Auditing Concepts and Applications - Reviewer 1 (Audit Objectives and Management Assertions)
Auditing Concepts and Applications - Reviewer 1 (Audit Objectives and Management Assertions)
Auditing Concepts and Applications - Reviewer 1 (Audit Objectives and Management Assertions)
2) If the auditor believes that the financial statements are not fairly stated or is unable to reach a
conclusion because of insufficient evidence, the auditor:
A) should withdraw from the engagement.
B) should request an increase in audit fees so that more resources can be used to conduct the
C) has the responsibility of notifying financial statement users through the auditor's report.
D) should notify regulators of the circumstances.
Answer: C
1) The responsibility for adopting sound accounting policies and maintaining adequate internal
control rests with the:
A) board of directors.
B) company management.
C) financial statement auditor.
D) company's internal audit department.
Answer: B
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2) If management insists on financial statement disclosures that the auditor finds unacceptable,
the auditor can withdraw from the engagement or:
Issue an adverse audit report Issue a qualified audit report
Yes Yes
Issue an adverse audit report Issue a qualified audit report
No No
Issue an adverse audit report Issue a qualified audit report
Yes No
Issue an adverse audit report Issue a qualified audit report
No Yes
Answer: A
3) No question
4) No Question
5) The responsibility for the preparation of the financial statements and the accompanying
footnotes belongs to:
A) the auditor.
B) management.
C) both management and the auditor equally.
D) management for the statements and the auditor for the notes.
Answer: B
6) Because they operate the business on a daily basis, a company's management knows more
about the company's transactions and related assets, liabilities, and equity than the auditors.
A) True
B) False
Answer: A
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7) The annual reports of many public companies include a statement about management's
responsibilities and relationship with the CPA firm.
A) True
B) False
Answer: A
8) The auditors determine which disclosures must be presented in the financial statements.
A) True
B) False
Answer: B
1) The auditor's best defense when material misstatements are not uncovered is to have
conducted the audit:
A) in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.
B) as effectively as reasonably possible.
C) in a timely manner.
D) only after an adequate investigation of the management team.
Answer: A
3) Which of the following is not one of the reasons that auditors provide only reasonable
assurance on the financial statements?
A) The auditor commonly examines a sample, rather than the entire population of transactions.
B) Accounting presentations contain complex estimates which involve uncertainty.
C) Fraudulently prepared financial statements are often difficult to detect.
D) Auditors believe that reasonable assurance is sufficient in the vast majority of cases.
Answer: D
4) Which of the following statements is the most correct regarding errors and fraud?
A) An error is unintentional, whereas fraud is intentional.
B) Frauds occur more often than errors in financial statements.
C) Errors are always fraud and frauds are always errors.
D) Auditors have more responsibility for finding fraud than errors.
Answer: A
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5) When an auditor believes that an illegal act may have occurred, the auditor should first:
A) obtain an understanding of the nature and circumstances of the act.
B) consult with legal counsel or others knowledgeable about the illegal act.
C) discuss the matter with the audit committee.
D) withdraw from the engagement.
Answer: A
6) The auditor has no responsibility to plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance
that misstatements, whether caused by errors or fraud, that are not ________ are detected.
A) important to the financial statements
B) statistically significant to the financial statements
C) material to the financial statements
D) identified by the client
Answer: C
8) Which of the following would most likely be deemed a direct-effect illegal act?
A) Violation of federal employment laws
B) Violation of federal environmental regulations
C) Violation of federal income tax laws
D) Violation of civil rights laws
Answer: C
10) Which of the following is the auditor least likely to do when aware of an illegal act?
A) Discuss the matter with the client's legal counsel.
B) Obtain evidence about the potential effect of the illegal act on the financial statements.
C) Contact the local law enforcement officials regarding potential criminal wrongdoing.
D) Consider the impact of the illegal act on the relationship with the company's management.
Answer: C
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11) An auditor discovers that the company's bookkeeper unintentionally made an mistake in
calculating the amount of the quarterly sales. This is an example of:
A) employee fraud.
B) an error.
C) misappropriation of assets.
D) a defalcation.
