ProgressiveCommieLiterature PDF
ProgressiveCommieLiterature PDF
ProgressiveCommieLiterature PDF
and literature should reflect the society. The present study also tries to
for his entanglement with popular medias like the film and journalism
and often for his leftist leanings and propaganda. M.K.Naik, a noted
coloured by Abbas’s militant Leftism, and not a few carry the tell-tale
“novelist of historical importance only”,3 for the reason that Abbas was
Abbas as a writer who does “not generate any inspiration in the reader to
Independence works on the other hand are devoid of any such concern,
HOURS and his first novel TOMORROW IS OURS) and hurled abuses
According to Ravi Nandan Sinha, “it will be nearer the truth to place
Marxism”.7 Mulk Raj Anand sees him as one “who dared to talk as
life, says, “Abbas writes as an Indian and with the Indian readers in
critics, however, no serious attempt has been made to identify the most
Abbas through a detailed analysis of his short stories, novels, plays and
journalistic writings.
Literature : A Survey
10. Ahmad Hasib, THE NOVELS OF KHWAJA AHMED ABBAS (belhi, Seema
Publications, 198^, p. 148.
which he edited the stories of Prof.Ahmed Ali, Rasheed Jahana and her
book marked the beginning of a new literary era in the history of Indian
14, 1936, at his home, and famous Urdu writers like Premchand and
Nigam attended it and discussed the formation and the aims and
Mr.Ahmed Ali and Prof.Raghupati Sahai. The first meeting of the Ali
April, 1936. Mr.Ahmed Ali, who was the Chairman of the Reception
Tagore and Vallathol. Pandit Nehru, Sarojini Naidu, Hasrat Mohni and
himself who was made the President of the first conference of the
said, “It is the duty of Indian writers to give expression to the changes
taking place in Indian life and to assist the spirit of progress in the
like family, religion, sex, war and society and to combat literary trends
conservative classes... to bring the arts into the closest touch with the
people; and to make them vital organs which will register the actualities
between one Indian language and another. It later served as the platlorm
summarised as under :
the cultural divisions and help struggle for independence and her
social regeneration,
progressive thought.
5. Opposition to communalism.
magazine started in 1938 by Sajjad Zaheer and Sohan Sing Josh from
Saharanpur (U.F.).
Marxist leanings, but they never felt it alien as there is ample scope for
factor that contributed to its firm foundation in the Indian ethos was its
had been dreamy and unrealistic. The progressive writers for the first
fiction writer drew freely his idiom from the dialect and the spoken word
literary tradition”.14
two reasons. Firstly, the pioneers of this movement, like Sajjad Zaheer
and his companions (except Mulk Raj Anand) were basically Urdu
writers, and it was they who brought this Western spirit to India
Secondly, during the forties Urdu literature was dominant in India, and
writers like Premchand, Upendranath Askh and Sajjad were widely read
and adored. Urdu literature had made a great impact on almost all the
major progressive writers in English, like Ahmed Ali, K.A. Abbas and
several others were inspired by, and indebted to, the progressive
ideology and some of them even wrote in Urdu first, and in English
which left the Urdu writers in pain, sorrow and emotional trauma. The
and poems in order to cure the ills of the society of the period. No
Ahmed Faiz, Sardar Jafri, Krishan Chandra, Hasan Mantoo and Rajinder
Singh Bedi.
Jafri, with his blend of Sufism, Marxism and Vaishnavism and with
man was supreme. His famous work ASIA AWAKES and MAIN
possess the poetic qualities, which mark great poetry. But at least
during the early stages of this movement some of these writers wrote
romance, bringing in his place the uprooted refugee, the exploited girl,
Mantoo is a realist and satirist. He mainly dealt with the theme of sex,
life and emotional relations of men and women and their relations with
the land. The other writers of the group are Balawant Singh and Qurrat-
vl-Ain Haider.
Among the progressive Urdu novelists Azis Ahmed was one who
middle class family life and social taboos broke new ground in the Urdu
deals with the freedom movement and the Partition of the country.
was still alive in books and magazines, looked forward with a hope for a
theatre. There are a few writers with progressive dramas to their credit.
They are Upendra Nath Ashk (who wrote a social play TALA WAN).
