Fundamentals of Hazard Management PDF
Fundamentals of Hazard Management PDF
Fundamentals of Hazard Management PDF
1 Safety and
By the end of this topic, you should be able to:
1. Describe the two main phases in the evolution of the occupational
safety and health movement;
2. Discuss the factors which contributed to the development of
occupational safety and health;
3. Examine the history behind the development of occupational safety
and health management in Malaysia; and
4. Assess the current developments in the field of occupational safety
and health management.
Occupational safety and health management is a function in the field of human
resource management. Besides looking after the welfare of their employees, it is
also important for companies to create a safe and comfortable workplace for
them. In the last two decades, the field of occupational safety and health
management has experienced rapid development due to several factors,
(a) The evolution of the occupational safety and health movement in general;
The evolution of occupational safety and health management can be divided into
two phases, i.e. before the Industrial Revolution and after the Industrial
Revolution. The Industrial Revolution started in some Western countries at the
end of the 18th century and early 19th century. It marked the rise of machinery to
replace manual labour; a phenomenon that not only affected the way people
worked, but changed the workplace entirely.
After the Industrial Revolution era (i.e. from the early 19th century), the field of
occupational safety and health management developed rapidly until today.
Figure 1.2: The Hammurabi Code was engraved on a black stone monument
Figure 1.3: The construction of the Giza Pyramid involved thousands of slaves who
were exposed to harsh work conditions
King Rameses II (1200 BC), one of the great pharaohs, provided health and
medical services to his workers to ensure that they remained fit to complete
the construction of many temples, including the Ramesseum Temple.
Similarly, during the Roman era, the Roman rulers were fairly concerned
about the safety and health of their living environments. They built
sewerage and irrigation systems as well as well-ventilated houses in order
to provide better living and work conditions.
The period between the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the fifth
century AD and the beginning of the Renaissance in the 15th century AD
was known historically as the Middle Ages. It was a period of great changes
in culture, politics, science, society, agriculture and economics. Urbanisation
the rise of towns and cities in Northern and Western Europe raised
awareness of workplace safety and health management further.
Around the same time, Georgius Agricola published his treatise titled De Re
Metallica, emphasising the need for ventilation in mines.
The 18th century saw the contribution of Bernardino Ramazzini, who wrote
Discourse on the Diseases of Workers, drawing parallels between diseases
suffered by workers and their occupations. His discussion focused on
diseases related to the handling of harmful materials and unnatural bodily
Table 1.1: Writers and their Writings onWorkplace Safety and Health Management
Writer Writing
Philippus Aureolus On the MinersÊ Sickness and Other Diseases of Miners
Georgius Agricola De Re Metallica
Bernardino Ramazzini Discourse on the Diseases of Workers
(b) Occupational Safety and Health Management During and After the
Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution introduced changes to work operations and
workplace conditions. Steam power and machines brought new methods
for converting raw materials into finished products, and along came new
organisation and specialisation of work (division of labour).
The existence of trade or labour unions probably began in the 18th century,
when Europe was transforming from an agriculture-based economy to an
industrialised, craft-based economy. Some of the changes brought on by the
transformation, such as new methods of production that required unskilled
and cheaply available labour, enabled employers to exploit workers
extensively. The unions, most of them considered illegal initially, were then
formed to protect the interests of the workers and to wield political power
so that the workers were not unjustly exploited.
Due to the pressure from the workers and the public, the English
government gazetted the Health and Morals of Apprentices Act in 1802.
The Act reflected the governmentÊs official involvement in dealing with
issues related to safety and health at the workplace.
Table 1.2: Summary of the History of the Development of Occupational Safety and
Health Management
Year Milestone
1867 Factory inspection introduced in Massachusetts.
1868 Patent awarded for first barrier safeguard.
1877 Law on safeguards for hazardous machines passed in Massachusetts;
EmployersÊ Liability Act passed.
1892 First recorded safety programme was established.
1900 Studies on efficiency in manufacturing carried out by Fredrick Taylor.
1908 The compensation law was introduced in the USA.
1913 The first National Council for Industrial Safety was established.
1915 The name of the National Council for Industrial Safety was changed to
the National Safety Council.
1916 The concept of negligent manufacture was established.
1970 Occupational Safety and Health Act passed in the USA.
1977 Federal Mine Safety Act passed.
1990 Amended Clean Air Act of 1970 passed.
1996 The Total Safety Management concept was introduced.
2000 Companies in the USA began to pursue ISO 14000 certification for
environmental safety management.
2003 Violence at the workplace received the attention of occupational safety
and health experts in the West.
The abolishment of this rule indirectly protected the interest of workers who
were involved in accidents and lessened their burden.
Generally, a person struck with silicosis would only show symptoms of the
disease after 20 to 30 years. However, in the case of the HawkÊs Nest Tunnel
project, the stricken workers showed the symptoms rapidly. News of the deaths
began to receive public attention. Family members of the deceased became
suspicious and began to investigate the cause of the deaths. Investigations carried
out by the government revealed that those deaths were not accidental; the
employer had neglected the safety and health of the workers, and that led to the
tragic deaths of the unfortunate tunnel workers.
To know more about the HawkÊs Nest Tunnel tragedy, visit the
following websites:
Tunnel_Disaster and
6Q. Then, discuss the impact of the tragedy on industrial safety with
your coursemates or on myVLE.
This tragedy occurred in 1984 in the northern region of Bhopal, India. Some
40 tonnes of methyl isocyanate (MIC) and other dangerous gases including
hydrogen cyanide were accidentally released into the air from a Union Carbide
chemical plant, killing 3,000 people who were living around the area. This
tragedy occurred because the safety devices installed at the plant failed to operate
and prevent the gas leaks. Besides that, the failure of the employer, i.e. Union
Carbide, to adhere to regulations laid down by the authorities contributed to the
In 1989, the High Court of India ordered the company to pay US$470 million in
compensation to the families of the victims. Following this tragedy, the
government of India and other countries tightened the laws related to workplace
Do you want to know more about the Bhopal tragedy? You may visit
the following website:
To further understand the asbestos menace and its effects on oneÊs life,
you may visit the following website:
It was in 1875 that this disease was contained after good ventilation systems were
installed in the coalmines and work hours were reduced. In the early 1940s, the
name of this disease was changed to coalworkersÊ pneumoconiosis (CWP) by a
group of British scientists.
Mercury poisoning was also another occupational disease. The first mercury
poisoning was discovered in a fishing village in Minamata, Japan, in the 1930s.
The poisoning was caused by the irresponsible act of a chemical factory located
near the village. The factory was discharging methyl mercury as a waste product
into the sea. The toxic waste contaminated the aquatic ecosystem, affecting
particularly the fish, which was the main source of food for the locals. The
contamination eventually resulted in the deaths of many inhabitants as well as
deformities in babies due to their parentsÊ exposure to the toxic waste.
Prior to 1994, Malaysia had various Acts and regulations governing workplace
safety according to types of occupation and hazard. These Acts were enforced by
government agencies. Table 1.3 shows the list of Acts and regulations enacted by
the Government to ensure the safety and health of workers at the workplace.
Based on Table 1.3, we can see that each Act has its own jurisdictions that are in
accordance with a specific type of hazard and occupation. However, the various
Acts and regulations overlapped in their area of jurisdiction, which in turn
caused difficulties in the implementation processes, particularly in enforcement.
To prevent such confusion, the Department of Occupational Safety and Health,
under the Ministry of Human Resources, enacted the Occupational Safety and
Health Act (Act 514) on 24 February 1994. Figure 1.7 explains the rationale behind
this Act.
In order to ensure that this Act is properly enforced, the Government has
established the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) to
provide training courses on occupational safety and health practices. In addition,
some public and private institutions of higher learning are entrusted to offer
courses on occupational safety and health.
You may visit the following websites to get more information on the
legal aspect of occupational safety and health management in our
Adopting new technologies such as computers and robots at work has in some
ways facilitated the production process, saved time and ensured product quality.
However, these new production methods still pose dangers to workers, as they
require new skills and training to operate the machinery and need to be
constantly mindful of safety rules on the production floor. Without close human
monitoring, the new technologies and machinery will potentially be accident
risks. This, in a way, is a new challenge in the field of occupational safety and
health management. The traditional approach to reducing accident risks through
enforcement and engineering (i.e. reducing risk exposure by using machinery to
take over dangerous jobs) is no longer effective without the participation of
workers. Today, occupational safety and health management focuses on
inculcating safe and healthy work methods at the workplace by involving
workers and encouraging them to change their attitude at the workplace.
This development has brought about changes in the demand for occupational
safety and health management experts in the labour market. Nowadays,
companies are more willing to hire experts from among engineers, doctors and
occupational safety and health management officers to help reduce accident risks
at the workplace. Companies are now prepared to invest heavily in developing
safety and health programmes in order to ensure that the workplace is safe,
healthy and comfortable.
A good safety and health management practice will not only reduce the risk of
potential accidents, but also bring profit to the company in the long run. In
addition, providing a safe and healthy work environment is seen as a competitive
tool to win over good employees. Today, this field is seen as a total quality
management approach through the implementation of OSH 1800 and ISO 14000
standards in an effort to create a safe and healthy work environment.
x Occupational safety and health management has been practised since the
Babylonian era. The Hammurabi Code, written by a Babylonian king,
featured the first set of rules in this field.
x Work safety and health gained rapid recognition during the Industrial
Revolution in Europe when machines and steam power were introduced.
x The unscrupulous exploitation of child and women labour at that time had
also caused an increase in workplace accidents.
x In Malaysia, the development in this field can be seen through the enactment
of specific Acts to overcome workplace accidents such as the Factories and
Machinery Act 1967, the Environmental Quality Act 1974 and the
Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994.
x Today, the provision of a safe and healthy workplace has become part of the
business strategy of most companies.
x Through effective occupational safety and health management, not only can
employers reduce costs due to accidents, but they will also be able to increase
the satisfaction of their employees, enhance their organisationsÊ image in the
eyes of their clients and the public, and contribute to the community.
Essay Questions
5. In brief, explain how workersÊ health issues and problems contributed to the
development of occupational safety and health management.
2. In 1974, the Occupational Safety and Health Act was passed in the US.
3. The provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 are used in all
employment sectors.
5. Dr Irving J. Selikoff was an author who explained the parallels between the
diseases suffered by workers and their occupations.
6. The National Institute of Safety and Health (NIOSH) plays an important role
in enforcing safety and health at the workplace.
Topic X Theories of
2 Causation
By the end of this topic, you should be able to:
30" Gzcokpg the seven theories of accident causation;
2. Evaluate the factors for each of the seven theories; and
3. Justify the best accident causation theory to predict and prevent
accidents at the workplace.
When an accident occurs at the workplace, employers tend to claim that it is due
to the negligence of workers. But is the negligence of workers the only cause of
workplace accidents? What are the effects of workplace accidents?
