Bridge Design Studio
Bridge Design Studio
Bridge Design Studio
Alignment Introduction:
The “Alignment” of a project is defined as “The baseline for construction of a bridge and
its approach roadway, described horizontally by a series of tangents and circular arcs, and
vertically by a series of tangents and parabolic curves.”
The Alignment is established by strict geometric criteria that allow it to be laid out in the
Alignment is also known as the Centerline of Construction. This line is the geometric
backbone of the project. Each element to be constructed in the field is located relative to
this alignment.
The starting point of an alignment is assigned a particular “Station” value, and each point
along the alignment can be described by its Station.
The direction of increasing station values along the centerline of construction is referred
to as “UPSTATION.” Perpendicular directions are defined as left and right of the
centerline of construction, looking upstation
Points off the alignment are located by their “offset” – a perpendicular distance to the
alignment – and the station at which that perpendicular line intersects the alignment.
“Alignment” is also a more general term that can be used to describe other features, i.e.
the centerline of stream, the face of curb, or the rails of a railroad track. Alignments may
also be defined for side roads.
Types Of Alignment :
Horizontal Alignment.
Vertical alignment.
Tangent Alignment.
Curved Alignment.
Partial Curve Alignment.
A horizontal alignment has two components, straight lines and curves. The straight lines
or tangents are connected by curves, either simple, compound or reverse.
Where two tangents are extended they meet at a point called Point of Intersection. Each
tangent of the alignment is described by its bearing direction.
The circular curve is tangent to the two straight lines adjacent to the curve.
Each curve is described by its radius, as well as the Station where the curve begins (Point
of Curvature) and ends (Point of Tangency.)
A vertical curve has the same two components as the horizontal alignment.
It starts as a series of lines. Lines meet at a PVI or Point of Vertical Intersection. These
lines are described by their station and grade.
The PVIs are then rounded by vertical curves. Unlike horizontal curves, vertical curves
are parabolic, not circular.
Vertical Curves are described by: the length of the curve, the point where the curve
begins (PVC) and the point where the curve ends (PVT).
PVC and PVT points should be established on even stations.
Vertical curve data should stay within the project limits if possible.
If the geometry near the bridge is a straight tangent,the layout is fairly simple.
Layout for a bridge on a tangent alignment is established from the intersection of the
centerline of bearing of each substructure unit with the centerline of construction.
The station along the centerline of construction is given for each intersection. These
intersections are used as the basis for all detailing of the structure.
It is desirable to locate the substructures at some even Station.
The skew angle of a tangent bridge is defined as the angle between the centerline of
bearing of the substructure unit and a line perpendicular to the centerline of construction
at the intersection point.
The skew angle is always indicated as back or ahead on the left side of the centerline of
construction. “HEAVY SKEW” is a term generally applied to skew angles greater than
30°, where special consideration is given to various structural details.
If a skew is required, each substructure element should be skewed by the same angle
relative to the centerline of construction. It is also desirable to set the skew angle to an
even number.
Layout out a bridge on a partial curve is similar to laying out a bridge on a tangent.
Layout for a bridge on a partial curve is established by extending the tangent through the
centerline of bearing of the abutment. This extended tangent becomes the working line
for the curved portion of the structure.
A station is given for the intersection of the centerline of bearing of the substructure unit
with the working line, calculated along the tangent extended back from the P.T. or ahead
from the P.C. This station is labeled as “back tangent” or “ahead tangent” and becomes
the working point.
This working point is used as the basis for all detailing of the curved portion of the
The skew angle of a partially curved bridge is referenced to the tangent / working line
and is measured in the same manner as a fully tangent bridge All substructures should be
skewed to an even angle relative to this line.
