Model - Contract Prestari Servicii - Ro - en

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Nr. X din data de X No. X as of X

Partile: The Parties:

1. x [persoana juridica romana, cu 1. X [company legally incorporated in

sediul in x, Nr. de ordine in Romania, headquartered in x, Trade
registrul comertului x, CUI, cod Registry no. x, fiscal no. x, bank
TVA VAT VIES x, cont bancar x, account x, tel. no. x, e-mail x] hereby
tel. x, e-mail x] reprezentat prin x represented by x – director,
– in calitate de administrator, in hereinafter referred to as “Provider”
continuare “Prestatorul
2. x [persoana juridica romana, cu 2. X [company legally incorporated in
sediul in x, Nr. de ordine in Romania, headquartered in X, Trade
registrul comertului x, Registry no. X, fiscal code X], bank
Identificator Unic la Nivel account x, tel. no. x, e-mail x], hereby
European EUID x, CUI x, cod represented by X – X, hereinafter
TVA VAT VIES x, cont bancar X, referred to as the “Beneficiary”,
tel. X, e-mail X] reprezentat prin x
– in calitate de administrator, in
continuare “Beneficiarul”,
denumite in continuare “Partile” si hereinafter collectively referred to as the
individual “Partea”, au decis sa incheie “Parties” and individually referred to as the
prezentul Contract de prestari servicii “Party”, convened to conclude the present
(„Contractul”), in urmatorii termeni si Services Contract (the „Contract”), under
conditii. the following terms and conditions.

Art. 1 Obiectul Contractului Art. 1. Scope of the Contract

Obiectul Contractului consta in The scope of the Contract consists in

prestarea seviciilor Serviciu 1, serviciu delivery of services Service 1, Service 2,
2, serviciu 3 (“Servicii”, denumite in Service 3 (“Services”, collectively referred
mod colectiv si „Proiectul”), asa cum to as „Project”) as detailed in Annex 1 and/
sunt ele detaliate in Anexa 1 si / sau or the addenda by the Provider to the
actele aditionale la contract, de catre Beneficiary.
Prestator in folosul Beneficiarului.

Art. 2 Durata Art. 2. Duration

2.1. Durata Contractului este de x 2.1 The Duration of the Contract is of x

luni/ani din ziua semnarii. year/unlimited as of the day of signing.

2.2. Termenul de mai sus poate fi extins 2.2 The above term may be extended by

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prin acordul partilor, exprimat in scris / mutual written agreement of the Parties/
se va extinde automat cu perioade de 1 will automatically extend for periods of one
an daca niciuna dintre Parti nu transmite year if neither party sends a notice of
o notificare de incetare cu minim 30 de termination at least 30 days before the
zile inainte de expirarea duratei. termination of the contract.

Art. 3 Pret Art 3. Price

3.1. Pretul Serviciilor este detaliat in 3.1. The price of the Services is detailed in
Anexa 1 si / sau actele aditionale la Annex 1 and/or the addenda.

3.2. Pretul va include doar realizarea 3.2. The price will only include the delivery
serviciilor de catre Prestator in folosul of services by the Provider in the interest of
Beneficiarului, fara costuri aditionale the Beneficiary, with no additional costs as:
precum: costuri de deplasare, buget travel costs, budget, Google Ads, marketing
Google Ads, taxe de traducere a material translation fees etc.
materialului de marketing etc.

3.3. Pretul va fi facturat de catre 3.3. The price will be invoiced by the
Prestator Beneficiarului la data de 15 a Provider to the Beneficiary on the 15th of
fiecarei luni/la finalul proiectului/50% la each month/ at the end of the Project/ 50%
momentul semnarii si 50% la finalul on the signing date and 50% at the end of
Proiectului. the Project.

