Lenora Davis Esprit Poster Final
Lenora Davis Esprit Poster Final
Lenora Davis Esprit Poster Final
show limited response to Lenora W. Davis*, Hilary Rose Dawson, Jamie Wright, Lucas Silva
historical flood event *Corresponding author lenorad@uoregon.edu
● Land is the 1. The flood did not sig. affect tree growth (P = 0.06), but
indigenous Figure 3: Populus trichocarpa tree core with increased contrast for ring visibility.
growth decreased compared to previous year.
homeland of Tree core analysis 2. Proximity from river did not affect tree growth (distance
the Kalapuya4 ● Detrended widths using ring width index (RWI) in R 6, 7
from river P = 0.81, interaction term P = 0.65).
Future Research
○ Standardizes ‘age trend’ where younger rings are larger
due to a smaller trunk diameter
● Why did the trees experience such limited disturbance?
● Cropped data to 10 years on either side of the 1996 flood
● How does tree age affect flood response?
(1986-2006). ● How did the flood affect other species on the site?
○ Sample depth greatly decreased further back ● How did the 1964 flood impact tree growth?
Source: EWEB, Google, UO
● Tested significance with an ANOVA test ● What can old trees on the site reveal about past climatic events?
Figure 1a: Map of study
site, Springfield, OR with