ITIL Best Practices

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Implementing ITIL Best Practices

Mapping ITIL to Remedy Applications


Table of Contents

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Service Desk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Incident Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Problem Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Change Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Configuration Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Service Level Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Summary of Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

IT Delivers Strategic Advantage

More than ever before, IT infrastructure is both a key enabler for business strategy and the source of competitive
advantage in many industries.At the same time, technology infrastructure that supports business has grown rapidly
in scope and breadth, becoming more and more complex.

As a result, IT executives are being asked to reduce risk by keeping new technology investments and ongoing
support of existing IT solutions directly aligned with business objectives.

More importantly, as IT enters into an era where operational excellence counts, IT organizations are focusing
efforts on improving IT service levels while also reducing service delivery and service support costs as a key
driver for delivering IT value.

ITIL: A Best Practice Framework

In order to achieve operational excellence, companies are turning to industry-recognized IT process frameworks
to drive incremental improvements.The IT Infrastructure Library, also known as ITIL, is becoming the de facto
industry guide specific to IT service delivery and support processes.

ITIL was developed in the late 1980s by a branch of the British Government in response to the growing depend-
ence on Information Technology. ITIL is now a public body of knowledge that provides a framework of Service
Management best practices to help organizations improve service levels and reduce the cost of IT operations.

The value of ITIL as a best practice framework is provided by broad service delivery and support recom-
mendations, as well as by common definitions and terminology. ITIL guidance allows companies to stan-
dardize and leverage recognized best practices across the IT organization, thereby helping to align IT with
business objectives and drive IT operational improvements.

However, while ITIL does describe what best practices should be pursued, it does not define how to imple-
ment detailed processes and work-level procedures that enable those recommendations. It provides high-level
guidance on what should be done, but leaves it up to each business to develop and implement work-level
procedures for daily service delivery and service support activities that match their unique requirements.

Successful implementations of the ITIL framework ultimately need adaptable software-based tools to effec-
tively deploy procedure-level processes to IT staff tasked with service delivery and support.Although ITIL
provides a common set of best practices, each implementation of ITIL is different and can change based on
the changing needs of the organization.

Remedy IT Service Management

Remedy’s IT Service Management family of applications provides an integrated out-of-box solution for
managing and automating critical service support and service delivery functions, including Service Desk,
Incident Management, Problem Management, Configuration Management, and Service Level Management
functions, as specified by ITIL.

Remedy’s solution delivers ITIL compatible best-practice procedure-level workflows built into each application.
However, the applications can be easily tailored to implement unique service support processes and workflows in a
way that best meets the needs of each IT organization.The integrated applications share a common workflow
foundation and unified data model, directly supporting the integrated process approach outlined in the ITIL
framework. Furthermore, the flexible and adaptable nature of Remedy applications supports the natural ongoing
procedural and workflow changes and adaptations that are common in organizations practicing process improve-
ment methodologies.

The Remedy IT Service Management family of applications consists of the following applications:

Remedy Help Desk

Remedy Asset Management

Remedy Change Management

Remedy Service Level Agreements

Although Remedy’s IT Service Management applications can be implemented using a phased approach, the
ultimate value is in using the whole integrated family of applications to manage and automate interconnected
ITIL service support processes.

Moreover, a cornerstone of the ITIL framework is the relationship between the various processes.The
Service Support processes and their relationship with each other are built into the Remedy IT Service
Management applications as out-of-box best practices.

Industry Leadership
Remedy took an early lead in supporting ITIL. Remedy IT Service Management was the first service desk to
be certified to the minimum functional requirements for ITIL compatibility by Pink Elephant’s PinkVerify ™

program. Certification means that Remedy IT Service Management enables the ITIL definitions and work-
flow in the following service support processes:

Incident Management

Problem Management

Configuration Management

Change Management

Remedy IT Service Management also supports key elements of other ITIL service delivery process:

Service Level Management

Pink Elephant is a world leader in IT Service Management education, consulting, conferences and managed
services. Headquartered near Toronto, Canada with operations in the U.S. and throughout Asia Pacific region,
Pink Elephant was the first organization to bring public ITIL education and certification to North America.