Accidents do not only cause damage to properties, but can also lead to serious
injuries and even deaths. Therefore, in order to prevent accidents, we must
identify their causes.
Years ago, several theories of accident causation were been established to explain
why accidents occur. Models based on these theories were then used to predict
and prevent accidents from occurring. This topic will discuss several theories that
can be used by managers to predict and prevent workplace accidents.
No. Axiom
1. The occurrence of an injury invariably results from a completed sequence of
factors, the last one of these being the accident itself.
2. The accident in turn is invariably caused or permitted directly by the unsafe act
of a person and/or a mechanical or physical hazard.
3. Most industrial accidents are caused by unsafe acts committed by humans.
4. An unsafe act or condition will not necessarily cause an accident or injury.
5. The excuse given for committing an unsafe act can be an indicator or lesson to do
the right act.
6. The seriousness of an accident cannot be planned or anticipated but what is for
sure is that the accident can be avoided.
7. The best accident prevention techniques are analogous to the best quality and
productivity techniques.
8. The management should assume responsibility for safety due to its high position
in the organisational hierarchy and because it is in the best position to get results.
9. The supervisor is the key person in the prevention of industrial accidents.
10. In addition to the direct costs of an accident (e.g. compensation, liability claims,
medical costs and hospital expenses), there are hidden and indirect costs.
According to Heinrich, there are five factors in the sequence of events leading up
to an accident.
(b) Removal of the central factor negates the actions of preceding factors and in
doing so, prevents accidents and injuries.
However, the weakness of this theory is that not all accident factors are inherited.
Accidents may occur due to negligence and mechanical failure.
What is the Human Factor Theory? What are the human factors that
lead to workplace accidents?
2.2.1 Overload
Overload amounts to an imbalance between a personÊs capacity at any given time
and the load being carried by the person in a given state. Refer to Figure 2.4 to
see how work stress can be a human factor in workplace accidents. The figure
illustrates how a worker who is experiencing chronic work stress has a greater
chance of suffering from illnesses such as mental stress which, in turn, may cause
an undesirable incident to occur.
The load that a person is carrying consists of tasks for which he is responsible,
and other added burdens resulting from factors such as:
(b) Internal factors (personal problems, emotional stress and worry); and
The state in which a person is acting is the product of his motivational and
arousal levels.
The unsuitability of a personÊs workplace with regard to the physical size of the
facilities available as well as the force, reach, feel, and similar factors can lead to
accidents and injuries.
For a better understanding of the Human Factor Theory, please refer to Figure 2.6.
To help you understand better, please refer to the model in Figure 2.7.
Based on this model, overload, ergonomic traps, and a decision to err may lead to
human error. The decision to err may be conscious and based on logic, or it may
be unconscious.
Various pressures such as tight deadlines, peer pressure and budget factors can
lead to unsafe behaviours. Another factor that can influence such a decision is the
„it wonÊt happen to me‰ attitude.
(b) Responsibility and authority with regard to safety are not clearly defined;
Figure 2.8 illustrates the epidemiological theory of accident causation. The key
components are predisposition characteristics and situational characteristics.
These characteristics, taken together, can either result in or prevent conditions
that may lead to an accident.
Based on the information that has been collected by observing and mentally
noting the current circumstances, the person weighs the risks and decides
whether to perform the task under existing circumstances.
For example, a machine operator is trying to fulfil a rush order that is behind
schedule. An important safety device in his machine has malfunctioned,
hampering normal operations. Simply taking it off will interrupt work for only
five minutes, but doing so will increase the probability of an accident, as there is
now less safeguarding.
On the other hand, replacing the faulty safety device can take up to an hour.
Should the operator remove the safety guard and proceed with the task or take
the time to replace it? The operator and his supervisor may assess the situation
(collect information), weigh the risks, and make a decision to proceed. If their
information was right and their assessment of the risks accurate, the task would
probably be accomplished without an accident.
These factors are stressors that can cloud the judgement of those collecting
information, weighing risks, and making the decision. When stressors are
introduced between points 1 and 3 in Figure 2.10, the likelihood of an accident
For this reason, Firenzie recommended that five factors be considered before
beginning the process of collecting information, weighing risks and making a
These factors can help a person achieve the proper perspective before collecting
information, weighing risks and making a decision. It is particularly important to
consider these factors when stressors such as noise, time constraints and pressure
from a supervisor may tend to cloud oneÊs judgement.
According to Geller, there are seven basic principles of the Behavioural Theory.
These principles are explained in Table 2.3.
For example, workers are shown a video on positive and negative attitudes
towards wearing safety hard hats (refer to Figure 2.12). If a worker did not wear
the safety hat, he has made a mistake and may get injured due to falling objects.
The consequences of the behaviour is C, while wearing the hat or failure to wear
the hat is B, and the video shown is A (i.e. the antecedents to the behaviour).
Thus, according to the combination theory, the actual cause may combine parts
of several different models. Safety personnel should use these theories as
appropriate both for accident prevention and accident investigation. However,
they should avoid the tendency to try to apply one model to all accidents.
x Based on the discussion earlier, there are several theories which can be used
to explain the causes of, or factors leading to, accidents. Among these factors
(a) Human error factor;
(b) Unsafe workplace;
(c) Ergonomic factor; and
(d) Systems failure.
Essay Questions
With the help of a figure, explain how these factors caused the accident and
injury based on HeinrichÊs Domino Theory.
1. Herbert Heinrich used the domino concept in his theory to identify accident
4. Low motivation may cause workers to feel that they are experiencing an
Workers falling off the roofs of buildings or being electrocuted are examples of
workplace accidents. Most workplace accidents are caused by similar factors and
these incidents can actually be prevented. Have you ever wondered about the
losses incurred by employers, employees and governments when workplace
accidents occur?
This topic will discuss workplace accidents including accident costs, causes,
types and effects on a given industry. This will help you to understand the role
that must be played by managers and workers to ensure safety and health at the
Accident costs can also be divided into six categories as summarised in Table 3.1.
Category Percentage
Wage Losses 25
Medical Expenses 16
Insurance Administration 19
Property Damage 18
Fire Losses 7
Other Costs 15
In general, direct costs of workplace accidents involve only about one fifth of the
total accident costs. The remaining are indirect costs such as productivity loss,
lowered output quality of goods, and low morale among workers.
Assuming that you are a manager and you are required to list the costs
which have to be taken into consideration and controlled so that your
company will not incur losses in the event of an accident. Using your
logic and knowledge, provide your suggestions and discuss them with
your coursemates.
Please visit:
pdf to learn more about the Accident Cost Iceberg and then list the costs
of property damage.
Workplace accidents are not to be taken lightly. Accidents may cause companiesÊ
operations to halt; even worse, they may cause death or damage the
environment. There are several causes of accidents and injuries such as:
(a) Work environment factor;
(b) Equipment factor; and
(c) Worker factor.
Insufficient lighting and poor ventilation may cause visual impairment and
breathing problems, respectively, in the long run. In addition, unhygienic and
untidy surroundings will reduce oneÊs ability to perform his duties efficiently
due to environmental discomfort.
Table 3.3 shows a few types of accidents that typically lead to injuries and even
Based on Table 3.4, the manufacturing sector recorded the highest number of
accidents and death cases. Hence, companies must take preventive measures to
reduce accident risks in their organisations.
However, some employers think that such programmes are expensive, or that
they can do without them. If you were an occupational safety and health officer,
you would be responsible for proving that this view is wrong: take a look at the
cost estimation method developed by Professor Rollin H. Simonds.
For example, the costs of Class 1 accidents may be recorded for a period of six
months. Find the average cost per accident by dividing the total sum with the
number of accidents in the specified period. Table 3.6 will help you to
understand the estimation of indirect accident costs for Class 1.
All these costs can be avoided if only accidents can be prevented, and this
can be achieved by inculcating a safe work culture. That means education,
training and adhering to safety procedures. Ultimately, the management is
responsible for creating a safe and healthy work environment.
According to the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994, both parties
involved the employer and the employee are jointly responsible for
ensuring that safe work methods are being practised. It is very important
for both parties to understand and fulfil their responsibilities stated in the
Act in order to reduce the adverse effects of workplace accidents.
x Apart from that, these efforts are also aimed at reducing the number of fatal
accidents and incidents that can bring both temporary and permanent
disabilities to victims.
x The indirect costs due to accidents are higher than their direct costs.
Essay Questions
3. Explain briefly how the worker factor poses an accident risk at the workplace.
1. There are two types of accident costs, i.e. direct costs and indirect costs.
4. Indirect costs are costs that can be controlled and predetermined easily.
Topic X Workplace
By the end of this topic, you should be able to:
30 Define workplace stress;
2. Explain the benefits of eustress and distress;
3. Examine the two types of workplace stress and their effects on
workers; and
4. Develop strategies to reduce workplace stress.
Work stress, whether due to information overload, work pressure or other
causes, is an unhealthy factor that lessens a workerÊs productivity. Therefore,
managers must deal with it wisely.
According to a research, almost 35 percent of workers said that their work caused
emotional and health problems, while another 45 percent concluded that work
stress affected their personal lives (Nelson & Quick, 2005).
Hence, it is important to understand the factors that lead to workplace stress and
its effects on workersÊ productivity and quality of life.
Figure 4.1 shows that workplace stress may improve the performance of workers
up to a certain point the optimum level. After the optimum level, more stress
will have a negative effect on the performance of workers. A low level of arousal
will also cause workers to experience distress. Therefore, workers must be
motivated so that they can achieve the optimum level of arousal or stimulation in
order to improve their performance.
Table 4.1 illustrates the benefits of eustress and the effects of distress. The
positive effects of eustress can be seen in terms of performance as it motivates
workers to work harder, enhances their physical strength and health through
better blood circulation due to an effective cardiovascular system, and enables
them to fully focus on the task being performed. Figure 4.2 shows a worker
experiencing stress at work.
Benefits of Eustress
Performance Health
x Increased motivation x Cardiovascular effectiveness
x Increased physical strength x Focused during emergency situations
Effects of Distress
Individual Organisation
x Psychological effects x WorkersÊ participation
x Diseases x Decline in performance
x Behavioural effects x Increasing compensation claims
Figure 4.2: Workplace stress may make it difficult for a person to focus
The effects of distress can be perceived in two forms, i.e. on individuals and on
organisations as a whole. The burden of excessive arousal on individuals can
have the following three negative effects:
(a) Psychological effects such as depression, fatigue and the like;
(b) Diseases such as heart disease, stroke and so on; and
(c) Behavioural effects such as violence, abuse of power and the like.
Due to the fact that workers always experience stress that increases their mental
and health risks, this topic will focus on distress.
