Background:: Project Charter: Company's Picnic

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Hello everyone,

For this week’s DB I chose Situation 1 for creating the WBS, identify the project scope,
its assumptions, and constraints and the top 3 risks of the project.

First I want to mention the definition of project scope, this is for having a better
understanding of it, and as it was stated by  Larson, E. & Gray, C. (2014) “Project scope
is a definition of the end result or mission of your project—a product or service for your
client/customer. The primary purpose is to define as clearly as possible the
deliverable(s) for the end user and to focus project plans.” On the following I will
mention the project scope for this situation.

Project Charter: Company’s Picnic


I have been assigned as the project manager to plan a corporate picnic. 


 Create an event good for everyone

 Staying under the budget
 Promote union between employees

Project Scope Situation 1:

The project is aimed to create a corporate picnic event for the company’s employees,
this under a $7000 budget.

Assumptions and Constraints

According to Usmani, F. (2020) “An assumption is what you believe to be true. […] and
the Constraints are limitations imposed on the project”


 All the employees will be available

 Easy to find an open space for the picnic

 Under a budget
 Not enough time for planning the event


 Rain can delay the event

 Some employees can have allergies to certain food
 Transport and Traffic Management


Larson, E. W., & Gray, C. F. (2014). What is a Project? In Project management: The
managerial process (5th ed., p. 5). New York, New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin

Usmani, F. (2020, July 25). Assumptions and Constraints in Project Management.

Retrieved October 21, 2020, from
Work Breakdown
Structure Situation

Logistics Budget Menu Guests

Hiring a catering Sending RSVP to

Selecting location Create a budget
company employees

Making a Saving a Creating flyers for

Diversifying food
reservation of the percentage for an promoting the
venue emergency fund event

Hiring a

Organizing the
venue in sections

Creating a
schedule of

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