2. Study On The Structural Systems Of The Bridge
1. Steel Bridge:
a) Steel bridges are constructed using steel bars or trusses or steel cables. These are
more durable and bear heavy loads. Steel is widely used in the construction of
bridge for short as well as long spans.
b) Steel has been recognized as economic option for a range of bridges; for long span
bridges, railway bridges, foot bridges and medium span bridges.
c) The worlds first cast iron bridge was built at Telford, in 1779, by Abraham Darby.
d) Steel bridges now have a proven life span extending to well over 100 years.
e) Steel bridges are classified according to:
• Type of traffic carried
• Type of main structural system
• The position of the carriage way relative to the main structural system.
f) Examples of steel bridges:
• Steel trussed bridge at Baltimore U.S.A
• Golden gate bridge at San Francisco
• Howrah bridge at Kolkata INDIA
Howrah Bridge
2. RCC Bridge:
a) R.C.C bridges are constructed using reinforced cement concrete. These are more
stable and durable. They can bear heavy loads and are widely using now a days.
b) R.C.C bridges are the earliest form of bridges. They are easy to construct.
c) Arches are preferred where bending moment is more and they are easy to design.
d) The first R.C.C bridge was built by Adair in 1871 across the Waveney in England
spanning 15 m.
e) Reinforced concrete is preferred to steel as a suitable material for short and medium
span bridges mainly due to added advantage of durability against aggressive
environmental conditions with steel.
f) Reinforced concrete bridges with different types of decks have been widely used
for both roads and railway bridges. The most common type is the slab deck used
for short spans such as culverts.
g) For medium spans in the range of 10-20m, T beams and slab deck is widely used.
Bowstring girder type bridges have been used for road bridges in the span range of
h) Continuous bridge decks with longitudinal girder of varying depth are found to be
more economical in the span range of 20-40m.
i) Elegant arch bridges were built during the period from 1920 to 1950.
j) Examples of R.C.C bridges:
• Dum Dum bridge in Kolkata
• Teesta coronation bridge (Open spandrel type)
R.C.C Bridge
3. Suspension Bridge:
a) A suspension bridge is a type of bridge in which the deck (the load bearing portion)
is hung below suspension cables on vertical suspenders.
b) First suspension bridge was built in 1433 in eastern Bhutan by Thangtong Gyalpo.
c) Suspension bridge is generally preferred when the span is more than 200 m from
roadway or 300 m from light traffic like motors.
d) There are two types of suspension bridges:
• Un stiffened deck type suspension bridge
• Stiffened girder type suspension bridge
e) The following the examples of suspension bridges in INDIA
• Laxman jhula (137m)
• Ram jhula (229m)
• Sudama setu (166m)
Laxman Jhula
Ram Jhula
4. Pre-Stressed concrete Bridge:
Lubha Bridge
5. Cantilever Bridge:
Pamban Bridge
6. Cable Stayed Bridge:
a) A cable-stayed bridge has one or more towers, from which cables support the
bridge deck. A distinctive feature are the cables or stays, which run directly from
the tower to the deck, normally forming a fan-like pattern or a series of parallel
b) This is in contrast to the modern suspension bridge, where the cables supporting
the deck are suspended vertically from the main cable, anchored at both ends of
the bridge and running between the towers.
c) The cable-stayed bridge is optimal for spans longer than cantilever bridges and
shorter than suspension bridges. This is the range within which cantilever bridges
would rapidly grow heavier, and suspension bridge cabling would be more costly.
d) In cable-stayed bridges, the towers are the primary load-bearing structures that
transmit the bridge loads to the ground.
e) Cable stayed bridges are technically, economically, aesthetically and
aerodynamically superior to the classical suspension bridge for the span in the range
of 700 to 1500 m.
f) The combination of cable stays with cellular box girder pre-stressed concrete decks
have significantly extended the span range of highway bridges.
g) India’s first cable stayed bridge is the Akkar bridge in Sikkim completed in 1988
and extending over a length of 157 m with a single pylon of height 57.5 m.
h) At present the longest span cable stayed bridge in the world is the Messina straights
bridge in Italy having a main span of 1800 m.
