SP2 Assignment-2 PDF
SP2 Assignment-2 PDF
SP2 Assignment-2 PDF
If necessary make and justify assumptions and data that is required to perform the calculations.
Q.1 A granular wet solid is taken on a tray (1 m×0.6 m) and dried in a stream of hot air (120°C; humidity
= 0.02 kg per kg dry air; velocity = 4.5 m/s). The flow of hot air is perpendicular to the face of the
wet solid on the tray. The initial moisture content of 28% (dry basis) is to be reduced to 0.5%.
From laboratory tests it is known that the critical moisture content is 12% and the equilibrium
moisture is negligible. The falling rate of drying is linear in the moisture content. If the solid loading
(dry basis) is 35 kg/m2, calculate the total (constant and falling rate) drying time. Assume that the
air flow is ‘large’ and its temperature drop across the tray is ‘small’.
Q.2 A batch of wet solid whose drying-rate curve is represented by figure is to be dried from a free
moisture content of X1 = 0.38 kg H2O/kg dry solid to X2 = 0.04 kg H2O/kg dry solid. The weight of
the dry solid is 399 kg dry solid and area is 18.58 m2 of top drying surface. Calculate the time for
drying. Comment on your results.
Q.3 Equilibrium isotherm data for adsorption of glucose from an aqueous solution to activate alumina
is published as follows:
a) Fit the data to Langmuir isotherm and determine the constants of the equation.
b) Fit the Freundlich isotherm and determine the constants. Comment on the results.
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First Semester 2020-2021 CHE F313 Separation Processes – II
Assignment 2 (Take Home)
c) An aqueous solution having a volume of 2.5 cm3 contains 0.25 g glucose /cm3 of solution. This
solution is mixed thoroughly in a batch process with 3.0 g of granular activated carbon until
equilibrium is reached. Using the Langmuir isotherm from the above data, determine the final
equilibrium values and the percent of glucose extracted from the solution.
Q.4 The following data were obtained in a BET apparatus for adsorption equilibrium of N2 on silica
gel at −195.8 ℃. Estimate the specific surface area (Sg) in m2/g of silica gel.
Q.5 A waste stream of alcohol vapour in air from a process was adsorbed by activated carbon particles
in a packed bed having a diameter of 4 cm and length of 14 cm containing 80 grams of carbon.
The inlet gas stream having a concentration (C0) of 600 ppm and a density of 0.00115 g/cm3
entered the bed at a flow rate of 750 cm3/s. Breakthrough data is given the table. The break-point
concentration is set at C/C0 = 0.01.
(a) Determine the break-point time, the fraction of total capacity used up to the break point, and
the length of the unused bed. Also determine the saturation loading capacity of the carbon.
(b) If the break-point time required for a new column is 6.0 h, what is the new total length of the
column required?