Examples of non-work related sources of stress are personal lifestyle and family
problems. Figure 4.3 illustrates the causes and consequences of stress.
For example, a work environment that is too hot or too cold will adversely
affect a personÊs physical condition, possibly causing problems such as
dehydration due to excessive heat. A computer-based work environment
can also cause stress.
For example, employees who feel that their jobs are insecure will be
worried. The existence of other job opportunities which provide better
perks and professional training will reduce stress related to job security.
For example, the feeling of responsibility for the welfare and safety of the family
can be a source of stress at the workplace. This feeling of responsibility will make
the employees feel that their options to take risks are limited. These employees
tend to feel that they are „trapped in the job‰. Long working hours tend to make
them feel uneasy and stressed as they feel that they have neglected their family
(a) Physiological effects such as heart disease, ulcer, high blood pressure,
headaches, sleep disorders and the like;
Figure 4.4 illustrates the three stages of the human stress response.
The alarm reaction occurs when the stress of a threat is sensed. The stage of
alarm is characterised by pallor, sweating, and an increased heart rate. This stage
is usually short. It prepares the body for whatever action is necessary.
When the stress is maintained, the stage of resistance initiates a greater physical
response. The alarm symptoms dissipate, and the body begins to adapt to the
stress. The capacity for adaptation during this stage is limited.
Eventually, with sustained stress, the stage of exhaustion is reached. This stage is
demonstrated by the body's failure to adapt to the continued stress. Psychosomatic
diseases such as gastric ulcers, colitis, rashes, and autoimmune disorders may
appear during this stage. The tendency to develop a specific stress-related
disease may be partially predetermined by heredity, personal habits such as
smoking, and personality.
Basic physiological functions are scheduled by the biological clock called the
circadian rhythm. Most people grow up on the day shift, going to school during
the day and sleeping at night. After a life of being on the day shift, the body
perceives a change in work shift as being stressful. If the person takes a job
starting at midnight, his body will still expect to be sleeping at night and active
during the day.
Many physical and psychological functions are affected by the circadian rhythm.
Blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature, and urine production are
measurably lower or slower at night. These same functions are normally higher
or faster during the day (active time). Behavioural patterns also follow the
circadian slower-at-night and active-in-day pattern.
For example, a former task did not require workers to make any decision.
However, after redesigning the task, workers are encouraged to be involved in
the decision-making process. This will reduce workersÊ stress as they are able to
complete their task without having to wait for their managers to decide for them.
x Workplace stress is an epidemic that affects the workplace in the current era
of high technology.
x Managers must prevent stress from affecting their workers as it is not only
very costly to rectify later, but is capable of reducing productivity that leads
to a decline in worker performance.
Essay Questions
2. The feeling of responsibility for the safety of the public is also a source of
5. Blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature and urine production are
measurably lower or slower at night.
Topic X Ergonomic
5 Hazards
By the end of this topic, you should be able to:
30" Fghkpg ergonomics;
2. Explain ergonomics from a legal perspective;
3. Discuss the important variables that can influence physical stress;
4. Examine the general and specific indicators of ergonomic problems;
5. Design strategies to overcome ergonomic problems.
This topic discusses the physical conditions of the workplace such as the
workstation, work equipment and posture during work. Advanced and
sophisticated equipment used at the workplace often pose risks to their users and
expose them to bodily injuries in the long run.
Basically, these injuries show their effects only after some time. In fact, people
might not be aware that they are actually suffering from injuries due to
ergonomic problems.
The word „ergonomics‰ is derived from the Greek language. „Ergon‰ is Greek
for work; and „nomos‰ means laws.
As such, ergonomics deals with various aspects ranging from physical stress
on the muscles, nerves, bones, tendons, and ligaments to environmental
factors which affect hearing, vision, comfort and health.
One of the objectives of this Act is to create working conditions that meet the
physiological and psychological needs of the workers. Thus, employers are
responsible for establishing a safe work system which does not pose any health
risks to the workers (Section 15 (2)(a), Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994).
Refer to Table 5.1 for a list of Acts that oversee the application of ergonomics.
Figure 5.2: The eight variables that can influence the amount of physical stress
Try to understand the eight variables that can affect a personÊs work efficiency.
Figure 5.3: Avoid standing for a long period because it creates stress on the back, legs and feet
The potential for physical stress increases with stationary jobs when
workers fail to take such precautions as periodically standing, stretching or
moving. The potential for physical stress increases with mobile jobs when
workers carry materials as they move from station to station. Figure 5.4
illustrates a production operator who normally does stationary jobs.
Figures 5.6, 5.7 and 5.8 illustrate the proper and improper sitting postures when
doing work.
For example, a production operator who always lifts heavy boxes to the
store needs frequent medical treatment for his back. In the end, the operator
may be referred to a chiropractor who may confirm that he is suffering from
a serious back injury. This is an example of an injury trend based on the
medical records of the operator.
For example, a typist might complain that her chair is too high, causing
physical stress to her legs and back. She might complain persistently to her
supervisor about her uncomfortable chair, but no action is taken to rectify
the situation.
For example, workers may place additional padding on their chairs, modify
protective equipment, install additional lights, and others. Such employee-
generated changes may be evidence of ergonomic problems.
Lifting heavy objects inappropriately and not receiving proper training can lead
to musculoskeletal injuries which might result in the worker not being able to
perform his task properly. When such conditions exist, the company has
ergonomic problems.
After identifying the tasks that need to be analysed in detail, employers may
carry out the task analysis shown in Figure 5.10.
The following rules must be taken into consideration when adapting the job to
the worker:
(a) Nerve conduction velocity, hand-grip strength, muscle mass, range of
motion and flexibility, all begin to diminish upon reaching the age of 45;
(b) Weight and mass tend to increase starting from the age of the early fifties;
(c) Height begins to slowly diminish from the age of 30;
(d) Lower back pain is more common in people 45 years of age and older; and
(e) Visual acuity at close range diminishes with age.
Table 5.2 presents three examples of engineering controls that have proven to be
effective and achievable.
Apart from engineering controls, the following steps can be used to prevent and
control ergonomic problems.
Such information must be given when the team responsible for the
ergonomics programme visits work sites, and when workers conduct
medical checkups. For new workers, the information and training must be
given during the orientation programme.
Now, let us take a look at strategies which can be used to solve or reduce
ergonomic problems related to the above types of work.
Figure 5.12: Strategies for seated repetitive work with light parts
Physical stress associated with this type of work includes leg, arm, and back
strains. Occasionally, side strains occur when bending and twisting are
necessary. Ergonomic strategies for improving work conditions are listed in
Figure 5.15.
Figure 5.16: Strategies for standing for heavy lifting and carrying
Prolonged work with the arms above the shoulder level requires the heart
to work harder to pump blood to the elevated areas. Ergonomic strategies
for improving work conditions are listed in Figure 5.17.
Figure 5.17: Strategies for work with hands above the chest
x It takes some time for workers who are exposed to illnesses due to
inappropriate workstations, work processes and work equipment to realise
that they have actually fallen ill.
Essay Questions
5. Strategies to overcome ergonomic problems for seated repetitive work are the
following EXCEPT:
A. Adjust workstation height
B. Repetitive task
C. Rotation of work
D. Space for the legs
1. The ergonomics principles involve the work system, sports, health and safety.
Essay Questions
1. Explain briefly three strategies which can be used to reduce ergonomic stress
when lifting and removing a heavy object.
Industrial hygiene in the safety and health profession is concerned with
predicting, recognising, assessing, controlling, and preventing environmental
stressors in the workplace that can cause sickness or serious discomfort to
workers. The common stressors that result in illness and discomfort include
gases, fumes, vapours, dusts, mists, noise and radiation.
This topic will discuss issues related to industrial hygiene at the workplace such
as hazard recognition, and hazard prevention and control, in order to reduce
accident risks at the workplace.
This topic will focus primarily on the first category, i.e. hazards caused by
chemical substances. In our daily lives, we use a wide range of chemical
substances some of which are highly beneficial while others may have negative
effects if used improperly. In some cases, abuse of chemical compounds or any
mishandling may lead to workplace accidents.
The toxicity of a chemical substance, once it enters the human body, will depend
on the following five factors:
(e) Level of body resistance such as the immune system and detoxification
ability of the human body.
(d) Providing clearly visible and readable information on the packing of such
substances; and
(e) Placing of hazard symbols and signs as well as risk and safety phrases to
warn people of their possible threats.
Table 6.2 gives some explanation on the four routes of entry for toxic agents.
Table 6.2: The Four Routes of Entry for Toxic Agents to Enter the Human Body
Ingestion Ingestion, which is entry through the mouth (i.e. swallowing), is not a
major concern in an industrial setting. An ingested substance moves
through the stomach into the intestines and from there, into the
bloodstream. Toxic agents sometimes enter the body by ingesting foods
that are already polluted or contaminated with such substances.
Airborne contaminants can also rest on food or the hands and, as a
result, be ingested during a meal or snack. The possibility of ingesting
toxic agents makes it critical to confine eating and drinking to sanitary
areas away from the work site and to make sure that workers practise
good personal hygiene such as washing their hands thoroughly before
eating or drinking.
As the toxic substance moves through the gastrointestinal tract, its
toxicity may be diluted. In addition, depending on the amount and
toxicity of the substance, the liver may be able to convert it to a non-
toxic substance through a process called detoxification. At least, the
liver can help decrease its level of toxicity and the substance may be
removed by the kidneys in the form of urine.
Category Explanation
Acute Effects Acute effects involve a sudden dose of a highly concentrated
substance. These exposures result in an immediate health problem
ranging from irritation to death.
Chronic Effects Chronic effects involve limited continual exposure over time.
Consequently, the associated health problems develop slowly. Most
victims will suffer tissue damage or serious injuries.
Apart from the strategies given in Table 6.4, additional strategies to reduce toxic
hazards are:
(a) Practising good housekeeping, including workplace cleanliness.
(b) Using special control methods for specific hazards.
(c) Setting up medical programmes to detect intake of toxic materials.
(d) Providing training and education for workers.
Hazard prevention and control programmes will only succeed if the workers
participate in these programmes and observe all procedures and regulations set
by their employers. One of the best ways to protect employees from workplace
hazards is to teach them to protect themselves and carry out their task in a safe
manner in order to reduce the risks of accidents.
HIV is found in bodily fluids of an infected person, such as seminal and vaginal
fluids, and blood. It is transmitted through direct blood contact including blood
transfusion, blood products, and HIV-infected organ transplants. HIV can only
spread once it has entered into the bloodstream of humans. HIV can be transmitted
to others through certain ways regardless of race, sex, religion or sexual
orientation. However, HIV may remain in the body of an infected person without
showing clear signs of AIDS, which is the full-blown disease caused by HIV.
(c) Through sharp objects such as syringe needles, medical equipment and
tattoo needles.
