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Cooling Tower Process Calculation

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Cooling Tower Process Calculation

The Cooling towers are specified to cool a certain flow rate from one temperature to another temperature at a
certain wet bulb temperature. The primary task of a CT is to reject heat into the atmosphere.

Important parameters in determining the performance of cooling tower with their calculation
methodology are as mentioned below:

 Range = CT Water Inlet Temperature – CT Water Outlet Temperature

 Approach = CT Water Outlet Temperature – Ambient Wet Bulb Temperature
 Cooling Tower Effectiveness = [Range / (Range + Approach)] (value in terms of percentage)
 Cycles of concentration (COC): It can be calculated from any of the following formula.
 Cycles of concentration = Silica in Cooling Water / Silica in Make-up Water
 Cycles of concentration = Ca Hardness in Cooling Water / Ca Hardness in Make-up water
 Cycles of concentration = Conductivity of Cooling Water / Conductivity of Make-up water
 Evaporation Loss (in m3/hr) = 0.00085 * 1.8 * Circulation Rate (in m3/hr) * Range
 Drift losses (in m3/hr) may be assumed to be:
 0.3 to 1.0 percent of Circulating water for a natural draft cooling tower
 0.1 to 0.3 percent of Circulating water for an induced draft cooling tower
 0.01 percent of Circulating water if the cooling tower has windage drift eliminators
 Blow Down water quantity (in m3/hr) = Evaporation Loss / (COC – 1)
 Water make-up quantity (in m3/hr) = Drift Losses + Evaporation Losses + Blow down Losses
 Water quality parameters measured and monitored are pH, Hardness (Total, Mg, and Ca),
M-Alkalinity, TDS, Conductivity, Silica, Chloride, Phosphate (PO4-2), and Iron.

 “Approach” is the healthier indicator of cooling tower performance. The efficiency of the tower is
more if the CT Approach is less.
 Higher CT Effectiveness is directly proportional to the better performance of CT.
 WBT is the controlling factor from the aspect of minimum temperature to which water can be cooled
by the evaporative method. The design WBT is determined by the geographical location.
 The cycle of concentration (COC) is a dimensionless number. It is a ratio between parameter in
cooling water to the parameter in Makeup water. (COC limit is generally of 3-7).
 Evaporation loss is the water evaporated from the circulating water into the atmosphere.
 Drift from a cooling tower is the water lost due to liquid droplets entrained in the exhaust air. It is
independent of water lost by evaporation.
 Blow down water is the water discharged from the system of cooling tower to control concentration
of salts or other impurities in the circulating water.
 Water added to the circulating water in cooling tower system is to replace water lost by evaporation,
blow down, drift, and leakage.
 Cooling tower mass balance gives an indication about make-up water requirement in system.
 Cooling Tower Makeup is required due to water losses resulting from Drift, Evaporation & Blow
 Water quality parameters are maintained with the aid of injection of appropriate chemical to the
system for scale, corrosion and microbiological growth.

 Cooling tower design data values and curves to be refereed as basis for the assessment. Rated/Design
values to be taken up from the manufactures data book/operating manual/data sheet.
 Both seasonal variations and load side variations to be recorded for monitoring & assessment.
 Comparison between Rated/Design values and calculated values to be arrived for assessment.
 Measure and record CT Water inlet and outlet temperature.
 Measure and record Wet bulb temperature (WBT) and Dry bulb temperature (DBT).
 Measure and record the circulating water flow rate.
 CT fan motor side readings to be measured and recorded.
 Measure and record cooling water quality parameters.
 Calculate Range, Approach and Cooling Tower Effectiveness of CT.
 Compare Rated/Design Approach of CT with the calculated Approach of CT.
 Compare Rated/Design CT Effectives with the calculated effectiveness of CT.
 Monitor approach and CT effectiveness for continuous optimization efforts as per seasonal variations
and load side variations.
 COC shall be calculated based on the water quality parameters and recorded for the site conditions.
 Calculate Blow down quantity requirement and perform blow down accordingly to maintain water
quality within the specified limits.
 Blow down rate shall be optimized based on COC limit. Increasing the cycles of concentration is a
very common water conservation measure for cooling towers with the close monitoring of water
quality parameters.
 Water make-up rate shall be calculated and added into the system accordingly.
 Blow down and water make-up quantity rate to be recorded for the future reference for equipment
performance assessment.

Sl.No Parameter UOM Rated/ Calculated Difference Remarks

1 Cooling Tower Inlet Temperature ℃
2 Cooling Tower Outlet Temperature ℃
3 Wet Bulb Temperature ℃
4 Dry Bulb Temperature ℃
5 No. of Cells Online No.
6 No. of Fans Online No.
7 Fans Current Amps
8 Fan Blade Angle °
9 Circulating Water Flow Rate m3/hr
10 Range ℃
11 Approach ℃
12 CT Effectiveness %
13 Cycles of Concentration -
14 Evaporation Loss m3/hr
15 Drift Loss m3/hr
16 Blow Down Water Quantity m3/hr
17 Make-up Water Quantity m3/hr
18 Water Quality Parameters shall be included


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