Kanhaiylal Kapoor (who wrote the one act play ZINDAG1 KI TALASH
MEN) and Mirza Abid (who wrote NAND KUMAR) are progressive
died before it could achieve maturity. The main reason for its sudden
by Prof.Ahmed Ali and his followers. Also there were some other
writers who took the middle path. Their concentration on sex and
Hindi literature, written between the two World Wars, has been
Writers Movement.
The Hindi progressive writers are divided into two groups. The
poverty and exploitation of the urban middle class. These writers were
not ready to subordinate their art to the political objective, whereas the
works the various aspects of social and political life of the post-
Independence period, and being members of the CPI, they put a Marxist
opinion that art should serve life. Premchand’s three major novels,
the two generations of father and son. Apart from these novels, his
One was the psycho-analytical novel and the other, the progressive
Yashapal’s reaction to social evils is more violent and harsher. The next
important writer is Rangeya Raghava known for his historical and social
His famous work JAI AYAUDHYA is known for its symbolical treatment
projects his Marxist views in novels and short stories. There is a tine
life, but his fascination for analysing problems of sex and its different
progressivist novels. HATHIKA DANT and BIJ are his two famous
stories about rural life and the national movement. Bhagvati Prasad
Vajpeyi, Radha Krishna and Chandra Kiran too enriched the progressive
Ashk. He dealt with the emerging social situations in his dramas like,
CHHOTA BETA, ANJU DIDI and QAID. Bhisham Sahni, the Secretary
writing some of the most successful novels and short stories. Another
dramas and novels in any other language, Hindi dramas and novels are
more artistic. Thus the overall development of the movement and its
crying for the moon and singing about the stars and beauteous valleys
domestic and bourgeois city life and sentiments, the progressive writers
started the trend of depicting universal social and lower middle class life
and experiences.
The Progressive movement in Kannada literature started in 1943
the same year in which All India Progressive writers met in Bombay, the
and made Shri Kanthappa Shettar the President, and Niranjana, the
depict our soil and our people, our farmers and their poverty. A writer
life around him. That is why the Kayyoru farmers’ protest in 1941. the
short story writer, Aa.Na.Kru., who was also an orator and social
and essays. Among the works produced by the group Aa. Na. Kru’s
KAGE and APARANJI are prominent. Aa. Na. Kru. In his novels
at the same time he believed that India had its own Marxism even before
the arrival of Marxism proper in India. Aa. Na. Kru deeply influenced
about, nor should we look upon'as sin. And life would be reduced to
who dealt with rural life in general and of farmers in particular, in his
MELE and narrated the glorious saga of the freedom struggle in MADI
this period.
GIRAKI, which deals with the dumb girl who sells her body for food,
and everybody squeezes the pleasure of sex from her unto death,
including the eagle circling above the dead girl, exposes the lust and
except Su. Ram. Yakkundi none of these made any notable contribution
even today.
into existence. One sang in praise of Shivaji and the other is known as
the progressive poets group that sang of the Russian Revolution which
progressive poets.
Ever since its birth in 1843, Marathi drama has been more
progressive, and consciously so, than most of the other forms of Marathi
Kanetkar, with their realistic plays, exposed the snobberies of the upper
period, 1925 to 1945, may be divided into two groups. One was led by
Phadke, who upheld the theory of Art for Art’s sake, and the other was
writers. The late Anna Bhau Sathe, poet and novelist, and Jayawant
It was only after 1945 that the progressive movement reached its
indefinite seasonal rains and the other one is the mechanical life of the
worker in factories, who has lost his identity as a man in the capitalist
movement in India. But his progressivism was rooted in Indian soil and
their radical ideas from Marx and Lenin. Tagore vividly depicts life in
the countryside of Bengal, the floods, poor harvests and the unhygienic
Among the other regional writers who were also present at the meeting
were Mulk Raj Anand, Ali Sardar Jafri, Sajjad Zaheer, Balaraj Sahni
and KALLOL were two major journals which provided a platform for the
writers to express progressive ideas. The names of the major writers and
(1920), SATI (1921) and PAPER CHAP (1922) are some of his famous
which insists on the rejection of the middle class ‘babu’ culture with all
poems, gives the picture of an exploited girl. Bishnu Dey (1909), the
more than half a dozen collections of poems, which vividly reflect his
and exposed the hidden hands of imperialism behind the tragedy. Bijon
famine. Later K.A.Abbas based his film DHARTI KE LAL on the this
should be made of Salil Sen, Utpal Dutt, Kiron Mitra and Shambhu
Pith award winner, is a journalist, activist and novelist, who was exposed
plays, short stories and journalistic pieces about the miserable life of the
middle class people in urban areas. Also Mahasweta Devi calls upon
16. ‘As Sajjad Zaheer and his followers affiliated to the Communist Party,
Delhi, Chetana Prakashan House, 197$, p. 48.
