 with
remainder? Activity: remainder?
Activity: Activity: Copy the following in your notebook.
Find the quotient of the given set of Find the quotient of the given set of Activity: Then, find the quotient. Activity:
numbers. numbers. Find the quotient of the given set of Find the quotient of the set of numbers
numbers. to complete the table.

Cantariwis Elementary School, Cantariwis, Tolosa, Leyte

Enclosure to RM ________, S. 2020

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Leyte
District of Tolosa

OCTOBER 5 – 9, 2020
MELC:Divides mentally 2- to 4- digit numbers by tens or hundreds or by 1000 without or with remainder.
Estimates the quotient of 3-to 4-digit dividends by 1-to2-digit divisors with reasonable results.

5 6 7 8 9

Can you solve problems mentally? How will you solve 3-digit by 1-digit What is estimation? How do you estimate a product of 3- How do you estimate a product of 4-
number mentally? digit by 2-digit numbers to solve for the digit by 2-digit numbers to solve for the
How will you solve 2-digit by 1-digit How do you estimate a product of 3 to answer? answer?
number mentally? What are the basic facts you should 4-digit by 1-digit numbers to solve for
remember to find the quotient? the answer? What are the steps to be followed in What are the steps to be followed in
What are the basic facts you should solving? solving?
remember to find the quotient? Activity: Activity:
Solve word problems involving 2-digit Estimate the product of 3 to 4-digit by Activity: Activity:
Activity: by 1-digit mentally. 1-digit numbers. Estimate the product of 3-digit by 2- Estimate the product of 4-digit by 2-
Solve word problems involving 2-digit digit numbers. digit numbers.
by 1-digit mentally.

Cantariwis Elementary School, Cantariwis, Tolosa, Leyte

Enclosure to RM ________, S. 2020

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Leyte
District of Tolosa

OCTOBER 12 – 14 ,2020
MELC:Solves routine and non-routine problems involving division of 3-to4- digit numbers by 1-to 2-digit numbers including money using
appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools.
Solves multi-step routine and non-routine problems involving division and any of the other operations of whole numbers including money using appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools.
12 13 14

What is problem solving? What are the steps in solving routine What are the steps in solving non- What is a multi-step problem? How will you solve multi-step problem
problems? routine problems? involving division, multiplication,
What are the steps in solving routine How do you solve multi step problems? subtraction or addition including
problems? How do you solve routine problems How do you solve routine problems money using appropriate problem-
involving division of 3-to-4-digit involving division of 3-to-4-digit Activity: solving strategies?
How do you solve routine problems numbers by 2-digit number? numbers by 1-to-2-digit number? Solve the word problem involving
involving division of 3-to-4-digit division, multiplication, addition or What are the steps in solving multi-step
numbers by 1-digit number? subtraction of whole numbers. problem?

Activity: Activity: Activity: Activity:

Solve word problem using routine steps Solve word problem using routine steps Solve word problem using non-routine Solve the word problem involving
involving division of 3-to-4-digit involving division of 3-to-4-digit steps involving division of 3-to-4-digit division, multiplication, addition or
numbers by 1-digit number. numbers by 2-digit number. numbers by1to 2-digit number. subtraction of whole numbers involving

MELC:Performs a series of two or more operations applying Multiplication, Division, Addition and Subtraction (MDAS) correctly.
What are the four fundamental Have you encountered problems that What is MDAS? Look at the number sentence below. How many operations are there are
operations? involves different operations? 2 x 3 + 4 = N, 35 – 6 x 2 = N there in each problem?

Cantariwis Elementary School, Cantariwis, Tolosa, Leyte

Enclosure to RM ________, S. 2020

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Leyte
District of Tolosa

What are the rules to follow in solving Have you encountered problems like
How will you perform a series of two How will you perform a series of three problems with two or more operations these? What are the steps in solving problems
operations applying multiplication, operations applying multiplication, applying multiplication, division, How did you get the answer? that applies two or more operations,
division, addition and subtraction? division, addition and subtraction? addition or subtraction? How many operations are there are Multiplication, Division, Addition or
there in each problem? Subtraction?
What operations should be solved first? What operations should be solved first? What is MDAS rule example?
What are the steps in solving problems
Activity: Activity: that applies two or more operations, Activity:
Solve the given problem. Perform two Solve the given problem. Perform two Activity: Multiplication, Division, Addition or Solve the problem. Follow the rules
series of operation applying MDAS. series of operation applying MDAS. Solve the problem. Follow the rules Subtraction? correctly.
Solve the problem. Follow the rules


