BCA Syllabus PDF
BCA Syllabus PDF
BCA Syllabus PDF
Year 1: Semester I
Business Correspondence :
Structure of a Letter, Inquiry Letter, Sales Letter, Order Letter, Complaints, Complaint Handling,
Routine letter
Government Correspondence :
Memo, Agenda, Minutes, Proposals
Writing Skills:
Report Writing, Composition (argumentative, explanatory, descriptive and narrative), Paragraph
Grammar :
Sentence Structure, Idiomatic Usage of Language, Tenses, Direct & Indirect Parts of Speech, Active
& Passive Voice, Vocabulary.
Text Books:
1. Added Value: The Life Stories of Indian Business Leaders; Peter Church; Roli Books.
2. Organisations - Structures, Processes and Outcomes; Richard h Hall; Prentice Hall India.
3. English for the Secretary; Yvonne Hoban; Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Technical Communication : M. Raman & S. Sharma; Oxford University Press.
5. Business Communication Process and Product : M.E. Guffey; Thomson Learning.
Reference Book:
1. Human Behavior at Work; John W Newstorm & Keith Davis; Tata McGraw Hill.
2. The Most Common Mistakes in English Usage; Thomas Elliot Berry, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Business Communication: R.K. Madhukar; Vikas Publication.
Objectives : To know about Logical operators, validity of arguments, set theory and set operations,
relations and functions, linary operations, Binary algebra, Permutations & Combinations,
Differentiation, Straight lines, pair of straight lines, Circles
Text Books:
1. Das BC and Mukherjee, Differential Calculus, Calcutta, U.N. Dhar Publishers
2. Das BC and Mukherjee, Integral Calculus, Calcutta, U.N. Dhar Publishers
3. Grewal B.S., Higher Engineering Mathematics, Delhi Khanna Publishers.
Introduction To Computers
Introduction, Characteristics of computers, Evolution of computers, Generation of Computers,
Classification of Computers, The Computer System, Applications of Computers.
Software Concepts
Introduction to Software, Relationship between Software and Hardware, System Software,
Application Software Algorithm, Flowchart, Program, Pseudocode (P-Code).Features of a Good
Programming Language.
Operating Systems: History & Evolution, Functions of an Operating System, A Brief History of
MS-DOS, Linux, Windows System. Database Management System
Text Books:
1. V. Rajaraman, Fundamentals Of Computers, 3rd Edition , PHI Publications
2. Nasib S. Gill, Essentials of Computer & Network Technology, Khanna Publications.
3. Deepak Bharihoke, Fundamentals of Information Technology, Excel Books.
Concept of Management: Definition, Nature, and scope, and overall view of Management,
Relation with other social sciences and industry.
Controlling: The Elements, Process and style of Control, Techniques of control. Social
Responsibility of business
Text Books:
1. Koontz and O’Donnel - Principles of Management, Essentials of Management.
2. Theo Haiman - Management Theory and Practice.
Reference Books:
1. P.F. Drucker - Management - Task and Responsibility
2. P.F. Drucker - The Practice of Management
3. Newman and Warren - Process of Management
4. E.F.L. Beach- The Principles and Practical Management
5. H.F. Merril - Classics in Management – Preface
6. Mee J.E. - Management Thought in a Dynamic Economy
7. Daniel A. Wren - The Evolution of Management – Thought
8. S. N. Banerjee - Principles of Management
BCA-105: Python Programming (Elective 1)
Overview: Environment, Basic Syntax, Variable Types, Basic Operators, Installing Python. Very
Simple Programs, Scripts Loops, Conditionals Functions. Tuples, Lists, Dictionaries for Loop
Classes Importing Modules File I/O Error Handling.
Structures: if...else , while Loop , for Loop , Loop Control. Numbers, Strings, Lists, Tuples,
Dictionary, Date & Time. Functions, Modules, Files I/O, Exceptions. Classes / Objects, Reg
Expressions, GUI Programming.
Logic Structures : Introduction to Programming structure – Modules and their functions – Local
and Global Variables – Four Logic structures – Problems solving with Sequential and Decision
Logic Structures.
