Work-Sharing Approaches: Past and Present: Short Workweeks Tied To Jobless Aid Can Be An Alternative To Layoffs
Work-Sharing Approaches: Past and Present: Short Workweeks Tied To Jobless Aid Can Be An Alternative To Layoffs
Work-Sharing Approaches: Past and Present: Short Workweeks Tied To Jobless Aid Can Be An Alternative To Layoffs
Short-time compensation (STC) is a program voluntarily en- most of Western Europe and Japan have some form of short-
tered into by an employer (and by the union, where present) time compensation program.
whereby, in lieu of extensive layoffs due to economic con- Initial policy development on the concept in the United
ditions, some or all employees work a partial workweek States began in 1974, in the Office of the Secretary of Labor,
(usually 4 days), and receive a partial, prorated unemploy- as the recession of that year worsened . However, work
ment benefit (usually for 1 day) . For example, an employer sharing, or reduced hours of work without the short time
would adopt a 4-day workweek for 6 months, rather than benefit, is not new-there was extensive experience with it
laying off 20 percent of the workers for that period . Because in the Great Depression . Although work sharing in the Great
the unemployment benefit would replace about one-half of Depression involved a much different set of economic cir-
the lost wages, workers would get about 90 percent of their cumstances than modern-day recessions, it is useful to un-
regular income . Few added costs are involved because about derstand the Nation's early experience with work sharing
the same total amount of benefits is used as for layoffs, but because it has left an emotional legacy of ambivalence that
they are spread among more people . The program is tem- affects even today's perceptions of short-time compensa-
porary-usually lasting 6 months, although in California, tion .
it can last up to a year if high unemployment prevails . Six
States-California, Arizona, Oregon, Washington, Florida, A comparative view
Maryland-have amended their unemployment insurance For example, one feeling expressed is that work sharing
benefits to permit short-time compensation for reduced was tried by President Herbert Hoover and is no better an
workweeks.' A seventh State, Illinois, has a short-time com- idea now as short-time compensation than it was then as
pensation plan, but it is not part of the regular unemployment work sharing. The comparison is instructive . Critics felt that
insurance trust fund . Canada has a similar program, and work sharing under Hoover represented an attempt to avoid
fiscal or monetary Federal intervention as well as to avoid
public assistance . Instead, voluntary employer action was
Martin Nemirow is a social science adviser in the Office of State Liaison
and Legislative Analysis, Employment Standards Administration, U .S .
encouraged in the form of work sharing, not only to spread
Department of Labor. An earlier discussion of this subject by the author the work but to do so without cutting hourly wages. (Hoover
appears in Ramelle MaCoy and Martin J. Morand, eds ., Short-Time Com- felt wage cutting would compound the problem.)
pensation: A Formula for Worksharing (Pergamon Press/Work in America
Institute, copyright 1984). The views expressed in this article are those of Such work sharing (usually imposed by the employer)
the author and do not represent the official views of the U .S . Department subsequently came to be seen by labor as a poor alternative
of Labor or any government agency . to President Franklin D . Roosevelt's later New Deal meas-
ures . Short-time compensation, the current form of work ment by increasing labor protection and reducing price-
sharing, is a supplement, not a replacement, for macroec- cutting competition . The act created the National Recovery
onomic policy, transfer payments, and social insurance. Administration and the Public Works Administration . The
There are other differences . President Hoover's work shar- act lasted only 2 years, because it was ruled unconstitutional
ing, sometimes used through the early New Deal years, in 1935 . Under the National Recovery Administration (NRA),
often involved working half time simply because output was which administered part of the law, business adopted vol-
so low . Short-time compensation does not permit employees untary codes, including minimum wages and maximum hours .
to work fewer than 3 days a week and has typically involved These foreshadowed the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 .