3.4. Pretul se va plati in termen de 5 zile 3.4. The price will be paid within 5 working
lucratoare de la transmiterea facturii de days since the transmission of the invoice
catre Prestator catre Beneficiar pe e- by the Provider to the Beneficiary via e-mail
mail, conform datelor bancare din according to the banking data in the
preambul. Dupa expirarea acestui preamble. After this period has expired, the
termen, Beneficiarul va datora penalitati Beneficiary will owe delay penalties of 0,5%
de 0.5% per zi de intarziere, iar per day and the Provider can suspend the
Prestatorul va putea suspenda delivery of services until full payment of the
prestarea Serviciilor pana la plata price plus penalties.
integrala a Pretului plus penalitati.

3.5. In mod corespunzator, Prestatorul 3.5. Accordingly, the Provider will owe delay
va datora penalitati de 0.5% per zi de penalties of 0,5% per day with 5 working
intarziere din valoarea Serviciilor days of grace period, without the penalties
prestate cu intarziere, cu un termen de exceeding the total price of services.
gratie de 5 zile lucratoare, fara ca
penalitatile sa poate depasi pretul total
al acestor Servicii.

3.6. In cazul intarzierii platii cu peste 20 3.6. In case of delay of payment with over
zile lucratoare, Prestatorul va putea 20 working days, the Provider can request

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solicita incetarea Contractului din culpa termination of the contract with fault by
Beneficiarului prin notificare de reziliere, notice of termination with immediate effect
cu efecte imediate si fara acordarea and without a grace period.
unui termen de preaviz.

Art. 4 Drepturi si obligatii Art. 4 Rights and obligations

4.1. Prestatorul: 4.1. The Provider:

 va livra Serviciile cu  will deliver their Services

profesionalism, la termenele professionally, offering all the
agreate, oferind toata atentia necessary attention to the
necesara solicitarilor transmise Beneficiary’s requests at the agreed
de Beneficiar terms

 va prezenta Beneficiarului cele  will present the Beneficiary with the

mai eficiente si convenabile best and most convenient manners
modalitati in care sa isi atinga of achieving their objective

 va respecta instructiunile  will comply with the Beneficiary’s

Beneficiarului cu privire la instructions regarding the Services,
Servicii, in masura in care as far as they are objectively
acestea sunt in mod obiectiv possible to implement

 va informa Beneficiarul la cerere  will inform the Beneficiary when

cu privire la stadiul Proiectului, in requested with regard to the state of
masura in care aceste solicitari the Project, insofar as those requests
se realizeaza la intervale de timp are carried out at reasonable
rezonabile si nu afecteaza intervals of time and do not affect the
realizarea Proiectului execution of the Project

 va rezolva, cat se poate de  will fix at the earliest convenience

prompt, orice problema legata de any problems of the Services
Serviciile furnizate, daca acestea provided, should they occur by fault
se datoreaza Prestatorului of the Provider

 va acoperi integral orice  will fully cover any damage caused to

prejudiciu cauzat Beneficiarului the Beneficiary by breach of the
prin incalcarea clauzelor contractual clauses

 nu poate ceda drepturile si  cannot assign the contractual rights

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obligatiile contractuale decat cu and obligations without the express
acordul expres, scris al celeilalte written agreement of the other Party

 va pastra confidentalitatea  will maintain confidentiality of all data

datelor si informatiilor ce decurg and information from the contract
din Contract pe toata durata throughout its duration, as well as
acestuia, precum si dupa after the termination of the Contract
incetarea Contractului

4.2. Beneficiarul: 4.2. The Beneficiary:

 va achita Pretul Serviciilor in  will pay the price for the Services, in
termenii si conditiile mentionate the terms and conditions provided by
in Contract the Contract

 va analiza si va raspunde prompt  will analyze and answer promptly to

la toate comunicarile transmise all communications sent by the
de Prestator, inclusiv, dar Provider, including, but unlimited to:
nelimitat la: informatii necesare necessary information for the
Prestatorului pentru realizarea Provider in carrying out the Project,
Proiectului, feedback cu privire la feedback with regard to the Services
Serviciile realizate sau etape ale provided or their stages, possible
acestora, posibile cheltuieli additional costs, unforeseen events
suplimentare, evenimente arising as the Project is carried out
neprevazute aparute pe masura
realizarii Proiectului

