IS 1180 (Part 1) 2014
IS 1180 (Part 1) 2014
IS 1180 (Part 1) 2014
( Fourth Revision )
ICS 29.180
© BIS 2014
This Indian Standard (Fourth Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized
by the Transformers Sectional Committee, had been approved by the Electrotechnical Division Council.
The Scope of IS 1180 (Part 1) and IS 1180 (Part 2) was to address distribution Transformers primarily of REC
(Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd) range, up to 100 kVA, 11 kV. For other range of distribution transformers,
reference was made to IS 2026 ‘Power transformers’.
Distribution Transformer Industry in the country has progressed a lot over the years. In recent times, conservation
of energy has assumed importance and minimum energy performance standards for distribution transformers
right up to 2 500 kVA 3 phase ratings as well as single phase high voltage distribution transformers up to 25 kVA
has been specified in certain regulation. A need was felt to align the standards IS 1180 (Part 1) and IS 1180
(Part 2) in terms of maximum losses with the optimum minimum energy performance standard and also update
the standard to take into account of the experience gained since the last revision.
IS 1180 (Part 1) ‘Outdoor type three-phase distribution transformers upto and including 100 kVA 11 kV: Part 1
Non-sealed type (third revision)’ was originally published in 1958, first revised in 1964, second revision in 1981
and subsequently third revision in 1989, whereas IS 1180 (Part 2) ‘Outdoor type three-phase distribution
transformers upto and including 100 kVA 11 kV: Part 2 Sealed type (first revision)’, was originally published in
1979, first revision in 1989. Revision of these standards has been undertaken to take into account many
technological developments taken place on transformer and also to take into account the developments at
international level.
During this revision scope of both standards Part 1 and Part 2 have now been clubbed to make one combined
standard for distribution transformer and designated as IS 1180 (Part 1). With the publication of this standard,
IS 1180 (Part 2) would be withdrawn. In this revision maximum losses at 50 and 100 percent loading have been
incorporated and the scope is extended up to 2 500 kVA. Further, single phase high voltage (11 to 33 kV)
distribution transformers up to 25 kVA rating, have also been included to make it a comprehensive standard on
Distribution Transformers.
Although IS 2026 ‘Power Transformers’ includes the range of transformers covered by this standard, yet, it has
been decided to publish this standard, considering the advantages of having a standard which has simplified the
requirements in the distribution transformer range covered by it. However, for various common requirements,
normative references have been made to IS 2026 which is, therefore, a necessary adjunct to this standard.
In the preparation of this standard, assistance has been derived from REC Specifications on distribution
transformers, R-APDRP Technical Specification for such transformers, BEE recommendations for loss levels of
3 star, 4 star and 5 star rated distribution transformers, Guidelines for Specifications of Energy Efficient Outdoor
Type Three Phase and Single Phase Distribution Transformers published by CEA and CBIP Manual on
Transformers, Publication 317.
This standard recommends multiple rating with regard to Energy Efficiency that is, three energy efficiency levels:
level 1, level 2 and level 3 of transformers corresponding to 3 star, 4 star and 5 star labelled transformers respectively,
as prescribed by BEE. It is expected that transformers shall conform to at least energy efficiency level 1. In due
course of time with improvements in technology and materials, higher levels of energy efficient transformers
shall be progressively used.
This standard (Part 1) is for distribution transformer filled with mineral oil. As mineral oil is semi bio-degradable
it is expected that in future from environmental considerations, use of Natural/Synthetic Ester Oils shall increase.
This standard also allows use of such oils subject to agreement between user and supplier. When sufficient
Indian Standard
( Fourth Revision )
1 SCOPE or 33 kV and secondary voltage of 433 volt, 3 Phase (and
250 volt single phase) are called Distribution Transformers.
This standard specifies the requirements and tests The maximum rating of these transformers for the purpose of
including standard loss levels of mineral oil- this standard is considered up to 2 500 kVA, 3 Phase.
immersed, natural air-cooled, outdoor type, double- 3.2 Non-Sealed Type Transformer — A transformer
wound distribution transformers for use in power which has a conservator and a breather for breathing
distribution systems with nominal system voltages up out and breathing in with expansion and contraction
to and including 33 kV and of following types and of oil with temperature. The transformer tank body and
ratings: cover are bolted/clamped/welded type. The tank can
a) Three phase ratings up to and including also be of corrugated construction.
200 kVA both non-sealed type and sealed type. 3.3 Sealed Type Transformer — A transformer which
b) Three phase ratings higher than 200 kVA, up is non-breathing that is so sealed that normally there is
to and including 2 500 kVA both non-sealed no significant interchange between its contents and the
type and sealed type. external atmosphere. No conservator is provided. Such
c) Single phase ratings up to and including a transformer may or may not have a cushion of dry
25 kVA sealed type. air (or inert gas for example; Nitrogen, IS 1747).
