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This study, Knowledge and Acceptance of Condom Distribution among

Grade 11 in DEGMNHS S.Y. 2016-2017, prepared and submitted by 12 GAS-A Group 3

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject Practical Research II, was

examined and passed on October 2017 by Oral Examination Committee (OREC)

composed of:




Member Member




Member Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject,
Practical Research II.
Senior High School Monitoring Head

Date Signed


SS Principal IV

Date Signed

Through ups and downs, through thick and thin and through joy and

tribulations, this research study has been finalized and has reached its point of

completion. In due time, every seed would have its fruit wherefore as the researchers

have done things at a time, its roots will always come from those that are involved in

this research study.

Hence, we, the researchers of this study would like to extend our undying

gratitude to everyone who contributed to the success of this research paper. To our

Almighty Father who bestowed us knowledge and wisdom as well as strength and

guidance, we are so much grateful for His grace and mercy. Because of His omnipotent

strength, we were able to accomplish this research paper though we were once settled in

hardships zone while doing this research study before. And with His compassion, He

brought us instruments.

To our adviser, Mrs. Maribel Gapuz for her word of encouragement and for

motivating us in finishing our research paper immediately, we are so much thankful for

her presence through the whole process of our research study and even though she is not

our research teacher she also extend her moral support by helping us unconditionally.

To our beloved Practical Research teacher, Mr. Marlon Ligas for always being

available in time that we will approach him during the editing time as well as for his

unconditional diligence in letting us comply even during his busy days, THANK YOU

for being strict and for the chances that he had given to us.

Due also to those panelists that helped us in order to come up with more

accurate research study’s content, we are deeply thanking them for sharing to us their

precious time, efforts and insights during our editing time as well as during our first and

last defense.

To our panelists during our first defense, Mrs. Mirasol Hufano who has helped

us through informing to us the nature of this research topic and for minding us what is

truly our research’s objective as well as to Mr. Dolphy Patacsil who corrected the data

in the chapter II of this research paper. We are truly grateful for letting us know the

correct formula in getting the sample population and even the statistical data to be used.

Thanking them is not just our way to express our gratitude but also to see to it that our

teachers are truly concerned about our study.

During our final defense that was conducted last October 20,2017, also to Mr.

Alexander Estrada, Mrs. Joefel Laigo, and Mrs. Lorena Arce who have shared their

time and knowledge even if its already late in the afternoon. Because of their shared

perceptions and instincts about our research study, we were inspired to finish our

research and improve our research for the benefit of the people.

Time may be complicated sometimes due to some instances but because of the

effort and diligence that have been compelled, we, the researchers were able to improve

the complicated information that are included in this research study.

To our ever supportive parents, teachers and even to our loving and omnipotent

Almighty God who brought us into our bin of satisfaction, we would like to express our

sincere dedication for giving us an inspired knowledge and wisdom in coming up with

more improved and organized ideas regarding with our research topic

The following people are those that have been into our ways during the first and

last resort of this research study.

Mr & Mrs. Abubo

Mr & Mrs. Begonia
Mr & Mrs. Decena
Mr & Mrs. Jacob
Mr & Mrs. Manzano
Mr & Mrs. Opeña
Mr & Mrs. Ramos
Mr & Mrs. Rimando
Mr & Mrs. Rivera
Mr & Mrs. Tamayo
They are the very supportive parents who gave us our allowances for the

printing process of our research paper as well as for providing our needs in order to

reach the setting’s pace of where we conducted our editing before. Of course, in letting

us developed the basic knowledge that we already have.

We also dedicate this study to the learners who are hardly studying and

concentrating to their studies and to those respondents of this research paper who

willingly gave their time just to finish answering the questionnaires that we have


All in all, we would like to express our dedication to our teachers especially to

those that served as our panelists and even for dividing their busy schedules just to help

us in improving our research study.

Ofelia Abubo, Richmond Jhon Begonia, Reinzel Decena, Alaiza Jacob,
Leonie Manzano, John Opeña, Danielle Ramos, Janice Rimando, Arlene Rivera, and
Kimberly Kaye Tamayo (2017). Knowledge and Acceptance on Condom
Dissemination among Grade 11 students in DEGMNHS S.Y. 2016-2017. Grade 12
General Academic Strand, Don Eulogio de Guzman Memorial National High School,
Calumbaya, Bauang, La Union.