4 days . Work sharing was often at poverty-level weekly The NRA helped decrease the workweek to 34 .6 hours in
earnings : there was no minimum wage . Industrial wages are 1934-it was now 22 percent below pre-1929 levels . This
incomparably higher today. Work sharing was often in un- figure reflected a reduction in hours in many low-wage,
organized plants : the National Labor Relations Act had not soft-goods firms from 50 to 60 hours to 40 to 48 hours, and
yet been enacted, so unions had minimal power. Today, even fewer in some higher-wage, durable goods industries .
roughly half of all manufacturing sites, where work sharing Higher hourly productivity from less fatigued workers, more
has its greatest potential, are organized, and unions would efficient use of workers, and increased plant utilization (for
have to agree to short-time compensation . And, of course, example, two 8-hour shifts, rather than one 10-hour shift
the Hoover approach did not include partial unemployment as output expanded) accompanied these hours cuts .
insurance, as does the current concept of short-time com- The ratio of jobs to production was increased in part
pensation. z because of NRA workweek reductions, which took effect in
Despite these differences, work sharing under President mid-1933 . The ratio of employment to production was quite
Hoover did save jobs . It seems certain that manufacturing low in the pre-NRA upturn of March through June 1933 and
employment might have dropped more than it did in the much higher in a similar upturn in early 1934 .
short term if the workweek had not been sharply reduced Thus, in May 1933, 2 months after a sharp upturn in
from 44 .2 to 38 .3 hours during 1929-32.3 This was a 13- production, the ratio of jobs to output was about .78 . In
percent drop, accompanying a 33-percent drop in employ- February 1934, 2 months after an upturn in production, this
ment . Because total production decreased by 48 percent, it ratio was about .93. This 19-percent increase in the number
seems evident that a larger downward adjustment of labor of jobs created per unit of output was due in good part to
than 33 percent was needed in one form or another. In his the 12-percent decrease in average weekly hours during this
memoirs, President Hoover said 2 million workers had been period .' (The output levels were also about the same in
helped by either work sharing or private relief by em- February 1934 and May 1933 .)
ployers.' Of course, weekly hours would have dropped re- Although it is a subject of debate, some economic his-
gardless of President Hoover's efforts. However, it is unlikely torians credit the NRA with significant job creation due to
that hours would have dropped so sharply . The lower fixed work sharing, even while faulting it on other economic and
costs of that period facilitated work sharing, of course . constitutional grounds.'
The fact that Federal-State unemployment insurance did
not exist at that time not only had dire human consequences
Work sharing phased out
but also precluded the countercyclical use of unemployment However, the work-sharing effect faded as recovery con-
insurance to offset part of the purchasing power lost by both tinued . Because of weak enforcement of the NRA, its many
the fully and partially unemployed . exemptions, and finally its demise in 1935, average weekly
hours had moved back up to 38 .6 by 1937, reflecting hours
Second depression effort well above 40 in some firms and much lower in others .
The second big work-sharing effort came in mid-1933, Partly as a result, the accelerating increases in output be-
6 months into President Roosevelt's New Deal . The success tween 1934 and 1937 were accompanied by decelerating
of voluntary, private work sharing in providing some visible increases in employment . While rapid increases in wages
relief had led to demands for more of the same but without may have been one reason behind this increasing gap be-
weekly pay reductions . tween output growth and employment growth, longer hours
Where President Hoover had tried to prevent the loss of also seem to have contributed .
some jobs by persuading industry leaders to cut hours, Pres- By 1937, output was back up to its 1929 level, and em-
ident Roosevelt tried, with some success, to reemploy many ployment was almost so ; however, because of the steady
of those who had lost jobs by cutting hours still further and growth of the labor force, about 21 percent of the nonfarm
establishing minimum wages. His goal was to increase pur- labor force were still unemployed in 1937 . In the 1937-38
chasing power while spreading the increased work-in a "Roosevelt" depression, weekly hours again dropped sharply.
deflationary, not inflationary, economy. This occurred once again in 1945-46, as the United States
The National Industrial Recovery Act, enacted in 1933, demobilized. Since 1945, work sharing on such a national
was an attempt to increase production, prices, and employ- scale has not been used .