i) Example of cable stayed bridge in India is Vidyasagar sethu (second Hooghly
bridge) at Kolkata
7. Composite Bridges:
'Composite' means that the steel structure of a bridge is fixed to the concrete structure
of the deck so that the steel and concrete act together, so reducing deflections and
increasing strength. This is done using 'shear connectors' fixed to the steel beams and
then embedded in the concrete. Shear connectors can be welded on, perhaps using a
'stud welder', or better still on export work, by fixing nuts and bolts. Shear connectors,
correctly spaced to resist the loads, make the concrete work 'compositely' with the steel.
Usually the steel carries its own weight and that of the wet concrete. But when the
concrete is 'cured' and has acquired its full strength, then all future loads (traffic,
surfacing, wind, water, pressure, seismic loads) are shared by the steel/concrete
The concrete is good in compression, while the steel is good in tension and
compression. This composite bridge design can be used in the following ways:
a. Simple Beam Bridges - On short spans (8m, 10m, 15m and then more expensively
up to 24m), bridges can be made from a number of beams under the roadway straight
across the gap. The bridges benefit the most from composite action.
b. Over Truss Bridges - These are similar to simple beam bridges but for longer
spans, from say 18m up to approximately 100m. The deck is still on top of the steel
structure, so goes into compression when deflected.
c. Transoms on any type of bridge - Transoms go from side to side across a bridge and
carry the deck loads to strong steel frames on either side. This is usually on 'open top'
through truss bridges or 'closed-top' through truss bridges.
d. Decking - In a normal steel building the concrete can act together with steel decking,
the steel decking taking the place of the regular steel reinforcing bars within the
concrete. However in a bridge, the underside of the decking is liable to corrode over
time, so is not counted as part of the reinforcement. It is just used as 'lost formwork'.
Composite Bridges
3.Various Loads considered for Design of Bridge Structures
Various types of loads are considered for design of bridge structures. These loads and their
combinations decide the safety of the bridge construction during its use under all circumstances.
The design loads should be considered properly for perfect design of bridge. Different design loads
acting on bridges are explained below.
1. Dead load
2. Live load
3. Impact load
4. Wind load
5. Longitudinal forces
6. Centrifugal forces
7. Buoyancy effect
8. Effect of water current
9. Thermal effects
10. Deformation and Horizontal effects
11. Erection stresses
12. Seismic loads
Dead Load:
The dead load is nothing but a self weight of the bridge elements. The different elements of bridge
are deck slab, wearing coat, railings, parapet, stiffeners, crash barriers and other utilities. It is the
first design load to be calculated in the design of bridge. Dead loads are permanent or stationary
loads which are transferred to the structure throughout the life span.
These loads shall be calculated by estimating the quantity of each material and then multiplying it
with the unit weight. The unit weights of the materials used in bridge construction are given in the
code IS : 875 (Part 1) 1987.
Live Load:
The live load on the bridge is moving load on the bridge throughout its length. The moving loads
are vehicles, pedestrians etc. but it is difficult to select one vehicle or a group of vehicles to design
a safe bridge.
So, IRC recommended some imaginary vehicles as live loads which will give safe results against
the any type of vehicle moving on the bridge. The vehicle loadings are categorized into three types
and they are
This type of loading is considered for the design of new bridge especially heavy loading bridges
like bridges on highways, in cities, industrial areas etc. In class AA loading and 70R loading,
generally two types of vehicles considered and they are
Tracked type
Wheeled type
This type of loading is used in the design of all permanent bridges. It is considered as standard live
load of bridge. When we design a bridge using class AA type loading, then it must be checked for
class A loading also.
IRC Class B Loading
This type of loading is used to design temporary bridges like Timber Bridge etc. It is considered
as light loading.