Loop & Case Logic Structure : Loop Logic structure – While/While Wend Structure, Repeat /
Until Structure, Automatic Counter loop, Nested Loops and Recursion.
Array Data Structure & File Concepts : Processing Arrays – Arrays, one dimensional arrays, 2D
arrays, Multidimensional arrays – Searching and Sorting Techniques. Definition – Record, File –
Primary and Secondary Keys –
Sequential Access File Applications.
Application Domains : Bio-informatics and medical Applications – Business Applications – Law
Enforcement and political Process – Ecommerce – Manufacturing – Education – Entertainment and
Section I: Grammar
Expressing in Style; Words often confused; One-word substitution; Phrases; Idioms.
Reference Books:
Formulae: Gauss’s Central Difference Formula, Interpolation with unevenly spaced points,
Lagrange’s Interpolation Formula, Divided Differences and their properties- Newton’s General
Interpolation Formula
Text Book:
1. S.S.Sastry -Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis,4th Edition,Prentice Hall of India, New
Delhi, 2006.
Reference Books:
1. V.N.Vedamurthy et.al.-Numerical Methods, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2005.
2. B.S.Grewal- Numerical Methods in Engineering & Science, Khanna Publishers, Delhi,2005.
Introduction to SAD
Fundamentals of System, Important Terms related to Systems, Classification of Systems, Real Life
Business Subsystems, Real Time Systems, Distributed Systems, Development of a successful
System, Various Approaches for development of Information Systems. Structured Analysis and
Design Approach, Prototype, Joint Application Development.
Text Book:
1. Elias M. Award : System Analysis and design; Galgotia
2. James A. Sen : Analysis of Design of Information System TMH
3. Rojer S. Pressman : Software Engineering : A Practitioners Approach,MCH
4. Pankaj Jalote : An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering; Springer.
Reference Book :
1. J. L. Whitten & L. D. Bentley : System Analysis and Design Method; TMH
2. J. B. Dixit & Rajkumar : Structured system Analysis and Dseign; University Science Press
3. K.C. Landon & J. P.Landon : MIS ; Macmillan
Arrays - Defining and Processing - Passing arrays to functions - Multi-dimension arrays - Arrays
and Strings.
Structures and unions - User defined data types - Passing structures to functions - Self-referential
structures - Unions - Bit wise operations.
Pointers - Declarations - Passing pointers to Functions - Operation on Pointers - Pointer and Arrays
- Arrays of Pointers - Structures and Pointers - Files: Creating, Processing ,Opening and Closing a
data file.
Using #ifdef to temporarily remove program statements, Other Preprocessor Commands, Predefined
Names Defined by Preprocessor, Macros Vs Functions.
Files: File Handling in C Using File Pointers, Open a file using the function fopen ( ), Close a file
using the function fclose ( ), Input and Output using file pointers, Character Input and Output in
Files, String Input / Output Functions, Formatted Input / Output Functions, Block Input / Output
Functions, Sequential Vs Random Access Files, Positioning the File Pointer.
Text Book:
1. E. Balaguru Swamy - ANSI C Programming Language, 2nd Edition, PHI, 1988.
2. H. Schildt, C: The Complete Reference, 4th Edition, TMH Edition, 2000.
3. Kanetkar Y., Let us C, BPB Pub., New Delhi, 1999.
4. Reema Thareja - Programming in C
5. Byron Gotlfried – C Programming; Oxford University Press
Introduction: Introduction to Operating Systems, Operating system services, multiprogramming,
time-sharing system, storage structures, system calls, multiprocessor system. Basic concepts of
CPU scheduling, Scheduling criteria, Scheduling algorithms,algorithm evaluation, multiple
processor scheduling, real time scheduling I/0 devices organization, I/0 devices organization,
I/0 devices organization, I/0 buffering.
