Advanced ARINC 429
Advanced ARINC 429
Advanced ARINC 429
Prof. Dr. B
Head of the Faculty of the Department of Graduate Studies
Campo Montenegro
São José dos Campos, SP - Brazil
Cataloging-in Publication Data
Documentation and Information Division
Silva Iglesias, Matheus
Modeling, implementation and analysis of ARINC 429 transceiver embedded in programmable
hardware inside a real time simulation environment / Matheus Silva Iglesias.
São José dos Campos, 2099.
Dedicado ToDO
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.2 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.3 Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2 Bibliographic Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3 Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.1.2 Simulink
Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
List of Figures
FIGURE 3.11 –A429 frame obtained through test bench code simulation. . . . . . . 41
FIGURE 3.12 –Comparison of Model Based Design workflow and manual workflow
timelines for Datalink layer. (??) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
List of Tables
1.1 Motivation
Industries worldwide experienced, in the last decades, the necessity for changes in
formation technology brought to the industry new quality, price and time standards from a
market that desires higher quality products at a lower price and new technologies available
as soon as possible.
This new product development paradigm shorts the development cycle and increases
losing time to market or staining company reputation. Hence, verification of the product
Aerospace industry is also pushed to offer more mature solutions in a shorter develop-
ment period. Besides market behavior and requirements, two other elements inherently
highly integrated complex products as an aircraft usually integrate several third party
specialized systems, each one with its own development cycle. Secondly, there is a strong
Since third party systems have their own product development cycle, it is usual not
to have the system fully developed or adapted at the first stages of aircraft development
validate and mature their products, regarding system integration, mainly. Testing and
simulating became indissoluble from product development cycle, even more in aerospace
industry. In order to provide suitable representative level on those tasks, two techniques
Two approaches are very usual in the testing phase of the development cycle. In the
first, system’s functionalities are modeled and simulated using software tools. The level of
confidence of the results obtained depends on the availability and accuracy of the system
models, test cases coverage, and other aspects. In the second approach, the model is
High-fidelity models support engineers to simulate accurately static and dynamic be-
havior of systems that consists, considering the context presented above, in a relevant
of designing through mathematical and visual models, many tools emerged supporting
engineers in this task. Through tools such as Simulink , it is relatively easy to build
a model in different levels of detail, from functional to physical layer, testing it quickly
The second technique addressed in this thesis is the Hardware in the loop (HIL) which
consists in a real time simulation used in the development and testing of complex real-time
embedded systems (??). In order to enhance the reliability of the model in comparison
The last paragraphs help to elucidate the main technologies that are addressed in this
work. Besides that, it is also desirable to choose a case study where it is possible to
The growth in the number of functions embedded in aircraft systems, mainly in elec-
tronics, leads to more integrated systems where communication protocols play important
roles. Hence, it was chosen as a study case the implementation of a transceiver of a widely
As it is exposed in details in the section 1.2, the objective of this study is to implement
an ARINC 429 device in FPGA, emerged in a real time simulation environment in order
to exercise the methodologies above mentioned. Lastly, using the environment developed,
this work aims to research new applications and enhancements for the protocol itself.
1.2 Objectives
The objective of the present study is to exercise part of a product development cycle,
build a real time simulation environment as a test bench for investigation of enhancements
(a) Comparison between hand-written code and automatically generated code from
(b) Physical layer frontend development in order to allow verification through test-
2. Implementation of a real time simulation capable test bench using Hardware in the
loop technique.
1.3 Organization
In Chapter 1, the introduction for this work is presented. A brief bibliographic review,
the study development exposed in 3. Finally, in Chapter 4, the conclusions and future
in (??). This standard is the most widely used data bus on higher-end commercial and
protocol above a physical layer connection composed by twisted pairs carrying differential
The A429 frame consists in a 32-bits word followed by a variable interval period. The
minimum interval allowed between each word is a 4-bit periods whose duration depends
on the baud rate chosen and the maximum depends on the application but reaches the
scale of few seconds. The A429 standard defines two baud rates: 100 Kbps and 12.5 Kbps.
