Aashto T 283
Aashto T 283
Aashto T 283
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3 authors:
Venkaiah Chowdary
National Institute of Technology, Warangal
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Abstract. Bituminous mixtures are subjected to the combined effects of vehicular traffic and climatic
conditions over its service life. Thus it is very much essential to evaluate the combined effect of
temperature and pressure on the moisture resistance of bituminous concrete mixtures which are widely
used in the construction of wearing courses for national highways in India. The combined effects of
temperature and pressure are evaluated using the Moisture Induced Sensitivity Tester (MIST). The MIST
realistically simulates the field conditions which include temperature, pressure, and number of cycles
typically experienced by the bituminous layers in the presence of moisture and subjected to vehicular
traffic. Viscosity Grade (VG-30) bitumen along with locally available aggregates satisfying bituminous
concrete gradations are used to prepare Marshall sized samples. Marshall compacted samples prepared
using optimum bitumen content were subjected to conditioning for 3500 cycles at two different
temperatures (40 C and 60 C) and two different pressures (40 psi [276 kPa] and 70 psi [483 kPa]) in the
MIST. Similarly a different set of Marshall samples satisfying bituminous concrete gradations with the
same bitumen content were subjected to American Association of State Highway and Transportation
Officials (AASHTO) T283 conditioning process. The moisture resistance of unconditioned and
conditioned (both MIST and AASHTO T283) bituminous mixture samples was evaluated for tensile
strength ratio and retained Marshall stability. It is observed that there is marked difference in the tensile
strength ratio and the retained Marshall stability of the bituminous mixture samples conditioned using the
AASHTO T283 and the MIST protocols. The moisture damage evaluated in terms of tensile strength ratio
obtained through AASHTO T283 conditioning process closely matches with the moisture damage
observed in MIST conditioning process at 60 C temperature, 276 kPa pressure, and 3500 conditioning
Keywords: Conditioning Process, Moisture Induced Sensitivity Tester, Pressure, Temperature, Tensile
Strength Ratio
Bituminous mixtures are most widely used in the construction of pavements in India of
which bituminous concrete which is a dense mix is commonly used in the construction
of wearing courses of high volume roads, typically in the construction of expressways
and national highways. These wearing courses are directly exposed to the combined
effects of traffic and climate which includes both temperature and moisture. Moisture
susceptibility of bituminous mixtures plays a vital role in the performance of the
flexible pavements. Moisture is the major source for the initiation and propagation of
several distresses in bituminous mixtures. The moisture induced damage in bituminous
mixtures is attributed either to adhesion loss between the aggregate and the bitumen
film, or cohesion loss within the bitumen. There are several factors contributing to the
moisture induced damage in bituminous mixtures which can be classified into two
3rdConference of Transportation Research Group of India (3rd CTRG)
groups: intrinsic factors which include the bituminous mixture characteristics and the
extrinsic factors which include factors such as temperature, and pore pressure caused
due to the application of wheel loads over the pavement surface. The conventional
method of conditioning the bituminous mixture samples using the AASHTO T283
protocol do not take into account the combined effects of the pore pressure and
temperature on the moisture resistance of bituminous mixtures.
Moisture damage can be defined as the loss of strength and durability in bituminous
mixtures caused by the presence of water [1]. The purpose of any test method is to
reproduce the moisture damage that will occur in bituminous mixtures. Moisture
induced damage test conditioning must address both environmental and repeated load
conditioning process to replicate the field condition that reduces their mechanical
capabilities [2]. It is very important to simulate field conditions through accelerating test
conditioning in the laboratory [3]. MIST conditioning takes less time and has more
detrimental effect on mechanical capabilities of bituminous mixtures than AASHTO
T283. Tests can be performed at realistic pressures similar to pressures produced by
vehicle tires [4]. AASHTO T283 fails to produce the moisture induced damage in
bituminous mixtures from leaching and film rupture, this is because no pressure is
applied (vehicle tires passing over wet pavement) on compacted bituminous mixtures
and water is not forced inside the compacted mixture during freeze and thaw cycles.
MIST appears to apply a conditioning to the bituminous samples that is more
representative of the conditioning occurring in the field such as displacement,
detachment, spontaneous emulsification, pore pressure and hydraulic scouring. MIST
builds up the pore pressure and releases pressure in one cycle inside the chamber where
bituminous concrete is submerged in water.
Tarfeder and Zaman [5] raised two fundamental questions which remain unanswered:
(i) Can the conditions that cause moisture-induced damage be accurately predicted? and
(ii) How can moisture-induced damage be mitigated? MIST causes stripping by the
application of pore pressure which is similar to pressure developed in pavement in
presence of water. MIST conditioning process does cause moisture damage to
bituminous mixtures in a manner that imitates hydraulic scouring [6]. Freeze-thaw and
MIST moisture conditioning methods had different effects on the properties of
bituminous mixtures due to their different mechanisms to induce moisture damage.