(d) Receiving piercing services at public places by sharing the same needle.
Apart from that, needles and sharp objects such as needle syringes, tattoo needles
and shaving razors which have been infected by the blood of an HIV worker may
cause another worker to contract the disease at the workplace unknowingly.
In other words, AIDS at the workplace is a serious issue which must not be
neglected. The relevant authorities must make an effort and collaborate to solve
this problem by taking the necessary actions. Understandably, AIDS is a terrible
disease that brings much social stigma. AIDS patients are unfairly shunned by
the public or even despised, in the belief that they contracted the disease through
immoral ways. Such discrimination should never be encouraged. In addition, we
must show our love and compassion to AIDS patients so that they can live their
lives with dignity and a sense of well-being.
However, the relationship between HIV/AIDS, cost and revenue is not given due
attention by employers nowadays. In the long run, these organisations will
experience a decline in profits for not taking proactive actions to anticipate and
avoid the effects of HIV/AIDS.
Employment sectors that are more likely to encounter AIDS-related problems are
those requiring workers to travel away from home for long periods to conduct
business affairs. Some of these include the transportation, mining and fishery
Business sectors which are seasonal, such as agriculture and tourism, are also
affected by the disease. Other sectors such as health care, engineering and bio
medics depend heavily on highly skilled professionals whose job responsibilities
may affect many others working under them. Thus, if these experts fall victims to
AIDS, it is possible that entire operations within the organisation may be
crippled if no contingencies have been planned.
Preventive programmes, medical services and social support are among the chief
efforts that must be implemented. Examples of HIV/AIDS programmes at the
workplace are the following:
x HIV/AIDS motivation programmes
x Prevention and training activities
x Communication programmes between healthy workers and HIV-Positive
x Medical assistance and social support programmes
Discrimination must not occur. Employers must not dismiss their HIV-
positive workers or neglect their welfare and well-being.
Employers must also create awareness among their healthy workers so that
they will not isolate other workers who are suffering from HIV/AIDS. They
must also be aware of the ways in which HIV is transmitted, and be
enlightened that the disease is not communicable so long as they do not
come into contact with bodily fluids from infected persons.
Those who suffer from HIV/AIDS must be appreciated so that they will not
feel stressed at the workplace. Cooperating with them might help them in
their struggle to fight HIV/AIDS at the workplace and in the society.
They must always try to motivate them in all ways, lift their spirits and
increase the morale of both patients as well as non-patients. Ensure there is
good communication between normal workers and HIV-positive workers,
and that they treat one another as normal human beings.
No cure has been found yet for AIDS. The best step forward is to prevent it.
Employers must pay more attention to their workers so that they are not
unduly exposed to the disease, particularly those working in the medical
sector where they face a higher risk of contracting HIV.
Employers must provide AIDS patients with new opportunities and hope
by recruiting them. Meanwhile normal workers must be educated and
informed that they will not be infected with HIV simply by working
together with these patients as this disease is not transmitted through
casual contact.
x Economic progress has given rise to higher demands for goods and services.
x The greater risk has in turn increased the need for hygiene experts.
Absorption Ingestion
Biological hazard Injection
Chemical hazard Inhalation
Ergonomic hazard Physical hazard
Industrial hygiene Toxic substances
Essay Questions
3. List the factors that might influence the toxic effects of a substance on human
4. Explain the basic strategies to prevent and control toxic hazards at the
1. Toxic substances have a negative effect on health if they enter the human
3. Most chemical and toxic substances used in the manufacturing sector are
highly flammable.
As the term suggests, mechanical hazards are associated with power-driven
machines, whether automated or manually operated. Concerns about mechanical
hazards date back to the Industrial Revolution and the earliest days of
7.1.2 Shearing
To understand what shearing means, imagine using a paper cutter. Power-driven
shears for cutting paper, metal, plastic, elastomers, and composite materials are
dangerous because of their extreme cutting properties. However, they are widely
used in manufacturing for cutting various materials to different sizes.
You must have heard of, or read news reports about, how such machines often
amputated fingers and hands of careless workers. Such tragedies typically
occurred when the operators reached under the shearing blade to make an
adjustment or placed materials there and accidentally activated the blade before
fully removing their hands.
7.1.3 Crushing
Injuries from crushing can be particularly debilitating, painful and difficult to
heal. They occur when a part of the body is caught between two hard surfaces
that progressively move together, thereby crushing anything between them.
Crushing hazards can be divided into two categories: squeeze-point types and
run-in points. Explanation on these two categories is presented in Table 7.1.
Squeeze-point Squeeze-point hazards exist where two hard surfaces, at least one of
Hazards which must be in motion, close in together to crush any object that may
be between them.
Run-in point Run-in point hazards exist where two objects, at least one of which is
Hazards rotating, come progressively closer together. Any gap between them
need not become completely closed. It needs only to be smaller than the
width of the object or body part to be lodged in it. Meshing gears and
belt pulleys are examples of run-in point hazards.
7.1.4 Fracture
Machines used to deform raw materials such as wood and steel in factories can
easily break human bones. A break in the bone is known as a fracture. Fractures
are classified as:
(a) Simple;
(b) Compound;
(c) Complete; and
(d) Incomplete.
7.1.6 Puncturing
Punching machines that have sharp tools can puncture a body part if safety
precautions are not observed or if appropriate safeguards are not in place.
Puncturing results when an object penetrates straight into the body and pulls
straight out, creating a wound in the shape of the piercing object. The greatest
risk with puncture wounds is causing damage to internal organs.
Modern machinery has various mechanisms that can rotate, reciprocate, or do
both. You can find many types of tools, bits, chucks, blades, spokes, screws,
gears, shafts, belts, and a huge variety of other equipment for manufacturing
products. Certainly, safeguards have to be devised to protect workers from
coming into contact with such mechanisms while at the same time allowing work
to progress at a productive rate. The National Safety Council in the US has
established the following requirements for safeguards (Figure 7.2).
The tagout system is similar to the lockout system except that a tag is used
instead of a padlock. The tag must only be used when the lockout system cannot
be implemented. Sometimes, a tag and a padlock are used together.
(a) All operators should be trained on the safe operation and maintenance of
their machines.
(c) All employees should know how to activate emergency shutdown controls.
This means knowing where the controls are and how to activate them.
(e) Supervisors should ensure that safeguards are properly in place when
machines are in use. Employees who disable or remove safeguards should
be disciplined appropriately.
(f) Operator teams (two or more operators) of the same system should be
trained on coordination techniques and proper use of devices that prevent
premature activation by a team member.
(g) Operators should be trained and supervised to ensure that they dress
properly for the job. Long hair, loose clothing, neckties, rings, watches,
necklaces, chains and earrings can become caught in equipment and, in
turn, pull the employee into the hazard zone.
(h) Shortcuts that violate safety principles and practices should be avoided.
Deadline pressures should never be the reason for unsafe work practices.
(i) Other employees who work around machines but do not operate them
should be made aware of the emergency procedures to take when an
accident occurs.
x This will enable workers to understand how to use the machines safely,
hence, reducing the number of mechanical-related accidents.
Essay Questions
4. State briefly how the feeding and ejection systems can be effective
2. Safeguards are created to protect workers from coming into contact with
potentially harmful machine parts.
4. Semi-automatic ejection systems require the operator to reach into the danger
zone to retrieve work pieces.
Imagine walking in the middle of a city. Look around you. Can you see many
high-rise buildings? Have you ever imagined how dreadful it would be if you fell
from the top of such a building? Can you imagine the fear felt by construction
workers who build these tall buildings?
This topic presents information that is required by safety and health experts to
overcome fall accidents at the workplace. It will also discuss the techniques that
can be used to reduce such accidents.
Is pulling the chair away from a person about to sit, and letting him fall,
considered a fall hazard? Why? Discuss.
TodayÊs workplace has many hazards. Most of these hazards may be caused by
the workplace itself or by the various types of complex equipment installed at the
workplace. It is important to identify the causes of falls as these hazards may
cause injuries, leading to temporary or permanent disability. There have also
been cases of neck injuries that led to fatalities. Figure 8.1 illustrates the four
primary causes of falls at the workplace.
The safety and health officer is responsible for ensuring that the designated paths
do not contain foreign objects that may represent a hazard to workers. If a
foreign object is placed on the walking surface, it must be clearly marked and
labelled so that workers who use the path can notice it. Figure 8.2 illustrates an
untidy and unorganised workplace which may cause accidents to workers
working in that area.
In open areas where there are trees and plants, walkways and pavements may
become uneven over time, as a result of roots overgrowing from nearby trees.
Such conditions are hazardous to users of these paths, particularly when they are
in a hurry. Although these accidents occur outside the working area, they are still
within the organisation and it is the organisationÊs responsibility to tend to such
problems. Figure 8.3 illustrates a defect on a walking surface which may cause
accidents to those using it.
Lubricants are used regularly to repair and maintain machines. However, left on
the floor, lubricants are hazardous, since they make the floor extremely slippery.
Any walking surface stained with lubricants must be cleaned up as soon as
repair works are completed. Failing to clean such surfaces may cause workers to
fall. The negligence of a worker can cause the suffering of another. Figure 8.4
illustrates a workplace being cleaned by a cleaner.
Figure 8.4: Cleaning a workplace without putting up a warning sign may cause workers
to fall
The hard hats were originally introduced in 1919 for head protection. These hats
are made of thermoplastic polyethylene material. They are designed to protect
the head against impact and reduce injuries to the neck and spine. Figure 8.6
illustrates a safety hat widely used by construction workers.
Figure 8.6: The safety helmet which must be used by construction workers at work
There are two types of PPE that protect the eyes and face, i.e. safety
glasses/goggles and face shields. These two equipment protect the eyes and face
from flying particles. Figure 8.7 illustrates an example of safety equipment which
protects the eyes and face of the worker.
Besides providing PPE, employers must also train workers on conditions which
require the use of PPE, suitable eye and face shields, correct way of using the PPE
and the limitations of PPE.
Figure 8.7: Safety equipment which shields the eyes and face must be used when doing
work using this kind of equipment
The best safety boots provide all the following types of protection:
(a) Steel toe cover for impact protection;
(b) Rubber or vinyl for chemical protection;
(c) Puncture-resistant soles for protection against sharp objects;
(d) Slip-resistant soles for protection against slippery surfaces; and
(e) Electricity-resistant material for protection from electric shock.
Figure 8.8 illustrates a pair of safety boots which should be used by workers at
Figure 8.8: A pair of safety boots which workers, particularly construction workers,
should use
Secondly, employers must also identify where assistance may be needed for tasks
exceeding an individualÊs capacity. They must also emphasise the proper way of
lifting heavy objects, such as emphasising the use of legs and not the back when
lifting a heavy object. Workers must also be encouraged to adopt the pushing
method to move heavy objects instead of pulling.
