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Unit3 Part 2

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Unit 3: Topics

Estimated time to completion: 2.5 hours

What will you learn with this unit?

 What is a Subscriber and how to create one
 How to create your own message

Part 2: Subscriber
You've learned that a topic is a channel where nodes can either write or read information. You've
also seen that you can write into a topic using a publisher, so you may be thinking that there should
also be some kind of similar tool to read information from a topic. And you're right! That's called a
subscriber. A subscriber is a node that reads information from a topic. Let's execute the next
**Example 3.2**

Execute the following Python code simple_topic_subscriber.py by clicking on it and then clicking on

the play button on the top righ-hand corner of the IPython notebook.

You can also press **[CTRL]+[Enter]** to execute it.

**END Example 3.2**
**Python Program {3.2}: simple_topic_subscriber.py**

In [ ]:

#! /usr/bin/env python

import rospy
from std_msgs.msg import Int32

def callback(msg):
print msg.data

sub = rospy.Subscriber('counter', Int32, callback)
**END Python Program {3.2}: simple_topic_subscriber.py**

What's up? Nothing happened again? Well, that's not actually true... Let's do some checks.
Go to your webshell and type the following:
Execute in WebShell #1

In [ ]:

rostopic echo /counter

You should see an output like this:
WebShell #1 Output

In [ ]:
user ~ $ rostopic echo /counter
WARNING: no messages received and simulated time is active.
Is /clock being published?
And what does this mean? This means that nobody is publishing into the /counter topic, so
there's no information to be read. Let's then publish something into the topic and see what happens.
For that, let's introduce a new command:
In [ ]:

rostopic pub <topic_name> <message_type> <value>

This command will publish the message you specify with the value you specify, in the topic you
Open another webshell (leave the one with the rostopic echo opened) and type the next command:
Execute in WebShell #2

In [ ]:

rostopic pub /counter std_msgs/Int32 5

Now check the output of the console where you did the rostopic echo again. You should see
something like this: .
WebShell #1 Output

In [ ]:

user ~ $ rostopic echo /counter

WARNING: no messages received and simulated time is active.
Is /clock being published?
This means that the value you published has been received by your subscriber program (which
prints the value on the screen).
Now check the output of the code you've just executed in the IPython notebook (that's the part right
down the code). You should see something like this:

Before explaining everything with more detail, let's explain the code you executed.
In [ ]:

#! /usr/bin/env python

import rospy
from std_msgs.msg import Int32

def callback(msg): # Define a function called 'callback' that receives a parameter

# named 'msg'

print msg.data # Print the value 'data' inside the 'msg' parameter

rospy.init_node('topic_subscriber') # Initiate a Node called 'topic_subscriber'

sub = rospy.Subscriber('/counter', Int32, callback) # Create a Subscriber object that will listen to the /counter
# topic and will cal the 'callback' function each time it reads
# something from the topic
rospy.spin() # Create a loop that will keep the program in execution
So now, let's explain what has just happened. You've basically created a subscriber node that listens
to the /counter topic, and each time it reads something, it calls a function that does a print of the
msg. Initially, nothing happened since nobody was publishing into the /counter topic, but when you
executed the rostopic pub command, you published a message into the /counter topic, so the
function has printed the number in the IPython's output and you could also see that message in
the rostopic echo output. Now everything makes sense, right?
Now let's do some exercises to put into practice what you've just learned!
**Exercise 3.2**

Create a package that launches the code. Modify the code in order to print the odometry of the

**Data for Exercice 3.2**

1. The odometry of the robot is published by the robot into the /odom topic.

2. You will need to figure out what message uses the /odom topic, and how the structure
of this message is.
**END Exercise 3.2**
Solution Exercise 3.2
Please Try to do it by yourself unless you get stuck or need some inspiration. You will learn much
more if you fight for each exercise.

Follow this link to open the solutions notebook for Unit2 Topics Part2:Topics Part2 Solutions
END Solution Exercise 3.2
**Exercise 3.3**

1. Add to {Exercice 3.2}, a Python file that creates a publisher that indicates the age of the
2. For that, you'll need to create a new message called Age.msg. To see how you can do that,
have a look at the detailed description How to prepare CMakeLists.txt and package.xml for
custom topic message compilation.
**END Exercise 3.3**
Solution Exercise 3.3
Please Try to do it by yourself unless you get stuck or need some inspiration. You will learn much
more if you fight for each exercise.