AUGUST 24-28, 2020

MELC: Uses divisibility rules for 2, 5 and 10 to find the common factors of numbers, Q 1, p. 216

Cantariwis Elementary School, Cantariwis, Tolosa, Leyte

Enclosure to RM ________, S. 2020

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Leyte
District of Tolosa

Uses divisibility rules for 3, 6 and 9 to find common factors, Q 1, p. 216

24 25 26 27 28
What does divisibility mean? What are the divisibility rules for 5 What are the divisibility rules for 3? What are the divisibility rules for 6? What are the divisibility rules for 9?
and 10?
What is a divisibility rule? How does divisibility rule for 3 help How does divisibility rule for 6 help in How does divisibility rule for 9 help in finding
How does divisibility rule for 5 and in finding common factors of finding common factors of numbers? common factors of numbers?
What are the divisibility rules for 10 help in finding common factors of numbers?
2? numbers? Activity: Using the divisibility rules for Activity: Using the divisibility rules for 9, put a
Activity: Using the divisibility rules 6, find and encircle the common factor check on the blank if the number on the left
How does divisibility rule for 2 Activity: Using the divisibility rules for 3, find the common factor of the of the following numbers presented in column is a common factor to the numbers on
help in finding common factors of for 5 and 10, find and box the given numbers. the table. the right column.
numbers? common factor of the following
Activity: Using the divisibility rules
for 2, put a check on the blank if
the number on the left column is a
common factor to the numbers on
the right column.


MELC: Uses divisibility rules for 2, 5 and 10 to find the common factors of numbers, Q 1, p. 216
Uses divisibility rules for 3, 6 and 9 to find common factors, Q 1, p. 216

Cantariwis Elementary School, Cantariwis, Tolosa, Leyte

Enclosure to RM ________, S. 2020

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Leyte
District of Tolosa

31 1 2 3 4
What are the divisibility rules for 4 What are the divisibility rules for 12 What is a word problem? What are the steps in solving a word What is the difference of solving word problem
and 8? and 11? problem in non-routine? in routine and non-routine? How are they
How does skill in understanding how to
How does divisibility rule for 4 and How does divisibility rule for 12 and What are the steps in solving a word solve word problem in a non- routine Why is it important to have a thorough
8 help in finding common factors 11 help in finding common factors of problem in routine? manner helps in finding multiples of a knowledge in solving a word problem involving
of numbers? numbers? number? divisibility rules for 2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11 and 12
in routine and non-routine manner?
Activity: Solve the following word
Activity: Using the divisibility rules Activity: Using the divisibility rules How does skill in understanding problems involving multiples in a non- Activity: Solve the word problem involving
for 4 and 8, find the common factor for 12 and 11, find and encircle the how to solve word problem in a routine manner. divisibility of 2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11 and 12 in non-
of the pair of numbers. common factor of the following routine manner helps in finding routine manner?
numbers presented in the table. factors of a number?

Activity: Solve the following word

problems involving factors in a
routine manner.

SEPTEMBER 7-11, 2020

MELC: Performs a series of more than two operations on whole numbers applying Parenthesis, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction (PMDAS), or Grouping, Multiplication, Division, Addition,
Subtraction (GMDAS)
correctly, Q 1, p. 216

Cantariwis Elementary School, Cantariwis, Tolosa, Leyte

Enclosure to RM ________, S. 2020

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Leyte
District of Tolosa

7 8 9 10 11
How do you perform PMDAS rule? What is GMDAS rule? How do you perform GMDAS rule? What is the difference between PMDAS What are the divisibility rules for 9?
and GMDAS rule?
How does divisibility rule for 9 help in finding
What are the operations involved What are the operations involved in How do you simplify GMDAS common factors of numbers?
in PMDAS rule? How does it helps solve mathematical GMDAS rule? operations?
expressions in a word problem? Activity: Using the divisibility rules for 9, put a
check on the blank if the number on the left
column is a common factor to the numbers on
Activity: Perform the series of Activity: Perform the series of Activity: Perform the series of the right column.
operations using PMDAS rule with operations using GMDAS rule with operations using GMDAS rule with Activity: Perform the series of
2-digit numbers. one grouping symbol. two grouping symbols. operations using GMDAS rule with
three grouping symbols.