Answer: B
12) The auditor has considerable responsibility for notifying users as to whether or not the
statements are properly stated. This imposes upon the auditor a duty to:
A) provide reasonable assurance that material misstatements will be detected.
B) be a guarantor of the fairness in the statements.
C) be equally responsible with management for the preparation of the financial statements.
D) be an insurer of the fairness in the statements.
Answer: A
13) "The auditor should not assume that management is dishonest, but the possibility of
dishonesty must be considered." This is an example of:
A) unprofessional behavior.
B) an attitude of professional skepticism.
C) due diligence.
D) a rule in the AICPA's Code of Professional Conduct.
Answer: B
14) If the auditor were responsible for making certain that all of management's assertions in the
financial statements were absolutely correct:
A) bankruptcies could no longer occur.
B) bankruptcies would be reduced to a very small number.
C) audits would be much easier to complete.
D) audits would not be economically practical.
Answer: D
15) One of the characteristics of professional skepticism is ________, which is the conviction to
decide for oneself, rather than accepting the claims of others.
A) interpersonal understanding
B) autonomy
C) suspension of judgment
D) self-esteem
Answer: B
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16) When dealing with laws and regulations that do not have a direct effect on the financial
statements, the auditor:
A) should inquire of management about whether the entity is in compliance with such laws and
B) has no responsibility to determine if any violations of these laws has occurred.
C) must report all violations, including inconsequential violations, to the audit committee.
D) should perform the same procedures as for violations having a direct effect on the financial
Answer: A
18) Auditing standards make ________ distinction(s) between the auditor's responsibilities for
searching for errors and fraud.
A) little
B) a significant
C) no
D) various
Answer: C
19) In comparing management fraud with employee fraud, the auditor's risk of failing to discover
the fraud is:
A) greater for management fraud because managers are inherently more deceptive than
B) greater for management fraud because of management's ability to override existing internal
C) greater for employee fraud because of the higher crime rate among blue collar workers.
D) greater for employee fraud because of the larger number of employees in the organization.
Answer: B
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20) Misappropriation of assets:
A) is generally committed by company management.
B) harms the users of the financial statements by providing them incorrect financial data for their
decision making.
C) causes harm to stockholders because the assets are no longer available to their rightful
D) causes the financial statements to be misstated since the misappropriation usually involves
material amounts.
Answer: C
21) When comparing the auditor's responsibility for detecting employee fraud and for detecting
errors, the profession has placed the responsibility:
A) more on discovering errors than employee fraud.
B) more on discovering employee fraud than errors.
C) equally on discovering errors and employee fraud.
D) on the senior auditor for detecting errors and on the manager for detecting employee fraud.
Answer: C
22) If several employees collude to falsify documents, the chance a normal audit would uncover
such acts is:
A) very low.
B) very high.
C) zero.
D) none of the above.
Answer: A
23) When planning the audit, if the auditor has no reason to believe that illegal acts exist, the
auditor should:
A) include audit procedures which have a strong probability of detecting illegal acts.
B) still include some audit procedures designed specifically to uncover illegalities.
C) ignore the issue.
D) make inquiries of management regarding their policies for detecting and preventing illegal
acts and regarding their knowledge of violations, and then rely on normal audit procedures to
detect errors, irregularities, and illegalities.
24) When the auditor identifies or suspects noncompliance with laws and regulations, the
A) should discuss the matter with those whom they believe committed the illegal act.
B) begin communication with the FASB in accordance with PCAOB regulations.
C) may disclaim an opinion on the basis of scope limitations if he is precluded by management
from obtaining sufficient appropriate evidence.
D) should withdraw from the engagement.
Answer: C
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25) When an auditor knows that an illegal act has occurred, she must:
A) report it to the proper governmental authorities.
B) consider the effects on the financial statements, including the adequacy of disclosure.
C) withdraw from the engagement.
D) issue an adverse opinion.
Answer: B
27) Which of the following is an accurate statement concerning the auditor's responsibility to
consider laws and regulations?
A) Auditors can follow an easy, step-by-step procedure to determine how laws and regulations
impact the financial statements.
B) The auditor's responsibility will depend on whether the laws or regulations are expected to
have a direct impact on the financial statements.
C) It is the responsibility of the auditor to determine if an act constitutes noncompliance.
