Professional General Catalog 4
Professional General Catalog 4
Professional General Catalog 4
Hydraulic Pipelines
Рыхлители. Стойки
Orbital welding is the only way to provide maximum high
quality of a pipeline weld, its hermeticity and total absence
of welding wastes on the internal surfaces of a pipeline.
Thus maximum cleanness of an excavator hydraulic system
is achieved and there is no chance to damage expensive
hydraulic equipment.
Piping delivery set includes:
• Set of seamless pipes: three pressure pipelines
Stop valve Pipeline (2 on the boom, 1 on the arm) and three return
Hose pipelines (2 on the boom, 1 on the arm)
• Set of Manuli (Italy) high pressure hoses,
consisting of 6–8 hoses (depending on excavator
• Bosch Rexroth (Germany) solenoid valve
Pipeline • Bosch Rexroth control block – for hydraulic
Stop valve Hydraulic tank breaker operation
Control pedal
Oil cooler • Installation of additional section of excavator
control valve is needed in some cases.
Main control valve
High pressure
Hydraulic Breakers. Sale and Ready-To-Operate Installation
Professional Ltd is an official sales and servicing dealer for open (H series) and silenced (S series)
hydraulic breakers ProfBreaker (S. Korea) and hydraulic breakers for mining machines.
Modern functions:
• power monitoring system
• internal reduction valve
• valve regulating frequency and energy of blows
• openings for connection of a "work under
water" kit and auto greasing system.
Hydraulic breakers
Moil Point Super Blunt ProfBreaker®
for mining machines
• Breakers are made in a vibration-absorbing
housing reducing hydraulic impact during the
Moil Point Tool Super Blunt Tool breaker operation; due to this better protection
is applied to work on concrete, is intended for piles driving in
rocky breed, to open paving (coastline strengthening) of an excavator attachments and of all the
sliding hinge connections is achieved. There is
no premature wear of bushings and axes. There
is no chance for dust and abrasive substance
to get inside of the breaker main body.
• The bottom of a housing is strengthened
Pyramid Point Tool Blunt Tool
is applied to work on concrete, is applied to crush stones by wear plates (Hardox 400, 450), that allows
rocky breed, to open paving to extend housing endurance by replacing only
Press wear plates instead of a whole case.
Hard Rock
• Box-type housing is stronger and long-lived,
than an open one.
• Company customer service offers complete
range of works on hydraulic breakers installation.
Hard Rock Chisel Tool
is applied to work on concrete, solid
stone, to open paving, to work Press Tool
on sloping surfaces, deepenings, is applied to compact small areas after
for finishing applications excavation operations.
Warranty period- 12months
Operational Energy of Diameter of Working pressure, Hydraulic Frequency of Compatibility with
weight blow, J tool, mm kg/sm3 stream, l/min blows, min-1 an excavator, t
PB 50H 175 400 53 100 - 140 30 - 55 600 - 950 1.2 - 3.5
PB 70H 310 910 68 100 - 140 45 - 80 400 - 750 4-7
PB 100H 460 1 600 75 100 - 140 50 - 100 460 - 750 6-9
PB 150H 600 1 870 85 120 - 160 90 - 110 400 - 600 7 - 12
PB 180S 940 3 150 100 140 - 160 100 - 140 400 - 600 11 - 16
PB 210S 1 480 4 370 120 130 - 170 130 - 170 450 - 800 13 - 18
PB 250S 1 840 5 780 135 140 - 180 130 - 170 400 - 800 18 - 25
PB 300S 1 940 9 100 140 140 - 180 160 - 220 400 - 800 18 - 25
PB 360S 2 650 10 250 150 140 - 180 180 - 250 350 - 700 25 - 35
PB 400S 3 450 11 000 155 140 - 180 180 - 250 250 - 550 30 - 40
PB 420S 3 600 11 520 160 140 - 180 180 - 250 250 - 450 28 - 45
PB 600S 4 000 11 950 170 140 - 180 200 - 250 300 - 400 35 - 50
PB 5H 155 383 53 90 - 120 25 - 50 600 - 1100 2.5 - 4.5
PB 7H 300 868 68 110 - 140 40 - 80 500 - 1000 4-7
PB 15H 520 1 780 85 130 - 160 60 - 100 400 - 800 7 - 14
PB 180H 940 2 495 100 150 - 170 80 - 110 350 - 700 11-18
PB 210H 1 395 4 245 120 150 - 170 90 - 120 350 - 750 15 - 20
PB 250H 1 800 5 425 135 160 - 180 130 - 150 350 - 600 18-25
PB 300H 1 940 6 745 140 140 - 180 160 - 220 400 - 800 20 - 29
PB 360H 2 650 10 250 150 140 - 180 180 - 250 350 - 700 25 - 35
PB 420H 3 450 10 400 160 180 - 220 200 - 210 200 - 450 28 - 42
