Invitation Letter - Bci

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AIESEC in Chennai

Chennai, India

10th June, 2020

The Visa Officer,
General Consulate of India,

Dear Sir/Madam,

SUBJECT: Invitation Letter for the Issuance of VISA for PHạM HữU KHIÊM
AIESEC ( is the world’s largest youth organisation present in over 110
countries and spread across 2100 universities. It is running as a non-governmental, not-for-
profit, educational, and student run organisation for young people to discover and develop their
potential so as to have a positive impact on society. Since its global foundation in 1948, AIESEC
has been organising student exchanges between countries of its network for internship or
traineeship, during which students from India get an opportunity to work in a foreign country and
students from foreign country come to India for the same. AIESEC India (registration no. 45624
of 2003, Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860) is the Indian chapter of AIESEC. With this letter
we would like to invite PHạM HữU KHIÊM who has been selected by AIESEC in Chennai, India
as a part of our Global Volunteer Program. PHạM HữU KHIÊM is going to take a traineeship in
the Project Operation P.A.W starting on 12st June, 2021 and ending on 24th July 2021 for a
maximum period of 6 weeks. AIESEC has checked the educational and technical qualification of
PHạM HữU KHIÊM and found her suitable for the post. The intern will be paying 150$ to the
Local Committee (AIESEC in Chennai, India) as a Training Nominee fee for 6 weeks. The intern
will not be paid any salary from the NGO or the AIESEC entity during the course of the
Volunteering Program.

Workplace: Blue Cross of India

Passport details :
Date of Birth: 10/10/2001
Place of Birth: Ho Chi Minh city
Passport Number : C3033772
Date of Issue : 24/4/2017
Date of Expiry : 24/4/2027

Devesh Narang
Vice President, Finance, AIESEC in
Chennai, India

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