Each transmitted message is a fixed length word with 32 bits and the typical format is
depicted in Figure 2.1 that consists in an 8-bits label, a parity bit at the end of the word,
two fields that will be detailed in next paragraphs (SSM and SDI) and the transmitted
The parity bit is a checksum, usually implemented by A429 COTS drivers and defined
by its standard as an odd parity encoding that works as error-detecting tool. The parity
of the word is the number of either ”1” bits inside it in odd parity (typical) or the number
The SSM is a 2-bits field that contains hardware equipment condition, operational
mode or validity of data, coded according that depicted in table 2.1 according how it is
Bit 31 Bit 30 Meaning for BCD data Meaning for BNR data
0 0 Plus, North, East, Right, To, Above Failure Warning
0 1 Plus, No Computed Data Plus, No Computed Data
1 0 Functional Test Functional Test
1 1 Minus, South, West, Left, From, Below Normal Operation
implemented many non-standard formats. The detailing of each possible word format
and the related data field format is not scope of this thesis but it is demonstrated in
The Source Destination Identifier (SDI) is used for multiple receivers to know for whom
the message is addressed. Finally, the bits 1 to 8 are the label that identifies data type
and parameters associated with it. It is transmitted ahead of the rest of the word and,
unlike the other fields, the most significant bit of this field is transmitted first.
There are many possible data formats depending on the application, the following
quote, enumerating them, was gathered from Condor Arinc 429 manual (??).
”All ARINC data is transmitted in 32 bit words. The data type may be Binary Coded
Decimal (BCD), two’s complement binary notation (BNR), Discrete Data, Maintenance
Data and Acknowledgment, and ISO Alphabet number 5 character data. In the newest
The nominal transmission voltage is 10 ± 1 between the pair of wires, with either
positive or negative polarity representing ”1” and ”0” respectively. Once this differential
signal is modulated as a BPRZ (bipolar return to zero), three voltage levels are allowed.
The receiver voltage depends on wires length and how many devices are connected to
the bus since the standard requires the capability of connecting 20 receivers in a single
bus. Other physical characteristics as slew rate and coupling impedance are addressed in
The Mojo V3 is a FPGA development board chosen for implementing the transceiver
of this study. This board consists in a Spartan 6 XC6SLX9 FPGA kernel with a microcon-
troller ATMega 32U4 used as a bootloader, USB communicator and reading analog pins,
LEDs connectable with FPGA ports, voltage regulators, reset button and flash memory.
The board, shown in Figure 2.3, provides to the FPGA an external clock of 50 MHz
and a DC voltage source of 3.3 V. The hardware description program is load through
USB port supported by the software manufecterer. The program is kept in the memory
and the microcontroller used for loading purposes can be used as a serial communicator
controller latter.
Although the tool description and usage is not within the scope of this work, due to the
contextual importance, complexity and its large number of possible boundary conditions,
and timing restrictions are the main concerns for the design. It is well known that the
signal type chosen affects greatly the resources usage, hence, the first step in this coding
approach is to minimize the data size avoiding, when it is possible, using float point
Since the nature of this design does not require any real-number manipulation, it is not
required to extend this discussion here. Even so, it is strongly recommended convert all
data types for fixed point representation before start coding from the model. Simulink
possess a tool called Fixed-point toolbox to assist the engineer in this process.
Once data type is no more an issue, the next step is to configure Simulink
to deal
with fixed-step without continuous states. The following configuration shall be applied in
tions, configure Type as Fixed-step, Solver as discrete (no continuous states) and Fixed-
and Parameters, the Inline parameters option is very useful when designing. This option
makes coder to use the numerical values of model parameters, instead their symbolic
To be continued...
3 Development
was the first module implemented in this work. It consists in a device that picks up the
data (31-bits parallel input) and sends it according to the protocol standard and the user
user options (i.e baud rate and interval code) through two ports: Hi (High) and Lo (Low).
The intern functionalities and other general features were inspired in commercial off
the shelf transmitter devices as HOLT HI-8470-C and served as requirements for the device
Firstly, aiming to test enhancements for the protocol, it is necessary to allow trans-
mission in different baud rates. Since the protocol had been defined with two standards
(i.e. high speed at 100 Kbps and low speed at 12.5 Kbps), only one bit could be used to
choose transmission rate. Nevertheless, considering research purposes, 8 baud rates are
Another aspect of this protocol is that the stop period may vary depending on the
application. Considering the research purposes and in order to provide application flexi-
bility, it was established as a requirement that the interval should be selectable from 4 bit
periods (i.e. the minimum stop period defined in the standard) and 2.55 s that is simply
a 8-bit selection multiplied by 10 ms. This upper limit was based on commercial devices
values and attain the maximum value foreseen in the standard (??).
