Juvenile Delequency
Juvenile Delequency
Juvenile Delequency
Delequency has been considered as a social issue well beyond the way that it is a lawful issue. It
is likewise a mental issue. Hence to stay away from this social shrewdness there should be
family counseling, youth mentoring, parenting education, educational support, and youth
sheltering. It is well said by BOB FELLER that father kept me busy from dawn to dusk when I
was a kid. When I wasn't pitching hay, hauling corn or running a tractor, I was heaving a
baseball into his mitt behind the barn... If all the parents in the country followed his rule, juvenile
delinquency would be cut in half in a year's time.
Juvenile delinquency is also known as "juvenile offending" and it means participation in illegal
behavior by minors (juveniles, i.e. individuals younger than the statutory age of majority).
Juvenile delinquency also known as the participation of a minor child, usually between the ages
of 10 and 17, in illegal behavior or activities. Juvenile delinquency is also used to refer to
children who exhibit a persistent behavior of mischievousness or disobedience, so as to be
considered out of parental control, becoming subject to legal action by the court system. Juvenile
delinquency is also known as “juvenile offending,” and each state has a separate legal system in
place to deal with juveniles who break the law. To explore this concept, consider the following
Most legal systems prescribe specific procedures for dealing with juveniles, such as juvenile
detention centers, and courts. This act by minors can be punished by an array of means, designed
specifically to deal with those who are under the statutory age of majority. However, the rise of
street gangs makes many people argue that the severity of the juvenile prosecution system is not
high enough to constitute proper punishment. Thus, the perpetrators must be tried under adult
laws. Delinquents lack ethical standards and emotional ties. They are very impulsive and indulge
in acts at the spur of the moment. They are socially insensitive and lack guilt feeling.
Delinquents, inspite of their socially unacceptable behaviours, created difficulties for the self as
well as for others. Considered as a learned behaviour, delinquency was found to be highly
correlated with low life styles with lack of recreational facilities and lack of permanent
In many under-developed and developing countries including many parts of India, criminal
tendency of a person is looked upon as the results of evil deeds in the past life of the parents.
This is undoubtedly a misconception and prejudice. In the other extreme of the case, when a
child develops delinquency many believe that it is due to the fault actions, omissions and
commissions of his parents during his childhood.
Is it fair to punish a minor under the laws designed for adults?
It is hard to argue this position as the crimes committed by gang members, regardless of their
age, are often as serious and heinous as the ones committed by adults. If one looks at the problem
from one point of view, it is hard to understand why the criminal cannot be punished with the
entire severity of the law. As the number of youngsters who get arrested for serious offences
increases, it is only natural to believe that the severity of their punishments must be increased as
well. This should make the perpetrators understand the real extent of their actions. A person who
is duly punished for breaking the law will be wearier of repeating the act. This cannot be said
about someone whose punishment is too light when compared to the crime committed.The issue
of morals makes answering this question more difficult, as people are taught that the same rules
for adults cannot be applied to children. The differences in their attitudes and psyche are too big
to overlook. Minors’ psyche is less stable by default, and they are easily influenced by those with
stronger personalities. The leaders of juvenile gangs fall into this category, so it is only logical
that they can manipulate those who are struggling to find their place in the world, while suffering
under the onslaught of hormones triggered by puberty. This unstable psychological condition is
the main reason that explains why minors are perceived as incapable of taking the blame for their
actions. However, teenage angst can hardly be seen as an excuse to commit a serious crime. This
is not a matter of not seeing the right from wrong. There are laws that must be complied with,
and not doing so is wrong by default. One’s existential crisis is not a good enough reason to use
as an excuse for breaking the law.
People who support the idea that juvenile delinquency should be perceived as a less serious
crime, based solely on the age of the offenders, do not see the whole picture. If the nature of the
acts committed by minors is serious enough to be tried under adult laws, this is the course of
action that should be taken. Even minors are clearly capable of understanding the law and their
obligations to comply with it.
The issue of juvenile delinquency is a serious issue in our society today which requires more
attention since it determines the values of the next generation. Thus this proves that the
government and all other agencies and association whom have a role to play in solving this issue
do so and with a lot of diligence. Parents and the society at large also have a duty and role to play
in solving this menace. Juvenile delinquency should be prevented before it spills over to a level
whereby it will be too late to do something about it. Every individual diligent should be treated
separately since every individual will have different factors which influence