Report-Design of A Vertical Flash Column
Report-Design of A Vertical Flash Column
Report-Design of A Vertical Flash Column
A flash drum is a separating vessel used to partialize the components of a feed mixture entering in it at
specific temperature and pressure conditions. The flash vessel operates on a principle that when the
pressurized stream enters a big volume of flash drum, it separates out into liquid and vapor mixture and
liquid goes to downward section while vapors to the top section of the drum. The main objective of this
design is to understand the flashing process and design of the flash vessel. The purpose of this design is to
study the effects of changing one parameter on the others. A flash drum works on the gravity, liquid
moves download and vapors, due to light weight, moves to the top, if there is an air space inside the
vessel chamber for effective separation. The gas outlet itself is encompassed by a spin mesh screen, or a
grating so any fluid that approaches the outlet strikes the grating, is accelerated, and thrown away from
the outlet. The vapor goes through the gas outlet at a design velocity which limits the entrainment of any
fluid beads in the vapor as it leaves the vessel. The feed to a vapor-fluid separator may likewise be a fluid
that is as a rule incompletely or completely flashed into a vapor and fluid as it enters the separator.
A flash drum is a vessel utilized for the detachment of vapor-fluid parts of a blend dependent on their
relative volatilities. This could likewise be alluded to as vapor-fluid separator. A fluid stream containing a
few segments is in part vaporized in a "streak drum" at a specific weight and temperature. This outcome
in two stages: a vapor stage, improved in the more unstable segments, and a fluid stage, advanced in the
less unpredictable segments. Generally, there are two sorts of a vessel in chemical processings: those
significantly without internals and those with internals. The primary kinds are regularly utilized as middle
stockpiling or flood of a procedure stream for a constrained or broadened period, or to give a stage
division by settling. The second classification incorporates the shells of hardware, for example, warm
exchangers, reactors, blenders, fractionators, and other gear whose lodging can be planned and developed
to a great extent freely of whatever internals are fundamental. Separator vessel along these lines basically
implies as a vessel or tank without internals to give a stage detachment. This separator vessel besides can
Large liquid loads are involved, consequently hold-up will set the size
Three phases are present
The liquid is heated and pressurized and is then gone through a throttling valve or spout into the flash
drum. Due to the substantial pressure drop, some portion of the liquid vaporizes. The vapor is taken off
overhead, while the fluid channels to the base of the drum, where it is pulled back. The framework is
designated "flash" because of the fact that the vaporization is very quick after the feed enters the drum. In
light of the cozy contact among fluid and vapor, the framework in the flash chamber is near a balance
arrange. The figure demonstrates a schematic illustration of a blaze unit. On the off chance that if the feed
The designer of a flash system needs to know the pressure and temperature of the flash drum, the size of
the drum and the liquid and vapor compositions and flow rates. Also, he knew that which of these
variables are specified and which need to be chosen depends on the application. In general notation, the
feed is specified, i.e. the flow rate F, composition z, pressure P F and enthalpy hF are known. The other
variables are the vapor flow rate V, vapor composition y, liquid flow rate L, liquid composition x,
temperature T and pressure P in the flash unit and heat input Q. These cannot be chosen freely. To see
how they are related to each other, we write material and energy balances for the system. The boundary of
the system is shown by the dashed, red line in Figure. As stated above, the two phases in the flash drum
are at equilibrium (iso fugacity condition). Therefore, we can write the following equations for the phase
f Vi =f iL
yP=x PV1 (T )
For i = 1
Furthermore, we have material balances for the whole flash unit, and for one of the components:
F=V + L
Fz=Vy+ Lx
and an energy balance based on the enthalpies (hF, hL, HV) of the various streams:
F h F +Q=L hL +V H V
These equations can either be solved numerically (works; but may be difficult, since several equations are
procedure is as follows:
The dew point of a mixture is the point (temperature and pressure) at which a vapor will start condensing.
Similarly, the bubble point is the point at which a liquid starts boiling. In other words, the vapor fraction
at the dew point is 1, while it is 0 at the bubble point. To calculate the dew and bubble point, we again
Vapor liquid separation factor, which is equal to (F L/Fv) / (pv/pL)½; Using the graph, we notice that the
Dividing volumetric flow rate by the vapor velocity, we get the minimum cross-sectional area of the
drum. Hence:
Amin = VL/Uv
From this minimum cross-sectional area, we can calculate the minimum diameter for the vessel. Actual
For a vertical Flash Drum, the surge time is in the range of 4 to 7 min and that for a horizontal vessel, it
ranges between 7 to 12 min. Flash Drum used in Cativa Process has a surge time of 5 min. So,
multiplying this time with the liquid volumetric flow rate, we get the liquid volume held in the flash
Using this relation, we can determine the liquid height in the vessel. Now both H. Silla and Coulson have
suggested the following formula for determining the vapor height in the vessel. This formula is:
Now by adding the liquid and vapor heights, we can determine the total internal height of the vessel. The
L/D ratio for the Flash Drum comes out to be a satisfactory value. This ratio determines the type of
vessel. It tells us that whether we should go for a horizontal vessel or a vertical one. If the value of L/D
ratio is between 3 and 5, then a vertical flash drum is used. If its value exceeds 5, then a horizontal vessel
should be employed.
The results are satisfactorily good with the feed F = 2431.229966 lbmol/hr and top vapor product V =
611.1073 lbmol/hr and the liquid bottom product L = 1820.1227 lbmol/hr with the V/F ratio of 0.25. The
results shown that the V/F ratio says about the part of the feed which partialize into vapors and moves
towards the top section of the vessel. When V/F is large, more and more part of feed moves to the top
section while when it is small, more part is present in the bottom product of the vessel. The temperature
and pressure conditions play the key role in separation. If there will be any change in these conditions, it
will disturb the separation process and separation does not occur significantly.
The diameter of the vessel comes out to be 3.70 feet which is approximately 4 feet with the height of
14.83 approximately equal to 15 feet which is a quite long vessel as the feed contains a mixture of
hydrocarbons and their relative volatilities are near to each other so, there will be a separation at every