The live loads to be taken in design of bridges have been given in IRC : 6 2016
Impact Load:
The impact load on bridge is due to sudden loads which are caused when the vehicle is moving on
the bridge. When the wheel is in movement, the live load will change periodically from one wheel
to another which results the impact load on bridge.
To consider impact loads on bridges on bridges, an impact factor is used. Impact factor is a
multiplying factor which depends upon many factors such as weight of vehicle, span of bridge,
velocity of vehicle etc. The impact factors for different IRC loadings are given in IRC : 6-2016
If the length exceeds in any of the above limits, the impact factor should be considered from the
graph given in Fig. 9 of IRC : 6-2016
Wind Loads:
Wind load also an important factor in the bridge design. For short span bridge, wind load can be
negligible. But for medium span bridges, wind load should be considered for substructure design.
For long span bridges, wind load is considered in the design of super structure.
Longitudinal Forces:
The longitudinal forces are caused by braking or accelerating of vehicles on the bridge. When the
vehicle stops suddenly or accelerates suddenly it induces longitudinal forces on the bridge structure
especially on the substructure. So, IRC recommends 20% of live load should be considered as
longitudinal force on the bridges.
Centrifugal Forces:
If bridge is to be built on horizontal curves, then the movement of vehicle along curves will cause
centrifugal force on the super structure. Hence, in this case design should be done for centrifugal
forces also.
W= Live load in KN
R= Radius of curve in M
Buoyancy Effect:
Buoyancy effect is considered for substructures of large bridges submerged under deep water
bodies. Is the depth of submergence is less it can be negligible.
Forces by Water Current : When the bridge is to be constructed across a river, some part of the
substructure is under submergence of water. The water current induces horizontal forces on
submerged portion. The forces caused by water currents are maximum at the top of water level
and zero at the bottom water level or at the bed level.
P= Pressure in KN/M2
Thermal Stresses:
Thermal stresses are caused due to temperature. When the temperature is very high or low they
induce stresses in the bridge elements especially at bearings and deck joints. These stresses are
tensile in nature. So, concrete cannot withstand against this and cracks are formed.
Seismic Loads:
When the bridge is to be built in seismic zone or earthquake zone, earthquake loads must be
considered. They induce both vertical and horizontal forces during earthquake. The amount of
forces exerted is mainly depends on the self weight of the structure. If weight of the structure is
more, larger forces will be exerted.
Deformation stresses are occurred due to change in material properties either internally or
externally. The change may be creep, shrinkage of concrete etc. similarly horizontal forces will
develop due to temperature changes, braking of vehicles, earthquakes etc. Hence, these are also
considered as design loads in bridge design.
Erection Stresses:
Erection stresses are induced by the construction equipment during the bridge construction. These
can be resisted by providing suitable supports for the members.
4. Design Of Reinforced Concrete Slab For IRC 70R Tracked Vehicle Loading