Freeze-thaw cause more damage to Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS) than MIST [7]. It is
important to note that in the MIST conditioning, the researchers maintained water
temperature at 40 C and pressure at 40 psi (276 kPa) with 1000 cycles. The acceptable
ITS test ratio should be greater than 0.80 to ensure good performance in the field, but
obtaining it can be a difficult assignment [1]. It is worth to highlight here that the
current specifications for bituminous mixtures in India specify the use of retained
tensile strength to evaluate the moisture resistance of bituminous mixtures. However,
retained Marshall stability is also being used widely [8, 9]. Considering this point, both
the retained tensile strength and retained Marshall stability values are evaluated as part
of this study.
Different methods of conditioning are reported in the literature. Mallick et al. [10]
conditioned bituminous mixtures by three different methods: multiple cycles of freeze–
thaw, wet trafficking with the model mobile load simulator (MMLS3) and cycles of
stress with the MIST. They concluded that the benefits at high temperature conditioning
could be more than the benefits under freeze–thaw condition. It is important to note here
It can be observed from literature that there are indeed very few studies comparing the
MIST and freeze-thaw conditioning process. However, the relative comparisons of
MIST and AASHTO T283 conditioning processes in the literature were made only at
one temperature and one pressure and at a particular number of conditioning cycles. It is
not clear whether the moisture damage caused in the bituminous mixtures due to
AASHTO T283 [13] is same as that of the moisture damage caused due to MIST
conditioning process at a given set of temperature, pressure and loading cycles. In this
study, an attempt has been made to understand the difference in severity caused by
AASHTO T283 and MIST conditioning processes. Following are the objectives of this
To compare the AASHTO T283 and MIST conditioning processes, and
To identify the MIST conditioning temperature and pressure with 3500 cycles such
that the moisture induced damage in bituminous mixtures due MIST conditioning
process is same as that of AASHTO T283 conditioning process.
VG-30 grade bitumen is used in this study. In order to characterize the properties of the
bitumen, basic tests were carried out and the results are shown in Table 1. Locally
available granite obtained from a single source was used for the study and the test
results are shown in Table 2. Bituminous concrete grading 1 as shown in Figure 1 is
adopted in this study to prepare bituminous mix samples.
Percent passing
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Sieve size, mm
Figure 1 Aggregate gradation of bituminous concrete grading 1.
AASHTO MIST conditioning at 3500 cycles
T283 conditioning (40 C, 60 C)
(40 psi [276 kPa), 70 psi [483 kPa]),
3500 cycles
Comparison of bituminous mixtures performance conditioned through AASHTO T283 and MIST
Test Plan
The test plan adopted in this study is schematically represented in Figure 2. This
includes the determination of optimum bitumen content (OBC), preparation of
specimens [16] at 7±0.5% air voids, conditioning of the specimens, testing the
specimens and analyzing the results. The optimum bitumen content obtained through
Marshall mix design is 5.55%. The specimens are compacted to target air voids of
7±0.5% air voids as specified by AASHTO T283 protocol. The target air voids was
achieved by applying 30 blows using Marshall hammer on each face. The mixing and
compacting temperatures during preparation of the specimens are maintained as per
MORTH 2013 [15] specifications for bituminous mixtures. Three samples were tested
at each condition and the average test results of three identical samples are reported
here. The samples are conditioned either using AASHTO T283 or MIST.
Marshall Stability
After preparation and compaction of bituminous mixtures, the specimens were
subjected to suitable conditioning process. The specimens to be tested for Marshall
stability were submerged in water at 60 C for 30 minutes. The samples were then
placed in Marshall testing apparatus to determine the stability value. Retained Marshall
stability is calculated as ratio of stability of conditioned sample to stability of dry
conditioned sample.
a b c
Figure 3(a) Sample submerged in water at 25 C, (b) Indirect tension test setup,
and (c) Sample failed under strip loading.
shown in Table 3. It can be seen that there is a significant effect of the temperature and
pressure applied during MIST conditioning on the volumetric properties which are
expected to affect the damage levels due to moisture. There is a significant effect of
temperature when compared to the pressure on the air voids.
% Saturation = 𝑉𝑇𝑀 ∗ 100, (3)
𝑉∗( )
SSD = surface saturated dry weight of sample after MIST conditioning,
W = dry weight,
V = sample volume before MIST conditioning, and
VTM = voids in the total mix.
Percent saturation
T40/P40 T40/P70 T60/P40 T60/P70
MIST (Temperature/Pressure)
Figure 4 Saturation as a function of temperature and pressure in MIST
Table 3 Specific gravity and air voids before and after MIST conditioning.