The standards listed in Annex A contain provisions a) Transformers in which the total volume of oil
which, through reference in this text, constitute together with air (or inert gas) or any
provisions of this standard. All standards are subject combination thereof, remains constant over
to revision, and parties to agreements based on this the temperature range.
standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility b) Transformers in which the total volume of oil,
of applying the most recent editions of the standards air (or inert gas) or any combination thereof,
listed in Annex A. varies over the temperature range and this
variation is accommodated by a sealed
3 TERMINOLOGY flexible container (corrugated tank) or a
For the purpose of this standard, the following terms flexible membrane.
and definitions shall apply in addition to those given Sealed type transformers usually have a bolted/
in IS 1885 (Part 38). clamped / welded cover construction.
3.1 Distribution Transformer — A distribution
transformer is a transformer that provides the final
voltage transformation in the electric power The provisions of IS 2026 (Part 1) shall apply.
distribution system, stepping down the voltage used
in the distribution lines to the level used by the 5 GENERAL
customers. Technical parameters including standard loss levels of
NOTE — The distribution line voltages are 3.3 kV, 6.6 kV, three categories of distribution transformers are given
11 kV, 22 kV and 33 kV in the country. The domestic supply in 6, 7 and 8.
for the consumers is 415 volt, 3 Phase (240 volt, 1 phase),
50 Hz. Transformers with primary voltages of 3.3, 6.6, 11, 22 Other requirements as described in 9 to 22 are
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applicable for all types and ratings of distribution NOTE — Secondary voltage may be selected as 415-
240 V, subject to agreement between the user and the
6.6 Winding Connections and Phase Displacement
TO AND INCLUDING 200 kVA (NON-SEALED The primary winding shall be connected in delta and
AND SEALED TYPE) the secondary winding in star [vector symbol, Dyn 11,
see IS 2026 (Part 1)], so as to produce, a positive phase
6.1 Ratings displacement of 30° from the primary to the secondary
The standard ratings shall be as per Table 1. vectors of the same phase. The neutral of the secondary
winding shall be brought out to a separate insulated
Table 1 Standard Ratings terminal.
(Clause 6.1) 6.7 Tapping Range and Tapping Methods
Sl No. Nominal System Voltage Standard Ratings (kVA) 6.7.1 No taps are normally required to be provided
(1) (2) (3) upto 100 kVA rating, unless specifically specified by
i) Up to and including 11 kV *6.3, *10,16, *20, 25, *40, the user.
63, 100, 160 and 200
ii) Above 11 kV up to and 6.7.2 The standard tapping range, when taps are
63, 100, 160 and 200
including 22 kV provided above 100 kVA rating shall be as follows:
iii) Above 22 kV up to and
100, 160 and 200
including 33 kV Winding tapped HV
NOTE — *ratings are non-preferred.
Number of tap positions 4
6.2 Rated Frequency Voltage variation +2.5 percent to –5 per
cent of HV in steps
The rated frequency shall be 50 Hz.
of 2.5 percent
6.3 Nominal System Voltage 6.7.3 Off circuit tap-changing arrangement shall be
Nominal system voltage shall be chosen from the either by means of links or by means of an externally-
following: operated switch with mechanical locking device and a
position indicator. Arrangement for pad-locking shall
High Voltage (HV) — 3.3, 6.6, 11, 22 and 33 kV be provided.
Low Voltage (LV) — 415V
6.8 Losses and Impedance Values
6.4 Basic Insulation Level (BIL) 6.8.1 Losses —Multiple Rating with Regard to Energy
6.5 Rated basic insulation level shall be as given in Efficiency
Table 2. For transformers of HV voltage up to 11 kV,
the total losses (no-load + load losses at 75°C) at 50
Table 2 Rated Basic Insulation Level percent of rated load and total losses at 100 percent of
(Clause 6.4) rated load shall not exceed the maximum total loss
values given in Table 3.
Sl No. Nominal System Voltage Rated BIL (kVp)
(kV) For transformers having voltage class above
(1) (2) (3) 11 kV and up to and including 22 kV, the permissible
i) 3.3 40 total loss values shall not exceed by 5 percent of the
ii) 6.6 60 maximum total loss values mentioned in Table 3.
iii) 11 75
iv) 22 125 For transformers having voltage class above
v) 33 170 22 kV and up to and including 33 kV, the permissible
total loss values shall not exceed by 7½ percent of the
6.5 No-Load Voltage Ratios maximum total loss values mentioned in Table 3.
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6.9 Permissible Flux Density and Over Fluxing HV — 3.3, 6.6, 11, 22 and 33 kV
6.9.1 The maximum flux density in any part of the LV — 415V
core and yoke at rated voltage and frequency shall be
such that the flux density with + 12.5 percent combined Table 4 Standard Ratings
voltage and frequency variation from rated voltage and (Clause 7.1)
frequency shall not exceed 1.9 Tesla.
