The Chaotic Motion of A Double Pendulum

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The Chaotic Motion of a Double Pendulum

Carl W. Akerlof
September 26, 2012

The following notes describe the kinematics of the double pendulum. The starting point is a
pendulum consisting of two point masses, m, and m2, suspended by massless wires of length l1
and l2. The treatment of this case can be found at:

For a real system, the equations of motion depend in a more complicated way on the distribution
of mass that is essential for modeling the physical pendulum used in this experiment.

Figure 1. Point mass double pendulum. Figure 2. Extended mass double pendulum.

University of Michigan 1 Department of Physics

Double pendulum with point masses:

x1  l1 sin 1
y1  l1cos 1
x2  l1 sin  l2 sin  2
y2  l1cos 1  l2 cos  2

x1  l1 cos 1 1

y  l sin  
1 1 1 1

x2  l1 cos 1 1  l2 cos  2 2

y 2  l1 sin 1 1  l2 sin  2 2

r12  l12 12

r22  l12 12  2l1 l2 cos 1   2  1 2  l22 22

Double pendulum with distributed masses:

x1  u1 sin 1  v1 cos 1
y1  u1 cos 1  v1 sin 1
x2  l1 sin 1  u2 sin  2  v2 cos  2
y2  l1 cos 1  u2 cos  2  v2 sin  2

x1  u1 cos 1 1  v1 sin 1 1

y  u sin    v cos 
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
x2  l1 cos 1 1  u2 cos  2 2  v2 sin  2 2
y  l sin    u sin    v cos  
2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2

r12  r12 12 ; r12  u12  v12

r22  l12 12  2l1  u2 cos 1   2   v2 sin 1   2   1 2   r22  22 ; r22  u22  v22

Assume mirror symmetry: v1  v2  0

KE 
2  m r
1 1
12  m2l12 12  2 m2  u2 l1 cos  2  1   m2  r22 22 
PE   m1  u1 g cos 1  m2l1 g cos 1  m2  u2 g cos  2

University of Michigan 2 Department of Physics

Thus, the Lagrangian for the system is:

L  T V 
2  m r
1 1
12  m2l1212  2 m2  u2 l1 cos  2  1  12  m2  r22 22 
 m1  u1 g cos 1  m2l1 g cos 1  m2  u2 g cos  2

This leads directly to the equations of motion which we shall investigate shortly.

Dynamics of the physical pendulum

The aim of this experiment is to compare the actual dynamical behavior of a real physical
pendulum with a mathematical simulation. To this end, we need to characterize the pendulum
properties as accurately as possible and incorporate these into the appropriate equations of
One approximation will be involved: the motion will be assumed frictionless. This
simplification is driven principally by the lack of any very elegant fundamental theory although
it would actually be fairly trivial to incorporate velocity-dependent damping in the dynamical

The moving parts for the real pendulum are:

2 primary axis bearings

2 primary arms
2 secondary axis bearings
2 secondary axis spacers
1 secondary axis cap screw
1 secondary axis hex nut
1 secondary arm

The vendor for this apparatus,, has conveniently provided the dimensions
for these parts as shown in Figure 3. Note that all dimensions are in millimeters. The required
spatial mass moments can be calculated analytically for each item. The contribution that each
one provides to the kinetic and potential energies is given below. For future reference, the
distance between the primary and secondary axes is denoted l1 and equals 173 mm.

Bearing: A bearing facilitates low-friction axial rotation shear while constraining the shaft
location. Thus, the inner race of the bearing can be rotating with angular velocity,  , while the
outer race is rotating with an angular velocity of  . To keep the modeling of this component
simple, it is assumed that the bearing is homogeneous with a rotation rate at radius, r, that is
linearly interpolated by the distances from the inner and outer radii.

Primary axis bearing:

University of Michigan 3 Department of Physics

KE 
mb  r 2 12
PE  0

Secondary axis bearing:

KE 
2  m l 
2 2
b 1 1  mb  r 2
12  2 mb  r 2 
12  mb  r 2 
22  
PE  mbl1 g cos 1

Primary arm:

KE  m1  r 2 12
PE   m1  u g cos 1

Secondary axis components:

The cap screw, spacers and hex nut are all constrained to rotate rigidly with the secondary arm.