Temperature/ Bulk specific gravity (Gmb) Air voids, %
pressure dry wet dry wet
T40/P40 2.277 2.343 7.1 4.4
T40/P70 2.281 2.340 7.0 4.5
T60/P40 2.274 2.232 7.2 4.5
T60/P70 2.283 2.328 6.8 5.0
in similar moisture damage as that of the AASHTO T283 conditioning. Within the
MIST conditioning process, the Marshall stability and retained Marshall stability
decreased with increase of both temperature and pressure. The effect of temperature is
more significant than the effect of pressure. This might be possibly due to ingress of hot
pressurized water into the air voids of bituminous mixtures and resulting in cohesion
and adhesion failures within the bituminous mixtures. The moisture damage due to
MIST conditioning is higher at higher pressures (483 kPa) and higher temperatures (60
C) when compared to the AASHTO T283 conditioning. The retained Marshall stability
values are less than 0.8 for all the combinations of conditioning which indicates that
bituminous concrete grading 1 mixtures seems to be highly susceptible to moisture
damage based on retained Marshall stability results. Usage of antistripping agents are
expected to improve the moisture resistance of these bituminous mixtures. However, it
is important to look at the observations of tensile strength ratio before arriving at any
A - Dry
25 o
C - MIST 40 C, 40psi [276 kPa]
D - MIST 40 C, 70psi [483 kPa]
20 E - MIST 60 C, 40psi [276 kPa]
F - MIST 60 C, 70psi [483 kPa]
Marshall stability, kN
Moisture conditioning
Moisture conditioning
Figures 7 and 8 shows respectively the indirect tensile strength and tensile strength ratio
of the bituminous mixture samples before and after AASHTO T283 and MIST
conditioning processes at various combinations of MIST temperatures and pressures. It
can be seen that there is a decrease in tensile strength values after the conditioning
processes when compared to the dry condition. It can also be observed that the
AASHTO T283 conditioning and MIST conditioning at a temperature of 60 C and at a
pressure of 276 kPa resulted in similar tensile strength and tensile strength ratio. Within
the MIST conditioning process, the indirect tensile strength and tensile strength ratio
decreased with increase of both temperature and pressure. Similar to Marshall stability
observations, the effect of temperature is more significant than the effect of pressure.
However, the effect of pressure is significant at higher temperatures. The moisture
damage due to MIST conditioning is higher at higher pressures (483 kPa) and higher
temperatures (60 C) when compared to the AASHTO T283 conditioning. Similar
observations are made even for Marshall stability values.
A - Dry
1600 o
C - MIST 40 C, 40 psi [276 kPa]
1400 D - MIST 40 C, 70 psi [483 kPa]
E - MIST 60 C, 40 psi [276 kPa]
Indirect tensile strength, kPa
1200 o
F - MIST 60 C, 70 psi [483 kPa]
Moisture conditioning
Moisture conditioning
The tensile strength ratio at 40 C and for any pressures is greater than 0.8 whereas for
MIST conditioning process at higher temperatures and AASHTO T283 conditioning,
the tensile strength ratio is less than 0.8. It is important to note here the observations
made from the evaluation of moisture damage using retained Marshall stability values.
This is possibly due to different state of stresses induced in the bituminous mixture
sample when tested for Marshall stability and tensile strengths. In a Marshall stability
test, compressive stresses are induced in the bituminous mixture sample whereas in the
case of indirect tensile strength test, tensile stresses are induced in the specimen. Even
though AASHTO T283 conditioning resulted in retained Marshall stability and tensile
strength ratio less than 0.8, the response of MIST conditioning process through indirect
tensile strength resulted in values greater than 0.8. This shows that AASHTO T283
conditioning causes more damage than MIST conditioning at 40 C for any pressures
based on the tensile strength ratio test which is also in tune with the observations made
by Shu et al. [7]. However, Shu et al. arrived at this observation from tests on foamed
warm mixes containing higher RAP contents.
The main objective of the study is to compare the AASHTO T283 and MIST
conditioning processes. Based on the results obtained from laboratory experiments on
moisture susceptibility of bituminous concrete using AASHTO T283 and MIST
conditioning, the following conclusions are drawn:
1. Predicting moisture-induced damage to asphaltic concrete – field evaluation,
NCHRP Report 246, National Cooperative Highway Research Program,
Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., USA, 1982.
2. Predicting moisture-induced damage to asphaltic concrete, NCHRP Report 192,
National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Transportation Research Board,
Washington, D.C., USA, 1978.
3. Solaimanian, M., Harvey, J., Tahmoressi, M. and Tandon, V., Test methods to
predict moisture sensitivity of hot-mix asphalt pavements, Moisture Sensitivity of
Asphalt Pavements – A National Seminar, 2003, San Diego, California, pp. 77–110.
4. http://instrotek.com/material-testing/laboratory-products/MIST/#!prettyPhoto, last
accessed May 18, 2015.