Besides the inputs listed above, there are three implicit inputs (i.e. clock, enable and
reset) and the data input port. The reset provides an asynchronous way to restore a
known state to the system while enable port allows the module to works when set. The
clock input is used to calculate each sub-clock, supporting all the transmission timing.
The last input is the digital parallel data input. The data port consist in a 31-bit port
that receives useful data and process it according the sending options set.
1. The device that wants to communicate must supply the clock, enable and reset
signals to the transmitter device besides baud rate and stop period options;
2. The data shall be available in the transmitter data input port during all the word
transmission. The buffer that controls it is external to the transmitter device itself;
3. The last bit of the frame (i.e. parity bit) is internally calculated and it is sent by
4. Since digital output voltage level does not allow generating differential signals with
should generate the output with the same format and timing but with the 3.3 volts
the FPGA output to the A429 physical layer standard. The Figure 3.2 provides the
A429 standard defined signal and the equivalent output of FPGA board.
3.1.2 Simulink
The architecture of the transmitter was developed in a top-down approach, fitting the
design of the device with the required inputs, outputs and other functional requirements.
tool. Figure 3.3 shows the top level schematic of the model.
FIGURE 3.3 – Model top level.
The main function of the top level module is to integrate the hierarchically inferior
modules that perform specialized functions. Since the FPGA clock can not be directly
used for frame timing because of it is too fast, it was defined that an internal counter
should be implemented for timing the frame according the selected baud rate. The second
function is to count the bit position of the frame. These two functions are performed by
Other relevant function is to calculate the stop period or the interval between each
word since it is variable. The user must select either the minimum stop period (4 bit
terms of bit periods since it is the basis of the frame timing. This function is executed by
Since the frame may be divided in three distinct parts (i.e. 31 first bits or data, parity
bit and stop period), a subsystem was required to delimit each part of the frame. This is
Finally, leaded by the FSM, there shall be a module that conform each bit to the
correct format to be sent besides calculating the parity bit. This function is performed
by OutputStage subsystem. BitCounter
The BitCounter block function is to provide the timing for the whole device through
two counters. As seen in Figure ??, this subsystem consists in two counters in a cascade
The first counter is a free-runner counter without enable port. It increments the output
count in 1 unity each time there is a positive edge from the FPGA’s clock (i.e. implicit
in the model but configured in simulation options). The reset signal is set every time the
This limit is the output of the switch that in selected by the 3-bits port. It keeps how
many FPGA’s clock cycles it lasts to complete a bit period in that baud rate.
Explicitly, since the FPGA clock frequency is 50 MHz, its period is 20 ns. If the baud
rate chosen to transmit is 500 Kbps, the period of each bit transmitted is 2 µs. Hence,
a bit period lasts 2e − 6/2e − 8 = 100 FPGA clock cycles. The baud rate options were
The second counter is called Bit Counter and increments in 1 unity every time the
count reaches the limit. It is reset by any state change in the FSM and serves to determine
how many bit periods elapsed since the current state (i.e. data, parity or interval) started. IntervalCalculator
This subsystem function is to translate the user selected interval into its equivalent
multiple of bit periods. The switch address either the minimum interval or the product of
how many 10 ms has been selected times the number bit periods lasts a 10 ms period in
each possible baud rate. This last value had been previously calculated and is consulted
through a lookup table (LUT). The data type conversion block is required due to the FiniteStateMachine
The FSM, observed in Figure 3.6, is the logical core of the transmitter design. Its
function is to determine the transition of each state which delimits the part of the frame
This block also address two state-dependent outputs. Firstly, it serializes the Data,
addressing in the DataBit port each bit during a bit period. And secondly it issues a
flag called NextState that is an external way to identify the current FSM state. This
The state is kept outside the FSM in a memory block, already depicted in the Figure
3.3. This memory block updates its output with the input’s value each FPGA’s clock.
Since the current and stable data is the one that already passed through block memory,
The FSM has four states. The transmitter wakes up in the DATA state that can be
achieved in cold power up, every time enable value is false or at frame completion. At this
state, twoall flags are initialized and the state remains until enable is set and the counter
The DATA state delimits the period while transmitter is sending the 31 first bits.