Bottom Line Benefits

The use of Remedy IT Service Management as an ITIL best prac-
tice solution improves IT operational efficiency, reduces costs, and
improves service levels:

Workflow-based solutions manage flexible and seamless ITIL
Service Support procedures that improve efficiency across the
IT organization.

Out-of-box best-practice applications with integrated
application development capabilities help reduce costs.

Single integrated solution provides visibility needed for ongoing
IT business alignment and continuous process improvement
efforts that directly improve customer service levels.

The remainder of this paper will outline each ITIL process objective
and highlight how Remedy applications directly support the imple-
mentation of ITIL.

ITIL Service Support Processes mapped to Remedy applications.

2 3

Service Desk Remedy Help Desk also provides a common work-

ITIL Definition flow engine and database to provide visibility of key
In ITIL terminology, a ‘Service Desk’ may be IT service metrics across the organization in a single
defined as: integrated package. Cross-organization information
visibility is a key source of measures and metrics need-
“The IT provider’s organizational unit, function or process ed to manage ongoing operational improvements.
that creates a single contact point between Customers,
Users, and third-party support organizations.”1 Specific ITIL-Related Capabilities
Remedy Help Desk includes a variety of integrated
The primary goal of the IT Service Desk is to provide and automated out-of-box best practice capabilities
a single point of contact for customers and users and that support ITIL Service Desk guidance, including:
to facilitate the restoration of normal service with min- ■
A single point of contact that maintains communi-
imal business impact.2 cation and status of each customer request

A common solution for global, regional, and local
Service Desk with Remedy Help Desk Application
IT support organizations
Strategically, the Service Desk is the most important
function in an IT service support organization. It is the ■
A classification system that allows all requests to be
main customer contact with the IT organization and categorized, routed, tracked, and closed
a key driver of customer perception and satisfaction. ■
Built-in customer satisfaction survey capabilities

Published and open APIs that offer broad integration
Remedy Help Desk is an extremely flexible and capabilities including integration with Network and
user-friendly, out-of-box application designed to be Systems Management products
the main application used by IT staff to manage all
incoming service and support requests. Remedy Help

More than 200 pre-defined and easily configured
Desk is a multi-channel (Web, phone, email, desktop reports and graphical displays that provide historical
client) customer request interface for information, and real-time information
install/ move/add/change, incidents, and problems.
In total, these capabilities provide a solution that
Within the IT organization, Remedy Help Desk pro- delivers a single integrated solution for the manage-
vides a common tool to automate and integrate service ment and resolution of all requests submitted to the
delivery and service support process and procedures service desk.
within and between IT functional or regional groups,
third party resources, and other parts of the enterprise. Benefits
Remedy Help Desk provides a single point of contact
Specifically designed to optimize communications for customer interface with IT and improves the effec-
regarding incoming requests, Remedy Help Desk tiveness and efficiency of the IT staff who manage IT
ensures the efficient and expeditious handling of service and support.
customer interactions.
Specific benefits of Remedy Help Desk for the
Remedy Help Desk is a powerful application that syn- ITIL Service Desk guidance include:
chronizes and automates workflows and procedures for ■
Increased customer satisfaction
all parts of the IT organization that work together to ■
Improved quality and faster response to user
seamlessly deliver and support IT services. requests

Improved teamwork and communication

Reduced overall cost of service delivery and support

1 Central Computer and Telecommunications

Agency. Best Practice for Service Support.
Norwich. 2000. Page 29.

