MSRA Applicant Guide - R2R - FINAL

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Applicant Guidance

General Practice:
Multi-Specialty Recruitment Assessment (MSRA)
Round 2 Re-advert 2020

Version 1.0
PART I: OVERVIEW ......................................................................................................... 3

1. Introduction................................................................................................................ 3

2. Sitting the MSRA........................................................................................................ 3

2.1 Resitting the MSRA in Round 2 Re-advert ................................................................................................ 3

2.2. Number of MSRA attempts ......................................................................................................................... 4

3. Structure of the MSRA .............................................................................................. 4

3.1. Revision Materials .......................................................................................................................................... 4

4. Registering an account for the MSRA..................................................................... 5

4.1 Re-registering for the MSRA ........................................................................................................................ 5

4.2 Signing into a registered Pearson VUE account....................................................................................... 5

5. Invitation to the MSRA ............................................................................................. 6

PART II: TEST CENTRE DELIVERY ................................................................................. 7

6. MSRA Structure for Test Centre Delivery ............................................................... 7

7. Adjustments under the Equality Act 2010.............................................................. 7

7.1 Nursing Mothers Policy ................................................................................................................................. 7

7.2 Comfort Aids .................................................................................................................................................... 8

8. Test Centre Locations ................................................................................................ 8

9. Booking a test ............................................................................................................ 8

9.1 Confirmation of test booking ....................................................................................................................... 9

10. Admission Policy ...................................................................................................... 9

10.1 Identification (ID) Requirements................................................................................................................ 9

10.2 Alternative Identification Documents..................................................................................................... 10
10.3 Personal belongings................................................................................................................................... 10

10.4 Breaks and refreshments........................................................................................................................... 10

PART III: OnVUE DELIVERY .........................................................................................11

11. Eligibility for OnVUE Delivery ..............................................................................11

12. MSRA Structure for OnVUE Delivery ..................................................................11

13. Adjustments under the Equality Act 2010 .........................................................11

14. OnVUE Minimum Requirements ..........................................................................11

15. Booking an exam ...................................................................................................12

15.1 Confirmation of exam booking................................................................................................................ 12

16. Admission Policy ....................................................................................................13

16.1 Identification (ID) Requirements.............................................................................................................. 13

16.2 Alternative Identification Documents..................................................................................................... 14
16.3 Scheduled / unscheduled breaks ............................................................................................................ 14

PART IV: OTHER POLICIES ..........................................................................................15

17. Reschedule Policy ..................................................................................................15

18. Cancellation Policy ................................................................................................15

19. Missed Appointments ...........................................................................................15

20. Applicant Expenses ................................................................................................15

PART V: MSRA OUTCOMES.........................................................................................16

21. MSRA Outcomes ....................................................................................................16

21.1 Scoring Scale ............................................................................................................................................... 16

21.2 Maximum Achievable Score ..................................................................................................................... 16
21.3 Appealing the Outcome ............................................................................................................................ 16

1. Introduction
The purpose of this guidance is to outline requirements to allow successful completion of
the Multi-Specialty Recruitment Assessment (MSRA) for recruitment to GP training during
the extraordinary circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The requirements stated in this guidance will be only apply for the Round 2 Re-advert (R2R)
2020 recruitment episode in acknowledgement of the national emergency and will not set a
precedent for future delivery of the MSRA or GP recruitment.

The MSRA is a computer-based assessment, delivered in partnership with Work Psychology

Group and Pearson VUE, which has been designed to assess some of the essential
competences outlined in the Person Specification and is based around clinical scenarios.

The MSRA is utilised by several postgraduate medical specialties. Each speciality considers
the MSRA differently as part of its selection process. It is recommended that you visit specific
national recruitment websites and familiarise yourself with the appropriate guidance for that

2. Sitting the MSRA

All applicants who apply to GP for the first time in any given recruitment year are required to
sit the MSRA. There are no exceptions or exemptions to this requirement. A recruitment year
commences in November and spans to the October of the following year. It comprises of
Round 1 and Round 1 Re-advert for an August commencement and Round 2 Re-advert for a
February commencement.

Important: The MSRA will be delivered at Pearson VUE testing centres with remote testing
provisions in place, upon request, for those who are isolating/shielding due to COVID19 or
depending on their geographical location, where local or national COVID19 lockdown
measures prevent access to a testing centre.

2.1 Resitting the MSRA in Round 2 Re-advert

As a re-applicant, if you were unsuccessful in achieving the minimum threshold required for
GP training in Round 1 or, you sat the shortened COVID-19 contingency MSRA in Round 1

Re-advert, you will be required to re-sit the MSRA. A successful outcome from a previous
recruitment year cannot be carried over.