Memory Management: Concepts of memory management, logical and physical address space,
swapping, contiguous and non-contiguous allocation, paging, segmentation, and paging combined
with segmentation. Virtual memory, demand paging, page replacement algorithms, allocation of
frames, thrashing, demand segmentation. Security threads protection intruders-Viruses-trusted
Introduction to Open Source technology, Files System hierarchy, Logging in, Simple commands
like ls, cp, mv, wc, sort, tsort, cat, cut, grep, dd, head, tail, uniq, diff, echo, touch, which, whereis,
whatis, type, who, whoami, finger, w (option and variations included), tty, ,uname, printf, ps, pwd ,
history, exec, kill, pkill, clear, lpstate, cancel, compress, uncompress, exit. Directory commands
like: Brief introduction to file system, mkdir, dir, cd, df, dfspace, du, ll, dirname, rmdir, dir access
permission, changing access permission for files and directories like: chmod, chgrp, chown, hard &
soft links. Environments and path setting. I/O redirection & piping commands
vi editor: General startup of vi editor and it modes , Creating and editing files, features of vi, screen
movement , cursor movement, insertion, deletion, searching, submitting operations, yank, put,
delete commands, reading & writing files, exrc file for setting parameters, advance editing
techniques, vim (improved vi).
Shell: meaning and purpose of shell, introduction to types of shell. The command line, standard
input and standard output, redirection, pipes, filters special characters for searching files and
pathnames. Built-ins, functions, history, aliases, job control, file substitution, source code
management - RCS and CVS. awk utility.
Linux Commands and Utilities: Entering the Machine, User Names and Groups, Logging In,
Correcting Typing Mistakes, Format of Linux Commands, Changing Your Password, Characters
with Special Meanings, Linux Documentation, The File System, Current Directory, Looking at the
Directory Contents, Absolute and Relative Pathnames, Some Linux Directories and Files.
Linux Utilities and Editor: Some Useful Commands, Permission Modes and Standard Files, Pipes,
Filters and Redirection, Shell Scripts, Graphical User Interface, Editor.
1. A. Silberschatz et.al.-Operating System Concepts , 6th Edition, John Wiley Inc., 2003
2. H.M. Deitel -Operating Systems , 6th Edition, Pearson Education, 2006
3. A. Robbins- Linux Programming by Example- Pearson Education, New Delhi- 2005
4. Sumitabh Das : Your UNIX The Ultimate Guide; TMH
1. D.M. Dhandhare - Operating Systems, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,
2. J.Goerzen- Linux Programming Bible, IDG Books, New Delhi- 2001
3. N.Mathew & R.Stones- Beginning Linux Programming Wiley Publishing India, 2004.
4. S.E. Mandnick & J.J. Donovan : Operating System; TMH
BCA-206 Lab: (204)
Arrays; Structures; Linked Lists; Stacks; Queues; Trees; Advanced Trees; Graphs;
Searching; Sorting.
Inheritance: Base classes and derived classes, protected members, relationship between base class
and derived classes, constructors and destructors in derived classes, public, private and protected
inheritance, relationship among objects in an inheritance hierarchy, abstract classes, virtual
functions and dynamic binding, virtual destructors.
Advanced Topics: Multiple inheritance, virtual base classes, pointers to classes and class members,
multiple class members. Templates, exception handling, File handling
Text Books :
1. E. Balagursamy : Object oriented programming with C++; TMH Publication.
2. Deitel and Deitel : C++ How To Program (currently in its 4th edition); PHI.
Reference Books:
1. Robert Lafore : Object oriented programming in Turbo C++; Galgotia Publication
Internet Basics: Basic concepts, Communication on the Internet, Internet Domains, Internet Server
Identities, Establishing Connectivity on the Internet, Client IP Address, A brief overview of TCP/IP
and its Services, Transmission Control Protocol, Web Server, Web Client, Domain Registration.
Introduction to HTML: HTML, HTML Tags, Commonly Used HTML Commands, Title and
Footers, Text Formatting, Text Style, Lists, Adding Graphics to HTML Documents, Tables, Linking
Documents, Frames.