The following are strategies which can be adopted to reduce back injuries:
(a) Display poster illustrations;
(b) Pre-employment screening;
(c) Regular safety inspections;
(d) Education and training; and
(e) Use of external services (consultants).
Figure 8.9: Proper posture and lifting technique must be used when lifting heavy objects
in order to prevent back injuries
x The analysis must be conducted for all tasks carried out by workers of the
x At this level, all hazards which have been identified must be listed and their
risks assessed.
x There are two main causes of falling accidents at the workplace: (a) direct
cause due to failure to use PPE appropriately and the ineffective use of
working platforms; (b) basic cause which includes lack of supervision on high
risk tasks, lack of safety procedures which suit the tasks performed, lack of
assessment for providing suitable operations, and lack of safety training for
workers involving heights.
Essay Questions
4. State briefly with examples two main causes of falls at the workplace.
4. Old workers require walking surfaces with less traction so that they would
not slip and fall.
Part of providing a safe and healthy workplace is appropriately controlling the
temperature, humidity, and air distribution in work areas. A work environment
in which the temperature is not properly controlled can be uncomfortable.
Extremes of either heat or cold can cause more than just discomfort · they can
be dangerous.
Conduction Conduction is the transfer of heat between two bodies that are
touching or from one location to another within the same body. For
example, if an employee touches a metal component that has just
been welded, it will feel hot; heat is conducted from the welded end
to where the hand touches. Of course, when the hand touches the
hotter end, the result of this heat transfer is a burn.
What would happen to your body if your sweat did not evaporate
Now, let us learn about our bodyÊs response to heat. The human body can
maintain a balance between the metabolic heat it produces and the
environmental heat to which it is exposed. Sweat evaporation is how the body
tries to maintain the body temperature. As sweat evaporates, it cools the skin,
which in turn brings down the body temperature. This balance is achieved as
The outcome of this equation is: no additional heat gained, and this is the usual
state when we feel comfortable about the temperature around us. Unless the
radiant heat, conduction and metabolic heat exceed the heat lost through the
process of sweat evaporation, the body will not experience stress or hazards.
When the heat received from any source exceeds the degree of heat lost through
sweat evaporation, heat stress will occur.
Why is excessive exposure to cold considered dangerous for the human body?
One of the effects of extreme cold is hypothermia, a condition where oneÊs body
temperature drops to very low levels, weakening the muscles and adversely
affecting brain functions. Left unchecked, hypothermia can lead to death.
Therefore, it is the goal of safety and health professionals to protect employees
from cold stress.
Cold stress occurs when the body temperature falls below 36qC (96.8qF), which is
the normal human temperature.
Safety and health personnel must prevent cold injuries to body extremities,
especially the hands, feet and head. A fatal exposure to cold typically results
from failure to remove the employee from a cold air environment or immersion
in cold water.
Furthermore, excessive exposure to cold stress, even when not fatal, can result in
impaired judgement, reduced alertness, and poor decision-making. All of these
factors increase the likelihood of workplace accidents and injuries. Wind (air)
plays an important role in cold stress. Whether employees are exposed to cold air
or are immersed in cold water, wind can amplify the negative effects of cold
stress. As such, care should be taken to keep cold victims well wrapped up in
blankets or other thermal sheets.
Heat stress is of major concern among safety and health professionals as it might
pose a hazard or even lead to death if the body is exposed to extreme heat.
Heat stress may show several symptoms, depending on the level of stress. The
most common symptom is heat stroke, heat fatigue, heat cramps, heat rash,
transient heat fatigue, and chronic heat fatigue.
These types of heat stress may cause some negative body reactions such as heat
rash, inadequate venous blood flow back to the heart, insufficient blood flow to
vital organs, cramps, thirst and fatigue.
Heat stroke victims will also record a rectal temperature of 104.5qF or more.
If left unchecked, the body temperature will increase further. There are
several factors that make people more prone to heat stroke among which
(i) Obesity;
(ii) Bad physical conditions;
(iii) Alcohol consumption;
(iv) Cardiovascular diseases; and
(v) Excessive exposure to heat.
When heat stroke occurs, the bodyÊs ability to produce sweat decreases and
temperature begins to elevate abnormally. Such a condition can be fatal if
not treated immediately.
(iii) Headache
(iv) Light-headedness
(v) Clammy, moist skin
(vi) Pale or flushed complexion
(vii) Fainting when trying to stand
(viii) Rapid pulse
(ix) Oral temperature may be less than normal temperature while rectal
temperature is higher than normal (99.5F to101.3F).
Heat exhaustion may occur when a person works very hard in a hot
environment for a long period and fails to replace the water and salt lost
through sweat. The condition might worsen if the temperature of the
workplace is not adjusted gradually.
With too much water and not enough salt, electrolyte imbalance takes
place. Excess water will then enter the muscles and cause cramps. When
heat cramp occurs, the proper treatment is to replace salt and potassium
orally. In other words, heat cramp victims may drink commercially
available drinks that contain salt, potassium, electrolytes and other
necessary elements to restore the bodyÊs electrolyte balance.
Figure 9.6: A symptom of heat rash is tiny spots appearing on the body causing an irritating
Heat rash can be treated easily by transferring the victim to a cooler place
which is less humid, cleaning the affected body part, and changing into
damp clothes. Specific lotions can also be applied in treating heat rash.
Workers who are physically well conditioned and have adjusted to the
work environment are less likely to suffer heat fatigue compared to those
who are not. Thus, the prevention of transient heat fatigue involves having
a good physique and heat acclimatisation.
Chronic heat fatigue is similar to transient heat fatigue, except that the
recovery period is longer. Workers suffering from chronic heat fatigue may
be transferred to a work area which does not require them to work in a hot
environment. Prolonged chronic heat fatigue may cause physiological and
psychological stress. The psychological stress may show the symptoms of
substance abuse and unacceptable psychological behaviour.
When air temperature reaches 32qC or 25.6qF (for example, in a cold room), no
part of the human skin should be exposed. At air temperatures of 2qC (35.6qF),
employees who are immersed in water or whose clothing gets wet should be
treated for hypothermia immediately. Figure 9.8 illustrates how a hypothermia
patient must be treated.
Why must a safety and health professional be familiar with the
strategies of preventing heat and cold hazards? Discuss the steps that
must be taken in dealing with heat stress.
x One cannot deny the negative effects of extreme heat on workers. Extreme
heat can be a major cause of workplace accidents.
Essay Question
2. Drinking water with high content of salt may also cause heat cramps.
3. Cold stress can be experienced when the body temperature drops below 36qC
(below 96.8qF).
By the end of this topic, you should be able to:
30 Explain the importance of pressure hazards;
2. Examine two sources of hazards related to pressure;
3. Evaluate three ways of detecting a leak in a pressured vessel; and
4. Formulate strategies to prevent pressure hazards at the workplace.
This topic discusses workplace hazards involving pressure from equipment used
at the workplace such as boilers, pressure vessels, high temperature water tanks
and the like. A workplace that requires high-temperature water to carry out its
operations is exposed to pressure hazards. Handling high-temperature
equipment involves effective preventive measures to ensure that workers are not
involved in accidents due to pressure hazards.
Our surrounding environment also contains pressure hazards. Those who love
extreme sports such as mountain climbing or scuba diving must be cautious
because they might be exposed to pressure hazards when they ascend to high
altitudes or dive in the sea. Those who love these outdoor activities must make
sure that they are well equipped, and know what to do to prevent such hazards,
failing which they might face the risk of suffering from altitude sickness or
decompression sickness or even much more serious injuries if these activities
involve greater altitudes or water depths.
Do you know what a pressure hazard is? In your opinion, what are the
causes of pressure hazards?
For example, opening the cap of the radiator of a car when the engine is still hot
will cause hot water to gush out strongly due to the high pressure in the radiator.
The person who opens the water radiator under such a condition will face a
pressure hazard hot water will cause injuries to the face, hands and parts of his
Boyle's law states that, at a given temperature, the product of a given pressure
and volume is constant, as illustrated by the formula below.
A simple example for BoyleÊs law is our breathing motion. Air moves in and out
of the lungs because of a pressure gradient or difference. When atmospheric
pressure is greater than the pressure within the lungs, air flows from the outside
into the lungs. This is called inspiration, or breathing in, and occurs when we
expand our chest cavity (volume increased but pressure decreased). When
pressure in the lungs is greater than the atmospheric pressure, air moves
outward from the lungs. Expiration occurs when air leaves the lungs (when we
relax our chest muscles and diaphragm), increasing pressure within the lungs.
Let us now focus on the various sources of pressure hazards. Refer to Figure 10.1
for the two sources of these hazards.
Pressure hazards which occur naturally can result from air being trapped or
expanded within body cavities. For example, when the sinuses leading to the
nasal cavity are blocked, air cannot pass through easily from the sinuses to the
nose. The air trapped in the sinuses can lead to problems if it expands. The same
complication can occur with air trapped inside the Eustachian tube to the middle
ear which helps balance air pressure on either side of the eardrum. Expansion of
the air in blocked sinus passages or the middle ear occurs when ascending
quickly (e.g. in an aeroplane) or moving too quickly to the surface while diving.
This can cause pain and, if not relieved, lead to diseases.
Humans create the second source of pressure hazards. These may be caused by
work processes, tools or equipment such as boilers, pressure vessels, extremely
hot water, and others.
Pressure hazards that occur naturally can affect our health. Some sicknesses
related to air pressure problems are shown in Figure 10.2.
(a) Hypoxia
Hypoxia is a condition that results from lack of oxygen. It is a type of
altitude sickness. This condition occurs when oxygen available in the
atmosphere becomes rarefied, especially at high altitudes. Some of its
effects on humans at different altitudes are as follows:
(i) 10,000 feet above sea level the person will experience shortness of
breath and fatigue.
(ii) 14,000 to 15,000 feet above sea level the person will experience
euphoria along with a decrease in reasoning power, judgement and
(iii) 20,000 to 25,000 above sea level the person will lose consciousness
after approximately five minutes at this altitude.
(iv) 30,000 above sea level the person will lose consciousness after
approximately one minute or less.
(v) More than 38,000 feet above sea level the person may fall into a
coma within 30 seconds and possibly die.
(i) A rapid ascent from the depth of around 132 feet to 66 feet
(vii) Length of exposure the longer the exposure, the greater the chances
of decompression sickness.
For more information on decompression sickness and its treatment,
(c) Hyperoxia
Breathing too much oxygen leads to a condition called hyperoxia. For
example, failure to set the scuba diving equipment properly may cause
cramps due to breathing too much oxygen during the dive. Normal air will
become toxic at depths of 300 metres or more. Thus, deep-sea divers are
particularly careful about the air mixture they breathe while diving.