 il va informa pe Prestator in timp  will inform the Provider in a timely

util privind orice schimbare dorita manner on any desired change
cu privire la Proiect, schimbare regarding the Project, change that
care va fi aplicata doar dupa will be enforced only after
confirmarea Prestatorului si cu confirmation from the Provider and
posibilele modificari ale conditiilor with possible amendments to the
financiare financial conditions

 va respecta libertatea  will respect the commercial freedom

Prestatorului si dreptul sau de a a of the Provider and its right to be
fi implicat in proiecte profesionale involved in professional relationships
pentru alti clienti, fara a se aduce with any other clients, without
insa atingere indeplinirii de catre affecting the fulfillment by the
Prestator a Serviciilor conform Provider of the services according to
Contractului the Contract

 nu poate ceda drepturile si  cannot assign the contractual rights

obligatiile contractuale decat cu and obligations without the express
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acordul expres, scris al celeilalte written agreement of the other Party

Art. 5 Notificari Art. 5 Notices

5.1. Toate notificarile sau cererile intre 5.1 All notices or requests between the
Parti se vor realiza doar in scris si vor fi Parties shall be made only in writing and
transmise prin e-mail, curier, personal submitted by e-mail, personally or by post
sau prin posta cu confirmare de primire, with confirmatory delivery to the Parties
conform urmatoarelor date de contact: according to the following contact details:

Prestator: Provider:

 persoana de contact: x  contact person: x

 adresa de e-mail: x  e-mail: x
 adresa: adresa societatii din  address: the address of the legal
preambulul Contractului entity from the preamble

Beneficiar: Beneficiary:

 persoana de contact: x  contact person: x

 adresa de e-mail: x  e-mail: x
 adresa: adresa societatii din  address: the address of the legal
preambulul Contractului entity from the preamble

5.2. Orice modificare a datelor de mai 5.2 Any change to the above data shall be
sus trebuie adusa la cunostinta celeilalte notified to the other Party. Otherwise, any
Parti. In caz contrar, orice comunicare la communication to the above addresses will
adresele sus-mentionate va fi be considered valid.
considerata valabila

5.3 Comunicarile se vor realiza in timpul 5.3. Communication will be made during
programului normal de lucru, 9.00- normal working hours, 9.00-17.00. Any
17.00. Orice comunicare realizata in communication made outside this period
afara acestui interval se va considera shall be deemed to have been received the
primita a doua zi, in timpul programului next day, during working hours.
de lucru.

5.4 Orice comunicari realizate fara 5.4. Any communication made without
respectarea dispozitiilor de mai sus, complying with the above provisions,
inclusiv, dar nelimitat la: conversatie including but not limited to: Telephone
telefonica, mesaje SMS, WhatsApp, conversation, SMS messages, WhatsApp,
Messenger, nu vor fi considerate Messenger, shall not be considered to be
valabile intre Parti. valid between the parties.

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Art.6 Declaratiile partilor Art. 6. Statements of the Parties

Partile declara ca: The Parties declare that they:

 nu se afla in stare de insolventa  are not in a state of insolvency or

sau insolventa iminenta impending insolvency

 indeplinesc toate conditiile legale  fulfill all legal requirements in order

pentru a putea incheia in mod to validly conclude this Contract
valabil prezentul Contract

 semnatarii Contractului au puteri  the signatories of the Contract have

legale de reprezentare legal powers of representation

 contractul a fost negociat in  the contract was negotiated in its

integralitatea sa entirety

Art. 7 Confidentialitate Art. 7 Confidentiality

7.1. In scopul acestui Contract, 7.1. For the purpose of this Contract,
„Informatii confidentiale” sunt toate „confidential information” will mean all data
datele dezvaluite reciproc de catre Parti disclosed to each other by the parties or
sau obtinute de o Parte de la cealaltă obtained by one Party from the other Party
Parte în cadrul executarii contractului, during the execution of the contract,
inclusiv perioada de negocieri anterioara including the negotiation period prior to
semnarii. Aceste informatii confidentiale signing. Such confidential information
cuprind, inclusiv, dar fara a se limita la: including, but are not limited to: data and
datele si informatiile de orice natura, fie information of any kind, whether provided
că acestea au fost transmise oral, în orally, in writing or by electronic means and
scris sau prin mijloace electronice si irrespective of the nature of the means or
indiferent de natura mediului sau de the medium which contains it.
suportul care le contine.