Follow this link to open the solutions notebook for Unit 3 Topics Part 2: Topics Part2 Solutions
END Solution Exercise 3.3

How to Prepare CMakeLists.txt and package.xml for Custom

Topic Message Compilation
Now you may be wondering... in case I need to publish some data that is not an Int32, which type of
message should I use? You can use all ROS defined (rosmsg list) messages. But, in case none fit
your needs, you can create a new one.
In order to create a new message, you will need to do the following steps:
1. Create a directory named 'msg' inside your package
2. Inside this directory, create a file named Name_of_your_message.msg (more information
3. Modify CMakeLists.txt file (more information down)
4. Modify package.xml file (more information down)
5. Compile
6. Use in code
For example, let's create a message that indicates age, with years, months, and days.
1) Create a directory msg in your package.
In [ ]:

roscd <package_name>
mkdir msg
2) The Age.msg file must contain this:
In [ ]:

float32 years
float32 months
float32 days
3) In CMakeLists.txt
You will have to edit four functions inside CMakeLists.txt:
 find_package()
 add_message_files()
 generate_messages()
 catkin_package()

I. find_package()
This is where all the packages required to COMPILE the messages of the topics, services, and
actions go. In package.xml, you have to state them as build_depend.
HINT 1: If you open the CMakeLists.txt file in your IDE, you'll see that almost all of the file is
commented. This includes some of the lines you will have to modify. Instead of copying and
pasting the lines below, find the equivalents in the file and uncomment them, and then add
the parts that are missing.
In [ ]:
find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS
message_generation # Add message_generation here, after the other packages

II. add_message_files()
This function includes all of the messages of this package (in the msg folder) to be compiled. The file
should look like this.
In [ ]:

) # Dont Forget to UNCOMENT the parenthesis and add_message_files TOO

III. generate_messages()
Here is where the packages needed for the messages compilation are imported.
In [ ]:

) # Dont Forget to uncoment here TOO

IV. catkin_package()
State here all of the packages that will be needed by someone that executes something from your
package. All of the packages stated here must be in the package.xml as exec_depend.
In [ ]:
CATKIN_DEPENDS rospy message_runtime # This will NOT be the only thing here
Summarizing, this is the minimum expression of what is needed for the CMakelists.txt file to work:
Note: Keep in mind that the name of the package in the following example is topic_ex, so in your
case, the name of the package may be different.
In [ ]:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3)

find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS




CATKIN_DEPENDS rospy message_runtime

4) Modify package.xml
Just add these 3 lines to the package.xml file.
In [ ]:

This is the minimum expression of the package.xml
Note: Keep in mind that the name of the package in the following example is topic_ex, so in your
case, the name of the package may be different.
In [ ]:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<package format="2">
<description>The topic_ex package</description>

<maintainer email="user@todo.todo">user</maintainer>



5) Now you have to compile the msgs. To do this, you have to type in a WebShell:
Execute in WebShell #1

In [ ]:
roscd; cd ..
source devel/setup.bash
**VERY IMPORTANT**: When you compile new messages, there is still an extra step before you
can use the messages. You have to type in the Webshell, in the **catkin_ws** directory, the
following command: **source devel/setup.bash**.

This executes this bash file that sets, among other things, the newly generated messages created
through the catkin_make.

If you don't do this, it might give you a python import error, saying it doesn't find the message
HINT 2: To verify that your message has been created successfully, type in your
webshell rosmsg show Age. If the structure of the Age message appears, it will mean that
your message has been created successfully and it's ready to be used in your ROS
Execute in WebShell #1

In [ ]:

rosmsg show Age

WebShell #1 Output

In [ ]:

user ~ $ rosmsg show Age

float32 years
float32 months
float32 days

There is an issue in ROS that could give you problems when importing msgs from the msg directory. If your package has the
same name as the Python file that does the import of the msg, this will give an error saying that it doesn't find the msg
element. This is due to the way Python works. Therefore, you have to be careful to not name the Python file exactly the same
as its parent package.

Package name = "my_package"
Python file name = "my_package.py"

This will give an import error because it will try to import the messagefrom the my_package.py file, from a directory .msg
that doesn't exists.
Topics Quiz

With all you've learned during this course, you're now able to do a small Quiz to put everything
together. Subscribers, Publisher, Messages... you will need to use all of this concepts in order to
For evaluating this Quiz, we will ask you to perform different tasks. For each task, very specific
instructions will be provided: name of the package, names of the launch files and Python scripts,
topic names to use, etc.

