Pharmacy Law Name - 2 Year Pharmacy Technician

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Pharmacy Law Name ___________ 2nd year pharmacy technician

1._____ are not drugs According to Pharmacy Act

a) Homeopathic c) Ayurvedic
b) Yunani d) All of above

2. Drugs are used for / Represented for ___________

a) internal use b) External use C) Storage d) Both a &b

3.____ is not included in drugs lists

a) Ligatures b) sutures c) cotton d) gloves

4._____ is a drug according to Pharmacy Act

a) Stethoscope b) B.P Apparatus c) disinfectant d) Test Capillary tubes

5._____ is a drug according to Pharmacy Act

a) Bacteriophages b) examine spatula c) sample cups d) injection

6. Drugs are used for the treatment of

a) Humans b) Animals

c) Both animals & Humans d) Living things including Microorganisms

7. _____ is included in Drug list According to Pharmacy Act

a) Pesticides b) Capsule shell c) bandages d) All of above

8. Uses of drugs doesn’t include ____ of disease

a) mitigation b) Diagnosis c) Exaggeration d) Both A & B

9. Disinfectants used for ___ are included in drugs

a) Clean Residential Areas b) Cleaning the surface in hospitals

c) Cleaning the surfaces in food industry d) All of above

10. Drugs are not used for

a) Symptoms b) Abnormal state c) Disease d) Pleasure

Abortive medicines included in drugs YES/NO

Birth control pills are Drugs YES/NO

Each and every drug is included in Pharmacopoeias YES/NO

Can drugs alter the organic functions of body YES/NO

Biochemical systems are listed as drugs According to Pharmacy Act YES/NO

Drug the label' or outer-packing of which is an imitation of a drug of another manufacture is called
a) Adulterated drug c) Counterfeit Drug
b) Sub standard Drug d) Misbranded drugs

Drug The container of which releases any poisonous or deleterious substance is called
a) Adulterated drug c) Counterfeit Drug
b) Sub standard Drug d) Misbranded drugs

Drugs Which contains an ingredient a substance other than the prescribed substance is called a)
Adulterated drug c) Counterfeit Drug
b) Sub standard Drug d) Misbranded drugs

Drugs which consists of any filthy, putrid or decomposed substance are called
a) Adulterated drug c) Counterfeit Drug
b) Sub standard Drug d) Misbranded drugs

Drugs which has been manufactured, packed, or held under unsanitary conditions are called
a) Adulterated drug c) Counterfeit Drug
b) Sub standard Drug d) Misbranded drugs

Drugs in which any substance has been mixed or packed to reduce its quality or strength are called
a) Adulterated drug c) Counterfeit Drug
b) Sub standard Drug d) Misbranded drugs

Drug which is not of specifications is called?

a) Adulterated drug c) Counterfeit Drug
b) Sub standard Drug d) Misbranded drugs

Designation printed on the label of a drug that identifies the batch is called?

a) Batch b) Batch no c) Registration no d) License no

_____ tells about the quantity of the medicine to be manufactured in a single process

a) Batch b) Batch no c) Registration no d) License no

Generic name is the ____ of the Drug

a) Official name b) proprietary name c) scientific name d Both a & c

Manufacture is related to ____ of drugs

a) Formulation b) Filling c) compounding d) all of above

Provincial quality control board has ___ functional members

a) 2 b) 4 c) 3 d) 7

PQCB can have following powers

a) Can inspect any premises related to drugs c) cancellation of license

b) Suspension of license d) All of above

Government analysts shouldn’t have followings aspects

a) Interest in manufacturing of drugs c) import n export of drugs

b) Involved in selling of drugs d) All of above

The samples taken by drug inspectors should be

a) Imported drugs only c) any drug exhibited for ale

b) Drug been distributed d) Both b & C

In case of seizure of drugs inspector should

a) Take samples c) call for witness

b) Seal the premises d) all of above

Any premises containing drug can be sealed for not less than

a) 4 weeks b) 3 month c) 7 month d) 1 year

Any premises related to drug manufacturing, storage , selling ,distribution or importing can be sealed for
not more than