KE 
2  m r
 2 ms  r 2  mn  r 2 22 
PE    mc  2 ms  mn  l1 g cos 1

Secondary arm:

KE 
2  m l 
2 2
2 1 1  2 m2  u l112 cos  2  1   m2  r 2 22  
PE   m2 l1 g cos 1  m2  u g cos  2

Thus, the Lagrangian can be represented by:

L  a1112   a12  b12 cos  2  1   12  a2222  c1 cos 1  c2 cos  2

1 1
2 2

a11  2 m1  r 2  4 mb  r 2   m2  2mb  mc  2ms  mn  l12

a12  2 mb  r 2

a22  m2  r 2
 2 mb  r 2  mc  r 2  2 ms  r 2  mn  r 2

b12  m2  u l1
c1   2 m1  u   m2  2 mb  mc  2 ms  mn  l1  g
c2  m2  u g

The canonical momenta can be calculated from the Lagrangian:

University of Michigan 4 Department of Physics

p1   a111   a12  b12 cos  2  1   2
p2    a12  b12 cos  2  1   1  a222

The Hamiltonian is given by:

H  p11  p22  L
 a1112   a12  b12 cos  2  1   12  a2222  c1 cos 1  c2 cos  2
1 1
2 2

By replacing i by pi , one can convert the Hamiltonian into a form that depends only on i and
pi .
a p  bp2
1  22 1
a11 a22  b 2
bp1  a11 p2
2   
a11 a22  b 2
b  a12  b12 cos  2  1 

1 a22 p1  2  a12  b12 cos  2  1   p1 p2  a11 p2
2 2

H  c1 cos 1  c2 cos  2
a11 a22   a12  b12 cos  2  1  

The coupled equations of motion follow:

University of Michigan 5 Department of Physics

H a22 p1   a12  b12 cos  2  1   p2
1  
 p1 a11a22   a12  b12 cos  2  1  2

H   a12  b12 cos  2  1   p1  a11 p2

2  
p2 a11a22   a12  b12 cos  2  1  

p1    c1 sin 1  q 1 ,  2 , p1 , p2 
p 2    c2 sin  2  q 1 ,  2 , p1 , p2 
 2

q 1 ,  2 , p1 , p 2  
 a
12 
 b12 cos  2  1   p1  a11 p2 a22 p1   a12  b12 cos  2  1  p2  b12 sin  2  1 

 a11a22   a12  b12 cos  2  1   

2 2

Figure 3. Double pendulum dimensions.

University of Michigan 6 Department of Physics

Dynamical stability and Lyapunov exponents

In this experiment, we would like to explore how sensitively the dynamical evolution of a system
depends on the initial conditions. Do small perturbations lead to small variations or huge ones?
As a starting point, consider a one-dimensional system whose evolution is governed by:

q  f  q  t  

Suppose we want to find out how q will evolve for slightly different initial conditions in the
neighborhood of qo:

q  f  q  t    f  qo  t    q

Thus, in the limit, q  0,

q f
    q(t )  et q  0 
q q qo

The value, λ, is the Lyapunov exponent at qo. If it is greater than zero, the evolution of the
system diverges exponentially with time, preventing all attempts to compute the motion at
arbitrary times.

We can take this example to the next level of complexity by considering the simple pendulum.
The Lagrangian for this system is:

L  T V  m  r 2  2  m  u g cos 

The canonical momentum is:

p    m  r 2 

and thus the Hamiltonian is:

University of Michigan 7 Department of Physics

H  p  L   m  u g cos 
2 m r2
H p
  
p m  r2
p     m  u g sin 

We would like to find out how the motion evolves for small perturbations from the initial
condition specified by θ0 and p0.