MONTHLY LABOR REVIEW September 1984 " Short-Time Compensation
The Fair Labor Standards Act was not passed until 1938 ; social costs, increased purchasing power and greater equity, com-
like the NRA, it contained a work sharing measure in the pared to the United States . (2) The number of U .S . workers who
form of an overtime penalty for weekly hours more than were put on part-time unemployment even in the absence of
partial [unemployment insurance] benefits is nevertheless not triv-
40 . The original 1938 ceiling was 44 hours; the 40-hour
ial . This suggests that the potential for more work sharing is
week was not phased in until 1940 . The effect of work significant if European-type incentives were instituted .
sharing was submerged by the oncoming full employment
of World War II . These conclusions had been reinforced by the New York
If work sharing had some beneficial effects during the City Conference on "Alternatives to Layoffs" held in April
Depression, why are there some negative memories of it, 1975 : representatives of labor, management, and acade-
even under President Roosevelt? One reason is that neither mia reviewed alternatives besides work sharing and found
the Hoover nor Roosevelt administrations used modern-day them wanting.' Some firms reported mandatory cuts in pay,
fiscal and monetary measures in a consistent way to deal but there was resistance by labor . Cutting health and welfare
with the massive unemployment they faced; as a result, work benefits was ruled out. Voluntary furloughs were found
sharing in the 1930's was given a role it could not fulfill . effective by some firms, but they appealed mainly to youn-
To some, President Hoover's work sharing attempts also ger, education-minded workers; older workers nearing re-
symbolized cuts in earnings and the failure of,voluntary, tirement ; and some working mothers . There was also
private sector-oriented policies to deal with the Great disillusionment about early retirement, due to inflation.
Depression; under the the early New Deal, work sharing Work sharing was found to be more effective than these
symbolized to some the unconstitutional and big-business other alternatives . However, the case studies presented at
oriented approach of the NRA codes . Moreover, most of the the conference showed that work sharing without govern-
early major experiments in work sharing occurred before ment incentives was usually atypical .
passage of the Social Security Act of 1935, which brought In fact, an underlying crisis for the firm-whereby its
with it mandatory unemployment insurance, and the 1935 very existence was threatened-was a common theme in
Wagner Act (the National Labor Relations Act), which gave bringing about work sharing . This was true of Pan Am and
unions a legal framework for organization (although the NRA the Washington Star (the Star did go out to business even-
also provided the right to organize) . With strong unions tually) . Union leadership also had to be unusually good in
came strong seniority systems, not only to protect workers terms of communication with rank and .file. (Once unions
against arbitrary dismissal by employers, but to protect them were convinced the crisis was real, there were often unusual
against unilaterally imposed work sharing, for it was the efforts by union leaders to get the rank and file to discuss
practice of many employers not to guarantee a steady amount alternatives to layoffs in meetings and votes .)
of work from 1 week to the next . Employees often showed The firms were often marked by an unusual degree of
up at their jobs only to be told there was no work that day . labor-management cooperation, with management often
With unemployment insurance came the assurance that low- opening its books . Pan Am went "beyond union contract
seniority workers would not starve if they were laid off, requirements to develop worker involvement in difficult de-
and that work sharing, which only "spread the misery," cisions . "
would no longer be needed . Nor were the firms especially typical of the average work
The current use of work sharing, on a micro rather than force. Highly skilled workers were often involved, such as
a macro scale, is taking place within a framework of basic Pan Am flight crews or Newspaper Guild members . It was
protections for workers, unlike earlier efforts. However, the in the company's interest that young, highly trained people
full economic effects of short-time compensation, which is not be lost . There was a team spirit-born of the flight cabin
a preventive rather than a reemployment measure, in a com- or city room-among the workers. Large numbers of women,
pletely different economy, more than 50 years later, have many of them the family's second earners, may have also
yet to be determined . facilitated work sharing in firms such as the New York
Telephone Company.