every responsible writer to take up the cause of the oppressed and down
and BEHULA. Most of her novels have been translated into many other
maker, is also a famous progressive novelist and poet who wrote with a
helplessness of urban middle class life and the Naxalites’ life. He wrote
in all six volumes of verse and three novels. His DOORTVA and LAI,
Forties, dealt with the life of the down-trodden and distressed, the
who is the last great exponent of the fading glory of the progressive
literature too.
generation of writers held the view that literature should be realistic, and
practitioners of the novel and short story. He always draws upon the
struggle for existence - all find a place in his novels and stories. His
machine, and man is left with only one choice : to smash it, if he does
whose novel CHAMNEEN won the Sahitya Akademi award for 195 7, is
more known as a short story writer with progressive ideas and leftist
community of Kerala.
it captured the imagination of the younger short story writers more than
that of the novelists, so much so that during this period very few novels
were written. The short story writers of the period challenged all
exposed the dark recesses of sexual life, particularly the upper class
dealt with the problems of his own community of Muslims. There are
two minor short story writers whose main canvas was their own
Rayaprolu Subba Rao. The Marxist writers insisted that the Romantics
should sing about the forced labour which made the Taj Mahal possible,
instead of the glory of the Taj Mahal. As Sri Sri1* (Srirangam Srinivas
poetry by establishing a vital link between literature and the social life
of the people. Sri Sri is a committed writer calling for unity of the
book Sri Sri calls upon the society to march ahead to create a new order
shapes in different songs and the longing for a new social order is the
Thus Sri Sri is the only great name in the annals of the Telugu
The same is not the case with Gujarati literature, since there is
has been divided into two schools - Gandhian and post-Gandhian. There
are certain similarities between the progressive writers and the writers of
the Gandhian era, who tried to reach their views to the masses. During
the rich. Among them poets like Umashankar Joshi, Sundaram and
Rajendra Shah, novelists and short story writers like Pannalal Patel and
any account of Gujarati poetry. They are very important writers of both
the Gandhian and post-Gandhian era. If they wrote about the quest for
freedom in the Gandhian period they also wrote about the exploitation in
Along with political freedom they demanded freedom from the age old
contemporary of Pannalal Patel, he did not turn towards the village and
class and upper middle class society and for the first time in Gujarati
MALELA JIV and MANAVI-NI BHAVI are his famous works, which
a great change in the established form of the society. He dealt with the
unique contribution.
Kartar Singh Duggal, Amrita Pritam, Gurubux Singh, Ajit Kaur and
Balwant Gargi to the progressive movement in the 40’s and 50’s. In fact
Punjabi poetry, fiction and literary criticism of this period were highly
the movement was very late in coming to Punjabi literature. But it was
very strong. The fact behind this strong and straightforward reaction
the Congress rule made them entirely different from the creative writers
leftist ideologies.
Saadat Husan Mantoo, Rajendra Singh Bedi and Krishan Chandar. She
was a born poetess, but she has made a valuable contribution to other
genres of literature too, like novel, short story, essay and drama. She
received the prestigious Bharatiya Jnanpith Award in 1981 and the state
She is a writer with a social conscience. She wrote her best poems when
she was fairly young, at the time of the Partition. Her first collection
theme of her writings; still her poetry is not feminist in the strict sense
of the term.