It is VERY IMPORTANT that you strictly follow these instructions, since they will allow our
automated correction system to properly test your Quiz, and assign a score to it. If the names you
use are different from the ones specified in the exam instructions, your exercise will be marked
as FAILED, even though it works correctly.
1. Create a Publisher that writes into the /cmd_vel topic in order to move the robot.
2. Create a Subscriber that reads from the /kobuki/laser/scan topic. This is the topic where
the laser publishes its data.
3. Depending on the readings you receive from the laser's topic, you'll have to change the data
you're sending to the /cmd_vel topic in order to avoid the wall. This means, use the values of
the laser to decide.

The logic that your program has to follow is the next one:
1. If the laser reading in front of the robot is higher than 1 meter (there is no obstacle closer
than 1 meter in front of the robot), the robot will move forward.
2. If the laser reading in front of the robot is lower than 1 meter (there is an obstacle closer than
1 meter in front of the robot), the robot will turn left.
3. If the laser reading at the right side of the robot is lower than 1 meter (there is an obstacle
closer than 1 meter at the right side of the robot), the robot will turn left.
4. If the laser reading at the left side of the robot is lower than 1 meter (there is an obstacle
closer than 1 meter at the left side of the robot), the robot will turn right.
The logic explained above has to result in a behavior like the following:
The robot starts moving forward until it detects an obstacle in front of it which is closer than 1 meter.
Then it begins to turn left in order to avoid it.
The robot keeps turning left and moving forward until it detects that it has an obstacle at the right
side which is closer than 1 meter. Then it turns left in order to avoid it.

Finally, the robot will continue moving forward since it won't detect any obstacle (closer than 1
meter) neither in front of it nor in its sides.
HINT 1: The data that is published into the /kobuki/laser/scan topic has a large structure. For
this project, you just have to pay attention to the 'ranges' array.
Execute in WebShell #1

In [ ]:
rosmsg show sensor_msgs/LaserScan
WebShell #1 Output

In [ ]:

user ~ $ rosmsg show sensor_msgs/LaserScan

std_msgs/Header header
uint32 seq
time stamp
string frame_id
float32 angle_min
float32 angle_max
float32 angle_increment
float32 time_increment
float32 scan_time
float32 range_min
float32 range_max
float32[] ranges <-- Use only this one
float32[] intensities
HINT 2: The 'ranges' array has a lot of values. The ones that are in the middle of the array
represent the distances that the laser is detecting right in front of him. This means that the
values in the middle of the array will be the ones that detect the wall. So in order to avoid the
wall, you just have to read these values.
HINT 3: The scope of the laser is about 180 degrees from right to left. This means that the
values at the beginning and at the end of the 'ranges' array will be the ones related to the
readings on the sides of the laser (left and right), while the values in the middle of the array
will be the ones related to the front of the laser. Have a look at the image below in order to
better understand this.
HINT 4: The laser has a range of 30m. So, if you get a value that is under 30, this will mean
that the laser is detecting some kind of obstacle in that direction (the wall). When the laser
doesn't detect any obstacle on its way, it returns an inf (infinite) value.
 The name of the package where you'll place all the code related to the Quiz will
be topics_quiz.
 The name of the launch file that will start your program will be topics_quiz.launch.
 The name of the ROS node that will be launched by your program will
be topics_quiz_node.
 Before correcting your Quiz, make sure that all your Python scripts are executalbe. They
need to have full execution permissions in order to be executed by our autocorrection
system. You can give them full execution permissions with the following command:
In [ ]:

chmod +x my_script.py
Quiz Correction

When you have finished the Quiz, you can correct it in order to get a Mark. For that, just click on the
following button at the top of this Notebook.
Final Mark

In case you fail the Quiz, or you don't get the desired mark, do not get frustrated! You will have the

chance to resend the Quiz in order to improve your score.

Additional material to learn more

ROS Topics: http://wiki.ros.org/Topics

ROS Messages: http://wiki.ros.org/Messages

msg Files: http://wiki.ros.org/msg

Publisher and Subscriber 1: http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Tutorials/WritingPublisherSubscriber%28python


Publisher and Subscriber 2: http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Tutorials/ExaminingPublisherSubscriber

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