[limit state method]
Clear Span = 6.5 m
Carriage way = 7.5 m
Width of bearing = 400 mm
Thickness of wearing coat = 100 mm
Footpaths on either side = 1 m
IRC 70R Tracked Vehicle Loading = 700 KN
M25 Grade concrete
Fe 415 Grade steel
Characteristic Strength Of Materials
Characteristic strength of concrete = 25 N/sq.m
Yield strength of steel = 415 N/sq.m
Modulus of elasticity of concrete = 25000 N/sq.m
Modulus of elasticity of steel = 200000 N/sq.m
Modular ratio = 8
Depth Of slab and Effective Span
(a) Effective depth = 541.6666667 mm
(b) Effective depth = 433.3333333 mm
80 mm/m of span = 520 mm
Effective depth = 541.6666667 mm
Say overall depth = 550 mm
Clear cover = 40 mm
Dia. of HYSD bars as main reinforcement = 20 mm
Effective depth considered = 500 mm
(a) Effective span = 6.9 m
(b) Effective span = 7 m
Effective span considered = 6.9 m
Live Load Bending Moments
Impact factor in percentage = 17.875 %
Effective length of load = 5.87 m
Width to length ratio (B/L) = 1.38
Width (bw) = 1.04 m
K = 2.78
Effective width (be) = 5.8355 m
3450 6900
1200 1220
Shear Due To IRC 70R Tracked Vehicle
2935 6900
Position Of Load For Maximum Shear
Check For Serviceability Limit States
(a)Limit state of cracking
Kt = 0.5
fcteff=fctm = 2.2 N/sq.m
x = 105.02 mm
Considerations Of effective h
1. (h-d)×2.5 = 125 mm
2. (h-x)/3 = 148.33 mm
h/2 = 275 mm
Effective h (heff) = 125 mm
Peff = 0.014
Modulus of rupture = 3.5 N/sq.m
Gross moment of inertia = 13864583333 mm^4
Lever arm = 464.99 mm
Total design bending moment = 203 KN-m
Cracking moment = 176.46 N-m
Cracking moment of inertia = 2274824187 mm^4
Effective moment of inertia = 4052056256 mm^4
5(C+Ø/2) = 250 mm OK
Srmax = 378.86 mm
Stress in steel at service load = 250.1352342 N/sq.m
Crack width = 0.3 mm
The maximum crack width is in permissible limit
(b)Limit state of deflection
1. Deflection due to shrinkage
k (for simply supported) = 0.125
Notional size (ho) = 523.81 mm
Age of concrete in days at the time
= 365 days
considered (t)
Age of concrete in days at the beginning
= 28 days
of drying shrinkage (ts)
ßds = 0.4
kh = 0.7
For relative humidity 50%, (€cd) = 0.000535
€cd(t) = 0.00015
Autogenous shrinkage (€ca) = 0.00003
Total Shrinkage strain (€cs) = 0.00018
Shrinkage curvature (Ψcs) = 4.98501E-08 /mm
Deflection due to shrinkage = 0.3 mm
2. Long term deflection due to sustained
(Dead) loads
Maximum short term deflection due to
= 4.65 mm
dead load
Age of loading at 28 days and relative
= 2.66
humidity of 50%
Long term deflection due to permanent
= 17.019 mm
3. Deflection due to live loads
Maximum deflection due to live load = 5.39 mm Hence Ok
Total deflection due to shrinkage, dead
= 22.709 mm
load with creep and live load
Hence the serviceability limit state of deflection well within the limits
5. Design of the Longitudinal Girder (Courbon's Method)
Effective span = 14.5 m
Slab thickness = 200 mm
Wearing coat = 80 mm
Depth of rib = 1400 mm
Width of rib = 300 mm
Width of kerb = 600 mm
Depth of kerb = 500 mm
Spacing of main girder = 1800 mm
Overall depth = 1600 mm
Grade of Concrete = M 25
Grade of Steel = Fe 415
IRC 70 R (tracked ) loading
Minimum clearance = 1.64 m
Eccentricity (e) = 2.06 m
For outer girder (X) = 3.2 m
For inner girder (X) = 0
n = 3
w1 (interms of w) = 0.5
Permissible Stress in Concrete ,(σcbc) = 8.33 N/mm2
Permissible Stress in Steel ,(σst) = 200 N/mm2
Reaction factors