D) The auditor must inform an outside party if management has knowingly not complied with a
law or regulation.
Answer: B
28) Which of the following statements best describes the auditor's responsibility with respect to
illegal acts that do not have a material effect on the client's financial statements?
A) Generally, the auditor is under no obligation to notify parties other than personnel within the
client's organization.
B) Generally, the auditor is under an obligation to inform the PCAOB.
C) Generally, the auditor is obligated to disclose the relevant facts in the auditor's report.
D) Generally, the auditor is expected to compel the client to adhere to requirements of the
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
Answer: A
29) Which of the following statements best describes the auditor's responsibility regarding the
detection of fraud?
A) The auditor is responsible for the failure to detect fraud only when such failure clearly results
from nonperformance of audit procedures specifically described in the engagement letter.
B) The auditor is required to provide reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free
of both material errors and fraud.
C) The auditor is responsible for detecting material financial statement fraud, but not a material
misappropriation of assets.
D) The auditor is responsible for the failure to detect fraud only when an unqualified opinion is
Answer: B
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30) The essence of the attest function is to:
A) assure the consistent application of correct accounting procedures.
B) determine whether the client's financial statements are fairly stated in accordance with an
applicable financial reporting framework.
C) examine individual transactions so that the auditor may certify as to their validity.
D) detect collusion and fraud.
Answer: B
31) The auditor's evaluation of the likelihood of material employee fraud is normally done
initially as a part of:
A) tests of controls.
B) tests of transactions.
C) understanding the entity's internal control.
D) the assessment of whether to accept the audit engagement.
Answer: C
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35) An auditor should recognize that the application of auditing procedures may produce
evidence indicating the possibility of errors or fraud and therefore should:
A) plan and perform the engagement with an attitude of professional skepticism.
B) not rely on internal controls that are designed to prevent or detect errors or fraud.
C) design audit tests to detect unrecorded transactions.
D) extend the work to audit the majority of the recorded transactions and records of an entity.
Answer: A
36) Discuss the differences between errors, frauds, and illegal acts. Give an example of each.
Answer: The primary difference between errors and frauds is that errors are unintentional
misstatements of the financial statements, whereas frauds are intentional misstatements. Illegal
acts are violations of laws or government regulations, other than frauds. An example of an error
is a mathematical mistake when footing the columns in the sales journal. An example of a fraud
is the creation of fictitious accounts receivable. An example of an illegal act is the dumping of
toxic waste in violation of the govrnment environmental protection laws.
37) Discuss the actions an auditor should take when an illegal act is identified or suspected.
Answer: When an auditor discovers or suspects noncompliance with a law or regulation (illegal
act), unless the matters involved are inconsequential, the auditor should:
1. Consider the effects of the illegal act on the financial statements, including the adequacy of
disclosures. If the auditor concludes that disclosures are inadequate, the auditor should express a
qualified or adverse opinion on the financial statements. If the auditor is precluded by
management or those charged with governance from obtaining sufficient appropriate evidence to
evaluate whether noncompliance that may be material to the financial statements has occurred or
is likely to have occurred, the auditor should express a qualified opinion or disclaim an opinion
on the financial statements on the basis of the scope limitation.
2. Communicate with those charged with governance matters involving noncompliance with
laws and regulations that came to the auditor's attention during the course of the audit. If the
matter is believed to be intentional and material, it should be communicated to those charged
with governance, such as the board of directors, as soon as practicable.
4. Evaluate the effects of the noncompliance on other aspects of the audit, including the
auditor's risk assessment and the reliability of other representations from management.
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38) Discuss three reasons why auditors are responsible for "reasonable" but not "absolute"
• Most audit evidence results from testing a sample of a population. Sampling involves some
risk of not uncovering material misstatements.
• Accounting presentations contain complex estimates, which inherently involve uncertainty
and can be affected by future events. As a result, the auditor has to rely on evidence that is
persuasive but not convincing.
• Fraudulently prepared financial statements are often very difficult for the auditor to detect,
especially when there is collusion among management.
39) Discuss the differences in the auditor's responsibilities for discovering (1) material errors, (2)
material fraud (3) illegal acts having a direct effect on the financial statements, and (4) illegal
acts that do not have a direct effect on the financial statements.
