Api 1111 Internal THK Calc
Api 1111 Internal THK Calc
Api 1111 Internal THK Calc
The hydrostatic test pressure, the pipeline design pressure, and the incidental overpressure, including both internal and
external pressures acting on the pipelines, shall not exceed that determined by the equations
fd is the internal pressure (burst) design factor, applicable to all pipelines;
Pt ≤ fd fe ft Pb (1) 0.90 for pipelines;
0.75 for pipeline risers;
Pa ≤ 0.90 Pt (2) fe is the weld joint factor, longitudinal or spiral seam welds. See ASME B31.4 or ASME B31.8.
Only materials with a factor of 1.0 are acceptable;
Pd ≤ 0.80 Pt (3) ft is the temperature derating factor, as specified in ASME B31.8 [1.0 for temperatures less than 250 ⁰F].
Pa is the incidental over pressure (internal minus external pressure), in N/mm² (psi);
Pb is the specified minimum burst pressure of pipe, in N/mm² (psi);
Pt is the hydrostatic test pressure (internal minus external pressure), in N/mm² (psi).
The specified minimum burst pressure (Pb) is determined by one of the following equations:
D Where:
Pb = 0.45(S+U)ln (4) D/t <15
Di D is the outside diameter of pipe, mm (in.);
Di is D-2t = inside diameter of pipe, mm (in.);
NOTE 1 The two equations, Equation (4) and Equation (5), for the burst pressure are equivalent for D/t >15. For low D/t pipe (D/t<15), Equation (4) is recommended.
NOTE 2 Determination of specified minimum burst pressure for unlisted materials is in accordance with Annex A.
NOTE 3 Improved control of mechanical properties and dimensions can produce pipe with improved burst performance. The specified minimum burst pressure may be
NOTE 4 See Annex C for example calculations of internal pressure (burst) and Annex D for example calculations of external pressure
When a corrosion allowance is required, the design process should consider the following adjustment to the wall thickness used in the design equations:
1) the hydrostatic test pressure prior to first placing the pipeline in service shall not exceed the code test limit where the wall thickness
includes the corrosion allowance;
2) the MOP (usually equal to the shut-in pressure for a flowline) shall not exceed the code operating limit where the wall thickness does
not include the corrosion allowance.
H₁(GS) H₁(GS)
Pi = Ps - (ɣx ) ɣ is seawater density, Kg /mᶟ (lb/ ᶟ)
Pi = Ps - (ɣx 144
) 144
D 2
t 1 D 0.90 (S+U)
1 - = 1 + (5)
Pb (4) t Pb
D 2
t 1 D 0.810 (S+U)
1 - For Flowline
= 1 + For Flowline
Pt t Pt
D 2 For Raiser
t 1 D 0.675 (S+U)
1 - = 1 + For Raiser
Pt t Pt
Note: The two equations, Equation (4) and Equation (5), for the burst pressure are equivalent for D/t > 15. For low D/t pipe (D/t < 15), Equation (4) is recommended.