Java Script : Java Script in Web Pages, Advantages of Java Script, Advantages of JavaScript, Data
Types and Literals, Type Casting , Java Script Array, Operators and Expression, Conditional
Checking , Function, User Defined Function. Understanding XML: SGML, XML, XML and HTML
Creation of Dynamic Web pages using JSP: Dynamic Web Page, Introduction of JSP, Pages
Overview, JSP Scripting, Standard Action, Page Directive, Include Directive.
Text Books:
1. Ivan Bay Ross - Web Enable Commercial Application Using HTML, DHTML, BPB
2. Michel Morrison - HTML and XML for Beginners, PHI, New Delhi- 200
3. H.M Dietal and P.J Dietal - Java How to Program, PHI, New Delhi- 2005
Reference Book:
1. Java Server Side Programming -WROX Publication
Java Evolution and Overview of Java Language: How Java differs from C and C++,Java and
Internet, Java and World Wide Web, Introduction, Simple Java Program, More of Java, An
Application with Two Classes, Java Program Structure, Java Tokens, Java Statements,
Implementing a Java Program, Java Virtual Machine, Command Line Arguments, Programming
Style. Constants, Variables, and Data Types: Introduction, Constants, Variables, Data
Types,Declaration of Variables, Giving Values of Variables, Scope of Variables, Symbolic
Constants, Type Casting, Getting Values of Variables, Standard Default Values.
Decision Making and Branching: Introduction, Decision Making with if Statement, Simple if
Statement, The if... else Statement, Nesting of if ... else Statements, The else if Ladder, The switch
Statement, The ?: Operator.
Decision Making and Looping: Introduction, The while Statement, The do Statement, The for
Statement, Jumps in Loops, Labelled Loops.
Classes, Objects and Methods: Introduction, Defining a Class, Adding Variables, Adding
Methods, Creating Objects, Accessing Class Members, Constructors, Methods Overloading, Static
Members, Nesting of Methods, Inheritance: Extending a. Class, Overriding Methods, final Variables
and Methods, Final Classes, Finalizer Methods, Abstract Methods and Classes, Visibility Control.
Arrays, String and Vectors: Arrays, One-Dimensional Arrays, Creating an Array, Two-
Dimensional Arrays, Strings, Vectors, Wrapper Classes. Interfaces: Multiple Inheritance:
Introduction, Defining Interfaces, Extending Interfaces, implementing Interfaces, Accessing
Interface Variables. Packages: Putting Classes Together: Introduction, Java API Packages, Using
system Packages, Naming Conventions, Creating Packages, Accessing a Packages, Using a
Package, Adding a Class to a Package, Hiding Classes. Multithreaded Programming: Introduction,
Creating Threads, Extending the Thread Class, Stopping and Blocking a Thread, Life Cycle of a
Thread, Using Thread Methods, Thread Exceptions, Thread Priority, Synchronization.
Managing Errors and Exceptions: Introduction, Types of Errors, Exceptions, Syntax of Exception
Handling Code, Multiple Catch Statements, Using finally Statement, Throwing Our Own
Exceptions, Using Exceptions for Debugging.Applet Programming: Introduction, How Applets
Differ from Application, Preparing to Write Applets, Building Applet Code, Applet Life Cycle,
Creating an Executable Applet, Designing a Web Page, Applet Tag, Adding Applet to HTML File,
Running the Applet, More About Applet Tag, Passing Parameters to Applets.
Managing Input/Output Files in Java: Introduction, Concepts of Streams Stream Classes, Byte
Stream Classes, Character Stream Classes, Using Streams, Other Useful I/O Classes, using the File
Class, Input/Output Exceptions, Creation of Files.
Text Book:
1. E. Balagurusamy, Programming with Java, A Primer Second Edition, Tata McGraw Hill,
New Delhi.
Reference Books:
1. H.M.Deitel & P.J.Deitel- JA V A- How to Program, 5th Edn, Pearson Education,New Delhi-
2. P.Naughton and H. Schildt-JAVA: The Complete Reference, TMH, New Delhi 2005.
3. D.Jana- Java and Object Oriented Programming Paradigm, PHI, New Delhi-2005.
Introduction to Software Engineering: Characteristics, Emergence of Software Engineering,
Software Metrics & Models, Process & Product Metrics. Software Life Cycle Models: Waterfall,
Prototype and Spiral Models and their Comparison.