2 Ibid. Page 31.


Incident Management When an incident goes beyond the capabilities of the

ITIL definition assigned support staff or is determined to be a prob-
In ITIL terminology, an ‘Incident’ may be defined as: lem, the problem management functions in Remedy
Help Desk are used to track and analyze the under-
“Any event which is not part of the standard operation of lying problem to determine the root cause. Close
a system that causes, or may cause, an interruption to, or integration with the other IT Service Management
a reduction in, the quality of service.”3 applications, such as Asset Management, Service
Level Agreements, and Change Management, make
The primary goal of the ITIL Incident Management Remedy Help Desk the foundation of a compre-
process is to restore normal service operation as quickly hensive ITIL solution.
as possible and to minimize the adverse impact on busi-
ness operations,thus ensuring that the highest possible Specific ITIL-Related Capabilities
levels of service quality and availability are maintained.4 Remedy Help Desk includes a variety of integrated
and automated out-of-box best practice capabilities
Incident Management with Remedy Help Desk that fulfill the mandatory criteria for ITIL Incident
The use of the Remedy Help Desk application direct- Management guidance, including:
ly supports an ITIL-compatible Incident Management
process. The out-of-box capabilities of the application ■
A single point of contact that maintains communi-
are compatible with the Incident Management Process cation with the end-user
as defined by ITIL.

An interface for users to request and track status
Remedy Help Desk is designed as the main support ■
A classification system for all incidents
tool used by IT staff to manage the complex process ■
An integrated searchable knowledge base of com-
of resolving incidents. Specifically designed to optimize mon solutions and work-arounds to known errors
the processing of incoming requests, Remedy Help and problems
Desk ensures the efficient and expeditious handling of ■
An escalation system that automatically prioritizes and
all incidents.
routes incidents according to service level agreements
Incoming service requests may be submitted by the ■
More than 200 pre-defined and easily configured
customer, the service desk staff, or through automated reports and graphical displays that show perform-
system management tools, such as BMC Patrol ance to service level agreements.
Enterprise Manager, HP OpenView Network Node
Manager, or Tivoli Enterprise Manager. By entering In total, these capabilities, implemented with the ITIL
a service request, tracking the configuration item to framework,provide a solution that enforces accountabil-
which it applies, recording the name of the caller, ity and responsibility for the resolution of all incidents.
resolving the incident, or dispatching to a specialist, the
IT organization uses Remedy Help Desk to track and Benefits
solve the incident in a procedural manner as specified Remedy Help Desk can increase the effectiveness
by the ITIL Incident Management guidance. and efficiency of the IT staff managing the Incident
Management process, resulting in minimized impact
Key incident information, such as related configura- of incidents and improved service levels.
tion items and overall incident history, can be reviewed
quickly by the support staff.The solutions knowledge Specific benefits of Remedy Help Desk for the
base works at the incident level to help solve incidents ITIL Incident Management Process include:
quickly and consistently. In addition, duplicate incidents ■
Improved incident resolution performance
submitted by a single user, or others, can be associated against SLAs
and resolved together. ■
Proactive communications and improved working
relationship with customers

Improved IT resource utilization and satisfaction

Increased IT infrastructure availability

3 Ibid. Page 71.

4 Ibid. Page 71.

4 5

Problem Management Specific ITIL-Related Capabilities

ITIL definition Remedy Help Desk includes a variety of integrated
In ITIL terminology, a ‘Problem’ may be defined as: and automated out-of-box best practice capabilities
that fulfill the mandatory criteria for ITIL Problem
“An unknown underlying cause of one or more incidents.” 5 Management guidance, including:

The primary goals of the ITIL Problem Management ■

A classification system that creates problem records
process are to minimize the adverse impact of errors separate from incidents and tracks them according
within the IT Infrastructure and to prevent recurring to ITIL procedure
incidents related to these errors.The reactive aspect of ■
Automated matching of incidents with problems
these goals is to quickly solve problems in response to and known errors using a three-tier system
one or more incidents.The proactive aspect of these
goals is to reduce the overall number of incidents.6