exactly two years after the Partition. She had had first-hand experience
of the Partition and had witnessed the burning of Lahore, the suffering
short stories, essays and novels. Among them KARI DHUP KA SAGAR,
TEE SARI ANKH, 49 DAYS and RASIDI TICKET are the important
known as a distinguished short story writer. His famous short story THE
the 70’s. His novels deal with the theme of Partition, peasants’ life in
rural area and the lower strata of society. Through his writings he
There are some minor writers with Marxist leanings. They are
critical theory in Punjabi have been Sant Singh Sekhon, Krishan Singh
The poetry of this period has been broadly divided into eight types such
as (1) Stories in verse, (2) Humour and satire, (3) Pragatisheel, (4)
Love of the land, (5) Patriotic and heroic, (6) Odes and elegies, (7)
Rajasthani literature. The poets of this movement mainly dealt with the
and heroic poems also tried their hand at Pragatisheel poetry. Among
Harivallabh ‘Hari’ and Tiwari ‘Bandhu’ are the important names. At!
straightforward warnings,
of difficulties.
pioneer and a most powerful poet, is widely known by his pen name
and racism. NATYA GIT RUPAK and NATYA GIT are his better-
known works.
Suman Josi, Mukul, Gajanan Varma and Srimali were the notable
poets who gave graphic pictures of village life and the miseries of the
farm workers.
played a very important role in deciding the political fate of India. The
bravery and sacrifice of the jawans, their love of mother India and their
new material for the ‘Pragatisheel’ poets. The patriotic and heroic
values. ‘That in modern times the brain has progressed but the heart has
shrunk.’ ‘Men are many but real human beings few.’ ‘Man should hold
his own against odds’ are the poems forming a class by themselves in
Rajasthani poetry.
about 1950 and after (which is the flowering period of the progressive
story. That was where writers like Muralidhar Vyas (VARA GANTHA),
Panwar (NAINAN KHUTYO NIV) widened the scope of the short story
Compared to poetry and the short story, the novel was late in
first quarter of the 20“* century that Siva Chandra Bharatiya wrote
influence and the novels of this period are traditional, idealistic and
1. Political Novelists,
progressive thinker and English novelist, was one of the founders of the
approach were not necessarily the same because their insights into the
creativity was started by Mulk Raj Anand, who was and still is the first
in organising those young Indian writers, who had been to England for
higher education then. And the first meeting of the Progressive Writers
British leftist critic, Sajjad Zaheer, Mulk Raj Anand and Jyotirmaya
his novels and short stories, that the writer should be in vanguard of the
fight for social justice and radical reforms. In fact, he began where
which has not undergone the course of humanisation. The element that
has no tears, no grief but only anger and aims to change the whole
Indian society.
comprise mainly novels and short stories. Among his novels inspired by
SICKLE (1942) are very important. They are important both historically
Munoo, deals with the life of a boy named Munoo who leaves his village
the social evil ‘Sati’ is a picture of Roop Kanwar’s life. Each of his
novels is not a mere skeleton of morals and ideas but a voice that comes
from the depth of the heart. What made Anand distinctive among all
his contemporaries is his great love of humanity with all its wickedness
and ugliness.
Nineteen thirty one was an eventful year in Ali’s life for two
reasons. Firstly, the introduction of Ali to the literary world with the
burst out against the ban of the book and he wrote an article IN
Allahabad. Ali wrote, “The authors of the book do not wish to make any
apology for it. They leave it to float or sink of itself. They are not
defend the right of launching it, and other vessels like it - they stand for
the right of free criticism and free expression in all matters of the
highest importance to the human race in general, and the Indian people
1933 till his death he was a dynamic progressive activist. He was one
19. Mukthar Zaman, “Professor Ahmed Ali The Rebel That Was”, THF
(January-July, 1995),p. 23.
DEATH, 1956) and three collections of poems, which were all inspired
rule. In his writings Ahmed Ali focuses mainly on the slavery, poverty
and misery of the mass of people and the exploitation of the poor by
the rich, of Indians by the British and also of the uneducated by the
this novel Ahmed Ali throws light on the 1940’s way of life, customs,
public reactions to the First World War, the horrors of influenza, the
London in 1964, depicts the Muslim society in Lucknow city between the
two world wars. Here Ahmed Ali widely discusses the Muslim ideas of
love, peace and friendship through the story of love between the
Nawab’s mistress and a young lawyer, which cannot overcome the class
about Ahmed Ali’s works, Zeno highlights the two chief characteristics
of his short stories and novels which made him a progressive writer.
find in him a sharp satirical critic of the life of his society and at the
same time a positive upholder of the cause of social change. Both these
20. “Professor Ahmed Ali and the Progressive Writers Association” THE
(January-July, 1995),p. 119.