2 H 2 H p
    2 p 
 p  p m r2
2 H 2 H
p     p   m  u g cos  
 2  p

This can be represented by the matrix equation below:

 1 
    0 
    m  r 2   
 p    m  u g cos   p 
 0 

We seek solutions of the form:

 a   m11 m21   a  a

   m     
 b   12 m22   b  b

where q (0)  a  bp is an eigenvector for the matrix with an eigenvalue, λ, and thus
q(t )  et q(0) . To find λ, the following equation must be solved:

m  m21 
Det  11  0
 m12 m22   

For this particular case, the resulting equation is:

m  u cos 
 2  g
m  r2

University of Michigan 8 Department of Physics

 
For   , the values of λ are imaginary. However, for  
, one of the values is positive and
2 2
real, leading to divergent growth. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors (normal modes) are thus:

 m  u g cos 
 :    i
2 m  r2

 1 
e   
  i m u m r2 g cos  

  m  u g cos 
 :   
2 m r2

 1 
e   
   m  u m  r g cos  

To understand the long term behavior of the system, one must average the Lyapunov exponents
over the dynamical path in the phase space.

It is worth remarking about a generic property of Lyapunov exponents stemming from the
Hamiltonian description. The Jacobian matrix that transforms the phase space volume,
1  p1   2  p2  must have the form:

 2 H 2 H 2 H 2 H 
  p 
 1 1 p12 p1 2 p1p2 
 2 H 2 H 2H 2 H 
J   2    
 1 1p1  2  2 1p2 
     
 
 

The diagonal elements of this matrix cancel in pairs so that the trace of J is zero. This guarantees
that the sum of eigenvalues, ie. the Lyapunov exponents, is also zero. The physical implication
of this is the invariance of phase space volume for a conservative system. For a dissipative
system, this would not be true.

University of Michigan 9 Department of Physics

This analysis can be extended to the double pendulum although the expressions become
algebraically messy. In this case, we will only be interested in obtaining numerical solutions.

The Jacobian matrix for this problem is a 4 × 4 array:

 j11 j12 j13 j14 

j j22 j23 j24 
J   21
 j31 j32 j33 j34 
 
 j41 j42 j43 j44 

By defining the following intermediate quantities, the matrix elements can be computed fairly
easily. (See previous parameter definitions.)

r  a12  b12 cos  2  1 

s  a11a22  r 2
t  a22 p1  r p2
u   r p1  a11 p2
t u b12 sin  2  1 
t u b12 cos  2  1    t p1  u p2  b122 sin 2  2  1  4 r t u b122 sin 2  2  1 
dq   
s2 s3

The individual matrix elements are given by:

j11 
 s p2  2 a22 u  b12 sin  2  1 
j12 
j13 
 s p2  2 r t  b12 sin  2  1 
j14  
j21  c1 cos 1  dq
j22   j11
j23  dq
j24  j33
j31   j33
j32  j14

University of Michigan 10 Department of Physics

j33 
 s p1  2 r u  b12 sin  2  1 
j34 
j41  j23
j42   j13
j43  c2 cos  2  dq
j44   j33

In general, the characteristic equation defining the eigenvalues would be fourth-order in λ. The
traceless nature of J requires the cubic term in λ to vanish and similar other symmetries imposed
by the Hamiltonian origin squelch the linear term as well. Thus, the defining equation for the
eigenvalues takes the form:

 
2 2
 2 b 2  c  0

and thus:

 2  b  b 2  c


b  1
11  j332  j12 j21  j34 j43   j23 j32  j24 j42 
c  Det J

The values for  2 may be complex.

University of Michigan 11 Department of Physics

Double pendulum: The centerpiece of this experiment is a double pendulum purchased from (If you would like one of your own, the price was listed at $150
plus shipping on April 2010.) The unit is fastened to a ⅛” thick steel plate 46” above the floor.
The detailed mechanical parameters are listed in Table I. The steel plate provides a convenient
surface for attaching a variety of magnetic base accessories for repeatedly releasing the
pendulum from specific positions and recording the resulting motion. Please use some care in
placing these gadgets so they don’t slam onto the enameled surface.

Figure 4. The double pendulum arms held at θ1 = 135º, θ2 = 90º by two

solenoids. The phosphorescent screen is in the lower right corner and the
flash gun can be seen in the foreground.

Solenoid releases: Two solenoid assemblies are available to hold each arm of the double
pendulum at a fixed predetermined location prior to release. The plungers must be pulled out
manually to hold the arms. Note that the two solenoid assemblies are not quite identical – each

University of Michigan 12 Department of Physics

arm requires a specific spacing of the solenoid from the vertical steel mount plate. The power to
activate the solenoids is provided by an electronics enclosure that is triggered by a timing unit.