Adviser: Ligas, Marlon U. MaED, RN, PhD

Each year there are many unwanted babies born, or even worse aborted in this
country. Many which are born too young people with little or no education about condom
use and safe sex are prone to several circumstances. Many of these unnecessary
pregnancies could certainly be prevented in such genuine ways. Some parents do not
educate their children about sex, therefore the burden usually falls on the schools.
Somehow, condoms should definitely be readily available in the school system along with a
sex education program that includes how and why to use condoms properly. However, the
topic of distributing condoms in high schools had caused a great deal of debate over the
last decade. Those that favor in condom distribution say that distributing them will ensure
teenagers practice safe sex and the rate of teenage pregnancy will decline dramatically.
Additionally, those that are against in distributing condoms insisted that giving them out
will encourage early sexual activity and promote the idea that premarital sex is fine.
The aim of this research study is to know the level of knowledge and acceptance of
condom distribution among Grade 11 students in DEGMNHS as well as to know their
awareness along with the level of their perception in terms of the advantages and
disadvantages of using condoms. This research study is a qualitative research study with a
descriptive research design. The researchers gathered data from 214 people and those
respondents answered the disseminated questionnaires. The data collected from the
respondents were interpreted using the Likert Format. It is being chosen actually by the
researchers to be proposed because it simply caters the perception of Senior High students
along with the factors that affect their adolescent periods’ life.
Keywords: knowledge, acceptance, awareness, adolescent, condom distribution

Guttmacher, Alan. In-use failure rates. (Published in Planned Parenthood's Family
Planning Perspectives, 1989)
Rosenstock. Theoretical framework of the Health Belief Model (Rosenstock, 1974
Austin et al., 2002; Montanaro and Bryan, 2014; Smith et al., 2011)
Ajzen, Icek. Theory of Planned Behavior (Ajzen, 1985, 1987)
Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. Condom distribution programs (CDC, 2017)
Rie Takumi. International personal Q&A (GMA News, 2016)
Journal of School Health. Parents’ point of view about this dissemination

topic (American Journal of Health 2016)

Reising, Michelle 2005. Condom Conundrum

( Brown, Pennyligion, & Hillard, 1997)

(Fanburg, Kaplan, & Naylor, 1995)

(Singer 1994)

Colcol, Erwin, 2016. GMA News

Fact Sheet in Brief Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2015

CDCP 2016 - Condom Effectiveness

Lashkari Cashmere, 2017 Condoms - Advantages and Disadvantages News Medical

Contracept Rep, 1997 LatexAllergy and Contraception

MacGil, Markus, 2017. Premature Ejaculation: Treatments and Causes. (University of

Illinois-Chicago School of Medicine)

Health Line Editorial Team, 2016. Pros and Cons of Condom(Medically Reviewed by

University of Illinois-Chicago School of Medicine)

Brody, Jane, 2006. Getting Double Value

Lliades, MD Chris & Bass II, MD, MPH, Pat, 2011.(Everyday Health Erictile


IUD- Definition of Terms

Cate 2017. Condoms for the prevention of HIV Transmission. ( Callada Padilla, Minguita,

2017. Condoms in schools won’t cut it. (Rappler Philippines)


Calumbaya, Bauang, La Union

Mrs. Myrna U. Ligas

School Principal, DEGMNHS
Calumbaya, Bauang, La Union

Dear Ma’am,
The undersigned at a present is conducting a study entitled, “Knowledge and Acceptance
of Condom Dissemination among Grade 11 students in DEGMNHS S.Y. 2016-2017”,
as partial fulfillment of the requirement in Practical Research II at the Senior High School,
Calumbaya, Bauang La Union.

In connection, may we ask permission to establish a data gathering instrument by getting

your immediate response as a sign that students are permitted to sign the given

Thank you for the anticipation of your kind approval.

Very truly yours,
(Sgd) Arlene Rivera
Danielle Ramos
John Opeña
Alaiza Jacob
Richmond Jhon Begonia
Kimberly Kaye Tamayo
Janice Rimando
Leonie Manzano
Reinzel Decena
Ofelia Abubo

Noted by:
(Sgd) Mr. Marlon U. Ligas, RN, MaED, PhD
Approved by:
Cover Letter to the Respondents

(Sgd) Mrs. Myrna U. Ligas
School Principal, DEGMNHS

Dear Respondents,
May we invite you to participate in this research study “Knowledge and Acceptance
of Condom Dissemination among Grade 11 students in DEGMNHS S.Y. 2016-2017”.
We are asking for your cooperation by answering the questionnaires with integrity and
sincerity in order to make sure that all the data given would personally came from you.
Thank you.

Very Truly Yours,

(Sgd) Arlene Rivera
Danielle Ramos
John Opeña
Alaiza Jacob
Richmond Jhon Begonia
Kimberly Kaye Tamayo
Janice Rimando
Leonie Manzano
Reinzel Decena
Ofelia Abubo

Noted by:
(Sgd) Mr. Marlon U. Ligas, RN, MaED, PhD

Approved by:



Name (Optional): Grade & Section:

