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Cthulhu Dark Character Sheet Expanded3 PDF

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 If you fight a creature, you die! Instead, roll to hide  When you do something, roll whichever of the
Name: or escape. following dice apply:
 Fighting other humans you will use a matched dice  1d6 if your task is within human capabilities and...
Personality: roll or the Harm rules (see Harm).  1d6 if your task is within your Occupation or
Speciality and...
Note: A single adjective (usually positive) to describe
personality. Examples: Charming, Energetic, Gregarious,
INSANITY  1d6 (blue die) if your Flaw applies (see Flaw below)
Pious, Unflappable. It can act as a +1 dice modifier.
 1  2  3  4  5 : you may now  1d6 (red die) if you want to risk Insanity.
reduce your insanity (see Recovering Insanity).  If your Insanity die is the highest die, roll Insanity
 6 : you go incurably insane (see Going Insane). (see Insanity above).
Examples: Alienist, Antiquarian, Archaeologist, Artist,  Add +1 to the highest result if your Personality
Author, Clergy, Criminal, Dilettante, Doctor, Don,  When you see something disturbing, roll 1d6. applies.
Entertainer, Hobo, Journalist, Nurse, Occultist, Pilot,  If you roll equal or lower than your Insanity,  Your highest (modified) die shows how well you do.
Police Detective, Private Investigator, Socialite, Scientist. describe keeping it together;  On a 1, you barely succeed. On a 6, you do
 But if you roll higher, add 1 to your Insanity, and brilliantly.
Speciality: describe your fear.
Note: A single, specific skill that may be a specialisation, INVESTIGATING
passion or hobby. Examples: Motor Mechanics, Politics, HARM
Coral Jewellery.  When investigating, your highest die shows how
 1  2  3  4  5 : describe your much information you get.
Flaw: deteriorating physical state.  On a 1, you get the bare minimum to proceed with
 6 : your character dies at the end of the scene – make the scenario.
Examples: Alcoholic, Bigot, Cruel, Dyslexic, Egotistical, your description apt!  On a 4, you get what a competent investigator would
Fickle, Gullible, Hedonistic, Illiterate, Impatient,
Judgmental, Lewd, Meek, Perfectionist, Rebellious,  When you are attacked or have risked Harm, roll 1d6.  On a 5, you discover everything humanly possible.
Shallow, Superstitious, Tactless.  If you roll equal or lower than your Harm, your  On a 6, you may glimpse a thing beyond human
Harm stays the same; knowledge (and likely roll Insanity).
Positive Relationship to:
 If you roll higher, subtract your Harm from the die Note: a high success never ends the scenario early.
Note: A positive, developing relationship to a player roll. Add that number to your Harm, and describe Difficulty modifiers may apply.
character. It might be physical attraction, friendship, your injury.
guidance, protection, or the result of past events.

Negative Relationship to:

Note: A negative, developing relationship to a player
character. It might be physical repulsion, rivalry, ideology
such as class or religion, or the result of past events.
 Anyone can suggest that you include your Flaw in  When your Insanity reaches 6, you go incurably
your dice roll if it is pertinent to the situation. insane.
 If a Flaw rolls highest, it acts to nullify itself and the  Describe your mind breaking.
next highest die.  Go out however you want: fight, scream, run, or
FAILING  Make a new character or continue playing madly but
retire your character ASAP.
 If anyone wants you to fail, they describe how you
might fail, and roll 1d6. RECOVERING HARM
 If they roll higher than your roll, you fail.
 When you get first aid or medical attention roll 1d6.
CO-OPERATING & COMPETING  If you get less than your current Harm, decrease
your Harm to the amount on the die. Your Harm can
 Everyone who is cooperating rolls their dice. never go below 1.
 The highest die, rolled by anyone, determines the
outcome. REROLLING
 Everyone who is competing rolls their dice.
 Whoever rolls highest wins.  You may reroll as often as you want.
 If a tie, the person with highest Insanity wins. If  But you must add your Insanity die to the roll.
Insanity is tied, reroll.  And every time your Insanity die rolls highest, make
another Insanity roll.
RECOVERING INSANITY (Suppressing Knowledge)  Rerolling never helps you avoid making Insanity
 When your Insanity reaches 5, you may now try to
reduce your Insanity.
 To recover Insanity, suppress Mythos knowledge!
 Burn books, stop rituals, destroy yourself, or impede
the investigation.
 Every time you do, roll 1d6.
 If you get less than your current Insanity, decrease
your Insanity by 1.
 You may now try to recover Insanity multiple times.
 Your Insanity can never go below 1.

Cthulhu Dark by Graham Walmsley. Adapted from original character sheet by Jenscot.

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