Prefabrication of Concrete

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Prefabrication is the method of construction which includes assembling components of a structure in a

manufacturing or production site, transporting complete assemblies or partial assemblies to the site
where the structure is to be located. It is combination of good design with modern high performance
components and quality controlled manufacturing procedures.

Prefabricated sections are produced in large quantities in a factory and then shipped to various
construction sites. This procedure may allow work to continue despite poor weather conditions and
should reduce any waste in time and material at the site. Precast concrete units are cast and hardened
before being used for construction. Sometimes builders cast components at the building site and hoist
them into place after they harden. This technique permits the speedy erection of structures.

Prefabrication has certain stages of preparation. They are Casting, Curing, Transportation and erection.

CASTING: Precast components are casted with controlled cement concrete in moulds of required shape
and sizes. The vibrator is used to vibrate concrete and this removes any honeycombing inside the

CURING: After 24 hours of casting, the casted components are released from the mould and transported
to curing tanks. Certain special components like railway sleepers where high strength is required are
steam cured.

TRANSPORTATION AND ERECTION: After complete curing is done the components are transported to the
site with heavy trucks and erection will be done using cranes with skilled labor force.

COLUMNS: A column is a vertical member carrying the beam and floor loadings to the foundation. It is a
compression member and therefore the column connection is required to be proper. The main principle
involved in making column connections is to ensure continuity and this can be achieved by a variety of

BEAMS: Beams can vary in their complexity of design and reinforcement from the very simple beam
formed over an isolated opening to the more common encountered in frames where the beams transfer
their loadings to the column.

Other members constructed are slabs, girders etc.


1. Saving in cost, material, time & manpower.

2. Shuttering and scaffolding is not necessary.
3. Installation of building services and finishes can be done immediately.
4. Independent of weather condition.
5. Components produced at close supervision .so quality is good
6. Clean and dry work at site.
7. Possibility of alterations and reuse
8. Correct shape and dimensions and sharp edges are maintained.
9. Very thin sections can be entirely precast with precision.


1. Handling and transportation may cause breakages of members during the transit and extra provision
is to be made.
2. Difficulty in connecting precast units so as to produce same effect as monolithic. This leads to non-
monolithic construction.
3. They are to be exactly placed in position, otherwise the loads coming on them are likely to get
changed and the member may be affected.
4. Disadvantages:
5. High transport cost
6. Need of erection equipment

Skilled labour and supervision is required.

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