Chapter 8 Exclusions From Gross Income
Chapter 8 Exclusions From Gross Income
Chapter 8 Exclusions From Gross Income
4. Compensation for physical injury or sickness – health has infinite value same as life,
hence, any amount received for indemnification of damages whether by suit or agreement is a
return of capital, hence, not taxable, except of course recovery from lost profits or salary
5. Income exempt under treaty – exempt under doctrine of international comity, it overrides
provisions from tax laws
Social security benefits, retirement gratuities, and other similar benefits from foreign
government and other institutions, private or public – such benefits are earned abroad
when the taxpayer is non-resident, thus, not taxable even if the taxpayer decided to reside
permanently in the Philippines and receives the same
7. Miscellaneous items – the following are also exempt from income taxation:
Income in the Philippines of foreign government-owned and controlled corporations
(exempt under the doctrine of international comity)
Prized and awards in sports competitions granted to athletes, provided the sports
competition is sanctioned by their respective national sports associations, regardless if:
a. It is a local or international competition and
b. It is held in the Philippines or abroad
Mandatory contributions to GSIS, SSS, Philhealth, HDMF, and union dues by the employee
Any voluntary contributions in excess of the mandatory contributions required is
Employer’s share in the GSIS, SSS, Philhealth, and HDMF contributions is not
exclusion from gross income but rather an item of deductible against the gross
Withholding tax is not an exclusion
Husband and wife are separate taxpayer, hence, each can contribute up to
the maximum allowable contribution
Any excess of the allowed annual contribution is subject to regular income tax
c. PERA contributors are allowed to claim 5% of their PERA contributions as tax credit
against any internal revenue taxes
PERA investment income and PERA distributions – any income and distribution from PERA
to the contributor or to the beneficiary is exempt from income taxation
13th month pay and other benefits not exceeding P90,000 (exempt from taxation)
Gains from sale of bonds, debentures, or other certificate of indebtedness with a maturity
of more than 5 years – exempt from income taxation with the same rationale of long-term
deposits, except, interest accruing thereof
Gain realized from redemption of shares in a mutual fund company by the investor –
exempt from income taxation to mitigate double taxation because most of the income in
such fund is subject to final tax
Mutual funds pool the money invested by different investors and use the same to earn
income, wherein, the investors purchase participation shares