Answer: Auditing standards make no distinction between the auditor's responsibilities for
searching for errors and fraud. In either case, the auditor must obtain reasonable assurance about
whether the statements are free of material misstatements. The standards also recognize that
fraud is often more difficult to detect because management or the employees perpetrating the
fraud attempt to conceal the fraud. Still, the difficulty of detection does not change the auditor's
responsibility to properly plan and perform the audit to detect material misstatements, whether
caused by error or fraud.
The auditor's responsibility for uncovering illegal acts that have a direct effect on the financial
statements is the same as for errors and fraud. However, the auditor is not required to search for
illegal acts that do not have a direct effect on the financial statements unless there is reason to
believe they exist.
40) The concept of professional skepticism has been a foundational element of auditing
standards for year and continues to be difficult to implement in practice. Recent academic
research on the topic of professional skepticism suggests that there are six characteristics to
skepticism. List and briefly describe each of these characteristics.
Answer: The six characteristics of skepticism are:
1. Questioning mindset - a disposition to inquiry with some sense of doubt
2. Suspension of judgment - withholding judgment until appropriate evidence is obtained
3. Search for knowledge - a desire to investigate beyond the obvious, with a desire to
4. Interpersonal understanding - recognition that people's motivations and perceptions can lead
them to provide biased or misleading information
5. Autonomy - the self-direction, moral independence, and conviction to decide for oneself,
rather than accepting the claims of others
6. Self-esteem - the self-confidence to resist persuasion and to challenge assumptions or
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41) Errors are usually more difficult for an auditor to detect than frauds.
A) True
B) False
Answer: B
42) Other than inquiring of management about policies they have established to prevent illegal
acts and whether management knows of any laws or regulations that the company has violated,
the auditor should not search for illegal acts that do not have a direct effect on the financial
statements unless there is reason to believe they may exist.
A) True
B) False
Answer: A
43) When an auditor believes that an illegal act may have occurred, the first step he or she should
take is to gather additional evidence to determine the extent of the illegality and if there is a
direct impact on the financial statements.
A) True
B) False
Answer: A
44) Audits are expected to provide a higher degree of assurance for the detection of material
frauds than is provided for an equally material error.
A) True
B) False
Answer: B
45) Auditors have a higher degree of responsibility for detecting illegal acts that have a direct
effect on the financial statements than illegal acts that do not have a direct effect on the financial
A) True
B) False
Answer: A
46) The auditor's first course of action when an illegal act is uncovered should be to immediately
notify the appropriate authorities, including but not limited to, law enforcement and the
Securities and Exchange Commission.
A) True
B) False
Answer: B
47) An audit generally provides no assurance that illegal acts that do not have a direct effect on
the financial statements will be detected.
A) True
B) False
Answer: A
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48) Auditing standards indicate that reasonable assurance is a moderate, but not absolute, level of
assurance that the financial statements are free of material misstatement.
A) True
B) False
Answer: B
49) Asking the right questions and probing further until the auditor is satisfied with the responses
can help the auditor to detect a material misstatement in the financial statements.
A) True
B) False
Answer: A
50) The objective of the audit of financial statements by an independent auditor is to verify that
the financial statements are free of misstatements and accurately represent the company's
financial position and results of operations.
A) True
B) False
Answer: B
51) As the impact from noncompliance is further removed from affecting the financial
statements, the less likely the auditor is to become aware of or recognize noncompliance when
auditing the financial statements.
A) True
B) False
Answer: A
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1) Why does the auditor divide the financial statements into smaller segments?
A) Using the cycle approach makes the audit more manageable.
B) Most accounts have few relationships with others and so it is more efficient to break the
financial statements into smaller pieces.
C) The cycle approach is used because auditing standards require it.
D) All of the above are correct.
Answer: A
2) Why does the auditor divide the financial statements into segments around the financial
statement cycles?
A) Most auditors are trained to audit cycles as opposed to entire financial statements.
B) The approach aids in the assignment of tasks to different members of the audit team.
C) The cycle approach is required by auditing standards.
D) The cycle approach allows the auditor to detect illegal acts.
Answer: B
3) The most important general ledger account included in and affecting several cycles is the:
A) cash account.