SEPTEMBER 14-18, 2020

MELC: Uses divisibility rules for 2, 5 and 10 to find the common factors of numbers, Q 1, p. 216
Uses divisibility rules for 3, 6 and 9 to find common factors, Q 1, p. 216

Cantariwis Elementary School, Cantariwis, Tolosa, Leyte

Enclosure to RM ________, S. 2020

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Leyte
District of Tolosa

14 15 16 17 18
What does common factor mean? What does common multiple mean? What is problem solving? How do we solve word problem How do we solve word problem involving LCM
involving GCF of 3 given numbers? of 2-3 given numbers?
How do we find common factor? How do we find common multiple? What are the two ways in solving a
word problem? Describe each step. How does skill in understanding how to How does skill in understanding how to solve a
What is GCF? What is LCM? solve a word problem helps you in word problem helps you in solving word
Which way will you prefer to use if solving word problem involving GCF of problem involving LCM of2-3 given numbers?
How do we perform continuous How do we perform continuous you solve word problem involving 3 given numbers?
division to find common factors of division to find common multiples of GCF of 2 given numbers? Activity: Solve the word problem involving
numbers? numbers? Activity: Solve the word problem LCM of 2-3 given numbers.
Activity: Solve the word problem involving GCF of 3 given numbers.
Activity: Find the common factors Activity: Find the common multiples involving GCF of 2 given numbers.
and the greatest common factor of and the least common multiples of the
the given numbers and pairs of given numbers and pairs of numbers
numbers using continuous division. using continuous division.

SEPTEMBER 21-25, 2020

MELC: Adds and subtracts fractions and mixed,fractions without and with regrouping, Q1, p. 216
Solves routine and non-routine problems involving addition and/or subtraction of fractions using
appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools, Q 1, p. 216

Cantariwis Elementary School, Cantariwis, Tolosa, Leyte

Enclosure to RM ________, S. 2020

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Leyte
District of Tolosa

21 22 23 24 25
What is fraction? What does mixed fraction means? What is a word problem? What are the steps in solving a word Which way in solving problem more convenient
problem involving subtraction of for you- routine or a non-routine way? Why?
What are the kinds of fractions? How do we subtract fractions/ mixed What are the two ways in solving a fractions/ mixed fractions in a non-
fractions without regrouping? word problem? routine manner? What lessons can you get from solving a
How do we add fractions/ mixed problem?
fractions without regrouping? How do we subtract fractions/ mixed How do we solve word problem How does each step complement each
fractions with regrouping? involving addition of fractions/ other? Activity: Solve each word problem involving
How do we add fractions/ mixed mixed fractions in a routine addition and/ or subtraction of fractions/ mixed
fractions with regrouping? Activity: Subtract the fractions/ manner? Activity: Solve the word problem fractions.
mixed fractions without and with involving subtraction of fractions/ mixed
Activity: Add the following regrouping. Activity: Solve the word problem fractions in a routine manner. Use
fractions and mixed fractions involving addition of fractions/ appropriate problem solving strategies
without and with regrouping. mixed fractions in a routine manner. and tool.
Use appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools.


MELC: Visualizes multiplication of fractions using models, Q 1, p. 216
Multiplies a fraction and a whole number and another fraction, Q 1, p. 216
Multiplies mentally proper fractions with denominators up to 10, Q 1, p. 217
28 29 30 1 2
What is a model? What is a fraction? What are the steps in multiplying How can you tell that a fraction is a How do you multiply proper fractions?
fractions, whole number, and proper fraction?
What does visual mean? How do we multiply fraction, whole another fraction? What are the ways in multiplying proper
number and another fractions? What are the steps in multiplying fractions mentally?

Cantariwis Elementary School, Cantariwis, Tolosa, Leyte

Enclosure to RM ________, S. 2020

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Leyte
District of Tolosa

How do we visualize fractions? What does N mean in the given proper fractions?
Activity: Multiply the following equation? Activity: Multiply or give the product using
How does matching, shading and fraction, whole number and another How can you multiply mentally mental computations.
writing the models in visualizing fraction. Activity: Multiply the following proper fractions?
multiplication of fractions being fraction, whole number and another
done? fraction. Write the value of N on the Activity: Multiply each fraction
blank. mentally.
Activity: Visualize multiplication of
fractions by matching the models in
Column A with the correct number
sentence in Column B. Write the letter