a) 4 weeks b) 3 month c) 7 month d) 1 year

A drug inspector can lock and seal any ___ related to drugs

a) Factory b)Lab c)Building d) All of above

Sample of drug taken by drug inspectors should be divided into ____ portions

a) 4 b) 3 c) 7 d) 5

Sample 1 portion should be sent to

a) Government analyst c)PQCB

b) Warrantor d) Owner

Sample portion 2 should be given to

a) Government analyst c)PQCB

b) Warrantor d) presented in Drug court
Sample of drug with visible putrid substances should be given to

a) Government analyst c)PQCB

b) Warrantor d) presented in Drug court

Inspector seizes drugs under section ___ of Pharmacy act

a) 12 b) 17 c) 18 d) 20

If no contravention is done against Pharmacy Act than inspector should

a) Revoke stay order on selling and dispensing of drugs c) Unseal the premises
b) Pay for the samples taken d) All of above with Board Orders

Which of the following are prohibited according to Pharmacy Act

A) Sale of spurious & misbranded drugs b) selling of any drug

B) Manufacturing of imported drugs d) All of above

____ is prohibited by Pharmacy act

a) Supply incorrect or misleading information

b) Peddle,hawk or offer for sale any drug in park
c) Selling of imported drugs frequently
d) Both a &B

Manufacturing of drugs without license is punishable by

a) Not less than 3 years imprisonment c) fine of 1 lakh

b) 7 years imprisonment with fine d) Both a & c

Import for sale or selling of drug under a name other than the registered name is punishable by

a) Not less than 3 years imprisonment c) fine of 1 lakh

b) 7 years imprisonment with fine d) Both a & c

Selling of spurious drug is punishable by

a) Not less than 3 years imprisonment c) fine of 1 lakh

b) 7 years imprisonment with fine d) Both a & c

Import of drug without license is punishable by

a) Not less than 3 years imprisonment c) fine of 1 lakh

b) 7 years imprisonment with fine d) Both a & c

Purchase of drugs with false warranty is punishable by

a) Not less than 3 years imprisonment c) fine of 1 lakh

b) 7 years imprisonment with fine d) Both a & c
Whosoever obstructs the inspector in his /her working shall be punished by

a) Fine 10 thousand rupees c) 1 year imprisonment

b) 7 years imprisonment with fine d) 5 year imprisonment

Central pharmacy council is established by

a) Central government c) Federal government

b) Provincial government d) District

The Central Council is composed of ___ functional members

a) 8 b) 12 c) 13 d) Can differ with need

___ persons in central council should be nominated by Federal government

a) 8 b) 12 c) 13 d) Can differ with need

The approval of course study of pharmacy exams is done is

a) Central council b) Provincial council

b) Federal Council d) Inspectors

The inspection of institutes is done by

a) Central council b) Provincial council

b) Federal Council d) Inspectors

The register maintenance of Pharmacist register A is done by

a) Central council b) Provincial council

b) Federal Council d) Inspectors

Exams for the purpose of registration of pharmacist is done by

a) Central council b) Provincial council

b) Federal Council d) Inspectors

The grant of pharmacy license in done by

a) Central council b) Provincial council

b) Federal Council d) Inspectors

___ recognizes the degree or diploma in pharmacy for the purpose of registration ?

a) Central council b) Provincial council

b) Federal Council d) Inspectors

___ prescribes the eligibility criteria for candidates for n approved examination

a) Central council b) Provincial council

b) Federal Council d) Inspectors
___ prescribes equipment and facilities to be made available in institutes of pharmacy

