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Artificial Intelligence

Memory Bounded Search

B E (CSE) B Section, Semester 5
T. T. Mirnalinee
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
SSN College of Engineering
24th August 2020
Memory-Bounded Heuristic Search

• Iterative Deepening A* (IDA*)

• Iterative Deepening: cutoff, g(n)
• f(n)=g(n)+h(n)
• In each iteration, use the next higher f-cost
• Recursive BFS
• BFS using linear space
• Like Recursive DFS

• BFS and A* space requirement is exponential with respect to depth d

Heuristic/evaluation function
• Evaluation function f (s) is designed based on some heuristics h(s) —
estimation of cost of reaching a goal state from state s
• For example, can you think of a heuristics for the route finding
• problem in a map? — Straight line distance (SLD) from the current
city to the destination city
• Heuristics should be an easy function to compute!
• h(s) should be 0 for any goal state s
• Consider the sliding puzzle, such as
• What may be a good heuristics for this state space?
• h1(s) : Number of misplaced tiles — for the above state h1(s) = 7
• h2(s) : Sum of Manhattan distances of tiles from their goal positions
• — for the above state h2(s) = 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 1 = 13
• Which heuristics is better? — an estimate which is closer to the
actual is always better!
• h2 dominates h1
• An admissible heuristics is one which does not overestimate — in our
example, both h1(x) and h2(x) are admissible
Iterative Deepening A
• Similar to the iterative lengthening search
• f -cost is used as a cut-off
• Remember the smallest f -cost of any node that exceeded the cut-off
• in the previous iteration, and use it as cut-off for current iteration
• Drawback: Too many iterations required when f -cost increases very
• slowly
Recursive Best-First Search (RBFS)
• Dynamically adjusts the cost-limit for a particular path
• Keeps track of the best alternative path available from any ancestor
• of the current node
• When the best child exceeds this limit, the search unwinds
• While unwinding, cost of current node is replaced with that of best
• RBFS is generally better than IDA, but may still suffer from
• excessive node regeneration
• Every path change could require many reexpansions of forgotten
• Linear space complexity, but at the cost of increased time
• Ends up under utilizing the available memory!
Simplified Memory-Bounded A (SMA)
• Motivation: Make use of as much memory as possible!
• Proceed like normal A until memory permits
• Throw away nodes with largest f -value to get space for new ones
• Like RBFS, remember the best forgotten ones in its parent
• Drawback: How do we handle the situation where there are several
• nodes with same f -cost?
• Drawback: In some harder problems, situation similar to thrashing
• may occur
• Memory may be an issue in finding an optimal solution
• None of A and its variants is guaranteed to solve any complex
• problem with given memory and time
• Reinforcement learning techniques may be used to learn some
• meta-heuristics to guarantee completeness, but may be at the cost of
• optimality
Inventing Heuristics
• A problem with fewer restrictions on the actions is called a relaxed
• Exact solution of a relaxed problem is an admissible heuristics for the
original problem
• A tile can move to any adjacent square — we get h1
• A tile can “fly” to any square — we get h2
• If h1, h2, . . . , hm are admissible, then h(n) = max {h1(n), . . . , hm(n)}
is also admissible — and it dominates others
• State graph of a relaxed problem is a supergraph of the original state
• Short-cut edges are added to the original graph
• Solution to the original problem is still a solution for the relaxed
problem — but, the relaxed problem has other optimal short-cuts
• assume that optimal solution for a relaxed problem canbe easily
• It is clear that optimal solution for a relaxed problem is admissible
• It can also be shown that heuristics invented like this is also consistent
Pattern databases
• Each subproblem is a pattern, and a pattern database can be built to
arrive at effective heuristics
• Each entry gives an admissible heuristics, and they can be combined!
• — building database of disjoint patterns may help
Learning heuristics
• By solving several instances of a problem, we will have a good
collection of actual cost of reaching goal from different states
• Heuristics function may now be learnt from these examples —inductive
• Typically, the heuristics function to be learnt will be expressed in
terms of weighted combination of features
h(n) = w1f1 + w2f2 + · · · + wnfn
• Examples of features: “Number of misplaced tiles”, “number of pairs
of adjacent tiles that are not adjacent in the goal state”
• Several learning algorithms are available to learn these weights from
• Even for such a simple problem, the search space is huge!
• Average depth (22) and average branching factor (3) imply searching
• about 322 3.1x1010 states!!!
• What about higher order sliding puzzle problems?
• Use of good heuristics can drastically cut down the search space!
• h1: Number of misplaced tiles
• h2: Sum of the (vertical + horizontal) distances of the tiles from their
• goal positions (total Manhattan distance)
• For the given start state, h1 = 8, and
• h2 = 3 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 2 = 18
• It can be shown that both h1 and h2 are admissible
• As discussed already, h2 dominates h1
Dominant heuristics
• Does dominance matter?
• Performance of a heuristics may be measured in terms of effective
• branching factor b
• If N nodes are generated to find a solution at depth d, then b is the
• branching factor of a uniform tree to generate N nodes with depth d
• Effective branching factor is determined by the relative error in
estimation = (h − h)/h
• A using h2 does not expand more nodes than the one using h1
• Sometimes, it may be possible to design an evaluation function f (s)
• that evaluates the “badness” (to be minimized) or “goodness” (to be
• maximized) of a state s
• In such cases, the most desirable state may be chosen from the
• working set
• Working set is maintained as a priority queue based on the evaluation
• function f
• Obviously, the quality of search depends on the evaluation function f

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