If you were previously successful in the full MSRA in Round 1, then you will not be permitted
to re-sit the MSRA and your outcome will carry over in this round.

A successful outcome cannot be carried over into successive recruitment years.

2.2. Number of MSRA attempts

In any given round, applicants who are required to the sit the MSRA will only have one
attempt at the exam, irrespective of the exam delivery method.

3. Structure of the MSRA

There are two component parts to the MSRA - a Professional Dilemmas (PD) paper and a
Clinical Problem Solving (CPS) paper. The length of each paper is as follows:

Paper Length / Time

Professional Dilemmas (PD) 95 minutes
Clinical Problem Solving (CPS) 75 minutes

The structure of both papers, including the question types, the competency domains being
assessed and the scoring process is detailed in full in the MSRA Test Blueprint & Information
document; you are strongly advised to read this document. Sample and practice questions
for both of the papers are available from the GPNRO Resource Bank.

In addition to the MSRA Test Blueprint & Information document and sample questions,
Pearson VUE offer a generic demo to aid you in familiarising yourself with the controls and
screen layouts in advance of the test. This demo can be accessed via

3.1. Revision Materials

None of the GP question writers take part in or endorse any preparation courses or books.

The GPNRO understands that applicants may wish to revise and prepare for the MSRA with
each other in small groups. However, sharing information about the actual assessments is
unacceptable and is viewed as unprofessional behaviour. The MSRA uses many different
equated exam forms and therefore knowledge of questions in one paper will not necessarily

benefit others. We would also remind all applicants that entry to GP specialty training is

4. Registering an account for the MSRA

Once the application window has closed, you will receive a message from the GPNRO asking
you to register with Pearson VUE using very specific account credentials provided in the
message. If you have applied to other specialties, you may receive multiple messages
containing the same credentials from each. In this instance, you only need to register once.
Failure to register will result you being unable to sit the MSRA and your GP application will
be withdrawn.

It is important to remember that the registration correspondence is not an invitation to

attend the MSRA; on completion of registration, your account will correctly state you do not
have any pre-approved exams at this time meaning you will not be able to book an

4.1 Re-registering for the MSRA

With the exception of applicants whose first ever MSRA attempt was the COVID-19
contingency MSRA in Round 1 Re-advert 2020, applicants who previously registered with
Pearson VUE for the MSRA on or after August 2017 will not be required to re-register; the
account registered will be valid for current MSRA events.

All other will be required to re-register. However, once a new Pearson VUE account has been
registered, it will be valid for all current MSRA events.

4.2 Signing into a registered Pearson VUE account

Following the successful completion of the registration process, applicants will be able to
sign into their new or existing Pearson VUE accounts by visiting

Applicants who are unable to recall their login credentials can retrieve or reset this
information by using the forgot my username / password links available on the sign-in page.

Applicants who continue to experience difficulties accessing an account registered after

August 2017 are advised to direct their queries to the Pearson VUE customer services team
at When contacting customer services, please ensure the
following information is provided:

• Your Pearson VUE Application Number (i.e. your 10-digit Oriel PIN)
• Your, full name, as registered on the Pearson VUE account
• Your email address, as registered on the Pearson VUE account
• Your postal address, as registered on the Pearson VUE account

5. Invitation to the MSRA

All applicants who have been assessed as demonstrating evidence of eligibility as outlined in
the Longlisting section of the GP ST1 / TGPT Applicant Guidance will be invited to sit the
MSRA. If you are invited, you will be required to book an appointment and undertake the
MSRA; failure to do so will result in your GP application(s) not progressing further.

All invites will be for delivery of the MSRA in Pearson VUE test centres. Once invitations have
been received, applicants who are isolating/shielding due to COVID19 or are prevented from
accessing a testing centre due to local or national COVID19 lockdown measures, will have
the opportunity to request sitting the MSRA remotely by exception. The GPNRO will approve
requests on a case by case basis. Remote testing is not available to applicants for any non-
COVID19 related issues.

6. MSRA Structure for Test Centre Delivery
The MSRA is delivered as a single exam when undertaken in a test centre environment. The
two papers are independently timed and the time remaining is each paper in denoted by an
onscreen countdown timer.

On completion of the Professional Dilemmas paper, the timer on the Clinical Problem-
Solving paper will commence automatically after 5 minutes; a 5 minute countdown timer will
be displayed onscreen. The Clinical Problem-Solving paper can be started earlier by pressing
Next on the screen.