The revival of work sharing The question was how to create incentives to encourage
With the relatively low unemployment rates of the post- work sharing in more typical layoff situations as well as in
World War II era, work sharing was rarely discussed or those with the unique chemistry described above .
used . It was not until the 1974-75 recession, at the time of The New York conference found that work sharing in the
the steepest downturn since the Depression, that work shar- form of "a shorter workweek, or rotating and staggered
ing began to be considered again. shifts, or any other method by which average work hours
In a paper in 1976, I wrote: are reduced" emerged as the "alternative to layoffs with
the widest potential application to recession-based economic
Two major conclusions can be drawn from a comparison of 1974-
75 European with U .S . experience : (1) The portion of unem- problems and to almost all types of business and industry ."
ployment that takes the form of part-time unemployment is higher It also found, however, that work sharing is "not a panacea.
than in the United States . The result would seem to be decreased Its use is limited by the necessity of providing a living
wage ." Thus, the conference found that anything more than work for developing constructive activities, such as edu-
a 20-percent reduction in hours would create too much hard- cation and training, during a downturn . It is unrealistic to
ship . Nor would it work when an entire shift must be elim- think that all workers in a work-sharing program would
inated, or conversely, only marginal reductions are meaningfully enroll in education or training . However, it
contemplated-for example, work sharing would not suc- would be productive for some . The broad distribution of
ceed for 20 of 1,000 employees . 9 downtime among the work force would also enable em-
ployers to provide training on a part-time basis to any work-
Short-time compensation in the 1980's ers they feel need it, not just those laid off. (Such training
The early 1980's have been a period of anti-inflationary would have to be voluntary on the part of workers, of course .)
restraint, in which planned use of macroeconomic "fine- Public-private mechanisms under the Job Training Partner-
tuning" through countercyclical monetary and fiscal policy ship Act might conceivably be used for potentially dislo-
has been more limited than in the past . Even those who cated workers.
favor micro job-creation tools, such as public jobs programs, In general, the meshing of short-time compensation with
usually advocate targeting them to the structurally unem- retraining and education is an area deserving further thought.
ployed-the disadvantaged and long-term unemployed . The With hundreds of community colleges and technical schools
disillusion with countercyclical public policies may argue now operating throughout the Nation, it is possible to imag-
for at least experimenting with policies for the cyclically ine large numbers of workers who are put on 4-day weeks
unemployed that are rooted in the private sector and based or 6-hour days for a 2- to 6-month period, using that time
to some extent on redistribution of employment rather than to attend classes. '°
solely on countercyclical economic stimuli and public
spending . Work sharing in Germany versus the U.S .
Moreover, while past efforts to deal with cyclical un- Some economists have expressed fear that use of work
employment have included large public jobs programs, ex- sharing will lead to a hoarding of underutilized labor and
panded budgets, tax cuts, or new investment, these solutions thus lower, productivity . The following discussion suggests
have not usually had an early impact on recessions or acted that short-time compensation may not only decrease layoffs
as preventatives . To the extent that they have been suc- but also may improve cyclical productivity . These examples
cessful, it has often not been until after, rather than before, are illustrative ; more in-depth research is needed on these
layoffs occurred . Job saving has not been a feature of such and other issues . The following tabulation shows percent
policies, as it is of short-time compensation . changes in economic indicators for manufacturing and for
Equity is the major benefit of short-time compensation . the mechanical engineering sector in Germany, 1981-82 :11
The economic and social costs of full-time unemployment Mechanical
are distributed more evenly across all workers in a plant (or Manufacturing engineering
plant unit) rather than among a small minority of workers. Average hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -1 .0 -2 .0
Some economists have argued that it is the total decline Employment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -4 .5 -3 .3
Total hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -5 .1 -4 .9
of hours of employment that counts, not its distribution . Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -2 .4 -2 .3
They see work sharing as a "diversion," a waste of time Output per hour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 .0 2 .0
and resources that could be spent on other countercyclical
measures . Because the mechanical engineering sector used short-time
However, they may be ignoring the social costs of full- compensation more heavily than did manufacturing indus-
time unemployment, which increases the costs of public tries as a whole, we would expect mechanical engineering
assistance, food stamps, and other transfer programs during to show a much heavier use of short weeks and, thus, less
a recession . Many studies suggest that full-time unemploy- decline in employment . Indeed, while mechanical engi-
ment also increases the incidence of alcoholism, drug abuse, neering reduced total hours about the same percentage as
child abuse, and other social problems, which translate into did manufacturing, it reduced employment much less than
additional public costs, human costs, and suffering. Dis- manufacturing. Average hours declined twice as much in
tributing the same total hours of unemployment among many mechanical engineering, and mainly reflect changes in weekly
people on a 4-day workweek may decrease the social costs . hours.