Electronic flash gun: The angular coordinates of the double pendulum arms are captured at
preset times by a short duration burst from a LumoPro LP120 manual flash unit. This device was
chosen because the vendor was reasonably willing to provide information about trigger
requirements. The unit is battery-powered so the appropriate switches must be turned on to
activate. Set intensity switches to NEXT and 1/8 to optimize flash duration and brightness. Please
also make sure to switch unit off before you leave. The LP120 takes about 10 seconds or so to
charge as indicated by a small red LED near the on/off switch. If longer, swap rechargeable

Phosphorescent screen: With the bright light from the flash gun, the angular positions of the
double pendulum arms can be recorded by phosphorescent screens, either 12” ä 12” or 6” ä 6” in
area. This will only work in a darkened room. The image decay time is of the order of 30
seconds. This provides a reasonable opportunity to measure the shadows of the pendulum arms.
In case of any need for replacements, the screen material is ZnS vinyl film and was obtained
from Educational Innovations, Inc. and Hanovia Specialty Lighting.

Figure 5. The shadow image of the double pendulum caught by the

electronic flash gun.

University of Michigan 13 Department of Physics

Angle gauge: An electronic Wixey digital angle gauge is available to measure the angles of the
pendulum components before release and the positions indicated by the shadows on the
phosphorescent screens afterwards. An aluminum and steel holder will help determine the
location of the pendulum arms prior to release and a PVC plastic block will help determine the
angles indicated by the shadows on the phosphorescent screens. The gauge reference angle must
be initialized so that zero angle coincides with the vertical. The resolution of this device is 0.1º.

Figure 6. Measurement of the primary arm Figure 7. Measurement of the secondary

angle. (Please keep a hand on the gauge so arm angle. (Please keep a hand on the
that it doesn’t accidentally fall.) gauge so that it doesn’t accidentally fall.)

Red flashlight: A Celestron night vision red LED flashlight is available to read the Wixey angle
gauge without bleaching the phosphorescent screen image. A rotating thumbwheel turns the
device on and adjusts the intensity of light. Turn off when not in use.

Photogate timing device: A Vernier photogate is

available to measure the oscillation period of the
double pendulum under restricted conditions. This
permits some simple checks of the mechanical
parameters that determine the equations of motion.
A beam alignment rod should be used to help
position the photogate so that the unit triggers near
the zero angle point of the pendulum arm.

Figure 8. Use of beam alignment rod to

position the Vernier photogate.

Leveling table: A small leveling table is available to help set the reference angle for the Wixey
digital gauge. Adjust the three leveling screws so that the 2” diameter steel ball has no tendency

University of Michigan 14 Department of Physics

to roll in any specific direction. This should determine the level to about 0.1º. You can do
slightly better by nulling the Wixey gauge at this position and then rotating the gauge by 180º
around a vertical axis. If this is a true level, the gauge will continue to indicate 0º. If not,
compensate by small rotations of the leveling screws. Rotate by 90º and repeat. A small steel
block has been provided to set the zero reference to true vertical.

Figure 9. Leveling table with 2” diameter Figure 10. Leveling table with steel block
steel ball. Adjust screws until ball position to set the Wixey digital angle gauge
is neutral. reference direction to vertical.

Timing system: An ORTEC model 871 timer and counter NIM

module performs the task of controlling the timing sequence
that releases the double pendulum solenoids and fires the flash
gun after a preset time interval. The solenoid release is initiated
by the signal labeled INTERVAL and the flash gun is triggered
by END OF PRESET. Both of these signals must be connected
by BNC cables to the electronic enclosure mentioned earlier.
An internal clock is available to provide flash gun delays from
0.1 to 1.0 second in 0.1 second increments and from 2 to 10
seconds in 1 second increments. The module as shown in Figure
11 is set for an interval of 2 seconds. For any other delays, the
timing can be determined by an external clock signal plugged
into the EXT CLOCK BNC jack in the rear panel of the module
and TIME BASE SELECT set to EXT. The count interval must
also be set appropriately. For example, a 10 KHz external clock
and a preset count of M = 3, N = 4 will generate a 3.0 second
delay sequence. Press STOP, RESET and COUNT to activate
the solenoids holding the pendulum arms and fire the flash lamp Figure 11. ORTEC timer &
at the end of the preset time. counter module.