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7.2. Informatiile dezvaluite de catre 7.2. Information disclosed by either
oricare dintre Parti sunt si raman Party are and shall remain the property
proprietatea Partii transmitatoare sau a of the transmitting party or third parties
tertilor de la care acestea au fost from which it was legally obtained,
obtinute in mod legal, cu exceptia celor except otherwise agreed in this
convenite altfel prin prezentul Contract. Contract. The Parties shall not be able
Partile nu vor putea incalca, contesta, to infringe, contest, discuss or dispute
discuta sau disputa acest drept si vor this right and shall take all measures
lua toate masurile necesare ca necessary to ensure that the information
informatiile sa nu intre în posesia unor does not come into the possession of
terti, prin orice mijloace, directe sau third parties, by any means either
indirecte. directly or indirectly.

7.3. Fara a aduce atingere prevederilor 7.3. Without prejudice to the provisions
din Contract referitor la continutul si of the Contract relating to the content
categoriile de Informatii Confidentiale, and categories of confidential
informatiile nu vor fi considerate information, information shall not be
confidenţiale dacă: regarded as confidential if:

 sunt sau devin publice din motive  they are or become public for
care nu se datorează culpei reasons outside the fault of the
Partilor parties

 in momentul in care devin  when they become public, they

publice, acestea erau deja were already known to the parties
cunoscute Partilor in cadrul under this contract and were not
acestui Contract si nu erau subject to any restrictions on their
supuse niciunor restrictii in ceea use or disclosure
ce priveste utilizarea sau
dezvaluirea lor

 erau deja in posesia Partilor  they were already in the

inainte de incheierea acestui possession of the Parties prior to
Contract fara incalcarea nici unor the conclusion of this contract
obligatii legale si nu sunt sub without violation of any legal
rezerva nici unor restrictii cu obligations and are not subject to
privire la utilizarea sau any restrictions with respect to
dezvaluirea lor their use of disclosure

 au fost dezvoltate independent  they have been developed

de către Parti fara a se incalca independently by the Parties
prezentul Contract si nu intra in without infringing this Contract
categoria Informatiilor and do not fall under the category
Confidentiale. of confidential information.

7.4. Partile vor gestiona informatiile 7.4. The Parties will handle the confidential
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confidentiale cu toată atentia si nu vor information with all due care and shall not
dezvalui aceste informatii tertilor. disclose such information to third parties.
Clauzele acestui Contract ca si orice The terms of this contract as well as any
anunturi publice cu privire la incheierea public notices relating to the conclusion of
acestui Contract sunt strict confidentiale this contract are strictly confidential and
si nu pot fi facute publice de catre may not be made public by either party, in
niciuna dintre Parti, total sau partial, in whole or in part, in any event or in any form,
nicio situatie sau forma, fara acordul without the prior written consent of the other
prealabil scris al celeilalte Parti. party.

Art. 8 Protectia datelor cu caracter Art. 8 Protection of personal data –

personal – GDPR GDPR

8.1. In cazul în care oricare dintre Parti, 8.1. If during the performance of the
in executarea Contractului, prelucreaza Contract process personal data as defined
date cu caracter personal, astfel cum by Regulation EU 2016/679 and any other
sunt acestea definite de Regulamentul legislation in force concerning employees,
UE 2016/679 si orice alta legislatie în contracting parties, business partners or
vigoare privind angajatii, cocontractantii, any other natural person in relation to the
partenerii de afaceri sau orice alte other Party (hereinafter referred to as
persoane fizice in legatura cu cealalta „Personal data”), the Parties agree and
Parte (denumite în continuare "Date guarantee the following:
personale"), Partile sunt de acord şi
garantează urmatoarele :

 sa respecte legislatia si normele  to comply with the law and legal

juridice aplicabile serviciilor sale rules applicable to its services
cu privire la protectia vietii private with regard to the protection of
si a datelor cu caracter personal privacy and personal data

