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Rutherford 1919

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142 The Journal of the Rontgen Society. OCTOBER, 1919.

COLLISION OF H-PARTICLES W I T H L I G H T ATOMS. I.-IV. E. Rutherford. (Phil. Mag. 37,

pp. 537-587, June, 1919.)—I. Hydrogen. II. Velocity of the Hydrogen Atom. III. Nitrogen and
Oxygen Atoms. IV. An Anomalous Effect in Nitrogen.
These four papers are of an extremely important nature, as they throw considerable light
on the internal structure of atoms. The method of atom-analysis employed, in which a-particles
are in intimate collision with the nuclei of gaseous atoms, is unique, supplying, as it does, atomic
data which could not be obtained by other known methods.
I. Hydrogen. The production of high-speed hydrogen atoms due to close cplhsions between
a-particles and atoms of hydrogen has been studied, using the a-particles from RaC as a homo-
geneous source of radiation. In such close collisions, where the nuclei approach within a distance
of about 3 x 10" cm., the number and distribution of H atoms are entirely different from those

calculated on the assumption that the nuclei are to be regarded as point charges repelling each
other according to the law of inverse squares. The H atoms produced by swift a-particles of
range 7 cm. are shot forward mainly in the direction of the a-particles and are nearly uniform
in velocity. The distribution with velocity of H atoms becomes more and more heterogeneous
with decrease of velocity of the a-particles. For a-particles of range less than 4 cm. of air, the
distribution and absorption of H atoms are in fair accord with the simple theory although the
observed numbers are greater than those calculated on the theory.
The number of swift H atoms produced by a-particles of range 7 cm. is thirty times greater
than the theoretical number. The number falls off rapidly for ranges of a-particles between
3 and 2 cm. On an average 10 a-particles give rise to one swift hydrogen atom in traversing

1 cm. of hydrogen. It has been calculated that all a-particles of range 7 cm. projected within
a perpendicular distance ^> = 2 ' 4 x l 0 " 1 3
cm. of the centre of the hydrogen nucleus give rise to
swift H atoms. The corresponding apsidal distance is about 3'5 x 10" cm. As observed by

Marsden [Abs. 1421 (1915)], hydrogen atoms are emitted by the radio-active source. The number
observed is small, and it is difficult to decide whether these H atoms arise from the radio-active
transformation or from occluded hydrogen in the source. An important theoretical discussion
follows the statement of the above results. For this the original paper should be consulted.
II. Velocity of the Hydrogen Atoms. Measurements of the magnetic and electrostatic deflec-
tion of H atoms produced by the a-particles from RaC are described. The deflection in a magnetic
field alone was first determined, then in a combined magnetic and electrostatic field. From the
magnetic deflections it was found mw /e = 3'15 x 10 , and from the electric deflection w = 3'12 x

10 ; consequently e/w = 10 e.m. units. The value of e/m for the hydrogen atom in the elec-
9 4

trolysis of water is 9570. The agreement is sufficiently close to show that the long-range scin-
tillations produced by a-particles in hydrogen are due to hydrogen atoms carrying a unit positive
charge. The agreement between the calculated and observed velocities of the H atom shows
that within the margin of experimental error, the conservation of momentum and energy hold
for close collisions between the atomic nuclei and that there is no sensible loss of energy due
to radiation.
The relative brightness of H atoms and a-particles scintillation is discussed from the point
of view of energy loss along their paths due to ionization.
In the course of counting H scintillations, it was often noted that a number of the scintilla-
tions appeared as instantaneous " doubles ; " i.e., two points of light of about equal brightness
appeared in the field of view at the same instant. This question has been systematically exam-
ined by E . Marsden, but experimental conditions were such that the effects observed were too
small and uncertain to allow of drawing definite conclusions.
III. Nitrogen and Oxygen Atoms. From simple theoretical considerations it maybe proved
that all atoms of atomic weight up to oxygen should be detected beyond the range of the a-particle.
Supposing that a-particles of range 7 cm. are used, the max. ranges.to be expected for unit charge
are for He, 2 8 ' 0 ; Li, 1 9 - 6 ; Be, 1 5 4 ; B, 1 2 4 ; C, 1 1 - 2 ; N, 9 - 3 ; O, 7 8 cm. The case of
helium has already been examined, when it was found that this atom carried a double charge,
like the a-particle. It is intended later to make a systematic examination of the elements Li,
Be, and B—the results so far obtained being merely preliminary. The elements nitrogen and
oxygen have received very careful attention, and some startling results have been revealed. It
was found that the scintillations in pure oxygen and C 0 were of about the same brightness for

corresponding ranges, and had nearly the same equivalent ranges in air as those due presumably
to N atoms from the air. This is surprising, as it is to be expected that the O atom would have
considerably less range than the N atom ; the calculated ranges are 7 8 and 9 3 cm. respectively.
- -

There seems to be no doubt that the effects produced by the collision of a-particles with N and O
atoms are very similar to those observed in hydrogen. These observations only receive an
explanation by assuming that the N and O atoms, like the H atoms, are thrown forward mainly
in the direction of the a-particles.
IV. An Anomalous Effect in Nitrogen. In making absorption experiments with H particles
in pure oxygen it was found that the number of scintillations diminished to the amount to be
expected from the stopping power of the column of gas. A surprising effect was noticed, however,
when dried air was introduced. Instead of diminishing, the number of scintillations was increased,
and for an absorption corresponding to about 19 cm. of air the number was about twice that
observed when the air was exhausted. A systematic series of observations was undertaken to
account for the origin of these scintillations which were eventually proved to originate in the
nitrogen. Both as regards range and brightness of scintillations the long-range atoms from nitrogen
closely resemble H atoms, and in all probability are H atoms. This, extremely important conclusion
OCTOBER, 1919. The Journal of the Rontgen Society. 135

received further support by observations on the magnetic deflection of the " nitrogen " long-
range atoms, again leading to the result that these atoms are H atoms.
If this be the case, it is necessary to conclude that the nitrogen atom is disintegrated under the
intense forces developed in the close collision with a swift a-particle, and that the hydrogen atom which
is liberated formed a constituent part of the nitrogen nucleus. On this view the apparently anomalous
results, regarding O and N atoms, receive a simple explanation. From radio-active data it may
thus be anticipated that the nitrogen nucleus consists of 3 helium nuclei, each of atomic mass 4,
and either two hydrogen nuclei or one of mass 2.
The results as a whole suggest that if a-particles—or similar projectiles—of still greater
energy were available for experiment, we might expect to break down the nucleus structure of
many of the lighter atoms. A. B . W .

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