University of Michigan 15 Department of Physics

External function generator: An H-P 33120A function generator should be used to furnish an
external clock signal to the ORTEC 871. The waveform must be set to square wave. Set Ampl to
2.000 V RMS, Offset to 1.5 V, and % Duty to 20 % (To access the % Duty function, press the
Shift button.). For intervals of the order of 1 second, use frequencies of the order of 25 KHz.

Double pendulum mechanical parameters

Parameter Value Units

g 9802.894276 mm s-2
l1 173.000000 mm
< m1 · u > 10123.312735 g mm
< m1 · r > 1262802.391807 g mm2
m2 110.362483 g
< m2 · u > 8200.761340 g mm
< m2 · r > 919788.854796 g mm2
mb 7.369667 g
< mb · r >-- 48.200077 g mm2
< mb · r2 >-+ 55.763811 g mm2
< mb · r2 >++ 205.992010 g mm2
ms 2.014000 g
< ms · r2 > 30.371120 g mm2
mc 3.704000 g
< mc · r > 27.089327 g mm2
mn 0.291000 g
< mn · r > 5.366072 g mm2
Table I. Kinematic parameters for the double
pendulum. These values may be cut and pasted
from the file, pendulum_params.xls.

Validation tests

The physical parameters for the double pendulum used in this experiment are listed in Table I.
The various mass moments were computed analytically from the relevant dimensions. To check
whether these values adequately describe the system, one can constrain the two pendulum arms
in various ways and accurately measure the small amplitude periods. These correspond to the
following configurations:

a. Hold the primary arm fixed and measure the oscillation frequency of the secondary arm.

University of Michigan 16 Department of Physics

a2 

b. Hold the secondary arm fixed inside the primary arm using a #8 elastic band near the
primary axis.

c1  c2
b2 
a11  2  a12  b12   a22

c. Hold the secondary arm fixed to and extended beyond the primary arm using two #8
elastic bands and a small rectangle of box board as a stiffener.

c1  c2
c2 
a11  2  a12  b12   a22

The periods and thus the oscillation frequencies can be accurately measured with a Vernier
photogate interfaced to the computer.

Figure 12. Pendulum period Figure 13. Pendulum period Figure 14. Pendulum period
test configuration (a). test configuration (b). test configuration (c).

Numerical simulation of the double pendulum

The previous measurements should validate the pendulum parameters to the accuracy of the
order of 0.1%. The next step is to use these values to predict the pendulum behavior over a finite
range of time of the order of 10 seconds. The most convenient numerical technique is Runge-

University of Michigan 17 Department of Physics

Kutta integration. The input is a 4-vector of initial conditions, (θ1, p1, θ2, p2) and a vector set of
functions that predict the first-order time derivative of each dynamic variable as a function of
these four quantities. Use time steps of the order of 0.001 s to ensure accurate estimations.

I have used the IDL numerical analysis package to compute and plot the behavior of this double
pendulum system as depicted in Figures 15, 16, and 17. This requires two or three dozen lines of
code. I expect that most students are more likely to have experience with MatLab. Program
scripts for both IDL and MatLab are available on the Physics 441/442 Web site. For IDL, you
will need, and MatLab requires d_chaos.m, d_pend.m,
lyapunov.m and rk4.m (The last file performs Runge-Kutta integration. This code is already
embedded in IDL.) In the course of this experiment, you will be required to perform additional
calculations to explore the chaotic motion but these routines should be a useful starting point.

Figure 15. Graphs of θ1(t), p1(t), θ2(t), p2(t) for θ1(0) = 10º, θ2(0) = 10º. The red, green and blue
lines show the behavior for three initial conditions for θ1 and θ2 that vary by 0.01 radians.

University of Michigan 18 Department of Physics

Figure 16. Graphs of θ1(t), p1(t), θ2(t), p2(t) for θ1(0) = 105º, θ2(0) = 105º. The red, green and
blue lines show the behavior for three initial conditions for θ1 and θ2 that vary by 0.01 radians.
The lower two graphs show the Lyapunov exponent along the central trajectory.