During this state, the DataBit signal receives the serialized data input. The FSM transits
from the DATA state to the PARITY state after transmitting the 31 first bits. Since
all data transmission is delayed by one bit period as it is explained ahead, the first bit
period starts when counter equals to 2 and ends when BitCounter signal reaches 33.
The following state is PARITY and delimits the parity bit sending. It issues a false
in the DataBit port because the bit to be sent is not originated from the data port, instead
of it, it is calculated ahead in the OutputStage module. Since it is a don’t care, it was
chosen a logical false for this signal. This state lasts one single bit period (BitCounter
reaches value 1) and then, the system enters the next state: INTERVAL.
The INTERVAL state informs the system that no useful data is transmitted in this
frame anymore. Since the interval between words is selectable, the number of bit periods
After the stop period, the state changes to DATAENTRY in which system remains
during one clock cycle only. This intermediate period assures that the DataBit is addressed
only after the BitCounter reset since it lasts one clock cycle to it to restart the counter.
The OutputStage block, as seen in Figure 3.7, aims to format the digital data in the
Binary Return To Zero (BRTZ) differential signal with the previously presented timing
The parity bit is calculated through the XOR operation between the current DataBit
with the last parity of the previous bits sent. The circuitry assure that the parity bit is
update only one time per bit period by comparing by detecting the change in BitCounter
(i.e. comparing BitCounter and BitCounterNext). It also guarantees the reset of the
parity calculation at interval phase. The last two blocks pick up the DataBit and the
ParityBit and determine using the NextState signal when to send each of them. Due to
the need of some timing corrections in the transitioning of frame phases, and in order to
toggle the output signal between the bit itself and the NULL that completes the BRTZ
The hand-written design aims to provide a reference for evaluating the coding from
model approach. For a fair comparison, it was pursued the same architecture in both
designs differing each other only in the description level of abstraction since MBD describes
the behavior mostly in the functional layer while the hand-written code was describes it
in RTL.
The top level schematic of the design is shown in Figure 3.8 below.
In this design, the top level main function is also to integrate more specialized sub-
functions implemented in other blocks but, besides it, there are two additional RTL de-
scriptions in this level: The FSM and the data serializing implementations. The general
Besides the three main modules, the Figure 3.9 shows the block state_q1 that is the
RTL originated from the synthesis that regards FSM machine implementation. It has
three hidden comparators (i.e. for keeping the readability of the diagram) that guides
the FSM in determining which part of the frame the transmission is, as it is observed in
There is also the Mmux_databit1 that is a product of the synthesis that implements
the serialization of datain. It outputs the datain indexed by the bit_counter position
when the state is DATA and false otherwise. Some intermediate signals were hidden for
Since the architecture of the modules are exactly the same as the MBD analogue
blocks, presented in Sections, and, no additional description of them
is required in this Section. The entire hand-written code used in the comparison ahead is
The Figure 3.11 below shows the frame built by the transmitter module in a simula-
tion transmitting at 100 Kbps, with minimum interval selected. The 31 bist sent were
FIGURE 3.11 – A429 frame obtained through test bench code simulation.
model code
In this section, it is presented a brief comparison between the two coding approaches
explained in sections 3.1.3 and 3.1.2. Before starting the comparison itself, it is valid
to present the context where this discussion is situated and why it is worth the time to
discuss it.
The model based design, as a design paradigm, has expanded its application fields in
the last years. In electronics, the High-level synthesis tools intend to allow designers to
describe a desired behavior and create digital hardware that implements that behavior
in order to substitute the The Register-Transfer level (RTL) hardware description, that
should be done automatically by the HLS tool as an intermediate step before the code
generation. Part of the alleged benefits increasing the reuse and shortening the product
development cycle.
The first allegation is that HLS may shorten the product development cycle by accel-
erating the coding process itself. Several case studies, such as (??), (??), (??) and (??)
confirm it as it is shown in Figure 3.12 that represents one of those study cases analysis.
The second above-mentioned advantage of MBD approach is the increase of reuse since
the model is not directly linked with the deployment target, Since the model is focused
on the functional description that is independent of the device where it will be deployed.