It might also help public policy deal in a more rational way Output per hour (productivity) increased by the same
with the problem of health insurance for the unemployed, percent in both cases because total hours were cut back
because workers now often lose their health insurance soon faster than output . In mechanical engineering, this produc-
after layoff . And, if it were ever adopted on a wide scale, tivity increase was partly because of work sharing aug-
it might also redistribute work and income in a way that menting layoffs.
bolsters confidence and slows down the decline in con- Is the job-saving effect as dramatic as it seems at first
sumption during a downturn . glance? Mechanical engineering has more skilled workers
Short-time compensation might also help provide a frame- than the average manufacturing industry, and is less labor
MONTHLY LABOR REVIEW September 1984 Short-Time Compensation
intensive. Cost savings from layoffs might be less feasible, than the German rate (3 .3) in an essentially comparable
making layoffs less likely . Moreover, employers face a greater period, 1970-78.'4 These are the rates that measure the real
risk of permanently losing skilled workers. So it is not clear differences in technology and other efficiencies between the
that the mechanical engineering sector would have lost 2 .0 same industry in the two countries. The 1974-75 gap, there-
percent more jobs in the absence of a 2 .0-percent workweek fore, was partly because of the added flexibility in hours
reduction. Without short-time compensation, there might cuts afforded by heavy use of short weeks. (Comparative
have been more hoarding of labor. data for the 1982 downturn is not available.)
Nevertheless, the figures suggest significant job-saving These data suggest that work sharing may bring with it
effects from work sharing, without the productivity loss that more total hours of unemployment in Germany, even while
hoarding of full-time, underutilized workers brings in the decreasing layoffs, because employers can not only elimi-
United States . The following tabulation shows percent changes nate some jobs but also work some of the remaining em-
in economic indicators for the mechanical engineering in- ployees on a part-time basis . However, some of Germany's
dustry in Germany and its counterpart industry in the United decrease in employees should be discounted because it re-
States, nonelectrical machinery, 1974-75 :12 flects continuation of a longer-term trend of sharply shrink-
ing employment in manufacturing, unlike in the United States .
Also, Germany's lack of experience-rated tax contributions
States Germany
Weekly hours. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -1 .9 byemployers (different from that in the United States) may
-5 .3
Employment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -7 .5 -4 .5 induce some added hours of unemployment because em-
Total hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -9 .3 -9 .5 ployers do not bear the added cost . All these factors may
Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -13 .8 -5 .7 contribute to a "surplus" or induced unemployment effect,
Output per hour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -4 .9 4 .3 whereby not all hours of work sharing are substituted for
Ratio of total hours to output . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 .66 1 .67
jobs saved, but instead may be in addition to layoffs . Never-
theless, as long as there is some appreciable effect on lay-
The U .S . industry did hoard more labor relative to Ger- offs, the social costs of such "surplus" work sharing may
many in the absence of short-time compensation . 13 Total be small when compared with the benefits of fewer layoffs
hours did not decline as fast as output in the United States, and higher cyclical productivity . The latter brings with it
whereas it decreased faster than output in Germany. Part of less increase in unit labor costs, and thus less increase in
the reason was that average weekly hours decreased by 5 .3 prices, which stimulates demand, speeding economic re-
percent in Germany, compared with a 1 .8-percent decline covery .