B) inventory account.
C) income tax expense and liability accounts.
D) retained earnings account.
Answer: A
4) When using the cycle approach to segmenting the audit, the reason for treating capital
acquisition and repayment separately from the acquisition of goods and services is that:
A) the transactions are related to financing a company rather than to its operations.
B) most capital acquisition and repayment cycle accounts involve few transactions, but each is
often highly material and therefore should be audited extensively.
C) both A and B are correct.
D) neither A nor B is correct.
Answer: C
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5) In describing the cycle approach to segmenting an audit, which of the following statements is
not true?
A) All general ledger accounts and journals are included at least once.
B) Some journals and general ledger accounts are included in more than one cycle.
C) The "capital acquisition and repayment" cycle is closely related to the "acquisition of goods
and services and payment" cycle.
D) The "inventory and warehousing" cycle may be audited at any time during the engagement
since it is unrelated to the other cycles.
Answer: D
7) Auditors generally use a financial statement cycle approach when performing a financial
statement audit. Describe the transaction flow, using specific examples, from journals to
financial statements that produce financial statements.
General ledger and subsidiary ledgers to General ledger trial balance to financial statements
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8) Listed below are several accounts listed from a company's trial balance. Next to each account
put the letter corresponding to the transaction cycle used to audit the account:
S = Sales and collection cycle I = Inventory and warehousing cycle
A = Acquisition and payment cycle C = Capital acquisition and repayment cycle
P = Payroll and personnel cycle
Answer: 1. S, 2. C, 3. A, 4. C, 5. P, 6. I, 7. S, 8. A
9) Under the cycle approach to segmenting an audit, transactions recorded in different journals
should never be combined with the general ledger balances that result from those transactions.
A) True
B) False
Answer: B
10) Under the cycle approach, the only accounts that have two or more cycles associated with
them are cash and accounts receivable.
A) True
B) False
Answer: B
11) Although auditors need to consider the interrelationships between cycles, they typically treat
cycles independently to the extent practical to manage complex audits effectively.
A) True
B) False
Answer: A
12) When examining the relationships of the five cycles and general cash, the cycles have no
beginning or end except at the origin or final disposition of the company.
A) True
B) False
Answer: A
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1) Auditors have found that generally the most efficient and effective way to conduct audits is to:
A) obtain complete assurance about the correctness of each class of transactions affecting the
B) obtain some combination of assurance for each class of transactions and for the ending
balance in the related accounts.
C) obtain assurance about the ending balance of the account only.
D) verify each entry that was made into an account.
Answer: B
2) The term audit objective refers to all of the following except for:
A) transaction-related audit objectives.
B) presentation and disclosure-related audit objectives.
C) balance-related audit objectives.
D) cycle-related audit objectives.
Answer: D
3) When an auditor is determining what information to include in the notes to the financial
statements relating to bonds payable, he is concerned with the transaction-related audit
A) True
B) False
Answer: B
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1) Which of the following is not one of the three categories of assertions?
A) Assertions about classes of transactions and events for the period under audit
B) Assertions about financial statements and correspondence to GAAP
C) Assertions about account balances at period end
D) Assertions about presentation and disclosure
Answer: B
2) If a short-term note payable is included in the accounts payable balance on the financial
statement, there is a violation of the:
A) completeness assertion.
B) existence assertion.
C) cutoff assertion.
D) classification assertion.
Answer: D
3) International auditing standards and U.S. GAAP classify assertions into three categories.
Which of the following is not a category of assertions that management makes about the
accounting information in financial statements?
A) Assertions about classes of transactions for the period under audit
B) Assertions about account balances at period end
C) Assertions about the quality of source documents used to prepare the financial statements
D) Assertions about presentation and disclosure
Answer: C
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6) Which of the following statements is true about the completeness and occurrence assertions?
A) Both assertions are relevant to classes of transactions and events and account balances.
B) If management asserts that recorded sales transactions represent exchanges of goods or
services that actually took place, they are asserting to completeness.
C) Violations of the occurrence assertion relate to account overstatements.
D) The failure to record a sale that did occur is a violation of the occurrence assertion.