Tracking and monitoring problems through
defined stages with audit records for all past work
Problem Management with Remedy Help Desk ■
Routing and escalation of problems, based on
The use of the Remedy Help Desk application direct- urgency and severity code, to geographical location,
ly supports an ITIL-compatible Problem Management work group, or individual
process. The out-of-box capabilities comply with the ■
More than 200 pre-defined and easily configured
Problem Management process as defined by ITIL. reports and graphical displays that provide historical
and real-time information
Merely registering and resolving incidents is not
sufficient to stabilize the IT environment or empower In total, these capabilities, implemented with the ITIL
IT organizations to function proactively rather framework, provide a solution that allows problems to
than reactively. be systematically identified and resolved.
Remedy Help Desk implemented to support the Benefits
ITIL Problem Management process identifies the root Remedy Help Desk can be used to systematically
cause of problems and then manages actions to correct identify and resolve IT infrastructure problems, as well
known errors.The application defines a problem as the as reduce the number of support incidents, thereby
unknown cause of an incident. Problem Management improving service levels and improving the return on
capabilities in Remedy Help Desk include the prioriti- IT infrastructure investments.
zation, routing, tracking, and resolution of problems.
Specific benefits of Remedy Help Desk for the
Out-of-box integration of Incident Management and ITIL Problem Management Process include:
Problem Management processes allows the IT support
staff to identify a problem, as well as all other incidents

Improved resolution of multi-incident problems
related to that problem. Quick identification and ■
Proactively reduced number of support incidents
proper process to diagnose and solve the underlying ■
Improved productivity and reduced costs
root cause of a problem will resolve all incidents and
return to a working state as quickly as possible.

Determining the root causes allows IT staff to be

proactive and propose changes to reduce the number
of incidents in the IT environment. Changes in the
environment are implemented with a ‘Request for
Change’–a change request in the Remedy Change
Management application.

5 Ibid. Page 268.

6 Ibid. Page 95.


Change Management If problems arise during implementation, automatic

ITIL definition escalations and notifications are performed. Repeated
In ITIL terminology, a ‘Change’ may be defined as: changes can be completed consistently with change
templates. Reports are used to evaluate changes for
“The addition, modification or removal of approved, supported desired effect, on time, on budget.
or baselined hardware, network, software, application, environ-
ment, system, desktop build or associated documentation.”7 The use of a Change Board and an integrated software
application is essential to maintain a proper balance of
The primary goal of the ITIL Change Management the need for change with the potential negative impact
process is to ensure that standardized methods and pro- on other elements of the IT infrastructure. Remedy
cedures are used for efficient and prompt handling of Change Management is an indispensable tool used by
all changes in order to minimize the impact of change- the Change Advisory Board as specified by ITIL.
related incidents upon service quality. Although changes
often arise as a result of unplanned problems,many also Specific ITIL-Related Capabilities
arise from planned requests for change from the busi- Remedy Change Management includes a variety of
ness or IT organization.8 integrated and automated out-of-box best practice
capabilities that fulfill the mandatory criteria for ITIL
Change Management with Change Management guidance, including:
Remedy Change Management ■
A classification system for accepting, logging, and
The use of the Remedy Change Management appli- storing change requests that tracks information such
cation directly supports an ITIL-compatible Change as category of change, priority, reason, scope, and
Management process.The out-of-box capabilities nature of change request
comply with the Change Management Process as
defined by ITIL.

The ability to track change requests through stages of
review, authorization, and implementation with rout-
Today’s infrastructures are both complex and critical, ing and approval path determined by various criteria
which means that the process of gathering, planning, ■
Support for back-out procedures if incidents arise
implementing, monitoring, and evaluating requested as a result of the implemented change
changes have a direct impact on IT services. An ■
Relationship information in the change repository
organization cannot guarantee IT service availability that identifies risks to the change requests that
and quality unless it controls the changes that affect it. helps identify potential risks associated with each
Remedy Change Management provides a compre- requested change
hensive out-of-box solution that expedites changes ■
Impact assessments and resource requirements
to the IT infrastructure without the loss of service.
and notification
Remedy Change Management delivers a best-prac- ■
Priority,urgency,and impact fields as described by ITIL
tice process to systematically manage the response
to a change request in accordance with the ITIL In total, these capabilities, implemented with the ITIL
framework. Remedy Change Management tracks framework, provide a solution that systematically man-
a change from the moment it is proposed, through ages the risk and impact of proposed changes, requiring
the implementation in the live environment, to the all changes to configuration information in the asset
evaluation of the end result. repository to have an associated change request.