in the United States ; when combined with the reduction in This may even have implications in terms of international
full-time employment, the totals were 9 .3 percent for the competition . The mechanical engineering industry is export-
United States and 9 .5 percent for Germany. Thus Germany oriented . Short-time compensation probably helped German
reduced total hours relatively more, even though it reduced manufacturers in the mechanical engineering industry to
the number of employees relatively less . Because output compete with U .S . manufacturers in the nonelectrical ma-
declined approximately 4 .9 percent more than total hours chinery industry during the 1974-75 period . As demand
in the United States, but 4.3 percent less than total hours declined, the Germans could muster both heavy work shar-
in Germany, the change in output per hour was negative ing and some reduction in force to maintain productivity,
( - 4 .9) percent for the United States and positive (4 .3 per- allowing them to retain skilled personnel without adding to
cent) in Germany during the 1974-75 period . the unemployment insurance taxes . U .S . manufacturers not
That this United States-Germany productivity gap is only faced higher unemployment taxes for whatever layoffs
"artificially" widened during a downturn is evident from occurred, but also had less flexibility to maintain produc-
the fact that the U.S . rate of productivity increase was ac- tivity through work sharing as a supplemental labor ad-
tually higher (4 .0) in the overall growth period, 1969-77, justment tool . 15 0
'See Fred Best and James Mattesich, "Short-time compensation systems s All historical data in this section are from the Bicentennial Edition of
in California and Europe," Monthly Labor Review, July 1980, pp. 13- Historic Statistics of the United States, Parts 1 and 11 (Washington, U.S .
22 . The Department of Labor's evaluation of existing State programs is Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, September 1975). Pro-
scheduled for completion in 1985, pursuant to the Tax Equity and Fiscal duction data (FRB) is found on p. 667; labor force and unemployment data,
Responsibility Act of 1982 (P .L. 97-248, Part III, Subtitle 6) which also pp . 126-27 ; manufacturing employment data, p. 137; earnings and hours
requires the Department to give technical assistance to States with short- data, p. 170; productivity data (National Bureau of Economic Research),
time compensation programs . p. 162; and Consumer Price Index data, p. 210. Data in these volumes
2Irving Bernstein, The Lean Years: A History of the American Worker, are from the Current Population Survey and the Bureau of Labor Statistics
1920-33 (Boston, Mass ., Houghton Mifflin, 1960), pp . 306-07 and 476- unless otherwise noted.
84, provides a detailed account of Herbert Hoover's President's Emergency 'Herbert Hoover, The Memoirs of Herbert Hoover: The Great Depres-
Committee on Employment, which urged voluntary work sharing efforts . sion, 1929-41 (New York, MacMillan, 1952), p. 45 .
5 Data based on graph (p . 1020) in "Employment, hours, earnings and These and other issues are discussed in the chapter on which this article
production under NRA," Monthly Labor Review, May 1934, pp . 1013- is based: replacement rates, effect on wage bill, use of countercyclical
36 . The article notes that "from July 1933 to March 1934 the production triggers, windfall effect, and the effect of the incentive to work . The book
index declined 12 percent and yet the employment index increased 13 was supported in part by the German Marshall Fund of the United States .
percent . " "German data are based on published and unpublished data of Deutsche
"'The President's `Re-Employment Agreement' gave jobs to about Bundesbank, transmitted to the Bureau of Labor Statistics on Apr. 14,
2,462,000 persons between June and October 1933 through reducing weekly 1983 . Percentages apply to wage earners . Output per hour and average
hours of work . Industrial activity in this period declined, hence, the increase hours are the author's estimates . Change in average hours in a short period
in employment was the result of shorter hours . However, the National (that is, 1 year) are almost totally the result of shortened weekly hours.