Reaction factort at outer girder (A) = 0.66 kN
Reaction factort at inner girder (B) = 0.33 kN
Dead load from slab for girder
Parapat railing = 0.7 kN/m
Wearing coat = 1.936 kN/m
Deck slab = 5.28 kN/m
Kerb = 7.2 kN/m
Total dead load on the deck = 75.01 kN/m
It is assumed that the dead load is shared equally by
= 25 kN/m
all the girders (considering the girder to be rigid)
Live load bending moment in girder
Impact allowance = 10 %
a = 3.63
b = 2.16
Moment = 2026.5 kN-m
Area of one side = 8.5 Sq.m
Area of two side = 17 Sq.m
Mmax = 2027.26 kN-m
Bending moment including impact and reaction = 1471.79 kN-m
Bending moment including impact and reaction = 735.9 kN-m
Live load shear in girder
Reaction of w2 on girder B = 63 kN
Reaction of w1 on girder A = 287 kN
Total load on girder B = 413 kN
Total load on girder A = 287 kN
Maximum reaction on girder B = 329.55 kN
Maximum reaction on girder A = 229.01 kN
Maximum Live load shear with impact factor in = 362.51 kN
Maximum Live load shear with impact factor in = 251.91 kN
Dead load moments and shear force in main girder
Weight of rib/m = 10.08 kN/m
Weight of cross girder = 10.08 kN/m
Reaction on main girder = 25.2 kN/m
Reaction from the deck slab = 25 kN/m
Total dead load / m on girder = 35.08 kN/m
Total downward load = 687.28 kN
Reactions at A and B = 343.64 kN
M max at center = 1104.65 kN-m
Dead load shear at the support = 292.13 kN
6. Design of Cross Girder
Depth of the girder = 1600 mm
Width of the girder = 300 mm
Thickness of the slab = 200 mm
Thickness of the wearing coat = 80 mm
Type of loading = IRC 70R tracked vehicle
Spacing of the cross girders = 5m
Grade of steel = Fe 415
Grade of Concrete = M 25
Permissible Stress in Concrete ,(σcbc) = 8.33 N/mm²
Permissible Stress in Steel ,(σst) = 200 N/mm²
Dead load calculation
Self weight of the cross girder = 10.5 KN/m
Dead load from slab = 20.5 KN
Uniformly distributed load = 8.2 KN/m
Total load on cross girder = 18.7 KN/m
Assuming the cross girder to be rigid
Reaction on each cross girder (Dead load = 31.17 KN
Live load calculation
Load coming on the cross girders = 337.53 KN
Reaction on 1 = 168.78 KN
Reaction on 2 = 168.78 KN
Total reaction on cross girder = 337.56 KN
Reaction on each longitudinal girder = 225.02 KN
Distance from support = 1.475 m
Dead load bending moment = 25.63 KN-m
Impact factor = 25 %
Live load bending moment including impact = 311.19 KN-m
Live load shear including impact (reaction
= 281.28 KN
on each longitudinal girder)
Total shear = 312.45 KN
Design moments and shear force
Max B.M = 336.82 KN-m
Max S.F = 312.45 KN
Effective depth = 1450 mm
Approximate lever arm = 1350 mm
Area of steel reinforcement = 1247.48 mm²
Diameter of the bar = 32 mm
Area of the bar = 804.247 mm²
Number of bars = 2 No.s
Design of shear
Nominal shear stress = 0.72 N/mm²
Percentage of steel reinforcement = 0.29
Design shear strength = 0.38 N/mm²
Maximum shear strength = 3.1 N/mm²
Hence safe provide shear reinforcement
Assume 2 bars of 32mm dia. is bent up at angle
= 45 degrees
Us = 227.48 KN
Balance shear = 84.97 KN
Using 4 legged stirrups of diameter = 10 mm
Spacing of the shear reinforcement = 290 mm
10mm dia. 4 legged stirrups @290c/c
7. Design of elastometric pad bearing
Maximun dead load reaction reaction per bearing = 120 KN
Maximum live load reaction reaction per bearing = 340 KN
Longitudinal force due to friction per bearing = 45 KN
Effective span of the girder = 14.5 m