Software Project Management: Size Estimation- LOC and FP Metrics, Cost Estimation-Delphi
and Basic COCOMO, Introduction to Halstead’s Software Science, Staffing Level Estimation-
Putnam’s Model. Software Requirements Specification: SRS Documents, their Characteristics and
Coding and Testing of Software: Unit Testing, Block Box Testing, White Box Testing,
Debugging, Program Analysis Tools, System Testing. Software Reliability and Quality Assurance:
Reliability Metric- Musa’s Basic Model.
Software Quality Assurance: ISO 9000 and SEI CMM and their Comparison. Software
Maintenance: Maintenance Process Models and Reverse Engineering, Estimation of Maintenance
Text Book:
1.Rajib Mall -Fundamentals of Software Engineering, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2005.
Reference Book:
1. Pankaj Jalote- An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering, 3rd Edition, Narosa Publishing
House, New Delhi, 2005.
2. Richard Fairley- Software Engineering Concepts, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2006.
3. Roger S Pressman – Software Engineering; T.M.H
BCA-305 LAB (301 & 303)
ENTITY RELATIONSHIP MODEL: Overview of Data Design Entities, Attributes and Entity
Sets, Relationship and Relationship Sets. Features of the ER Model-Key Constraints, Participation
Constraints, Weak Entities, Class Hierarchies,Aggregation, Conceptual Data Base, Design with ER
Model-Entity vs Attribute, Entity vs Relationship Binary vs Ternary Relationship and Aggregation
vs ternary Relationship Conceptual Design for a Large Enterprise. RELATIONSHIP ALGEBRA
AND CALCULUS: Relationship Algebra Selection and Projection, Set Operations Renaming,
Joint, Division, Relation Calculus, Expressive Power of Algebra and Calculus.
Union, Intersection and Exception,Nested Queries ,Correlated Nested Queries, Set-Comparison
Operations, Aggregate Operators, Null Values and Embedded SQL, Dynamic SQL, ODBC and
JDBC, Triggers and Active Databases.
1. Fundamental of Database Systems- Elmasri Navathe- Pearson Education Asia.
2. Database- Principles, Programming and Performance- Parick O’ Neil Elizabeth O’
Niel, Harcort Asia PTE Limited.
1. An Introduction to Database Systems- C.J.Date, Addison Wesley, Pearson Education
2. Database System Concepts- Abraham Silberschat, Henry F. Korth, S.Sudarshan, Tata
McGraw Hill.
3. Database Management – Bipin C. Desai – BPB Publications.
Introduction to Digital Circuits: The Basic Computer; The Von-Neumann Architecture,
Instruction Execution: An Example, Instruction Cycle Interrupts, Interrupts and Instruction Cycle,
Computers: Then and Now, The Beginning, First Generation Computers, Second Generation
Computers, Third Generation Computers, Later Generations.
Principles of Logic Circuits I: Logic Gates, Logic Circuits, Combinational Circuits, Canonical and
Standard Forms, Minimization of Gates, Design of Combinational Circuits, Examples of Logic
Combinational Circuits, Adders, Decoders, Multiplexer, Encoder, Programmable Logic Array, Read
Only Memory ROM.
Principles of Logic Circuits II: Sequential Circuits: The Definition, Flip Flops, Basic Flip-Flops,
Excitation Tables, Master Slave Flip Flops, Edge Triggered Flip-flops, Sequential Circuit Design,
Examples of Sequential Circuits, Registers, Counters: Asynchronous Counters, Synchronous
Counters, RAM, Design of a Sample Counter.
Basic Computer Organisation: The Memory System: The Memory Hierarchy, RAM, ROM,
DRAM, Flash Memory, Secondary Memory and Characteristics, Hard Disk Drives, Optical
Memories, CCDs, Bubble Memories, RAID and its Levels, The Concepts of High Speed Memories,
Cache Memory, Cache Organisation, Memory Interleaving, Associative Memory.
