Boiler Mountings: School of Maritime Studies Vels University Thalambur
Boiler Mountings: School of Maritime Studies Vels University Thalambur
Boiler Mountings: School of Maritime Studies Vels University Thalambur
Date : 15/02/2012
VELS UNIVERSITY Issue no : 02/12
THALAMBUR Rev. no : 00
To study about boiler mountings.
These are fitted to protect the boiler from the effects of overpressure. The DOT demands that at least two safety
valves are fitted to each boiler, but in practice it is usual to fit three safety valves-two on the steam drum, and
one on the superheater outlet header. This latter valve must be set to lift before the drum safety valves so as to
ensure a flow of steam through the superheater under blow off conditions. It is normally of the same basic type
fitted on the drum.
This is mounted on the boiler shell or superheater outlet header, and enables the boiler to be isolated from the
steam line. If two or more boilers are fitted supplying steam to a common line, the stop valve on each boiler
must be a screw down, non-return type. This is to prevent steam from the other boilers flowing into a damaged
boiler in the event of a loss of pressure due to a burst tube. In some cases the main stop valve incorporates an
automatic closing device, designed to operate in emergency Conditions, to shut off steam from the main
This is basically a smaller version of the main stop, fitted for the purpose of isolating the boiler from the auxiliary
steam lines. Again these must be screw down, non-return type valves if necessary to prevent steam flowing back
into the boiler in the event of damage. The valve will be mounted on the superheater outlet header.
These are fitted to give final control over the entry of feed water into the boiler. They must be screw down, non-
return valves so that, in the event of a loss of feed pressure, the boiler water cannot blow back into the feed
line. Main and auxiliary feed cheeks are fitted. The main check is often fitted to the economiser inlet header; if
not, like the auxiliary cheek, it will be mounted directly on the steam drum.
Extended spindles are usually fitted so the cheeks can be operated from a convenient position. Care must be
taken to ensure the valve can be operated easily and quickly, and that a positive indication of the open and
closed positions for the valve is given.
The water level in a boiler is critical. If it is too low, damage may result from overheating; too high and priming
can occur with resultant carry-over of water and dissolved solids into superheaters, steam lines, etc. Automatic
feed regulators are therefore fitted to control the flow of water into the boiler and maintain the water level at
its desired value.
They are fitted in the feed line, before the main feed cheek. In most cases they use a float or thermal means of
operation and thus must have a direct connection to the steam and water spaces as required. The regulator can
be attached directly to the boiler shell, or alternatively mounted in an external chamber with balance
connections to the steam drum, or boiler shell.
In the case of water tube boilers with their high evaporation rate and small reserve of water the control of the
water level is so critical that the classification societies demand that some form of automatic feed regulator
must be fitted.
The DOT demand that at least two water level indicators must be fitted to each boiler. In practice the usual
arrangement consists of two direct reading water level gauges mounted on the steam drum, and a remote
reading indicator placed at a convenient control position.
The classification societies demand that these should be fitted to reduce the risk of damage in the event of a loss
of water in the boiler due to a burst tube or failure of the feed supply. In some cases they are mounted inside
the steam drum, but many are mounted externally. Various types are available, either steam or electrically
operated. Some versions also incorporate high water level alarms.
These are fitted to the water drum to enable water to be blown from the boiler in order to reduce the density.
When the boiler is shut down these valves can be used to drain it. They usually consist of two valves mounted in
series, arranged so that the first valve must be full open before the second can be cracked open; i.e. sufficient to
give the required rate of blow down. In this way the seating of the first valve is protected from damage, so
reducing the risk of leakage when the blow down valves are closed.
These blow down valves discharge into a blow down line leading to a shipside discharge valve.
These should be fitted when there is a possibility of oil contamination of the boiler. They are, mounted on the
steam drum, having an internal fitting in the form of a shallow pan situated just below the normal water level,
with which to remove oil or scum from the surface of the water in the drum. These valves discharge into the
blow down line.
These are fitted to the water drum to enable samples of boiler water to be drawn off so that the tests required
for the control of the feed treatment can be carried out.
high pressures it is necessary to provide some means of preventing flash off taking place as the pressure over
the sample is reduced to atmospheric. This is usually done by passing the Crater from the salinometer valve
through a cooling coil which reduces its temperature to a value below 100*C.
Pockets must be provided in superheater headers, etc. for the fitting of either direct or remote reading
Thus we studied about the boiler mountings.