Biology Notes: Topic 1C

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Cardiovascular health
Non- communicable conditions; diseases which are not caused by pathogens and can’t
be spread from one person to other
Risk; the probability that an event will take place.
Risk factors; factors that effect a risk from happening.
Multifactorial diseases; a disease that results from the interactions of many different
factors not from one simple cause.
Epidemiology; the study of patterns of health and disease, to identify causes of
different conditions and patterns of infection.
Correlation; a strong tendency for two sets of data to change together.
Causation; when a factor directly causes a specific effect.
Longitudinal: scienti fi c studies which follows the same group of individual for many years.

 Validity: it means that it should answer the questi on scienti st is asking.

 Precision: measurements should have very small diff erences between them.

 Reliability: the experimental should be repeated by other scienti st.

Subjects of experiments might be unaware of eff ects of the factors of the risk of CVD.
atherosclerosis is multi factorial disease .

 Genes: studies show that geneti c factors can increase the risk of CVD thru: easily
damaged arteries, imbalance of cholesterol in the body and high blood pressure.

 Age: as we get older, our blood vessels starts losing their elasti city and will get

 Gender: women before menopause will have a lower risk of CVD as the menstrual
cycle gets rid of waste blood.

Smoking: chemicals in smoking id damage to the endothelial lining to the artery and thus,
narrow it increasing blood pressure.

Diet: a lot of saturated fat, an imbalance of cholesterol, and an imbalance of LDL to HDL
rati o will lead to an increased risk of CVD.

Obesity: it can lead to an increased risk of CVD and can also read to type 2 diabetes.

Inacti vity: high acti vity levels can reduce obesity levels, decrease blood pressure, and
balance the LDL: HDL rati o.


Low density lipoprotein (protein<saturated fats)

1. Bind to cell surface receptors, which can become saturated leaving the LDLs in the

2. Its associated with the formati on of atherosclerosis.

3. It should be maintained at low level.

High density lipoprotein (protein>unsaturated fats)

1. Transports cholesterol from body ti ssues to liver where its broken down.

2. It reduces blood cholesterol levels, and discourages atherosclerosis.

3. It should be maintained at high level.

 BMI=Weight in kg

(height in cm)2

 Hip-to-waist rati o

Investigating presence of vitamin C

 First of all, extract a liquid from the cabbage and then, place the liquid in a burett e at
a specifi c volume. Then get 5 samples of equal concentrati on and volume of DCPIP in a
test tube. Then ti trate the liquid on the DCPIP, and check the color change from blue
to colorless. Record the volume and repeat the experiment 4 more ti mes and fi nd out
the mean volume needed to decolorize the DCPIP, make sure that, if repeated with
more than 1 cabbage they are of the same sizer and weight as well as the fact that the
volume of liquid should be same.


Diuretics (antihypertensive) Increase volume of urine which lowers blood volume Very occasional dizziness, nausea, muscle cramps.
and pressure.
Beta blockers (antihypertensive) Blocks response of hormones and make contractions Possible link in diabetes.
less frequent and less powerful,
ACE inhibitors (antihypertensive) Blocks the production of angiotensin converting enzyme Cough, dizziness, heart arrhythmia, impaired kidney
which causes arterial constriction and a rise in B.P. function.
Stains Lower cholesterol level in the blood by blocking the liver Muscle aches, nausea, constipation diarrhea, rare
enzyme that make cholesterol inflammation which are rarely fatal also rarely liver failure
people may stop eating a healthy diet.
Anticoagulants Reduce risk of clot formation. Risk of uncontrolled bleeding. Dosage control is essential.
Platelet inhibitory drugs e.g. aspirin Make platelets less sticky. Irritates the stomach lining and can cause stomach bleeding


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