University of Michigan 19 Department of Physics

Figure 17. Graphs of θ1(t), p1(t), θ2(t), p2(t) for θ1(0) = 135º, θ2(0) = 90º. The red, green and blue
lines show the behavior for three initial conditions for θ1 and θ2 that vary by 0.01 radians. The
lower two graphs show the Lyapunov exponent along the central trajectory.

University of Michigan 20 Department of Physics

Experimental observations

The main goal of this experiment is to examine the behavior of the double pendulum as a
function of initial conditions using both computational and experimental techniques. A useful set
of initial conditions to explore is (θ1 = nπ/12, p1 = 0, θ2 = nπ/12, p2 = 0) where n is an integer in
the range from 3 to 9. For small values of n, the experimentally measured pendulum positions
will track the calculations accurately and the dispersion of values at fixed time will be small. As
n gets larger, the differences between the measured and computed displacements will grow,
followed by increases in the dispersions at fixed times. The technique for these measurements is
to set up the electronic flash lamp to trigger at the desired time delay after solenoid release and
then immediately place the Wixey angle gauge and block on the phosphorescent screen to read
off the pendulum arm positions at the time of flash. (See Figures 18 & 19 below.) To determine
dispersion, measure θ1 and θ2 for ten identical releases from the same initial conditions and
compute the standard deviation. You need to be aware that for large values of n, the secondary
pendulum arm can easily have executed one more or one less complete rotation, making
dispersion estimates unreliable under these conditions. For motion in the chaotic regime, plot the
log of dispersion as a function of time.

Figure 18a. Wixey digital angle gauge and retainer block for Figure 18b. Angle gauge
measuring shadow angles on the phosphorescent screen. zero reference position.

University of Michigan 21 Department of Physics

Figure 19a. If the digital gauge is to the Figure 19b. If the digital gauge is to the
right of the corresponding axis: left of the corresponding axis:
θ1 = 180º - XX.X; θ2 = 180º - YY.Y. θ1 = - XX.X; θ2 = - YY.Y.

The dispersion of phase space trajectories should be simultaneously explored with numerical
techniques. Vary a particular initial condition for (θ1, p1, θ2, p2) by (δθ1, 0, δθ2, 0) where δθ1 and
δθ2 are Gaussian distributed random errors with standard deviations of the order of 0.0005
radians. If you only have access to a uniform random number generator over the interval, [0 ≤ r ≤
1], use rGauss = r1 + r2 + … + r11 + r12 – 6. Generate a hundred or so trajectories to compute the
dispersion. Compare these results qualitatively with the corresponding experimental

I noted that the experimentally measured dispersions were not always very stable in value, even
if the mean positions were quite reproducible. That may be an artifact of the strong possibility
that Gaussian initial errors do not propagate to Gaussian trajectory dispersions. This is an open
question for the moment that could be explored by computational methods.

University of Michigan 22 Department of Physics

Relation to Fractals and Other Complex Behavior

Although the double pendulum does not give rise to interesting geometric behavior, the general
computational procedure often produces surprising results. The figure below was taken from a
recent New York Times Web blog by Steven Strogatz. The image depicts the behavior of
Newton’s method for iteratively computing the solution to z3 = 1. The color of each point in the
figure indicates which of the three roots will be approached from that particular point in the
complex plane.

Figure 20. A map of the complex plane with -1 ≤ Re(z) ≤ 1 and -1 ≤ Im(z) ≤ 1. The three colors
designate which complex root will be found by iteration of Newton’s method for the solution of
z3 = 1. See S. Strogatz.

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Useful mathematical formulas:

   a  b 2  ab
a b 1 2
 
2 2
x  y dx dy 
0 0 3

r r 2  x2 r2
dx 
(( x0  x)2  ( y0  y )2 ) dy 
(16 ( x0  y0 ) r  3  r 2  2 ( x02  y02 ))

a  a 2  b2 b
a  b i   (c  d i ) ; d  , c 
2 2d


1. Troy Shinbrot, Celso Grebogi, Jack Wisdom and James A. Yorke, Chaos in a double
pendulum, Am. J. Phys. 60, 491-499 (1992).

2. Tomasz Stachowiak and Toshio Okada, A numerical analysis of chaos in the double
pendulum, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 29, 417–422 (2006).

3. Steven Strogatz, Finding Your Roots, New York Times, March 7, 2010.

University of Michigan 24 Department of Physics

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