The Input/Output System: Input / Output Devices or External or Peripheral Devices, The Input
Output Interface, the Device Controllers and its Structure, Device Drivers, Input Output
Techniques, Programmed Input /Output, Interrupt-Driven Input /Output, Interrupt-Processing, DMA
(Direct Memory Access). Input Output Processors, External Communication Interfaces.
The Central Processing Unit: Instruction Set Architecture; Instruction Set Characteristics,
Instruction Set Design Considerations, Operand Data Types, Types of Instructions, Number of
Addresses in an Instruction, Addressing Schemes, Types of Addressing Schemes, Immediate
Addressing, Direct Addressing, Indirect Addressing, Register Addressing, Register Indirect
Addressing, Indexed Addressing Scheme, Base Register Addressing, Relative Addressing Scheme,
Stack Addressing, Instruction Set and Format Design Issues, Instruction Length, Allocation of Bits
Among Opcode and Operand, Variable Length of Instructions, Example of Instruction Format.
ALU Organisation: ALU Organisation, A Simple ALU Organization, A Sample ALU Design,
Arithmetic Processors.
The Control Unit: The Control Unit, The Hardwired Control, Wilkes Control, The Micro-
Programmed Control, The Micro-Instructions, Types of Micro-Instructions, Control Memory
Organisation, Micro-Instruction Formats, The Execution of Micro-Program.
Text Books :
1. M. Morris Mano, Charles Kime : Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals, 4/E;
Prentice Hall.
2. Rajaraman V.: Fundamental of Computers, PHI
3. Willam Stalling : Computer Organization & Architecture- Desigining for Performance;
4. B Ram: Computer Fundamentals: Architecture and Organization,New Age Int. Pub.
Reference Books :
1. M. Morris Mano : Computer System Architecture ; PHI.
BCA-403 File & Data Structure
Introduction to Data Structure and Application of Data Structure
Linked List, Linked Stacks and Linked Queues: Singly Linked Lists, Circularly Linked Lists,
Doubly Linked Lists, Multiply Linked Lists, Applications of Linked Lists, Introduction to Linked
Stack and Linked Queues, Operations on Linked Stacks and Linked Queues, Dynamic Memory
Management and Linked Stack, Implementations of Linked Representations, Applications of
Linked Stacks and Linked Queues.
Arrays, Stacks and Queues: Array Operations, Number of Elements in an Array, Representation
of Arrays in Memory, Applications of Array, Stack-Introduction, Stack Operations, Applications of
Stack, Queues-Introduction, Operations on Queues, Circular Queues, Other Types of Queues,
Applications of Queues, Polynomials & Sparse matrix.
Trees, Binary Trees, BST, AVL Trees and B Trees: Trees: Definition and Basic Terminologies,
Representation of Trees, Binary Trees: Basic Terminologies and Types, Representation of Binary
Trees, Binary Tree Traversals, Threaded Binary Trees, Applications, BST & AVL Trees:
Introduction, BST: Definition and Operations, AVL Trees: Definition and Operations, B Trees:
Introduction, m-way search trees: Definition and Operations, B Trees: Definition and Operations.
Internal Sorting: Insertion Sort, Bubble Sort, shell sort, Quick Sort, 2-way Merge Sot, Heap
Sort, Sorting on Several Keys.
Text Book:
1. G A V Pai – Data Structures and Algorithms: Concepts, Techniques and Applications, 2nd
Edn, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008.
2. Horowitz E.Sahni, S., Susan A., Fundamentals of Data Structures in C, 2nd Edition,
University Press, 2010
Reference Books:
1. J. P. Tremblay , P. G. Sorenson – An Introduction to Data Structures With Applications, 2nd
Edn, McGraw-Hill, Inc. New York, NY, USA.