Sl Nominal System Voltage Standard Ratings (kVA)
NOTE — The design calculations in support of flux density No.
shall be furnished by the manufacturer.
(1) (2) (3)
6.9.2 No-load current up to 200 kVA shall not exceed
i) Up to and including 11 kV
250, 315, 400, 500, 630,
3 percent of full load current and will be measured by 1 000, 1 250, 1 600, 2 000
energizing the transformer at rated voltage and and 2 500
frequency. Increase of 12.5 percent of rated voltage ii) Above 11 kV up to and 250, 315, 400, 500, 630,
including 22 kV 1 000, 1 250, 1 600, 2 000
shall not increase the no load current by 6 percent and 2 500
maximum of full load current. iii) Above 22 kV up to and 250, 315, 400, 500, 630,
including 33 kV 1 000, 1 250, 1 600, 2 000
6.10 Limits of Temperature-rise and 2 500
6.10.2 The permissible temperature-rise shall not The rated basic insulation level (BIL) shall be as given
exceed the limits of 40°C (when measured by resistance in Table 5.
method) for transformer winding and 35°C (measured
by thermometer) for top oil when tested in accordance Table 5 Rated Basic Insulation Level
with IS 2026 (Part 2). (Clause 7.4)
7 TECHNICAL PARAMETERS OF THREE Sl No. Nominal System Voltage Rated Basic Insulation
(kV) Level (kVp)
HIGHER THAN 200 kVA UP TO AND (1) (2) (3)
SEALED TYPE) ii) 6.6 60
iii) 11 75
iv) 22 125
7.1 Ratings v) 33 170
The standard ratings shall be as per Table 4.
7.5 No-Load Voltage Ratios
7.2 Rated Frequency
The no-load voltage ratios shall be as follows:
The rated frequency shall be 50 Hz.
3 300/433-250, 6 600/433-250, 11 000/433-250,
7.3 Nominal System Voltage 22 000/433-250 and 33 000/433-250 V
Nominal system voltage shall be chosen from the NOTE — Secondary voltage may be selected as 415-240 V,
following: subject to agreement between the user and the supplier.
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7.6 Winding Connections and Phase Displacement percent of rated load and total losses at 100 percent of
The primary winding shall be connected in delta and rated load shall not exceed the maximum total loss
the secondary winding in star [vector symbol, Dyn 11, values given in Table 6.
see IS 2026 (Part 1)], so as to produce, a positive phase For transformers having voltage class above
displacement of 30° from the primary to the secondary 11 kV and up to and including 22 kV, the permissible
vectors of the same phase. The neutral of the secondary total loss values shall not exceed by 5 percent of the
winding shall be brought out to a separate insulated maximum total loss values mentioned in Table 6.
terminal. For transformers having voltage class above
Alternatively, [Dyn1, see IS 2026 (Part 1)] can also be 22 kV and up to and including 33kV, the permissible
specified. If system and application requirements total loss values shall not exceed by 7½ percent of the
demand different vector groups, the same can also be maximum total loss values mentioned in Table 6.
adopted. 7.8.2 Impedance
7.7 Tapping Ranges and Tapping Methods The recommended percent impedance at 75°C for
7.7.1 The standard tapping ranges, when taps are different ratings shall be as per Table 6.
provided, shall be as follows:
7.9 Permissible Flux Density and Overfluxing
Winding tapped HV
7.9.1 The maximum flux density in any part of the
Number of tap positions 7 core and yoke at rated voltage and frequency shall be
such that the flux density with + 12.5 percent combined
Voltage variations + 5 percent to –10
voltage and frequency variation from rated voltage and
percent in steps of 2.5
frequency does not exceed 1.9 Tesla.
percent for variation
of HV NOTE — The design calculations in support of flux density
shall be furnished by the manufacturer.
7.7.2 Off circuit tap-changing arrangement shall be
either by means of links or by means of an 7.9.2 No load current shall not exceed 2 percent of
externally-operated switch with mechanical locking the full load current and shall be measured by
device and a position indicator. Arrangement for pad- energizing the transformer at rated voltage and
locking shall be provided. frequency. Increase of 12.5 percent of rated voltage
shall not increase the no-load current by 5 percent of
7.7.3 For ratings greater than 500 kVA, on load tap full load current.
changers may be provided for variation of HV voltage
from +5 percent to –15 percent in steps of 2.5 percent. 7.10 Limits of Temperature-rise
