9 Fast Atom Bombardment: Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry 252cfplasma Desorption Molecular Beam Solid Analysis
9 Fast Atom Bombardment: Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry 252cfplasma Desorption Molecular Beam Solid Analysis
9 Fast Atom Bombardment: Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry 252cfplasma Desorption Molecular Beam Solid Analysis
Note: Besides their momentum, the nature of the primary particles is of minor
relevance for the spectral appearance [28] because little difference is observed
between FAB and LSIMS spectra. Otherwise not explicitly distinguished from
LSIMS, here the usage of the term FAB will also implicate LSIMS.
A FAB ion source basically is an EI ion source (Chap. 5.2.1) modified to give free
acceSs to the fast atom beam. The electron-emitting filament and the ion source
heaters are switched off during FAB operation (Fig. 9.1). The FAB gas is intro-
duced via a needle valve into the lower part of the FAB gun mounted above the
ion source. From there, it effuses into the ionization chamber of the FAB gun and
into the ion source housing. The saddle field gun [29] is the most common type of
FAB gun, delivering a primary particle flux of some 10 10 S-l mm- 2. [30,31] The
gas is ionized and the ions are accelerated by a high voltage (4-8 kV) and focused
onto the sample. [11,l3,17,32] Neutralization of the energetic noble gas ions is ef-
fected by charge exchange with incoming neutrals (Chaps. 2.12.3, 7.3). The ki-
netic energy of the atoms is mostly conserved during charge exchange, and thus
the neutrals hit the exposed surface with high kinetic energy. Of course, neutrali-
zation is not quantitative, but this is not an issue as long electrostatic charging of
the sample is avoided. [28] Ion guns for the generation of energetic noble gas ions
can therefore be employed without disadvantage. [33] Xenon is preferred over ar-
gon and neon as FAB gas, [34,35] because it transfers a higher momentum when
impacting onto the surface at equal kinetic energy (Fig. 9.2). Consequently, even
mercury has been tried as FAB gas. [36]
electron ionIZation
of FAB gas '--'>-.0;:--- anode
v.' 0
acceleration and /\ /
focusing of
energetIC IOns
beam of
z... . .j ,
:j~ Xe gas supply
energetIC atoms /1 . . . effUSing neutral gas
~ I
II I I r .. secondary ions
to mass analyzer