2. Seymour Lipschutz – Data Structures, 6th Edn, 9th Reprint 2008, Tata McGraw-Hill.
3. Adam Drozdek – Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, Thomson Learning, New Delhi –
4. J. Feller, B. Fitzgerald -Understanding Open Source Software Development, Pearson
Education Ltd, New Delhi.
5. Aron M. Tenenbaum & Others – Data Structure using C & C++; Pearsons Publications
COMBINATORICS: Permutation and Combination, Repetition and Constrained Repetition,
Binomial Coefficients, Binomial Theorem.
Frequency distributions, Histograms and frequency polygons, Measures of central tendency: Mean,
Mode, Median, Dispersion, Mean deviation and standard deviation. Moments, Skewness, kurtosis,
Elementary probability theory: Definition, conditional probability, Probability distribution,
mathematical expectation'
Theoretical distribution: Binomial , poisson and Normal distribution, Relation between the
binomial, poisoned Normal distribution.
Correlation and Regression: Linear Correlation, Measure of Correlation, Least Square Regression
Curve fitting: Method of least square, least square line, least squares Parabola. chi-square test:
definition of chi-square; signification test: contingency test, coefficient of contingency.
Basic of sampling theory: Sample mean and variance, students t-test, test of Hypotheses and
significance, degree of freedom, Z-test, small and large sampling, Introduction to Monte Carlo
1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics: H.K. Dass; S. Chand & Co., 9 Revised Edition, 2001.
2. Discrete Mathematics: S.K. Sarkar; S. Chand & Co., 2000.
3. Numerical Analysis: S.S. Sastry; Prentice Hall of India, 1998.
4. Mathematical Statistics: J.N. Kapoor and H.C. Saxena.
5. Mathematical Statistics: M. Ray and H. Sharma
BCA-405 Lab: (401 )
Windows Form
Introduction to Class Libraries, Event and Event Handlers, Windows Application, Windows GUI,
First Win Forms Application, Controls, Text controls, Selection List Controls, VB.Net is
overridden, Some controls with examples. Error handling In Windows Forms: Types of
Validations, Types of Errors, Exceptions, Classified Runtime based Exceptions. SDI and MDI
Applications: SDI and MDI interfaces, Characteristics of MDI components, Creating MDI Forms.
Hidden Lines & Surfaces: Image and Object space, Depth Buffer Methods, Hidden Facets
removal, Scan line algorithm, Area based algorithms. Curves and Splines & Rendering: Parametric
and Non parametric Representations, Bezier curve, BSpline, Basic illumination model, diffuse
reflection, specular reflection, shading, Ground shading, ray tracing, color models like RGB, YIQ,
1. J. Foley, A. Van Dam, S. Feiner, J. Hughes: Computer Graphics- Principles and Practice, Pearson
2. Hearn and Baker: Computer Graphics, PHI
3. Multimedia Systems Design, Prabhat Andleigh and Thakkar, PHI.
4. Multimedia Information Networking, N.K.Sharda, PHI.
Data Transmission Basic Concepts and Terminology: Data Communication Model,
Communication Tasks, Parallel & Serial Transmission, Transmission Models, Transmission
Channel, Data Rate, Bandwidth Signal Encoding Schemes, Data Compression, Transmission
Impairments, Layering and Design Issues, OSI Model, Services and Standards. Computer Network:
Network Topology, Performance of Network, Network Classification, Advantages & Disadvantages
of Network, Transmission Media (guided and unguided), Network Architecture, OSI Reference
Model, TCP/IP, SNA and DNA.
Data Line Devices: Modems, DSL, ADSL, Multiplexer and Different Multiplexing Techniques:
Physical Layer: Function and interface, physical layer standard, null modem. Local Area Network:
Definition of LAN, LAN topologies, Layered architecture of LAN, MAC, IEEE standard. Ethernet
LAN, CSMA, CSMA/ CD, Token passing LAN. Network Security: Security Requirement, Data
encryption strategies, authentication protocols, Firewalls.
Data Link Layer: Need for Data Link Control, Frame Design Consideration, Flow Control &
Error Control (Flow control mechanism, Error Detection and Correction techniques) Data Link
Layer Protocol, HDLC.