Answer: C
7) Which of the following assertions is described as "this assertion addresses whether all
transactions that should be included in the financial statements are in fact included"?
A) Occurrence
B) Completeness
C) Rights and obligations
D) Existence
Answer: B
8) Which of the following management assertions is not associated with classes of transactions
and events?
A) Occurrence
B) Classification
C) Accuracy
D) Rights and obligations
Answer: D
9) Briefly explain each management assertion related to classes of transactions and events for the
period under audit.
• Occurrence. Transactions and events that have been recorded have occurred and pertain to
the entity.
• Completeness. All transactions and events that should have been recorded have been
• Accuracy. Amounts and other data relating to recorded transactions and events have been
recorded appropriately.
• Classification. Transactions and events have been recorded in the proper accounts.
• Cutoff. Transactions and events have been recorded in the correct accounting period.
10) Briefly explain each management assertion related to account balances at period end.
• Existence. Assets, liabilities, and equity interests exist.
• Completeness. All assets, liabilities, and equity interests that should have been recorded have
been recorded.
• Valuation and allocation. Assets, liabilities, and equity interests are included in the financial
statements at appropriate amounts and any resulting valuation adjustments are appropriately
• Rights and obligations. The entity holds or controls the rights to assets, and liabilities are the
obligation of the entity.
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11) Briefly explain each management assertion related to presentation and disclosure.
• Occurrence and rights and obligations. Disclosed events and transactions have occurred and
pertain to the entity.
• Completeness. All disclosures that should have been included in the financial statements
have been included.
• Accuracy and valuation. Financial and other information are disclosed appropriately and at
appropriate amounts.
• Classification and understandability. Financial and other information is appropriately
presented and described and disclosures are clearly expressed.
12) Relevant assertions have a meaningful bearing on whether the account is fairly stated and are
used to assess the risk of material misstatement and the design and performance of audit
A) True
B) False
Answer: A
13) The auditor's audit objectives follow and are closely related to management assertions.
A) True
B) False
Answer: A
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1) Which of the following statements is true regarding the distinction between general audit
objectives and specific audit objectives for each class of transactions?
A) The specific audit objectives are applicable to every class of transactions.
B) The general audit objectives are applicable to every class of transactions.
C) Once the specific transaction-related audit objectives are established, they can be used to
develop the general transaction-related objectives.
D) For any given class of transactions, usually only one audit objective must be met to conclude
the transactions are properly recorded.
Answer: B
2) The auditor is determining that the the correct selling price was used for billing and that the
quantity of goods shipped was the same as the quantity billed. She is gathering evidence about
which transaction related audit objective?
A) Existence
B) Completeness
C) Accuracy
D) Cut-off
Answer: C
3) The posting and summarization audit objective is the auditor's counterpart to management's
assertion of:
A) occurrence.
B) completeness.
C) accuracy.
D) classification.
Answer: C
4) After the general transaction related-audit objectives are understood, specific transaction-
related audit objectives for each material class of transactions can be developed. Which of the
following statements is true?
A) There should be at least one specific objective for each relevant general objective.
B) There will be only one specific objective for each relevant general objective.
C) There will be many specific objectives developed for each relevant general objective.
D) There must be one specific objective for each general objective.
Answer: A
5) In the context of the audit of sales, distinguish between the occurrence and completeness
transaction-related audit objectives. State the effect on the sales account (overstatement or
understatement) of a violation of each objective.
Answer: When testing the occurrence objective for sales, the auditor's focus is on whether the
sales that have been recorded in the sales journal actually occurred. In contrast, tests of the
completeness objective are concerned with determining whether all sales that actually occurred
have been recorded in the sales journal. Violations of the occurrence objective result in
overstatements of sales; violations of the completeness objective result in understatements of
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6) Below are five audit procedures, all of which are tests of transactions associated with the audit
of the sales and collection cycle. Also below are the six general transaction-related audit
objectives and the five management assertions. For each audit procedure, indicate (1) its audit
objective, and (2) the management assertion being tested.
1. Vouch recorded sales from the sales journal to the file of bills of lading.
(1) ________.
(2) ________.
2. Compare dates on the bill of lading, sales invoices, and sales journal to test for delays in
recording sales transactions.
(1) ________.
(2) ________.