7.8 Losses and Impedance Values 7.10.1 The type of cooling shall be ONAN as per IS
7.8.1 Losses — Multiple Rating with Regard to Energy 2026 (Part 2).
Efficiency 7.10.2 The permissible temperature-rise shall not For transformers of HV voltage up to 11 kV, exceed the limits of 45°C when measured by resistance
the total losses (no-load + load losses at 75°C) at 50 method for transformer winding and 40°C measured
50% Load 100% Load 50% Load 100% Load 50% Load 100% Load
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
i) 250 4.50 1 050 3 150 980 2 930 920 2 700
ii) 315 4.50 1 100 3 275 1 025 3 100 955 2 750
iii) 400 4.50 1 300 3 875 1 225 3 450 1 150 3 330
iv) 500 4.50 1 600 4 750 1 510 4 300 1 430 4 100
v) 630 4.50 2 000 5 855 1 860 5 300 1 745 4 850
vi) 1 000 5.00 3 000 9 000 2 790 7 700 2 620 7 000
vii) 1 250 5.00 3 600 10 750 3 300 9 200 3 220 8 400
viii) 1 600 6.25 4 500 13 500 4 200 11 800 3 970 11 300
ix) 2 000 6.25 5 400 17 000 5 050 15 000 4 790 14 100
x) 2 500 6.25 6 500 20 000 6 150 18 500 5 900 17 500
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by thermometer for top oil when tested in accordance 22 000/ 3 / 250 V , 22 000 / 250 V
with IS 2026 (Part 2).
33 000/ 3 / 250 V , 33 000 / 250 V
8 TECHNICAL PARAMETERS OF SINGLE NOTE — Secondary voltage may be selected as 415-240 V,
PHASE DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS UP subject to agreement between the user and the supplier.
8.6 Number of Phases and Polarity
8.1 Ratings Number of phases shall be one (Single Phase).
The standard ratings shall be as per Table 7. Polarity: Additive or Subtractive
Table 7 Standard Ratings 8.7 Tap Changing Arrangement
(Clause 8.1)
Taps are not required.
Nominal System Voltage Standard Ratings (kVA)
(1) (2) 8.8 Losses and Impedance Values
11 kV 5,10,16 & 25 8.8.1 Losses — Multiple Rating with Regard to Energy
22 kV 10,16 & 25
33 kV 16 & 25 Efficiency For transformer of HV voltage 11 kV, the total
8.2 Rated Frequency losses (no load + load losses at 75°C) at the 50 percent
of rated load and total losses at 100 percent of rated
The rated frequency shall be 50 Hz. load shall not exceed the maximum total loss values
8.3 Nominal System Voltage given in Table 9.
Nominal system voltage shall be chosen from the For transformers having voltage class above
following: 11 kV and up to and including 22 kV, the permissible
total loss values shall not exceed by 7½ percent of the
HV — 11, 22 and 33 kV maximum total loss values given in Table 9.
LV — 415V (240 V, 1 Phase) For transformers having voltage class above
8.4 Rated Basic Insulation Level (BIL) 22 kV and up to and including 33 kV, the permissible
total loss values shall not exceed by 10 percent of the
Rated basic insulation level shall be as given in Table 8. maximum total loss values given in Table 9.
Table 8 Rated Basic Insulation Level 8.8.2 Impedance
(Clause 8.4)
The recommended percent impedance at 75°C for
Nominal System Voltage (kV) Rated BIL (kVp) different ratings shall be as per Table 9.
(1) (2)
8.9 Permissible Flux Density and Overfluxing
11 75
22 125 8.9.1 The maximum flux density in any part of the
33 170 core and yoke at rated voltage and frequency shall be
such that the flux density with +12.5 percent combined
8.5 No-Load Voltage Ratio voltage and frequency variation from rated voltage and
The no-load voltage ratios shall be as follows: frequency does not exceed 1.9 Tesla.
NOTE — The design calculations in support of flux density
11 000/ 3 / 250 V , 11 000 / 250 V shall be furnished by the manufacturer.
50% Load 100% Load 50% Load 100% Load 50% Load 100% Load
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
i) 5 2.5 40 115 35 95 30 75
ii) 10 4.00 70 190 60 170 55 150
iii) 16 4.00 95 265 82 224 63 190
iv) 25 4.00 125 340 110 300 95 260
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8.9.2 No load current shall not exceed 3 percent of full cover and also without affecting the sealing of the
load current and will be measured by energizing the transformer. The arrangement shall meet the following
transformer at rated voltage and frequency. Increase requirements:
of 12.5 percent of rated voltage shall not increase the
HV and LV Bushings:
no-load current by 6 percent maximum of full load
current. The bushing shall be made in two parts. The outer
bushing shall be of porcelain. The dimensions of the
8.10 Limits of Temperature-rise outer bushing shall conform to relevant Part/Section
8.10.1 The type of cooling shall be ONAN as per of IS 3347 depending on the voltage class. The internal
IS 2026 (Part 2). bushing shall be of either porcelain or tough insulating
material, like epoxy and shall have embedded stem.