Network Layer: Routing, Congestion control, Internetworking principles, Internet Protocols (IPv4
packet format, Hierarchal addressing sub netting, ARP, PPP), Bridges, Routers.
Text Book:
1. Prakash C. Gupta – Data Communications & Computer Networks, PHI, New Delhi.
2. Behrouz Forouzan – Introduction to Data Communication & Networking; T. M. H.
3. William Stallings – Data and Computer Communications; Pearson.
BCA-504 Business Accounting & ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)
Concepts Relating to Final Accounts: Final Accounts – I; Final Accounts – II; Errors and their
Accounts from Incomplete Records: Self Balancing System; Accounting from Incomplete
Records – I; Accounting from Incomplete Records – II; Accounting from Incomplete Records – III.
Introduction to XML
XML Basics, XML Document Structure, XML Name-spaces, Document Type Definitions, XML
Schema, Displaying XML Documents, XSL and CSS.
JSP – Basics
Basic JSP Life-cycle, JSP Directives and Elements, Script-lets, Expressions, Action Elements,
Standard Actions, Comments and Template Data, JSP variables, The out Object, Request, response,
sessions and application objects.
JSP Applications
Exceptions and exception handling using JSP, Cookies and sessions, Managing Email using JSP.
Text Books:
1. Ivan Bay Ross- Web Enable Commercial Application Using HTML, DHTML, BPB
2. Michel Morrison -HTML and XML for Beginners, PHI, New Delhi- 2001
3. H.M Dietal and P.J Dietal -Java How to Program, PHI, New Delhi- 2005
Reference Book:
1. Java Server Side Programming -WROX Publication
2. David S. Plat : Introducing Microsoft .Net, Microsoft Press.
Data Warehousing : Differences between Operational Database and Data Warehouse – Multi-
dimensional Data Model - From Tables to Data Cubes. Schemas, Measures,
DW Implementation – Efficient Computation of Data Cubes.
Data Reprocessing, Data Mining Primitives, Languages : Data Cleaning, Data Integration and
Transformation, Data Reduction, Discretization and concept of Hierarchy
Generation, Task relevant Data, Background Knowledge, Presentation and
Visualization of Discovered Patterns.
Data Mining Algorithms : Association Rule Mining, Classification and Prediction – Decision
Tree, Baysian Classification Back Propagation, Cluster Analysis, Outlier
Web, Temporal and Spatial Data Mining : Web Content Mining, Web Structure Mining, Web
Usages Mining, Spatial Mining, Generalization and specialization, Spatial
Rules, Spatial Classification and Clustering Algorithms, Temporal Mining,
Modeling Temporal Events, Times Series, Pattern Detection, Sequences.
Reference Books :
1. Jiawei I-lan & Micheline Kambler, “Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques”, Harcourt
India Pvt. Ltd., First Indian Reprint, 2001
3. Arun K. Pujari, “Data Mining Techniques”, University Press (India) Limited, First edition,
E-commerce business models and concepts: E-commerce business models, Major business-to-
consumer (B2C) business models, Major business-to-business (B2B) business models, Business
models in emerging E-commerce areas, How the internet and the Web change business.
E-commerce infrastructure: The Internet, Technology background, The internet today, The world
wide web. Building an E-commerce web site: A systematic approach, choosing server software,
choosing the hardware for an E-commerce site, other E-commerce site tools.
Security and Encryption: The E-commerce security environment, Security threats in the E-
commerce environment, Technology solutions, Policies, Procedures and Laws.
Text Book:
Reference Books:
Students are encouraged to spend maximum time of the sixth semester working on a project
preferably in a software industry or any research organization. Topics selected should be complex
and large enough to justify as a BCA final semester project. The courses studied by the students
during the BCA Programme provide them the comprehensive background knowledge on diverse
subject areas in computer science such as computer programming, data structure, DBMS, Computer
Organization, SAD, Software Engineering, Computer Networks etc., which will be helping students
in doing project work.