Increase in oxygen intake will also cause the person to feel dizzy, panic,
have blurred vision and nausea. Continuous exposure will cause confusion,
cramp and even death.
(d) Bends
Bends is a condition that affects divers who surface too quickly. Under the
sea, water pressure will cause air to dissolve into the blood. During
surfacing, the lessened pressure causes the dissolved air to turn into
bubbles that can bring severe pain, forcing the sufferer to „bend‰ in pain. In
serious cases, bends can kill.
(e) Dysbarism
This is the opposite of bends. In dysbarism, the formation of gas bubbles in
the bloodstream is due to rapid ambient pressure reduction. The major
causes of dysbarism are:
(i) The release of gas from the blood, and
(ii) The attempted expansion of trapped gas in the body.
(a) Pressurised vessels steam boilers, storage tanks, transport tanks and
(b) Unfired pressure vessels vessels that can create heat internally by various
means rather than by external fire.
(d) Dynamic pressure rapid gas release from a cylinder, or water from a hose.
(f) Negative pressure flow of air across the roof, filling hot or cold water into
a bottle or container.
Have you ever seen a boiler? Do you know what it is for? How can a
boiler be hazardous and what are the preventive measures?
After seeing some examples of pressurised equipment, the following part will
focus only on hazards caused by equipment used in industries, such as boilers,
high temperature water, high pressure systems and unfired pressure vessels.
Now, let us find out what a boiler is.
Refer to Table 10.1 for the preventive measures against potential hazards
associated with boilers.
Table 10.1: Preventive Measures against Potential Hazards Associated with Boilers
High-temperature water hazards can be fatal. Can you state the causes
of high-temperature water hazards?
High-temperature water (HTW) is water that has been heated to a very high
temperature but not high enough to produce steam.
It occurs when the energy released is lower than the energy required to produce
steam. In some cases, HTW can be used as an economical substitute for steam
such as for industrial heating systems. It can also be used as a hot water supply
in industries.
Table 10.2: The Two Most Prominent Sources of Hazards Associated with HTW
Table 10.3: The Potential Hazards Associated with Unfired Pressure Vessels
For each type of hazard, there would be measures to prevent it and the most
effective preventive measures for overcoming the potential hazards above are
shown in Table 10.4.
No. Preventive Measures for Overcoming the Potential Hazards Associated with
Unfired Pressure Vessels
1. Proper Design
Specifications for the design of unfired pressure vessels include: working
pressure range, working temperature range, types of materials to be processed,
welding or joining measures, and radiography. Designs that meet the
specifications set forth for unfired pressure vessels will overcome most
predictable hazards.
2. Precautions
Beyond proper design, precautions taken such as continual inspection, proper
housekeeping, periodic testing, visual observation for detecting cracks, and the
use of appropriate safety devices will overcome most predictable hazards.
Blast effects due to the sudden expansion of the contents of the vessel; and
possible injuries and damage from fragmentation.
As for pressure vessels containing gas, the potential causes of leak are:
(d) Operator errors: Supervisors must monitor the operators and the operators
must receive proper training on the proper way of closing valves and filling
the vessels appropriately to prevent overfilling of vessels.
Cracking and leakages are interrelated and can cause serious hazards.
In your opinion, what are the recommended strategies to reduce the
potential of a leak?
Imagine that there are many empty aerosol cans at your workplace. In
your opinion, what must be done with these cans to reduce pressure
In your opinion, does our country have laws to reduce pressure hazards
at the workplace? What is the role of these laws?
Malaysia has a law on steam boilers and unfired pressurised vessels. The law
referred to is the Factories and Machinery (Steam Boiler and Unfired Pressure
Vessel) Regulations 1970. This regulation came into force on 1 February 1970 and
applies to all organisations using steam boilers and unfired pressurised vessels
with the purpose of creating a safe and healthy work environment. This
regulation also applies to designers, makers and manufacturers of such
equipment. Imported steam boilers and unfired pressurised vessels are not
exempted from this law as their owners are required to notify the Director
General of Occupational Safety and Health Department, in order to obtain their
certificates of fitness.
This regulation is divided into four sections. These are shown in Table 10.8.
Table 10.8: The Four Sections of the Factories and Machinery Regulations
Section Explanation
1. General regulations on fitness certificate application.
2. Steam boilers and the necessary components of the steam boiler for safe
3. Unfired pressure vessel and the necessary components for safe operation.
4. Various provisions such as piping, hydrostatic tests, maintenance and
repair, safe work environment, fees, compliance and penalties for non-
x Operating steam boilers and pressure vessels requires skilful operators who
have sound knowledge of such equipment.
Essay Questions
By the end of this topic, you should be able to:
30 Describe electrical hazards at the workplace;
2. Identify the sources of electrical hazards at the workplace;
3. Explain three methods to detect electrical hazards;
4. Develop the methods to reduce electrical hazards; and
5. Apply the preventive techniques in emergencies.
In todayÊs modern life, electricity is one of the most utilised energies. Electricity
has many benefits but may also create hazards. Ignoring the possible dangers of
electricity can cause workplace accidents. The neurological system in the human
body is very sensitive to electric shocks even if the current is at a very low level.
Most electrical hazards can be controlled easily and economically if safety
procedures and control are introduced at the initial designing stage. Most
electrical hazard accidents occur due to the behaviour of workers who refuse to
follow safety procedures.
Electrical current passing through a circuit is like fluid running through a pipe.
When electricity passes through a conductor, resistance will cause heat. This
resistance is measured in ohms. Pure conductors such as copper, metal and alloy
offer low resistance, while weak conductors such as plastic, rubber, fabric and
paper offer high resistance and are used as insulators.
The resistance level of conductors depends on the dimension and material of the
conductor. Conductors are substances that have many free electrons at room
temperature and can allow electrons to flow through when there is a difference
in electric charge. Insulators do not have a large number of free electrons at room
temperature and as such, do not conduct electricity. Substances that are neither
conductors nor insulators can be called semiconductors. Semiconductors offer
medium resistance to electrical current.
V = volts,
V = IR where I = current flow in amperes,
R = resistance to current flow in ohms.
W = VI
W = I2 R
Electric current flows very rapidly, at about 186,000 miles per second. If
you took two seconds to turn on the light, how far has the electric
current travelled?
We cannot avoid using electricity in our daily life. Because electricity is widely
and extensively used, we tend to forget the dangers posed by this source of
energy. We often read about accidents involving electrical hazards. Short circuits
are one of many potential electrical hazards that cause electrical shock and fire.
To know more about the sources of electrical hazard, refer to Table 11.1.
Improper wiring (or miswiring) can cause other hazards. For example, the
proper way to wire an electrical device is to ensure that the three different
wires live, neutral and ground are connected correctly to ensure that
electricity flows properly. When the ground wire is connected improperly,
the situation is referred to as open ground. Usually, the equipment with
such miswiring may still operate normally. If a short circuit occurs in an
equipment without proper grounding, anyone touching that equipment
may be severely shocked.
(iii) The explosion of organic and metallic dusts, which has occurred from
static build-up in farm grain silos and mine shafts.
List the areas at your workplace which you think are potential
electrostatic hazard areas.
Figure 11.3: A good conductor such as a metal ladder offers low resistance
(i) Direct sunlight or other sources of ultraviolet light, which can induce
gradual breakdown of plastic insulation material.
(iii) Abrasive surfaces, which can result in erosion of the material strength
of the insulation.
(i) Wet insulation can become a conductor and cause an electrical shock.
(ii) Portable tool defects can result in the deviceÊs housing carrying an
electric current.
(iii) Broken power lines carry high current and voltage and can cause
severe disabling shocks.
Therefore, all electrical appliances that we buy for our homes or workplace must
comply with safety standards. There are various organisations which have
developed codes and standards on electrical appliance safety. These codes and
standards must be taken into consideration when choosing an electrical
appliance to ensure its safety. Among these codes and standards are:
The severity of injury with electrical shock depends on how strong the electrical
current is, and how long the current has been flowing through the human body.
There are also other factors which influence the severity of injury such as the
body part involved and the frequency of exposure to the hazard.
Figure 11.5: Electrical shock may cause muscle contraction, weakness, unconsciousness,
severe burns, rapid heartbeat, paralysis of respiratory muscles and death
The effects of electrical shock differ based on the person, the position of the
victim during the incident and other factors. Electrical shock can be the result of
either direct current (DC) or alternating current (AC) entering the human body.
As a result of electrical shock, the victim will not be able to control his muscles.
Prolonged contact with electric current will have more serious effects compared
to shorter contact period. High levels of alternating current (AC) will make the
heart beat rapidly and will subsequently render the heart ineffective at pumping
blood to vital organs in the body. The victim will experience unconsciousness,
weak lungs and diaphragm. Contact to electrical current exceeding 100mA may
cause ventricular fibrillation of the heart and death.
Electrical shock can cause the human heart and lungs to not function normally. If
a person experiences electrical shock, the victim must be moved from the place of
accident and given mouth-to-mouth or cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
The quicker the CPR is done, the better the chances of the victimÊs survival.
Figure 11.6 illustrates CPR being administered on a victim.
Apart from that, the victimÊs skin may burn due to electric arcs of high voltage. If
the victim experiences electrical shock while being at a high altitude, the victim
may fall unconscious, resulting in him falling down. This is even more dangerous
compared to the other electrical hazards just discussed.
A receptacle wiring tester is a device with two standard plug probes for insertion
into an ordinary 110 V outlet and a probe for the ground. Indicator lights show
an improperly wired receptacle (outlet). This tester will only reveal an incorrectly
wired outlet and correction steps must be taken to prevent electrical hazards.
Figure 11.8 shows a receptacle wiring tester.
(b) Bonding
Bonding is used to connect two pieces of equipment by a conductor.
Bonding can reduce potential differences between the equipment and thus
reduce the possibility of sparking.
(c) Humidification
As discussed earlier in this topic, humidification can be used as a
mechanism for reducing electrical static. Raising the humidity above 65
percent reduces charge accumulation. Antistatic materials have also been
used effectively to reduce electrical static hazards.
(e) Fuses
Fuses can also be used to prevent electrical hazards when there is a sudden
surge of electric current in a circuit. Fuses which are installed in electrical
appliances consist of a metal strip or wire that melts if a current above a
specific value is conducted through the metal. Melting the metal causes the
circuit to open at the fuse, thereby stopping the flow of current.
(g) Interlocks
Interlocks automatically break the circuit when an unsafe situation is
detected. Interlocks are usually used around high-voltage areas to keep
personnel from entering the area. Warning devices to alert personnel about
detected hazards may include warning labels and audible signals.
(a) Provide all workers with adequate training in the identification and control
of the hazards associated with electrical energy in their workplace.
(d) Provide testing or detection equipment for those who work directly with
electrical energy so as to ensure their safety during the performance of their
assigned tasks.