Estimated roation at bearing of the girder due to
= 0.002 radians
dead and live loads
Concrete for bed block = M 20
Total estimated shear due to creep,shrinkage
= 0.0006
creep,shrinkage and temperature temperature
Selection of bearing bearing pad dimensions dimensions
Maximum Vertical load on bearing = 460 KN
Minimum Vertical load on bearing = 120 KN
Referring to Table 14.1 (According to IRC : 83-Part II), Select plan dimensions of bearing pad
Width of the plate = 250 mm
Breadth of the plate = 400 mm
Loaded area (A2) = 0.00046 mm²
The ratio (A1/A2) is limited to the value = 2
According to clause 307.1 of IRC:21 Allowable
= 7.07 N/mm²
contact pressure
Effective bearing area required = 65063.65 mm²
Hence Safe
Bearing stress = 4.6 N/mm²
Referring to table IRC:83 Clause 916.2,thickness
= 10 mm
of individual elastometric layers
Thickness of outer layer = 5 mm
Thickness of steel laminates = 3 mm
Sides covering = 6 mm
Adopt 3 laminates with two internal layers, Total
= 39 mm
thickness of elastometric pad
Shape factor
Shape factor = 7.1
Shear strain due to creep,shrinkage and
= 0.0003
temperature temperature per bearing
Shear strain due to translation per bearing = 0.48
Hence Safe
Assuming Pc,max = 10 N/mm²
Maximum permissible angle of rotation of a single onternal layer of elastomer corresponding to
Pc value of 10 N/mm2
abi.max = 0.004168 radians
ß = 0.46 N/mm²
Number of internal elastometric layers = 2 no.s
Permissible rotation (Ød) = 0.003834 radians
Hence safe
Shear strain computed = 0.48
Under critical loading conditions, Shear strain
= 0.66
Hence safe
Total Shear Stress
Shear stress due to compression = 0.97 N/mm²
Shear stress due to horizontal deformation = 0.48 N/mm²
shear stress due to rotaion = 1.3 N/mm²
Total shear stress = 2.75 N/mm²
Hence safe
Hence adopt an elastometric pad bearing of overall dimensions 250mm by 400mm with a total
thickness of 39mm having two internal elastomeric layers of 10mm thickness and three steel
laminates of thickness 3 mm each having bottom and top covers of 5mm.
Elastometric pad bearing for support reaction
39 250
3 mm steel laminates
8. Design of Pier
Plan and elevation of pier with forces acting on it
2.1 3
9 8.5
Span in m = 14.5 m
Braking forces = 140 KN
Length of pier, b = 8.5 m
Wigth of pier at bottom = 3 m
Wigth of pier at top = 2 m
Heigth of pier = 10 m
Dead load from each span = 2000 KN
Reduction due to live load on one span = 1000 KN
Wind presure on pier = 2.4 KN/m²
Maximum mean velocity of current = 3.6 m/sec
Grade of concrete = M 25
Stress due to dead loads and self weight of pier
D.L. from superstructure = 4000 KN
D.L. of pier = 5312.5 KN
Total load, P1 = 9312.5 KN
Compressive stress @Base = 365.196 KN/m²
Effect of buoyancy
Height of fluid = 9 m
Width of pier at H.F.L = 2.1 m
Submerged volume of pier = 195.08 m³
Dencity of water = 10 KN/m³
Reduction in weight of pier,P2 = 1950.8 KN
Tensile stress @ Base = 76.502 KN
Stresses due to eccentricity of live load
Eccentricity = 0.5 m
Moment @ Base = 500 KN-m
Sectional modulus ( Z = bd2/6) = 12.75 m3
ρ(max) = 78.4314 KN/m²
ρ(min) = 0 KN/m²
Stresses due to longitudinal braking forces
Moment about the base of the pier,M = 1400 KN-m
Stress at the base, ρ = M/Z = 109.8 KN/m²
Stresses due to wind pressure
Total wind pressure on pier = 60 KN/m²
Assuming the intensity of wind acting at mid height of the pier,
Moment about the base of the pier,M = 300 KN-m