3. Account for the sequence of prenumbered bills of lading and sales invoices.
(1) ________.
(2) ________.
4. Trace from a sample of prelistings of cash receipts to the cash receipts journal, testing for
names, amounts, and dates.
(1) ________.
(2) ________.
5. Examine customer order forms for credit approval by the credit manager.
(1) ________.
(2) ________.
1. (1) A (2) V
2. (1) F (2) Z
3. (1) B (2) W
4. (1) B, C (2) W, X
5. (1) A (2) V
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7) Below are five audit procedures, all of which are tests of transactions associated with the audit
of the acquisition and payment cycle. Also below are the six general transaction-related audit
objectives and the five management assertions. For each audit procedure, indicate (1) its audit
objective, and (2) the management assertion being tested.
1. Foot the purchases journal and trace the totals to the related general ledger accounts.
(1) ________.
(2) ________.
5. Examine supporting documentation for a sample of transactions for authorized payee and
amount and to determine services or goods were received.
(1) ________.
(2) ________.
1. (1) D (2) X
2. (1) C (2) X
3. (1) F (2) Z
4. (1) B (2) W
5. (1) A (2) V
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8) General transaction-related audit objectives vary from audit to audit, depending on the nature
and characteristics of the client's business and industry.
A) True
B) False
Answer: B
9) The audit objective of posting and summarization is associated with the management assertion
of accuracy.
A) True
B) False
Answer: A
10) The transaction-related audit objective of timing is related to the assertion of cutoff.
A) True
B) False
Answer: A
11) If a sale was for a valid shipment, but the amount of the sales invoice was calculated
incorrectly, the accuracy objective was violated.
A) True
B) False
Answer: A
12) The effect of a violation of the completeness transaction-related audit objective for cash
disbursements transactions would be an overstatement of cash disbursements.
A) True
B) False
Answer: B
13) The transaction-related audit objective that deals with whether recorded transactions have
actually occurred is the completeness objective.
A) True
B) False
Answer: B
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1) In testing for cutoff, the objective is to determine:
A) whether all of the current period's transactions are recorded.
B) whether transactions are recorded in the correct accounting period.
C) the proper cutoff between capitalizing and expensing expenditures.
D) the proper cutoff between disclosing items in footnotes or in account balances.
Answer: B
2) The detail tie-in objective is not concerned that the details in the account balance:
A) agree with related subsidiary ledger amounts.
B) are properly disclosed in accordance with GAAP.
C) foot to the total in the account balance.
D) agree with the total in the general ledger.
Answer: B
3) The detail tie-in is part of the ________ assertion for account balances.
A) classification
B) valuation and allocation
C) rights and obligations
D) completeness
Answer: B
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7) An important balance related audit objective is realizable value. Describe the purpose of this
audit objective, what it is concerned with, and give an example.
Answer: Purpose–to make sure that assets are included on the balance sheet at the amounts
estimated to be realized.
Concept–whether an account balance has been reduced for declines from historical cost or when
accounting standards require a fair value accounting treatment for the account. It is concerned
with valuation and allocation.
8) Below are five audit procedures, all of which are tests of balances associated with the audit of
accounts receivable. Also below are the eight general balance-related audit objectives and the
four management assertions. For each audit procedure, indicate (1) its audit objective, and (2) the
management assertion being tested.
1. Obtain an aged listing of accounts receivable. For a sample of individual customers on the
listing, agree the customer's name, amount, and other information with the corresponding
information in the accounts receivable master file.
(1) ________.
(2) ________.
2. Examine details of sales for five days before and five days after year-end to determine whether
sales have been recorded in the proper period.
(1) ________.
(2) ________.
3. Assess the reasonableness of the balance in the allowance for doubtful accounts.
(1) ________.
(2) ________.
4. Inquire as to whether any accounts receivable have been factored or sold during the period.
(1) ________.
(2) ________.
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5. Inquire as to whether there are any receivables from related parties.
(1) ________.
(2) ________.
1. (1) F (2) X
2. (1) E (2) X
3. (1) G (2) X
4. (1) H (2) Y
5. (1) D (2) X
9) Auditors have found that the most efficient way to conduct audits is to focus primarily on
testing classes of transactions and performing tests of ending account balances.