I. Level of acceptance in terms of dissemination of condoms

QUESTIONS Highly Accepted Unaccepted Strongly

Accepted (3) (2) Unaccepted
(4) (1)
1. It is possible for me to continuously commit sexual
intercourse to different people so I will accept the
condoms that will be disseminated.
2. Condoms should be distributed for it is impossible for
me to transfer any disease to the person whom will be
engaged to me.
3. Condoms are 100 percent safe, therefore it shouldn’t
be questioned in terms of the topic distribution.
4. There is a need to disseminate condoms to students
because it is new to us that we are in the lust-saturated
5.I am now capable to know and be aware with the
factors that condom distribution will contribute to me
because I want to personally hold a condom.
6. I have a background knowledge with the intervention
materials that can help in enhancing my perception on
early pregnancy, HIV/AIDS infection and dissemination
of condoms.
7. My perspective with regards to condoms help me
prevent in any unnecessary actions so I am now free to
get involved in this condom distribution topic.
8. If I was influenced to have an early sexual intercourse
with someone, then it is for me to be available in the
distribution of condoms for there is a certain cause that
premarital sex will decline due to shame that condoms
will contribute to me.
9. Allowing condoms to be disseminated to us, as
students is an effective remedy in preventing teenage
10. It is better for me to apply and experience using
condom first before uttering and concluding such claims
about it, hence I am not against to what the government
11. Some schools and parents are afraid to give student’s
out of fear that will push them to engage in sex before
they are ready and I am one of them too.
12. Condoms play a key role in preventing HIV infection
around the world, therefore I am not against with it’s
dissemination to students like me.

13. The risk pf teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted
diseases for those who decide to have sexual relations
require less divisiveness when condoms has been
14.It’s a fact that youth are already exposed to dangers to
early sex and that condoms would be of service.
15. Sex education program including condom provision
the inevitably of adolescent sex and encourages students
to make “wise” and “safe” decision if they do have sex.

16. Condom distribution programs should strive to make

condoms available, accessible, and acceptable In order
for me to lessen STD’s if ever I’ll be engaging to early
sexual intercourse accidentally.

II. Level of knowledge of Grade 11 students along with:

a.) Early Pregnancy

QUESTIONS Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

(4) (3) (2) (1)
1. If ever I’ll use condom when
engaging into early sexual intercourse
then I’ve the assurance that I’ll never be
2. I knew that because of condoms,
early pregnancy is as easy to do and
there are no more worries to think of.
3. Teenage pregnancy would decrease
and it can prevent many teens to go
through the process of abortion.
4. Condoms should be given for us to
act mature and responsible.
5. Teens are going to have sex if they
want to, there’s nothing that we can do
to stop that.

b.) HIV Infection
QUESTIONS Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree (3) (2) Disagree
(4) (1)
1. If a condom is used correctly and doesn’t break,
slip or leak then it is virtually 100% protective
against HIV because an exposure cannot occur.
2. Condom effectiveness does not rely on accurate
knowledge about person’s HIV status- and then
something that is often difficult to know for certain.
3. Condoms can prevent an exposure to HIV from
occurring in the first place.
4. Condom effectiveness is not affected with the
HIV - positive partner has a high viral load, or
other biological factors that increase HIV risk hour
5. When condoms effectively prevent an exposure
from occurring, condoms can reduce the risk of
HIV transmission for both anal and vaginal sex to
the same level.
6. Condoms are less expensive, more readily
available, and less toxic done strategies.

c) Dissemination of Condoms
QUESTIONS Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree (3) (2) Disagree
(4) (1)
1. Providing condoms to students will reduce the
incidence of underage pregnancy and the spread of
sexually transmitted disease so distributing
condoms is what the government planned to do.
2. If one accepts the presence that condoms are an
effective means of prevention, it stands to reason
that their distribution could have a significant
3. Condoms are one of the most effective means of
protecting against STD’s, HIV and pregnancy.
4. Widespread condom distribution will establish
sexual activity as the norm among young teens,
creating peer pressure to participate in sex.
5. It is a wise investment by the government to
supply the condoms for schools, in that it is very
expensive to address problems created by
irresponsible sexual behaviors.
6. When the school tries to substitute the family as
the molder of personal values, it weakens the
authority of the family motherhood among
teenagers than it can counter act by distributing
7. An effective condom distribution program can
change the way a community thinks about and
engages in safe sex behavior.

III. To determine the level of knowledge of Grade 11 students on Advantages and Disadvantages of
Condom Dissemination.
QUESTIONS Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree (3) (2) Disagree
(4) (1)

1. I do not require advance planning, clinic visits,

or a prescription.
2. I know that condoms can be carried easily and
discreetly by men and women.
3. It is in my perception that condoms are best
means as currently available in protection against
STI’s including HIV.
4. I already knew that together with the prevention
of STI’s condoms can also protect fertility.
5. I am aware that condoms may help in the
prevention of having a cervical cancer.
6. I was informed that condoms can also decrease
premature ejaculation and prolong intercourse.
7. It is clearly saved in my mind that condoms
have minimal side effects.
8. Using condoms do not affect menstrual cycles.
9. Condoms may have a few downfalls as method
of contraception.
10. I am aware to issue that some men loss an
erection while wearing condoms.
11. Some men and women can develop an allergy
or sensitivity to latex (in this case polyurethane
condoms may be used).
12. I knew that condoms may disrupt spontaneity
during sex.


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