present life in all its objectivity, and bring out the deeper meaning from
was born (Bihar), took his early education in the same city, where Abbas
momentous phase in her history. Bengal was burning in the bowl of the
1943 famine. The whole of India was in the final phase of the freedom
movement. Apart from the political turmoil there was unending hunger,
21. Mukthar Zaman, “Professor Ahmed Ali The Rebel That Was”, THF
engulfed more than two million men, women and children, the
before the reader something from the society’s point of view. Art is not
necessarily for art’s sake. Purposeless art and literature which is much
Right from Anand almost every Indian writer has essayed the war
dealt with several themes which were common to the progressive writers
They are clash between Indian and Western ideas (MUSIC FOR
23. Sudhir Joshi, “An Evening with Bhabani”, THE SUNDAY STANDARD
(April 27, 1969).
Gandhism with industrialism, rural innocence and urban lust for female
life but it never blinded him to the beauty of life. Commenting upon
progressive ideas and his vision of glorious future he has also great
Ruth Prawer Jhabvala is a rare genius whose life has been a long
journey through different cultures and countries. She hails from the
Nazi Germany of Hitler. Long before Jhabvala’s birth her parents left
Jhabvala spent the days of her youth and mother-hood in India and left
for New York after the publication of HEAT AND DUST which won the
domicile. She loved the Indian Heat and Dust along with all its
her limitations. She never tried her hand at the depiction of rural India
She chose to depict only upper class and middle class societies
Indian life, her opposition to racial discrimination and her deep concern
her with the progressive movement. Although she depicts only the urban
upper class society, she displays a general urge for humanistic writing.
young boy and a young girl. On the contrary, she deals with the horrible
the major problems she highlighted in her novels, short stories and
screen plays.
novel. It deals with the class barrier, which was a great hurdle in the
path of love of several young and progressive lovers like Hari and
minds like Pandit Ram Bahadur and Radha, the widow of a freedom
fighter. The novel ends with the victory of age-old and deep-rooted
social taboos that arrange Hari’s marriage to Sushila, a girl of his own
class. For this failure of love Jhabvala faults the age which was unable
to cope with the forces of modernity. According to her, India has some
Lalaji’s own son, against Lalaji. In this novel Jhabvala presents the
ugly faces of bourgeois society and the rapid growth of bribery in the
post-Independence era.
conflict between east and west, where the socio-political change in post-
Douglas and the Nawab of Katm who, by getting Olivia with child,
thinks to take revenge upon the British Raj that had emptied his princely
class she was familiar with. Swaying though her position was like a
her commitment to the age and the Indian society is concerned, she is as
Kamala Das. With her gentle irony which is not without a touch of
restricted in scope. She analyses the problems from the point of view of
the female’s position in Indian society. Kamala’s inner fury is the fury
observation of the persistent social milieu make her one of the foremost
of a peasant woman, Rukmini, and her three daughters, who are victims
is also set in the countryside, has many similarities with the NECTAR IN
The Indian freedom struggle has been a great force behind the
national struggle named SOME INNER FURY (1955). She takes her
first flight from the rural background to the urban upper class society
here and discusses the problem of the east and west encounter.
character plays a dominant role, is about a village boy, Ravi, who comes
to Madras like the Munoo of COOLIE. Poverty and hunger were the
study of the minds of people waiting for the day that would provide
the voice of the innermost experience of common men and women. The
Furtado and Arvind Krishna Mehrotra. All these poets, with their keen
poetry sings of the soil, the mill worker, the pavement dweller and the
wayward. They are the poets who opened their eyes to the dark nights
breathed the air of the great ‘October Revolution’ and change in the
literatures through Urdu literature. Except Mulk Raj Anand all the
very difficult to identify the writers who were not influenced by the
movement during the forties and fifties. Even Raja Rao and Khushwant
Singh, whose writings have several similarities with those of Abbas and
But as far as its consequences are concerned, it goes beyond its age and
Pritish Nandy and even reaches the younger writers of our time.
ili) Conclusion
were other Indian literatures, like Kashmiri, Oriya and a few others,
which were impacted by the movement, but they did not make any
the writers for the first time at the national level by providing a
common platform and bridging the gap between the common man
3. The credit of making the common man the hero and of depicting
5. They dealt with man’s life on the earth, his fight for justice and