 sa prelucreze datele cu caracter  process personal data only to the

personal numai în masura in care extent that it is necessary and if
acestea sunt necesare si daca allowed/required by law
sunt permise/impuse de lege

 sa pastreze confidentialitatea  to maintain the confidentiality of

datelor cu caracter personal personal data

 sa ia masurile tehnice, fizice si  take appropriate technical,

organizatorice de securitate physical and organizational
adecvate pentru a proteja datele security measures to protect
cu caracter personal impotriva personal data against loss,
pierderii, prelucrarii neautorizate unauthorized or unlawful
sau ilicite processing

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 sa informeze cu promptitudine  promptly inform the competent
autoritatile abilitate si authorities and the contracting
cocontractantul cu privire la orice party of any security incident that
incident de securitate existent exists or is suspected to occur,
sau suspectat a se produce, care involving personal data
implica datele cu caracter

8.2. In masura in care oricare dintre 8.2. If either party allows a (sub-)contractor
Parti permite unui (sub)contractant sa to process personal data, the Party shall
prelucreze datele cu caracter personal, ensure that each (sub-)contractor will
Partea trebuie sa se asigure ca fiecare comply with a series of obligations which
(sub)contractant va respecta o serie de ensure a similar level of protection as the
obligatii care asigura un nivel similar de present clause, as set out above.
protectie ca si prezenta clauza, conform
celor mentionate mai sus.

8.3. La incetarea Contractului, Partile 8.3. Upon termination of the Contract, the
trebuie sa stearga sau sa distruga in Parties must safely delete or destroy all
regim de siguranta toate inregistrarile records or documents containing personal
sau documentele care contin date cu data. Each Party accepts and confirms that
caracter personal. Fiecare Parte it is solely responsible for any unauthorized
accepta si confirma faptul ca este or illegal processing or for the loss of
singurul raspunzator pentru orice personal data, if it fails to delete or destroy
prelucrare neautorizata sau nelegală the personal data at the end of the
sau pentru pierderea datelor cu caracter agreement.
personal, in cazul in care nu reuseste sa
stearga sau sa distruga la incetarea
acordului datele cu caracter personal

8.4. Partea in culpa va despagubi 8.4. The breaching party shall indemnify the
cealalta parte, angajatii sau personalul other party, its employees or staff for any
sau pentru orice daune, amenzi, pierderi damages, fines, losses and claims arising
si creante care rezulta dintr-o incalcare from a breach of the terms of this clause, to
a clauzelor din prezenta clauza, be determined by a final court judgment.
despagubiri ce vor fi stabilite printr-o
hotarare judecatoreasca definitiva.

Art. 9 Drepturile de autor Art. 9 Copyright

9.1. Drepturile de autor asupra 9.1. The copyrights on the Project will be
Proiectului se vor transfera de la transferred from the Provider to the
Prestator catre Beneficiar doar la Beneficiary only at the time of full payment
momentul platii integrale a Pretului, of the Price, even if the actual delivery was
chiar daca livrarea efectiva s-a realizat made prior to this moment.

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anterior acestui moment.

9.2. Pana la la plata integrala a Pretului, 9.2. Until full payment of the Price, the
Prestatorul va mentine drepturile de Provider will maintain the copyrights in their
autor in totalitatea lor si va putea entirety and will be able to dispose of them
dispune de acestea dupa cum doreste, as desired, the Beneficiary being able to
Beneficiarul putand sa utilizeze use the materials delivered only with the
materialele livrate doar cu acordul scris, express written consent of the Provider.
expres al Prestatorului.

9.3. In cazul in care Beneficiarul intarzie 9.3. If the Beneficiary delays the payment of
plata Pretului fata de conditiile the Price with respect to the contractual
contractuale, Prestatorul isi poate conditions, the Provider may withdraw the
retrage acordul oferit Beneficiarului de a approval offered to the Beneficiary to use
utiliza materialele livrate. the delivered materials.