Sectional modulus at base, Z = 36.125 m³
Stress at the base, ρ = M/Z = 8.3045 KN/m²
Material of the pier being of RCC 1:3:6 the maximum
= 2000 KN/m²
permissible compressive stress in concrete
Hence the stresses developed at the base of the pier are within safe permissible limits
9. Design of sub structure
Load transmitted to the foundation = 8400 KN
Width of the pier = 1 m
Length of the pier = 9 m
Width of the piles = 300 mm
Depth of the piles = 300 mm
Number of piles = 14 no.s
Spacing of the piles = 1.5 m
Grade of concrete = M 20
Grade of steel = Fe 415
Depth of availability of hard strata below ground level = 6 m
Load on each pile = 600 KN
Pile reinforcement
(a) Longitudinal reinforcement
Length of the pile above ground level = 0.6 m
Total length of the pile = 6.6 m
L/B ratio = 22
Hence the pile is designed as long column
Reduction coefficient = 0.79
Permissible stress in concrete = 6.67 N/mm²
Permissible stress in steel = 200 N/mm²
Safe permissible stress in concrete = 5.2693 N/mm²
Safe permissible stress in steel = 158 N/mm²
Using the expression of load carrying capacity as per IS: 456-2000,
= 823.43 mm²
area of steel required
According to IRC: 78-1983, the minimum longitudinal reinforcement = 1125 mm²
Provide minimum reinforcement
Diameter of bar = 20 mm
Area of the bar = 314.16 mm²
Number of bars required = 4 no.s
4no.s of 20mm dia. with a clear cover of 40 mm
(b) Lateral reinforcement
Clear cover = 40 mm
Diameter of bar = 8 mm
Area of the bar = 50.27 mm²
Volume of the tie = 44237.6 mm³
Pitch of the ties = 246 mm
Maximum permissible pitch = 150 mm
8mm dia. ties @150mm centres in theonain body of the pile
(c) Lateral reinforcement near pile head
Length provided for resisting driving stresses near pile head = 900 mm
Diameter of bar provided as helixal reinforcement = 8 mm
Area of the bar = 50.27 mm²
Volume of spiral per mm length = 540 mm³
Clear cover = 40 mm
Diameter of the spiral = 172 mm
Pitch of the spiral = 50 mm
8mm dia. spirals at a pitch of 50mm for the length of 900mm at the top of pie
(d) Lateral reinforcement near pile ends
Length provided for resisting driving stresses near pile head = 900 mm
Diameter of bar provided as helixal reinforcement = 8 mm
Area of the bar = 50.27 mm²
Volume of each tie = 44237.6 mm³
Pitch of the ties = 80 mm
8mm dia. ties at 80mm centres for a length of 900mm from the ends of the pile both at top and
Pile cap
Maximum bending moment in the pile cap = 450 KN-m
Effective depth required = 590 mm
Overall depth = 640 mm
Area of steel reinforcement = 3684.6 mm²
Diameter of main bar = 25 mm
Area of the main bar = 490.87 mm²
Spacing of the main reinforcement = 190 mm
25mm dia. bars @ 190 centres
Distribution reinforcement = 708 mm²/m
Diameter of distribution bar = 16 mm
Area of the distribution bar = 201.06 mm²
Spacing of distribution reinforcement = 420 mm
16mm dia. bars @ 250 mm centres
Maximum shear force = 600 KN
Shear stress = 0.68 N/mm²
Percentage of shear reinforcement = 0.12 %
Design shear strength = 0.29 N/mm²
Maximum shear strength = 2.8 N/mm²
Vus = 343.35 KN
Diameter of the stirrups (8 legged) = 10 mm
Spacing = 240 mm
10 mm dia. stirrups at 240 mm centres in a width of 1500 mm
Reinforcement details of pile and pile cap
8mm dia.
spirals at
a pitch of
900 c/c spiral
#16 - 6
4no.s of
8mm dia.
8mm dia.
ties at 80
mm c/c
mm c/c
dia. bars
640 @ 190
R.C.C 10 mm
piles dia.
at 240
mm c/c
750 1000 1000 750