8.10.2 The permissible temperature-rise shall not Metal portion of the internal HV and LV bushing inside
exceed the limits of 40°C when measured by resistance the tank shall remain dipped in oil in all operating
method for transformer winding and 35°C measured conditions.
by thermometer for top oil when tested in accordance
NOTE — Any other suitable arrangement can be used subject
with IS 2026 (Part 2).
to agreement between the user and the supplier.
a) Cold rolled grain oriented electrical steel – 10.1.5 The dimensions of bushings of the following
IS 3024 voltage classes shall conform to the following Indian
Standards mentioned against them:
b) Amorphous core material – (IS under
preparation) Voltage Class For Porcelain For Metal
Parts Parts
c) Copper/Aluminum conductor – IS 191, IS
1897, IS 7404, IS 12444, IS 13730/IS 6162 Up to 1.0 kV IS 3347 IS 3347
series as given in Annex A. bushings (Part 1/Sec 1) (Part 1/Sec2)
d) Kraft paper – IS 9335 series as given in 3.6 kV bushings IS 3347 IS 3347
(Part 2/Sec 1) (Part 2/Sec 2)
Annex A.
12 kV bushings IS 3347 IS 3347
e) Press board – IS 1576 (Part 3/Sec 1) (Part 3/Sec 2)
24 kV bushings IS 3347 IS 3347
f) Mineral oil – IS 335
(Part 4/Sec 1) (Part 4/sec 2)
NOTE — Use of other insulating liquids namely natural ester, 36 kV bushings IS 3347 IS 3347
synthetic organic ester IS 16081 subject to agreement between (Part 5/Sec 1) (Part 5/Sec 2)
the user and the supplier.
10.1.3 In case of sealed type transformer, the terminal Appropriate characters in accordance with IS 2026
arrangements shall be such that it shall be possible to (Part 1) shall be indelibly marked upon or adjacent to
replace the bushings (external) without opening the terminals.
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11 MINIMUM CLEARANCES IN AIR 13.4 The distribution transformer may also be marked
with the Standard Mark.
The minimum phase-to-phase and phase-to-earth
external clearances for LV and HV bushings shall be 13.4.1 The use of the Standard Mark is governed by
as per Table 10. the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act,
1986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder.
Table 10 External (Air) Clearances Between The details of conditions under which the licence for
Bushings Mounted on Transformers the use of the Standard Mark may be granted to
(Clause 11) manufacturers or producers may be obtained from the
Bureau of Indian Standards.
Nominal System Phase-to-Phase Phase-to-Earth
Voltage Clearance in mm Clearance in mm 14 MOUNTING ARRANGEMENT
(1) (2) (3)
14.1 The under-base of all three phase transformers upto
Up to 1.1 kV 75 40
11 kV 255 140
200 kVA ratings shall be provided with two 75 mm ×
22 kV 330 230 40 mm channels 460 mm long as shown in Fig. 6 to
33 kV 350 320 make them suitable for fixing to a platform or plinth.
14.2 The under-base of all transformers beyond
11.1 For transformers with air filled cable-end box/ 200 kVA shall be as per Fig. 7 to make them suitable
connection chamber, the phase-to-phase and phase-to- for mounting on rollers.
earth clearance shall be as per Table 11.
14.3 Suitable pole mounting arrangement may be
Table 11 Air Clearances in Cable Box alternatively provided for 3 phase transformers upto
(Clause 11.1) 500 kVA, subject to agreement between user and
Nominal System Phase-to-Phase Phase-to-Earth
Voltage Clearance in mm Clearance in mm 14.4 Single phase transformers are pole mounted type
and shall be provided with two mounting lugs suitable
(1) (2) (3)
for fixing the transformer to a single pole by means of
Up to 1.1 kV 25 20 two bolts of 20 mm diameter.
11 kV 130 80
22 kV 240 140 Both mounting lugs are made with steel of minimum
33 kV 350 220
5 mm thickness.
15.1 Construction
Wherever specified, suitable bimetallic connectors
(clamp type) shall be provided on both HV and LV 15.1.1 For non-sealed or sealed type transformer,
side in order to ensure sound and robust connection. transformer tank can be of plain tank configuration
with/without radiator fins or cooling tubes. The tank
13 MARKING can also be made of corrugated panels of adequate
thickness, also used for cooling. The transformer tank
13.1 Rating Plate covers shall be bolted/clamped alternatively welded
Each transformer shall be provided with rating plate with tank rim so as to make a leak proof joint. The
made of anodized aluminium/stainless steel material curb design in case of welded construction shall be
securely fixed on the outer body, easily accessible, such that it is possible to remove the weld and reweld
showing the information given in Fig. 1 for 3 phase the tank at least two times.
transformers and Fig. 2 for single phase transformers. 15.1.2 The transformer tank shall be of adequate
The entries on the rating plate shall be indelibly marked mechanical strength to withstand positive and negative
for example, by etching, engraving or stamping. pressures built up inside the tank while the transformer
is in operation.
