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Anatomi Saluran Pernapasan

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Respiratory Tract is classified into two based on its location, namely:

1. Upper Respiratory Airway (Upper Respiratory Airway)

2. Lower Airway Respiratory (Lower Airway)


Anatomy of Upper Respiratory Tract

- Anatomy of Upper Respiratory Tract :

a. Nostrils (nasal cavity)

The nose serves as the airway, the air regulator, the humidifier, the temperature regulator, the
shield and air filter, the sense of smell, and the sound resonator

b. Sinus paranasalis

is an open area of the head bone. Sinus serves to: 1. Helps warm and humidifikasi 2. Lighten the
skull bone 3. Set the sound of human voice with resonance space.

c. Faring

The pharynx is used during the 'digestion' (swallowing) as it is during breathing. Based on the
location of the pharynx is divided into three namely behind the nose (naso-pharynx), behind the
mouth (oro-pharynx), and behind the larynx (laryngopharynx).

d. Larynx

The main function of the larynx is for sound formation, as a lower airway protection of foreign
objects and to facilitate the process of coughing.
- Anatomy of the Lower Breathing Channel

Lower respiratory tract:

a. Trakhea

The trachea is an extension of the larynx at the height of the 7th thoracic vertebral bone that
branches into two bronchus.

b. Bronkhus and Bronkhiolus

Bronchus Two primary bronchi are formed by the trachea that form the branching.

1. Right bronchus, the bronchus is wider, shorter, and more vertical than the left bronchus,
which tends to often experience obstruction by foreign bodies. The length is about 2.5
cm. After entering the hilum, the right bronchus is divided into three branches, one for
each lobe. Each branch then divided into many small branches.
2. The left bronchus is about 5 cm long and narrower than the right bronchus. Upon
reaching the lung limb, the bronchus is divided into two branches, one for each lobe.
Each branch is then divided into small channels in the lung substance. The bronchus
branches in the order of its development into Bronchiolus, terminal bronchioles,
respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, and finally, alveoli. Respiratory tract from trachea
to bronkhus terminalis does not experience gas exchange and is an area called
Anatomical Dead Space. The onset of the gas exchange process takes place in the
respiratory bronchioles.

c. Alveoli

Alveoli is a very small air bag, and is the end of the respirator bronkhiolus to allow the exchange
of O2 and CO2. All of the alveoli units (respiratory zone) consist of respiratory bronkhiolus,
alveolar ducts, and alveolar sacs (alveolar pouches). The main function of the alveolus unit is the
exchange of O2 and CO2 between the pulmonary capillaries and the alveoli. Alveoli is
surrounded by solid capillary tissue.

The exchange of gas in the lung (external respiration) takes place in the membrane composed by
the alveolar wall and the capillary walls that join together. This membrane is called a respiratory
membrane. Among the squamous cells there is a septal cell secreting surfactant, a phospholipid
liquid that prevents alveoli from dryness. In addition, the surfactant serves to reduce pressure and
prevent the aiveolus wall from collapsing during expiration.


The process of breathing, breathing is the process of inspiration of air into the lungs and
expiration of air from the lungs outside the body environment. Inspiration occurs when the
diaphragm muskulus has been stimulated from the pernikus nerve and contracts flat. As the
muscle expiration gets loose again and thus the chest cavity becomes small again then the air is
pushed out. Thus the process of respiration occurs because of the difference in pressure between
the pleural space and the lungs.

The function of the lungs is as a place of exchange of oxygen gas and carbon dioxide. In
breathing through the lungs or external breathing, oxygen is picked up through the nose and
mouth at the time of breathing; oxygen enters through the trachea and bronchial tubes into the
alveoli, and can be closely related to the blood inside the pulmonary capillaries. Oxygen
penetrates this membrane and is picked up by red blood cell hemoglobin and carried to the heart.

From here pumped in the arteries to all parts of the body. Blood leaves the lungs at a
pressure of 100 mm Hg oxygen and at this rate the hemoglobin is 95 percent saturated with
oxygen. Inside the lungs, carbon dioxide, one of the metabolic waste products, penetrates the
capillary-capillary membrane from the blood capillaries to the alveoli and after passing through
the bronchial tubes and trachea, is released through the nose and mouth.

Four processes related to respiratory pulmonary or breathing:

a. Pulmonary ventilation, or respiratory motion that exchanges air in the alveoli with outside air.
Blood flow through the lungs. The distribution of air currents and bloodstreams such that in the
right amount can reach all parts of the body

b. Gas diffusion that penetrates the alveoli and capillary separation membranes. CO2 is easier to
diffuse than oxygen

c. Pefusi, which is respiratory tissue or internal respiration. The blood that has saturated its
hemoglobin with oxygen (oxyhemoglobin) megintari whole body and finally reach the
capillaries, where blood moves very slowly. The tissue cells pick up oxygen from hemoglobin to
allow oxygen to take place, and the blood receives, instead, carbon dioxide.
Respiratory Mechanics

Breathing has a regular rhythm and breathing rhythm is generated from the respiratory
center located in the pons and medulla oblongata (pneumotaxic center). Inspiratory muscle
contractions will cause negative pressure, causing the flow of air from outside into the lungs. The
depth and frequency of breathing is essential because this respiratory component will help
maintain homeostasis of oxygen, carbon dioxide and H + ions in arterial blood.

The upper airway structures play a role in getting air into and out of the lungs. The
patented upper airway depends on the anatomical structure of the area. Large nasal conjugate
size, large tongue or uvula, and weak molucular palate may obstruct the upper airway. Muscle
genioglosus (for sticking out the tongue), as well as styloglosus and hyoglosus (to draw tongue)
have complex interactions to keep the airway open.



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