Technical Writing 4
Technical Writing 4
Technical Writing 4
A. The importance of business
Illustrate the difference between communication communication
in business and communication in organization B. Types of Business Communication
C. Methods of Business
Interview a business manager or a supervisor Communication
(using means other than face to face) D. Communication in Organization
E. Formal and Informal Channels of
Compare and contrast personal and business Communication
letters F. Personal and Business Letters
G. Characteristics and elements of
business letters
The way we communicate with others is indeed a habitual part of us that we rarely recognize or even
think about it. This translates into business communication too. Organizations, after all aren’t faceless
entities but groups of real people.
Effective communication is the key to success in business. It affects processes, efficiency, and every
level of a company. Thus, business depends so much on it. It is how employees and management
interact to reach organizational goals. Its purpose is to improve organizational practices and reduce
Communication in business in business is a two-way process that follows the common communication
process of sending and receiving messages. However, business communication differs on the medium
for it uses paper, pen, typewriter, or computer to make the message tangible to the receiver.
All organized activity in a company relies on the process of business communication. This could be
anything from managerial communication to technical communication with the vendors
External communication is any messaging that leaves your office and internal staff. It
involves dealing with customers, vendors, or anything that impacts your brand.
You can sort all communication into four types of business communication.
1. Getting and receiving instructions both upward and downward. This includes an effective
delegation from one person to another. Most problems in business begin with unclear
communication in this area.
2. Sharing and discussing information, including sharing that goes on in meeting. When
communication fails in this area, it causes tasks to be done improperly or not at all.
3. Giving feedback, correction, and discipline to people who report to you so that they can
have the knowledge and the tools that they need to do their jobs better. Giving great,
actionable feedback is a key for anyone in a leadership position. Non-verbal communication and
body language also play a role here.
Communication in Organization
An organization is comprised of people who are committed to a common goal and are ready to
share information and resources in pursuit of a desired goal. (Rosales, et al., 2009). Communication
There are several written documents needed to run an organization. Every single document has
one or more of the three basic functions of organizational writing which is to inform, to promote
goodwill, or to persuade.
To inform
Basic functions
Despite the numerous changes on how people communicate, traditional letter writing remains the
best way to communicate among people.
There are two basic kinds of letter, the personal and the business letters. The different from each
other in terms of nature, purpose, scope, structure, formality, size and language.
Personal Letters
Personal letter is a written type of communication of an individual to another concerning personal or
family affairs rather than business matters. This kind of letter does not follow certain rules or
structures and uses a less formal wording or colloquial language. An example of a personal letter is
a birthday greeting given to someone whom we know personally who is celebrating his special day.
Personal letter maintains and develops personal relationships with people whom you consider a
friend or a family. This type of letter can be type-written or handwritten depending on the length of
the content.
Business letters
Whether you are writing a personal or a business letter, the way you construct the message and the
way the receiver decodes the message are very important.
You : Thank you for your assurance that you had sufficient information for the
completion of your order.
2. Accentuate the positive. Even a letter that has to say “No” can be written from a positive point of
view. Make it an absolute rule never to start or end your letter with a negative. Whenever
possible, avoid words with a negative connotation, such as argument, careless, complaint,
disagreeable, error, neglect, and unfair.
Positive: Thank you for your order. The merchandise will go out to you as soon
Negative: We regret to inform you that we will not be able to ship you your order
Some phrases have a built-in smile. Here are some friendly phrases that you can and should
use freely:
We shall be glad to…
It is a pleasure…
Thank you…
We appreciate very much…
With our compliments…
1. Completeness
Refers to the inclusion of complete information. The business letter should answer the question
WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE AND HOW to produce a good and complete business letter.
2. Correctness
To attain correctness, double check the spelling of the names, address letters properly, verify
numbers and amounts, always check the dictionary
3. Conciseness
Refers to being direct and brief without compromising the complete idea.
Instead of saying: Say:
At the present time Now
Prior to before
Pitch in Join to
Start from scratch Make new from nothing
Meet the deadline Complete the job
4. Coherence
Refers to the smooth flow of ideas in a business letter
5. Clarity
Refers to the readability of information which is easy to understand.
6. Concreteness
Refers to the use of specific words not general words.
Instead of saying: Say:
Return of investment profit
Market penetration successful selling
7. Courteousness
Refers to the politeness of the tone of the business letter. Showing positive approach is the key
for a successful communication I business.
8. Consideration
Refers to the use of professional tone to show respect to the reader of the
letter; the “You” attitude in writing a letter. Example:
Instead of saying:
We are glad to offer you the best services
You will be pleased to find must-try services in our branch near you
9. Consistency
Refers to the uniformity of the time and style of the writer.
10. Credibility – refers to the personality of the writer as himself which might reflect in his writings.
1. The sender- the one who writes the letter. It is one of the protocols in business writing that the
receiver of the letter should be known by the sender. The complete name, position, as well as
the address of the receiver should be included in the letter. The sender or writer must be also
knowledgeable in basic grammar, punctuation, spelling, and mechanics skills so that he might
build a good impression to the receiver of the letter.
2. The message –is the reason that moves the sender to start the communication process. It
should be well-written, simple and understandable. It should be direct and persuasive and
should avoid including unnecessary information. It should be concise and complete so that
everything you want to say is included.
Sender Message
3. The receiver-receives the letter and carefully decode the message of a business letter and
provide feedback that will complete the entire communication process.
1. Technical Writing – Erlinel A. Galang, et al
3. Developing Basic Research and writing Skills – Esther L. Baraceros
1. Draw a picture showing the difference between communication in business and communication in
organization. Use the boxes below.
1. Interview a business manager or a supervisor. Write the name of the interviewee and list five (5)
tips on how they communicate with their employees, clients, and customers.
2. Compare and contrast personal and business letters. Complete the Venn diagram below.