13.2 Terminal Marking Plate
15.1.3 All welding operations shall be carried out by
Each transformer shall be provided with a terminal
qualified welders.
marking plate in accordance with Fig. 3 to Fig. 5
whichever is applicable. 15.1.4 The tank design shall be such that the core and
windings can be lifted freely.
13.3 The rating and terminal marking plates may be
combined into one plate at the option of the 15.1.5 For single phase sealed type transformers, the
manufacturer. circular base plate edges of the tank shall be folded
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upward for at least 25 mm, to have sufficient overlap For single phase transformers up to 25 kVA, the
with vertical sidewall of the transformer. transformer tank shall be of robust construction round
in shape and shall be capable of withstanding a pressure
15.2 Pressure and Vacuum Requirements of 100 kPa and a vacuum of 760 mm of mercury.
15.2.1 In case of transformers up to 200 kVA, plain 15.2.2 For three phase transformers up to 2 500 kVA,
tank shall be capable of withstanding a pressure of transformer tanks with corrugations shall be designed
80 kPa and a vacuum of 250 mm of mercury. Limiting for a pressure of 15 kPa measured at the top of the
values of the deflections are specified in 21.5.1. tank with no leakage.
For transformers above 200 kVA plain tank shall be 15.2.3 For three phase sealed type transformers with
capable of withstanding a pressure of 80 kPa and a cover welded to the curb of the tank shall be of sound
vacuum of 500 mm of mercury. Limiting values of the and robust construction so as to withstand pressure of
deflections are specified in 21.5.2. 80 kPa without any deformation.
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15.2.4 For single phase transformers of sealed type 15.5 Inside of tank shall be painted with varnish or
construction, when the space on the top oil is filled oil resistant paint. For external surfaces one coat of
with dry air or inert gas, the inert gas plus oil volume thermo setting powder paint or one coat of epoxy
inside the tank shall be such that even under extreme primer followed by two coats of polyurethane base
operating conditions, the pressure generated inside the paint shall be used. Table 12 shall be referred to for
tank does not exceed 0.4 kg/cm2 positive or negative. paint thickness for normal to medium corrosive
atmosphere. For highly polluted atmosphere and
15.3 All bolts/nuts/washers exposed to atmosphere
special application external paint work shall be subject
shall be as follows:
to agreement between the user and the transformer
a) Size 12 mm or below — stainless steel. manufacturer.
b) Above 12 mm — steel with suitable finish
like electro galvanized with passivation or hot
dip galvanized.
16.1 Transformers of ratings 63 kVA and above with
15.4 Gaskets wherever used shall conform to Type III
plain tank construction, the provision of conservator
as per IS 11149/Type C as per IS 4253 (Part 2).
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is mandatory. For corrugated tank and sealed type 16.2 When a conservator is provided, oil gauge and
transformers with or without inert gas cushion, the plain or dehydrating breathing device shall be fixed
conservator is not required. to the conservator which shall also be provided with a
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Bhiwadi( [for non-commercial use only].
drain plug and a filling hole (1¼″ normal size thread) 19 TOLERANCES
with cover. The capacity of a conservator tank shall be
The tolerance on electrical performance excluding
designed keeping in view the total quantity of oil and losses shall be as given in IS 2026 (Part 1).
its contraction and expansion due to temperature
variations. In addition, the cover of main tank shall be 20 FITTINGS
provided with an air release plug to enable air trapped
within to be released, unless the conservator is so 20.1 Standard Fittings
located as to eliminate the possibility of air being The following standard fittings shall be provided:
trapped within the main tank.
a) Two earthing terminals with the earthing
16.3 The inside diameter of the pipe connecting the symbol =| ;
conservator to the main tank should be 25 to 50 mm b) Oil level gauge indicating oil level at
and it should be projected into the conservator so that minimum, 30°C and maximum operating
its end is at least 20 mm above the bottom of the temperature;
conservator so as to create a sump for collection of
impurities. The minimum oil level corresponding to
1 Minimum and maximum positions correspond to the
–5°C should be above the sump level.
operating temperature of –5°C and 90°C respectively
(for non-sealed type transformer).
2 Minimum position corresponds to the operating
WITHSTAND EXTERNAL SHORT CIRCUIT temperature of 30°C (for sealed type transformers).