OCTOBER 5-9, 2020

MELC: Solves routine or non-routine problems involving multiplication without or with addition or subtraction of fractions
and whole numbers using appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools, Q 1, p. 217
Shows that multiplying a fraction by its reciprocal is equal to 1, Q 1, p. 217
5 6 7 8 9
How do we multiply fractions? How do we solve word problem What are the steps in solving a word What are the steps in solving a word What are the steps in multiplying fractions?
involving multiplication with addition problem involving multiplication problem involving multiplication with
What is a word problem? or subtraction of fraction and whole without addition or subtraction of addition or subtraction of fractions What does reciprocal mean?
numbers in a routine manner? fractions and whole numbers in a and whole numbers in a non- routine
What are the steps in solving a word non-routine manner? manner? Activity: Show that the following fractions
problem involving multiplication Do the steps in solving a word problem are equal to 1 by multiplying it with its
without addition or subtraction of in a routine way easy to remember and Are the steps easy to perform? How? Which way is easier for you to reciprocal.

Cantariwis Elementary School, Cantariwis, Tolosa, Leyte

Enclosure to RM ________, S. 2020

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Leyte
District of Tolosa

fractions and whole numbers in a to perform? remember?

routine manner? Activity: Solve the word problem
Activity: Solve the word problem involving multiplication without Activity: Solve the word problem
Activity: Solve the word problem involving multiplication with addition addition or subtraction of fractions involving multiplication without
involving multiplication without or subtraction of fractions and whole and whole numbers in a non- routine addition or subtraction of fractions
addition or subtraction of fractions numbers in a routine manner. manner. and whole numbers in a non- routine
and whole numbers in a routine manner.

OCTOBER 12-14, 2020

MELC:Visualizes division of fractions, Q 1, p. 217
Divides simple fractions and whole numbers by a fraction and vice versa, Q 1, p. 217

Cantariwis Elementary School, Cantariwis, Tolosa, Leyte

Enclosure to RM ________, S. 2020

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Leyte
District of Tolosa

12 13 14
What is a fraction? How do we divide fractions? How do we visualize division of How does fraction differ from a What are the steps in dividing simple
fractions using matching type and whole number? fractions from a whole number?
What are the kinds of fractions? Is it necessary to master multiplying using models?
fractions so that you can perform How do we divide fraction from a What does N symbolize in each
What are the steps in dividing fractions? dividing of fractions easily? How do we visualize division of whole number? equation?
fractions by writing the division
How do we visualize division of fraction How do we visualize division of sentence as represented by each Activity: Divide the following simple Activity: Divide the following simple
by matching type? fraction by using models? model? fractions and whole numbers by a fractions and whole number by a
fraction. fraction or vice versa. Choose your
Activity: Visualize division of fraction by Activity: Visualize division of fraction Activity: Visualize division of fraction answer from the box below.
matching the following figures to the by using each model below. Choose the by writing the division sentence of each
number sentence it represents. Write the answer from the box. model.
letter only.

MELC:Solves routine or non-routine problems involving division without or withany of the other operations of fractions
and whole numbers using appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools, Q 1, p. 217
What is a word problem? How do we solve a word problem in a What are the steps in solving a word How do we solve a word problem in Which way in solving word problem is

Cantariwis Elementary School, Cantariwis, Tolosa, Leyte

Enclosure to RM ________, S. 2020

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Leyte
District of Tolosa

routine way? problem involving division without any a non- routine way? easier- routine or non-routine?
What are the two ways of solving a word other operations of fractions and whole
problem? What are the steps in solving a word numbers in a non-routine way? How do routine and non-routine way of
problem involving division with any What are the steps in solving a word solving the word problem involving
What are the steps in solving a word other operations of fractions and whole How does each step complement each problem involving division with any division without or with any of the other
problem involving division without any numbers in a routine way? other? other operations of fractions and operations of fractions and whole
other operations of fractions and whole whole numbers in a non-routine numbers differ?
numbers in a routine way? Activity: Solve the word problem Activity: Solve the word problem way?
involving division with any other involving division without any other Activity: Solve the word problem
Activity: Solve the word problem operations of fractions and whole operations of fractions and whole Activity: Solve the word problem involving division without or with any
involving division without any other numbers in a routine manner. numbers in a non- routine manner. involving division with any other other operations of fractions and whole
operations of fractions and whole operations of fractions and whole numbers in a routine or non- routine
numbers in a routine manner. numbers in a non- routine manner. manner.

Cantariwis Elementary School, Cantariwis, Tolosa, Leyte

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