The out-of-box Change Management capabilities Benefits

facilitate the gathering of changes from all identified Specific benefits of Remedy Change Management
stakeholders into a change repository. It includes plan- for the ITIL Change Management Process include:
ning changes based on priority, impact, or urgency. ■
Increased visibility and communication of changes
Remedy Change Management considers business to both business and service support staff
and technical impact, impact on other services, the ■
Reduced impact of change (i.e. loss of service)
effect of not implementing the change, as well as from improved impact and risk assessment
resources required. It includes use of a back-out plan
and a robust approval server that manages the request

Better assessment of the cost of proposed changes
7 Ibid. Page 265. through a complex approval process. Remedy auto- before they are incurred
matically assigns tasks needed to complete the change.
8 Ibid. Page 165.
6 7

Configuration Management resolve it. Configuration item data is seamlessly inte-

ITIL Definition grated with Remedy Help Desk, Remedy Change
In ITIL terminology,‘Configuration Item’ may be Management, and Remedy Service Level Agreements.
defined as:
Specific ITIL-Related Capabilities
“Component of an infrastructure–or an item, such as a Remedy Asset Management includes a variety of
Request for Change, associated with the infrastructure–that integrated and automated out-of-box best practice
is under the control of Configuration Management. CIs capabilities that fulfill the mandatory criteria for ITIL
vary widely in complexity, size and type, from an entire Configuration Management guidance, including:
system to a single module or minor component.”9 ■
Population of the Configuration Management
database with all relevant information about con-
The primary goal of the ITIL Configuration figuration items
Management process is to account for and verify the
configuration records of all the components of the

Identification of the physical and logical relationships
IT infrastructure, as well as provide accurate informa- between configuration items–upstream, downstream,
tion to support all other support processes, including ownership, peer-to-peer, uses, and is-used-by
Incident Management, Problem Management, Change ■
Population of the Configuration Management
Management, and Release Management.10 database with all baseline and deviation configura-
tions to provide full asset lifecycle information
Configuration Management ■
Data integrity verification provided by authoriza-
with Remedy Asset Management tion checks, name consistency, and mandatory fields
The use of the Remedy Asset Management application ■
Logging of historical changes available for
directly supports an ITIL-compatible Configuration
audit purposes
Management process.The out-of-box capabilities com-
ply with the Configuration Management Process as ■
Standard and easily configured reports that allow
defined by ITIL. analysis of standards compliance, security audits,
asset configurations, warranty management, and
Remedy Asset Management is Remedy’s integrated financial cost and recovery.
solution for capturing and maintaining IT configura-
tion data for assets and the relationship between them, In total, these capabilities, implemented with the
including software, hardware, documentation, and ITIL framework, provide a solution that systemati-
processes. It provides the Configuration Management cally prevents the changing of asset configuration
Database that maintains a record of all configuration information without a specific change request that
items that make up the IT infrastructure, such as authorizes the modification.
model, serial number, physical location, user, owner,
maintenance contract information, lease, warranty, and Benefits
financial information. Each configuration item can Remedy Asset Management provides a single
consist of an unlimited number of components and integrated configuration management database
can have an unlimited number of relationships with for all configuration items that seamlessly supports
other items. Incident Management, Problem Management,
Change Management, and Service Level
For organizations that employ bar code labels to iden- Management processes.
tify equipment, Remedy Asset Management integrates
with additional hardware and AR System Link for ® Specific benefits of Remedy Asset Management for

Palm Powered Handhelds to scan equipment by the ITIL Configuration Management Process include:
location, read the data into the database, and generate ■
Accurate information used with other ITIL
reports that describe the equipment by location. support processes

Improvement of security and stricter adherence to
Configuration items stored in Remedy Asset legal obligations
Management can also be accessed from all Remedy IT
Service Management applications, thereby enhancing

Facilitation of impact and risk analysis for changes
its capacity to pinpoint the source of a problem and and problems
9 Ibid. Page 266.