7. Adjustments under the Equality Act 2010

All HEE Local Offices and Deaneries are aware of the requirements of the Equality Act 2010
and will make reasonable adjustments to accommodate requests provided these are made
known in advance. If you require any adjustments (e.g. wheelchair access, extra time, nursing
mothers) you must inform your first preference HEE Local Office / Deanery or GPNRO of any
special requirements, evidenced by supporting documentation at the earliest possible
opportunity and by no later than the application closing date. Adjustments cannot be
guaranteed if contact is made after the specified deadline and no adjustments can be made
on the day of the test.

In some instances, in order to satisfy requests for adjustments, it may be necessary to

schedule your exam at a specific time or in a specific location.

7.1 Nursing Mothers Policy

In line with the Equality Act 2010, the GPNRO will consider requests from nursing mothers to
provide suitable facilities in the MSRA test centres. If this applies to you then you must
submit this information with your application form. The GPNRO will then liaise with Pearson
VUE in order to try and honour your request.

It should be noted that children are not permitted at any of the test centres and therefore it
is recommended that nursing mothers check the location of the test centre before booking a
test to ensure that nearby facilities meet any requirements you may have. Address details for
each Pearson VUE Centre can be found at

7.2 Comfort Aids

Pearson VUE list a number of medicines, medical and mobility devices as comfort aids which
do not require pre-approval as an accommodation by the GPNRO. Comfort aid items are
listed on the Pearson VUE website in the test accommodations section.

The items listed will be allowed in the testing room upon visual inspection by Test Center
staff. Visual inspection will be done by examining the item without directly touching it (or the
applicant) and without asking the applicant to remove the item, unless otherwise stated in
Pearson VUE’s comfort aid list.

8. Test Centre Locations

The MSRA is delivered globally on several consecutive days in a large number of Pearson
VUE Computer Testing Centres. You can find your nearest Pearson VUE test centre by visiting Please note that capacity at each centre is finite and
there may be a requirement to travel to the nearest location with availability if there is no
availability at your preferred location.

Applicants who reside in or, are in employment in the UK (including the Channel Islands and
the Isle of Man) during the assessment window are expected to attend a UK test centre. If
you are outside of the UK during the MSRA window, you will have the opportunity to sit the
MSRA outside of the UK at a test centre nearest to your location, subject to seat availability.

9. Booking a test

If you are invited to the MSRA, you will be required to log into your Pearson VUE account
and use the self-service functionality to the book a test at a centre, date and time of your
choosing, subject to availability. The only exception to this is if you have requested a special
accommodation, other than or in addition to extra time, under the Equality Act 2010; in this
instance, you will be contacted directly by Pearson VUE with details of your appointment
provided you have completed the registration process outlined in Section 6.

When booking your test, it is strongly recommended that you avoid booking from a mobile
device or internet browsers that have reached the end of their product support lifecycle as
these are unlikely to be supported.

When searching for seat availability at test centres by location, Pearson VUE will return a
maximum of 30 test centres per location search. To view more test centres, you will need to
alter your search criterion.

9.1 Confirmation of test booking

Once you have booked your test, you will receive an automated confirmation email to your
registered email address. If you do not receive this confirmation, log into your Pearson VUE
account to confirm if the booking process was completed in its entirety.

10. Admission Policy

You must arrive at the test centre at least 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment
time to complete the necessary check-in procedures. It is essential that you arrive on time as
applicants who arrive late will NOT be admitted entry.

You should note that children are not permitted at any of the test centres.

10.1 Identification (ID) Requirements

In line with the Pearson VUE ID policy, from the list below, you are required to present one
form of original (no photo copies or digital IDs), valid (unexpired) government issued ID that
includes your name, recent recognizable photograph, and signature.

• International Travel Passport,

• Driver’s license,
• Military ID (including spouse & dependents),
• Identification card (national/state/province identity card),
• Alien registration card (green card, permanent resident, visa),
• Local language ID (not in Roman characters) – accepted only if issued from the
Country you are testing in.

All forms of acceptable IDs must be issued by the country in which you are testing. If you do
not possess qualifying ID issued from the country you are testing in, an international travel
passport in roman characters from your country of citizenship is required. If you are
European Union candidate testing within the EU zone, you may also provide a valid,
unexpired EU identity card as primary ID.

Expired forms of ID are not acceptable, unless accompanied by valid renewal papers. A
government issued ID missing a visible signature or one that has an embedded signature
must be supplemented with an original, valid ID that has at least a matching name and
recent recognizable photo, or a matching name and signature.

The first and last name you used on your application form and thus your Pearson VUE
account must match exactly the first and last name on the ID that is presented on the day of
your MSRA appointment.

