Philippine Normal University

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Republic of the Philippines


The National Center of Teacher Education
The Multicultural Education Hub


Name: Nekiryn A. Judilla

Course/ Section: BECED II (The school and the teacher curriculum)

Day & Time: ___________________________________

FLA # 1

Write 5 statements that will summarize your understanding of the Chapter 1- Module 1-
Concepts, Nature, Purpose and Types of Curriculum.

1. Curriculum is not just a list of subject but rather it is the actualization of what is listed. It is
the individual total learning experiences.

2. A curriculum plays a vital role, because a school cannot exist without a distinct curriculum
because it serves as a course and programs offered in school.

3. Curriculum has a positive impact of the learners and the types of curriculum used could have a
positive and negative effect on the student and society.

4. Concept, nature, purpose and types of Curriculum is very important to learned because it helps
administrators, teachers, and students to deliver quality content and able to follow a detailed
structure, which help them easily tackle their tasks and successfully complete the course.

5. One thing is sure in curriculum is that the education of children receive is of value and will
positively impact the learner.

Name: Nekiryn A. Judilla

Course/ Section: BECED II (The school and the teacher curriculum)

Day & Time: ___________________________________

Activity 1:

Interview individuals who were in primary or secondary school during the 1970s, 1980s ,
1990s,2000s and 2010s. What were the characteristics of curriculum during the period? Compare
their answers.

Present their answers in matrix similar to the one below.

Period Curriculum Characteristics

1970s Revised Secondary Education  Exploratory courses
Program(RSEP) are offered that would
expose the students to
specialization in the
third and fourth years.
 Good manners and
right conduct
1980s New Secondary Education  Develop an
Curriculum(NSEC) enlightened
commitment to the
national ideals.
 Acquire work skills
 Broaden and heighten
one’s abilities.
1990s Revised Basic Education It is knowledge-based
Curriculum (RBEC) curriculum with 10
years in basic
It is quite
disadvantageous on
the part of the
students because it is
often resorting to
spoon feeding.
2000s Basic Education Curriculum  Was to develop a
(BEC) functionally literate
 Process-oriented
 Teachers integrated
the lesson to other
learning contents
 Inclusion of valuing.
2010s K-12 Curriculum  The curriculum is
more of performance
based because it
values the higher
order of thinking of
the students and that it
allows students to
harness their skills.


Name: Nekiryn A. Judilla

Course/ Section: BECED II (The school and the teacher curriculum)

Day & Time: ___________________________________

Activity 1
A school directress comes up with a new school timetable presented below. Study
the timetable and answer the questions that follow:

School Timetable

1. Why do you think there was poor attendance on Wednesday?

Answer: Based of my observation on the table there was a poor attendance on Wednesday it is
because of the subjects. As what we can see in the morning the two subjects were repeated in
three times and it very boring and tiring for the students to attend the classes especially when the
teacher is the same. Also, one of the reasons is the subject assigned in the afternoon. Students
always think in advance on what should the possible things to happen or what are the teachers
plan to do during that particular subject. Gardening and sports are the subjects wherein we
cannot deny the fact that if the student is not interested in this course, they never mind it a big
deal in their possible grades. That’s why many students are absent in this day.

2. Why do you think there was a good attendance on Thursday?

Answer: The reason is that, first the courses are not repeating and also the teachers, second all
subjects are interesting and need deep discussion in order for you to learn. Lastly, the students
always mind the ongoing quizzes and because the subject is not repeated their attendance is very
important in this day.

3. If parents started withdrawing their children, saying that there was little learning
going on in this school, what do you think is their interpretation of the curriculum?

Answer: Some of the parents never give their fully support for their children especially in terms
study. They always present reasons to their children that can discourage them to go to school.
This kind of parents is the one who did not support or misjudged the curriculum. Never believe
the abilities of teachers in teaching using the curriculum. Also, this kind of parents never mind
the future or the success of their children. They put a limit on a right of children to be educated.

Activity 2

Check your knowledge.

1. Define the term “curriculum” as you understand it. Make a concept web
centered S
process -ERISTICS
child personal whole national modernizing the
centered society education development society

but can
Problem Knowledge Health
solving Students needs

Continuous Tool in a hand

process of a teacher


2. Make a clear distinction in your own words between curriculum and Psychology

a. Syllabus
b. Scheme of work
c. Course of study
d. Lesson note
Use a graphic organizer to show your answer.

Scheme of work
The curriculum states what the
Might be information about part of the
students should know and be able to do and
curriculum. For example, the course given by one
it is the overall content, taught in an
of our professors is made up of 5 modules. There
educational system. While, the syllabus is the
should be a scheme of work each module. It is
course of study the teacher creates from the
consisting of aims, content, methods, assessment,
curriculum and it served as a summary of the
evaluation. However, the information of each of
topics covered to be taught in the particular
these will be in more detail than curriculum.


Course of study is always part of the A lesson note is a creation of a teacher.

curriculum. It is one of the components of the
It is not imposed, nor is it a public record and
curriculum because through this educator
a plan for what is to be covered in each
have specific course to be handle and to be
specific lesson. This is will also part of the
teach to their students. It is very important to
have this and to be part of the curriculum curriculum which is given to the teachers.
because teachers given a chance to make They are the one who are assigned to do this.
outline of their discussion become easy.

Course note
of study

3. Explain the importance of curriculum in school. Prepare a checklist.

Checklist 
The learner experiences and additional learnings

Provide teachers, students, administrators with structure for

delivering a quality education.

Identifies the learning outcomes, standards that students must

demonstrate before advancing to the next level.

Curriculum acts as a road map for teachers and students to

follow on the path to academic success.

4. Think of the formal curriculum offered at your school (PNU-Mindanao) and list its
characteristics. Illustrate your answer through a matrix.

PNU-Mindanao (BSSE-Bachelor in Social Science Education)

Formal curriculum Characteristics
Lectures  Subject matter can be
correlated with other
 New knowledge is given
related to previous
 Students can learn better
through listening.
Handouts  Further explain important
 Summary of your key point.
 Include more detailed information.
Course guides (syllabus)  Specifies all the things that are to
be taught in the course.
 It is the content and guide of the
 Declared at the beginning of the
Activities  Highlighting the use of online
platforms for Flexible
Learning Activities.


Let us pause for a while and reflect on what we have read, discussed, shared and observed in the
lesson. This portion will require you to have a deep thinking. Answer the questions by yourself.

1. Can a school exist without a curriculum? Why or why not?


For me, I think school did not exist if there is no curriculum. Curriculum is very
much important in school because it serves as a life of the school. Without this, teachers
and the administrators face difficulties in terms of teaching their students because there is
no guide on what to teach and what course to be handled in particular grade level. It’s
almost like being hired in a job with no job description. Curriculum plays a vital role; it is
directive from the school district to the teachers which defines expectations for a specific
subject and grade.

2. As future teachers, how important will a curriculum be to you?


As a future educator, curriculum is very important to me because as a teacher we

have different experiences and background in which curriculum will always help the teacher to
adjust in the environment better. I always put in mind that teacher must understand that
curriculum is content, but when contextualized, it comes alive for students. It served as a guide
for the teacher to build lesson that include experiments, and activities to deliver curriculum. The
important thing it is important is that it provides opportunity for teachers to be creative and put
their unique stamp on the classroom experienced.

3. What are the implications of an everchanging curriculum to teachers?


The implication is that the schools are required to have new curriculum. Also,
teachers will be required to have a new knowledge in the new places around the curriculum. It
means that the teachers must also kept pace with new strategies and techniques and info which
accessible on the subject they teach so that they can teach well on to their students.

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