a) Central council b) Provincial council

b) Federal Council d) Inspectors

__ maintains registers B

a) Central council b) Provincial council

b) Federal Council d) Inspectors

Register c has ___ registered in them

a) Pharmacist c) dispenser
b) pharmacy technician d) apprentices in pharmacy

register A is for

a) Pharmacist c) dispenser
b) pharmacy technician d) apprentices in pharmacy

Register B is for

a) Pharmacist c) dispenser
b) pharmacy technician d) apprentices in pharmacy

Every register should have everything except

a) Father’s name c)Nationality

b) Passport no d) Date of registration

A person certified by Government Hospital to be a qualified person is a

a) Pharmacist c) dispenser
b) Both c & D d) apprentices in pharmacy

Person with a diploma in pharmacy is a qualified

a) Pharmacist c) dispenser
b) pharmacy technician d) apprentices in pharmacy

Degree and diploma in pharmacy is recognized by

a) Central council b) Provincial council

b) Federal Council d) Inspectors

Degree and diploma in pharmacy is granted by

a) Central council b) Provincial council

b) Federal Council d) Inspectors
Narcotic drugs are specified in

a) Schedule B b) Schedule C c) Schedule D d) Both a & c

Controlled drugs are specified in

a) Schedule B b) Schedule C c) Schedule D d) Both a & c

Schedule G should be implemented on existing licenses

a) After 10 years b) After 5 Years c) at once d) within 7 years

Punjab Drug rules , 2007 should be implemented on existing licenses

a) After 10 years b) After 5 Years c) at once d) within 7 years

Medical stores shouldn’t sale, store or offer for sale drugs included in

a) Schedule B b) Schedule C c) Schedule D d) Both a & c

The chairperson of PQCB should be

a) Secretory to the govt ,Health dpt c)pharmacist

b) Additional secretory govt Health Dept d) DTL officer

The quorum of meeting for PQCB meeting should be

a) 5 b) 7 c) 10 d) 8

An inspector should intimate the purpose of taking the sample to the person from whom he/she takes
the sample in

a) Form 4 b) form 5 c) Form 6 d) Form 3

An inspector if requires the person not to dispose of a drug or a material shall give the Order in

a) Form 4 b) form 5 c) Form 6 d) Form 3

An inspector should issue receipt of the seizure of drug in

a) Form 4 b) form 5 c) Form 6 d) Form 3

An inspector should send the sample to govt analyst through a memorandum in

a) Form 4 b) form 5 c) Form 6 d) Form 3

The government analyst should report the results of the samples sent by the inspector in

a) Form 11 b) form 7 c) Form 4 d) Form 3 A

The licensing authority should issue the license of medical store in

a) Form 10 b) form 5 c) Form 9 d) Form 3

The licensing authority should issue the license of pharmacy in

b) Form 10 b) form 5 c) Form 9 d) Form 3

A person can apply for the grant of license in

c) Form 8 B b) form 8 A c) Form 9 A d) Form 10

A person can apply for renewal of license in

d) Form 8 B b) form 8 A c) Form 9 A d) Form 10

A license remains in force for ___

a) 2 years b) 1 year c ) 45 days d) 30 days

If a person applies for renewal of license within ___ of license expiry , license remains in force untill the
application is passed by the licensing authority

a) 2 years b) 1 year c ) 45 days d) 30 days

The covered area for the premises of pharmacy should be

a) 140 square feet c) 150 square feet

b) 180 square feet d) 96 square feet

The covered area for the premises of medical store should be

a) 140 square feet c) 150 square feet

b) 180 square feet d) 96 square feet

In case of pharmacy offering compounding , requirements given in ___ must be fulfilled

a) Schedule F b) Schedule C c) Schedule D d) schedule G

A Medical store should not sell drugs mentioned in

a) Schedule F b) Schedule C c) Schedule D d) schedule G

The records of sale of drugs should be preserved for___ from the date of sale

a) 2 years b) 3 years c) a month d) 45 days

Drugs present in ___ should not be sold without prescription

a) Schedule B b) Schedule C c) Schedule D d) Both A & C

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