The performance of transformer under external short- c) Air release device (for non-sealed type
circuit conditions shall be in accordance with IS 2026 transformers)
(Part 5). d) Rating and terminal marking plates;
18 EFFICIENCY AND REGULATION e) Plain breathing device for non-sealed type
transformers which would not permit ingress
When statements of efficiency and regulations are
of rain water and insects up to 200 kVA
required they shall be based on specified loading at
transformers. Above 200 kVA transformers
the rated kVA and unity power factor and computed in
dehydrating breather shall be provided;
accordance with Annex B and Annex C respectively.
f) Drain-cum-sampling valve (¾″ nominal size
NOTE — Efficiency and regulations at other power factors as
thread, IS 554) preferably steel with plug for
agreed between the user and supplier shall also be computed.
three phase transformers;
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Nucon Switchgears Pvt Ltd -
Bhiwadi( [for non-commercial use only].
g) Thermometer pocket with cap; g) Jacking pads (for transformer above 1 600
h) Oil filling holes having (1¼″ nominal size kVA);
thread) with cover (for sealed type h) Buchholz relay (for transformers above 200
transformers without conservator); kVA);
j) An extended pipe connection on upper end j) Magnetic oil level gauge (for transformer
with welded cover for sealed type above 1 600 kVA) with low oil level alarm
transformers. The pipe should be suitably contact;
threaded over a sufficient length to enable use k) Non return valve (for conducting pressure
of a refilling/siphon connection after test);
removing the welded cover or any other m) Pressure relief device or explosion vent (up
similar arrangement capable of reuse; to 200 kVA);
NOTE — The bottom drain valve and filling hole may n) Protection relay for sealed type transformers
also be used for filtration purpose. for internal parameters that is pressure,
k) Lifting lugs for the complete transformer as temperature, oil level and gas detection (above
well as for core and winding assembly; 1 000 kVA); and
m) Nitrogen/air filling device/pipe with welded p) 4 Nos anti-theft stainless steel fasteners with
cover capable of reuse (for sealed type breakaway nut shall be provided at top cover
transformer); (up to 200 kVA).
n) Pressure relief device or explosion vent above NOTE — IS 3639 describes some of the fittings and
200 kVA; accessories.
p) One filter valve on the upper side of the tank
(for transformers above 200 kVA);
q) Unidirectional flat rollers (for transformers 21.1 General
above 200 kVA);
All routine, type and special tests as described in 21.2
r) Inspection hole (for transformers above 200 to 21.4 shall be performed as per relevant parts of
kVA); IS 2026. Pressure and oil leakage test shall be
s) Pressure gauge for sealed transformers with conducted as per 21.5.
radiators and nitrogen cushion (above 200
kVA); 21.2 Routine Tests (to be conducted on all units)
t) HV side neutral grounding strip (where one The following shall constitute the routine tests:
of the HV bushing terminal is connected to
a) Measurement of winding resistance [IS 2026
(Part 1)].
u) LV earthing arrangement for single phase
b) Measurement of voltage ratio and check of
transformers; and
phase displacement [IS 2026 (Part 1)].
v) Buchholz relay for transformers above 1 000
c) Measurement of short-circuit impedance
(principal tapping, when applicable) and load
20.2 Optional Fittings loss at 50 percent and 100 percent load
[IS 2026 (Part 1)].
The following shall be available as additional fittings d) Measurement of no-load loss and current
at the option of the user wherever specified: [IS 2026 (Part 1)].
a) Dehydrating breather in lieu of plain breathing e) Measurement of insulation resistance
device for transformers up to 200 kVA; [IS 2026 (Part 1)].
b) Filter valve (1¼″ nominal size thread) for f) Induced over-voltage withstand test [IS 2026
transformers up to 200 kVA; (Part 3)].
c) Arcing horns or suitable rating lightning g) Separate-source voltage withstand test
arrestors for HT side – 3 Nos. for transformers [IS 2026 (Part 3)].
up to 200 kVA; h) Pressure test (see 21.5).
d) Bird guard; j) Oil leakage test (see 21.5).
e) Terminal connectors; 21.3 Type Tests (to be conducted on one unit)
f) Oil temperature indicator and winding The following shall constitute the type tests:
temperature indicators for transformers above
200 kVA; a) Lightning impulse test [IS 2026 (Part 3)].
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Bhiwadi( [for non-commercial use only].
a) Determination of sound levels [IS 2026 (Part The assembled transformer for non-sealed and sealed
10)] type with all fittings including bushings in position,
shall be tested at a pressure equivalent to twice the
b) Short-circuit withstand test [IS 2026 (Part 5)]
normal head measured at the base of the tank for 8 h.