A) True
B) False
Answer: A
10) Balance-related audit objectives are usually applied to the ending balance in income
statement accounts; transaction-related audit objectives are usually applied to transactions
reflected in balance sheet accounts.
A) True
B) False
Answer: B
11) Tests of details of balances typically involve the use of comparisons and relationships to
assess the overall reasonableness of account balances.
A) True
B) False
Answer: B
12) The general balance-related audit objective that deals with determining that details in the
account balance agree with related master file amounts, foot to the total in the account balance,
and agree with the total in the general ledger is the detail tie-in objective.
A) True
B) False
Answer: A
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13) The cutoff objective, "transactions near the balance sheet date are recorded in the proper
period," is a balance-related audit objective.
A) True
B) False
Answer: A
1) Determining that the footnote disclosures related to long-term debt are accurate is an example
of the ________ audit objective.
A) occurrence
B) completeness
C) presentation and disclosure
D) classification and understandability
Answer: C
2) The presentation and disclosure-related audit objectives are identical to the management
assertions for presentation and disclosure.
A) True
B) False
Answer: A
1) Tests of details of balances are specific audit procedures that are intended to:
A) test for monetary misstatements in the financial statements.
B) prove that the accounts with material balances are classified correctly.
C) prove that the trial balance is in balance.
D) identify the details of the internal control system.
Answer: A
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3) Two overriding considerations affect the many ways an auditor can accumulate evidence:
1. Sufficient appropriate evidence must be accumulated to meet the auditor's professional
2. Cost of accumulating evidence should be minimized.
4) If the auditor has obtained a reasonable level of assurance about the fair presentation of the
financial statements through understanding internal control, assessing control risk, testing
controls, and analytical procedures, then the auditor:
A) can issue an unqualified opinion.
B) can significantly reduce other substantive tests.
C) can write the engagement letter.
D) needs to perform additional tests of controls so that the assurance level can be increased.
Answer: B
5) After the auditor has completed all audit procedures, it is necessary to combine the
information obtained to reach an overall conclusion as to whether the financial statements are
fairly presented. This is a highly subjective process that relies heavily on:
A) generally accepted auditing standards.
B) the AICPA's Code of Professional Conduct.
C) generally accepted accounting principles.
D) the auditor's professional judgment.
Answer: D
7) Describe what analytical procedures and tests of details of balances are and give an example
of each.
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Tests of details of balances are specific procedures intended to test for monetary misstatements
in balances in the financial statements. An example is direct written communication with the
client's customers to identify any incorrect amounts.
8) Match seven of the terms (a-k) with the definitions provided below (1-7):
________ 2. A set of six audit objectives the auditor must meet, including timing, posting and
summarization, and accuracy.
________ 4. Audit procedures testing for monetary misstatements to determine whether the
balance-related audit objectives have been satisfied for each significant account balance.
________ 5. A set of nine audit objectives the auditor must meet, including completeness, detail
tie-in, and rights and obligations.
________ 6. Audit procedures designed to test the effectiveness of control policies and
________ 7. Use of comparisons and relationships to assess whether account balances or other
data appears reasonable.
1. h
2. e
3. f
4. a
5. g
6. b
7. d
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9) When an auditor has reduced assessed control risk based on tests of controls, he or she may
then reduce the extent to which the accuracy of the financial statement information directly
related to those controls must be supported through the accumulation of evidence using
substantive tests.
A) True
B) False
Answer: A
10) For a private company audit, tests of controls are normally performed only on those internal
controls the auditor believes have not been operating effectively during the period under audit.
A) True
B) False
Answer: B
11) Rights and obligations is the only balance-related assertion without a similar transaction
related assertion.
A) True
B) False
Answer: A
12) The audit objectives are the well-defined methodology for organizing an audit to ensure that
the evidence gathered is sufficient and appropriate.
A) True
B) False
Answer: B
13) Obtaining an understanding of the entity and its environment is part of the analytical
procedures phase of the audit.
A) True
B) False
Answer: B
14) An auditor assesses the risk of material misstatement to determine the impact on the audit
plan and to determine the nature, extent, and timing of the audit procedures.
A) True
B) False
Answer: A
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