10.2 Alternative Identification Documents

If you are unable to present any of the three documents listed above or, your first name and
last name does not match EXACTLY with the one of the three documents that you intend to
present on the day of your test, you must contact the GPNRO at the earliest opportunity at for further advice and instructions on suitable alternatives.

Failure to notify the GPNRO of any discrepancies will result in you not being permitted entry
to sit the test.

10.3 Personal belongings

You will not be allowed to take any personal items with you into the testing room. This
includes all bags, books or other materials not authorised for the MSRA, notes, phones,
pagers, watches and wallets.

10.4 Breaks and refreshments

You are prohibited from taking food and drink into the test room. You may leave the test
room for water or a comfort break, but no additional time will be allowed in your test. If you
wish to leave the room, you must ask the invigilator. Please note that you will not be
permitted to eat whilst in the test centre.

11. Eligibility for OnVUE Delivery
Applicants who are isolating/shielding due to COVID19 or are prevented from accessing a
Pearson VUE test centre due to local or national COVID19 lockdown measures, will have the
opportunity to request a remote, OnVUE delivery by exception. The GPNRO will approve
requests on a case by case basis. Remote testing is not available to applicants for any non -
COVID19 related issues.

12. MSRA Structure for OnVUE Delivery

Limitations on the maximum exam length that can be delivered directly to applicants via
OnVUE means that the MSRA exam will differ from the usual structure of the MSRA. The
MSRA will be separated into its component papers and delivered as two separate exams.
Applicants who request to sit the MSRA remotely via OnVUE will be required to sit both
exams within the testing window, in any chosen order. Failure to sit both exams will
automatically result in a null outcome for the missed exam(s) and an unsuccessful outcome
in the MSRA.

13. Adjustments under the Equality Act 2010

All HEE Local Offices and Deaneries are aware of the requirements of the Equality Act 2010
and the need to make reasonable adjustments to accommodate applicants provided these
requests are made known in advance.

The only adjustments for MSRA that can be accommodated for exams delivered by OnVUE
are requests for additional time. The maximum amount of addition time available is +25%.

14. OnVUE Minimum Requirements

Before booking an exam, applicants should ensure that their equipment and environment
meet Pearson VUE’s required specification for the successful delivery of an online proctored

You should visit and run the system test and read the
system requirements to ensure that device you intend to use to sit the MSRA meets the

minimum specification requirement. You should also ensure that your testing environment is
a quiet, private location with a strong and reliable internet connection.

It is strongly recommended that you avoid sitting the exam at work or on a work computer
as it likely that your employer’s strict network security / firewall will disrupt the online exam

You are also strongly advised to familiarise yourself with Pearson VUE’s policies and
procedures which are also available in the above link which must be strictly adhered to. You
should be aware that any violation of policies and procedures will result in the immediate
termination of your exam and withdrawal of your application on grounds of misconduct.

Important: all applicants sitting the exam via OnVUE are solely responsible for their testing
environment, internet connectivity, the device(s) used for the exam and any other devices
connected to their network that could interfere with delivery, and for ensuring that minimum
internet bandwidth requirements on are maintained on their network for the entire duration
of their Pearson VUE exam appointment. Any equipment or connectivity failures that occur
during the exam which result in the disruption or early termination of the exam will not lead
to further attempts at the exam if responsibility for the failures does not lie with Pearson
VUE. Please note that technical support will not be available from the GPNRO.

15. Booking an exam

If you are approved to sit the MSRA remotely due to factors relating to COVID019, you will
be required to log into your Pearson VUE account and use the self-service functionality to
the book an exam on a date and time of your choosing, subject to availability within the
specified testing window. The only exception to this is if you have requested a special
accommodation of additional time, under the Equality Act 2010; in this instance, you will
need to book via Pearson VUE’s Customer Services team.

When booking your exam, it is strongly recommended that you avoid booking from a mobile
device or internet browsers that have reached the end of their product support lifecycle as
these are unlikely to be supported.

15.1 Confirmation of exam booking

Once you have booked your exams, you will receive an automated confirmation email to
your registered email address. If you do not receive this confirmation, log into your Pearson
VUE account to confirm if the booking process was completed in its entirety.

16. Admission Policy
The MSRA delivered via OnVUE is proctored in English only. There is not an option for local
language proctoring for this exam.

All applicants are advised to log into their accounts 30 minutes early to start the self-check-
in process, run through ID authentication protocols using artificial intelligence and to allow
for any troubleshooting. If you are more than 15 minutes late after your scheduled exam
time you will be unable to begin your exam.