10Ibid. Page 121.


Service Level Management Specific ITIL-Related Capabilities

ITIL definition The Remedy Service Level Agreements application
In ITIL terminology, a ‘Service Level Agreement’ includes a variety of integrated and automated out-
may be defined as: of-box best practice capabilities specified by ITIL as
supporting Service Level Management, including:
“A written agreement with a Customer(s) that documents ■
Definition of rules to implement the service
agreed service levels delivered.”11 agreements between IT, customers, and any exter-
nal resource
The primary goal of the ITIL Service Level ■
Service level agreement records that contain infor-
Management process is to ensure that service level
mation on the IT provider, customer, and specific
agreements are met and that any adverse impact on
services and specified service performance and that
service quality is kept to a minimum.12
can be created, changed, and deleted
Remedy Service Level Agreements ■
Tracking of all Service Desk requests to contractu-
The use of the Remedy Service Level Agreements al parameters
application directly supports an ITIL-compatible ■
Proactive alerts that can identify issues and trigger
Service Level Management process. actions prior to service levels being violated

Integrated graphical interface that shows real-time
Managing both service delivery levels and customer
status of a wide variety of SLAs
expectations is key to running IT like a business.
Specifying terms of service delivery in a jointly devel- ■
Out-of-box reports that show performance of IT
oped agreement is an IT service delivery best practice. services compared to service level agreement
The agreements between the service provider and the
customer of those services can be specified in a written In total, these capabilities, implemented with the ITIL
contract.This contract is usually referred to as a Service framework, provide a solution that delivers a tiered
Level Agreement (SLA). response system, manages customer expectations and
service delivery, and encourages the customers to
Remedy Service Level Agreements makes it possible view the IT organization as a “service business.”
to register SLAs, correlate SLAs to the underlying tech-
nical infrastructure, and observe real-time compliance Benefits
with the SLAs for all service support processes as Specific benefits of Remedy Service Level Agreements
defined by ITIL. Using service level agreements to for the ITIL Service Level Management process include:
control priority and activity in Incident, Problem, ■
Prioritization of Incident, Problem, and Change
Change, and Configuration Management processes activities to meet various SLAs
is paramount for delivering service at levels that meet ■
Use of SLAs as a basis for charging for service and
customer expectations. help demonstrate customer value
Remedy Service Level Agreements provides a way to

Visibility into the process, enabling management to
stipulate required availability and then gauge if service identify and monitor key metrics to drive opera-
levels are being met.When system response times are tional improvement
exceeded, for example, IT specialists can notify man-
agement and/or escalate the problem according to
Incident Management or Problem Management
processes.Through the integrated Service Desk, cus-
tomers get status of the progress of their outstanding
issues and get a description of the level of service they
are receiving.

11 Central Computer and Telecommunications

Agency. Best Practice for Service Delivery.
Norwich. 2000.

12 Ibid.
8 9

Summary of Benefits
This table summarizes the benefits and related features of the Remedy IT Service Management family of applications for each ITIL process area.