(above 200 kVA)
NOTE — Routine tests before and after short circuit
There should be no leakage at any point. Tank with
test shall be conducted as per IS 2026 (Part 1). corrugations shall be tested for oil leakage test a
c) No load current at 112.5 percent voltage pressure of 15 kPa measured at the top of the tank for
(see 5.9.3). 6 h. There should be no leakage at any point.
d) Paint adhesion tests. The test is performed as 21.5.2 For Transformers Above 200 kVA and Up to
per ASTM D3359 (Standard Test Methods for Including 2 500 kVA
measuring adhesion by Tape test). Pressure test (Type test)
e) BDV and moisture content of oil in the
transformer (IS 335). For non-sealed and sealed type transformers, the
NOTE — Tests at (d) and (e) may be carried out on transformer tank subjected to air pressure of 80 kPa
more than one unit subject to agreement between user for 30 min and vacuum of 500 mm of mercury for 30
and supplier.
min. The permanent deflection of flat plate, after
21.5 Pressure and Oil Leakage Test pressure/vacuum has been released, shall not exceed
the values given below.
21.5.1 For Transformers up to 200 kVA
Length of Plate Deflection Pressure test (type test)
Up to 750 mm 5.0 mm
For non-sealed and sealed type transformers, the 751 mm to 1 250 mm 6.5 mm
transformer tank shall be subjected to air pressure of
1 251 mm to 1 750 mm 8.0 mm
80 kPa for 30 min and vacuum of 250 mm of mercury
for 30 min. Above 1 751 mm 9.0 mm
The permanent deflection of flat plates, after pressure/ Pressure test (routine test)
vacuum has been released, shall not exceed the values a) Plain tanks
given below.
The transformer tank with welded/bolted
Length of Plate Deflection cover shall be tested at a pressure of 35 kPa
Up to 750 mm 5 mm above atmosphere pressure maintained inside
751 to 1 250 mm 6.5 mm the tank for 10 min. There should be no
leakage at any point. Pressure (routine test)
b) Corrugated tanks
a) Non-sealed type transformers (plain tanks)
The corrugated transformer tank shall be
The transformer with bolted cover shall be
tested for air pressure of 15 kPa above
tested at an air pressure of 35 kPa above
atmosphere pressure maintained inside the
atmosphere pressure maintained inside the
tank for 10 min. There should be no leakage
tank for 10 min. There should be no leakage
at any point.
at any point.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Nucon Switchgears Pvt Ltd -
Bhiwadi( [for non-commercial use only]. Oil leakage test (routine test) 35 kPa above atmosphere pressure maintained inside
the tank for 10 min. There should be no leakage at any
The assembled transformer for non-sealed and sealed
type with all fittings including bushing in position shall
be tested at a pressure equivalent to twice the normal Oil leakage test (routine test)
head measured at the base of the tank for 8 h. There
The assembled transformer for non-sealed and sealed
should be no leakage at any point. Tank with
type with all fittings including bushings in position,
corrugations shall be tested for oil leakage test a
shall be tested at a pressure equivalent to twice the
pressure of 15 kPa measured at the top of the tank for
normal head measured at the base of the tank for 6 h.
6 h. There should be no leakage at any point.
There should be no leakage at any point. Tank with
21.5.3 For Single Phase Distribution Transformers Up corrugations shall be tested for oil leakage test at a
to Including 25 kVA pressure of 15 kPa measured at the top of the tank
for 6 h. There should be no leakage at any point. Pressure test (type test)
The tank shall be subjected to air pressure of 100 kPa 22 INFORMATION REQUIRED WITH
above atmospheric pressure for 30 min. There should ENQUIRY AND ORDER
be no leakage at any point and there is no deformation 22.1 The information to be supplied by the
of tank. manufacturer with enquiry and order to the purchaser Pressure (routine test) shall be in accordance with Annex D.
(Clause 2)
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Bhiwadi( [for non-commercial use only].
(Clause 18)
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Nucon Switchgears Pvt Ltd -
Bhiwadi( [for non-commercial use only].
(Clause 18)
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Bhiwadi( [for non-commercial use only].
(Clause 22.1)
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Nucon Switchgears Pvt Ltd -
Bhiwadi( [for non-commercial use only].
experience is available, separate standard to Distribution transformers filled with Natural/Synthetic Esters shall
be brought out.
Considerable assistance has also been taken, while preparing this standard, from IEC 60076-1: ‘Power Transformers
— Part 1: General’.
Following deviations with respect to IEC standard have been made:
a) Separate standard is prepared for distribution transformers up to rating 2 500 kVA,
b) Ambient conditions are different, and
c) Temperature rises of oil and windings are different.
This standard is intended to cover the generic technical specifications and it does not include all the necessary
provisions of a contract. However, the standard calls for agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer
in certain cases.
Unlike, standard on Power Transformers (IS 2026), this standard also purports to recommend standard
manufacturing configurations and practices with a view to have standard, reliable and energy efficient distribution
transformers in the country.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules
for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value
should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Nucon Switchgears Pvt Ltd -
Bhiwadi( [for non-commercial use only].
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards : Monthly Additions’.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: ET 16 (6686).