(e) Ensure compliance with the National Electrical Code and the National
Electrical Safety Code.
(i) In a construction setting, conduct a job site survey before starting any work
to identify all electrical hazards, implement appropriate control measures,
and provide training to employees on how to identify electrical hazards.
(j) Ensure that proper personal protective equipment is available and worn by
workers where required.
(k) Conduct job hazard analyses of all tasks that may expose workers to the
hazards associated with electrical energy and implement control measures
that will adequately insulate and isolate workers from electrical energy.
Essay Questions
5. Raising the humidity level of the room above 65 percent helps to prevent
electrostatic shocks.
According to the fire statistics issued by the Fire and Rescue Department in
Malaysia, most fire cases occur due to causes such as human failure, absence of
proper fire prevention systems, usage of flammable materials, and intentional
burning. Fire often occurs at places such as processing plants and confined
spaces in factory buildings, residential houses, external equipment and
Fire not only causes loss of property, injuries and death, but also loss of time and
employment. Fire hazards can actually be prevented. This topic will discuss how
fire hazards occur and methods to control and prevent them.
Have you ever witnessed a burning house or car? Imagine how a fire
can occur. Will fire occur without a source of ignition such as an electric
current or a lit cigarette butt? Do you know that oxygen is an important
element to start a fire and keep it going?
Most fire cases occur as a result of human negligence in handling fuel and heat.
Fire, or combustion, is a chemical reaction between oxygen and a combustible
fuel. Combustion is the process where fire converts fuel and oxygen into energy,
usually in the form of heat. By-products of combustion include light and smoke.
For the reaction to start, a source of ignition, such as a spark or open flame, or a
sufficiently high temperature is needed. Given a sufficiently high temperature,
almost every substance will burn. The ignition temperature or combustion point
is the temperature at which a given fuel can burst into flames. Figure 12.2
illustrates the reaction.
Based on the Fire Triangle, the three elements, i.e. fuel, oxygen and source of
ignition, must be present to start a fire. Without any of the three elements, there
would be no fire; such a condition would thus provide an opportunity to prevent
a fire. Fuel seems to be the easiest element to control in preventing it from
meeting the source of ignition and oxygen, as the sources of ignition are too
many and difficult to avoid. Table 12.1 lists the common sources of ignition at the
Source %
Electrical (motor or engine wiring) 23
SmokersÊ material 18
Friction and shock 10
Extremely hot materials 8
Hot surfaces 7
Burners 7
Spark ignition 5
Self-ignition 4
Hot works (cutting, welding and riveting) 4
Exposure to fire (fire moving to other areas) 3
Explosives 3
Spark ignition from mechanical activities 2
Spillage of hot substances/liquids 2
Chemical reaction 1
Electrostatic discharge 1
Lightning strikes 1
Others 1
Figure 12.4: Chemical reactions are an ignition source which can cause fire
In the process of combustion, materials are broken down into basic elements.
Carbon is found in almost every flammable substance. When a substance burns,
carbon is released and then combined with oxygen that must be present to form
either carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide. Carbon dioxide is produced when
there is more oxygen than the fire needs. It is not toxic, but it can be produced in
such volumes that it seriously reduces the concentration of oxygen in the air
surrounding the fire site. Carbon monoxide a colourless, odourless, deadly gas
is the result of incomplete combustion of a fuel. It is produced when there is
insufficient oxygen to efficiently burn the fuel present. In general, most fires have
insufficient oxygen and therefore produce large quantities of carbon monoxide.
Hydrocarbon gases such as methane and ethane have higher combustion heat
compared to coal or hydrocarbon liquids.
Hydrogen, found in most fuels, combines with oxygen to form water. Hydrogen
also generates higher combustion heat compared to other fuels. The ratio of
hydrogen to carbon is an important factor in any heat content. The higher the
ratio, the higher the heat content of a material is. Therefore, the higher the
hydrogen molecule content is relative to carbon in a fuel, the hotter the fuel
burning will be. Hydrogen is usually found in polymers and plastics. Fumes
produced by the burning of polymers and plastics are toxic and can be deadly.
Heat always flows from a high temperature area to a low temperature area. Fires
generate heat. Excess heat is then transferred to surrounding objects, which may
ignite. Heat transfer is accomplished by three means:
(a) Conduction, which is direct thermal energy transfer that enables heat to be
transferred through solid materials;
(b) Convection, which is heat transfer through the movement of hot gases. The
gases may be the direct products of the fire, the results of chemical
reactions, or additional gases brought to the fire by the movement of air
and heated at the fire surfaces by conduction;
Apart from the above classification, there are also other techniques that
can be used to determine classes of fire. For more information, visit the
following website:
Fire fumes are dangerous, but how damaging can they be? What will
happen if you inhale carbon monoxide? What about nitrogen dioxide?
When a fire occurs, it produces four things: fire, heat, fumes and smoke. Most
people die in fires from suffocating or breathing smoke and toxic fumes, as well
as from exposure to heat and flame. The composition of toxic fumes from the fire
depends on the chemical composition and structure of the burning fuel, oxygen
supply and burning temperature.
Most fuels contain carbon. Thus, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide will be
released in a fire. Carbon dioxide is produced when there is more oxygen than
the fire needs. It can be produced in such volumes that it seriously reduces the
concentration of oxygen in the air surrounding the fire site. Carbon monoxide is
the result of incomplete combustion of a fuel. It is very hazardous as it inhibits
the blood's capacity to carry oxygen and interferes with the exchange of oxygen
in the blood. Even in low concentrations, carbon monoxide can be lethal.
Sometimes, there are other toxic fumes such as sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide,
hydrogen chloride, hydrogen sulphide, and ammonia in the air, depending
on the elements of the burning fuel. Table 12.3 illustrates the products of
There are various fire detection systems in the market. Selecting a system
depends on the type of the fire which might occur. Figure 12.7 lists some of these
systems that can be found in the market.
Figure 12.7: Fire detection systems that can be found in the market
There are several important features that must be taken into consideration when
choosing a fire detection system. Table 12.4 shows some of the features.
Table: 12.4: Feature that Must be Taken into Consideration When Choosing a Fire
Detection System
No Feature to Consider
1. Accuracy: Shows an accurate value within an acceptable margin of error.
2. Stability: Long-term stability and accuracy over extended periods at
different temperature and humidity levels.
3. Repeatability: Provides same measurement on different occasions.
4. Sensitivity: Minimum value of detection.
5. Response time: Time elapsed between exposure and full detection.
6. Recovery time: Time required by the detector to show a value after a
sudden decrease or increase in value.
7. Selection of type of gas for detection: Ability to separately measure the
concentration of a specific gas without the interference of other gases.
8. Self-safety: Gas detector in a flammable environment must not be a source
of ignition.
9. Easy to determine measurement, use and maintain: An effective detector is
one that is easy to determine measurement, use and maintain.
10. Reliability: Capable of measuring the mean time between failures (MTBF),
fail-safe and fail-deadly functions.
The type of fire detection system to be used depends on the type of the potential
fire. Other considerations include the physical environment in which the system
is installed and the cost of purchasing such a system. A good way of installing
fire sensors is to consider the distance between them such that they are not too
far apart to quickly detect any fire breakouts. Other considerations include the
physical arrangement of the area, the starting point of fire and the expected wind
The location of an alarm system will depend on the expected location of the fire,
the location of trained personnel and the nature of the surrounding. Audible
alarms such as horns and bells are very suitable for noisy working areas. For very
noisy workplaces, alarms with lights are often used. Alarms must be placed at
locations where fire might break out and close to areas often visited by personnel
trained in fire control. Figure 12.8 shows an example of an audible alarm, a bell.
Figure 12.8: An audible alarm such as a bell is suitable to be used in fire detection systems
Both the fire detection device and alarm must be combined together to form a
control system which controls the fire detection system and activates the
emergency alarm. Electricity must be supplied to the control system so that the
fire detection system and alarm will function properly. Fire control systems at
workplaces will normally activate the fire protection system and shut off critical
operations at the place of the incident.
Fire detection systems, alarms and fire control systems must be selected based on
manual or automatic response requirements. Alarm systems range from the most
basic type to the sophisticated automatic type which can be connected to the
closest fire station. Effective safety steps can be taken if fire safety officers are
able to identify the location of the fire, the amount of hazardous materials
involved, the situation of the fire and the steps which can be taken before the
arrival of the fire service to the place of incident.
Look around your workplace. Identify where the fire detectors are
Fires may also be prevented by proper storage of flammable liquids. There are
three ways to store flammable liquids as shown in Table 12.5.
(b) Keep work areas free from extra supplies of flammable materials (e.g.,
paper, wood, and so on). Have only what is needed on hand with the
remaining inventory properly stored.
(c) Run electrical cords along walls rather than across aisles or areas with
heavy human traffic. Cords that are walked on can become frayed and
(d) Turn off the power and completely de-energise equipment before
conducting maintenance procedures.
In larger or isolated industrial facilities, the employees themselves may form fire
fighting teams or fire brigades consisting of trained personnel. Nevertheless,
forming a fire brigade is not an easy task and can be quite expensive. Therefore, a
wise and economical step will be to create a fire extinguishing system at the
This system can include various fire extinguishing equipment depending on the
type of fire anticipated and the cost involved. Generally, there are four methods
of extinguishing fires, namely:
(a) Cooling.
(b) Reducing fuel by cooling, diluting, smothering and shielding.
(c) Reducing oxygen by using foam.
(d) Breaking the chain of fire reaction by using chemicals.
Table 12.7 illustrates the different types of fire extinguishers which are suitable
for the corresponding types of fire.
Apart from that, automatic permanent sprinklers installed in buildings can react
quickly when a fire breaks out and prevent it from spreading. This system
consists of sprinkler heads that are classified according to activation
temperatures and times during fire incidents. Water sprinklers must be designed
so that their heads are supplied with water at the same pressure. Therefore, they
require balanced piping by using pipes of the same shape for all sprinkler heads.
There are also portable fire extinguishers which are classified according to the
types of fire they act on. These extinguishers can be seen around homes and
workplaces. These cylinder-shaped extinguishers, which are normally hung on
walls, include extinguishers which contain sodium bicarbonate and calcium
bicarbonate both dry chemical agents. They serve to break the progress of fires.
The bicarbonate chemical agent will release carbon dioxide when heated by the
fire. The released gas will snuff out the fire, while the dry powder covers the
burning liquid and cools it down. Meanwhile, the powder also reduces the
transfer of heat between the liquid and fire. Figure 12.9 illustrates a fire
extinguisher often seen at the workplace.
