33 Exchange Server Site Recovery
33 Exchange Server Site Recovery
33 Exchange Server Site Recovery
Configure the alternative file share witness using the Powershell cmdlets shown
Once we have the DAG created we can able to see the properties of the DAG with the
PowerShell cmdlets.
Figure 3.
get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup DAG01 | fl
Once we have created DAG we need to ADD members to the DAG. Let’s add all the mailbox
servers from Asite and Bsite into the DAG.
1. All DAG members must be running the same OS (windows 2008 R2 or Windows 2008
2. When any mailbox Server is added to the DAG, it installs Windows failover clustering
component on to the server and creates a failover cluster and joins the mailbox
server to the newly created cluster.
Configure database copies for the Databases in the DAG. I have created two
Database in each of the mailbox server in Asite (Primary)
Type of Failure
1. Database Failure
3. Site/Datacenter Failure
1. The above scenario PAM (Primary Active Manager) helps to bring the database up in
case of the failure.
2. We have defined not to bring the database up in case of failure by setting Activation
bit. So, we have to manually execute some PowerShell cmdlets to bring the services
up and running…
1. how we can fail back once the Primary datacenter come up.
2. Now I have disconnected the Network between the AD sites and brought down all
the Servers in ASites to have complete Datacenter failure.
3. Lets see the status of the DAG01 from the BMBX1 using the below Powershell
cmdlet. Figure 19. Show that the entire Database from Primary site is service down
and Passive copy is in Disconnected state and healthy.
4. We have also defined not to bring Secondary server Database up in case of Primary
Datacenter Failures. This is done using DAC configuration
1. In Figure 20. Marked in red has the details about started mailbox servers and
Stopped Mailbox Servers.
2. Started mailbox servers are the servers which are available for DAG for bringing the
Database online.
3. Stopped mailbox Servers are no longer participating in the DAG.
4. They me be servers which are offline or down because of Datacenter failures.
5. When we are restoring the service on secondary site, ideally all the servers which are
in primary should be marked as stopped and they should not use when the services
are brought online.
Let’s verify again to see if the server has moved to stopped state. Figure 22. Show AMBX1
and AMBX2 has been moved to stopped state. Now these servers are not available for the
DAG recovery.
Figure 22. DAG status after moving Asite servers into stopped mailbox Servers
1. Next we need to verify and make sure if cluster services are stopped on all the
mailbox servers on Secondary Site.
2. In our Secondary site we have only one mailbox servers BMBX1. So, let’s stop the
cluster service using the command “Net stop Clussvc” or manually stop the cluster
service from services console.
Now we need to restore DAG at the BSite. To restore use the below PowerShell
1. Custer Quorum will be formed at the new server BMBX1 as old Quorum is no
Longer reachable
3. AMBX1 and AMBX2 nodes will be marked as stopped state and it will evict servers
One by one leaving only one node BMBX1 into the DAG.
Switch to use Alternative file share Witness which was defined while creating the
1. Let’s look at the DAG -status before we continue. Figure 23 should has the new details
like Operational Servers is BMBX1 as we have evicted other servers out.
2. PAM(Primary Active Manager) is operational from BMBX1
Let’s verify again the Mailbox Database copy status using the powershell cmdlet and Figure
25 shows that we have still Databasecopies on BMBX1 is in Disconnected and Healthy state
Figure 25. Mailbox Database copy Status
During the DAG configuration we had set activation block on database copies on
BMBX1. To remove the activation block on all the copies, we need to execute the
blow Powershell cmdlets.
With this we have resumed all the Mailbox Database copies on BMBX1. Now let’s check the
status. Figure 27 show that DAG status with the entire database mounted on BMBX1 and
serving the email for the users
Figure 27. DAG Status with all the Database copies mounted on BMBX1
If databases are not mounted automatically using above technique then you can use below
Powershell command to manually mount. You bunch of options to troubleshoot and mount
the database.TechNet has more details description on parameters of Move-
1. Lets bring all the servers at primary site up and as these servers are out of DAG
2. It will have no impact on the DAG. Now the DAG has only one server BMBX1.
3. To fail back to the primary site we need add the Primary Site mailbox servers AMBX1
and AMBX2 into DAG back.
4. To add the server back, below Powershell cmdlet
Figure 28. Execution result of adding AMBX1 and AMBX2 into the DAG
If we see the Database available group status you would find that all the mailbox servers
are in started and operation state.
Let’s now verify the Mailbox Database copy to make sure that we have all active
copies mounted on BMBX1 and passive copies replicated and also it’s in healthy
state both on AMBX1 and AMBX2.
To bring the respective copies of AMBX1 and AMBX2 up, we need to run
Verify and confirm again, to see if we have the entire database moved and mounted on the
primary node and other copies are replicated in Healthy
Figure 33. Mailbox Database copy Status after the recovery of Database at Primary Site
Finally last but not least we wanted to disable automatic activation of database in
secondary (DR) Site. This configuration is very important and it can be again
disabled using the same old below PowerShell cmdlet.
With this we have tried to simulate all different type of failure – Database Failure, Server
failure and Datacenter failure and how to recover back from the failure. DAG has made HA
very easy and quicker to recover. Here we just talked about the DAG and the mailbox
servers and Mailbox Database and the recovery it. Exchange is not just DAG. We have to
plan and design for the failover and fail back of other servers like Hub, Client etc.
This TechNet article has good details on other servers. I hope this article is information and
you can use this in your real life