Recovery Administration codes, after they substantially superseded the
IIIn the United States, the industry is sic 35 ; in Germany, the industry
President's Re-Employment Agreement, added very little to the number
is Maschinebau, MAB, Dtw 32-Mechanical Engineering. Percentages ap-
of jobs between October 1933 and the first 5 months of 1935, in spite of
ply to wage and salary earners . German data are from Deutsches Institut
a gain in manufacturing production of 14 percent . . . due to tolerances,
for Wirtsschaft Forschung, Berlin, May 1980 . U .S . data are unpublished
exceptions and exemptions . In 64 percent of the codes, covering 61 percent
BLs data .
of employees in codified industries, provisions permitted a workweek of
48 hours or longer for many of these workers. The abuse in the application "Research by John Duke and Horst Brand shows that productivity
of loosely drawn provisions reduced the reemployment ." From Broadus growth in the machine tool industry (part of the nonelectrical machinery
Mitchell, Depression Decade, Vol . IX of The Economic History of the sector) was slow in 1958-80 in good part because during downturns skilled
U.S . (New York, Rinehart, 1947), pp . 283-84 . workers were hoarded . For example, in 1974-76, output declined almost
The ratio of the increase in manufacturing jobs to the increase in output 10 percent faster than hours of work, resulting in a 10-percent decline in
was .79 in the 1933-35 NRA period ; the ratio decreased to .68 in the 1935- productivity . (See John Duke and Horst Brand, "Cyclical behavior of
37 post-NRA period . In both periods, output growth was about 28 percent, productivity in the machine tool industry," Monthly Labor Review, No-
but in 1933-35, weekly hours decreased 3.9 percent, while in 1935-37, vember 1981, pp . 27-34.) Employers in Germany can hoard skilled work-
they increased 5.5 percent . (See footnote 3 for data sources .) ers without using them full-time if output does not warrant it ; that is, they
hoard workers but not total hours of labor. This contributes to their better
"Edith Lynton, "Alternatives to Layoffs," a paper prepared for a con-
productivity . Also, Duke and Brand found cyclical declines probably ag-
ference convened by the New York City Commission on Human Rights,
gravated the industry's perennial skill shortages because, despite hoarding,
April 3-4, 1975 .
it took time to bring back laid-off workers or find replacements for those
'See Robert Bednarzik, "Short workweeks during economic down-
no longer available . This problem, too, is minimized by short-time com-
turns," Monthly Labor Review, June 1983, pp . 3-11 . pensation's effect in keeping more workers attached to the payroll, ready
`Affirmative action, labor-management relations, and other potential to move to full-time work in an upswing . In both the downturns of 1973-
benefits of short-time compensation are discussed in more detail in the 75 and the overall downturn period of 1979-82, two-fifths of Germany's
book from which part of this article is excerpted, as are unanswered ques- decrease in total hours in manufacturing was composed of decreases in
tions about possible costs or adverse effects of short-time compensation . average weekly hours (the rest was decreases in employment), whereas in
Further research is needed on such benefits and costs . For example, the the United States, only one-fifth of the total decrease in hours in manu-
potential role of work sharing as a solution to preserving the affirmative facturing was composed of the decline in average weekly hours. (See
action gains of minorities and women was enlarged as a result of the recent "International Comparisons of Manufacturing and Labor Cost Trends :
Supreme Court ruling that affirmative action could not be used as the basis Preliminary Measures for 1983," USDL News Release 84-245, May 31,
for not laying off by seniority. Employers wishing to prevent layoffs from 1984 .)
having a disparate impact on recently hired minority groups may have to '4 See footnote 12 for sources . Because accurate measurement of long-
use short-time compensation . But the question arises as to whether em-
ployers sometimes lay off lower seniority or less-skilled workers-perhaps term productivity trends requires that the first and last years not be recession
disproportionately minority group members-before implementing short- years, the time frames for the two countries slightly differ.
time compensation . Suggestions have been made to prohibit such practices. "See footnote 13 .