Figure 12.9: You will often see this type of fire extinguisher around your workplace
Employers and building owners are responsible for choosing suitable fire
extinguishers based on the anticipated type of fire that may occur. The correct
choice is important to ensure that fire can be extinguished if it happens. In
addition, employers and building owners are also responsible for ensuring that
all fire extinguishers are in good working condition, regularly maintained, and
can be used effectively in the event of an emergency. Fire drills must also be
conducted regularly so that the employees or building occupants know how to
use them when needed.
There are four components that must be included in the programme to ensure its
effectiveness: assessment, planning, awareness and prevention, and response.
Figure 12.10 illustrates these four main components.
12.7.1 Assessment
Assessment of the workplace for fire hazards should be an ongoing exercise.
Although the organisationÊs safety and health professionals will have primary
responsibility for this, committee members should also involve the departments
that they represent in ensuring that the programme is effective. Members of the
safety committee should be trained in the fundamentals of fire hazard
assessment by the safety and health professionals. They should then pass this
12.7.2 Planning
The provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 requires that an
organisationÊs emergency fire safety plan has at least the following components:
(a) Emergency escapes procedures and routes;
(b) Critical shutdown procedures;
(c) Employee headcount procedures;
(d) Rescue and medical procedures;
(e) Procedures for reporting fires and emergencies; and
(f) Important contact personnel for additional information.
Once the plan is in place, it should be reviewed at least annually and updated as
12.7.4 Response
Accidents can happen in even the most heavily protected organisations.
Therefore, it is important that employees understand the emergency plan and be
familiar about how to respond correctly when accidents happen.
To help you understand better, draw a simple diagram of the activities
that can be included in a fire safety programme.
x A fire will exist if there is adequate supply of oxygen, fuel, and a source of
x Based on the Fire Triangle, the three elements, i.e. fuel, oxygen and source of
ignition must be present to start a fire.
x Fire detection systems that can be found in the market are smoke sensors, gas
detectors, fire detectors and heat detectors.
x The four main components that must be included in a fire safety programme
are assessment; planning; awareness and prevention; and response.
Essay Questions
Based on the above table, which fuel has a higher risk of causing fire?
6. Explain three strategies to prevent and reduce fire hazards at the workplace.
Noise hazards are increasingly receiving the attention of safety and health
professionals today. Noise causes two safety and health-related problems. The
first is loss of concentration on the task being performed, thus causing workplace
accidents. The second is hearing loss. Exposure to noises exceeding the permitted
level may cause permanent hearing damage.
How is a sound wave created? Is there any relation between sound and
Sound and vibration are very similar. Sound typically relates to a sensation that
is perceived by the inner ear as hearing. Vibration, on the other hand, may be
inaudible and is perceived through the sense of touch. Sound can occur in any
medium that has both mass and elasticity such as air, water, and so on.
Noise and vibration are often associated with the process of drilling rocks and
concrete. Although technology has helped to design air compressors and drills
which can reduce the workerÊs exposure to noise and vibration, the level of
exposure to noise remains above 90dBA.
The unit of measurement used for discussing the level of sound and,
correspondingly, what noise levels are hazardous is the decibel, or one-tenth of a
bel. One decibel represents the smallest difference in the level of sound that can
be perceived by the human ear. The weakest sound that can be heard by a
healthy human ear in a quiet setting is known as the threshold of hearing
(10dBA). The maximum level of sound that can be perceived without
experiencing pain is known as the threshold of pain (140dBA).
Excessive noise level which can damage the inner ear is the very
definition of noise pollution. State some sources of noise pollution.
Figure 13.2: Exposure to excessive noise for an extended period can damage the inner ear
Although researches on the effects of noise are still incomplete, they show that
excessive noise can cause the heart to beat faster, increasing blood pressure and
limiting blood flow. This additional pressure increases the burden of the heart
and may cause heart diseases.
A number of different factors affect the risk of hearing loss associated with
exposure to excessive noise. The most important of these are listed in Figure 13.3.
Figure 13.3: Factors that can increase the risk of hearing loss
Of these various factors, the most critical are the sound level, frequency,
duration, and distribution of noise. The unprotected human ear is at risk when
exposed to sound levels exceeding 115dBA. Exposure to sound levels below
80dBA is generally considered safe. Prolonged exposure to noise levels higher
than 80dBA should be minimised through the use of appropriate personal
protective devices.
What other factors are there, apart from those stated above, which bring
the risk of hearing loss?
Figure 13.4: Four methods of identifying and assessing hazardous noise conditions
13.3.4 Follow-up
According to Breisch:
Hearing loss can occur without producing any evidence of physiological damage.
Therefore, it is important to follow up on even the slightest evidence of a change
in an employeeÊs hearing threshold.
Can a worker be given a hearing protection device without identifying
and assessing first the noise hazard to which he is exposed? Why?
The types of injuries associated with vibration depend on its source. For example,
workers who operate heavy equipment often experience vibration over the whole
body. This can lead to problems ranging from motion sickness to spinal injury.
However, the most common vibration-related problem is known as hand-arm
vibration syndrome or HAV.
x However, hearing loss is not the only detrimental effect of excessive noise.
x Vibration hazards affect workers who use tools that produce vibration in
their work.
Essay Questions
2. State four techniques to identify and assess hazardous noise conditions at the
2. The unit of measurement used when discussing the level of sound is the
This topic discusses the legal aspects of occupational safety and health. The latest
Act on workplace safety and health is the Occupational Safety and Health Act
1994, Act No. 514. Safety and health professionals must adhere to Act 514 in
order to ensure a healthy and safe workplace for workers.
The Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 consists of three important
structures, that is, the Act, regulations and code of practice. Figure 14.1 explains
these structures.
Figure 14.1: The Act, regulations and code of practice are three important
structures of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994
Although Act 514 applies to all industries in Malaysia, it does not apply to the
two categories shown in Figure 14.3.
Figure 14.3: The two industries which are not subject to Act 514
By now, you should have known that the party that creates risks is the
employer while the party that faces the risks are the employees. Now try
to explain what employers should do to protect their employees from
hazards. Is the role of the employer limited to implementing a safe work
system? What if the employees find many improper wiring at the
workplace? Can employers dismiss an employee for reporting such
incidents to members of the Occupational Safety and Health Committee?
(i) The provision and maintenance of plant and systems of work that are,
as far as is practicable, safe and without risks to health.
(iv) Ensuring that the access to and exit from the place of work are safe
and without risks.
(vi) To prepare and revise a written statement of the general policy with
respect to the safety and health at work from time to time.
(vii) To ensure that he and other persons not being his employees are safe
and not exposed to risks to their safety or health due to the conduct of
his undertaking by giving the prescribed information on such aspects
of the manner in which he conducts his undertaking as might affect
their safety or health.
(x) To cooperate with the safety and health committee in ensuring the
safety and health of employees.
(ii) Ensuring that all access to and exit from the premises are safe.
(iii) Ensuring that the plant and all the substances in the premises are safe
and without health risks.
(c) Employees
(iv) Not to misuse or interfere with anything provided or done by the employer
in the interests of safety, health and welfare of employees.
(iii) To secure information on the plant so that it will be safe and without
risks to health.
(iv) From time to time, carry out any necessary research with a view to the
discovery and the elimination or minimisation of any risk to safety or
health, to which the design or plant may give rise.
(i) To ensure that the substance is safe and without risks to health when
properly used.
(ii) To carry out testing and examination to ensure the safety of the
substance before it is used.
(iv) To carry out any necessary research with a view to the discovery and
the elimination or minimisation of any risk to safety or health to
which the substance may give rise.
No trade union shall take any action on any of its members who, being an
employee at a place of work:
(iii) Exercises any of his functions as a member of the safety and health
committee at the workplace.
(a) Building operation with total contract price exceeding RM20 million;
„Building operation‰ means the construction, structural alteration, repair or
maintenance of a building, including repainting, redecoration and external
cleaning of the structure, the demolition of a building, and the preparation
for and the laying of foundation of an intended building.
(b) Works of engineering construction where total contract price exceeds RM20
Here, it means the construction of any railway line or siding and the
construction, structural alteration or repair including repointing and
repainting or the demolition of any dock, harbour, inland navigation,
tunnel, bridge, viaduct and waterworks.
(e) Chemical and allied industries employing more than 100 employees;
(f) Boiler and pressure vessel manufacturers employing more than 100
(j) Other manufacturing activities apart from (d) to (i), employing more than
500 employees.
The duty of a safety and health officer pursuant to the Act is as follows:
(a) To advise the employer on the measures to be taken in the interests of the
safety and health of the persons employed in the place of work;
(d) To assist the employer or the safety and health committee in organising and
implementing occupational safety and health programme at the place of
(f) To assist the safety and health committee in any inspection of the place of
(h) To assist any officer in carrying on any matters pertaining to safety and
health of the place of work.
(i) To submit a report on safety and health to the employer every month
whereby the employer shall discuss the report with the safety and health
officer after receiving the said report; and
(j) Other instructions pertaining to workplace safety and health issued from
time to time.
Figure 14.6: The two conditions for the establishment of the safety and health committee
Where there are 100 persons or less employed at a place of work, there shall not
be less than two representatives each from the employees and the company
management on the committee; and where there are more than 100 persons
employed at the place of work, there shall not be less than four representatives
each from the employees and the management.
The functions of the safety and health committee of a place of work are as
(a) Develop safety and health rules and safe systems of work;
(c) Carry out studies on the trends of accidents, near miss accidents, dangerous
occurrences, occupational poisonings or occupational diseases which occur
at the place of work, and report to the employer any unsafe or unhealthy
condition or practices at the place of work together with recommendations
for corrective actions;
(d) Review the safety and health policies at the place of work and make
recommendations to the employer for any revision of such policies;
(e) Inspect the place of work at least once every three months to ascertain if
there is anything prejudicial to the safety and health of persons employed
(f) Investigate into any accident which occurs at the place of work;
(g) Investigate and solve any complaint made by any employee against any
action or unsafe condition at the place of work;
(h) Assist the employer in any competition, talks on safety and health or any
other activity related to safety and health;
A safety and health committee shall meet at least once in three months. However,
a meeting shall be called immediately in the event of an accident which results in
loss of life or serious bodily injury to any person. An employer of a place of work
shall provide a suitable place at the place of work for the safety and health
committee to hold its meetings and permit every member of the committee to
attend such meetings during work hours. At the inaugural meeting, the
employer shall make known his safety and health policies, plans and proposals
to establish safe and healthy work conditions at the place of work. Only matters
relating to safety and health at the place of work shall be discussed at any
meeting of a safety and health committee.
x Compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994, which is
based on the self-regulation concept, has resulted in a reduction of workplace
accidents and injuries.
Essay Questions
1. Explain the concept of self regulation on which the Occupational Safety and
Health Act 1994 is based.
2. State four of the duties of the safety and health officer in an organisation.
4. Explain four of the functions of the occupational safety and health committee
in an organisation.
2. The code of practice is one of the main structures of the Occupational Safety
and Health Act.