Chapter 1 - Mary Rose Valle

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Chapter 1 – Mary Rose Valle


agent of change
agile approach
agile methods
artificial intelligence (AI)
bespoke software
Computer-Assisted Software Engineering (CASE)
CASE tools
computer-supported collaborative work systems
decision support systems (DSS)
ecommerce applications
enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems
executive support systems (ESS)
expert systems
exploration phase
group decision support systems (GDSS)
human–computer interaction (HCI)
iterations to the first release phase
knowledge work systems (KWS)
maintenance phase
1. Compare treating information as a resource to treating humans as a resource.
2. List the differences between OAS and KWS.
3. Define what is meant by MIS.
4. How does MIS differ from DSS?
5. Define the term expert systems. How do expert systems differ from decision support systems?
6. List the problems of group interaction that group decision support systems (GDSS) and computersupported
collaborative work systems (CSCWS) were designed to address.
7. Which is the more general term, CSCWS or GDSS? Explain.
8. Define the term mcommerce.
9. List the advantages of mounting applications on the Web.
10. What is the overarching reason for designing enterprise (or ERP) systems?
11. Provide an example of an open source software project.

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