PB 45S 3 350 10 050 160 170 - 190 180 - 250 250 - 400 32 - 44
• Caterpillar
• Doosan
• Hitachi
• Hyundai
• Komatsu
• Volvo
Specification DPD350T DPD600T DPD700T DPD350 DPD450 DPD600
With tilting Without tilting
Operational weight (without kg 1700 1900 2200 1400 1550 1780
extension boom)
Extension Boom Weight kg 590 630 630 590 630 630
Applicability to an excavator t 23-32 30-40 36-45 23-32 30-40 30-45
Eccentric Moment kgm 3.5 6.1 7.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
Frequency rpm 3000 3000 3000 3000 2700 3000
Centrifugal Force kN 300 520 700 300 390 520
Amplitude mm 6.8 8.8 14.0 7.0 7.0 9.0
Minimum (maximum) pres- bar 200 - 240 250 - 290 250 - 290 200 - 240 200 - 250 250 - 290
Minimum (maximum) flow l/min 180 - 240 200 - 240 300 - 360 180 - 240 200 - 240 200 - 240
Hydraulic Motor Power hp 79 201 241 79 145 201
Height mm 2100 2100 2380 1944 2050 2100
Length mm 1320 1363 1460 1020 1080 1363
Width mm 762 757 780 600 650 757
Clamp width mm 40 40 40 40 40 40
Rotation degrees 360 360 360 360 360 360
Tilt degrees 90 90 90 - - -
PROFBREAKER® compactors (S. Korea)
Рыхлители. Стойки
Specification suring PB300 PB600 PB800 PB1000
Operational weight (without kg 350 500 900 1200
mounting plate)
Applicability to an excavator t 5-8 11 - 14 17 - 22 23 - 30
Number of impulses per a minute min-1
2000 2000 2000 2000
Compacting force t 4.0 6.5 15.0 17.0
Dimensions of a compacting plate mm 900*550*1076*700*28 1076*700*28 1355*900*30 1600*1100*30
Oil pressure bar 100 - 130 100 - 130 150 - 200 150 - 200
PROMOVE SRL multi processing crushers (Italy)
Рыхлители. Стойки
Data on cutting with SC jaws mm 60 100 120 140 180 240 260
mm 30 35 40 40 50 60 65
CM crushing buckets (Italy)
Processing of extracted soil and building wastes (concrete, reinforced
concrete, bricks, stones) to a finished construction material using a crushing
bucket solves a problem of construction waste removal and utilization.
CM screen buckets (Italy)
Рыхлители. Стойки
Range of application:
• sorting of natural materials
before subdivision;
• sorting of various wastage
emerging after buildings
• cleaning of various surfaces
Specification CBR 07 CBR 08 CBR10 CBR13 18 07 from large and heterogeneous
Applicability for t 3-5 5-9 9-13 13-23 23-36
an excavator
Bucket size mm 700 850 1100 1400 1900
Weight kg 270 485 1050 1390 2135
Bucket capacity m3 0.20 0.35 0.70 1.00 1.30
according to SAE
Hydraulic system bar 100/120
Oil flow l/min 25/40 40/60 60/100
Size of a cell/ mm 10/30
speed of rotation
hydra hydraulic augers (Italy)
“Professional” company offers hydraulic augers for excavators of 0,6-50 t used for wells drilling
in various soils during construction works, installation of ferroconcrete one-rack-mount supports,
for gas pipelines, power lines and other auxiliary objects construction.
Model of hydraulic augers Т-1 Т-2 Т-3 Т-4 Т-5 Т-1000 Т-2000 Т-3000 Т-4000 Т-5000 Т-8000 Т-12000
Torque, kg*m 100 200 300 400 500 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 8000 12000
Maximum work pressure 250 250 250 250 250 250 350 350 370 370 400 400
Oil flow, l/min 12-40 20-50 30-80 60-120 80-140 80-190 80-150 150-225 150-225 150-225 150-225 160-225
Augers weight, kg 90 145 170 200 210 220 310 390 460 500 620 750
Recommended weight of a 0.6-2 1.5-3 3-8 6-9 6-12 12-20 14-25 16-25 >25 >25 >30 >35
• axial-piston hydraulic motor and planetary gear
(multilevel system of gears);
• wide choice of standard size augers for rocky, hover
and clay soils;
• high maintainability;
• minimum level of vibration noise;
• easy operation.
In the package of delivery of augers are included: rotator, auger, link on the excavator.
Additional equipment: boom, monitoring system of vertical position of drilling.
The warranty period for a rotator makes 12 months or 1500 machine hours after shipment.
“Professional” company is a trade partner of HYDRA (Italy).
Undercarriage parts for construction equipment
Italy + + + + + + + +
Italy + + + + + + + +
Part, Italy + + + + + + + +
G.A., Italy + + + + + + + +
DCF, Track chains, idlers Track chains, idlers, segments
DSL Track groups Track groups —
STR, — — — Segments
China + + — + + — — —