10. Forta Majora 10. Force Majeure

10.1 Forta majora trebuie constatata de 10.1. Force majeure should be ascertained
o autoritate competenta si exonereaza by a competent authority and relieves the
Partile de indeplinirea obligatiilor Parties of fulfilling their obligations
asumate prin Contract, pe toata undertaken hereunder, throughout its
perioada in care acesta actioneaza. duration.

10.2 Partea care invocă forta majora are 10.2 The Party claiming force majeure is
obligatia de a notifica cealalta Parte in required to notify the other Party within 5
termen de 5 zile de la producerea days from the occurrence of the said event
situatiei cu privire la acest eveniment si and to take all available measures in order
de a lua toate masurile care ii stau la to limit the consequences.
dispozitie in vederea limitarii

10.3 Daca forta majora actioneaza sau 10.3 If the force majeure event takes place
se estimeaza ca va actiona o perioada or is estimated to take place for more than 6
mai mare de 6 luni, fiecare Parte va months, either Party can notify rightful
avea dreptul sa notifice celeilalte Parti termination of the Contract to the other
incetarea de plin drept a Contractului si Party and neither of the Parties will have the
niciuna dintre Parti nu va putea pretinde right to request damages from the other
celeilalte daune-interese. Party.

Art.11 Modificare si incetare Art. 11 Amendments and termination

11.1. Contractul poate fi modificat doar 11.1 The contract may only be amended by
prin act aditional semnat de Parti. written agreement signed by both Parties.

11.2. Contractul poate inceta: 11.2 The contract can be terminated:

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 prin act aditional semnat de Parti  by addendum signed by the Parties

 prin reziliere (incetare din vina  by termination (due to default) on

uneia dintre Parti), la cererea demand of any Party, if a Party does
oricarei Parti, daca Partea nu si-a not fulfill its obligations under the
indeplinit obligatiile contractuale, Contract, with 10 days prior notice
cu o notificare prealabila de 10 and after offering a reasonable term
zile si dupa oferirea unui termen to remedy the breach of contract
rezonabil de remediere a
incalcarii contractuale

 prin denuntare unilaterala  by unilateral termination (termination

(incetare fara vina vreunei Parti), without the fault of any Party), with a
la cererea oricarei Parti, cu o prior notice of 30 days
notificare prealabila de 30 zile

11.3. Incetarea prezentului Contract nu 11.3 The terminations of this Contract will
va avea niciun efect asupra obligatiilor not have any effect on the obligations
deja scadente intre Parti. already due between the Parties.

Art. 12 Jurisdictie si lege aplicabila Art. 12 Applicable law and litigation

12.1. Contractului i se aplica legislatia 12.1 The contract is governed by Romanian

romana. law.

12.2. Orice disputa legata de Contract 12.2 Any dispute related to the Contract will
se va solutiona prin intelegere amiabila, be solved by amiable negotiations and, if
iar daca negocierile esueaza, incidentul negotiations fail, by the competent
va fi solutionat de instanta de judecata Romanian courts of law in Bucharest
competenta corespunzatoare, District 1.
Judecatoria Sector 1.

Contractul se va incheia in 2 exemplare The contract will be concluded in 2 original

originale, cate unul pentru fiecare counterparts, one for each Party/ by remote
parte/prin semnare la distanta pe e-mail. signing via e-mail.

Anexa 1 – Lista servicii este parte Annex 1- The list of services is part of the
componenta a Contractului si se contract and it is attached to it.
ataseaza la acesta.

-Urmeaza pagina cu semnaturi- -Signatory page follows-

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Prestator/ The Provider

X reprezentat de/ represented by X


Beneficiar/ The Beneficiary

X reprezentat de/ represented by X


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Anexa 1 – Lista servicii

Nr. Serviciu Pret Detalii


1 Realizare website 1000 Euro

2 Traducere 1000 text 150 Euro

engleza 1000 caractere

3 Realizare postari social 100 Euro Serviciu oferit lunar


Annex 1- List of services

No. Service Price Details

1 Website creation 1000 Euro

2 Text translation into English 150 Euro

1000 charachers

3 Social media posts 100 Euro Monthly service

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