Customized Machined Seals - Capabilities

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machined seals
Sealing solutions from SKF

SKF is the global market and technology leader in high quality custom engineered sealing
solutions offering a comprehensive range of machined seals for many industries to fit
customers’ requirements.

Machined sealing Flexibility and SKF SEAL JET

offer customer service technology
SKF offers machined sealing solutions for The innovative production system – The SKF SEAL JET machines are developed
fluid power, fluid handling and power trans- SKF SEAL JET – reduces manufacturing and produced by SKF. This CNC controlled
mission applications. and dispatch time to a minimum. Virtually production system is based on proprietary
any kind of seal for any conceivable applica- software and specially developed machining
• In partnership with customers from the tion, in any dimension and design, can tools for different polymeric materials.
design phase to serial production with be produced. SKF operates more than Large diameter machined seals, as used in
solutions tailor made to their needs 90 machining centres worldwide and aims applications like wind power plants, hydro
• Prompt manufacturing of seals and com- to be located as close to the customer as power stations or heavy industry, with
ponents up to 4 000 mm in diameter as possible. With local and global application diameters up to 10 000 mm and larger are
one piece and larger using a special weld- engineering teams and research and assembled using a special welding tech-
ing technique with short delivery times development centres, SKF machined seals nique. This process allows on-site fitting and
• Virtually unlimited seal designs can be customized to meet the most still provides the performance of an endless
• Extensive range of sealing materials stringent sealing requirements of many seal.
including materials certified to or comply- industries.
ing with a broad range of industry stand-
ards and regulations (FDA, NSF, KTW,

Machined seals SKF SEAL JET system SKF SEAL JET machine

Customized for your needs

Research and From prototype to In many industries

development serial production The value of SKF machined seals is
The design and development of high per- SKF offers a unique and comprehensive recognized in many industries:
formance materials combined with testing consultancy service, providing the latest
and failure analysis are vital elements for sealing technology. In cooperation with the • Cunstruction
successful seal development. SKF combines customers, the operational requirements • Fluid power
these elements with its extensive application and applications are analyzed. All machined • Food and beverage
knowledge, to offer solutions that are based seals, whether standard or customized, • Hydropower
on an understanding of sealing systems are manufactured on demand without tool- • Machine tool
under various real conditions. ing costs or delays. SKF can produce all • Marine
SKF continuously develops new custom- seals as a single item, in small quantities, • Metals
ized materials and designs and operates or in larger quantities up to a couple of • Mining, mineral processing and cement
its own testing facilities around the world to thousands, using the SKF SEAL JET ma- • Off highway vehicles
provide optimized sealing solutions that chining technology. Larger quantities and • Oil and gas
meet the sophisticated demands of many high volume business are produced using • Pharmaceutical
industries. moulding technologies. • Pulp and paper
• Water treatment
• Wind energy

Finite Elemente Analysis (FEA)

Finite Elemente Analysisis is used to simulate the
impact of operating conditions, material selection
and seal design on seal behaviour.

The Power of Knowledge Engineering

Bearings Lubrication Drawing on five areas of competence and application-specific expertise amassed over more than 100
and units systems years, SKF brings innovative solutions to OEMs and production facilities in every major industry world-
wide. These five competence areas include bearings and units, seals, lubrication systems, mechatronics
(combining mechanics and electronics into intelligent systems), and a wide range of services, from 3-D
Mechatronics Services
computer modelling to advanced condition monitoring and reliability and asset management systems.
A global presence provides SKF customers uniform quality standards and worldwide product availability.

This brochure was presented by:

Competence centres for machined seals

Austria China Japan Spain

Australia Denmark Malaysia Sweden

Argentina France Netherlands Switzerland

Belgium Germany Philippines Thailand

Brazil India Poland United Kingdom

Canada Italy Singapore USA

All other countries

® SKF is a registered trademark of the SKF Group.

™ SEAL JET is a trademark of the SKF Group.
© SKF Group 2012
The content of this publication is the copyright of the publisher and may not be reproduced (even extracts) unless prior
written permission is granted. Every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this
publication but no liability can be accepted for any loss or damage whether direct, indirect or consequential arising out
of the use of the information contained herein.
PUB SE/P2 11311 EN · February 2012
This publication supersedes publication 6982
Printed in Sweden on environmentally friendly paper.

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