It is clear that part of the MBD approach advantages depends on the project scale
FIGURE 3.12 – Comparison of Model Based Design workflow and manual workflow time-
lines for Datalink layer. (??)
and the development environment chosen. In this work, it was used the Simulink HDL
whose features exceeds the mere model-to-code functionality. It allows the user
to simulate the model, to deploy the code generated directly in the target device, simulate
the code through automatically generated test benches, to analyze test coverage, to co-
simulate a hand-written code together with the automatically generated code, to build
a HIL environment easily and it also has a built-in tool that support the analysis and
Of course that several advantages may be reached with this tools if they deliver what
it promises, but it is important to mention that some features cited above are within
separate toolboxes and may be brought separately. Once this work aims to compare the
MBD-based versus hand-written codes, the unique tool used in this work is the HDL
coder already mentioned. Hence, it is not expected to analyze all the development cycle
and, due to this design scale, it is not expected to observe all the alleged advantages of
MBD here.
approaches, the main differences between them, if it is feasible to use MBD in this niche
and, objectively, which is the performance of both generated codes. The first comparison
is presented in the section, where the resources consumption of each code are com-
pared. The second comparison, in section is arising from the designer’s perceptions
about both development process that emerged with the designing exercise.
compared and the results, depicted in 3.1, show that the code from MBD architecture
consumes more resources than the hand-written code, except for the carry multiplexers
difference between the average fan-out of each code, which indicates that the hand-written
resources consumption of each code that is not relevant in small-scale designs such as that
comparison’s object. The average fan-out is considerable higher in the MBD code which
Analyzing the coding process, either through building a model or manually, it is ob-
served that some aspects, even the intangible ones, make some tasks easier to execute in
Firstly, both designs started with the same requirements and architecture. The MBD
aimed in describing the desired behavior in high-level functions supported by the HDL
while the hand-written approach focused on the RTL description.
ported libraries such as free-runner counters, limited counters, memory blocks, CRC, FSM
and others. Despite most part of the work would be done through the integration of those
blocks in the design, this task requires relevant workload sometimes due the lack of flexi-
bility in changing block aspects as timing and reset. Hence, some subsystems as the CRC
A pleasant surprise in this exercise was to describe FSM with Simulink Stateflow
. It
is easy to handle, it shows a clear and intuitive diagram and several features as describ-
ing internal logics, state transitions and external signal by both graphic and code-based
large logic expressions may result in a confusing and demanding task besides it is less
productive than doing the same in code lines. For this reason, the last part of the design
Designing through models allows developers to check the logical consistency of each
subsystem in each development step resorting that the early the logical consistency is
substantial work in order to keep all the boundary condition (e.g. simulation configuration,
signals and variables, subsystem architectures, used blocks, etc.) adequate, it means
Finally, considering this design scale, it is substantial more productive to code man-
ually than through a model. This analysis is based on development period observed in
this project that consisted in a double faster development when coding manually. It is
important to note that the situation observed is strongly dependent on the designer back-
ground, the level of intuitiveness of the approach to the designer, used tools and several
other aspects that make the analysis alone not conclusive or, at least, without statistical
representativeness by itself.
4 Conclusion
Appendix A - Specific topics
Annex A - Annex Title
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam pellentesque justo vitae mauris ultricies
feugiat. Suspendisse ut est vel eros rutrum pellentesque eu eget nisi. Vivamus eget arcu sem. Nullam
venenatis massa vitae pellentesque vestibulum. Sed nec lacus placerat, malesuada leo sit amet, cursus nibh.
Phasellus accumsan dolor eleifend rutrum porttitor. Phasellus sapien neque, luctus at dictum sagittis,
fermentum vitae est. Cras consectetur tristique urna. Mauris aliquam mauris sit amet ultrices ultrices.
Vivamus vitae augue odio. Praesent eleifend enim a metus placerat, eget auctor leo imperdiet.
1. 2. 3. 4.
TM 99 de dezembro de 2099 DCTA/ITA - XXXXXXXXXX 50
Modeling, implementation and analysis of ARINC 429 transceiver embedded in programmable hardware inside
a real time simulation environment
Matheus Silva Iglesias
Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica. Divisão de Engenharia XXXXXXXX – ITA/EAM
keywords, keywords, keywords
keywords, keywords, keywords
APRESENTAÇÃO: (X) Nacional ( ) Internacional
ITA, São José dos Campos. XXXXXXXXXXXX. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Aeronáu-
tica e Mecânica. Área de Sistemas Aeroespaciais e Mecatrânica. Orientador: XXXXXXXXXX. Defesa em
XXXXXXXX. Publicada em 2099