BMD enCORE v17 Brochure ENG
BMD enCORE v17 Brochure ENG
BMD enCORE v17 Brochure ENG
It’s vital.
latest upgrade – to enhance DXA capability even more. With enCORE 17, you’ll particularly benefit from
three features that focus on Atypical Femur Fracture (AFF), Sarcopenia, and Cybersecurity measures. Feature/SW version 2011 v13 2012 v14 2013 v15 2014 v16 2016 v17
Advanced Body
Body Composition CoreScan Sarcopenia
enCORE 17
EMR Suppliers
Connectivity DICOM®
ICD-10 Codes
The leading edge of DXA applications
Seated Forearm
Acquisition Supine Forearm Over Table
Database NHANES SQL Server MUDBA 40
W-XP/W7 32 Bit
Microsoft Application FDA
PC OS/Security Microsoft W7 – 64 Bit
Security Patches Access Control Cybersecurity
Security Patches
Imagination at work
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Full product technical specification is available upon request.
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© 2016 General Electric Company.
GE, the GE Monogram, imagination at work, Prodigy and Lunar iDXA
are trademarks of General Electric Company.
FRAX is a registered trademark of the World Health Organization
Collaborating Centre for Metabolic Bone Diseases, University of
Sheffield, UK.
DICOM is a trademark of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.
Reproduction in any form is forbidden without prior written permission
from GE. Nothing in this material should be used to diagnose or treat any
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three crucial functions
enCORE 17 adds these
to your existing system:
For superior cybersecurity, a robust suite of built-in safety
features that meet federal standards
For AFF analysis, a quick (yet thorough) way to quantify Our DXA Bone Densitometers with enCORE v17 were designed to meet the cybersecurity
control measures as defined in recently published FDA cybersecurity guidance.
focal thickening of the lateral cortex Following the FDA’s guidance, GE Healthcare put together a Design Engineering Privacy
and Security (DEPS) process to ensure that cybersecurity is maintain throughout
AFFs are an increasing concern for patients and clinicians alike due to the potential connection
the product’s lifecycle.
with long-term Bisphosphonate use. Your enCORE 17 upgrade offers optional AFF software –
a potent tool for Prodigy™ and Lunar iDXA™ systems. This feature allows you to quantify focal As a result the cybersecurity vulnerability of our DXA systems is minimized to an acceptable level.
thickening of the lateral cortex (along the entire femoral shaft) to the knee. (See our User Manual Security section for additional details).
We have created a “Beaking Index,” that is a measure of the magnitude of the increase in the Please ask for our Manufacturer Disclosure Statement for Medical Device Security (MDS2).
cortical width (mm) at the location of the localized periosteal reaction. Beaking is a key to assessing
the presence of a potential AFF. This analysis can quickly be run on a single femur scan (for both MDS2 is one of most critical documents for you during the procurement stage. MDS2 facilitates the review
BMD and AFF); you’ll be able to trend the serial measurements graphically, allowing for visualization and analysis of the large volume of security-related information supplied by manufacturers for devices
of any potential AFF sites. on the customer’s inventories. MDS2 also allows medical device manufacturers like GE Healthcare to publish
the basic security and privacy properties of a specific medical device including operating systems, type
It’s comprehensive, as well: the software automatically connects with the entire patient database, of network connection, the ability of the operator to install Antivirus software, or what PHI (Protected
to offer a comparative analysis with past exams, even your standard length femur scans. BMD Health Information) is stored on the device and whether it is transient or permanent. GE Healthcare is
results from typical femur scans and proximal femurs are equivalent. committed to provide the MDS2 using latest released revision of the form to our customers to ensure
customers have the most current information as well.
AFF Analysis
For Sarcopenia, a complete assessment package that
allows the use of either a published or custom definition
With our aging population, Sarcopenia is a common concern. We’ve developed enCORE’s optional
Sarcopenia Toolset to facilitate diagnosis and monitoring of Sarcopenia on your Prodigy or Lunar iDXA
system. It’s a comprehensive way to measure and report the patient’s Appendicular Lean Mass (ALM)
seamlessly with Muscle Strength and Muscle/Physical Performance metrics…for a complete, integrated
Sarcopenia assessment. From there, you enjoy great flexibility. You can choose between the common
For Atypical published definitions, or create a custom definition, to support your clinical decision-making.
Femur Fracture
Assessment Only