Change Asset Service Level

Benefits Features Help Desk Management Management Agreements

Service Desk Overview

Increased user accessibility via single point of contact Multi-channel user interface, routing, tracking,
services, roles
Improved quality and faster response to user requests Asset repository, classification, routing,
knowledge, escalation
Improved teamwork and communication User interface, asset repository, tracking,
tasks, roles, knowledge, asset associations
Reduced overall cost of service delivery Multi-channel interface, workflow, routing,
escalation, knowledge base
Incident Management
Improved incident resolution performance against SLAs Reports, classification, tracking, rules,
escalation, events, asset associations
Proactive communications and improved working Multi-channel communication, classification,
relationship with customers tracking, reporting
Improved IT resource utilization and satisfaction Requests, queues, classification, routing,
tracking, knowledge management
Increased IT infrastructure availability Data integration, asset repository, requests,
tasks, approvals, asset types, asset associations
Problem Management
Improved resolution of multi-incident problems Classification, routing, known errors, solutions,
knowledge base
Proactively reduced number of support incidents Root cause analysis, monitoring,
trending, reporting
Improved productivity and reduced costs Routing, escalation, tracking, solutions,
knowledge base
Change Management
Increased visibility and communication of changes to Reports, requests, routing, roles,
both business & service support staff escalations, approvals
Reduced impact of change from improved impact Classification, services, knowledge, events
and risk assessment
Better assessment of the cost of proposed changes Reports, classification, services
before they are incurred
Configuration Management
Accurate asset information used with other ITIL Data integration, asset repository, knowledge,
support processes approvals, asset types, asset associations
Improvement of security and stricter adherence Data integration, asset repository,
to legal obligations reports, asset types, asset associations
Facilitation of impact and risk analysis for Asset repository, reports, tracking,
changes and problems events, asset associations
Service Level Management
Prioritization of Incident, Problem, and Change activities Classification, routing, roles,
to meet various SLAs escalation, approvals
Use of SLAs as a basis for charging for service and help Asset repository, reports, tracking,
demonstrate customer value services, asset associations
Visibility into the process,enabling Management to Reports,user interface,requests,events
identify and monitor key metrics to drive X X X
operational improvement
W H I T E PA P E R 10

Conclusion Remedy is unique because not only does it provide

As more companies turn to ITIL for guidance on how out-of-the-box ITIL solutions but because it is more
to standardize on best practice capabilities, IT leaders flexible and adaptable than any other solution.
look to solutions that align IT with business objectives
and drive IT operational improvements.These leaders The use of Remedy for ITIL implementation direct-
also rely on tools to effectively deploy procedural-level ly improves service support capabilities, improves IT
processes that are used for service delivery and support resource efficiency, and reduces cost of IT operations.
and that enable incremental improvements.
About Remedy, a BMC Software company
Although ITIL provides guidance on common Remedy is your source for Service Management solu-
set of best practices, each implementation of ITIL tions that meet your needs. Remedy, a BMC Software
is different and can change based on the changing company, has a successful track record of providing
needs of the organization.The flexibility of the industry-leading Service Management solutions that
ITIL framework is one of the key factors driving enable organizations to reduce costs, improve quality
the growing success of ITIL. of service, and maximize overall operational effec-
tiveness. Remedy automates service-related business
The Remedy IT Service Management family of processes through a complete suite of out-of-box best-
applications directly supports ITIL guidance with practice Service Management applications, including
out-of-box best practice capabilities, delivering a Help Desk, Asset Management,and Customer Support.
comprehensive integrated solution for Service Desk, All Remedy applications leverage the highly flexible
Incident Management, Problem Management, Action Request System , a comprehensive development

Configuration Management, and Service Level environment that delivers business process authoring
Management functions defined by ITIL. capabilities to meet the unique requirements of organ-
izations today and into the future.
Although Remedy’s IT Service Management applica-
tions can be implemented using a phased approach, the
ultimate value is in using the whole integrated family
of applications to manage and automate interconnected
ITIL service support processes.

Remedy Headquarters
1030 West Maude Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA

Tel: 408.571.7000
Fax: 408.571.7001

Remedy, a BMC Software company. Remedy, the Remedy logo and all other Remedy product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of BMC Software, Inc.
© 2004 BMC Software, Inc. All rights reserved. WP_ITSM_ITIL _US02 43120

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