To log into your account:

• Visit and click on the Sign In button

• Click on your scheduled exam under 'Purchased Online Exams'
• Click “Begin Exam” and follow the on-screen prompts to complete the check-in
• Once you have completed the check-in process you will be contacted by a Proctor to
begin your exam

Please note that you are required to have a clean and clutter free workstation. During check
in, the Proctor will ask you to perform a room and desk scan using your webcam and will
inspect any materials near your workstation.

If a third party is detected in the physical room where you are seated during the exam, the
exam will be immediately terminated, and your application will be withdrawn.

16.1 Identification (ID) Requirements

The Identification (ID) requirements for online proctored exams differ to the requirements for
an exam delivered at a test centre. Therefore, it is important that you understand the
requirements for this occurrence.

You will need to show one (1) valid form of unexpired, Government-issued personal ID. The
Government-issued ID must contain your name, signature and photo

The name on the exam registration must match the names on the Government issued ID
exactly. If your identification is not considered valid you will not be permitted to complete your

Examples of acceptable identification include:

• Passport
• Driver’s license
• Military ID (including spouse and dependents)
• Identification card (national or local)
• Registration card (such as green card, permanent resident, visa)

Please note that Pearson VUE are unable to accept the following ID’s for an online proctored

• Renewal forms with expired ID’s

• Government-issued name change documents with Government ID.

16.2 Alternative Identification Documents

Alternative identification documents cannot be accepted for exams delivered through

OnVUE. If you are unable to satisfy the ID requirements, you must contact the GPNRO
immediately at for further advice.

Failure to notify the GPNRO of any discrepancies will result in you not being permitted to sit
the exam.

16.3 Scheduled / unscheduled breaks

There are no scheduled breaks during the delivery of the MSRA and therefore, breaks are not
allowed during the exam for any reason. If you leave your device during your exam the
Pearson VUE proctor will end your session and you will be unable to continue testing and
this will result in the automatic withdrawal of your application.

You are advised take a comfort break prior to the commencement of your exam.

If you require refreshments, water in a clear glass is allowed during testing however, eating,
smoking, and chewing gum are prohibited.

17. Reschedule Policy

If you wish to reschedule your test, you may do this via your Pearson VUE account for the
test in question, within the test booking period. If you are an applicant with a pre-approved
adjustment and wish to reschedule your test, please contact Pearson VUE via email at You must reschedule test appointments at least 24 hours
before the appointment.

18. Cancellation Policy

If you wish to cancel your test, you may do this via your Pearson VUE account for the test in
question, within the test booking period. If you are an applicant with a pre-approved
adjustment and wish to cancel your test, please contact Pearson VUE via email at You must cancel test appointments at least 24 hours
before the appointment.

19. Missed Appointments

If you miss your test and wish to schedule another appointment, please contact the GPNRO
at immediately; you will not be able to re-book online via self-service
without first being re-authorised by the GPNRO. You should be aware that test centre
availability is likely to limited at this point and that you may be required to travel beyond
your preferred locality. The GPNRO will be unable to accommodate you if you miss an
appointment on the final day of the MSRA window.

20. Applicant Expenses

Expenses incurred by applicants in sitting the MSRA will not be reimbursed by the GPNRO.

21. MSRA Outcomes

All applicants will be notified of their results, and thus their performance/outcome a short
time after the conclusion of the testing window. The date by which you can expect your
results is disclosed in the GP recruitment timeline for each round. The timeline can be found
on the Recruitment webpage of the GPNRO website.

The results will be published in your Oriel account against your GP ST1 or TGPT application
as interview scores. Detailed guidance on how to locate or view these scores is contained in
the Oriel Applicant User Handbook.

21.1 Scoring Scale

The MSRA scores awarded for GP applicants in each paper are normalised around a mean
score of 250 with a standard deviation of 40. In addition, the scores for each paper are
banded 1 to 4 where 1 indicates that the minimum acceptable standard has not been
achieved. Applicants who achieve a band of 1 in either paper will be deemed unsuccessful
and will not progress further with their application.

21.2 Maximum Achievable Score

Due to the abovementioned normalisation of all MSRA scores, there is no maximum

achievable score. For a given cohort of applicants, normalisation is dependent on the
average performance of said cohort and therefore, it is not considered meaningful to
interpret the scores achieved in the MSRA with a maximum value.

21.3 Appealing the Outcome

All applicants will receive feedback when they are notified of their outcome. The outcome is
final and cannot be reviewed, re-marked or disputed. There is no appeals process.

If you feel your application has not been managed correctly and have evidence of a failure in
the process, there is a national complaints policy and procedure. You should explore this
route if you have any concerns about your application. A copy of the policy can be located in
the GPRNO Resource Bank.


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