Semantics and The Dictionary (Lexicography)
Semantics and The Dictionary (Lexicography)
Semantics and The Dictionary (Lexicography)
what linguists have to offer to lexicographers, and vice versa, in the description of
lexical meaning. It is hard to do justice to all the many strains and positions in one
brief paper, so the reader will have to excuse a hasty generalization here and there
The relationship between semantics and lexicography lies in the fact that the
term lexicography may variously refer to at least two different activities: firstly,
termed metalexicography.
linguistics, and although some have actually argued the point – witness
Hans Meier’s 1969 paper with the telling title “Lexicography as Applied
of lexicographer is not (yet?) well-established as an autonomous one.
Therefore, it is perhaps more common than in, for instance, the US or the
but contributes its own methods as well. Bańko (2001) basically upholds
Piotrowski’s view. He points out (2001: 13) that good lexicography must
(here he owes much to John Sinclair and the Cobuild project). I think this
Having said that, however, I also believe that the corpus approach to
data, which is quite the opposite to what they would expect of non-
Frawley (1993: 1) uses an interesting metaphor when describing the
lexicography are possible. To mention just two of the more interestin ones,
2003: 284).
relationship between semantics and lexicography lies in the fact that the
been received less than kindly by lexicographers, and have been branded
On the other hand, semanticists have been known to accuse
lexicographers, when pressed, can never explain what they are doing, or
herself makes this very point forcefully: “If modern linguistics were to be
as Zgusta nicely puts it, “the best practitioners among us are those
lexicographers who have the ability to cope with what is, or theoretically
Meaning <=> Text project of the Moscow linguists (now developed into a
would be remiss not to mention the corpus revolution, which has had a
which combines the insights of the more traditional semantic functions and
the more modern cognitive schemata, also shows good promise for
description of actual lexical meaning, as has been the case in most other
linguistic semantics, but clearly not all strains of semantic research render
D. Conclusion
lexicographers and dictionary users that were not being properly addressed
relationship should end in divorce, but there is no reason this cannot be,
after all, amicable divorce. Let us hope that lexicographers will keep an